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Nick Stroupe

Professor Connie Douglas

UWRT 1101
9 October 2014
Midterm Reflection
I have thoroughly enjoyed your class thus far, including your teaching and my
peers within the classroom. With that being said, I also believe that this is a very difficult
class to be successful in. I work hard at my education and strive to be the best I can but I
always feel behind in your class. Seems that every week I fall deeper and deeper into a
trap that I will not be able to get out of. The constant stress of being behind has got to me
and I have began to concentrate on making sure everything gets done, rather than making
sure everything gets done to the best of my ability. In other words, I have been focusing
on quantity instead of quality. Due to the fact that I have been doing this, I feel that my
Daybook should earn a B. I certainly do not believe that I have taken my work above and
beyond because I simply do not have the time to take it that far and I have not put enough
effort to earn an A. Even though that is true, I do believe that I am above average in the
Daybook area. I will continue to work on obtaining the A that every student wants along
with trying to improve my participation in the classroom. Just as you said in the
beginning of the semester, shyness is no excuse for lack of participation while in lecture.
I just cannot overcome this sense of nervousness each time I want to speak. I am not sure
whether I am afraid of failure or just not comfortable with speaking in front of people.
Whatever it is, I will also try to improve this skill that I will need in my future. In result
of all the skills I am lacking, I believe that I deserve a C in this area of the classroom. I

may not have been participating in class as much as you would like to see and may not
have realized how far my literacy has come. I began this semester with little to no
English classes in high school. I was placed into classes that did not have very good
teachers and my writing skills proved it. I was unable to express what I was feeling
through writing also was not able to write when given a prompt. I feel that my literacy,
both reading and writing has taken a turn for the better and is now going in the right
direction. If you had asked me what I thought I would earn in this class at the beginning
of the semester, I probably would have said a C or D. Now with the experience that I
have gained and the effort I have put into this class, I think I have earned a B-.
Personally, I think I am a little above average but definitely not to the point of above and
beyond and still falling short of what I can be by the end of the semester. There is still
room for improvement and I look to possibly earn at least a B+ within the next couple of

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