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Annyeong hashumnikka!
Hi, I need to erase them all over again because I changed the names, characters,
and the language of the story. I will be using English language this time due
to a request from my friend... [This one is for you...]
Bethroted ~the person to whom one is engaged; fianc or fiance; though this one is
a little old fashion.
The setting will be in the U.S.A and in Korea. But, the language that I will be
using in here is English. Please understand. I don't want to write here in ha
ngeul. First, It is difficult. Also, I need to teach you guys to read in Hange
ul. Chincha oreopta. Algeso?! Haish! [Really difficult, understand?!]
But anyway, I put some Korean 101 stuff in the story to give you some tidbits ab
out Korean culture or their language.
Thank you for reading my other story. This story is very light. Not a tear jer
ker like THOM. For those who read the chapters I deleted, mianeyo [Sorry], but
this will be a better one.
The names, events, companies that are used in this story are merely through the
imagination of the author.
by: justbreathesofie ~ August 11, 2012
Haengbok ha se yo! [Be happy!]
Chapter 1
Brea, CA, Aerian Oil Company


I was standing in my office. I am the President of Aerian Oil Company here in Or

ange county in California. I have five daughters and four of them are married bu
t one. She is the stubborn one. She looks like her mother, Sara, who died 10 yea
rs ago because of the rare brain disease called "moya moya". From my vantage poi
nt, I could see where the dust of cloud are coming from.

There is an upcoming motor cross racing next month, The AMPMx. My youngest daugh
ter, Jacqueline, but she prefers to be called Jack, is fond of motorcrossing. I
told her that it is dangerous that it could break her neck, but she is simply li
ke me, stubborn as a mule. She is practicing with some of our employees, Chae Ki
Sun [Mike] and Chae Ki Mun [James], they are the ones that influenced her on mo

"You aren't going to like this darling." Helena entered my office. She was my se
cretary/bestfriend/wife. We got married 10 years after Sara died.

"Jack will definitely win."

"Of course she will win." I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her nosing.

[Nose: Term used when a rider jumps a ramp and lands on the front wheel first.]

I nearly died at that one, Good gracious!

"She always winsand I wish you wouldn't call her that. It only encourages her to
act so unpolished."

"You can look now, darling. She didn't break her neck."

"For goodness sake." I was scared as hell when she does that.

"I swear, I'm going to beat her this time."

"You always say that, but you never do. Besides, her bodyguards wouldn't let you

"I was the one who taught them 'Taekwando'. I am their master. Besides, I am the
president of this company. They HAVE to follow me."

"I doubt it. They think Jack is their sister. They would do everything to protec
t that little child."

"Helena, that little child is twenty-five years old, too old for her foolishness
we just witnessed. You know that, right? She should be married and having babie
s. Her two sisters had no difficulty in doing those things. Sara has given me fi
ve daughters. Veen had three before she was windowed. Why has it been so impossi
ble for my youngest daughter to marry?"

"Jack is so far from being a Korean woman. Her frankness is her major flaws. She
just couldn't zip her mouth when she needs to say something. Remember, she call
ed Directress Kang, a tungtunghe [fat]? She said, 'Directress, if you would just
have few Jjajangmyun, you might lose a pound or two.' I swear, I found it reall
y hilarious."

"That's why they scratch us off from their list of approved suppliers."

"But, they had no choice to put us back there."


"Did you remember, Kyohei?"

"Takano, Kyo hei? Yes. Why?"

"He was the one who broke her heart before."

"You don't think she could still be waiting for that Japanese heir, do you? But
that's absurd, after seven long years?"

"But he visit California three years ago for a business trip."

"And Jack hasn't mentioned him since I refused to let her follow him in Tokyo."

"That was when she told you that she wasn't going to marry anyone, ever, right?"

"She didn't mean it. She was just angry."

"Keeping telling that to yourself. Maybe it slipped your mind that Jack ignores
every man you introduce to her and she hasn't traveled any farther than here in
California. She just go out to look for some dress and motorcycles. Another thin
g, she said she hates Korean guys. She prefers to marry any guys from other coun
tries except Koreans."

"She hates Korean guys? How about me?!"

"Yobo, you are her father."

"That's it! She will marry a Korean! My house, my rule!"

"Haish! Mori appa!"[headache]


My youngest daughter is wasting her life for that damn foreigner. I am really ha
ving a hard time with her. If only her mother is here. Wait, the agreement that
I have done with President In Suk [David] Choi, but that was before he died. He
was drunk at that time... I need to do something about it.

"That look of your is telling me that you are thinking of something. Tell me abo
ut it."

"I found Jack a husband."

"Am I being dunced? Did you say husband? But Jack will just refuse him like your
other suggestions." I slolwly shake my head.

"She can't refuse him? How can that be---?"

"You are funny, don't tell me you think you can insist at this late date. Come o
n, yobo, you know how she is. She's more stubborn as you are. You would end up d
estroying this house with your shouts, then give in to her as you always do."

I can't look at her. The guilt is killing me.

"What have you done, Philip?"

"Given my daughter no choice."

"There are always choi---"

"Not when I involved family honor, which is the one thing she won't ignore--- at
least she's going to think it is involved.

"What does that mean?"

"That I sacrificed my own honor, my integrity, my principles, ethics, honesty-"

"What have you done, Lim Mun Hee [Philip]?!" I felt miserable about what I have
done. I am sorry Jack.

"It can't be that bad, right? Tell me, please!"

"I have arranged for a betrothal."

"A betrothal?"

"Aigo! [Oh my.] I thought you killed someone."

"I think it would feel the same if I kill someone."

"Damn it, Philip, tell me about it! Ah Chincha! [Really] Ah, michogetta!" [I am
getting crazy]

"I sent a letter to Directress Lee Min Young [Minnie]."

"Her name sound familiar to me.."

"Because she is the wife of President David Choi, from Busan Steel Company."

"Ah your good friend and business partner who died, what was it, thirteen or fou
rteen years ago?"


"Minnie is David's wife, or his widow, rather. What has to do with Jack's bethro
thal? When did you arrange this?"

"Last week."

"But you were here last week. You didn't have any business trips. We haven't had
any visitors then."

"The agreement is with David's son, Slade. I reminded Minnie of it. I suggested
that it was high time she send her son to meet his finace. I euphemize it a bit
but the meaning was the same."

"Why did you never mention this before? Was it like long ago? David is already d
ead. And why did we introduce some eligible man to Jack before if you already ha
d this agreement? He would be Korean, woudn't he?"


"And you just forgot about it until last week?"

"We haven't agreed on it."

"WHAT?! What do you mean?"

I need more wine to let this thing go.

"I wrote a pack of lies to the Directress, with only a few truths in it. David a
nd I discussed about the bethrothal of our children when Jack was born. That thi
ng is the truth. We thought it was a marvelous idea. But we never made it offici
al. David's son was six and Jack was not even a year old yet. See? I am a bad fa
ther, am I?"

"Why you didn't tell me about this?"

"I was drunk when I composed it. And you were busy shopping with your friends ba
ck then. When I thought about it, it seemed like the perfect solution for Jack.
If Davis is still alive, our children would have married seven years ago."

"Well, maybe, but that is terrible. You should email Directress Minnie immediate
ly about this one. Tell her the truth, before she sent her son here."


"Morago?" [What?]

"It still a perfect solution."

"Ah, so that's why you are feeling guilty? You will not correct what you have do

"That will be my problem. But think, Helena, what if it worked? What if this lit
tle lie---"


"Okay, harmless. What if it brings together two people who would never have met
otherwise, and they are so taken with each other that they cannot help but fall
in love?"

"When did you become a match maker, Philip?"

"It is not impossible---"

"With our Jacqueline? I don't know."

"She is beautiful."

"Of course she is. She has dozens of suitors, right? You know her right? She off
ends more than she charms. Men doesn't like to be embarrassed. I wonder why that
Japanese guy, pursued her that time. They are quite chauvinistic right?"


I didn't like to remember that Japanese guy. He stole my young girl's heart and
he has no intention to do about it. When he was still in California, I was think
ing of shooting him!

"David is a kind man, just like me. He admires frankness, doesn't like hypocrisy
, and not snob. I bet his son would also have his sterling qualities."

"You also mentioned that he is paramchung-i [womanizer]?"

"Like father, like son, have you heard about that before? Do you expect his son
to be any faithful than the father? Jack cannot stand unfaithfulness, she is so
possessive. She wouldn't share what's hers!"

"Aigo, Helen, it's not all the same! I am hoping for it. I know these children w
ill find love together. I know David loved his wife. I still believe that his so
n is also like him."

"But you told me that he is 6 years older than Jack, isn't he married yet?"

"He's not."

"How do you know?"

"A friend of mine from BUSCO, he is one of the managers there, informed me that
he is not yet married."

"Okay, he is not married yet, but he is already mature to know what to do with h
is life. Do you think he will accept this arranged marriage to a woman he doensn
't know because his father arranged it for him? For goodness sake, he is thirtyone! If his father is still alive, he wouldn't let him manipulate his life. One
more thing, why didn't they find the copy of this bethrothal in David's paper be
fore he died?"

"Well, I have the copy to show the director when he arrives. He won't doubt his
father's signature."

"You forged it?"

"It wasn't difficult. I just practice to perfect it."

"What if the director has none?"

"He is David's son."


He is exactly like his daughter. Stubborness runs in their blood. I wanted to ma

ke him understand about Jack's feelings.

"Jack won't be happy about this. She enjoys her freedom. You allowed her to do s
o. She enjoys motorcrossing, working in the refinery. A husband won't let her do
all those things. She has her friends here and she adores you when two of you a
re fighting. Honestly, she enjoys your arguments. Have you ever thought that may
be Jack wasn't meant to marry? Marriage would contrain her, unless she meets a m
an who doesn't give a damn about what she does."

"One who loves her allows her to have certain freedoms, but also capable of deny
ing her those if she risks her life."

"Is that one of your motives? You really think a husband will be able to control
Jack's reckless nature? You failed to do that. You are her father."

"Well, if she gets pregnant, she will stop those things."

Jack would be a good mother.

"What if they both protest against this agreement? What if they are both against
the marriage? What if this won't work as you planned? This might break Jack's l
ife. Have you thought of that?"

"Those are only what ifs, Helen."

"We are just anticipating things, Philip."

"We would know when they both meet."

"And if I am right?"

"I will release the betrothal and compensate the director for his trouble for co
ming here."

"Thank god, you are not going to be pig headed today."

I saw Jack's sitting on the guest reception desk.

"Helen, did you let him get to you? I told you I would be a bad influence on you

"Yes, darling. Please call the cleaners to do something about the mess in your f
ather's office. And your father wants to talk to you."

"Maybe at home. I am still preparing my bike for AMPmx."

"Okay then. See you later."

"See ya."

-----------------------------------------Chapter 2

Busan Steel Company Main office

Busan, South Korea

"President Kim? [bow], someone told me you were looking for me?"

"Ah yes, have you seen Slade?"

"He was not in his office Maybe he went on early break."

"Wandering again? Is he with the new hire?"

"Maybe. I didn't know." Cage stood up and walked towards the door.

"Let's take a look at the storage room."


I was right. He is in the storage room, making out with the newbie.


"President Kim, [bow], I am sorry." Her blouse was unbuttoned and she was a tota
l mess. Slade is just smirking while working on his tie.

"Director Song, please tell her supervisor to issue a memo for her. It was clear
ly stated in our company policies that 'No one can go on early break." Hyun Jae
[Jamie], you read the company manual, right?"

"Yes, President Kim, but..."

"No buts. Director Song, you take care of this one, okay?

"Yes, sajangnim." [president or CEO]

The girl was crying because she might lose her job because of his cousin's irrep
utable actions. Huh!

"Slade, I told you for a thousand times, not to 'befriend' the newly hires!"

"She is so damn cute! I was bored and I think her lips are lovely."

"You also told that about Jenny, Amy, Kelly, Chinny---"

"I get it, I get it. Why are you looking for me?"

"Your MOM was looking for you."

"Am I asking you, Cheon Doong [Thunder]?"

"Imonnim [aunt], was looking for you."


"I don't know. You are also needed at at the board meeting later."

"Okay. I am done with the presentations though."

Slade is really diligent. He take his work to heart. He is very good at running
his department. He is handling R&D [Research and Development] of BUSCO Steel. Hi
s ideas are splendid. He is a total asset to BUSCO. When it comes to job, he is
excellent, but with his liaisons, I don't know. He is like his father, President
David of BUSCO Energy, a libertine. Immonim had a lot of problem with President
Choi. When the president died, she felt freed by all the troubles she had. Her
major problem was Slade. She wanted Slade to get married and be the next preside
nt of BUSCO Energy. Easier said than done...

SLADE'S POV ====>>>> Slade's Picture on the side

I am done with the presentations. It was a success of course. I am just wonderin

g why mother wants to talk to me. I live alone in my apartment in Seoul, while m
other lives in Busan. It's only a 4 hour drive from Seoul. Our company's main of
fice in Busanbut it has a branch office in Seoul. I am in Busan now because of m
y department's presentation. Why does mother want to talk to me? I am tired of t
he blind dates she arranges for me. They are all beautiful and came from high cl
ass families, but... they are boring! They are so stiff and deeply cared about m
orals but... let me put it this way, they don't walk the talk! I find blind date
s kind of dull, predictable and no fun at all.

"Slade, how was the presentation?"

"Told you, I would nail it."

"Immonim really wants to talk to you. She calls me every hour to see if you are
going home. Why did you turned off your phone? Why are you avoiding her?"

"Because I won't like whatever she has to say. Either she's going to nag me abou
t getting married or blast me about my latest affair."

"Which affair?"

"Whichever one she's found out about."

I had affairs, okay. They are just for fun. To spice up my life. I have 3 girlfr
iends at the moment. My cousin used to be like me, but she is very much in love
now with his wife, Eun Hae [Anne]. I don't want to deal with my mother today!

"Why don't you send me somewhere? Like for a business trip? Or maybe I should go
back to Seoul."

"Cousin, Immonim told me that if I needed to deliver you personally to her if ne

cessary. She said it is urgent. Don't worry, next time, I will send you to Europ
e or Timbuktu for a few months but I don't see the sense of it because she'll st
ill be here when you come back. Why don't you give in to what she wants?"

"You mean get married? Ha! That is ridiculous! I couldn't be sarisfied with just
one girl."

"Who says you have to be?"

"Your wife, probably would. She's got old fashion ideas about faithfulness. I be
t you know about that. Aigo! If I married, I think Anne will coax you to exclude
libertines in our office. It means we will only hire men and ugly girls. I'll b
e damned!"

"Has Anne said something to you?"

"She also nags me to find the right girl instead of screwing around. She thought
I am not happy. Can you imagine that? I am happy with my life, believe me. I lo
ve being the center of attention!"

Nick, I told you he lacks attention."

"Slade, Ann is a woman in love. Women in love like to see everyone in love."

"Maybe or mother's been talking to her about me, as she does to everyone who wil
l listen. It's a curse being an only child and having a mother worried about the
continuation of the line."



I was like Slade before. I was pressured by my father to marry and have kids wit
h a woman I haven't met. I went to America to meet my bride. I was so furious at
first but I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. I was very fortunat
e because she loved me as well.

"Ah, I know! I will allow my mother to remarry. Maybe you can suggest that she w
ould. That would distract her and not push me into doing something crazy like ma
rrying someone."

"And let that man become the president of BUSCO Energy? Immonim wouldn't like th

"Nick told me about the new motorbikes."

"Is this a diversion? Are they nice?"

"I haven't seen them. I would like to try the motorbikes. They seemed cool, I th

"Your mother will strangle you."

"She doesn't need to know about that. Nick, Thunder, show us the bikes."


We went down and saw nice harly davidson bike. I tried riding it once, but I am
more into racing cars. Cage likes motorbikes but he stopped it because of Anne.

"Do you want to buy it?"

"No. I like cars better."

"I would buy this one."

"No, Cage! Your wife won't be happy about it."

"You are co concerned now about the Vice President's feelings?"

"Sort of. I believe I am already forgiven."

"Are you sure she has? She still calls you peacock, you know."

"Yes. But she say it fondly now. Gladly that she leaves off the'jack- assed' tha
t used to go with it."


My wife is such a sweetheart. She has her way with words. She grew up in America
and is used with the Americanized way. The whole office is still adjusting to h
er. She is the head of training department and very strict to impose EOP [Englis
h only policy] in our office.

Tonight is the night my love... Later... Later...

"We are forgetting about immonim."

"I was trying to. Have a heart, cousin, tell her that I went back to Seoul."

"Nope. I made a promise. You still have 2 hours to present yourself at immonim's
house. Nick and Thunder will make sure that you will go there and not somewhere
else. In the meantime, enjoy!"

"This is utterly ridiculous!"

"Let's go pretty boy!"

"Shut up!"

---------------------------------------Chapter 3
Meet Jack Lim or Lim Ji Won ====>>>>



I am here again in our house. There is something about mother's face today. She
is so beautiful at her age. She is half American. She has brunette hair and haze
l eyes like mine. A lot of people are saying that we look alike. And I got my in
telligence and charms from my father.

I hate coming in this house because she always lectures and the scoldings are re
ally irritating. She is the typical Korean ajuma. She nags and gets what she wan
ts. We usually argue when I am in her territory, which is this house. When I mov
ed out of the house and to be trained as the next CEO of BUSCO Energy.

"You look disgraceful, Choi Min Ho." [Min Ho is Slade's Korean name]

I didn't bother to make myself presentable to be in her presence. My shirt at co

at are both wrinkled. My hair was also a mess. I really didn't like coming here.
What will be our argument today.

"What's up, omma?"

"What a distasteful word, and something I would never use, of course. Do you wan
t some wine, my dear?"

"Good idea, mother."

Obviously, I'm going to need it."

"My friend from Russia, sent this fine Russian vodka. I know you are fond of thi

"But you don't like vodka."

"Yes... but I think it seemed appropriate tonight."

I poured her a drink and she just drink it all.

"All right, omma, out with it. What are you so disgustingly thrilled about?"

"You need to leave within the week for a trip to California."

"And that delights you?"

"Yes, because you will meet your fianc there."

"Mother, I am not Cage. I don't have to meet a fianc or be suddenly engaged to so

meone because I don't have one. Thank god!"

"You do now."

What is she talking about? NO! I just stood up and looked at her. I am really an
noyed at her right now. Her interfering in my life is really unacceptable. Lectu
res and sermons are okay but this? What the....

"Whatever you have done, Mother, you can just undo. Whatever embarrassment you'l
l have to suffer for it, you'll have to deal with it. I don't want to hear about
it. I'll need to go now, omma."

"You might have to hear one or two words about it, dearest---"


"----since I haven't done anything, so I have nothing to undo."

"That's crazy. Of course you----"

"No, not me. It was your father who arranged that betrothal."

"Betrothal? This isn't Victorian England, mother and how was he supposed to have
arranged this marriage? From the grave?"

"That's not funny, Slade!"

"So, this is a joke, right?"

"No! How can I joke about this thing?"

"But it's been fourteen years----"

"I know exactly how long it's been since your appa [father] died. But according
to this letter I received, their agreement was made fifteen years ago. That woul
d have been the last time when the company is still starting. That was long time

"Do you expect me to believe he did something like this? He never mentiomed this
to you or me!"

"I don't why he never mentioned it, but he most definitely did arrange it. I don
't know why he arranged it, though. After all, you were so young back then----"

"I was six, Hardly in the cradle."

"But he died the next year."

"It is a lie! I really can't see the reason why he would do such thing."

"There is one. Your fianc is the daughter of your father's friend, Lim Mun Hee. H
e is the CEO of Aerian Oil Company in California. He would have been delighted t
o have our family joined with theirs."

I couldn't remember any of it. I just remember that my parents were having probl
ems because of my father's liaisons. Why did he just brought it up now?

"President Lim waited fifteen years to bring it to our attention?"

"Well, from this letter, I would say he was telling us anything we didn't alread
y know."

"Why wait fifteen years, or --what is the girl, just barely in nursery school at
that time? Was he just waiting until she grew up?"

"He doesn't mention her age, but it doesn't sound as if she's young. He said tha
t she was in no hurry to marry, which is why he hadn't informed us about the bet
rothal before now. He also says he was waiting for you to communicate with him,
but since you haven't..."

"Let me see that letter." It was written in perfect English. It was written ther
e that I need to marry his daughter, Lim Ji won [Jacquline Lim]. I just crumpled
that damn letter and threw it accross the room.

"Answer this letter, mother. You can tell him that I've already married. Or tell
him I've just died. I don't care! Just make the excuses for me. Please make sur
e he understands I can't marry his daughter."

"But you most certainly can."

"But I won't."

"But you will."

"NO!" I never raised my voice to her. I felt guilty about it. I needed to go bef
ore I hurt her more with my words.

"I know how disreputable scamp you are, but I believe you won't dishonor your fa
ther's name."


Anne was dancing in front of her husband. She was dancing seductively while wear
ing her sexiest nighties, but she is trying to hide it inside a robe. While she
was dancing, her husband was trying to reach her.

"No touching, yobo."

"You know I'm going to get even with you for this."


"I will not let you sleep. This is a torture, Anne! I can't bear this anymore...

"Then you don't have to." She revealed her robe and revealed the secrets inside
it. Cage wanted to rip the nighties and kiss his wife so passionately.

She went on top of him but her fingers stilled when she heard the commotion outs
ide their door. First raised voices, then followed by a very clear thud.

"What the---?" Cage began when the door opened and his cousin storming into the
room. Anne shrieked and rolled off Cage to crouch on the floor, concealing herse
lf while snatched her robe.


I was surprised by the scene. I hadn't notice that I didn't find them in the liv
ing room. When he stormed in the room, they were doing something. I am sorry, Ca

"Cage, I am sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I have I have a huge problem!
I was so furious about it. I think I might murder someone if I can't find a sol

"You didn't start with my bodyguards, did you?"

"What? No! I merely knocked him out. He wouldn't let me pass."

"Because I wouldn't want to be disturbed for a reason."

"Miane, but this simply couldn't wait, Cage. This is a nightmare! Well worse tha
n a nightmare! This is so insane! Ah Gessekkiya!" [Gessekkiya is a cuss in Korea
n. From 1-10, this is like level 1]

"Slade, are you drunk?"

"Anne... I assume, Slade, you have seen your mother."

"Yes! I didn't have any idea what she would reveal to me. I just want to vanishe
d! Never to be seen again. Did she tell you? Cage, if you knew, and didn't warn

"You know better than that."

"I am sorry. Huh! What am I going to do? This is absolute hell!"

"Well, if you would tell me what we're talking about."

"Didn't I? I have just learned that my father had me engaged fifteen years ago!
It was a betrothal contract! What is this?! This isn't the ancient times for goo
dness sake! My mother didn't even know. Only the girl and her father have known
all these years. They jusy informed me about it when she is ready to get married

"Who is she?"

"That's it? That is all you have to say? Jjangna! Aish!" [Annoying!]

"I don't care who she is! I don't want to marry her!"

"You knew you would have to get married soneday."

"Not for another ten years! That is not the point. I haven't seen the girl yet.
We are not of the same case, my cousin. You grew up knowing that you are arrange
d to someone, whereas I grew up assuming the decision would be mine."

"My betrothal has worked out, you can't expect me to dredge up much sympathy for
you, cousin."

"The hell? Kindly remember how you felt before you met Anne."

"Point taken."

"You are expected to marry and have a son. But me? No one expects me to do that.
Yes, my mom is the one who forces the issue, but... Haish! My father even chose
n a half American!"

"A half American?"

"Yes! And you know how premiscuous and liberated they are!"

"Look who's talking, you insufferable peacock! I am half American too!"

"Well you ARE my cousin's wife. You are not my wife! Thank god!"

"Racist Cad!"

"Manyo!" [witch]

"You two, stop it. Well if she is pregnant or whatever, you have a legitimate gr
ounds to break your arrangement."

"I can't depend on that one. Well you've been in this situation before. What did
you do to get out of your arranged marriage?"

"You want me to answer that now?"

"Anne, would you m----"

"NO! Not on your life!"

ANNE'S POV =====>>>> Her picture is on the side...

He just gave me a sour look. I wanted to laugh, really. I just can't sympathize
with him. I just listened while they discussed few options. I couldn't understan
d Korean that much. I have a tutor. When we have class, we sometimes end up disc
ussing about fashion. Korean is so difficult!

I think think the options they were discussing, weren't really options. Slade is
becoming more upset. I thought Cage is handsome, but not Slade. No one was as m
esmerizingly handsome as Slade. I had never seen his eyes glow just as brightly

as Cage's as they were now. He has a pair of amazing hazel eyes that could melt
a woman when he looked at her.

It was fascinating to watch this six feet handsome guy. Although he has an angel
ic face, he was also capable of violence as the rest of the men talking right no
w. Thunder, Nick, Cage and Slade grew up together and were close friends.

I was once told that he was the man I should have to marry, because Cage wanted
me to come along with them to Korea without any fuss. Cage thought I was like th
e other woman would prefer Slade. But he just insulted me from the first. He tho
ught I am a flirty bar girl and I hated him for that.

My whole family was murdered in Korea before. I was informed that my father is t
he president of one of the popular Jaebol [conglomerates] in Korea. I was brough
t to America to be saved. I remember having a lot of foster parents. It was a he
llish time for me. Until one day, they found me in a bar and the rest was histor

Cage had been the one I had been attracted to from the first night we had met an
d not the the pretty faced adonis.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do."

"[sigh] Yes, I do now. But there won't be a wedding, not if I can help it. One o
f them, either the girl or the father will call this crazy thing off, even if I
show them what I'm really like."

"What you really like? You mean what you can be like when you don't want people
to like you."

"Ne, Isangnim." [Yes, directress]


Anne is looking at me as if she will kill me.

"Go home now, Slade. You need to sleep. After all, even if you have to marry the
girl, you don't have to----"

"The hell he doesn't!"

"I told you, she will make fidelity a company policy." I need to go now before I
destroy this whole house.


"Oh my goodness! The popinjay is finally going to have his feather pulled."

"I thought you had forgiven him the way he behaved toward you before when you we
re coming here in Korea."

"I have. I understand he was only doing that to keep me from falling in love wit
h him. But he have figured out right away that away that that wasn't going to ha
ppened, instead of being such an utter ass nearly the entire trip. But he's stil
l a peacock, and I was really hoping that some woman would bring him down and ma
ke him fall. I wish it were one he was interested in. Slade's problem is that wo
man don't tell him no. They don't wait to get to know him, they fall instantly f
or his pretty face. Imagine what's thay done to him. It's no wonder he's insuffe
rably conceited and arrogant. He can't get through a day that some woman isn't t
rying to seduce him."

"Anne, you wouldn't be surprised how annoying he finds that situation."

"Oh sure, he does, about as much as I don't like being pregnant."

"Let's understand him. He is still having a hard time accepting his fate."

"That's explains it. He gets annoyed when he can't accommodate every woman who a
sks. I really feel sorry for him. I'm probably the only woman he's ever met who
actually dislike him. But I hope he meets a woman who ignores him. Unfortunately

, I doubt we'll ever see it happen."

"I thought you've forgive him?"

"I am sorry, Cage. I still couldn't separate the Slade I met now and the Slade I
know now. I know he's usually charming. He is terribly sweet at times. And, I k
now, how he is loyal to you, and I love him for that. But the arrogance and his
annoying attitudes didn't come from nowhere. But I am learning to accept his qua

"He is arrogant, that's all."

"Oh very well, he is still dreaming if he can get his fianc to cry off from marry
ing him, and you know him. She will instantly fall in love with him, no matter h
ow nasty and annoying he tries to be. It won't make any difference in the end. H
e will break her heart but she'll still want him for herself. I pity that poor g
irl, really, I do."


Two months has passed and Jack is still unaware that she had an instant fianc, or
that their meeting would be very soon.


I haven't told anything to Jack yet. I was expecting Slade to be here. Minnie to
ld me that he was supposed to be here a month ago.

"He has certainly dragged his feet about getting here."

She is damn right! Jjajangna!

"Just give her a chance to present herself well or do you want her to meet him i
n those clothes!"

She meant by the way my daughter dressed up. She just wear her blue coverall [th

at is the uniform of all employees here] or her usual motorcycle outfit.

"Directress Minnie informed me that he supposed to be more than a month ago. May
be he has a lot of business trips."

"Maybe, and what does that tell you? It says he doesn't want to get married."

I haven't told Jacqueline about it.

"When are you going to tell her? After he has arrived here?"

"Well that's what I am thinking about."

"Ah, michoso! [crazy], once he told her that she is promised to marry him, I cou
ld see it now, she will laugh at his face! Poor guy... That will be a good start
, won't it? You have to tell her! Do you want to let him see her in those clothe
s? Aigo!"

She meant by the way my daughter dressed up. She just wear her blue coverall [th
at is the uniform of all employees here] or her usual motorcycle outfit.

"Good luck, yobo."

A few minutes later, Jack marched into the study with her usual energetic self.

"This isn't going to take long, is it? I still need to work on my duke's piston.

Duke is the name of one of her favorite motorcycles.

"Let Mike or James do that for you."

"Oh, this will take long. Okay, Dad, what did I do now?"

"By god, Jack, sit properly, will you?"

"Why? I always sit like this. You didn't complain about it before. What is the p
roblem, now, Dad? What have I done?"

"You haven't done anything, Jack, but whay you will be doing is getting married,
possibly in the next few days. Your fianc will be here in two hours. So it is be

"Hold it right there, Daddy! Whatever you promised this man to marry me, you can
go ahead and give it to him before before you send him back where he came from.
I haven't changed my mind yet since we had discussed this."

I feel guilty about this. I am not in the habit of lying to my daughter.

"This has nothing to do with our last discussion. This is regarding the betrotha
l contract with Choi In Suk [David] son, that we signed fifteen years ago. That
contract is binding. You need to marry Choi Min Ho [Slade]."

"Betrothal? What the! Tell me you are lying!"

"Ah, michogetta! You can't tell me that I am promised to marry someone half of m
y life and you never bothered to mention it to me before now. It just defies the
reason. You are just doing it because I told you I am going to wait for Kyohei'
s proposal. You wouldn't let me go on waiting for seven years if I were promised
to another. And what about all those men you hoped I would take an interest in?

"Just calm down. I will explain it to you."


I wanted to scream and destroy his room! It was a newsflash to me! I really coul
dn't believe it! I had a bethrothed? What is this? The Medieval Period? Michoso!
Why he is telling that to me now? Why just now! Argggh!

"I can't deny I wanted you to marry David's son, just as he wanted it. He was my

closest friend, as you know. And you were young then, so I thought you were a g
reat match to his son. There was no way you know that you would grow to be so wi
llful, assertive, argumentative, obstinate----"

"I get the point, Daddy."

"I gave all the time in the world for you to find yourself a husband. The one th
at you would really like. I set aside my honor to give you time for you to choos
e whoever you want. If, Slade Choi had been dishonorable or married someone else
, I would break the agreement myself."

"What if I married someone else?"


I am already prepared for our rebuttal.

"First, you need to know that Slade didn't try to communicate with me, which tel
ls me that MAYBE David didn't tell his family about our agreement before he died
. I just counted on the posibility that he might informed them especially when y
ou showed interest in that Japanese Guy."

"Count on? You hated Kyohei's guts!"

"But if he would have made you happy----"

"Never mind. But if your friend's family never knew----"

"I didn't say that. I said thar he MIGHT not tell his family about it. But in ei
ther case, if you had accepted someone's proposal, I will inform Slade Choi abou
t it. I would beg him not to have any claims on you."

I have rehearsed this debate and I think the word, "beg" was brilliant. It showe
d that I am definitely on her side.

"Did he tell you about it? How?"

"I sent them a letter."

You did?!"

"I don't have a choice. You are twenty five years old and still without a husban
d. If you would just----"


"Every woman needs a husband!"

"Yeah? Who said so?"

"Our ancest----"

"You mean Lim Mun Hee is his!"

"You need a husband to give you children."


"You know it's not true, Jack."


I wanted to cry. I am really mad right now. I know I am responsible for myself.
I hate Kyohei for not proposing to me. He frequently email me and declare his lo
ve for me, but none of them has the proposal that I was hoping for.

I was thinking of giving up on Kyohei. Well I should have. But I won't let my fa
ther win this. Even if I am not inlove with someone else, I won't accept a stran

ger to be my husband. Arranged marriages are so ancient, ver traditional. This i

s outrageous! Really outrageous!

"When the man arrives, do the begging. Do everything to get rid of him. You can
give him anything or my BMW motorcycle for his trouble in coming here."

"You would give away your favorite motorcycle?"

"See? Do you begin to see that I don't want a stranger for a husband?"

"He won't be a stranger. Aigo! He is related to one of the famous conglomerates

in South Korea."

"So, what?! Who cares? Is that suppose to matter to me?"

"Yes! It matters to me! Besides, this agreement is a binding contract! It is alm

ost like marriage. This was arranged in good faith, with best intentions, duly s
worn to by David Choi and me. Just take a look, Slade is still unwed. You are st
ill unwed. Why do we have to delay the wedding?"

"You could tear up that damn contract!"

"Well give the man a chance. He is coming to marry you. He is honoring his fathe
r's word. How about you?"

"Honor? You make this a matter of honor?"

"It is already a matter of honor. I gave my word when I signed the contract."

I hate to see her like this. She just slammed his fist against my desk and turne
d her back on me.

"You don't have to wreck my study."

"You are ruining my life!"

"What life? All you care about are motorcycles. You just stay in the garage to r
epair and ride them. Half the time, I think you forget you're a woman."

I really want to cry. I won't let him see it. He betrayed me! It didn't matter w
hat he'd done fifteen years ago. I just hated when he said I lack femininity. Ye
s. He won. How many woman cared about honor? But I did. He knew that I did.

"Very well, I will marry him."

"Then you will make yourself presentable? At least change your clothes."

"Oh, no. If he wants to marry me, he can see me as I am, not as I rarely am."

He shouted at me to make me come back. I just slammed the door. Jjajangna!

-------------------------Chapter 4

I needed to get out of this place. I wanna destroy this house! Arrggh! I hate th

Marriage? My father betrayed me! I hate him!

Kyohei. I hate him too. He was my love of my life, so handsome. He just swept me
off my feet. He was my first kiss, but that's it. We just emailed and talked ab
out our feelings, but that's it! This life is a bull---"

"Jack! What's up?"

"Bring out Saki please." [Saki is short for Kawasaki]

"Here. He's ready to go."

"I wanna ride to hell."

Speed. I like speed. Motorcycles made me happy. And my job as well. I am the dir
ector of this oil refinery. I handle the inspection and surveying division. I am
the Dive Superintendent. I mostly do men's job. I don't like sitting around in
the office. I am not up for it.

"You were trying to kill us both, right, or just yourself?" It was Mike and Jame
s who rode next to me. They are the amazing twins of Enduro and Supercross. They
are Koreans too. Their names are Chae Ki Sun [James] and Chae Ki Moon [Mike]. O
ur great grandfather took their family with us after the Civil War in 1950s. The
y influenced me on motor racing and motorcross.

"I am just trying to outrun some demons today."

"Anyone we know?"

"My Daddy for one."

"Ah, another fight with your Daddy. But you always win with your arguments. Don'
t let it upset you."

"I didn't win."

"I didn't win."

"You didn't win?"


"There's always first time for everything. So what's was that about?"

"He has an arranged a marriage for me to a Korean."

"Really? He wouldn't do that."

"He did! Fifteen years ago."

"Ah, when you're still a baby."

"A ten 10-year old baby?"

"So what are you going to do?"

"It is best to be honest. I'll simply tell that man that I don't want to marry h

"But whe he looked at you, he will definitely fall in love with you instantly."

"You aren't helping, Mike."

"So what do you want us to do? Ambush him? Beat him up and warn him off?"

"I heard he is on his way as my father told me. And were are not going to beat t
he cousin of the President of BUSCO."

"BUSCO?! Wow! So, why don't you want to marry him?"

"Because.... I love Kyohei."

"A Chincha! You're still waiting for that 'Dokto Boy'?"

[Dokto is an island between Korea and Japan. There has been a dispute between th
em on who shall claim the said island. It's like our argument with China about '
Spratleys'. For more information, refer to this link:

"I don't want to hear it."

"Are you sure?"


"But we need to say this to you, Jack."

"Just keep it to yourself, James."

"Okay then, let's meet your finance. You never know, you might like him."


"It is not impossible."

"But it wouldn't matter."


Mike and James knew that Jack was too damn loyal. Although her loyalty is someti
mes misplaced. They just thought that someone should have shot that Dokto boy lo
ng time ago.


We are back again in our house. I need to make a good landing on the highest ram
p. I feel freedom when I ride motorcycle, especially when I am flying. There is
a ramp ahead of me and I want to do nosing.

"Jack, be carerful not to break your neck. Your father is going to kill us."

"Relax, Mike!"

"Be careful not to get off!"

[Get off ~ A crash]

I like it when I am doing this. I am really proud of myself.

"Chalhesoyo, Ji Won-a!" Lim Ji-won is my Korean name by the way.


We just arrived at President Lim's mansion and I was looking at the motorcycle r
ider. He was so good. He is even better than Thunder nor Nick. I saw him having
this perfect landing from the ramp. Wow!

"Did you see that? He is so damn good."

"She. Slade, He is a she."

"Are you kidding?"

"Yes. Look a her


"You're just a pervert, Thunder."

"Look who's talking, you paramchung-i [Playboy]!"

"Ah!Pyunte [Pervert]!"

But she is so beatiful and charming. She has this big... Wow! I am attracted to
woman who has big chest. I need to know her name before looking for my fiance.

"Let's talk to her. Maybe she is knows, Lim Ji Won [Jack]."

"You are going to flirt with this woman, aren't you?"

"There's no harm with flirting."



My betrothed has arrived. He came with his diplomatic limousine. He is a connois

seur of quality motorcycles. He was drooling over my 2012 Kawasaki KX 450. good
thing he also likes motorcycles. I have the chance to make him eat dirt.

"Which one of you is Choi Min Ho?"

I was looking at the tall man in front of me. He is tall but on the skinny side.
I can handle him. I think he is very easy to handle.

"That would be me, sweetheart. And who might you be?"

My eyes left the Dark haired skinny guy and looked at the Dark brown haired man
with mesmerizing set of hazel eyes. I was in shock! I think he was grinning when
he saw me looking at him. I am still in a state of shock. He was all masculine
beauty. He stands 6 feet, lean cheeks, aquiline nose, thick brows, strong chin.
well shaped lips. He is so mesmerisingly handsome. He was Slade Choi? I am suppo
sed to marry him? God, what a joke! Marry a man more beautiful than I am? Not in
this century. No, way!

My mind is working again and I remembered my plan to march over him and tell him
that I don't want to marry him. I am not going to melt in front of him. Never!

"I am sorry, Director Choi. I stood there like a half-wit. I was just surprised.
After all, it's not everyday I see a man eho's prettier than I am."

The man behind him just chuckled at my response. This Adonis called me "sweethea
rt" without knowing who I am. I am your worst nightmare, pretty boy.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Lim Ji Won. But my English name is Jacqueline."

"Jacqueline? As in Jack?"

His face turned to sour and looked at me from head to toe. and this time with ut
ter contempt and disgust. I am wearing my usual blue coverall today. I looked li
ke a hired hand. I just wanted to laugh. So help me god!

I just gave him a dazzling smile. "It's rather obvious that we neither want to b
e tied up with each other, but don't worry, I don't want to marry you."


Did I hear it correctly? She didn't like me?

"Y-You don't?"

"Not even a little. I apologize for wasting your time in coming here. You must i
nsist my father make it up to you when YOU break our ARRANGEMENT. And if I don't
see you again when you leave, well, it's been interesting meeting you."

With that, she just rode on her motorcycle again with her 'friends' behind her.
I was dumbfounded by this woman. I was RARELY dumbfounded especially by a woman.
I usually dumbfounded them. This one didn't look back at me. She said her littl
e speech to dismissed him from her mind. But... women didn't do that to me! NOT

Thunder, came stand next to me and stared in the direction in which Jack Lim had
gone. Without glancing at him, I said,

"If you laugh, I am going to ruin your entire face!"

"You think that would scare me?"

"No, but you have a choice."

"Yes, but what are you growling about? You should be happy. Now, you don't have
to show how bastard you can be. She just told you what you exactly wanted to hea
r with no effort."

"Exactly? Pabuya! Didn't you hear what she just said? That
[Ssagajji opta~wenchy], d
oesn't want to marry me but she expects me to break the betrothal. As much as I
loved to, you know I can't do that."

"Yes, you are closer now on what you want to achieve, you already won half of th
e battle without firing a single shot. It will very easy now. She's on your side
, she doesn't want you."

I just can't believe it! A lot of woman are killing each other to get my attenti
on, but she doesn't want me? Not even a little!

"By the way, I don't think she was impressed by your charms when you treated her
before knowing who she is. A chincha! I can't wait to tell Cage and the others
about this. They simply aren't going to believe it."

Oh hell!

------------------------------Chapter 5

"Anyeong Hashimnikka, Sajangnim [bow]."

[Anyeong hashimnikka is used when you meet someone older for the first time; Saj
angnim means president or CEO- thanks, Ah-Reum!]

"Anyeong, Choi Eesang. Anjayo." [Hello, Director Choi, sit down]

"Slade, may I call you by that name?" His study reminded me of my father's. Moth
er made it into a storage room when father died.

"You know, though we never met, I feel as if I have known you all my life. Your
father used to talk a lot about you before. He was so proud of you and your acco
mplishments. He wanted to show you off, you know, to take you with him on his bu
siness trips or when he travels for pleasure, but he wants you to focus more on
studying. You studied with your cousin in England, right? He was also proud of t
hat too. When you turned eighteen, I remembered he was----"

He just kept on talking and talking about my father. The anger that I felt for m
y appa has begun to lessened.

"I still miss him, you know."

I felt close to tears, well damn close. I haven't cried since I was small. The n
eed for it is choking me. My father and I weren't given a chance to become close
unlike Cage and his father.

I can't still forget my encounter with my so called fianc. Her remark was an unde
rstatement. I thought she is a pampered, spoiled brat like other rich girls I kn
ow. I thought I could easily seduce and break her heart. She is very outspoken a
nd give very few notice on decorum. She dressed like a hired hand. Wearing that

blue coverall like the other employees. She can very well ride a motorcycle. His
daughter didn't seem to have a shy bone in her body. And why the hell didn't sh
e want to marry me?

Rejection. That didn't exist in my vocabulary. I had been rejected. It was quite
experience for me--well, not quite.

Anne also rejected me right off the bat when she'd been told that I was her fian
c, the president of BUSCO and she needs to marry me.

"I wouldn't marry your president if you paid me!" That was the way she put it. O
f course, she never thought that she was the daughter of one of the board of dir
ectors of BUSCO. Anne and Cage were engaged at birth. I just pretended to be nas
ty for my cousin's benefit. I wanted Anne to fall in love with Cage not with me.
Luckily, I succeeded in it.

Originally, I intended to present myself to President Lim as a complete ass and

undesirable son-in-law. But I am afraid, it won't be possible. He spoke highly o
f my father and I won't disgrace my father's name by behaving like an utter ass.

I already lied about why I had been delayed in arriving, blaming it on the busin
ess trips that I should have, when in fact, I had deliberately planned a lot of
things just to delay my schedule to come here. I also spent the whole week with
my so called girlfriend. [I forgot what was her name though]

"About your daughter, sir?"

"Yes, I was watching from my study when you met her.


I was so surprised when I saw Jack's reaction when she met the man. I have never
seen her speechless before a man. That is a relief for me.

"I apologized that she wasn't her best. But you see, she spends most of her each
day in the oil refinery and with motorcycles. So she dresses for convenience, r
ather than----"

"Working in the refinery?"

"This is an oil company after all. And Jack was the only one of my three daughte
rs who showed any interest in our company. She is the Director of Inspection and
Surveying of pipelines. I probably shouldn't have encouraged her, but I did. Sh
e is one of my best divers here in our company.

Motorcross. He allowed her on her hobby? Very surprising!

"You actually allow her to motorcross?"

"Also motor racing. She is the champion in North American Enduro last year."

"She races?"

"Every year."


"I saw no harm in this, and she is highly skilled in riding motorcycles and in d
iving. She does the underwater surveys, cutting and welding----"


"Actually, Ji-Won is not some pampered, ignorant city girl who never gets her ha
nds dirty. She was raised here in the United States. Most of jobs here for men c
an also be done by women."

I could see that Slade's still in shock.

"Well, I would agree that my daughter's activities need to be chaneled in a new

direction. It is a high time for her to get married and have her new family."

"You do realize, I will take her to Korea. Life there is very different from her

e. Although she is Korean, but she spent most of her time living here. She might
experience shock when she lives in Korea."

"Change will do her good, though I warn you, she won't give up her daily motorcy
cle exercise."

"Most women ride motorcycles for pleasure."

"You mentioned that she races, well, if Jack and I would marry, those things nee
d to stop."


I am supposed to annoy the President, maybe he is thinking that I am the ideal s

olution to his problems with his unnatural daughter.

"Well, my cousins and some of my co-directors are also into motorcross and racin
g. Maybe she could be allowed to pursue her hobby there."

"Jack will be delighted to hear that."

What the...?

"May I see the copy of the betrothal contract? Mine was lost or have been mispla
ced somewhere else." Actually I crumpled it and threw it somewhere.

"Here you are."

My fate is sealed with his daughter. Mori appa! But why did he keep it for 15 ye

"With all due respect, President, why did you only inform us about it now? I bel
ieve it has already been agreed on 15 years ago, right?"

"Well, it is my selfishness as her father. I want her to keep her with me for a
bit longer. And she seemed to be satisfied with her life here."

"It seemed so. Do you know that she told me that she doesn't want to marry me?"

"She told you that?"


"Cold feet. I think she's having a cold feet. Most brides and grooms are prone t
o that."

"They are feelings that should be kept to oneself."

"I agree. You now discovered my daughter's frankness, I believe. Some finds it a
nnoying but some thinks it is quite refreshing."

Refreshing? What is he thinking? It is definitely not refresing. She looks like

a member of
for goodness sake!

Korean 101: [Jopok is like Yakuza in Japan. They are one of the known
~gangster) in Korea] ~Kamsahamnida, Sir Lucky! ^_^

( KKangpae

"Very well, since there has been delayed in my arrival, we shall leave as soon a
s possible."

"As soon as possible? Like when? She has to attend a motorcross competition on t
he 20th of next month."

"Ah, well, it means I still have to stay here for another month. Well, how about

this, I will take her with me in San Francisco in our house there because I als
o have a business trip there for 2 weeks."

"Yes, but why not you stay here for the time being?"

"Well, my business trip is in San Francisco. It is much more convenient if I sta

y there. And she is my betrothed after all. She needs to be near me and we need
to get to know each other as well." And it is not according to my plan. Welcome
to hell, Ji-won!

"Very well. I won't object to that. Please take care of my sweet daughter."

Sweet? I beg to differ!

"As her betrothed, she is now my responsibility."

"Great! I will tell her to get ready."

She will definitely cry off.

"By the way, how about the wedding? Actually, we haven't finished the preparatio
ns for it. Maybe after the competition, everything will be ready."

"My cousin, the president of BUSCO, wants the wedding to be done in our wedding
hall in Korea. He wanted it to be witnessed by all our employees." If there will
be a wedding...

"Oh well..."

"You can pay her a visit next year for her wedding."

"No, it's okay. It is not really necessary that I should be there. With this bet
rothal, you are almost as good as married. I'll wait and visit her when she has
her first child."

"But I think she will be disappointed."

"Not at all. She will be glad to be out of my authority."

And be under mine. I cannot seduce that witch because it is absolutely forbidden
. But it would be easier to get her break the agreement if her father wasn't the
re to see how despicable I can be--well if she won't cry off before tomorrow.


At last that pretty boy is already gone from Daddy's study. I was really trying
my best to avoid that pretty boy. I haven't changed my clothes and still looked
like anything but a lady.

"When is he leaving?"

"You are both leaving tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? To Korea?"

"No. San Francisco. You will be with him for the time being so you could get to
know each other."

"You mean he didn't cry off?"

"What made you think he would? What you told him? Gosh! You disappoint me, Jacqu
eline. I thought honor meant more to you than----"

"That is it! I was trying to end this crazy thing off by telling him the truth.
But if he wants a woman who wants nothing to do with him then, so be it! This is
crazy!" HAISH!

"But you will marry him?"

"I won't be the one to cry off, if you were asking about that."

"But you think he will?!"

"Once he get to know me----"

"AIGO, Ji-Wona, I know you are attracted to Min-Ho! I saw that myself."

"Well, he comes in a very attractive package, more likely as pretty as a peackoc

k, but with a personality of a worm-- a lascivious worm."

"I admire your choice of words, Jack."

"He just flirted with me before he knew I was his fianc."

"Maybe he was just being friendly."

"If you are being friendly to someone, would you call her 'sweetheart'?"

"So you are an expert right now when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex?"

"Well it means that he finds you attractive even you are dressed like that. And
since we have established you are also attractive to him----"

"We didn't establish that."

"----you could at least try to like him."

"Very well, I'll try."

"You will?"

"What was that you said about leaving tomorrow? But I need to go to AMPmx next m
onth. Maybe he will just need to go ahead of me. I will just follow him after...
say... 3 months?"

"NO! You will go with him to San Francisco with him because of his business trip
s. I think the competetion will be much nearer there, right? But you will be wed
in Korea. In the Grand wedding hall in Busan. President Kim Tae Woo of BUSCO wa
nts the wedding to be held there."

Great! I still have a lot of time to make him cry off. This is gonna be fun!

"So it means I need to pack my things now."

"Jack, the AMPmx will be the last contest you will join. You need to ask permiss
ion from your betrothed if he will allow you to join any contest related to moto
r racing or motorcross."

"If I will win that, I need to go to the Regional Competition in Indiana. Beside
s, I don't need to ask permission from him because he isn't my husband yet. Then
who will handle my department while I am gone?"

"That will be my problem. Our Dive Supervisor, Liam Payne will handle that."

"Liam? Are you sure?"

"Yes. He will be assisted by Kang Ah-rum."

"Ah, okay. I trust Ah-rum. I am not sure if she can withstand Liam."

"They are both professionals, they will be able to handle that."

"I think after the contest, I need to come back here to train both of them."

"No! You will go to Korea with Slade to marry him!"

"Well, I am sure I can win AMPmx. After that, I can go back here to train Ah-rum
and Liam, and I can still go to Regionals in Indiana and Nationals in Texas and
finally the International MX Championship in Australia!"

"Jack, are you listening to me? I said----"

"You wouldn't intentionally delay the wedding, would you?"

"To postponed the wedding? What do you think? Besides, it's only fair that he fi
nds out what life with me will be like."

"Jack, you will behave on this-----"

"You have already gotten the only promisr you'll get from me, Daddy, and you wer
e lucky to get it."

"You said you will try to like him."

"Oh, I will, and I'll have lots of time to do so before the wedding. But for now
, I need to do hurry things up for our trip to San Fran. You have to entertain o
ur guest this evening. I have alot of packing to do. I need a lot of 2-T oils, m
y tools, oh! I need to bring my motorcycles! and----"

"Jack! I told you to just pack lightly, dammit!"

I just closed the door quietly behind me. I would like to slam it, throw things,
to scream, but what for? I already lost the battle, at least with her father. I
felt hurt and betrayed, and I don't know when will I forgive him. Huh! I will d
efinitely make him cry off!

-------------------------------------Chapter 6
This is dedicated to one of my favorite authors here in wattpad ---->>>>


By the way, this is Su Jin ----->>>>


I just marched up the stairs to pack up my things. At least I am going to San Fr

an. I still have a lot of time to annoy him so he could change his mind about ma
rrying me. Our maids are having a commotion at the end of the corridor. I know.
It is because of that pretty faced turd! Why couldn't I enter my room? Who the h
ell locked it? I was turning the knob, but it wouldn't open. I just forcefully j
ostled the door with all my might and suddenly lost my balance and...


I am on top of the pretty faced turd!

"I knew it my little brat! Is this how you will try to seduce me?"

"Not on your life, turd."

I was about to get up when he pulled me back again on top of him.

"What do you want, Choi?"

"I want you." He started to hold my hips and about to kiss me but I just said,

"Keep your hands to yourself, Choi, or I will kick your crotch as hard as I can.

"I don't like threats, brat."

"I don't like pretty boys like you, Choi."

"You can get off me, brat. You are so heavy." I just got up and looked at me aga
in from head to foot.

"You should lose a pound or two. But anyway, I like chubby girls than stick pole

Me? Chubby? Haish!

"Then break this damn betrothal off, Choi."

"I wish I could. One of the parties of this agreement was already dead, who is m
y father. And since yours isn't, maybe you could throw a tantrum to your Daddy a
nd break this thing off."

"I already gave him my word, Choi. I told him that I would marry you although yo
u are popinjay."

"Nice words, brat. Or maybe, you find me irresistable that you want me for yours

"I don't like peacocks. Turkeys would be fine but not peacocks. They are beautif
ul but useless."

"Not useless, I think. Especially not in bed."

"Look, as long as we're being honest with each other, Choi, and are agreed that
neither one of us wants to marry the other, why don't you use the most obvious e
xcuse and simply tell my father that I wouldn't make a suitable wife for you?"

He is still walking towards me as if he doesn't hear me. He is coming close and

looking at me seductively. I am now staring at his lips. I think he has the perf
ect set of lips. Oh my! Save me! I think I wanna faint! He is so damn close and
I just closed my eyes thinking that he would kiss me...

"I don't kiss brats. And please, fix your hair. You look like your fresh out of

bed. If we will be married, it will be your worst nightmare. My life won't chang
e a bit if we will be married but yours will be. After giving me a son, I will b
e back to my old ways. And you will be nothing but a nuisance to me. You will be
free to pursue your own amusements, like I intended to do. Does that sound acce
ptable to you?"

"Well, sure, as long as you don't mind embarrassing public scenes."

"Excuse me?"

"I am warning you. If you force me to marry you, you will be mine, and I don't s
hare what's mine. And you won't be able to ignore me, I promise you that. Does t
hat sound acceptable to you?"

"I don't like threats, brat."

"Who says I am threatening? You told me how it's going to be. I am just telling
you how will I react. I'd sleep on it if I were you, Choi. It will be the last n
ight of untroubled sleep you will get."

I just went outside and slammed the door at him. That turd! I am really angry! I
could spit and chew nails. He is threatening me with a loveless marriage, with
mistresses? After we have babies? Arrrgghhh!

"Chincha michoso!" It startled Su Jin, my personal assistant. Her English name i

s Jin.

"Jack, what's the problem?"

"So ajoeshi michotta anikka!" [The man is crazy].

"You mean, your fianc?"

"You knew he was there, Su Jin?"

"Yeah. All our maids were talking about your georgeous and super handsome fianc.

He is even hotter than Go Jun Pyo!"

Go Jun Pyo? Ah, kupoda namja? His name is Lee Min Ho not Go Jun Pyo.

"Yes! Your fianc is more handsome than Lee Min Ho!"

"They share the same given name, though. His name is Choi Min Ho."

"I see. You are lucky, Jack!"

"Nope. He is my bad karma."

"All of your company employees have heard about it. So when is the big day?"

"I don't know. I still need to go to Irvine for AMPmx."

"I thought you are going to get married..."

"Yes, but not here. We need to go to Korea for the wedding. Well the question is
... will there be a wedding?"

"What do you mean, Jack?"

"He will definitely cry off. I am sure of that."

"He will back out from the wedding? But why?

"Because I will show him that I'll make a terrible wife."

"But you'd make him an excellent wife."

"Ani. Not him. But even so, he's never going to know it, and he certainly isn't
going to think by the time I'm done with him."

"Why don't you want to marry him instead?"

"And betray Kyohei?"

"He should be betrayed!"

None of my friends, especially Jin, liked Kyohei. They didn't like Kyohei for me

"Even if I am inlove with someone else or not, I will not marry that arrogant Ko
rean. And before you say anything, Jin, he told me that he doesn't want to marry
me either."

"Moragoyo? He said that?"

"Yes, he did. But he still plans to marry me though his father is dead and not t
o be disgraced by breaking this betrothal. And do you know what he plans for our
marriage? He said that he wants a child from me and then ignore me. He threw in
my face that he's got girlfriends and will continue to keep them. He said that
he will also allow me to have some lovers."

"Chincha? He said that?"


"Well, you are NOT going to marry him. I won't let you. And neither your father,
once you tell him about it."

"Huh! That's what you think. I told him that the man flirted with me before he k
new who I was. Choi proves himself to be a paramchungi, but Daddy thought that h
e was just attracted to me. Appa will not believe the rest of this, especially n
ot when he knows I don't want this marriage. He'll think I've made it up and pro
bably be too embarrassed to confront Choi about it. I am very sure that the pret
ty faced turd would just deny it. After all, they have met and it seemed that th
ey are getting along wonderfully. If that man didn't admit his true feelings whe
n he had the chance, he won't now. Huh! Gessek----!"

"It sounds as if you will have the traditional marriage. You know the kind of ma
rriage among those people who came from families from the Chaebol society."

Korean 101:[ ] ~Chaebol means Conglomerates. [chae~ wealth or property + pl: faction
or clan or shall we say powerful families]. They are like San Miguel or Ayala G
roup of Companies here in the Philippines. The sign //~chi-eut is equivalent to /
ch/ in English]. The ancient language of Korea is actually chinese. But after Sa
eJeong Dae Hwang (r.1418-1450) [King Sae Jeong the great] ruled Korea, he called
some of the philosophers at that time to fabricate their language which is call
ed Chosunmal or the Korean language. Korean alphabet is called Hangeul by the wa
y. Kamnsahamnida Pastor Shin!

I just laughed hard at Jin.

"It's not funny!"

"I know. I am not that ignorant about that. The marriage will be stiff and tradi
tional. But do I have to wear hanbok on my wedding day? Was it comfortable to ri
de in a motorcycle in that dress? By the way, what are those red spots on brides
cheeks? Was that a blush on?" I can't help it but to laugh really hard.

"Those red dots symbolize youth and virginity. But right now, most weddings in K
orea are done in Wedding halls, just like the Western kind of marriage."

"Wow! How do you know all that?"

"Because I am Korean!"

"Me too! But I wouldn't bother to know all about those things. I wanted to know
if there are MX competitions in Korea..."

"Motorcycles again? You are going to get married, Unnie."

"Unnie? It doesn't sound right, Su Jin. I told you not to go formal with me. Any
way, I told you, I'd rather catch pneumonia and die than marrying than marrying
!"[playboy or cassanova]

"Again, Ji Won, he is so hansome. I think he is the most handsome guy you have s
een in your life."

"Well how do you know I haven't seen better?"

"Because no Korean man or any other man can be more handsome than that."

"I don't care. Jin, he is too handsome. I can't marry a man who is more beautifu
l than I. I think three of our housemaids slept with him last night, even though
they know that I am going to marry that despicable guy."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I found them crawling over him this morning."

"So, you assume that he slept with them. It's sound like you are jealous."

"No way. I am saying that he is irresistable to woman, at least most woman. It j

ust proves that even if he's married, women will be chasing him. I don't think I
can live with that. No way!"

"Actually, chasing doesn't mean catching."

"But of course, there will be temptations ion his way. I wouldn't want to act li
ke a jealous wife just for him."

"Wow, so you mean you could love him if you give it a try."

"No! Wait, James and your Mike is coming."

"He ain't my Mike!"

"Jack, your soon to be husband is looking at you. I think he's drooling now."

"Oh shut up!"

"Anyeong Jin. Did you miss me?"

"No! Get out of my way!" She pushed Mike aside.

"Ya! Jugule?!" [Hey, do you want to die?]

"Nina jukka!" [You die first!]

"Hey stop it, guys. Mike, James, kindly arrange the things we need to bring to S
an Francisco tomorrow."

"Yes. The trucks are already loaded. President Lim told us about it."

"Ah okay. Is there an Exxon in San Fran? I think it is in Sacramento."

"I brought enough petrol for us. We will stay there for a month according to you

r father."

"Hi, Changia!"

"Changgia your face!"

"You should call me oppa, you know? By the way, who is that pretty little thing
you were talking to a while ago?"

"Jin. My personal assistant."

"This is going to be fun!"

"Stay away from her--unless she wants to bothered." He just turned his back on m
e. Oh, I wanna kick him!

"Jack, why are you blushing?"

"Shut up, Mike!"


"Do you want me to rearrannge your face?"

"Let's practice now, Eesangnim."


Chapter 7
This is dedcated to one of my favorite readers ====>>>>


I am now practising with Mike and James for the coming AMPmx but I couldn't conc
entrate! Ah chincha!

"Jack, stop thinking about your fianc!"

"I am not thinking about him!"

"Chipchunghe! Stop! You will break your neck. Let's have a 20 minute break so yo
u could stare at your fianc. Jack, I think you are infatuated."

"One more, Mike! I swear I will rearrange your face!"

"Turn around, your fianc is staring at you."

When I turned around, I saw him giving me a flying kiss but I just gave him a di
rty finger.


What the? My fianc is really unique! She really reacts differently with the other
girls. When I do that with other girls, they sometimes give me back the flying
kiss or they will blush, but not give me the finger. I think she is really cute!
Not cute, excuse me but yepuda.

"You are drooling over your fianc, Slade."

"No, I am not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"I just think she is different."

"Different? In a good or bad way?"

"Aren't you busy, Nick?"

"A little. I am just lookin at that cute tomboy over there."

"Ah, Su Jin. That's my fianc's personal assistant."

"I am really attracted to her."

"He is more handsome than you are Nick."

"I am just attracted to her. But I think she already got a boyfriend."

"Who? That guy who is teaching the brat?"

"Yeah. I think they are a couple."

"So? Work your charms at her."

"No. I don't know. Come on, let's go inside. I am hungry."

"Me too."


"Your father told me you won't be joining us for dinner."

That was Helena. Father married her when I was 15 years old. I just call her Mom
instead of Omma. I love my mother so much and I still remember how she brushed
my hair before we go to sleep. A lot of people of people are saying that I looke
d exacty like her. I was there when she had her headaches. She thought that she
was having migraines, but one time, She had this excruciating pain in her head.

We rushed her to the hospital but then we lost her because of this rare brain di
sease called Moya moya. I still miss her until now.

"I'll be too busy packing my things."

"I am sorry Jack, I know you are against this marriage, but you must admit that
your father picked the most exceedingly handsome man for you"

"So. Mom, you know about this thing?

"Yes, but your father listened to everythingI had to say about it, which was goo
d, but he woudn't just agree with my opinion."

"You could have at least warned me, Mom."

"Yes, I know, but my loyalty is to your father."

I'll be damned!

"I think your father was afraid you would run away if you knew it before hand."

If I knew it, I would have run away, but anywway, I wouldn't blame my Mommy abou
t it because it wasn't her fault.

"Don't worry, I already accepted it. I made a promise to my father. So please, M

om, take care of him."

"Yes, of course."

"You might allso prepare him for my return."

"Return? You mean after your competition? I thought you would be going straightt
to Korea by then? You mean you would pay us a visit after you get married?"

"If I do visit, father won't be forgiven."

"Jack, your father only wants the best for you."

"But we couldn't agree on it."

"If you change your mind about dinner..."

"No, I won't."

Wait a minute.... My appearance there could surprise them. I will them in shock!
This will freak out that turd and give a perfect excuse to back off from this m
arriage. Of course, I might do something outrageous but not too much.... This wi
ll be fun!

This is the perfect timing. A lish dinner was served. My father wanted to impres
s the despicable popinjay. All of them are dressed for the dinner but me. I am s
till wearing my work clothes. The popinjay is impecably groomed, of course and h
is companions as well. He was a bit surprised that I didn't fix myself for him,
but I wasn't there to have dinner, I was just there to make a scene to make him
cry off.

"Don't mind me, I will just grab something for dinner since I don't have time fo
r dinner tonight."

I just snatched a piece of pork cutlet from my fianc's plate and dipped it to a d
wenjang sauce before putting it in my mouth. I deliberately stained his suit.

"Oh, I am so sorry, oppa." I tried to rub it bit I just made it worst.

"It's okay, sweetheart."

Sweetheart your face! I think I am going to----

"AHCHOO!" I just got his table napkin and I blew my nose behind him.

"Jacqueline..." My father said in a choking voice.

He stood up and faced me. He was giving me a dazzling smile. I nearly faint beca
use of that.

"I am delighted you decided to join us, Miss Ji-Won. Will you give me your hand,

Give him my hand? I thought he is going to hit me or anything but I swear, I wil
l give him back much worse. I hesistantly give my hand to him but he ignored it.
Before I snatched it back, he slipped a ring on my finger. It was an enormous s
parlking diamond ring surrounded by rubies, emerald and amethyst.

I was really in awe. What the...

"Now, you can finish your packing. I am sorry if I may sound in a hurry, we real
ly need to leave early tomorrow. Sweet dreams, my Ji-won."

I just got two more pieces of pork cutlet and ran up to my room. Huh!


I got up at dawn the next morning. I just couldn't sleep! This is really hellish
for me. Maybe this what that brat had told me before that I won't be able to sl
eep well. What did she mean by that? Did she try to put a spell on me? I just co
uldn't sleep well since the day we have met. Another thing is Ji-won herself. Ho
nestly I hadn't been with a girl who appeared in a tousled state before me, unle
ss we did something in bed together. But Ji-won, although looked tousled, she is
still hot for me. I don't know. Maybe it was her figure or her large bossom.

I had been aroused by her since we had that heated words yesterday and when she
left for another room and when she was making a scene at the dinner table yester
day. She thought she could shock me but I think I countered that.

When I went out of the room, one of the giggling maids, the one who kept on both
ering me since yesterday, asked in pretense if I needed anything. Actually, one
of them are also trying to seduce since I came here, but I decided to be in my b
est behavior for President Lim's benefit.

Luckily, the President won't be coming with in San Francisco nor in Korea so, th
is my 'too good to be true' behavior would end as soon as we leave the President
's house. Actually, there was a girl I met from the bar that is locatedin the ho
tel we stayed in the week before we came here. I already forgot about her name b
ut she is the bar tender there. I think she is Korean, too but damn! What's her
name? Anyway, I would use my charms again and make sure that the brat knew it. I
ama sure she will cry off and break this thing off. She will definetely demand
me to return her to her father, or else, she will have a hellish time with me.

I thought she would wake up late since I learned that she was packing her things
last night, but I was wrong.

"Jin, have you seen Miss Ji-won?"

"Ji-won is in the garage, getting ready for the trip."

She just called her Ji-won? Why didn't she call her Eesangnim or even unnie? Jac
k is definitely older than Jin.

"Okay, thanks." I didn't have time for brekfast and I just went to the garage to
check the things that we needed to bring. Oh my goodness! Two trucks! What the!

"Rise and shine, peacock! I thought you are ass are still in bed. I didn't know
that you were in a hurry to leave." I was going to answer her but she turn and l


"Don't worry President. You don't have to explain. You told me yesterday that sh
e requires proper handling."

"Take care of her, Min Ho."

"Yes, Sajangnim."

[haeng un eul bin da ~Good luck], Jiwon!

------------------------------Chapter 8

Two 2O ft. trucks? Did she bring the whole garage with her? What the----

I inspected the things that are inside the trucks and they are just tools, gasol
ines, tires, bikes, what's this? Dog food? And this?

"Let's go, Choi!"

"What are those things?"

"Those happen to be MY things!"

"Yeah I know. But two trucks?! Are you insane? It is possible to bring all these
things to San Francisco, but how can we bring all these stuffs to Korea?"

"I don't know."

"All right, I'll give you 15 minutes to arrange the things that you need to brin
g with you. The only necessary things, algeso?!"


I am at my wits end now. Patience please... Patience.. the president is still he


"I have to bring my bikes with me and their specialized oils as well."

"How about those food?"

"Those are for my dogs."


Don't get me wrong, I like dogs... for dinner, but not as a pet.

*Korean 101: Don't be appalled. Most Koreans like to eat dogs. They said it adds
warmth to the body especially in winter. But they only eat their native dogs. \

Yes, dogs, why?"

"I just don't----"

Her two giant black Russian terriers came near me. They are huge! Aigo! I saw th
em growling at me.

"Pawnee, Shawnee, sit. By the way, we aren't married yet, Choi. Don't think you
can dictate me until we are, algeso?"

"You don't really think I can, do you?"

"I know you are trying but you're just wasting your time. FYI, this is not a bri
ef visit you're dragging me but a new life. I am not going to leave my belonging
s behind. If you think, I would then you were quite delusional."

"I am not suggesting that."

"Then there is nothing to talk about."

I really wanted to shake her as of the moment. ARRGGH!

"Hey, where do you think you're going?"

"Riding in the truck, why?"

"You are riding with me, brat."

"Ah shiro!" [I don't like] I came close to her to tower her. She just blankly st
ared at me.

"You HAVE to ride with me and get those unimportant stuff OUT in the trucks, or
else..." I stared at her... She has very nice big eyes... Her lips are so sensua
l, too...

"Or else what, huh?"

"---uh... or I will tell your father about this." I was so distracted with her e
yes! Haish!

"Poor baby... I see. When you want to get something, you will immediately tell y
our parents about it? And since yours isn't available, you will go after mine? O
h well, go! Do you want me take you to my father? He already knows that he got a
promise from me and that will be it! Or do you really think I am an obedient da
ughter? Well, Choi, sad to say that I am very much different from those shoddy g
irls you know."

If she weren't a girl, I would have punch her in the face! Huh!

"Are these all?"

"Yes, my dogs, my personal assistant and my men."

"Your men?"

She looked at the garage and saw three medium built men. But damn! They are ugly
. They just looked at me as if they are going to kill me or something.

"They will keep me safe on our trip to Korea."

"I believe that your safety is my responsibility."

"Yes, but how about coaching and keeping me safe at AMPmx? They are my trainers.

"Okay. But you will ride with me, brat."


"I guess you don't have any choice on that. Don't forget, I am your fianc and a l
ot of women are fighting to be in your position."

"Ah, chuketa!" [I am dying or I wanna die]

"You wanna die because of my charms?"

"No. I wanna die because I don't want to ride with an insufferable peacock like

"Come now, chaggia [honey]."

"Ya! Hajima [stop]!"

"I was just holding you."


"Come on, let's go."


I am riding right now with the pretty faced peacock. He is so handsome with his
strong jaw and his cute eyes and his dimples, they show whenever he smiles.

"What now, brat?"

Am I staring at him?"

"Are you daydreaming, brat? You know what, my lips are delicious. Wanna taste it

"Do you want me to punch you in the face?"

He didn't react and just slep in the car. From our city, it would be 7 hours to
travel from Irvine to San Francisco! Oh God! But, I am excited about the competi
tion! Oh, my... I am hungry! I didn't have breakfast this morning... begopa [I'm

I brought out my phone and turned it on. I just couldn't turn it on in our house
because you cannot use a mobile phone in an oil refinery. I am calling Mike and
James to know where they are now.

["Mike, where are you?"]

["We are having breakfa----"]

"Hey! What the----" He just got my phone and put it in his pocket.

"Just shut up. I am sleeping."

"This isn't your room, Choi. You should not----"

"If you will not keep quiet, I will kiss you."

"You won't try that, Choi. Trust me."

"You really want me to kiss you, don't you?"

"The hell! I am hungry! I wanna eat!"

"Keep quiet. We will eat later."


I just sit there and look at his face... He is so handsome yet so insufferable a


I am really annoyed now!

"He is always like that, you know."

"What do you mean?"

"He always falls asleep when he travels by car."


"So, by the way, I am Liu Young Jae. You can call me Thunder, by the way."

"All right."

"Are you excited about your MX competition?"

"Yes." I don't like to talk to him because he is with this turd.


She is quite a snob and rarely looked at me. No wonder why Slade is interested a
t her. She is different!


When I woke up, the brat was sleeping and leaning on my left arm. She is so beau
tiful when she sleeps. She is like an angel. A demonic angel to be exact. I just
can't help but to wonder why I am so attracted to her.

"Slade, you are drooling again."

"Shut up, Thunder!"

I just turned on my phone. I think my girlfriends are worried about me. I could'
nt open my phone at President's Lim's house because their oil refinery is near t

[Min Jee (Suzy) calling....]

Who is she...


"Oppa, bogoshipeoyo. Oh diya ?" [honey, I miss you. Where are you?]

*Korean 101: Oppa means big brother. You can also call your bf oppa if he is old
er than you. The relationship where the woman is older to the man is not usually
accepted in their society.
"Suzy, I miss you too! Honey, wait for----"

Someone grabbed my phone and threw it outside the window car.

"Ya! Why did you do that?!"



"Who is that woman?"

"She is just a fan."

"A fan?! Well I told you I don't like sharing what's mine!"

"Is that all you could do, brat?"

"Well, I am just warming up, Choi."

"I told you if you won't shut up, I will kiss you!"

"Just try or do you want to embarrass yourself in front of your friend?"

"He is not my friend."

"Okay. Your private assistant then?"

"Just shut up, brat!"

"Give me back my phone, Choi." He just handed me the phone and made a phone call
to Su Jin so they could follow us here.

We ate in a Korean restaurant called Mugubuku. It was already night by that time
. I am hungry but I don't eat spicy food. I am allergic to peppers, as a matter
of fact. I sat with Su Jin and the others and can't help but to notice that Choi
was flirting with the waitress. Fine! She was beautiful! Slade smiled at her an
d was staring like she was the most beautiful girl in this planet. I just ignore
d it and waited for our orders but then I heard a squeal from my fianc's area. Ch
oi was whispering something to her and she just touched my betrothed's chest int
imately. That's it!


Jack stood up from their table and grabbed a fistful of the waitress' hair and j
erked her around. The tray she was holding went flying from her fingers and peop
le were looking at them at that moment.

"I am going to marry the guy you were bantering with a while ago. Go anywhere ne
ar him and I'll cut your ears and make you eat them. Or maybe you are willing to
loose them for my fianc, huh?"

"Aniyo, Lim Eesangnim."

"Oh, you know me?"

"Ne, Eesangnim."

"So, you know I mean what I say?"

"Yes, Eesangnim. Appayo! Jongmal Miyanhumnida, Eesangnim."

"Good! Well let's hope I don't have to speak to you again."

Jack returned to her table and didn't even look at Slade when she passed him.


I have never thought I did that! I didn't know what got into me. I wasn't even e
mbarassed to make a scene! This would really embarassed Choi.

"Was he shocked?"

"I couldn't say. I was so shocked on the way you displayed your jealousy towards
your fianc and that girl."

"You are crazy. I only did it for his benefit."

"Oh come on, Jack! I know how possessive you can be. You even fought with Liam w
hen he made Su Jin cry last year and you nearly paralyzed James when he kick Paw
nee before."

"You guys are different and so are my dogs."

"I know you well enough. What's yours is yours. Not until one of you breaks that
betrothal, Choi Min Ho is also yours. Where is the difference in there?"

"Nope, there is a difference. I don't want him to be mine, Mike. No way!"

He just smirked at me.


Chapter 9

I was still talking to Mike. I hated the way he smirked at me.

"How did he react? Was he shocked?"

"Angry was more like it than shock."

"All right. That will just do him well. I already warned him about it. Now, he k
nows that I wasn't ranting empty threats."

"I guess he is quite aware of that right now. It is interesting to see what he d
oes about it."

"What do you mean? We aren't married yet."

They only stared at me and looked shocked because of what I have just said.


"Yak hon [betrothal] isn't like your usual engagement, Jack. It is very close to
being married. Sworn oaths were made. You even made a promise to him and your f
ather that you would marry him. That gives your fianc a definite authority where
you're concerned, or didn't you know that?"

"Authority? Like what?"

"The same authority a husband would have."

"That is nonesense! I already told him thay he couldn't dictate to me. I won't l
et it." But thinking about it, he just did it, few hours before, in his car.

"You were at your domicile when you said that, under your father's rule and now,
I am afraid that you are not."

"Well there's no difference where I was. Besides, he can complain all he wants.
I am beginning to become an expert at ignoring angry men."

"It could work on an angry father, but an angry betrothed, I don't think so. Tho
se two are very different, Jack."

He is starting to piss me off! Haish! Jjajangna!

"Mo? Morago? All right, Mike, what are you getting at?"

"I am just saying what happens if he starts to give you 'or elses' and backs the
m up?"

No! He wouldn't! Would he?

"So you are saying that he might beat me or something?"

"Actually, yes. That could be a possibility."

"And you would simply let him do that to me?! Ah chincha!"

"Of course, we can make that pretty boy regret what he does to you, but we aren'
t going to be with you most of the time. Besides he is related to the president
of the most powerful companies all around the world. He couldn't ruin your life,
Jack, but how about us?"

"Is there a point to all of this?"

"Just don't get him too mad, Jack. Just know your limit and don't go over it, ev
en if you have to give to his demands occasionally, but he must not realize how
much power he has over you now."

I guess it was late for that. Huh! I just realized that my friends couldn't prot
ect me and me too, I sometimes fail at that. Give in? Ah chincha! Haish! Mori ap
pa! [headache]


I am not angry anymore but I am about to explode! I've been angry at Jack becaus
e of those trucks! And the pretty waitress who served our meal, what was her nam
e again? Oh hell! She barely looked at me when she was serving the food! She was
really scared. Well I'd like to see it on the face of brat.

She was so barbaric! I couldn't believe that she is Korean! Aigo! Threats should
be given in private, well any civilized person would have! I just couldn't beli
eve that she had displayed how vicious she was when she made a threat to that wa
itress! What a b*tch!

"You know what, you might as well forget it."

"Forget that I am going to be alone tonight, when I had been looking forward to
sharing it with that pretty waitress over there? Or the fact that my fianc is a w
alking, breathing scandal?"

"Forget both. You had your bed filled to its usual capacity before we went here,
so a little abstinence won't kill you, I think."

"Don't forget that I am just doing this for her. It was suppose to make her cry
off our engagement and not to allow her how violent she can be!"

"Or maybe she was just bluffing."

"I just wish! I couldn't believe how she threatened that girl, tonight. She just

caused an embarassing public scene. Can you imagine her doing something like th
at in our headquarters? I guess she will put a sign on my back saying, 'don't fl
irt with my fianc or you're gonna be sorry'. What the!"

"Cage might find it amusing. I know Ann will be delighted for that."

"And my mother would collapse from shock! Ah michogetta, I have to get rid of th
at barbarian before going back to Korea. But would I do that now?"

"I still believe you have other means. But how could you do that if you are sitt
ing across the room from her?"

"If I were sitting next to her, I would have strangled her by now. Well, I stil

I am not kidding. I felt this strong urge to wring her pretty neck. I just could
n't stop myself from looking at her.

I was really in awe! I can't believe the way she eats.

was holding a piece of chicken from her other hand and
other. She didn't touch her the utensils on the table.
m the bottle! She eats rice with her hands, instead of
I heard her belched while on the table. She is really

She eats like a pig! She

a piece of kimchi on the
She even drank makole fro
a spoon or chopsticks and

That's it! My mother! She doesn't know about Jack's behavior and I am sure, she
will be shocked! She would absolutely forbid our union. That's for sure!

"Thunder, aigo! Look at her! How can I take her home and let her dine with my mo
ther? She has the table manners of a pig!"

"I have already noticed it. I take it you're not that appalled, are you?"

"Are you kidding me? I am absolutelt delighted! I am not going to break this bet
rothal and neither is she. If mother can spend one day with her, well I'll make
sure she does, she will refuse to let me marry her. That will be the end of it.
That is genius, right?"

"Are you going to depend on that? I believe Eesangnim's fondest wish is to see y

ou wed, right?"

Oh yeah.. Damn! But...

"That's right! I will proceed as planned, yet I'm happy to say that it is not th
at urgent now. I just believe that this would end up right.

"Are you sure?"

"I am serious as a heart attack."

"I agree. She is beautiful, full of surprise, too and you could teach het proper
manners. I think she is in a tip top shape so supplying you with great heirs wo
n't be a problem."

"Yes, I was looking for a wife, but you are forgetting some important facts. Jac
k's attitude really irritates me. I don't like her, and I can name a dozen of wo
men who would suit me better and who wouldn't tell me they don't want to marry m

"That still hurts you, man?"

"Don't be absurd. Fine, she surprised me when she told me she didn't want to mar
ry me and I am pretty sure, she will call this thing off, If I continue being a

"Well, you really are a jackass. Anyway, you'll earn her eternal gratitude for p
roving to be so unacceptable to her that she has the excuse to end it. I think s
he will laugh all the way home in that case."

"Actually, I am the one who is grateful because she is not like what I am expect
ing. She is the worst, I think. Her father said that she was unique, he didn't s
pecify how. By the way, do you think those men are her lovers?"



"Just because you are capable of that doesn't mean your fianc would consider tryi
ng the same. I think they are her trainers for the upcoming MX competition. I he
ard, Chae Ki Sun was the World Enduro Champion last year while her brother was t
he World MX champion two years ago."

"So? I don't care about them. I am just saying that those men are as ugly as sin
, but we know looks are insignificant when it comes to love, right?"

"Choi Min Ho, are you sure? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why? Since she is ruining this trip for me and not allowing me to have my
amusements, I'll be damned to allow her any of her own on this trip."

"Fair enough. Do you plan to threaten them the way she threatened the waitress?"

"If I have to."



It's hard to abandon 25 years of refined breeading, really. It is acceptable whe

n I am repairing my motor or inspecting the oil pipes and there arw times that o
ne should be spotless clean like right now.

"Jack, you are disgusting!"

"Is he still staring?"

"I don't know. Good job, Jack. You didn't just disgusted your fianc but us too! F
or a minute there, your table manners was quite revolting."

"Gee, thanks! I just got that from Mike."

"Hey! I have table manners you know."


"Here are some napkins, Jack."

"Nope. I will just have to lick my fingers. That would do the work."

"Jack, you are sick."

"Yeah, I know."

The competition will be in a week. I need to do well in practice. One day, I saw
the popinjay was watching me while I was practicing.

"Hey, brat! Good luck in the competition. Just make sure not to break your neck.

"I am sure you are wishing for that."

"I think you've been wearing that clothes for two days now."

"So? I only bathes once a month. Don't you know that frequent bathing is unhealt

"Who said so?"

"Me. Why? How often do you bathe?"

"Everyday. So it means, you don't?"

"No. Some studies said that it could cause cancer, you know?"

My betrothed is frowning at me. Was he buying that statement? He is also gullibl

e huh! Ah, pabo!

I practiced today for 6 hours and I am so tired! I think I need to crawl to bed
but Su Jin was kind enough to prepare my bath. I put on my pajamas. I usually we
ar a tanktop and shorts when I sleep. Then my fianc just barged in my room.

"You could have at least knock, Choi."

"Well this is my house, brat."

"But you told me to stay in this room, Choi and I am not dressed decently."

"I could see that. We require few minutes of privacy, Su Jin."

Su Jin just nod and was about to leave but I stopped her.

"Su Jin ya, you don't have to leave."

They didn't paid attention to what I've said. Choi held the door for Su Jin's ex

"Could this wait until tomorrow, Choi?"

He just stared at me and I think I am gonna faint. Ah chincha!

"No, it can't wait, not if I'm going to get any sleep." He is just walking towar
ds me. He is melting me with that stare!

Dub dub... Dub dub... Dub dub...

"You want me to get some sleep, don't you, brat?"

"I don't care if you sleep or not. I just don't care, Choi."

"You should care, brat. If my needs aren't seen to, why then, I ask myself, shou
ld yours be?"

"Are we talking about sleep?"

"Are we?"

He is now close to me and his smell is so intoxicating.

"You smell good today, brat. Was it for me?"


She is so sexy tonight. She is just wearing the usual pajamas but this is the fi
rst time I saw her legs. I should be bedding that waitress we met yesterday but
I am no longer attracted to her. When I saw Jack licked her fingers when she was
eating, it instanly stirred my senses. Damn!

"What a little savage you are, chaggia. Tell me, do you bring that kind of passi
on to your bed?"

"You don't expect me to answer that, do you?"

"Why don't we find out then?"

She is all red now.

"I think you were such in a hurry to se our fate."

"Well maybe or maybe not." I am now so close to her

"If you will do this, it would put an end to any mind changing for either of us.

"Don't be absurd, Jack, what's one more lover to you when you had so many?"

She just blankly stared at me.


I am supposed to be happy because that's what he thought about me, but why do I
feel insulted?

"Only my friends call me, 'Jack'."

"But I'm more than a friend. I am soon to be your husband, with all the rights t
hat entails. Shall we have a demonstration of it right now?"

"The only demonstration you need to do now is to leave this room in a hurry. You
can begin now."

"Shiro." He just grabbed me and pulled me towards him. He just kissed me hard on
lips. At first I was trying to push him as hard as I can but I am already lost
in his kiss! Oh god! I've kissed Kyohei before and I loved him but it was just i
ncomparable with this I am having with Min Ho. Ah chincha! Irona, Ji Won!

-----------------------Chapter 10

I am really lost in kiss. Wake up, Ji Won. Irona! You love Kyohei and you don't
like this guy! You hated him, right? I kept telling that to myself but I am just
lost in this kiss. I don't want this to end. Oh my god!

"Sorry, Jack. Did I leave my galaxy note there? Oh, I am sorry." That was Su Jin
. She suddenly opened the door, Slade and I separated just abruptly. I was in sh
ock but Slade was scowling at Su Jin.

"Sorry for the disturbance. I thought I left my galaxy note in here."

"Well I think you didn't leave it here. By the way, Choi, if you want to speak t
o me in the future, you will do it in public, at a decent hour, all right? Goood
night, Choi."

"Don't count on it, Jack."

He just went out of my room.

"You're lucky you didn't see hid face when he said that."


"Because I think he meant it."

The day after that, we started to practice more for the MX. I have also learned
that the Enduro this year will be in Jeju Island in Korea. I think I am also goi
ng to join that.

I couldn't sleep last night because of our kiss. I promised myself that it won't
happened again. I won't give in to him and I won't get lost again with his kiss
es. I saw him again and is smirking at me.

"Why did you kiss me last night?"

"Because the pretty girl that I should be kissing yesterday got scared and disap

"I see. If you don't get your first choice, you settle for second? Nice one, but
I have a third option for you and I think it would be wiser. Keep your pants on
, Choi, at least until you break this engagement, algeso?"

"Molasso." He just yanked me towards him and forced me to ride on the motorcycle
with him. Mike and James were stunned while we just rode off the practice area.

"And what are you going to do now, Choi besides make an ass of yourself?"

"Annoy me again, brat and we'll ride off to locate a private place to find out."

Mike and James were already behin us to make their presence felt. They were just
quiet and didn't have guts to say anything. This was not an alarming situation
except for my emotions.

"About my question."

"Tell them to go away."

"They are just there to see to my security. When they start barking, I will."

"I'm going to pretend, I didn't hear that."

"And I'll pretend you haven't lost your mind!"

He just laughed and stopped the bike. Then he faced Mike and James.

"My fianc and I needed to get to to know each other. You may proceed with your ta

They just stared at him and James gave him a sinister look.

"It's okay. We will just talk. You may check on the bikes that I will use for th
e competition." They just rode off and went back to the house.

"Nice choice, brat."

"You don't wanna get to know me, Choi, more than I wanna know you better, so wha
t's the point of this?"

"To prove that you should obey and be submissive to me whether you like it or no
t. Now, get on the bike."


"Get... on... the... bike!"

"Shiro! Are we going to hell?"

"Maybe. But I'm going to take you with me."

"No riding to hell for me today, sorry."

"Ride the damn bike or else---"

"Well, you certainly made your point, didn't you? But nothing has been proved si
nce your authority requires my cooperation, and I hated to say it but my coppera
tion is no way guaranteed."

He just pulled me towards him and bent forward until his lips were very near to

"Then perhaps I should extract a few promises from you."

I could feel his breathing. I am quite enticed to kiss him again. I am light hea

ded again, feeling all barmy and warmy again.

Dub dub... Dub dub... Dub dub...

I rode on my bike and he just rode behind me. He hold on my waist and I could fe
el the electricity rolling up my spine.

"You are too heavy, Choi. You need to get off."

"Then you are not much a rider like I thought."

He is really getting in to my nerves!

"All right! Let's go."


She is a really good driver, I must say. She drives the bike smoothly, thought i
t's fast. Her hair smelled good today. I am getting aroused again. Damn! Why did
I rode off with her! I needed a diversion!

"I heard you have sisters. Are they like you?" I am really fascinated when she i
s annoyed and having these verbal encounters with her because that's the only wa
y I could draw attention from her. I am not usually like this. I have never trie
d so hard to draw attention from people especially with girls. My fianc is one in
trillion, I guess.

"They are nothing like me. Let's say I have my own interest and they have theirs
. I am not really close to them, anyway."


I am really light headed again. I haven't slept well last night because of that
kiss. Damn! I tried to lean back and rested my head at his chest.

"You know when I am close to a girl, I am compelled to touch her. But since you
don't look like one except for those attractive breast of yours, I might have se
cond thoughts."

That's it! I suddenly stopped and we both went down. He came towards me and held
me close.

"That was hell of a ride, brat. Now, I would like to extract few promises from y
ou." He said in a very seductive voice.

"No, promises, Choi, not a single one. Talk is over now, so let go of me."

"No. Just say please, brat."

"Go to hell!"

"When you say please very very nicely."

He is leaning towards me again. I think he is going to kiss me... I don't want t

o get lost in it again...

"Let of me, Choi."

"Say please."

"Dammit, let go of me!"

He lifted my chin with his other hand as his head began to lower.

"I did try..."

"Please, please, please..."

"There's a lesson to be learned here, brat. It is better to give in sooner. Now

win that competition for me."

"Up yours, Choi!"

I just drove off to our practice area. Next week, the popinjay will be busy beca
use of his business trips and I will have my competition. Wait! I have to send s
omeone to watch over that playboy. I will make sure, he won't sleep with other w
oman while he is on a business trip.

James, cousin is working with Solapower Inc. in Tustin. It's not very far from h
is house here but his assistant told us that he booked at Astoria suites. I know
my betrothed is planning to continue his escapades there, but not now. Not when
he is promised to me.

Her name is Ms. Jillian Smith. Ah Reum told me that she is executive secretary o
f the director of the R&D of Solapower. She informed me that the two had their i
ntimate affair last year when my fianc visited their company. The woman is nearly
40, divorced with 2 children. The woman is also living in Astoria. I knew it! I
am afraid that I have to spoil it for him. I hate to poop on his parade but he
is my fianc, and I don't like sharing what's mine.

---------------------------------Chapter 11

I am going to visit my other girlfriend, here, Jillian. I just slept with her to
close the deal with her boss. Anyway, since I am here, I might enjoy myself bed
ding her again. When I saw her she just ignored me and avoiding me all through o
ut the meeting. What happened to her?

"Jill, wait, did you miss me?"

"Slade, I needed this job. I still love my life. This scandal might ruin my care
er, my boss' career and this whole company."

"Jill, what are you saying?"

"You don't have to know, Slade. I don't want to have my ears cut off! Go away! G
et away from me!"

I was just stunned. How the hell did she find about Jill? I am not angry anymore
but I am furious with that minx! I am really pissed off! I am going to strangle
that brat!

I just had hell of a day. I am going to show up at the MX Competition. I will de

finitely distract her.

"Thunder, let's go to the MX competition."

"But you have booked for Astoria. You are going to spend the night with Jill, ri

"Nope. Not anymore."

"Did Ji Won, find out about her?"

I didn't answer him. I am just so pissed off.

"You are so dead man!"

"One more, Thunder, I swear I am going to make you eat my fist! Let's go now. Wh
ere is the MX Competition?"

"It's thirty minutes away from here."

"Who told you that?"

"Su Jin, her assistant."

"How did you get that information?"

"I just used my charms and I flashed her my dazzling smile."

"Just dream on, Thunder."


I am getting for the competition and Su Jin informed me that my betrothed might
watch the competition. I suddenly froze when I heard that. I am not sure if I wa
nt him to watch me but I suddenly feel that I will win this because he is here w
ith me. Why do I feel happy that he is going to watch me in this competition.

"Lover boy is going to watch you later, huh."

"I don't care, Mike."

"He is coming, Jack. Stop blushing."

"Shut up, Mike."

"Anyeong chaggia! Are you glad I'm here?"

"Are you here to cheer for me?"

"I am here to distract you."

"How are you gonna do that?"

"By doing this." He pulled me towards me and kiss me in front of a large crowd.

"Woot woot!"

The crowd is cheering for us. Our kiss was even shown in the big screen in the c

"What's that kiss for?"

"Think of me, Ji Won."

I think I am going to melt in that kiss. He did it again to me. I thought I am g

oing to win this competition but now, I am not sure.

"Break a neck, Ji Won."

I wanna strangle or slap him hard because of that retort. He is really an ass!

"Are you ready, Ji Won?"


"Don't think of pretty boy, okay? Win this thing, before we go to Korea."

"I need to win thing to qualify for the nationals."

"After you get married, perhaps."

I just rolled my eyes on him. If there will be a wedding!


I was looking at my betrothed. She looks hot when she wore her motorcross outfit
. She didn't look manly because of those huge breast. I just couldn't take my ey
es off her.

The competition had began. She did very good. Her landing from that jump was per
fect! My fianc never ceases to amaze me.

"Did you see that jump, Slade? Wow! She is very good. I think she is much better
than Nick. She is amazing! Utterly, amazing!"

"That's my girl."

I admit, I am really proud of her. I wanna tell the people around there 'Hey, I
am her fianc. A lot of men there are admiring my little brat. It wasn't surprisin
g that she won the competition. She is the WMX 2012 champion. We had a party aft
er that. They played 'heartbeat' by 2pm. They were very good and even Ji Won. I
was expecting her to dance girly songs by Girls generation or other girl idols b
ut she could dance hip hop and she could breakdance as well. Thunder is right. I
should not depend on my mother's decision whether to marry Jack or not. I would
be entirely up to us. Honestly I am quite attracted to her now. Maybe I should
stir up a little scandal so I could break this betrothal. Obviously, I can't sed
uce her and then ignore her because that wouldn't work! Damn! Why does she have
do be this unique!

"Your fianc has full of surprises, Slade."

"Thunder, why don't you seduce her?"


Why don't I do what?!"

"I said, why don't you seduce my betrothed. In that way, I will definitely have
definite grounds to break our engagement."

"Slade, we are not talking about your forget-the-next-day women you don't mind s
haring. We are talking about your betrothed, your soon to be wife! Chosen by you
r father, approved by your mother---well at least until she meets her."

"A fact I'm trying to change with a little cooperation from a friend."

"That's sick, Slade! Next you'll tell me you'd do the same for me."

"Of course, my friend."


Thunder knows that Slade isn't a jealous type of guy but Jack is what he is both
ered about. Jack isn't like the other girls, though Slade doesn't care about tha

"It would never work. Ah chincha! Not when she knows she can have you instead. S
he doesn't even look at me. If she looks at me it is as if I didn't exist. She j
ust ignores me. I have never been ignored by a woman before. She doesn't care ab
out you, what more about me?"
"You could try."

"When am I suppose to accomplish this infamous plan? Tonight?"

"No---don't be hasty. Take some to plan your strategy. First, sleep on it."

"Sure thing, Slade."


I am still watching them dance and I know the dance pretty well. I am watching h
ow her pants tightened witb each squat and kick. Her breast also bounced when sh
e leapt. She was very while dancing the song. I have known that she is to Kpop.
I also know the song so I joined them.


I have never thought that Slade would join the dance. It was rather contagious I
must say. Someone knocked at my door and it is Slade

"Uhm, Thunder, the thing I mentioned earlier... forgot I mentioned it."

"What was that? Well it is already forgotten." It is about the seduction of his

"Were you considering about it?"

"I was just humoring you, man."

"Good." He closed the door and I kept myself from laughing.

"Ah chincha michoso... Gaessekkiya!"


I have been trying to get in touch with Jill but, she just ignores me. I am real
ly in frustration now. Here, no woman looks at me and if there were other women,
Jack's 'men', were doing their best to catch the attention of the girls and I a
dmit, I am really pissed off.

"Hey cheer up! They're trying to save you from embarassment of Jack's causing an
other scene. You should thank them, you know."

"Just shut up, Thunder."

"Do you want to visit Kendra?"

"Who's Kendra?"

"From Grapevine. The Vineyard girl?"

"Ah, yeah. That'll be a good idea. Thanks, man but I don't trust that Jack show
up in that place if I'll go there. There wil be ears to be cut off this time if
I bedded that girl."

"Actually, she is better with her 8 limbs than a knife."

"8 limbs?"

"Muay thai. They said she throws perfect punched and kicks."

"Who told you that?"

"One of her trainers. They said that she nearly knocked off one of their clients
who blasted at one of her divers."

"So, she is prone to violence."

"Only in defense of what's hers. And you, my friend, she considers hers."

"Ah, Gaessekiya!"

"Are you going with me to Grapevine? We will be discreet, man."


He is planning to visit another girl. Her name is Kendra Willows. She is the dau
ghter of a wine company here in California. I already sent someone to send my pr
ivate message to that girl. Now, I am working on how to make him angrier so he c
ould cry off from this agreement.

"What are you smiling about, brat?"

"I was just having fun."

"Why, what did you do?"

"I was just riding around. Didn't you know, you aren't the only one finding you'
re amusement today."

"You did what?!"

"I was just having a trip to look at some grapes. You like grapes, right?"

"You are lying, Ji Won!"

"Well, maybe, but what made you think so?"

"What do you mean, 'maybe'? Do you make a habit of lying?"

"Of course. No one is so lily-white, you know. Eve you, I assume. It spices up l
ife like kochujang, don't you think?"

[Korean 101: Kochujang is the chilipaste that they add on their food. ^_^]

"No, I don't. Spice up life? But it complicates---Never mind. You are a grown wo
man, I will give you some tips on how to change your habits."

"Oh really, Choi? But I think I am the one who is changing your habits, right?"

"I still think you are lying. If you were off your own yesterday, my me would ha
ve had told me. Or maybe someone would have followed you."

"I am being spied on? Well then, I'll have to return the favor, won't I? I ask s
ome of my men to about your trips---"

"You mean at Solapower?"

"And with Grapevine as well. You philandering---"

"Casanova? I know I am."

"Casanova my ass! You know very well what I would do about it, right?"

"Yes, and I am also going to do the same to you, my sweetheart. You're fond of c
utting off ears? Well I cut off a hell of a lot more from any ma who put his han
ds on you---at least until after----"

"Yes, you already mentioned it a thousand times. What makes you think I can even
bear children? Maybe I've tried and failed."

He came towards me and stared at me.

"Then maybe it will be better if we find out beforehand."

"Ah nemse. It was you!"

"Me? I don't smell any different than I always do."

"Brat, you did not stink before."

"I told you, it makes people sick."

He just walked away in disgust. I was really grinning.

She left a message to Su Jin the next day.

"Jack, read this."

Note: Bathe yourself before joining us for breakfast or I will bathe you myself.

"Okay. Prepare my water, Su Jin."

When I went down to join them for breakfast, the popinjay, sniffed me.

"Smells like flowers, good."

I thought we are already off to go to Korea but he still forces his way to Grape

"James, did you tell your friend to warn the vineyard girl?"

"Yes. He made sure it was sent to her clearly."


"Your betrothed has already left."

"Okay. How long ago?"

"Ten minutes ago. He is with his friend."



I am here right now in Kendra's vineyard.

"Donald, where is Kendra?"

"She is still in her room."

I picked two stems of flowers to surprise her.

"Where is Kendra?"

They just ignored me. I push my way into the house and went up to stairs to her

"Go away! I like my ears as they are!"

"Damn you, Ji won! Ah Gaessekiya!"

It took me twenty minutes to go back to my house.

"Jiwonya! Iluwa!" [Jiwon, come here]

She just rolled her eyes at me. I am really angry now! Arrrghhh!



I knew he would be furious. He is experiencing hell right now. Naegachaegoya! [I

am the best!]

-------------------------------Chapter 12

"Oh hi there, sweety. How was your trip? I didn't expect you to be this early."

"There will no more threats from you, Jack! I will sleep with any woman I please
, when I please, and you cause one more to hide me in terror, I will bed you ins

I was in shocked when I heard that. U wasn't hoping to hear that. I just held my
arms in akimbo at looked at him squarely.

"No, you won't. As long as you belong to me, you'll be faithful to me. I don't k
now why you keep making me repeat that. And you won't be bedding me until we hav
e a wedding. If you want your women back, you know what you have to do."

"And you think I will accept that ultimatum? Huh! Michonom!"

"Well, no one says you have to accept that, Choi. You'll have to accept the cons
equences if you don't."

I am really nervous but not scared. I hope he doesn't sensed that. We won't be h
aving this discussion if he hadn't gone to that vineyard girl. I really hate him
now. I am not doing this anymore because I wanted him to cry off but I am doing
this now because I am hurt. I think I am falling for this jackassed popinjay. A
h, michogetta!

"How the hell you find about--about--?"


"Yes, Kendra, or whatever her name is!"

"Kendra Willows, daughter of Stanley Willows, the owner of Willows Winery in Gra
pevine, CA. 28, stands 165 centimeters, blood type... uh, O. She graduated with
a degree--"

"Spare me the details, Jack! How the hell did you fimd about her?"

"You'd be amazed at the kind of information you can gain when you have connectio
ns. Our company is widely popular here in the Pacific Coast and the whole of Uni

ted States."

"Did you vist her? You were busy for the past weeks, weren't you?"

"Thank God, I wasn't there to see her myself or I will be in jail right now for
cutting off ears. I sent someone with my message. Well I'm glad it was delivered

"I don't doubt that. I see your employees need to be keen to cope up with your t
wisted mind, director."

"That's what you call loyalty."

"Are you implying I have none?"

"Those were your words, not mine."

"My loyalty is only given to only selected few."

"How about me? I am not one of the few?"

"Those are YOUR words, not mine."

"Not even if I become your wife?"

"I think you should come before your senses before then."

"I hate to burst your bubble, well you should come to your senses, Choi!"


Once again, they are standing nose to nose. She was glaring at him while he scow

ling down at her. They were breathing nervously. There was a great passion betwe
en them. Slade felt he would die if he couldn't kiss her and Jack couldn't take
her eyes off his sexy lips.

He suddenlyb pulled her against him and kissed her torridly. She remembered the
taste of her betrothed, very hot, fiery hot and wild. This kiss was much better
than she remembered. She was moaning at that kiss and that drove him wild and pu
lled her closer to him. When the kiss ended, Jack's first reaction was to slap h
im because of the kiss and the eerie feeling she had because of that.

"YA! What the hell was that, Choi?"

"You can yell at me all day, chaggia, the next time you want to get physical, yo
u can't be sure I won't hit back."

"Y-You won't?"


He towered me again and looked at me seductively.

"No. I will just pin you down to the ground and make love to you instead."

That retort somewhat excites me! What the...?

"Why didn't you this time?"

"I still believe in fair warning but I am afraid you won't have any choice in th
at matter."

"What will you do if I fight you?"


"You know what that's called, don't you?"

"When I've already given you the warning? That would be an invitation, chaggia."
He is taunting me with those hazel eyes. Aigo! And that smile! I think I am goi
ng to lose my head!

"Go, then! Go back to her, I don't care! We are going ahead of you to Korea."

He just held my arms and smiled again.

"Be still, Jack. No I don't think so. I think I'll wait until you slap me again.
" I just rode on my bike again and put on my helmet.

"Wise, decision, Choi. I'm so sorry about my interruption to your fornication wi

th that whore. I think you have to put your energy elsewhere, Choi."

"Did anyone ever tell you what a bitch you can be, chaggia?"

"Well I do try."

The next day, my things were send via cargo ship to Korea. The ship will dock at
Yeonpyong Pier near Incheon.

"Don't worry about your bikes, my men will take care of them and your things as
well. As for now, we will ride on our BUSCO Private plane. I designed it myself,
you know."

Wow! I am amazed. I was in awe but I don't want him to notice that. It was a ver
y luxurious plane. It was very beautiful. That popinjay is good at designing, I
think. I was listening on my galaxy note when the popinjay sat next to me.

"What can you say about this plane?"

"It is okay."

"Okay? Okay is a vague word, you know."

"Yeah I know a lot more about planes like I know French."

"Are you always like this, Jack? You know, you are the big B. Whatta bitch!"

"Well, you are a d*ckhead. You are pompuous, accomplished flirt and an asshole."

"Wow! That is something, Jack."

"It's gonna be cold in Korea nowadays. You might want to find my hug so comforti

"I'd rather catch pneumonia and die."

"I am not necrophylic. I enjoy my women hot, not dead cold."

"What a blabbering idiot. Do you mind? I want to enjoy my music for a while."

"Sure. I will just amuse myself with the beautiful flight attendants."

He is really annoying me. He just stood up and started to flirt with a very beau
tiful flight attendant. He is really trying my patience!

"Ya! Yobo! Paliwayo!" [Hey, husband, wait for a while]

"I miss you out there, yobo. Who are you?"

"A-Anyeong hashumnikka, Lim Eesangnim" [bow]

"Stay away from my fianc! Two choices, stay away from my fianc and keep your job o

r flirt with him and lose it together with your ears?"

The girl was just stunned and looked at Slade and the girl got teary eyed.

"Ah chincha! CHOOSE!"

She just cried! Huh!

"Jack, leave her alone. Let's go back to our seat."

He seemed really angry now. This is the first time I saw him this angry. He look
ed really scary.

"We will settle this once and for all when we go back to Korea. Do you really th
ink I care about you? Let me clear this up to, I don't really care about you. We
are not married yet but you making this a hell of an experience for me! Huh!

"Very well, are you done? Don't worry, I won't make any threats to your whore ev
er again. Be sure to break this engagement when you see your mother!"



It was awfully cold in Korea because it is already winter. When we reached Yeonp
yong Pier, I was informed that some guys stole all my bikes! What the!

"Su Jinya! Wegeule?" [What happened?]

"Some guys took your bikes. One of his men said that the ship was hijacked by so
me guy headed by a man named Jin Hyuk Song.

"Who is he?"

"They said he was a member of a famous mob here. He is the leader of one of the
famous Kkangpae here in SK."

"Is the Navigator works in here?"

"I don't know. I haven't tried. They didn't take Yam and Saki with them though."
[Yamaha=Yam; Saki=Kawasaki]

I need to get my bikes back! Ah chincha! I will kill them all!

"Where are you going, Jack?"

"I am getting my bikes back."

"Are you crazy? Do you know where they are?"

"The Navigator said that they are up North, near the border."

"It's freezing out here, much more in the North! It is also dangerous, Jack."

"I don't care. If he asked, tell him that I am just taking back what's mine."

"Jack! Jack!"

Whatever happens... If I will live or not, at least I'm not going to lose them w
ithout a fight!


Her bikes are gone! My men told me it was Jin Hyuk who took them. I knew this wo
uld happened! But I couldn't find her.

"Where is Ji Won?"

"She went off to take her bikes back."


"She went off an hour ago. She said she go up north."

"Is she crazy? It is a lot colder out there and he doesn't know much about the m
ountains here."

"I told her that but she won't listen."

"She could die in that cold! Dammit! I will use this, is it okay?"

"Yes, I think."

"Slade, you go first, we will back you up. I will get the pick up from your hous

"Okay. You can tell Cage about this. Cage has some unfinish business with Jin Hy
uk Song."


I think I am already lost. The Navigator is not working here. The man I asked be
fore said that it would be up here in the mountains. I am not sure if my fuel is
enough to make it to the top. My body is frigid now. I think I might faint...


It's so damn cold and I can't find her! Where could she be?!


My voice just echoed. I am just scared that something might happened to her. I w
ill never forgive myself if something happened to her. I don't care about my saf
ety now. I just want her to be safe. I need to find her.

---------------------------------------Chapter 13

Huh! That guy is something? $65,000? I only worth $65,000? I am his fiance! Huh!

"Maybe you also heard that Cage paid $65,000 for Missy."

"But she got passed around! I am not a whore, Choi! Ah, Gessekkiya! Who was the
other woman and how much did you pay for her!"

I need some things to throw at him! I really furious! I am not jealous! Well am
I? I just want to hit him!"

I was reaching for more plates from the cupboard but I felt I was being lifted.
What the?


I lifted her from behind and I shook her. She just screeched ang kicked backward
aiming for my knees. I am smelling her. She smells good. Here I am again! But I
am not going put her down.

"What other woman are you talking about?"

"Put me down!"

"When you calmed down, I will!"

"What other woman?"

"The one that your friend mentioned----"

"Excuse me, he is not my friend."

"----when he asked if I will be worth as much as the other one!"

That's it! I think I already nailed it. That's why she was glaring at me before.

"Were you jealous, Jack?"

"Answer my questions, Choi!"

"Answer mine first--- or did you remember my promise to you before when I warned
you about being violent towards me-----"

"Son of a---"

"I am not going to put you down unless you will calm down. And---"

"I am not jealous! It's the women you are thinking about bedding who will feel t
he point of my blade. And I told you why."

"Yes, I know, becauae I am yours. You are jealous, chaggia. I am so flattered."

"Flatter my ass! Who is she?"

"Seo Eun Hae."


"Director Seo Eun Hae. My cousin's wife. She is the wife of BUSCO's president. S
he used to be a bar girl before, raised in America, she was lost but that was a
long story. And I know you are not interested to here it. Aren't you ashamed of
you have assumed?"

"You have no shame either, bite me!"


"How much was paid for her?"

"$1,000,000, and before you compare yourself to our president's wife, it was a h
igh price indeed and Seok Jun [Nikolas] expected to have it haggled down. But my
cousin just paid them what they want and have his bride back. But he just set t
he bar higher that's why Jin Hyuk asked for a ridiculous price for his demands."

"The price for my bikes is not ridiculous."

"Jack, they are just simple people with simple needs. It is hard to live up here
in the mountains. They are not so bad. The people they ransom here are just ann
oyed by the inconvenience. That's the kind of job they know and it is easy to ge
t money that way. Seok Jun can maintain status quo in here but I don't know abou
t Jin Hyuk."

"So, we are really not in danger in here?"

"Well, if Seok Jun is here, maybe. Jin Hyuk just hates Cage so much, he is in ch
arge right now and I am not so sure if we are going to be okay."

"You can put me down, Choi."

"No more throwing things?"

"Maybe. I am a kind of beat."

I let her go and I felt the coldness again. Burr...

How will I suggest that we should get out of these clothes?

"I think we have to get out of these wet clothes."

"Yeah I know."

Really? She could be sensible. Thank god for this! Wait... She will take her clo
thes off, they are in a locked room, alone---with a bed. Aigo! I am horny! I can
't think! I suddenly groaned.

"Weyo Gwen cha na?" [Why? Are you ok?]

"Ani. Gwen chana." [Nothing. I am okay.]

I just bent near the firewood. I need to get over this... Aigo! How will I put t
hese on fire? There's no heater in here. We are in the mountains...

"The fire, Choi. Are you cluless about that?"

"I haven't lit this before."

"Blast the Gangnam Style!"


"You are the classic example of Gangnam style, pabboya."

"Compared to you, you are the classic Kkangpaeng style."

[Korean 101: Gangnam style means New Yorker Style. --- Kamsahamnida, Sir Mid Eum

"Let me do that."

"No, I can do it."

We will die of hypothermia if I will let you do that. May I?"

I just gave her the matches because I was really clueless about it.

"So, why Jin Hyuk hates your cousins so much?"

Good! I need diversion right now... Think and forget about your notch!"

"Jin Hyuk was inlove with Missy, Seok Jun's daughter, and maybe he still is. Mis
sy met Cage, eight years ago when he was still a junior director at BUSCO Engine
ering and she was Cage's mistress for a time. They had a fight and came back her
e. Cage followed her to win her back and he ended up paying $65,000 to Seok Jun
before he let Missy leave with my cousin. Jin Hyuk insisted that Cage should fig
ht him before letting Missy go."

"Did he?"


"What a romantic guy."

"Did you say romantic? You are aware of the word?"


"It was not romantic, Jin Hyuk fought dirty but still lost. Jin Hyuk was a sore
loser. When Anne was captured----"

"Who's Anne?"

Before you react any further, Anne was Seo Eun Hae's English name. As I said, sh
e was raised in America and insisted to br called by her English name. Cage came
here again and they had a challenge again but they used knives this time."

"So I assume Cage won again."

"Of course. But he is still not satisfied, though Seok Jun warned him to stop fi
ghting with Cage coz he might get killed this time."

"But Seok Jun isn't here to warn him. You think he is going to challenge you bef
ore this is over?"

She is concerned about me? I am so touched!


I felt that instinct to protect him. I won't let him fight that ugly bastard! I
don't want to see him hurt... What am I saying?

"He'd be a pabbo to challenge me."

"He strikes you as having some of intelligence, does he?"

"Are you concerned, chaggia?"

"No. I just want him to make sure he'll kill you, that's why."

"You are concerned about me, I am so touched."

"Keep dreaming, Choi. There you go. Move closer here. I will just take off my cl
othes. I will stay behind you. NO PEEKING!"


She is undressing behind me. I wonder how she looked like without her clothes on
. I am really enticed now! I am really horny!

"You can look now."

The blanket wrapped around her. Her clothes are draped the back of two chairs ne
xt to her. I also saw her feet. She has the most beautiful feet I have ever seen
. Oh my. She is completely naked under that blanket, or is she still wearing und
erwear? Does she ever worn an underwear? Should I ask her?no, I will only embarr
ass myself. Why did I requested for private quarters? Aigo!

"You xcan take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

"Are you crazy? Ok, I don't even like this situation but---"

"Me either."

"We are adults now, there's only one bed. One you remove your boots, the cold wi
ll seep into floor boards, I doubt if they have ondol system in here. You will g
et hypothermia if you will still insist----"

"I get the point, Jack!"

I am really piqued Huh!

"You can try to get someones attentiom for a separate quarter but I doubt it. I
think they are already barrel deep in their celebration. No one will pay attenti
on to you."

That was what I have been thinking. But this won't work out. I am not sure if I
can control myself. I wanted her--- well, not her exactly but my body needed her
. I am a kind of guy that often allowed my body to govern me, but I can't do tha
t now. I am very aroused now, but I wouldn't let her know that.

"You are damn right. I thought you are going to be narrow minded about this."

"I don't have to be narrow minded about this. There's nothing wrong about sharin
g body heat on a night like this. But don't get any wrong idea, Choi, I'd rather
sleep next to any other body than yours but since yours happens to be the only
one here---"
"Go to bed and sleep? Morning can't come soon enough for me."


He finally took off his clothes near the fire place. Oh my god! He is perfect. 8
packed abs, perfectly muscled arms... I was gasping for breath. He is going to
lie next to me? Aigo!


It was a real torture to lie next to her in that bed. She was wrapped in her bla
nket but I could still feel the heat radiating from her body. It was really cold
. I am dying now to feel her warmth. It is not sexual attraction, well the sexua
l need is already here... I am not so sure if it is need for warmth or a carnal

---------------------------------------Chapter 14

Huh! That guy is something? $65,000? I only worth $65,000? I am his fiance! Huh!

"Maybe you also heard that Cage paid $65,000 for Missy."

"But she got passed around! I am not a whore, Choi! Ah, Gessekkiya! Who was the
other woman and how much did you pay for her!"

I need some things to throw at him! I really furious! I am not jealous! Well am
I? I just want to hit him!"

I was reaching for more plates from the cupboard but I felt I was being lifted.
What the?


I lifted her from behind and I shook her. She just screeched ang kicked backward
aiming for my knees. I am smelling her. She smells good. Here I am again! But I
am not going put her down.

"What other woman are you talking about?"

"Put me down!"

"When you calmed down, I will!"

"What other woman?"

"The one that your friend mentioned----"

"Excuse me, he is not my friend."

"----when he asked if I will be worth as much as the other one!"

That's it! I think I already nailed it. That's why she was glaring at me before.

"Were you jealous, Jack?"

"Answer my questions, Choi!"

"Answer mine first--- or did you remember my promise to you before when I warned
you about being violent towards me-----"

"Son of a---"

"I am not going to put you down unless you will calm down. And---"

"I am not jealous! It's the women you are thinking about bedding who will feel t
he point of my blade. And I told you why."

"Yes, I know, becauae I am yours. You are jealous, chaggia. I am so flattered."

"Flatter my ass! Who is she?"

"Seo Eun Hae."


"Director Seo Eun Hae. My cousin's wife. She is the wife of BUSCO's president. S
he used to be a bar girl before, raised in America, she was lost but that was a
long story. And I know you are not interested to here it. Aren't you ashamed of
you have assumed?"

"You have no shame either, bite me!"


"How much was paid for her?"

"$1,000,000, and before you compare yourself to our president's wife, it was a h

igh price indeed and Seok Jun [Nikolas] expected to have it haggled down. But my
cousin just paid them what they want and have his bride back. But he just set t
he bar higher that's why Jin Hyuk asked for a ridiculous price for his demands."

"The price for my bikes is not ridiculous."

"Jack, they are just simple people with simple needs. It is hard to live up here
in the mountains. They are not so bad. The people they ransom here are just ann
oyed by the inconvenience. That's the kind of job they know and it is easy to ge
t money that way. Seok Jun can maintain status quo in here but I don't know abou
t Jin Hyuk."

"So, we are really not in danger in here?"

"Well, if Seok Jun is here, maybe. Jin Hyuk just hates Cage so much, he is in ch
arge right now and I am not so sure if we are going to be okay."

"You can put me down, Choi."

"No more throwing things?"

"Maybe. I am a kind of beat."

I let her go and I felt the coldness again. Burr...

How will I suggest that we should get out of these clothes?

"I think we have to get out of these wet clothes."

"Yeah I know."

Really? She could be sensible. Thank god for this! Wait... She will take her clo
thes off, they are in a locked room, alone---with a bed. Aigo! I am horny! I can
't think! I suddenly groaned.

"Weyo Gwen cha na?" [Why? Are you ok?]

"Ani. Gwen chana." [Nothing. I am okay.]

I just bent near the firewood. I need to get over this... Aigo! How will I put t
hese on fire? There's no heater in here. We are in the mountains...

"The fire, Choi. Are you cluless about that?"

"I haven't lit this before."

"Blast the Gangnam Style!"


"You are the classic example of Gangnam style, pabboya."

"Compared to you, you are the classic Kkangpaeng style."

[Korean 101: Gangnam style means New Yorker Style. --- Kamsahamnida, Sir Mid Eum

"Let me do that."

"No, I can do it."

We will die of hypothermia if I will let you do that. May I?"

I just gave her the matches because I was really clueless about it.

"So, why Jin Hyuk hates your cousins so much?"

Good! I need diversion right now... Think and forget about your notch!"

"Jin Hyuk was inlove with Missy, Seok Jun's daughter, and maybe he still is. Mis
sy met Cage, eight years ago when he was still a junior director at BUSCO Engine
ering and she was Cage's mistress for a time. They had a fight and came back her
e. Cage followed her to win her back and he ended up paying $65,000 to Seok Jun
before he let Missy leave with my cousin. Jin Hyuk insisted that Cage should fig
ht him before letting Missy go."

"Did he?"


"What a romantic guy."

"Did you say romantic? You are aware of the word?"


"It was not romantic, Jin Hyuk fought dirty but still lost. Jin Hyuk was a sore
loser. When Anne was captured----"

"Who's Anne?"

Before you react any further, Anne was Seo Eun Hae's English name. As I said, sh
e was raised in America and insisted to br called by her English name. Cage came
here again and they had a challenge again but they used knives this time."

"So I assume Cage won again."

"Of course. But he is still not satisfied, though Seok Jun warned him to stop fi
ghting with Cage coz he might get killed this time."

"But Seok Jun isn't here to warn him. You think he is going to challenge you bef
ore this is over?"

She is concerned about me? I am so touched!


I felt that instinct to protect him. I won't let him fight that ugly bastard! I
don't want to see him hurt... What am I saying?

"He'd be a pabbo to challenge me."

"He strikes you as having some of intelligence, does he?"

"Are you concerned, chaggia?"

"No. I just want him to make sure he'll kill you, that's why."

"You are concerned about me, I am so touched."

"Keep dreaming, Choi. There you go. Move closer here. I will just take off my cl
othes. I will stay behind you. NO PEEKING!"


She is undressing behind me. I wonder how she looked like without her clothes on
. I am really enticed now! I am really horny!

"You can look now."

The blanket wrapped around her. Her clothes are draped the back of two chairs ne
xt to her. I also saw her feet. She has the most beautiful feet I have ever seen
. Oh my. She is completely naked under that blanket, or is she still wearing und
erwear? Does she ever worn an underwear? Should I ask her?no, I will only embarr

ass myself. Why did I requested for private quarters? Aigo!

"You xcan take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

"Are you crazy? Ok, I don't even like this situation but---"

"Me either."

"We are adults now, there's only one bed. One you remove your boots, the cold wi
ll seep into floor boards, I doubt if they have ondol system in here. You will g
et hypothermia if you will still insist----"

"I get the point, Jack!"

I am really piqued Huh!

"You can try to get someones attentiom for a separate quarter but I doubt it. I
think they are already barrel deep in their celebration. No one will pay attenti
on to you."

That was what I have been thinking. But this won't work out. I am not sure if I
can control myself. I wanted her--- well, not her exactly but my body needed her
. I am a kind of guy that often allowed my body to govern me, but I can't do tha
t now. I am very aroused now, but I wouldn't let her know that.

"You are damn right. I thought you are going to be narrow minded about this."

"I don't have to be narrow minded about this. There's nothing wrong about sharin
g body heat on a night like this. But don't get any wrong idea, Choi, I'd rather
sleep next to any other body than yours but since yours happens to be the only
one here---"
"Go to bed and sleep? Morning can't come soon enough for me."


He finally took off his clothes near the fire place. Oh my god! He is perfect. 8
packed abs, perfectly muscled arms... I was gasping for breath. He is going to
lie next to me? Aigo!


It was a real torture to lie next to her in that bed. She was wrapped in her bla
nket but I could still feel the heat radiating from her body. It was really cold
. I am dying now to feel her warmth. It is not sexual attraction, well the sexua
l need is already here... I am not so sure if it is need for warmth or a carnal

---------------------------------------Chapter 15
I apologize for my previous message. You see, I don't put vote, comment or be a
fan at the end. It's entirely up to you. Thank you my Thefeastpicc family! I sha
ll finish this!



I know I would eventually warm up just Jack had. My arousal might quiet down if
I warmed up. I hope so. Maybe I might fall asleep. But surely, I am going to suf
fer through the worst night of my life. What I wanted is just within my reach, y
et I can't take it. It might as well be miles away from me. Huh!

The bed is just narrow and it means I will have to be closer to her without touc
hing her. I just lie there facing her. I am already close... Just few inches mor

"God! your feet are freezing!" She just reached beneath the covers pulled neares
t foot onto her lap, and began to rub briskly with her warm hands. Aigo her blan
ket opened in the front, held only by her shoulders. Pabbo, Min Ho! You are in t
he wrong position! Jajangna!

"Why didn't you have sense enough to stick them in front of the fire? Don't you
know that if your feet are cold, the rest of you doesn't stand a chance of warmi

ng up? Huh! Pabboya!"

There was a part of him burning! Burning, completely and hard! Ah pyonte! I am h
ere lying in bed and cannot help but to think that the woman I want is just lyin
g to me and I am sure that she is naked beneath her blanket. Huh!

I felt nervous when she rubbed my feet. It was indeed warm but I want her, I wan
t her now. I should be subtle in here. I have to be fast in making my move...


I should have just closed my eyes when I saw his body. He is just lying near me.
He said he wanted me, but... No! You love Kyohei! This man won't be my first! N
o way! But...

"I am still cold, Jack."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am. You are the one who suggested this thing and now you are not giving
enough of your heat to me---"


"Haish!" She just pounded her pillow and she was also groaning, well that's a bi
t encouraging...

"You've changed your mind?"

"No, go ahead. Just keep your hands to yourself."

Now, that's not encouraging. She turned to her side again and moved slightly bac
kward, while he moved forward. We are connected back to chest. But that's it! I
want it all! Buttocks to loins, thigh to thigh. Huh! I just came near her until
we are perfectly fit. But she just scooted away. I followed again until she coul
d move no farther and gave up.


I need to be subtle with this woman. I think a caress here, rub there, a shift,
a stretch, a warm breath on her neck, it won't be a threat, just a mere seductio
n. She is relaxing now, not stiff anymore. But a part of me has its own mind...
it is pressing against her buttocks...

"I think you are already warmed up, Choi."

"Then why am I still trembling?"

"I don't feel----"

"Of course you don't, you are bundled up in that blanket, when all you need are
the top ones---and me"


"If you don't believe me, just come closer."

"No, I believe you. Did I say, I didn't?"

"But you are not giving me all your heat. Or is it that you don't have anything
on underneath that blanket?"

"Yes, but---"

"So, what's the difference if you remove it? I don't call this sharing---"

"All right! Huh!"


He wanted me, all right! If I will give in tonight, I will have myself to blame.
It excites me to play this game with him. But how about my love for Kyohei?


This woman requires patience, even if it kills me, well it might, really. I am s
urrounding her with my heat. I haven't seen what was she wearing, but I could fe
el it. It is a sleeveless camisole. Well I am imagining her in silk and lace. Oh
my god!

I pressed my face to the back of her neck rubbing it against her hair and skin.
I felt her shivered.

"If you are getting cold, my arms mighf help."

"NO, I am not. I'm getting too wa----"

"I really appreciate this, Jack."


I just cannot relax now. Huh! Damn this man! His scent is intoxicating. All of h
im is intoxicating. Aigo!

"Am I making you nervous?"

"No, of course not."

"Good, because I don't think this will work until you---"



"Good, because I don't think this will work until you---" I am trying to curious
her. Tactics like this rarely fails. I hope it won't fail me now.


"Until you lie on top of me."

"THAT'S IT!" She sat up throwing back the blankets to go out of bed. Because of
desperation, I quickly snake my arms around her waist to pull her back now, I mo
ved on top of her to hold her and caught her mouth to stop her from protesting.
It somehow hushed her for the moment. It took only seconds to win her over. I kn
ew it.


Both of them are already distracted now, so I am going to continue this.

Slade was lost this time and so as Jack. She was indeed lost. She was lost when
she saw him removed his shirt and revealed those contoured muscles. He is more m
asculine than she could imagined. She even closed her eyes to fight it. She shou
ld have let him slept on the floor. She should have, but she hadn't. And when he
curled his body to hers, the desire had built inside get, had nearly taken her
twice and now it is empowering her. And he just hold her beneath him.

He just held her cheeks while he kissed her. He was gentle. He was thorough. He
was at his persuasive best. He was driving her mad with...

"Your body is a wonderland, chaggia. It drives me mad. I'm sorry I jusr can't li
e here next to you without making love to you."

Slade called her chaggia [honey] and it didn't sound mocking but an endearment a
s it was supposed to be. He wasn't giving her a chance to answer him. He was kis
sing her again, more deeply and she was drowning in sensations, the heat, his bo
dy, he is driving her mad as well. She was drowning in his kisses.



"Yes, now."

"Oh, god thank you." He whispered, covering her with kisses, not missing an inch
of it.

His touch and his kisses caused shiver to my spine, her arms and to her legs. Th
e covers were gone. He was her cover now, and she didn't feel cold at all. She s
till feels hot. She could doused in the snow if she wanted to. Slade also felt t
he same way when he moved and settled between her legs. He kissed her again and
moved down to her shoulders and to her chest. She zipped her cover all and helpe
d her stripped her clothes off. He saw her camisole and helped her get rid of he
r underwear. He kissed her and unhooked her bra. He was so surprised.

"Oh my goodness, they are more perfect than I imagined."

She didn't think so. She thought her breast are her worst feature because they a
re large. Whereas for him, he admire those because they were so beautiful. She j
ust looked at him oddly when he kissed them. She saw how Slade admired them. He
never left them alone. He kissed them, held them and suckled them. It made Jack
wilder with every kiss and touch.

He knew that is ready for him. If he won't enter her now, she might have her cli
max without him. She is mine. He kept on thinking.

"Chaggia, are you sure about this?" He just looked at her in eyes.

"Shut up, Choi, just make love to me, NOW!" She just pulled him and kissed him p

I really like to be with my gangster girl. He tried to calm her with little nibb
les while he removed the rest of her underwear, but she was demanding and passio
nately as she was in everything. She pulled her as soon as she was naked, her ha
nds gripping his buttocks, pressing him forward.

He was positioned accurately, because she seemed impatient. He thrusted upward a

s he slid home. He felt so much moist, heat and such incredible tightness, and a
n unexpected barrier that he broke through before he realized what it was.

She just flinched because it was indeed her first time.

thought. The pleasure was overwhelming them. He felt a
nd draw him deeper into her, and in the nexr heartbeat,
ver the edge himself caught in the most powerful climax
now belong to each other. I am yours, and you are mine,

She was finally his, she

pulsebeat surround him a
increadibly, he soared o
of his experience. They
she thought.

------------------Chapter 16

I really can't believe she's a virgin! Why didn't she tell me? I am not sure if
I am angry or not, but the need to protect her becomes stronger now. Damn! I fel
t I really need to marry her! Gaessekiya!


I was still in shock because of the thing that happened between us tonight. I ha
ven't even thought about Kyohei when we were doing it. Huh! Honestly, I liked wh
at happened between Slade and me. I think I am beginning to fall in love with hi
m but I shouldn't. I should make him cry off but how will do that after this? I
only have myself to blame for this. You are stupid, Jack! Pabbo! Huh! But it had
been nice, too nice as a matter of fact. It was more than I could ever have ima
gined. I hadn't expected that my first time would be that nice. I thought it wou
ld be clumsy and disgusting, but it wasn't. It was so wonderful.


It was a new experience for me. I have never lost control in that area before. I
just came immediately after the first thrust. I am experienced in this area and
I am always in control but with her... I think I failed in that area... Aigo!

"Choi, this thing that happened between us last night, just forget about it."

I was in shocked. Morago?

"Do I also have to forget you were a virgin?"


Why? I really couldn't understand her.

"Why didn't you tell me, Jack? I am not fond of bedding virgins and I don't want
you to be the first."

"Then why didn't you ask me, why did you assume then?"

"Because you were raised in America."

"That's a hasty generalization, Choi. I don't have to subject myself to you, Cho

"Why didn't you correct me? I believe you should have corrected me before."

"What for? We wanted each other to cry off from this betrothal, right? It wasn't
necessary. And besides, this winter is not a laughing matter and dying is not m
y way to get rid of you. I am still going to make you cry off."

"But something happened between us and you are a goddam virgin!" I am already fu
rious with her. She is so obstinate! Aigo!

"So? Don't act as if you are some kind of gallant or something. We both know tha
t we don't want to be tied up right?"

"You know I should let them have you, i can't imagine why I didn't."

I just put on my clothes though they are still wet.


I saw him getting dressed. The sight of those legs and firm buttocks before they
were covered held me breathless for a moment. I was caught up again, oh my good
ness, I need to stay away from this man.

"Don't worry, Choi, it is such a mistake why you are here with me. You don't hav
e to take the heroic light, and if you would, you are still an insufferable popi
njay. And what do you think you're doing? Those clothes can't be completely dry

"It doesn't matter since I am leaving."

"But we are locked or do you know how to walk through walls?"

"Maybe." He went to the door and slammed his shoulder into it. Nothing happened.

"You are going to hurt yourself by doing that."

"Shut up." His shoulder hit the door again. The nail plank gave way and the door

"You couldn't have thought of that sooner?"

"Mianhae, I wasn't angry enough then."


Damn this cold! It is still dark outside and I think Jin Hyuk and his men are st
ill celebrating.

"Are you coming?"

"Of course. I am not going to stay here with a broken door. Do you mind?"

"Do I have a choice, brat?"

"Have it your way."

We went to the old garage but we just can't see the bikes.

"Where would they have taken them?" She just asked.

"Who cares?"

"I am not leaving here without my bikes."

"Suit yourself."

"Sure thing, Choi." She just walked through the other side of the garage.

"Aigo! That party could break up at any minute. We don't have time to go searchi

"Did I tell you I needed your help?"

I wanted to shake her but it wouldn't fo any good. Her father is right. She is a
s stubborn as a mule.

"All right. The other garage might be there somewhere. This garage is quite old.
Maybe your bikes are in that container van. Or it might be----"

"There, let's go there. There might be there."

"Maybe. Let's be quick about this."

She just walked toward the other direction. What the hell is she doing? Of cours

e I needed to follow that crazy woman. We reached the container van few meters f
rom our private ramshackle.

"Hey bud, open up! It's Dong hae. I will relieve you now."

"Oh yeah? Jin Hyuk told me not to open this van to anyone but him. You need to w
ait until the morning to look at this nice bikes."

"He thinks you are one of them, keep playing that."

"But you are missing out the party, bud."

"No, it's all right. I already have my food and soju here. Now, leave!"

"Do something!"

"I can't bring this down. This is metal. I won't go out of my way for your bikes

"Huh! Well I am not going to leave without my bikes."

"Huh! Let's go, it will be better for us to look for your bikes tomorrow and I b
elieve Thunder and our men will be here."


"We will get them tomorrow, okay? Let's wait for Thunder."

"If I lose one of them, I swear, I'll kill them!

"Huh! Thunder is here."


We met 3 of Slade's friends together with my friends.

"At last you have found us!"

"This is the mountains, Slade. It took us a while to find you. Ki Mun said that
Jack's bike has some GPS installed in the motor. He didn't even bother to tell i
t to me earlier."

"You should have asked."

"Ah pabbo! You know we were looking for it! Huh Jjajangna!"

"You rich boy, I ain't your hired hand! Let's settle this here, pretty faced wim

"You'll be sorry, ugly face!"

"ENOUGH! We needed to take a rest and face Jin Hyuk tomorrow to bargain with him

"Where are the bikes?"

"They are locked up."

"But not for long. I think the five of you can----"

"Jack, I am all beat. You might not seem to be tired but I am really exhausted."

"Yeah, it figures." He just gave me a dark look.

"Jin Hyuk will be too drunk and senseless right now. He might not lower the pric
e for our bikes. If you think I am going to give in to the price that he was ask
ing, you are out of your mind, brat."

"I though you are going to get them one way or another?"

"Don't worry, BUSCO Steel is one of the richest Jaebol here in Korea. Those pric
es are not that expensive for us. Let's wait in the morning that will be our bes
t bet."

"And what if I disagree?"

"Are you always like this? Look at your men and assistant. Are you always an ice
queen? Just take pity on them and let them rest. We are already near Incheon an
d our company has a small house for us there."

"So we are close to your place, Choi?"

"I think so."

"Like we need 3 days more to go to his place."


After hearing that, she just gave me the glare and rolled her eyes at me.

"He was just joking!"

"I am not done with you Thunder!"

"My pleasure."

"Pleasure my ass!"

We just stayed in a small inn which was 2 km from the Kkangpaeng mountain. I am
staying away from Jack's sight because it is still awkward to face her after the
thing that had happened last night.

The next morning, we faced Jin Hyuk to make a sensible deal with him about the b

"Good morning, rich boy. Who let you out?"

"I let myself out. Now I want the bikes."

"Ah, yes. President's Cage's valuable bikes. I am excited about owning all of th

I really wanted to get this over with. As soon as we are out of these damn mount
ains, I will be okay. I just couldn't tolerate the coldness.

"The bikes aren't for Cage, I already told you that, bird brain. However, I didn
't stretch out the truth a bit yesterday, well, they aren't mine either---at lea
st not mine yet. They belong to this girl here, and she doesn't have the amount
you're asking. But I've promised to get them back for her. $10,000 each---no one
dies. Think before you answer birdbrain."

"Double or nothing and you accept my challenge."

"Lucky me, I can afford it and I don't have to waste my time."

"You fight me, rich boy or I keep the bikes for myself."

"Since they are my bikes, the choice of how we will fights you should be mine."

"Morago? Do you think I am stupid?"

"I am not sure. I guess your fist is much bigger than your brain. Like 10x much


The gangsters just laughed at him.

"Are you sure, woman? What game do you have in mind?"

"Jack, step out of this. This doesn't concern you."

"But they are my----"

"Wow, are you having a lover's spat?"

"Shut up, Jin Hyuk."

"I will fight you."

"No, Jack, just step out of this!"

"Okay, rich boy, I will change the terms. You will pay me double and you will fi
ght me, but If I will win, this lovely yojja will be my mistress."

"Just kill me!" Jack hissed.

"She isn't part of this agreement, Jin Hyuk. By the way, you are actually doing
me a favor, but I am afraid I can't let that."

"Quite possessive now, rich boy. We will be using sticks. Are you familiar with
Kumdo? I am sure you are, President Cage were bragging about that."

What the? What do I know about Kumdo?

Korean 101: Kumdo or the "way of the sword"

Kumdo is a modern martial art descended from kendo, which is practiced in Korea.
It is also romanized as kmdo, gumdo, or geomdo. The name means "the way of the s
word," and is a cognate with the Japanese term. Kumdo is a martial art that has
become engrained within Korean culture and society since being introduced from J
apan. ---



We are screwed! My betrothed is the classical Gangnam boy. He is the epitome of

Gangnam style. I am so dead! How will I kiss that gangster? Ugh! Gaessekkiya!

"Take it back. There shouldn't be any weapons, right?"


She is not confident that I will win this thing, neither am I. I will win this t
hing. I need to die first before he could take my fianc with him. Did I just say
that? Kumdo? It has been 20 years since I practice that.

"Stop this, Slade. He's using you as substitute for Cage." Thunder just held my
arms to stop me.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"How about, 'You don't have to do this'?"

I am willing to pay the ransom though I really don't care about this thing. Afte
r our betrothal was broken, Jack will go back to USA. I am not after her gratitu
de, it will just ruin my plan. I will just fight him because I will not let Jack

to be his mistress, not that I care... but why did I accept the challenge? Was
this suppose to be a gift for last night?

"Relax Thunder, if it gets too painful, I'll concede and pay the double ransom."

"Well, at least you haven't gone completely crazy. Or are you starting to care a
bout your little fianc."


"Concerned for me, chaggia?"

"Ah chuketa! No way!"

"Then stay out of it. Whether I win or lose, you still get your bikes back."


I don't want him to fight for me. He doesn't need to be gallant right now. I hat
e this! He shouldn't be my knight and shining armor.

After some minutes, the fight has begun.


"Are you ready, rich boy?"

"Yes, I am ready to smash you."

"Let's scrimmage! This won't have rules. Anything goes, rich boy. Here." He just
threw two sticks at me. I already forgot to use these things.


Choi is clueless about what's going to happened. Huh! Gaessekiya! Kumdo is not s
o difficult. I had learned that when I was 10. It was so easy, I think. Slade is
holding the sticks the wrong way! Huh! Pabbo!

"You will use the mokum. Just hit him as hard as you can. You will not use ho-my
un[head protector], so don't let him hit your mori [head], algeso?"

"Algesumnida, sansengnim [Yes, teacher]." She just stared at me.

"You really care, do you?"

"I just don't have choice, Choi. Ah chincha!"

"Just shut up and let me fight him, or you are now starting to care for me?"

"Yeah right! Yeol jung shio!" [stance]

"Min Ho ma, dul go he! [Min Ho, ready to strike!]

"Ye. Him bae go, Jin Hyuk ma." [Relax, Jin Hyuk]

"Let's ge this over with."

"Hori kal he, get ready, rich boy."

I knew at their first move that Slade will lose. Arggh! He was just defending. H
e is not doing the offense. He is totally clueless about it! Aigo! He is too bu
sy to know how will he attack Jin Hyuk. Huh!

"Sam dong jack mori!" [use three step drill on the head] He just looked at me an
d Jin Hyuk managed to lounge a strike that hit Slade on his shoulder and another
hit on his chest and stomach.

"Saegae, himju go!" [hit harder with strength]

"Toe-gyok-chi-ki!" [Strike and move backward]


I could hear her but I couldn't understand what she's saying. The next strike o
f Jin Hyuk hit me again on my shoulders and it really hurts!


"Did it hurt? Poor rich boy, huh? Your woman is mine!"

"Shut up!"

"Give it up, Choi, you can't win!"

Not with this, never! When Jin Hyuk thrust his stick again and I caught instead
and give it a hard jerk and I slammed my fist unto his face. Jin Hyuk's feet we
nt up as he went down. His nose was nose definitely broken. He passed out at o
ne punch.

"If you were going to do that, Choi, why the hell didn't you do it sooner?"

"Shut up, Jack!"

Thunder appeared on my side.

"The shoulder isn't bleeding bad, but you should have it cleaned and bandaged be

fore we leave."

"Why did you agree on this fight? I would have fought him. This is Sam dong ja
ck mori."

She just showed me how to do it and I heard her sticks swish.

"Sit down and let your friend tend you." She is bossing me around and ordering
me on what I should do. She was treating him like a child again, and in front o
f Thunder and everyone else this time. But it is better than showing me some gr
atitude for this.


I was really in a panic. It's turning me irrational and bitchy because I am afr
aid that he might lose the fight. Not because I am scared to be Jin Hyuk's mist
ress but I am scared because he is hurt. He is in pain. Feelings of gratitude
in connection with this man just didn't sit well with me. This is making me cra
zy! I still need to thank him.

"I have to thank----"

"Before you say anything, Jack, you should know that I didn't get those bikes fo
r you. If worse comes to worst, and we end up married to each other, I will def
initely sell them. They will make me rich, brat."

What the hell was that?


"I don't believe you'll have any say in the matter."

"I'll see you in hell first! A minute there, you were acting like you are the k
night and shining armor! Well, you are my knight and shining armor from hell!"

"You'll be putting me in hell if you don't end this damn engagement!"

"I told you, I can't. I made a promise!"

"Aigo, women break promises every day. What makes you so different?"

"Honor. I guess it's something aren't familiar with." I just turned away from
him and a bit teary-eyed. That thing that happened to us was just a big mistake
! Huh! I hated that man!


Sorry for super late update. I have a new job at the office so I needed to adju
st my schedule somehow. If you want to vote, comment or be my fan, go! I don't
want to push it. ^_____^
---------------------------Chapter 17
You can see the video of Korean idols dancing "Gangnam Style by Psy.... ----->>>


Why did he say that? I just can't believe he would tell me that. I am on the ver
ge of trusting him and now, it just swooshed away! Huh!

"Penny for your thoughts, Jack. Thinking about Gangnam boy again? Hey, I just he
ard he has a very nice house in Gangnam, Seoul. Thunder said, it was the Gangnam
boy's inherited house and mistress infested."

"Thunder? You are calling him by his first name now? Wow! But you used to killin
g each other before, right? Well I will make sure he will have no mistress anymo
re while I am there."

"While you are there? What do you have in mind?"

"You know very well what my plans are right?"

"You are so goddamn stubborn."

"Yeah, I know."

I just saw Thunder doing the silly dance. He looked funny.

"He is dancing the new dance now, the Gangnam Style dance." I also saw Slade doi
ng the dance and he is just so funny! Wait, I shouldn't be looking at him. I am
angry at him, am I not?


I was really furious at Jack! She told me that I don't have honor? I traveled ac
ross the world just to do what I have to do. I even followed her when she went t
o the mountains and now she will tell me, I don't have honor? Wait, this is what
I want right? I wanted her to hate me. But why do feel guilty about it.

"Slade, what did just happened a while ago? Why did you tell her that you would
sell her precious bikes?"

"Because I would. Did you hear what she said?"

"Yes, and you asked for it, if you want to hear what's on my mind. What the hell
possessed you to say that thing?"

"It was necessary, well did you hear her? She was about to thank me for what I d
id about her bikes!"

"Aigo! Michoso!"

"Gratitude and hate don't go hand in hand. You know, Thunder, this damn feeling
I have being trapped isn't going away."

"Do you want to be entertained?"


"Just do this." He then did this silly dance.

"What the?"

"Just try it. Mike showed it to me a while ago."

"Who's Mike?"

"Pabboya, he is the Jack's motorcross trainer. Aigo!"

"How would I know? Why are you dancing it? Looks stupid, you know."

"Keunyang!" [just!] Try it."

"I don't want to look stupid."

"You need to relax man. Hey, you know, you shouldn't depend on your mother now t
o settle this matter, and you don't quite trust her to react to Jack as you hope

"No. She will be horrified by Jack, I have no doubt, so it's not that. It is jus
t that something's trying to tell me I'm never going to escape the brat."


We arrived at Gangnam, Seoul. It was so beautiful. I was mesmerized at the beaut

iful scene. It is my first time to come here. Korea is so beautiful. I feel like
I am finally home. I wish Dad is here. Huh! It's been a long time since we last

talked. He didn't call and I appreciate the space he gave me. Slade's house is
quite grand. It is big and very luxurious. He let me store my built in garage in
his big warehouse area near his house. As we entered the house, someone welcome
d us in bikini.

"Slade, darling?"

I was shocked when I saw the beautiful woman in bikini. What the? I want to stra
ngle that yojja!


Aigo! Hae Jin! Who let her in? Arrgh! She has the password! How could I forget!
I am so dead! Jack is now scowling at her. Aigo!

"Good luck, nappeun namja [bad boy]....

... "[neo jug-eot-eo-- you are totally dead]

Yeah, I think so. She just stared at Hae Jin. The girl right now is shaking beca
use of Jack.

"YAH! NOO GOO NI?! [Hey, who are you?!]

"Ah... Uhm... Ah..."


"Mian haeyo! Mian haeyo, Eesangnim..." [Sorry, sorry, director]

"AH CHINCHA! IRUMHAE!" [What is your name?!]

"Hae Jin ida."

"MORAGO?!" [What?!]

"Jack, that's enough!"

"Don't you dare tell me what I shouldn't do!" She scowled at me and then faced H
ae Jin again.


"Na-Naneun Hae Jin imnida." Then she bowed at Jack. I really pity that girl. My
fiance is not only a gangster but also a dragon lady.

"Are you aware that the one you are calling your sweetheart is my fianc?"


"Well, newsflash for you, miss, he is my fianc. And I wouldn't like to share him
with anyone. If you want me to share him to you, well, I will need to kill you."


"I could also cut your ears and make you eat them..."


"At the count of three, you have to get out of this house or I will have to drag
you out, now choose."

Hae Jin is now crying and looking at me. Chincha! My fianc is really a cold blood
ed bitch!




"Jack, enough! Hae Jin, please go."

"Kamsahamnida sajangnim."

One of my body guards assist her to go outside.

"How dare you?!"

"Jack, enough of this possessiveness!"

"Now, break this damn betrothal and I will stop!"

"When you meet my mother---"

"Poor baby. The gangnam boy needs the help of his mother to make things right fo
r him."

"Will you shut up!"

"Break this thing off, weak bones!"

"Tomorrow, when we go to Busan."



I need to go to Busan. Can I go there with my bike? I will need to ask Mike.

"Mike! Come with me, let's go to Busan."

"Morago? Where in Busan?"

"BUSAN headquarters."

"I have a blind date tonight. I need to go to Noraebang later."

"Do you want to keep your job?"

"When will we leave for Busan?"

"At dawn."

"Okay. Ah Jjangna..."


"Aniyo. Good night Eesangnim."

Korean 101: Dating in Korea

Blind dates are very common in Korea. First they will meet in the restaurant and
then go to a noraebang or ktv bar. The word 'bang' means room. e.g., pc bang =
pc room or computer shop.


Next week, I will try my best to update.... Ah pee gon hae! [I am tired]

Vote or comment if you want

Aja aja! Fighting! ^_______^

Chapter 18

I just went inside the big house again. I looked at my phone and I saw the pictu
re of my father. I miss him so much. I also looked at Kyohei's picture. Why I do
n't feel anything anymore? I don't feel giddy anymore when I looked at his pictu
re now, unlike before. What the hell is happening?

"Jack. This will be your room." I looked at the large spacious room. It was real
ly big.

"Nice, isn't it?"


"Thunder asked me why you don't want to marry Slade."

"You didn't tell him, did you?"

"Was it suppose to be a secret?" She just looked at me innocently.

"It's none of their damn business."

"It's most certainly is Slade's business, and you shoulda told 'im." She just sn
orted and her black American accent.

"He never asked---you didn't tell Thunder everything, did you?"

"Ah, you mean all those wasted years---? Of course not. I told him to ask you."


Yeah, I existed in this story. I just need to speak up and I am really pissed of
f with Jack! I lied when I said I didn't tell Thunder about that despicable ass
Kyohei! Arrrghhh! I hated that guy because I know he is... Nappeun namja!


I think Slade is really angry at me. I hated him because I felt he should have b
een faithful. But thinking about that, we are really not bound to each other. Th
e thing that we shared that night... Oh damn, I kept on thinking about that. Kyo
hei. I hated him. If Slade would learn about Kyohei,it wouldn't make any differe
nce. But would he care about that? I think he would be ecstatic to know that I a
m inlove with another man. Now that we are here at Gangnam, at his mansion here.
I've done everything to make him cry off, but I am still betrothed to him, and
my time is running out.

We will go to his family home in Busan tomorrow. Someone mentioned that I will m
eet Director Minnie, Slade's mother there. I wasn't sure if Thunder or Nick ment
ioned that. I rarely talked to them. I am dreading the meeting because I think s
he is going to make the betrothal so final.

Do I need to act so barbaric in front of my soon to mother-in-law? Should I give

it up? It didn't affect Slade thar much if I act like this. How about his mothe
r? If it matters to her, would she sway her son to get him change his mind? Well
I don't know. Probably not, but If there was even a smallest chance, I should h
ave to take it. But it means I have to be outrageously ill-mannered in front of
a director of the most powerful company in Korea. And this woman had been the wi
fe of my father's best friend.

When I was in Kkangpaeng San, a little voice inside tolde that I shouldn't fight
my feelings and marry him. Of course, I just skirt it. There were a hundred rea
sons why I couldn't marry that namja or didn't want to, or what am I thinking? W
hy am I confused?

I remember our love making. Well I chided from thinking about it. I just stayed
away from Slade after that. But when he was near, I just caught myself staring a
t him, I would remember his lovemaking so clearly, it would render me breathless
. At night, when my mind is in idle, the memory kept on haunting me. I just thou
ght what if I get pregnant and was forced to marry him, I might forget all the r
easons he would make a terrible husband and I might love him more than he deserv
es. I am also forget that I might get hurt from it.

I didn't want to be here with him in my native country, Korea. Well I love my co
untry but this means that my wedding is imminent. Maybe days, weeks but not a mo
nth. Whatever delays I came up with wouldn't last for long.

The meeting with his mother tomorrow is making me sick. Or is this nervousness o
ver meeting my soon to be mother-in-law? If she welcomes me with open arms, I'd
probably lose my cookies all over her.

In the morning, I am planning to go ahead of him to Busan. I saw him dressed up

in his gray suit.

"When are we going to visit your omma?"

"You're speaking to me again?" He looked surprised when I asked that. Oh he smel

led good.

"You actually noticed that I wasn't?"

He just sighed, "I wish I hadn't noticed that you are again."

"My question?"

"I have a meeting this morning. We might go to Busan, tomorrow."

"Okay, I might go ahead. You just follow us there."

"What? You will go there now?"

"Yes. Why? Are you worried that I might gross out your mother? Or you also have
a mistress installed somewhere in Busan? How dare you collect a bride from the U
S while you have hundreds of mistresses all over Korea." I am fighting with him

"I went to California to get rid of a bride, not bring her home with me. You wer
e supposed to have sense enough to see we wouldn't possibly suit. But don't worr
y, my other mistresses are in other cities and Hae Jin will be in an apartment s
omewhere else before the end of the day."

"So you won't get rid of them?"

"I warned you I wouldn't, chaggia. So why don't you realize that that gives you
grounds for breaking this engagement?"

"I am just not bound by the agreement, pabbo, I'm bound by my own word to marry
you. Are you stupid to know that that means no matter what you do, with only one
exception? Refuse to marry me, that will end it!"

He just walked near me and I stepped back until I am backed against the wall, an
d he braced his arms on my both sides.

"I'm beginning to look forward to this marriqge, just so I can spend the rest of
my life making you miserable."

I am just too angry to be intimidated by this popinjay.

"Misery loves company, honey, So don't think I'll be suffering mine alone." I ju
st slipped out from under his arm and I just marched out the door.

I needed to get away from him. I have to forget about him. When he found me in t
he Kkangpaeng San, he hadn't let me far from his sight. And the thing that happe
ned yesterday and today, I lost my temper again. I really don't care how many wo
men he had. Others? He said others? Ah sh*bal gaessekiya! No, damn! I really did
n't care. I just need to be consistent with my behavior towards him, but I reall
y didn't mean it. Thank god he didn't remember his warning about threatening any
of his women. I am so thankful I had gotten out there just in time, because we
were close again physically and he was do damn intoxicating. His lips. His breat
h. I am just scared that I might lose control again with him.

"Mike! Where is Duke?" [Duke is short for Ducati]

"Set him up for me."

"How about the truck?"


When I was close to her, I can't help but to smell her. She is so intoxicating.
I could still smell her scent, still see the fury in her raven eyes, her passion
, her...

She is driving me crazy! Ah michogetta! I am still here near the wall where I co
rnered her. I still couldn't move since she slipped away from me. I had to contr
ol this, I really think I could. I needed to keep distance from her. I did manag
e to do it until today.

I know she still going ahead to Busan though I didn't allow her. What if she get
lost in the city? I won't be there to protect her. She only get that Mike to be
with her. He also doesn't know about the roads, streets or whatsoever. I got my
phone I need to call her. Wait... I didn't have her number! She is my soon to b
e wife, I bedded her and I haven't got her mobile number! Ah Pabboya! I went out
to find Jin her assistant.

"Su Jin ya, where is Jack?"

"She went to Busan together with Mike."

"Huh! Do you have her number?"

"Yes. But I am afraid you won't be able to call her because her phone is with me

"WHAT?! How stupid can she be!"

"We're about to go after her. You can join us or you can go there tomorrow."

"I am going with you."

"Okay. Did she wear her helmet?"

"I think she did."

"You think?!"

"Yeah. Let's go." She just informally called me.

"Choi Eesangnim. I think you should address me as that especially here."

"Algesumnida, Choi Eesangnim." She sarcastically address me and bowed. Ah chinch

a, she is like her boss!


VOTE, COMMENT, whatever you want. ^_^

-------------------Chapter 19

After few hours, we already reached Busan. Huh! But I am really worried about he
r. When I reached my mother's house, I saw her duke parked outside. Aigo! Michog
etta! I entered our house and went directly to mother's parlor.

"Where is she?"

"You'd been gone for 3 months and this is the greeting I----"

"Omma, Ji Wonya, O disoyo?"

[Let's study Korean!

O diso = Where is... (informal)

O disoyo = Where is... (formal)

The conjugation should be: (noun) O di so or Odisoyo?

E.g. Ji Wonya Odisoyo?

Yolshimi Gongbuhe, araso? (Study hard, okay?)]


"Mother, where is Jack?" I am really pissed off right now!

"Who's Jack?"

"I mean, where is Jacqueline Lim? Was she here?"

"No, she isn't. Why isn't she with you? Only her maids have arrived so far, she
arrived just minutes ago."

"Was she wearing a blue coverall?"

"Yes. She came with another girl, a bit younger perhaps. Were they the new femal
e welder for our company?"

"She suppose to go here not in our company. Where is she?"

"Aigo! Don't tell me, she is Director Jacqueline Lim?"

"I am afraid so."

"Ah mori appa! [headache] I sent her to the maid's quarter! Ah aigo!" I just sta
rted to laugh at my mother's reaction.

"I've never been so embarassed! Why didn't she say anything?"

That is so like my Jack. We were still staying at the parlor waiting for Jack to
join us for dinner. Meanwhile I went to the office of my cousin to let him know
that I have arrived. But I just learned that he was in a conference with other
board of directors. So I just left a message for him that I would see him tomorr

I also met Hae Jin to calm her. I was just careful because Jack's people are sti
ll around and might miscontrue my meeting with Hae Jin.

"This will just be temporary, Hae Jin. Please understand."

"Yes, but I miss you, honey. Bogoshipda..."

I would have to make love to her but I haven't got the desire to do so. Hae Jin
is petite and has a delicate body and didn't tempt me the way it used to, not wh
en I could all think of was the vuloptuous curves and large breast that my hands
couldn't contain... Aigo! Not again! I just came back to my mother's house and
found her in her study room.

"Slade, why did your fianc didn't say anything?"

"She didn't say anything because she doesn't care about such things. You can let
her stay in the garage and she would have been happy."

"That's ridiculous! And her clothes! Why was she dressed that way? Her father wa
sn't frugal I believe."

"Nope. They were the richest company in America. She brought her whole closet wi
th her, I wouldn't know if there was a single dress in there. The way you saw he
r is the only way I've ever seen her dress." Mother is scowling at me now.

"You are not funny, Min Ho! I don't find it amusing."

"I can't tell you how glad I am to know that, Omma. As a matter of fact, I can g
uarantee that you aren't going to find anything amusing tonight."

"What do you mean? Why won't I be amused tonight? What's wrong with her?"

"He was just warning you about me, Eesangnim."


"Since he can barely tolerate me, he must assume that you won't be able either."

"My dear girl, whatever gave you that.... idea?"

I just watching them both. Maybe mother has noticed that Jack is still wearing t
he clothes she had arrived in without the tousled hair.

"If you don't believe me, director, you have to ask him. He despises me."

Again, Jack frankness shocked mother.

"Slade, tell het that isn't true."

I just gave a sweet smile. "Of course it isn't true. Whatever I feel for you, Ja
ck, I could never despise you. That's such a cold emotion, and mine is much warm
er---where you're concerned."

She just rolled her eyes at me.

"So, we are to lie for your mother's sake?"

"Ah chincha! I don't despise you, dammit!"


I am about to lose my temper! That smug look of hers was making me lose it again
. Ah that manyo! She is deliberately putting me on the hot seat.

"Forgive me, mother. Why don't we drop that subject and go in with our dinner?"

"An excellent suggestion---except Jack, wouldn't you like to exchange first?"

I saw Jack giving my mother a feigned look of innocence.

"Change what?"

"Your clothes, dear. We dress for dinner here."

But I am dressed." She just glance down at herself.

"No, I mean----"

"Give it up, omma. I honestly don't think she owns any dresses."

"Yes, I do. What do you think was in all those luggages we brought here?"

"Wrenches, sticks or daggers."

She just laughed. It surprised me. She has a very lovely laughed. It also made m
e smile, but omma wasn't amused.

"We will continue this discussion of clothes tomorrow, Ji Won. For now, Slade, e
scort us to the dining room."

I didn't give mother any warning about Jack's table manners. If mother insult Ja
ck in her shock, she might lose her temper and I wouldn't know where will this l
ead. As I have recalled Jack rarely took offense about her unusual habits.


Some time actually passed before Minnie noticed that Jack was eating with her fi
ngers. She wasn't so much shocked as embarrassed, though she wasn't very careful
about expressing what's on her mind about the girl's eating habits. Minnie coul
d be direct at times.

"Didn't anyone teach proper table manners, dear?"

"Well, I don't know. Maybe they did, but it's been so long, I forget."

"Why didn't you continue the lessons?"

"You must be joking, director. To deal with so many utensils is a waste of time,
when I could be spending my time riding my babies instead."

"Aigo! Riding your babies?"

"Bikes, omma."

"Bikes? You call your bikes your babies?"

"Motorcycles, omma. She was the last year's motorcycle racing champion last year

"That isn't funny, Slade!"

"It wasn't meant to be."


I could feel director Minnie's incredulous look on me. Keeping this pretense for
his mother's benefit was much easier than I thought it would be, with Slade's p
resent. He would remain here. After dinner, he might go somewhere else and...

"Just how many others do you have besides that whore at your house in Gangnam, S

His mother gasped and Slade nearly choked.


I can't believe that Jack will bring that thing up in front of my mother. Where
the hell had it come from anyway? But at least she was losing her temper at me a
nd not with my mother.

"Only three others."

"Only three others? Tell me, you keep them all, pay for them and fornicate with
them all?"

"Ehem." I nearly choked again and mother sounded as if he were also choking. I a
m really embarrassed in front of my mother! I will have to wring her neck!

"Something like that."

"I'll find them, Choi, each one of them, don't think I won't. You won't be enjoy
ing them much longer."

"So it means I will be visiting you quite often, won't I?" I just gave her a win

"In your mother's house? I don't think so."

"You really think that will stop me from keeping my promise, do you Jack?"

"For a pyonte like you, no, I suppose not. But Pawnee or Shawnee will need to sl
eep with me from now on."

"Who are Pawnee and Shawnee?"

"They are her dogs, mother."

"There will be no dogs in my house!" Mother exclaimed.

"You will not sneak into her room, Min Ho, until after the---oh god. This can't
be----she's oh, god!"

"I know mother."

"Did you know?"

"Not everything, certainly. The whole trip was quite an eye-opening experience."

"And you didn't return her?"

"She wasn't a parcel, mother, and besides you told me that wasn't an option."

"No, yeah, I did, but oh----god, this is too unexpected. A lady who thinks motor
cycles are more important than---"

I have to stop my mother from complaining about Jack. Jack wouldn't tolerate any
complaints that include her hobby nor her bikes.

"She has a mind of her own, mother. Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

"Oh, gladly you have noticed me. My mind? Well, I have misplaced it somewhere. M
y common sense deserted me while listening to you two dissecting me."

She just stood up and licked her fingers loudly. That brought more shock to my m

"If you have anything more to say, Choi, I'll be in the garage. Don't bother if
it's not what I want to hear."

When she left the room, I just realized that she was expecting me to break the b
etrothal tonight. That's why everything she'd said tonight had been deliberate.
She assumed that his mother would end this engagement for them.

"Aigo, Min Ho! The girl is barbaric!"

"Yeah, I know."

"You can't marry her as she is."

"Can't I?"

"Of course not! She will be a disgrace for our name and for our company. She'll
have to be taught proper behavior first."

I am really surprised at that. Teach Jack to be a lady? It's impossible!

"You don't know what you'd be letting yourself in for, mother. Don't you think s
ending her home would be the wisest thing to do?"


Minnie was thinking. Shr knew ge would give her that. She knew that Slade knew h
ow her mind work. This was the closest she'd ever come to get him married. She w
asn't going to give up yet.

"No, the girl needs a litle help. I know she was undoubtedly taught better at so
me point---she's the operations head of an oil refinery. She said that she must
have forgot. Her father let her run wild after his wife died. Maybe her step- mo
ther just let her be like this.

"She swears like a mad man, she rides a motorcycle like a maniac and she threate
ns to cut off ears of any womam who comes near me. Are you sure you're going to
tame her?"
"Why has Ji Won gone to the garage at this time of night?"

"Because she spends every spare moments with her precious motorcycles. I am not
kidding when I say she races. She even won the regional Motorcross game before w
e went here."

"She will break her neck! That will have to stop. I've never heard of anything u

"Those bikes mean everything to her, omma. She gets violent where they're concer
ned. Go ahead turn her into a lady, but I would advise you not to even mention t
o stop her from her hobby."

"We'll see. And you, my boy, will stay out of her bedroom. Don't think I didn't
understand that byplay between you."

He just smiled. Mother is smelling something fishy between us.

"If you haven't seen her dog yet, omma, I assure you, I'm not to tangle with it.

"See that you don't. Huh! dogs in my house. The things I do to..."

I just left her there and didn't bother to listen to her sermons.

Chapter 20

Obviously his mother doesn't like me. I have never been this embarrassed in fron
t of a director. I am only doing this for him. I don't want to dwell on this fee
ling. I don't want to think that I am inlove with him. Maybe I am just infatuate
d. I receive an email from Kyohei. He told me he misses me and wanted us to be t
ogether. If things won't turn well between Slade and me, I need to go to Japan a
nd ask Kyohei to marry me. I think it might also rekindle the feelings I had for

"Hey you!"

"For goodness sake, James! You nearly startled me!"

"Why Eesangnim? What's wrong now? Did your mother in law complained about you?"

"Shut up James. Where is Mike?"

"Watching Su Jin with Rich boy."

"I thought he already gave up with Su Jin?"

"I don't know. Hey Eesangnim. Cheer up! Let's do this."

"He danced the Gangnam Style dance step again. He is just plain ridiculous. I ca
n't help but to laugh. He looked so silly.

"Teach me that James."


I just followed the steps and it was so funny! I just laughed so hard.

"Ah Ki Sun ma, michoso! Chincha michoso!" [Kisun, you are crazy, really crazy!]

"I told you it's fun. Now Eesangnim, they have a very nice circuit there. Would
you like to practice? But you might want to check its tires."

"Yeah I will. Hand me the pressure gauge. This still okay. Ki Sun ma! Hajima! Ch
ipchunghe!" [Ki Sun, stop it. Focus!]

"Keep the air at 250 psi."

"Stop dancing or I will really make you so sorry!"


I am suppose to go to the office but I went to the garage. I am not there to fin
d Jack but I am kinda miss her. She said I should not bother if I wasn't going t
o tell her what she wanted to hear, and I am not. I really don't know why I am h

It was a big garage. I got here my cars, my sport cars and all Jack's motorcycle
s. I could hear her laughing. I have just discovered her laugh today. It brought
warmness in me. But who is she laughing with? If she flirts with another man, I
swear, I will make them sorry.

What I found garage store room deflated my hot emotions. Jack was putting air on
her motorcycle tires. James was helping her while dancing the silly gangnam dan
ce. He was just merely helping. She was just laughing because of the silliness o
f the dance.

"Hajima, Ki Sun ma! Go away now and prepare for the practice. I will make sure---"


I didn't finish because James was looking at someone who was just behind me. Whe
n I turned around, Slade was there grinning at me. Aigo! Why is he always this h
andsome. Huh!

"It's over then?"

"I am sorry sweetheart, but we're still very much betrothed."

Actually it made me breathe again. When I saw him here I thought we are going to
end this silly thing. I have never experience such fear in my life.

"Leave us."

James was still there staring at Slade. My friends are so overprotective when it
comes to me. James is still angry at Slade and considers him a jackass.

"Gwenchana, Ki Sun ma." [It is okay, Ki Sun.]

"I will just see you tomorrow for our practice."

"Okay let's get this over with." I came to face him.


"The complaints. You were here because of them, weren't you?"

"Well, no. The dinner went well. All things considered."

"So, your mother's not furious?"

"Determined. She is determined now to change you."

"Okay. So what brings you here?"


Why am I really here?

"To--To check on my car."

"You came to check on your car? Oh really? Why don't you just send someone to ta
ke a look at it?"

"You make it sound that I don't do anything for myself, Jack."

"Well, you don't."

"Do you think we could have a conversation for once without arguing?"

"Probably not."

"Could we try?"

"All rightie then, do you have something in particular you want to talk about?"


I don't want to go yet. I don't want to leave yet. I am hoping I could do someth
ing in my state now. Making love to her again could be nothing but a bad idea. I
t might lead to complications or addictions.

"I noticed you haven't put all your luggages in the house. Aren't you going to u

"Well I only taken a few into the house. I don't see any reason to unpack the re


She is just being ready so she could leave immediately on the spur of the moment
. He found that he didn't like that idea. He is in panic. He thought of her neve
r being available to---

"I should go---"

"-----about today," they said at the same time.

"Never mind."


Damn! I tried. I really tried to forget about it. But she was going to bring up
my promise to her that I would make love to her if she became violent. What will
I do? Does she want it to?

"Tara-wa." I just pulled her. [Come with me.]

"Weh?!" [Why?!]

"Because I don't want to make love to you in a garage."

"Ah pyonte! I was just going to apologize. I wouldn't lost my temper yesterday b
ecause that woman used tears to sway you. She just just so pathetic!"

"A common ploy, I suppose. It's not one that you would use, is it?" She looked a
larmed now.

"No way! But the point is, I wasn't going to threaten her. I would only have tol

d her she had to leave which I tried to do----"

"But you end up threatening her anyway."

"Ah chincha! That wasn't my intention! Your ridiculous promise shouldn't apply!"

"Yet what I saw was what you repeatedly told me. You don't want me, but nobody e
lse can have me. So what's the point of it?"

I saw on her face that she was panicking. She was all red and kept backing away
till she reached the wall.

"Stop right there! That's exactly what I meant. I don't want you, but for the ti
me being, you are mine!"

"Well, that can go both ways, chaggia."

"But it doesn't! Hajima!"

"Who said it doesn't?"

I just pulled her and kissed her.


Oh my god! Here I am again, lost in his kiss. His masculine scent intoxicated me
. I could feel his muscled arms holding me. He cornered me on the wall and kisse
d me. What if I give in?

But I shouldn't. This would lead us nowhere. I don't want to get used to this...

"Pawnee! Shawnee!" My two dogs growled and went up behind him. I don't want to b
e left alone with him.

"That's not fair, chaggia."

"Yeah, I know, Choi."


That was so close! Gaessekiya! Good thing my two friends called me, Seung Hyun a
nd Ji Young.

"Changka man!" [Wait a minute!]

"These bikes are so cool! Thunder told us that they are awesome!"

"They are my friend. They really find your motorcycles cool. They are frustrated
motorcross riders."

"I am not selling my bikes."


"You know that I don't. Besides I want no reminder of you once I leave here."

"You don't think we're to be married, do you? You never really thought so."


Well few hours before I might have thought of that. But now, I don't know. The t
hings that we shared between us somehow destroyed my confidence. But I won't adm
it that to his face.

"You, Choi? A paramchungi wouldn't like to be tied up. You might cry off at the
last minute."

He just lift my chin and made me look at him in the eyes.

"I'd rather think we're going to be married---perhaps not. But the decision won'
t be made at the altar, I can promise you that."


I should have told her what my mother intends to do. I should have told her that
if she didn't cooperate or learn to behave properly, she might get her wish and
there would be no marriage. But I didn't and I really don't know I didn't.


I practiced at BUSCO'S circuit the next morning. Wow! I could really get a good
practice at this one. I am thinking of joining the next ENDURO.

"Chalheso, Ji Wonya! Let's take a break."


Slade and Cage was watching Jack while she practiced.

"You were right, she is an excellent rider and her motorcycles are really nice.
Anne is thinking of learning to ride a motorcycle."

"Why don't you teach her?"

"Uhm, yeah, but she won't be serious about it. Do you think she might teach Anne
how to ride a motorcycle?"

"I don't know. My Jack is kind of stubborn and no one can dictate her. You know,
I rode her Ducati once and I kind of liked it. I would love to have it if I can
. I think I am starting to like riding motorcycles again."

Jack was about to enter the garage and was eavesdropping at their conversation.
Director Minnie told her that she would teach her how to behave properly. She al
ready know the correct behavior but she was just being a nuisance and barbaric b
ecause of Slade. She was still busy eavesdropping to President Kim and Slade's c
onversation. She just found out that Slade likes Duke and she influenced him int
o liking motorcycles again.

"Cousin, I am the president of this company. I can have anything I pleases."

"Don't count on it. She wasn't even impressed when I told her I am the director
of BUSCO. Cuz, I don't want to see you so defeated if she says no."

"Hey, Anne usually says no to me. I won't be so affected by that."

"Anne has special previleges, she is your wife, cuz. Besides, she never could ha
ve annoyed you, Mr. President."

"You always have a way of defying my orders, Director Choi."

"I just think it is the best, Mr. President."

They spent the whole day catching up and talked about those months that they hav
en't seen each other. Slade wouldn't like to repeat what had happened in the tri
p especially his fight with Jin Hyuk. But Cage was really excited to meet Slade'
s barbarian.


I thought Jack while Cage and I were talking about her. I hope everything is oka
y with their lessons. Mother said that she will make Jack a lady after a week. G
ood luck to her!

"After marrying the girl, I can buy one of her motorcycles at a very nice price.

"Nope. If I end up marrying her, she won't give up her motorcycles. She needs th
em for the MX or ENDURO competitions."

"You will still allow her to race? You won't stop her?"

"My life would be in danger if I made her stop her from doing her hobby."

"She can't be that---oh well, Aigo! Is that her?"

When I turned around, I saw Jack standing behind them. How long has she been the
re? Did she hear all the things I have said to Cage? But looking her, her face i
s just bland, or perhaps angry.


Seeing Slade's fianc was really a shock for me. She is wearing a motorcycle outfi
t and it would give any man a pause. She was holding her helmet. She isn't looke
d like the usual Korean girl who wears skirts and or girly dresses with high hee
ls and full make up. She wears no make-up, a bit curvy too but not fat and manag
ed to look beautiful.

"Jack, come here and meet my illustrous cousin, President Kim Tae Woo."

"President Kim, [bow]. Since we are going to be related by marriage, may I call
you, Cage?"

"Okay then."

"Nice one, Jack. I have never seen you like this before."

She just scowled at me.

"I have been looking forward to meet you, Director Jacqueline Lim. My wife is ea
ger to meet you tonight."

"I'll be bus----"

"She'll be there." I just gave her a warning look.

"Don't worry, cousin, she'll be there."

"It is my hope to welcome you in the family, Director Jacqueline, But I have to
return to my office now. See you tonight, all right?"

"She already said yes, sajangnim."

"Do you speak for her, Slade?"

"I think she was just stupefied by you."

I just saw her poked Slade at his chest.

"Ouch! Aigo!"

"Bye cousin, bye Jack."


Chapter 21

After I met his cousin, I went inside to study with Miss Minnie. Our first lesso
n was about table manners.

"Ladies eat with utensils and NOT with their fingers. You are not a pig."

"Yes, of course, director. Pigs don't have fingers. Well they have three but---"

"Stop being sarcastic, young lady. Tok baru anja." [Sit properly.]

"Moya?" [What?]


I just sit properly because she was already scowling. Her scowling is similar wi
th Slade's. Where is Slade by the way?

"Eesangnim, Min Ho, Oh di soyo?" [Director, where is Min Ho?]

Korean 101: Why do wives in Korea retain their last names?

>>When a woman gets married in Korea, they have a choice whether to retain their
maiden name or use their husband's last name. I hope we could also do that here
in the Philippines. ^_____^

>>Back to regular programming:

"Chipchunghaseyo!" [Focus!]

"You should not use your fingers when eating. Our hands are dirty! Araso?!"

"Algesumnida, Eesangnim..."

"Let me refresh you about Korean Dinner ettiquette. Stand up."

"Huh?! Why? You mean Koreans should stand while they eat?"

"I am not done yet. Stop talking."

Aigo! Haist! Kibbun neppayo... [I am not feeling well...]

"When you are invited to have dinner at someone's house, wait to be told where t
o sit."


"Do you understand?"


"Why aren't you answering?!"

"Because you said I should stop talking."

"Aigo! Mori appa! Very well, let's carry on. The elders should be served first a
nd the oldest should be the one who should start eating before the young ones ca
n eat as well."

"What if I am already famished and my senior is super slow? You mean I really ha
ve to wait for him to eat?"


"That's really stupid."

"I don't tolerate profanity in my house."

"Stupid is not a profane word, Director."

"Stop this now, director Lim. Now where were we?"

She just kept on giving ou the rules until I passed out...


"IRONA!" [Wake up!] She just shouted at me.

"Eesangnim... Chaebalyo... Choneun chol lib ni da." [director, chaebalyo, I am v

ery sleepy...]

"Oh well, all right. Let's continue tomorrow. You will have to go shopping with

Shopping? I love shopping! I always shop when I was in the USA. I like buying dr
esses skirts and most especially my motorcycle outfit. I love to shop in Korea b
ut not with Slade's mother. Maybe after this thing...

"Take a rest now."


Aigo! At last I could take a rest now. I could practice on my motorcycles for 6
hours but learning this thing, Aigo! It is too boring! I know all of these stuff
s and I'm just acting dunce in front of the directress. I am just acting despica
ble and ill mannered to make me unsuitable for her son.

Talking about Slade, he referred to me as his Jack. He said, 'My Jack...'. I jus
t got this barmy and warmy feeling on my stomach. What is this? I also heard the
ir conversation. He told his cousin that he won't stop me from my hobby and he w
ouldn't sell my motorbikes which is quite the opposite of what he had told me be
fore. So he lied to me. I just can't understand where is he getting at. So he re
spected my hobby and he admitted that I somehow influenced him again in riding m
otorcycles? I am really confused now.

"Miss Jiwon, Mr. Choi, told me that you have to prepare for your visit to Direct
or Anne's office today. Do own any dresses miss?" That was Director Minnie's per
sonal assistant.

"No. I haven't got enough time packing before."

"Okay, Miss Lim." [bow]

After a few minutes, Director Minnie stormed in my room and complained my clothe

"Director Lim, you need to dress properly when you go to our company and face Di
rectress Kim. You'll be making an impression to our employees."

"Am I going to attend a ball or something? I will just have to go there as I am.

"NO! But---Arrrrrgggggghhhh!"

She just walked out of my room. She is at her wits end now. Good!

After an hour, Slade knocked and entered my room. He was looking at me and my cl

"It is your fault, Choi. You didn't give me time to pack my business clothes. I
will just have to face your precious director in these clothes."

"Okay. Did you lose your temper with my mother?"

"No. I was kind enough to humor her. She just lost it when I told her that I wou
ld appear in these clothes. So, this means I need new set of dresses ang corpora
te clothes." I just gave him a dazzling smile.

"Okay. That will work. Let's go---"

"I told you I am busy----"

"Or shall I call Cage's bodyguards to drag you out here?"


"Good. Tarawa."

Chapter 22

Slade didn't argue with Jack on how she dressed to go to BUSCO headquarters. He
knew he wouldn't win with his headstrong fianc.

"So it would just be okay with you if I am dressed as I am?" She asked amusedly.

"Well I hate to be late because our director detest tardiness and besides, you'r
e the only one who is going to feel conspicuous on the way you are dressed. I ha
ppen to enjoy looking at you no matter what you're wearing."


Did I just say that?! Aigo! I hope she wouldn't take it as a compliment. Aigo!


What did he just mean by saying that?was it a compliment? We just went to the BU
SCO headquarters in silence.

When I entered the BUSCO tower, I was in awe because of its opulence. It was eve
n better than our own office. All the employees were standing and they bowed at
us as we pass them. I felt I was the Duchess of Cambridge! This is totally cool!
But the one thing that really turns me off is when woman greeted and hailed Sla
de with excitement in their eyes. Am I invisible? It is as if I didn't exist. I
was just kept myself quiet for the first two times. Good thing he broke away qui
ckly by saying that directress Anne was waiting for us.

But for the third time, that does it! She was about to reach Slade then I steppe
d between them

"He is soon to be married, missy. You can still talk to him but from now on, you
will just have to keep your hands to yourself, however your intent is, araso?"
I think I shocked her because she was kind of teary eyed.

"It's okay, just go back to work."

"A minute there I thought you are going to behave yourself."

"It will be worse if they don't keep their hands off you."

"I suppose you are going to tell me now that only you have the right to touch me

"Good. I see we understand each other."


Then when the hell are you going to start? But I don't want to blurt it out.

"You are pushing it, brat."

"I gave you a fair warning, Choi."

"Ditto. And---you'll have to deal with my mother when she hears about this, whic
h she will, surely, I don't think she will accept jealousy as an excuse for scan


"You know very well that jealousy doesn't come into this."

"Yeah, sure but no one else is going to believe that, brat, and definitely not m
y mother. She is kind of old school that agrees a wife should ignore her husband
's little indescretions, and jealousy is definitely a foolish thing."

"I am not jealous! Ah gaessekiya! Quit flattering yourself, Choi."

"That is not a flattery but the truth. Besides people heard you---but they still
don't believe it."

"Now, who's pushing it?"

I just chuckled because I know I am going to win this argument. I am beginning t

o enjoy our arguments, though.

"Brat, you will have to behave properly. You are about to meet Director Anne."

"Thanks to you, I'll probably end up insulting her."

"I hate to say it but what you're wearing is going to insult her."

"Ah gaessekiya!"

"Shhh. We are here now."


He just opened the directress' office and her secretaries just bowed at us. He w
as still holding my arm and I think I was blushing when I noticed that.

The office wasn't as large as I had expected and her secretaries are dressed up
for work. The secretaries ushered us in the directress' table. She is exquisitel
y beautiful. Her eyes were so warm and I heard she was deeply in love with her h
usband. That made me relaxed. She just approached Slade and gave him a big hug b
ut he suddenly backed off. Maybe he just remembered I was there.

"She can."

"Why can she?"

"Because she is happily married and doesn't have designs on you."

Directress Anne just raised her brows at Slade.

"You don't want to know, directress, believe me."

"Maybe I don't. So introduce us then."

He just looked at me. I think I am going to faint!

"Jack, this is directress Seo Eun Hae, but she prefers to be called Anne. She is
the head of Human Resource of BUSCO Steel. Anne, she is Lim Ji Won or Jacquelin
e Lim. She is the director of Inspection and Surveying of pipelines in Aerian Oi
l company in the US."



manaseo." [nice to meet you]

bangabsuemnida." [nice to meet you.]

I think she is just learning Korean. Her accent is quite funny.

"Oh very well, nice to meet you Jacqueline."

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Anne."

"Thank god for English, right?"


"Come, I've ordered some refreshments and----"

"We've both eaten." Slade said so fast and the director raised her brow once mor
e. I wanted to laugh. His reactio was just simply hillarious! I think I have to
tease him.


"You are not hungry, Jack, believe me, you are not."

"What's going on?"

"Uhm... nothing. Our wedding is pretty soon and she needs to fit in her wedding
gown. By the way, I think you are looking pleasantly plump---a bit different fro
m the last time I saw you."

"Because I am pregnant, silly! Anyway, before I get any more plump, I wanted to
arrange a corporate ball to introduce Jacqueline to----"

"NO!" He just shouted at the directress.

"Why not?!"

"Because Jack might find some reason to show up as she is."

"Oh come on, Slade. Hey why don't you join Cage? He is practicing Kumdo now---fr
om what I heard, you could use some practice for that."

"Thunder and his big mouth! You make it sound as if I chose that. And besides, I
wouldn't dare to leave you alone with----"

"Run along, Choi, pali! I am not going to murder your directress, but you aren't
going to be so lucky if you say another word."

[Let's learn Korean:

Pali means fast. Koreans have this 'pali pali society. They like fast things: fa
st pc, fast gadgets, fast cars, they even like fast Korean dramas, you see. So w
hen you work with Koreans, you have to be fast. Pali pali! Araso?]

>>back to regular programming...

"Mianhaeyo, Eesangnim, she's really very nice to... very nice to pets."


"You speak Korean very well."

"Thank you. My family is Korean though, I was raised in America."

"Yes, but your accent is quite impeccable. Mine was a bit off. The employees her
e were trying so hard not to laugh when I speak."

"It's alright. You will learn it eventually. Which part are you having difficult
y in learning Korean?"

"The formal and informal languages. When I worked in a bar in the US, we don't h
ave to be so conscious about the age of the one we were talking to."

"You used to work?"

"Didn't Slade tell you? I was raised in America and I worked in a bar before fin

ding out that I am an heiress of a big company here in Korea. When I learned tha
t, I thought they were just goofing on me for a free beer. I used to be a coyote

"Coyote girl?" That is a famous bar all over the US. They usually serve drinks w
hile dancing on the bar counter. Cool job, I must say.

"I know how farfetched that sounds because of coyote girl's image. Honestly it i
s much more acceptable than learning you are betrothed from birth to someone and
learning a newsflash that I am an heiress."

"Ah I see. What finally convinced you that they were telling the truth?"

"When I was on the plane to go here, they finally admitted that the real preside
nt is Cage instead of Slade."


"That was Cage's idea. I was giving them trouble that time to convince me so the
y thought I would join them willingly if I was told that Slade was the president
I was to marry."

"Yeah, that's why."

"Yeah. I immediately detested the man at that time. He was an as**ole and insuff
erable and downright pompous, but I have to admit I am quite fond of him now."

"So you are saying that someone can be immune to his arrogance?"

"Can I ask you why he didn't want you to eat anything?"

"Will you answer my question about Slade?"

"Sure, if you want to."

"Well then, he didn't want you to see me eat anything. He thinks I eat like a pi

"Well, do you?"

"Only when he's around."

"I understand it now. Thunder told us about the trip but mostly about Slade's be
havior. You don't really want to marry him, do you?"

"Would you like to marry a rake like him?"

She just laughed.

"I guess he is too handsome for his own good. Girls make a fool of themselves ju
st to get his attention. They are practically falling at his feet. I already tol
d my secretaries that he is no longer available."

"Well that will save me from cutting off more ears."

"Would you really?"

"No, but woman tend to prefer not to find out."

"I suppose not. But you know, Slade has never had a reason to be a womanizer. As
I have understood, you told him you didn't want to marry him when yoy first met
him, which wouldn't have encouraged to change that aspect of his nature."

"I only learned of this damn engagement a few hours before I met him."

"Really? Are you serious?"

"Yeah. My father kept it as a deep secret for so long. He was just scared that i

f he warned me about that, I would run away and not meet Slade, which was likely
to be my idea no matter how angry I was at that time."

"Was that the only reason you didn't want to marry him--because you were angry?"

"No... but I'd rather not discuss the other reason. It's quite----embarassing."

"Then forget about it. I have told you that now I am fond of Slade. How do you f
eel about him?"

"Well I have just discovered that he has few good qualities but he is still insu
fferable and egotistical popinjay and whatever I felt for him, it won't matter n
ow. I could never get along with someone like that."

"And how does he get along with you----as you are?"

"I may have pretended to be something I'm not, but I was trying to make it easy
for him to end this engagement, since I can't and I already gave my word to my f


Should I tell her the truth about Slade?Would it make any difference if she knew
about it? Thunder told us about some surprising things about Slade calling her
"his" without realizing it and asking Thunder to seduce this girl then change hi
s mind, and displaying some apparent signs of jealousy over this pretty girl. It
only means one thing, Slade has fallen for this girl.

"Would you be surprised to know that Slade has done exactly what you have?"

"What do you mean?"

"He hasn't shown his real self. When you detested him, which I already did, it w
as because he was doing everything possible to make me hate him. He just did it


"Because women tend to fall in love with him. It's that face of his, and he was
afraid I would fall for him instantly when I was to be Cage's wife, not his."

"Slade loves Cage. They are more like brothers than cousins. He would do everyth
ing to make sure that Cage is happy including acting like the most despicable, i
nsufferable jack-ass as ever when he is not like that at all."

"Chincha? I mean really?"

"Not at all. Well----maybe a little arrogant---no, make that very. Arrogance run
s in their family. He holds a very tough position in our company as a director a
nd Operations head for BUSCO Energy. No one can doubt his loyalty and dedication
to his duties."

"Duty? He's no more than----"

"He is also one of Cage's entrusted directors and business advisers. He is very
diligent. He takes his work to heart. He is very passionate about his work. Duty
before preference was how he put it. And there's something else you probably do
n't know. He's also incredibly charming when he's not trying to be nasty."

"You are right. I wouldnt know."

I sensed that she wasn't happy about learning the truth about his fianc.

"Please you weren't suppose to be hurt by what I have told you."

"I am not."


Well I was kind of hurt. I hate to learn the truth about Slade. This can't be...

"If Slade shown you the worst he can be, it's because he didn't want to get marr
ied. He was very upset when he learned about this betrothal. He went to the US t

"Get rid of me."

"He told you that?!"

"Yes. He's been quite honest about that at least."

"But the point I was trying to make was, I'm not sure he feels the same that way
, yet he's locked himself into this role he's playing for you, just as you have.

Fate has been goofing at me. Slade wasn't playing a role. I don't want to believ
e it. No! The directress is wrong, or is she? I needed some fresh air.

"Slade might have this sterling virtues that I haven't discovered yet but he is
still a rakeshell."

"Yes, and probably will be---until he falls in love."

Ah chincha! That's it! I needed a ride!

Chapter 23

I am now riding to release my anger. I am not angry at the director. I am not an

gry at Slade but I am just pissed off because he was also being an utter as*s de
liberately for my benefit. I am not angry at his mother for changing me so I cou
ld be a suitable wife for his son.

I am angry at myself. I have learned that Slade was acting despicable deliberate
ly and I am getting used to it. The directress said that he is a nice guy, but I

beg to defer. I can't say that he wasn't nice but... Well, I wouldn't want to k
now him better because I need to go. I just need to hear the magic word from Dir
ector Minnie and I will be released from our betrothal. Later, I will really try
to annoy her with our lessons so I could go.

I don't want to love him too much. I might not able to let him go some day. I ha
ve to set him free. I needed to do that. Thinking of those days that I won't hav
e a single argument with me brought tears to my eyes. I will miss him so much. O
ur night together, his smile, his brooding, the way he calls me 'brat, his kisse
s, oh god... Give me courage to go on with my life without him. I have to rekind
le my love for Kyohei. I should be loving him. Only him and not Sladerick Choi.

I arrived at his house and our hellish lessons began. We had gown fitting for th
e wedding and I refused all the gowns presented to me. I think the directress al
ready gave up on it.

"You can wear whatever you want! Just wear your damn coverall! Aigo! Haish! Let'
s take a break! After an hour, we will have lessons with Chef Giacomo."

"What lesson would that be?"

"Lesson on 7 courses meal."

"No way."

"Weh?! We needed to refresh you on that whether you like it or not!"


After an hour, we started our lessons on western table manners especially with c
ourses meals. I already know this stuff. I am just acting dunce in front of the
directress. I am well aware with UK and North American table manners. But their
chef is insulting me in Italian. That's it!

"Testa di mierda! Huh!"

The chef was stunned.

"I am sorry chef Giacomo."

"Miss Jacqueline, please come to my study." She is all red. This is it.

After I closed the door, she just shouted and she just told me she couldn't let
me marry her son. That was the magic word I was waiting for.

"I give up. I can't help you anymore. Just go to your room before I say any word
s I might regret."

"Okay. Thank you for diligence in instructing me, Eesangnim."

I just went up to my room and fixed my luggages. I need to go tomorrow while the
director is at work. I heard Slade was on business trip and will be back in two

I already texted Su Jin to find a helicopter going to Japan. I will leave my mot
orcycles here with Slade. I trust him with them.

"Eesangnim, please don't do it."

"I need to leave, Mike. James will be here with you. I will just tell you if it'
s time for you to go home."

"Are you sure about this? Choi Eesangnim will be furious."

"No, he won't. I am doing this for us. I am doing him a favor."

"How will that be? You mean you will escape?"

"I might. Su Jin, get my luggage in my room, do it discreetly please."

"Aye aye, Eesangnim."

"We will leave early in the morning. James will drive us to Daegu, we will ride
the helicopter from there."

"Okay. You will not bring your motorcycles?"



"Don't ask."

I just stayed in my room and wrote a letter for Slade. Every word brought tears
in my eyes. I also took off my engagement ring. I remembered the way he made me
wear that. I just broke down. That's it! If I won't do this now, we might both r
egret this. If this won't kill me, it will make me stronger.


It's been three days since I saw my brat. I missed her! I just the new Ferrari m
otorcycle and I just thought of her. I just needed to report to office and got a
message that my mother wants to talk to me. The message said it's urgent.

"What now mother?"

"The girl is impossible! You'll have to talk to her! Aigo!"

Usually I would encourage my mother with 'You can do it mother' or 'I am countin
g on you' but I didn't. Maybe Jack was just starting to be amused by this thing.

"Ignore her temper, it's only hot air."

I didn't see her in the circuit or garage. I really want to see her.

"How is the wedding gown coming along?"

"The girl refuses to 'waste anymore time' as she puts it, with fittings, she won
't wear several gowns that were completed for her already. Aaarrrrgggghhhhh!"

"Why not?"

"They are either too long, too short, too tight, too lose. I even suggested that
wear her coverall for the wedding."

"That would probably suit her, mother."

"You think this is funny, Min Ho? Ah, mori appa! She can't even wear a fork or a
knife without dropping it. She swears like a sailor when she gets frustrated. S
he even cursed at Chef Giacomo in Italian!"

"I didn't know she speaks Italian."

"Neither do I!"

"Why did she get angry?"

"Because I thought she could benefit from the experiencence of a seven-course me


"But that would take hours

"Exactly, and after the sixth course arrived, she complained and then the chef i
nsulted her then she cursed the chef on his face! By the way, he quit."

"I never liked his cooking anyway." I just laughed when I imagine her face while
she cursed at chef Giacomo.

"Yah! This is not funny! She's no longer even pretending to try to correct her b
ehavior. She claims we have no right to change her."

"She's right. We don't have the right to change her."

"You're going to make me say it, aren't you?"


"I made a mistake! I never should have insisted you meet her in the US. We shoul
d have seen her first!"

"What do you mean, mother?"

"You can't marry her! She doesn't know how to be a lady. All she want to do is t
o stay in the garage and care about her bikes! Cage will also agree with me. We
can't have someone like that in the family."

"Cage won't care about it. And what about father's honor?"

"Slade, I am telling you now, if your father is alive, I am sure he would be bre
aking this betrothal. He arranged that in good faith but I guess Mr. Philip Lim
broke that when he sent his daughter as she is! And you didn't have to hide your
feelings, son, I know this is what you've been waiting to hear."

Before it was but now, I felt very sad. No it can't be. Barbaric or not, I would
marry her!

"Where is she?"

"Locked in her room. She has been there since yesterday morning, which is why I
called your attention. She won't open the door. She won't answer questions. Ah!
She is so stubborn! Aigo!"

"I will take care of it."

"Good. And you can make arragement to send her home. I have already called..."

I just went up and didn't allow her to finish. I reached the top in an instant.
I am so eaget to see her and start verbal battles with her.

It is still locked. She wouldn't answer my demands to open it. It took me 3 minu
tes to break it down I am so goddam angry to ask for a spare key. She wasn't the
re. I know she wouldn't have the courage to hide behind the door. She is not her
e. Where could she be? I just found a letter next to the ring I gave her.


"Your mother has told me you can't possibly marry me, Choi, so I am released fro
m my promise. In your happiness over this news, I would like to ask a favor from
you. The ship we called cannot come yet to bring my motorbikes home. They said
they had to wait for early spring because of the terrible winter. I left Ki Sun
and Ki Mun to take care of them. If you don't agree, inform either of them so th
ey could make other arrangements.

I deeply apologize for all the trouble I put you through. Please be assured that
I bear no grudge. In fact I wish you well, Choi."


I read it more than once because it didn't sound like Jack.

tiff and senrimental. She bore him no grudge and she wished
my Jack! How did she dare to leave? She assumed my mother's
ne? That was not we had agreed on! Damn! To hell with fate!
damned if it suits you!

--------------------------------------Chapter 24

Damn! She just left me! Where could she be?!

The words were too s

me well?this is not
word was the final o
Give it a chance and

"Ki Sun shi, Ji Wonya oh diso?"


"JIWONYA, OH DI SO?! I promise, I would rearrange your face if you won't tell me
where she is!"

He just looked at me blankly.

"I swear, I WILL REALLY REARRANGE YOUR FACE!" I was about to punch him when he s
tarted to talk.

"Okay, okay, she went with Su Jin to Japan."

"JAPAN?! What would she do there? Where in Japan?"

"I don't know. Really, I didn't know."

"When did she leave?"


"Her mobile phone was with her, right?"

"I think she broke it."

"What the... How about Su Jin?"

"I don't know about hers."

"I don't believe you. You two are dating, right?"

"For me, yes, but for her, no. She refused to give me her number."

"Okay, just take care of her motorcycles, all right?"


Huh! Wait, maybe Thunder knows.


I just learned that we have a director's meeting that morning. Thunder was there
together with Nick and my other friends. I need to tell Cage that I will be lea
ving later this afternoon. I need to find my brat. Ah gaessekiya! Pabbo!

"She left her motorbikes with me, even her racing bikes! They mean everything to
her! How could she leave them?!"

I started to whine as soon as their meeting ended. I didn't know how to find her

"Sit down."

"NO! I should----"

"SIT DOWN! You cannot act hastily on this. Try to think logically. She would hav
e leave them because the ship cannot come here, we have a terrible winter, and t
he port will be up
North, near the gangster infested mountains."


He allowed Cage to read the note. He even allowed it to be passed around to his
friends and he was just pacing around the office.

"Aside from the weather, the reason she gave is quite sensible. No ship would tr
y to voyage in this terrible winter."

"Then she would have waited for the winter to pass. Huh!" He was really annoyed.

"When Director Minnie told her that there would be no marriage? The girl probabl
y assumed she was no longer welcome."

"Well maybe she didn't go far. She could still be in the city." Cage said.

"No. Her trainer said that she left Korea to go to Japan. She won't be back and
she won't collect her bikes. That's why she asked them to ship her bikes for her

"Apparently, Jack trusts you to keep them safe for her, Slade." Anne said after
reading the note.

"She doesn't." Slade snorted.

"Well I have reason to believe she does."

"What reason?"

"An impression I got when we talked the other day."

"You mean she didn't drag my name through the mud?" He asked sarcastically.

"A few sprinkles maybe. But she still thinks you are a lady-killer and full pled
ge lecher."

"Huh! I'll have to tell you, I haven't bedded another woman since I met her."

"Another woman?" Seung Hyun said.

"Slade, don't tell me you seduced her when you had no intention of marrying her.
" Anne sighed after saying this.

"Ah chincha! When did you manage to do that? As far as I remembered, there wasn'
t any time for you guys to be alone. Huh! You amaze me, Min Ho."

"It wasn't really a seduction when---ah never mind. It doesn't matter since I am
going to marry her."

"YOU ARE?!!" All of them were surprised when they heard him say it.

"So it means you're leaving again?" Cage asked him.

"After this. I came here to tell you."

"But its late in the afternoon. I think we should wait until morning."

"Not when she left early yesterday---and who said I'm inviting you?"

"But you will take him----no argument Thunder. All our planes and helicopters ar
e out, so just take the yacht."

"The yacht? To Japan? It will take 7 to 8 hours to reach Japan!"

"You can wait for another month to travel by plane. My private yacht is availabl

"Fine. Thunder, let's go."

"But I have seasickness."


"Algesumnida, Sajangnim----well how did you know, she is in Japan?"

"Her trainer told me, after I told him that I would rearrange his face. She also
left her other luggages, so she just traveled very light together with her assi

"So she isn't in a hurry to go home. I see. But where in Japan? Where would you

"She broke her mobile phone and I don't have her assistant's phone number. By an
y chance, Thunder, do you have Su Jin's number?"

"Yes. Let's try to call her."


"Kugingnim niya tunyeoseo... Eesurihu..."

[This means the customer's phone is off. When I hear this voice prompt, it means
my student's phone is turned off or out of coverage area...]

"It is turned off."

"Huh!" Slade is getting desperate.

"I wished she had taken one of her bikes, maybe we could track her again like yo
u tracked us before."

"Maybe she knew you would follow her."

"She knew we weren't finished yet. Maybe she won't admit it but deep

"Slade, she doesn't want to marry you. And she assumed you feel the same, since
that was the impression you've given her. She just thought that your mother had
done you both a favor. To refresh your memory, that's what you were counting on.
" He just glowered at Thunder.

"Slade, do you know why she doesn't want to marry you before she met you? I aske
d her but she said the reason is too embarassing to mention."

Slade just shook his head.

"She is inlove with the Japanese guy guy named Kyohei Takano. She met him on her
visit to Japan long time ago----or she thinks she is."

"How the hell did you know that?"

"Unlike you, I was curious why she hasn't fallen at your feet like the other gir
ls do, so I asked."

"She told you that?"

"Of course not! She rarely talks to me or know that I ever existed in our trip.
I asked Su Jin. She just treated that it was just mere stubborness on Ji Won's p


"She just thought thar it was just stupidity of her boss to give her loyalty to
a worthless Japanese guy, and she belived that it was definitely not love. She s
aid Jack wasted many years on that Japanese guy."

"How many years are we talking about?"



"No wonder why it embarassed her. I agree with her assistant.


"Just an impression I got."

He just glared at Anne.

You shouldn't give my wife some hot looks, cousin. If she found out something in
confidence, you wouldn't expect her to divulge it to someone, right?"

Huh! Whose side is she anyway?"

"Yours. That's why I am ecstatic to hear that you will marry her. She will make
a splendid wife for you. Go get him, tiger! Aja! Fighting!"

"Just speak in English, Anne."

"Up yours!"

Slade just smirked at Anne.

Chapter 25

I left Busan with a heavy heart. I am now at Japan, in Nagoya, in search of my o

ne true love, Kyohei Takano. Where could he be? I remembered Choi. Oh, bogoshipo
... I remembered his face, his smile, his frown though it made my heart sore. I
am here now in Japan, looking for the man I used to love.

"Jack, we are here at Taka Energy. Are you sure he is here?"

"I don't know. Maybe at his house."

"Jack, why did you leave pretty boy?"

"Su Jin, I told you not to ask about him."

"Okay. Jack, you look pale. Are you all right?"

"Yes." But no. It's been two months since Aunt Flo visited me. I regularly have
that. I was never delayed. Could it be possible that...



Slade and his men were still tracking were would they look for his brat. It has
been two months and he still couldn't get in contact with them. Their navigator
couldn't track them. He missed her. He missed their arguments. He missed her so
much. He missed her face, her beautiful eyes, her laugh, her scent, their kiss.
He missed her so much. He just hoped that she will not marry that Kyohei! But if
she really love him... He would need to let her go... but he needs to beat that
guy to death!


He found out that Kyohei will be the only heir of their competitor in East Asia
which is Taka Energy. He already knew where to find her. He also learned that th
ey rented a helicopter to go to Japan. And at last, he could track them with the
navigator because it seemed Su Jin opened her note.

"Where are they?" He asked Thunder.

"Nagoya. That is the headquarters of Taka Energy. Should we call them. I think w
e should call Su Jin."

"NO! It might alarm them. We should surprise them."

"I didn't know you are that romantic."

"Shut up."


Jack met with Kyohei. She wasn't that thrilled anymore.

"Jacqueline, my sweetheart, is that really you?"


He just came toward me and hugged me. He looked more handsome now with his delic
ate eyes and fullness of face. He used to be so tall for me but now... He was hu
gging me too tightly and before I knew it, he kissed me. I wanted to push him aw
ay. What's wrong with me? This is Kyohei, the love of my life. I was ecstatic to
come here and see him again. I used to be sp thrilled with his kisses yet, it d
idn't stirred within me. I felt absolutely nothing. No spark, no magic, no elect
ricity. Compared to Choi's kisses, this was nothing, not even a flicker. But I d
on't want to think of him right now.

"So, you still love me?"

"Of course I still love you my sweety."

"Then will you marry me?" He just let go of me when he heard that.

"You haven't changed a bit. You still say exactly what's on your mind. You still
speak before you think."

No! Not all. I still kept some things to myself, especially right now. Su Jin di
dn't know that I am 2 months pregnant. Oh hell. And Slade never knew what I felt
about him. Here I am again, thinking about him again. I shouldn't be thinking o
f him.

"You haven't answered my question, Kyohei."

"Are you serious? I was hoping that you were going to tell me that you were marr
ied so we could finally be together."

"Forgive me if I am half-wit now, what did you say? I don't get it."

"Jacqueline, you know love and marriage are not that compatible. You know that I
have a big responsibility now. Besides, you practically grew up in America. You
know how amoral and premiscuous they are. I hope you marry so we could be lover

I was still in shock!

"Actually I expected us to marry."

"What the.. You can't be that stupid."

"Oh, but I was, apparently."

"Sweety, you are too unconventional. Your frankness would ruin me and my company

"I am really stupid, I admit, but why did you still communicated with me. How ab
out those sweet words?"

"I don't believe in burning bridges. I hoped we would end up in bed together."

I should be slapping him. But why am I not furious?

"You should have said so. I probably would have quite willing at that time."

"But you were an innocent and I dont----Are you still?"

"Yes." I didn't bother to tell him about what happened between Slade and I.

"A shame. But what are you doing here in Japan? I hope you didn't traveled far
just to see me."

Ah gaessekiya!

"Ah no. I just ended my engagement with my fiance in Korea. I am just here to

"You were engaged? To a Korean? That's great! Wait, is there no hope for patc
hing up?"


"Because that would be an ideal for us, sweety. I would be visiting Korea soon
to visit our competitor, BUSCO ENERGY. That would be in a month. So if you are
there and you are married---"

"Great! That would be a wonderful idea, except, if I married my fiance, and did
find a need for a lover, I am absolutely certain. WOULDN'T choose you. Jugule.
" I just gave him a dazzling smile.

"What's that?"

"Oh sorry, it means, good luck." Like hell I care, I wish you would die right n

ow! Bakemono!


I just came back to our hotel room and Su Jin was there to welcome me.

"So, how was it? Did you see him?"


"So, what happens now?"

"Well it is still the same. Insufferable lechers are not excusive in Korea."

"I told you. So the sweet and honorable Kyohei is the exact opposite?"

I just nodded at her.

"AH CHINCHA! AH CHUKETA! He should die! AH GAESSEKIYA! That pompous Japanese

guy should die! He led you on! AH CHINCHA!"

He assumed I understood."

"COJIMALYA! [Lie] You know it Jack! You shouldn't trying to defend that a*shol

"I wasn't."

"Good. Why aren't you angry then?"

"Well I am."

"It doesn't sound like it. You seemed more like upset than angry."

"Well, I am still adjusting that Kyohei was the man I thought he was. But you a
re right. I should be more than upset. I should be angry, and besides, I loved
him for so long---"

"Believe me, you don't. You are just saying that."

"Su Jin----"

this to you now, you don't love him, you bettter believe it. Yes, you wanted hi
m before when you were young and romantic, you even thought that was love, but i
t wasn't."

"All those years----"

"All those years, you haven't cared one way or the other. You just waited there
and did nothing."

It is very hard for me to mistaken infatuation for love. Su Jin is right. I wa

s stupid. I am very stupid to believe that I loved that despicable bastard.

"Even if you don't love him, you ought to be angry because he put you in this si
tuation. If it weren't for him, you would have been married to Choi Eessangnim.

Would I? I am even more angy at Slade for not giving us a chance. Maybe he is
celebrating right now instead of looking for me. I thought he felt something, I
thought he love me... but...

"I am tired now, Su Jin, I needed to sleep."

"All right, Jack."



"Slade, I heard something, Two days from now, is the annual party for Takano Ene
rgy. It is open house for their affiliates. Su Jin told me that they would be
joinig that party."

"Okay, good. We have to be ready then."

Brat, you are mine....



The next day was kind of melancholic for her. She is very sensitive, hurt and s
till pregnant. She needed to find a husband fast. Kyohei is off her list and S
lade. She thought of going back to Korea to marry him. She is even willing to
swallow her pride and prepare herself to be ignored by him when he knows she i
s pregnant with their child.


Picture of Kyohei Takano is on the side ----->>>>

Few chapters guys... this will end soon....

Chapter 26

I am now here at Takano Conference hall for their Annual party. I am hoping that
Jack would be here. I swear I would drag her out of here. I might have to kiss

her in front of everyone to let them know and that guy that she mine, solely min
e. I am looking for that blue coverall. She should be very conspicuous with that
clothes. Huh!




am here now, trying to get a husband real fast. I don't want to go home and le
Daddy know that I got knocked up by my betrothed. He could be my last chance..
But no! I wouldn't be ignored by him knowing that I am pregnant with his child
I couldn't take that torture...

"So, Miss Jacqueline, I would be greatly honored to be your date tonight. You ar
e the world class motorcycle racer and wow!" He started talking about my career
as a rider and he is also a rider like me. He told me that he would love to have
my motorcycles. He even proposed a marriage to me. I also told him that I am pr
egnant. At first, he was shocked but then after he told me it didn't matter. He
would be happy to marry me with baby and all. Wait, what's his name again?



Thunder came near me and whispered,

"Slade, look at that beautiful girl there. She looked so hot with those big----"

Am I dreaming? That's her! No wonder why I couldn't spot her!

"Stop now, Thunder. We are going to get married."

"What?! What about-----"

"She is Ji Won Lim."



He looked at her again and was stupefied by the sight.

"Aigo! Ah gaessekiya! For real? How about Su Jin?"

"I don't know."

"Are you going to----"

"Yes. It's about time."



I was dancing with my fan/instant fianc when he just stopped and looked surprised
at something.


"Suteki!" [handsome] Some people are whispering that word.



Handsome? You have to be n Korea, in Gangnam to be exact to see really handsome.

The crowd suddenly parted before me and clear the way for the man who was walki
ng his way towards me. How could I miss that face? I still can't believe my eyes

Slade in Japan? Impossible! Yet he is there with his hazel eyes, coming his way
towards me. The people just parted to make way for this handsome man.

"If you want to make a scene, just say so, or you can come with me and discuss t
his matter outside, in my car."

When he mentioned 'this' it means he is quite angry so I have to do what he says

or else he would really make a scene here.

"I was just about to leave anyway."

It wasn't true after all. I wanted to run. I wanted to run away from him. But go


Outside was a limousine waiting for us. He opened the door for me and guided me
inside. He sat in fronr of me. He just looked at me and smirked.

"Was it your intention to freeze me?"

He just looked at me and gave me a dazzling smile. I felt that barmy and warmy f
eeling again.

"Explain yourself, Choi. If I known you had a trip to Japan, I would have gobe e

"Would you? I doubt that."

He just stared at me. I was ecstatic when I saw him a while ago but it is replac
ed by anger now. He said no more after making his sarcastic remark.

"What now, Choi? Why did you look for me or was it just a coincidence that you a
re here?"

"We'll get to that, Jack. Right now, I am still in shock seeing you in a nice dr
ess and looking like a real lady or do you have your blue coverall beneath that?

"Are yoy dunce or something? You dragged me out of that corporate ball. I do hap
pen to know the required dress is for such occasion."

"So, no coveralls then?"



She just rolled her eyes at me. I was dumbfounded now than when I saw her at the
dance hall. She is wearing a dark green dress. She looks so sexy indeed. I had
fantasies of her wearing a dress like that. Aigo! Her neckline was too low and h
er breast are on display for any man who cared to look.

I have never seen her look so beautiful. I just discovered that she has this sof
t feminine side. I haven't known that she had this side---well except in bed.

I saw her elegance on the hall. Aigo! She fooled those people there that she can
act like a lady. I was also furious at her. It took me months to track her. Tha
nks to her assistant, through her, I was able to track them.

What about Kyohei Takano? If I saw her with him, I would beat him up and rearran
ge his face! If she loved him, well if she really love him, I don't know if I co
uld bow down and let her have him. I am goddam jealous! No, he wouldn't take her
away from me. I don't want to share her with anyone. That Japanese guy and I co
uldn't live on the same planet. Ah gaessekiya! This love I felt wanted her to be
happy though it killed me.

"Is there a wedding planned, Jack?"



What did he say?

"What wedding?"

"Between you and that Tokto as*."

"How did you learn that?"

"From Thunder. You should have told me."

"It was none of your business----"

"We are to be married! Ah chincha! It is my goddam business if you love another


"We are to be what?"

"Fickle after all, aren't you? Or have you forgotten that you assured me you wou
ldn't break your word? A matter of honor, you said that before."

"Didn't you get my note? Your mother told me you couldn't possibly marry me that
I am disgrace, hopeless----"

"My mother didn't arrange our marriage. She has no say in this matter."

"That wasn't the impression I got from you before when you said about ending the
betrothal. When she told me what she did, I assume----"

"You assumed wrong, Jack. You just left withouth confirming the assumption with
me. I repeat, my mother didn't arrange our betrothal. Whether we get married or
not, is up to us, and depends on whether or not we are going to honor what our r
espective fathers committed to us."

"You're saying we're still betrothed, we are still to be married?"

"Yes, you are right." He just got my hand and slipped the ring on my finger.

"Don't remove it again, Jack. You are mine. I want you wearing the proof of that

I just cannot believe that he said that. There was possessiveness in his tone an
d it somehow excites me. This ring, It made me cry when I removed it. I will not
remove this ever again----not because he told me not to.

"Why? Would you mind explaining to me? I gave you an out, and as I recall, you d
idn't want to marry me, so why didn't you take it?"



"Why? Would you mind explaining to me? I gave you an out, and as I recall, you d
idn't want to marry me, so why didn't you take it?"

Because I love you! Now could be the right time to say it but she might laugh at
it or she might say, Yeah, right, Choi. Whatever you say. I am still having a h
ard time believing myself.

"You didn't give me an out. You ran off under a misconception. It didn't release
me from the betrothal, that's why I am bringing you back. However, if you reall
y want to break this betrothal, just say so and break this off."

"It wasn't my intention and you know it."

"Okay then. So there is your answer. We are still bound by that contract and ver
y much betrothed. We are still going to be married, or do you want to say no now


"This coming to Japan didn't change your views about honor?"


"Glad to hear it."

"Careful, Choi, you'll almost have me thinking you want to get married now."

"Maybe I do."

"When hell freezes over!"

That's my brat! I know she would say something like that.

"Actually, since I have to get married eventually, for a son, it might as well b
e you. After all, I have devoted a lot of time on you compared to other girls. A
nd I really adore your breasts, Jack."

I was expecting another hot retort but she just kept quiet.


"Don't explain anymore. I've always known your position in this subject, I under

I just wanted ro kick myseld for saying that to her. Ah pabbo, Min Ho!



Maybe he would be happy if I tell him now that our baby is on the way so he coul
d start ignoring me like what he said? So I could suffer and become miserable no
w? For an heir? It breaks my heart to remember that. I feel like crying now... D



She seemed miserable now. Maybe because she was still betrothed to me. Did she s
ee that Kyohei?

"You've seen Kyohei Takano?"


"I will kill that bastard if he touched you!"

"Don't bother, he didn't want to marry me. He was waiting for me to get married
so we could be lovers. He thought the same thing you did, except he thought I am
still a virgin and just waiting to change that fact."


"I was the one who got insulted, not you. Just because we are to be married and
thinking of me as your wife, doesn't mean I won't fight my own battles."

"He hurt you----"

"Nope, he didn't. Whatever I felt for him was just stupidity. Wait, where are yo
u taking me?"

"To our company's yacht. Our plane is not available at this moment. We'll be lea
ving ASAP."

"But Su Jin----"

"----is already there waiting for us, of course with some friendly persuasion fr
om Thunder."

"You're pushing it, Choi."

"After all the trouble you put me to, chaggia, I'd say I'm allowed."

--------------------------------------Chapter 27
As soon as we reached Hori River, we immediately went to the
Korea by taking the route to Han River in Seoul. Slade said
week to two because of the winter season. They are all happy
quite sad. I didn't know. I am on first trimester and I feel
up with a headache and travel near a sickness bag.

yacht and sailed to

it would take us a
about it, but I am
really sick. I woke

"Eesangnim, are you all right? Do you have seasickness?"

"I don't know. This is my first time to travel by water."
"Jack, are you all right?" Slade asked and he was really showing genuine concern
"Yes. This is my first time to travel by water."
"Okay. I am really sorry, I didn't know you have seasickness."
"Neither do I."
"Su Jin, you can go now, I will take care of her."
Su Jin just looked at me and seemed a bit confused.
"It's okay, Su Jin."

Slade just took care of me the whole day. He was just being sweet. Our conversat
ion went down to a conversational level and no more of those heated arguments. H
e was always next to me especially when I was sick. One time, he caught me stari
ng at him,
"Are you okay? Do you still need a sickness bag? By the way, three hours more an
d we will be in Seoul."
I can't believe that we are to be married. Only a few days more and he will star
t ignoring me. He will definitely find out that I am carrying his child. Our wed
ding night might be our last wedding night and he will start ignoring me. I wond
er if I could go with that thought. It only saddened me when I thought of that.
After a few hours, we reached Seoul and went to his house first in Gangnam to sp
end the night there. We are planning to go to Busan the next day. When we were t
here, we decided to eat out in restaurant. I put on my black dress to hide my tu
mmy, though I am only on my third and a half month.
I am still adjusting seeing her like a lady. She is not only beautiful but stunn
ingly beautiful. When we started eating, I was surprised to witness her table ma
nners now. I was still in shock when I witnessed her normal eating habits.
"So all those horrid disgusting manners were only for my benefit?"
"Of course."
"The cusses?"
"I just improvised."
"How about your skill with motorcycle?"
"James and Mike were my influence."
"And the threats with my women?"
"Ah, those were genuine. I never been able to share what's mine."
"Me neither, especially when you're concerned."
Well I didn't take his retort seriously. I think we both know that we had done t
he very same thing.

Anne was correct when she told her about Slade's true character. On our way back
to Korea, he was extra sweet to me. No more taunting or derisive remarks. No mo
re contemptuous looks. And too many sweet and sensuous smile that were too hard
for me to handle.
He was getting to me without even trying and it scares me. Sooner or later, he w
ould find out my secret.
If only I could hate him, I could get through marriage with ease, but it would b
e difficult now. And too many times I came close to setting my pride and thinkin
g of begging him for his affection or at least for his body.
We went to Busan the next day. I would be seeing his mother again. Maybe she wil
l be shocked if she would see me like this.
When she opened the door, she immediately said,
"So you found her."
"I told you, I would, mother. And since we will be married tomorrow, Jack will s
tay with you just for tonight. But please do not mention to her about her previo
us behavior. It was all done in pretense so you can stop worrying that----"
"Yes, yes, I know about that."
"Lim Mun Hee just arrived not long after you left. He told me that she was rathe
r unconventional especially with her skill in motorcycles, but she indeed behave
s like a lady. I was a bit shocked when I heard it. He even said----"
"Let's not discuss it, Omma. Did he return to the USA?"
"Knowing that his daughter was missing? He was suppose to go after her himself,
gladly I assured him that you would bring her back. But then I offered him my ho
My father? I am not yet ready to face him.
"He's here?"
"Yes. Slade, he confessed that there never was a...."
I just turned away and I couldn't take this anymore. How could she show up here
after what he had done? How could he pretend to care what---"Where are you going?"
He just held me. I couldn't face him because I was about to cry.
"I don't want to know. I don't want to see my daddy---ever again."
"Okay then, you don't have to. I will take you to Cage's apartment. Anne will ke
ep you secluded until our wedding; afterward, we will retire to my house in Gang
nam. But may I ask why you don't want to see him?"
"Because he would have ended the betrothal before we even met, he didn't. It was
his fault why we we've been through a lot of things. I am not forgiving him for

"Jack, if he broke the engagement now, would your word still stand?"
"Since I promise to marry you unless you cry off, I suppose it would."
"Though there was really never a betrothal contract?"
"Nothing. I have been wanting to officially ask you to marry me."
I felt barmy and warmy again. "That isn't necesary, Choi."
"Humor me, Jack. Will you marry me?"
"You promise that?"
"You're pushing it, Choi."
"Chaebal." [Please]
"Haist! All right! You have it, it's the last time I'm promising anyone----"
He just kissed me before I finish what I say. I was just breathless when let go.
"What's that for?"
"Nothing. Happy ever after did exist, chaggia, and thank you I was pushing it."
"Next time, just say the words, Choi."
Chapter 28
The following chapters will be narrated by the author. This is strictly SPG.
Korean 101: DAEBAK

Some Koreans say

[deabak] if they got lucky or won something.

"As an exclamation, daebak generally means awesome. Its not a direct translation, b
ut its the meaning that is conveyed when the word is said. When spoken, the vowel
s of dae are luxuriously stretched out and then briskly clipped by the emphatic bak!
Mostly used by the younger generation, it is seldom used by people 40 or older.
Before it became a common exclamation, daebak was mostly used as an idiom:
(daebak n
ada), with daebak meaning a big hit or success. Not surprisingly, the idiom is g
enerally used to describe success in business or in the entertainment industry.
Slade and Jack were so nervous about their wedding. Slade arrived an hour early
at the wedding hall while Jack is still with the make up artist. He wanted to h
ave the wedding yesterday but Jack would wonder why he was such in a haste. He
wanted to get this over with." --


Haish! Where is she?

If you hadnt arrived early for your wedding, you wont be this impatient.


Meanwhile, Philip arrived at the wedding hall, looking for his daughter. Slade
tried his best to avoid Jacks father. But luck wasnt on his side. Philip was alr
eady there. He seemed furious and his voice sounded furious as well.

Where the hell is my daughter?

Would you mind leaving us alone? He looked at Thunder.

Thunder looked at the angry father and back to Slade.

Must I?

Aigo, Thunder!

Okay, then, hey guys, lets go.

They left Slade alone with Jacks father.

Jack slept in Directors Annes house. Were about to be married, Lim Sajangnim.

Was she told that I was here?

Yes, but I am afraid she doesnt want to see you, President Lim

Thats preposterous! My daughter and I are really close. She----

Perhaps thats why she was hurt by what you did.

Did she know there was never any betrothal?

No she doesnt. She had already left when my mother told me about your confession.
And I chose not to mention it to her. But the betrothal is no longer an issue
. I have asked her to marry me and she accepted.

Then shes happy with you now?

She will be.

Aigo! After hearing your mother had to say about her behavior, I was afraid Jack
was never to accept you, thats why finally left. But if she now wants to marry

I swear she will be happy President Lim. But now she is still brooding about fin

ding her that her sweetheart, Kyohei Takano, was a worthless pabbo and never int
ended to marry her. Ive allowed her time to get over him. But once were married,
I can assure you, she WILL forget about that gaessekiya. Excuse my language, s

Are you telling me, she agreed to marry you after all the time youve had with her?

I admit we didnt have a good start. She didnt want to marry me; I didnt want to mar
ry her. But I changed my mind. I am not getting any younger anymore, president
Lim. Ive spent my life seducing women but I had a difficult time seducing the o
ne I have to marry, but after were married, I believe it would change.

If she doesnt know that there wasnt a real betrothal but why doesnt she want to see

Apparently, she still hasnt forgiven you for throwing us together, but I am gratef
ul for what you did, sir, well at least now. You dont have to worry much now, Sa
jangnim. If I didnt want to marry her, think I would-----

Shes coming-----Oh sorry. Anne interrupted their conversation.

Its all right, Anne. This is Jacks father.

Hi, nice to meet you, Mr. Lim. Slade? Where is Cage?

At the wedding hall.

Shouldnt you be waiting at the hall yourself?

In a moment.

Slade would now ask his future Aboenim to leave because he didnt want to see Jack
upset again, if she sees him. But again, he was quite unlucky with that.

Alex was there, looking stunningly beautiful. She wore an ivory silk wedding go
wn adorned with beautiful Swarovski crystals. It took Slades breath away. When
she noticed her father, she just turned around and left before he had seen her.

Ji Won! Slade called out and ran after her. But Philip was ahead of him. And si
nce the damage was already done, Slade waited and allowed the President to have
a private time with his daughter.

Jack wasnt going to stop. She is about to cry and she didnt want to ruin her make
up. She will not let those let those tears fall for her father. She will not
talk to her. She wasnt going to

Philip caught up with her before she got half way down the corridor in the build
ing. He held his daughters arms and

Dont touch me! SHIROYO! [Stop]

Why are you here? You didnt care enough, dad. You didnt -----

Jack, thats true.

No. I am here because of you. I was so unhappy because of what you did and you
didnt care. I hate you!

Jack, you and Slade are well suited for each other. You were greatly attracted t
o him. Why dont you give it a chance?

Because I was in love with someone else, or thought I was. You just didnt listen
. You were so stubborn on saying that we are suited. He didnt want to marry me
dad. Newsflash dad, he just proposed to me now because said he will eventually
marry someday, and he didnt bother to date someone, he didnt even court me, dad.

Jack, that was not the reason he told me about marrying you. But the important t
hing now, Jack, is your feelings for him. What do you feel for him now?

What difference does that make? He doesnt love me, dad.

Then you dont have to marry him. Ill talk to him----

Dont bother. He also didnt listen to his mother when she said he couldnt possibly m
arry me. He reversed his stand on this matter. Besides, it is too late for you
to break this betrothal. I already promised that I will marry him, so the betr
othal is no longer an issue. I will marry him---as soon as you leave.

Ji Won

Sorry, but I cant forgive you for doing to me. I have nothing to say to you, dad.

She turned her back on her father. She just closed her eyes because of the pain
it brought to her. She his footsteps receding and tears fell from her cheeks.
Oh god, its killing me! She thought.

Slade was suddenly there and hugged her. His voice at her ear, telling her, I pr
omise you, Jack, I swear, you will be happy with me. And youre going to thank yo
ur father for it someday for bringing us together. Forgive him now. Tell him y
ou forgive him. You wont regret it.

She just kissed Slade and went after her father. She just went to ground floor
and ran after her father.

Appa! Changkamanyo! Appa![ Daddy, wait]

He heard her and turned, she saw that hed been crying too, she hugged him and sob

Mianhaeyo, Appa, I didnt mean any of it.

I know. I know. Hush Jack, its all right.

Its not. I wanted to hurt you because I hurt. And its not your fault that he doe
snt love me.

I think he does, Jack.

No, he doesnt---but he will! I wad too blind to know my real feelings for him. I
should have been fighting for what I want.

Thats my girl.

They were back at the wedding hall. She saw Slade waiting with the preacher loo

king so handsome with his gray tux. The most beautiful man that she will marry
today that promised her that she will be very happy with him. He is right. Hap
py ever after did exist.

Will you give me a way, Daddy?

Then do you love him?

Oh yes, more than I could say and more than he deserves.

Then lets not hold up this wedding any longer.


They are at Slades house in Gangnam, in Slades bedroom to be exact. She was annoy
ed that Slade took an hour to shower. She told her father that she is going to
make him love him, but didnt expect overnight miracles. She was a bit of moody t
hese past few weeks, and wondered if its because of her pregnancy.

Slade went out of the shower looking so smokin hot. He just stood there at the f
oot of the bed staring at her. He is soooo handsome, she thought and had a deep
sigh. Just how was she going to make this handsome man love her?

What did you do with all those other woman you had spread around this city?

He just lifted his brow at her. Are we about to have a fight, chaggia?


Can you think of something more? Well, interesting perhaps because this happens
to be our wedding night.

If you mean making love, Choi, we will get to that.

He just laughed at her. Well, I just sent them an email telling them that I am g
oing to be get married and off limits to them. Since they already know what to
expect from you, they love having their ears with them.

I am supposed to believe that?

You should. You were the last woman I made love to and it was long time ago.

She is wearing a sexy negligee and remembered that she will demand for her weddi
ng night.

Do you think we could.

Aigo, yes. He went to bed and gathered her in his arms but didnt kiss her immediat
ely, like he used to do before. His hazel eyes searched hers.

Jack, there is something I should probably should have told----

This isnt time for talking, Choi. She just put her arms to his neck an kissed him.

His groan thrilled her. His arms crushed her. She was eagerly kissing him. Hi
s mouth, his lovely mouth was kissing her with so much heat and passion. She co
uld feel his tongue searching her and give him the fire and passion in her kisse
s. His kisses went down to her neck and to her shoulders and to her breasts. S

he knows she is ready for him. She is really determined to have her wedding nig
ht and he was determined to give her a night she would never forget. She wants
him inside of her before she explodes.

Make love to me now!

He took off her negligee and started to explore her body. He roused her with hi
s kisses though he was so gentle with her. He kissed every part of her body. H
er breasts, goodness, they are extra sensitive because of her pregnancy, and he
really adored them fairly worshipped them with his hands and mouth; she thought
she would scream with pleasure.

She came with her first climax when his fingers inside her, she aroused so quick
ly by him, and climaxed so easily to his touch. He finally entered her, it was
so different, so tender and slow, and all the more glorious when they reached ec
stasy together.

He was incredible. She pitied all those women who would have to do without him.
She wasnt going to share this man, not even a little. As they lay together, he
r head on his shoulder and his hand still softly caressing her arm that is on hi
s chest. She would like to thank him for tonight. She really knew what he want

I am giving you Duke for a wedding gift. Promise me you will take care of him an
d not let other woman ride on him.

Jack you dont have to do this.

I want to.

Thank you. Dont worry; I will take care of him. I will only ride him with you.

He was thinking that she must have heard him when he talked to Cage in their gar
age. That could only mean one thing. She would never give up her favorite moto

Why didnt you tell me, Jack?

Tell you what?

That you love me.

Michoso! Whatever gave you that idea----

Admit it, you love me!

Ah chincha, ah pabbo----

You love me, say it!

Weh? So you can gloat? So you can-----

Sp I can tell you I love you too. I loved you before you showed your true colors
, chaggia. Why do think I came after you?

You said it has nothing to do with love.

But would you believe me then? You have to believe me now, Jack.

I do. Lucky for you, I told my father I was going to make you love me.


Because I prefer quick success---otherwise it would have taken you all night to c
onvince me.

Since we are having these confessions, when were you going to tell me about the b

She gasped. Aigo, Min Ho, you werent suppose to guess this soon!

He laughed at that. I knew it! The first time that you will use my given name w
ould be in a complaint.

When did you guess?

Tonight. Considering how much I adore your breast, I could sense a slight change
in them.

Dont you ignore me ever ignore me, just because you already had your desired baby
on the way.

How could you remember that?

I remembered everything you told-----

Well, you cannot blame me before because I was in a panic. Besides, I didnt think
that marriage would agree with me.

And now?

And now I couldnt do without it or you. Ignore you, chaggia? It would be easier
to stop breathing.

She smiled and got the sudden urge to tease him. You know I left a fianc back in


My fan. He was thrilled to marry a champion rider together with the baby, and ha
ve hands on my motorcycles. Are you sure thats not why you married me?

Why else? And how dare you to give my son to another man?

Your daughter needed a father.

My son already had one.

But it took you a while to find me.

You just cut the communication lines between us. Huh!

Did I do that? She just smirked at her.

He looked at her suspiciously. Are you laughing, Jack?

It feels so good fighting with you again.

Ah chincha, remind me not to be so gullible in the future.

Ah Daebak![lucky]

I like you gullible. And I like that little streak of jealousy you have And love
you flat on your back naked where I can-----

Aigo! Jack, thats going to get you flat on your back again.

So what are you waiting for?

You have to say please.

Youre pushing it, Choi.

Ah Daebak!
Chapter 29

We had twins, a girl and a boy. Their names are Min Ji [g] and Ji Ho [b]. We a
re now in Santorini right now having our vacation, while our twins is with Direc
tor Minnie. By the way, she is retired now and I am in charge now of handling h
er position.

Choi, come now. Turn off your phone! The twins are going to be okay.

But Thunder said, Min Ji, cries a lot, and he fought with Su Jin. I think they a
re having problems now.

Give me the phone.

Director, that is your mission this week. Dont forget to update your evernote.

[Algesumnida huh!]

Its okay now. Where is our cave houses?

That direction I think.

Come on, lets go, and stop looking at those girls!

I am not looking at them!

Save your energy, Choi, we will have a long night!

Algesumnida, chaggia

This is the end for this book. Watch out for my next book, The Savaged Casanova.

Thank you for those who read my stories and to those who never ceased to comment
on them. Keumawoyo!

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