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The Halloween Story

Long ago, in an ancient land. There were 4 witches protected the kingdom of mankind.
One with the Wisdom that no man can compare. One with the Heart of a saint. One with the
Bravery that can fight anything without fear. And the other one, with the magical eyes that can
see through space. Each power are represented by a crystal. The crystals were held by the
witches. When the crystals are destroyed, their powers will be lost. Their leader is the Witch
Master, who has no magic in hand but guards the powerful orb which holds the power of the
four witches together. The people in that kingdom were living with joy and wealth. But they did
not know that there are powers other than the 4 witches that are protecting them. That power
was held by a powerful dark lord. Nobody knows what hes called, except, Death.
DEATH has been planning on stealing the crystals to possess a powerful curse that can
turn all human beings against the light and into darkness. Then, the Fourth Witch, her hunger
for power has drawn her to the dark side. She became an invaluable assistant for the dark lord.
Death now has the tool to steal the crystals that he has been wanting for many years. He heard
about a mortal who is the brother of the witch master. The mortal was kidnapped as the dark
lords plan. After the lost of the brother, the other 3 witches decided to travel through space in
order to rescue the brother.
(PART 1:

Ws Master: Dont be suspicious! She needs our help.)

Eva joined the three. Dyner told Eva about her brother being kidnapped and that they
were on their way to rescue him. And so, Eva and the three witches set off to rescue Dyners
brother. Eva went with the witches with the hope of finding her parents. On their way, Bella
and Jins powers were getting weaker and weaker. The group travelled day by day through the
Dark Woods. After all the challenges they have been through, the 3 witches finally arrived at
the castle where Dyners brother was held hostage. They walked through the gate and then
entered the castle hall. There, they see Death sitting on his Iron Throne and the 4th witch was at
his side. The brother was leashed. The witches surprised that there were no guard around, only
blood stains all over the floor.
(PART 2: ...

EVIL: Hahaha!!!).
The three witches went back with an endless joy. They saved Dyners brother and the peaceful kingdom
from a terrible curse. They went home and lived happily ever after.
And Evil continues to invade the humans heart to this day. She has many forms, crawling through every
corner of the humans soul. She succeeded a few times. She enticed people to consecrate their souls to
Death. And until now, she still exists and fighting for the dark future that Death has always wanted. She
lives in you but never take control. Dont make a path for her. Protect your soul from the filth of evil and
you will live happily ever after.

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