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CASE 1 :
As a student nurse, you observe a fellow nursing student making a medication error. She is a
good friend of yours and is visibly upset by her error. She is also afraid that if she tells the
clinical instructor, she could get a poor grade for clinical, and she needs to have a good
average to keep her scholarship. The client was not actually harmed by the med error, and
your friend seems sufficiently upset by the incident to convince you that she wouldnt make a
similar error again. What would you do?
- Nurse student
- Clinical instructor
- Medical error
- Standard practice in nursing
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Identify the medication error
- Explain the terms Nursing standard and patient safety
- Discuss the nursing standard act based on INNA and ICN
As a nurse student, what would you do in relation to your friend have medical error? On the
other hand, nurse must implement base from standard practic.
Please explains the question base from framework of solving the standard practiceand
medical error follows:
1. Develop from baseline data
2. Identify the conflict because the situation
3. Creating an alternative action on the planned course of action and consider the outcomes or
consequences of such action
4. Determine who the appropriate decision makers
5. Defining of duty nurse
6. Making decisions
7. References

CASE 2 :
Mrs. Lee, 58 years old, hospitalized at gynecology ward because of cervix cancer. She looks
so pale and weak. Mrs. Lee asks her medical diagnose frequently both from her familys
members and nurses. Unfortunately, Mrs. Lees family asks nurses to hide Mrs. Lees medical
condition because of her unstable emotion. Mr. Lee is worried if his wife knows her health
condition; she would be sad and worsen her condition.

- Cervic cancer
- Unstable emotion
- Health condition
- Telling the truth or lie
- Ethical dilemma
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Identify the ethical dilemma
- Explain the terms the principles ethic
- Discuss the ethical dilemma solution act based on INNA and ICN
As a nurse, what would you do in relation to Mrs. Lees case in which as a patient she have
right to know her health condition honestly? On the other hand, nurse should protect patient
from harm in relation to medical information.
Please explains the question base from framework of solving the dilemma of ethics as
1. Develop from baseline data
2. Identify the conflict because the situation
3. Creating an alternative action on the planned course of action and consider the outcomes or
consequences of such action
4. Determine who the appropriate decision makers
5. Defining of duty nurse
6. Making decisions
7. References
Case 3 Malpractice
Alex, a 2-year-old boy admitted to the hospital, accompanied by his parents, with a chief
complaint of diarrhea. Then, a nurse put the IV line and need four attempts to successfully
start intravenous catheter. Twelve hours later, her left hand and forearm were swollen with
edema and she was unable to move her fingers and hand due to pain. She was diagnosed with
compartment syndrome and ultimately required skin grafting on her hand and a fasciotomy
incision from her wrist to her elbow to restore adequate blood flow and avoid amputation.
- IV line
- 4 attempts
- Forearm and lefthand swollen
- Edema
- Pain
- Compartment syndrome
- Skin grafting
- Fasciotomy incision
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:

Identify the incident of malpractice

Explain the terms malpractice, negligence
Discuss the nursing standard act based on INNA and ICN

Please explains the question base from framework of solving the malpractice as follows:
1. Develop from baseline data
2. Identify the conflict because the situation
3. Creating an alternative action on the planned course of action and consider the outcomes or
consequences of such action
4. Determine who the appropriate decision makers
5. Defining of duty nurse
6. Making decisions
7. References
Mrs. Linda 50-year-old woman was suffering from terminal breast cancer with metastases
that have been resistant to the action of chemotherapy and radiation. The woman suffered
severe bone pain which could no longer be overcome by dose intravenous Morphine. This
was indicated by the means when rest and severe pain increased when she was changing her
position. While clients appear to be able to sleep but he is often asked is given analgesic
medication, and his family were asked to do additional doses of analgesic drug
- Cancer metastases
- Chemotherapy and radiation
- Morphine
- Additional drugs
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Identify the euthanasia
- Explain the terms the pasif and actif of euthanasia
- Discuss the euthanasia solution act based on INNA and ICN
As a nurse, what would you do in relation to Mrs. Linda case in which as her family asked to
do additional doses of analgesic drug administration? Because add the drug doses will be
negatif impact to the patient
Please explains the framework of solving the dilemma of ethics as follows:
1. Develop from baseline data
2. Identify the conflict because the situation
3. Creating an alternative action on the planned course of action and consider the outcomes or
consequences of such action
4. Base from data above, what is the type of euthanasia? Pasif or aktif?
5. Determine who the appropriate decision makers
6. Defining of duty nurse
7. Making decisions

8. References
Kozier B., Erb G., Berman A., & Snyder SJ, (2004), Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts,
Process and Practice 7th Ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education Line
Taylor C., Lilies C., & Lemone P. (1997), Fundamentals of Nursing, Philadelphia: Lippincott

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