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A deck stronger than 7s

Although the 7s cards are the ultimate option cards, there are still 2 more powerful strategies to defeat this
kind of deck. One is through the common crusher deck (discards), and if it's lucky it could discard the
Reverse 7s cards from the play. And the ultimate strategy of all DCB time... the "forced-counter" strategy.
Just get in 4 Garurumon cards and 1 of your partners with opponent uses circle support, then put in a lot
more digimon with Circle Counter. This way, you can easily defeat a deck who uses a strong offense and
frequently uses Grand Sevens and Wild Sevens. See the forum and the thread "Killer Decks Wanted" for
details on my counter deck, which made me defeat A for my first try, and it has defeated the decks of most
of my friends, and more than half of my wins are already from defeating the 7s users.
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Verified by: Zekira, superddy Submitted by: Zekira on January 19, 2007

A great tip (reckless but useful)

Use a deck containing all your partners, reverse sevens, speed sevens, mystic sevens, Rosemon's lure, any
other option cards, de-armor digimon, Forgot the name, but the thingy that allow you to digivolve to C
and U while in A, and any other good idea you could have and you cannot lose a battle (great, the reverse
sevens could help you recover strong discarded cards, speed sevens if you have low HP, mystic sevens in
case of a dangerous option, Rosemon's lure to prevent strong cards, de-armor digivolves in case of
trouble, substitute with Warp-up digivolve) Also, NEVER put Fake sevens on a deck, in an all-or-nothing
gamble it could be fatal, take care of the pick up deck, some people say it's easy to win, yeah, it has a poor
balance of digimon, but a strong arsenal of options, so challenge at your own risk.
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Keep on discarding your hand till you get a Digimon with O counter then keep on using X to counter this
attack he always uses O to it hits you so DON'T SLIP!!
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Verified by: kitagilo Submitted by: Lucky Gold Patamon on February 10, 2004

Black gear and other cards

To get a black gear fuse a recovery flopy with a dark digimon.
To get a dokunemon fuse a native digimon with a fire type digimon.
To get a shukomon fuse an angemon with a digmon.
To get a silphmon fuse a gatomon with arquillaramon.

To get a devi-devimon fuse an Ice-devimon with demi-devimon.

To get a flamedramon choose veemon for your partner and beat veemon in flame city.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Nathaniel Henderson on April 10, 2005

Defeating Garurumon
When you fight Garurumon for the second time (to get the Passcode to Junk City) he is very tough. He
will force you to use your O-Attack and Counter it. I found that the best way to defeat him is with a
strong Darkness Deck.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Galacticdramon on February 12, 2004

Digi Egg of Miracles

To get the Digi Egg of Miracles
first get 300+ wins then go to Beginner City and defeat BlackWarGreymon. Then, talk
to him then he will give you the Digi Egg of Miracles
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Verified by: Digimaniac Submitted by: Digimaniac on August 03, 2004

Digidivolve Card
Get an option pack with a black gear and a recovery flopy and fuse them. You can use the card you get to
digivolve down.
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Verified by: webdudu, drak3n Submitted by: james on April 09, 2005

Duplicate Cards
Unlock the Trade option. Now, copy your save file to another Memory Card. Go into Trade, and trade
strong Cards from the second file, but weak ones from the first file. This way, you can get several of very
rare and owerful cards, such as Vikemon, Apokarimon and Imperialdramon.
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Verified by: GameTalk DW2 Submitted by: Galacticdramon on January 18, 2004

Easy ex-veemon and stingmon

Stingmon: Any dark insect with any nature card
X-Veemon: Any attack option card with any fire dinosaur type card
EX:monochromon with shart lance
EX:tentomon with kunemon
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: scott paulino on April 29, 2004

Easy super bonus

This trick only works when you fight with Betamon, and he uses the pick up
deck. First, obtain a partner card in your first hand. Use your partner, but do
not Armor Digivolve. Never discard a card -- you have to use them all as support or
DP (this is important, never lose your partner card, you need obtain a no loss
win). Kill two of your enemies by only using the same attack (only Circle,
Triangle or X as you prefer). When you fight with the last opponent, keep using
the same attack, but when you are sure of your victory in that turn, use a
gamble or nothing card. If you followed those steps, you can easily obtain: 30
points of your enemies, No Digivolve Win, No Loss Win, Last Gamble Win,
Ultimate Level Win (because Betamon only use level U cards, he does not have R
or C cards, so he is easy), No Discard, Partner Win, all ? Attack win, and your
super bonus of 10 points. This is more than 50 points.
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Verified by: Digimaniac Submitted by: Digimaniac on August 03, 2004

Good HP cards
A good card that restores HP is Psychemon who during the battle phase if you use him as a support card
he levels your HP with your opponent! My brother used a Sand Yanmamon and was versing a
Vermillomon and only just beat him thanks to Psychemon!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: IRONWALL on April 22, 2004

How to acquire Imperialdramon

To obtain this card perform the following fusions:
-WaruSeadramon w/ MegaSeadramon twice (MetalSeadramon x2)
-MetalSeadramon w/ Metallic Banana twice (MetalGarurumon x2)
-Paildramon w/ Devil's Chip once (WarGreymon x1)
-WarGreymon w/ MetalGarurumon once (Omnimon I x1)
-Omnimon I w/ MetalGarurumon once (Imperialdramon x1)
Be patient with this, if you're not obsessed with the game it will take months to get this card.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Imperial Freezer on September 12, 2007

How to get Dark Sevens and Reverse Sevens

Beat Piedmon several times in a row without leaving cafe. He has tri-colour deck so he should be easy to
Beat BK MetalGarurumon in the battle Cafe once and you should get it. BK MetalGarurumon has an Ice
deck so he should be tough to beat.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Jeff on September 24, 2004

How to get Grand Sevens and Download Digivolve

Defeat Nanimon several times. He will pop up randomly in a city after you have defeated A. I've already
defeated him 7 times and still haven't got it. Nanimon has a rare deck so he should be easy to beat.
Defeat Rosemon several times in a row without going out of the cafe. Rosemon has a tri-colour deck so
she should be easy to beat.
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Verified by: CrowdZ Submitted by: Jeff on September 24, 2004

My 3 very powerful decks and fusion tips1rst deck- put in fire digimon and plant digimon so you can digivolve your fire digimon fast. for the
ultimates use the strongest ones you have.
Heres mine...
Omnimon I
airdramon 2x
J-Mojyomon 2x
flarerizamon 2x
3 partners
palmon 2x
salamon 3x
agumon 2x
biyomon 2x
rosemonslure/ speed digivolve/ whatever you want
warp digivole 2x/ download digivolve for one
super recover floppy 3x
2nd deck- Crash deck- with this deck i beat A on my first try,-and got 42 xp because i had a no digivolve
win, all x attack win, just enough attack win, no discard win, last chance gamble, and maybe something
else or less.
heres mine(i changed it since i battled A so i forgot what i had at the time but i had silver balls and stuff
like hacking)
4x bombernanimon(2 can be replaced by holy sevens and data copy card-also if you don't have holy
sevens but you do have return sevens you can put in a mega recover floppy)
4x solarmon- use to crash enemy-only digivolve if low hp.

4x hagurumon- used for crashing

4x psychemon- copy enemies hp(if the have higher hp use it)
2x modokibetamon- copy enemy hp(only use if you have no psychemon or if the attack first and have
very high hp-don't crash in that case)
3 partners-use for support unless you think there good enough to battle your opponent and guaruntee win
shoguns order- if the opponent attacks first crash and use this support card. or if you have a lot of hp you
might wanna save for later use triangle or O so everyones attack goes to 0 and you can crash on your next
dark bone/misty sevens- if you crash with these eat up hp cards instead of your hp going to 10 you get
healed by 10(if the opponent has more hp other wise it'll depend on how low his/hers is)
3x super recover floppy- use if hp is lower, you attack first, and don't forget to crash
digidevolve- use if your a bomber nani mon with low hp
digimon analyzer/ return sevens- use to get back cards
2x data copy card- use to copy hp- also if they attack first use there strongest attack and use this card(only
if they have more hp)
Fire & Ice deck
This deck is very useful. You can either have fire monsters with very high attack and hp or water digimon
with very high attack and hp.
if you become a fire one use alot of hp boosters. if your a ice digimon use alot of attack boosters.
heres mineImperialdramon
2x centarumon
2x hyogamon
2x agumon
2x biyomon
2x gomamon/ snowagumon
2x betamon
3 partners
warp digivolve
dark bone
2x super recover floppy
rosemons lure/ a card of your choice
also for easy warp digivolves fuse 2 icedevimons.
for easy digidevolves fuse an attack chip and recovery floppy
also try fusing nisedrimogemons w/ eachother and shima-unimons
only use fusion when you unlock it at wisemon tower- it's much much much better.
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Verified by: bkdeadman Submitted by: chdatagamez on June 03, 2008

Reverse Seven Card

After beat BK Metalgarurumon in his battle arena at Igloo City,go to battle cafe and beat him again only 1
time.When you win you will receive S-Option pack and reverse seven card.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Syazwan Madso on February 28, 2004

The fuse shop-and how to get it.

The fuse shop is a place where you can fuse 2 cards together to make a new one or fuse a card with your
partner so it can get more stronger.
To get this is very simple but not so easy. All you need to do is beat Mearamon, Phoenixmon and Veemon
then talk to Davis.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Nathaniel on April 10, 2005

To get Diaboromon
To get Diaboromon fuse a Digitamamamon with Infermon.
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Verified by: Digimaniac Submitted by: Digimaniac on August 03, 2004

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A real way to double cards...

You need 2 memory cards.
make 2 separate guys and advance them both till the have trade. on the first one trade all the ones you
want more of to the other guy. i don't think your other guy will actually have to give some back but if so
use small weak cards. then take out the memory card for the 1rst guy and save. then put it back in and go
back to 2 players. trade the 1rst guys stuff over again. repeat till it's maxed then do it with any other cards.
now your 1rst guy should have the origional cards and your 2nd guy should have copies of them to 6. now
trade all the ones you wanted to the 1rst guy and take out the 2nd guys memory card and save. now they
both should have 6 of each of whatever you traded. repeat with the 2nd guy if there are any you missed
and jsut do this till you have 6 of every card possible with what you have. i suggest doing this fater
getting the extra cards from wizardmon but who cares. I'm not completely sure if this works because i'm
still getting my second guy past pyrammid city.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: chdatagamez on June 03, 2008

Get a card with Crash ability and a Data Copy card. Use the Crash ability for the Attack and Data Copy
for a Support card. Your attack should match the enemies HP.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Cerebral Assassin on May 28, 2002

apoclymon how to beat him

to beat him pick a digimon with a effect O counter ok so as soon as he warps into apoclymon just keep
pushing x and he will do his O attack all the time he will not stop till he hits you with it so keep
countering and then he will fall then take out his other 2 digimon and you will win
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to beat him have the egg of coursge push X counter apokirlemon wont use a differnet attack until hes hits
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: scorpion VS subzero on June 01, 2003

Digimon Card BAttle

beat piedmon 15 times to get dark sevens card
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Verified by: momoshiror Submitted by: Digimaster102 on June 23, 2003

easy city
a easy way to beat jungle city is to have a lot of tryanamon as there x attack will triple becuase of the
opponents grass type
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Verified by: Rainbow Jinjo, Sousuke Submitted by: geggaboo on August 18, 2002

Easy HP Fever
At the start, pick Armadillomon as a companion. When you get the Digi-Egg of Knowledge and have the
HP Boost+100 Digi-Part, heal Digmon for 200 HP. You will then get HP Fever (1110).
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Cerebral Assassin on May 28, 2002

Easy Ultimates{ Ultimates are the level above Champion}

Get to Dark City and defeat all four stages of Wormon. You will get a pack and an Ultimate.
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Gameshark Codes for Digimon Digital Card Battle

Digital Card Battle (Digimon)
Full Set Of Cards 50009a020000

Hit L1 For Low Opponent HP d01dde92fbff

L2+R2 For Max Circle Atk P1 d01dde92fcff
L2+R2 For Max Circle Atk P2 In Friend Battle d01ddeb6fffc
L2+R2 For Max Triangle Atk P1 d01dde92fcff
L2+R2 For Max Triangle Atk P2 In Friend Battle d01ddeb6fffc
L2+R2 For Max X Atk P1 d01dde92fcff
L2+R2 For Max X Atk P2 In Friend Battle d01ddeb6fffc
Press Square For Max HP d01dde927fff
Square For Max HP P1 In Friend Battle d01dde927fff
Square For Max HP P2 In Friend Battle d01ddeb6ff7f
Note using some gameshark codes will mess up your game, we are not held responsible it was your
choice not ares.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Cerebral Assassin on May 28, 2002

Glitch: play infinity tower music at different city

When u defeat apokourimon in infinity towers battle cafe try find him again at a different city. when u do
talk to him and the infinity tower music will play.
Note: this glitch is harmless to the game
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: anonymous on May 29, 2005

How to get a Fire Card

Go to the fuse shop and fuse any 2 nature cards and you will get a fire card.

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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: james on April 14, 2005

Kicking A's butt

A is the last challenger in the first half of the game. By this time, Infinity Tower will be discolored, and
there's no way out. All you can do is to talk to Rosemon to open the battle arena and also updating your
When updating your Deck, you must have these: circle counter-attacking Digimons, HP-adding support
cards, counter-attack support cards and boost-up AP support cards. Why these? I will explain it to you.
In your battle, A will send your Partner cards to the bottom of the Deck. So you might have no chance to
use them and Armor Digivolve. If you have Partner Finder in your Deck, you can use it but sometimes to
no avail.
First he picks DemiDevimon and then Download Digivolves to Ultimate Apokarimon. Apokarimon has
high HP and also high AP. Then you have to pick any Digimon that: either reduces circle AP to zero or
counter-attacks circle. You also have to increase your Digimon's HP or your Digimon will go to waste if
Apokarimon attacks first without a circle.
However, A usually uses circle attacks for Apokarimon. So, using a circle counter-attacking Digimon will
cause the attack to hit him back. You can also use Hacking cards to exchange HP with him (if you're using
Rookie or Champion Digimons). However, do not use Hacking when his HP is lower than yours.
Oh yes, when updating your deck or creating one, make sure that your deck is NOT A NATURE-BASED
or Ice-based Deck is recommended.
Use this strategy to defeat Apokarimon, and finish the other two Digimons of A by boosting your AP. Try
it, it works!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: foolester420 on August 19, 2002

legendary #099 digi part

You folks out there! If you're looking and trying to rank up those cute little partners of yours just to get
the #099 digipart then you'll never get. If you look at your list of digiparts the numbers will skip in
counting from #098 to #100. All you have to do is fight Grankuwagamon in Steep Road 5-6 times in a
row without going out or saving... eNjOy!
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Verified by: poke_king Submitted by: bOnNeRmOn on September 26, 2002

Make Extra Cards!

If you defeat A (last stage), go to the Sky City, and talk to Wizardmon. He will ask you if you want to use
the magic wand. Say yes and put some of the words below:

and more...........
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Verified by: Xualow, velen Submitted by: Dixon on December 05, 2001

Making A crashing deck!!!

Note On't use this card against metaletemon and piximon(x-countering decks)
solarmon 4x
hagurumon 4x
pyhsecmon 3x
modokibetamon 3x
data copy 3x
sup.recovery floppy 3x
holy sevens(or mega rec. floppy) 1x
3 partners
bombernaimon 2x
1 download digivolve(or special digivolve 1x)
a reverse sevens(or digimon analyser )
a misty sevens(or dark bone)
Its a very powerful but risky deck.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Quake3arena on June 06, 2005

Obtain Apokarimon card

After you defeat Diaboramon Apokarimon will be at the infinity tower cafe. Talk to him. He will then
challenge you at the battle arena. After you defeat him at the battle arena and go to the cafe. You must
callenge him again. After he is defeated he will give you an Apokarimon card.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: anonymous on August 14, 2004

Speical fusion
Paildramon = ExVeemon + Stingmon
Shakkoumon = Angemon + Ankylomon
Sylphymon = Aquilamon + R-Gatomon
AeroVeedramon = Veedramon + Phoenixmon
Diaboromon = Infermon + Digitamamon
GranKuwagamon = HerculesKabuterimon + Megadramon
Imperialdramon = Paildramon + Omnimon I/Omnimon II
Magnadramon = MagnaAngemon + Angewomon
MetalSeadramon = MegaSeadramon + WaruSeadramon
MetalEtemon = Etemon + Andromon
Omnimon I = WarGreymon + MetalGarurumon
Omnimon II = RealMetalGreymon + WereGarurumon

Puppetmon = WaruMonzaemon + Monzaemon

Rosemon = Lillymon + Myotismon
Seraphimon = MagnaAngemon + Jijimon
SuperStarmon = MarineAngemon + Vademon
Valkyrimon = Garudamon + Sylphymon
VenomMyotismon = Myotismon + LadyDevimon
Vikemon = Zudomon + Shakkoumon
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: foolester420 on August 18, 2002

unlimated agumon for fusion

In flame city win 6 flizarimons and 6 dark ones. Go to the fusion shop the you should find that you have
unlimated augumons
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Verified by: jxboxer Submitted by: Haodong on February 18, 2003

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