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Jan Japhet Palon

De La Salle University-Dasmarias
Dasmarias, Cavite Philippines

Matter undergoes changes all the time. It also has two properties. They are described as
physical or chemical properties. This experiment demonstrated that there are
some elements and compounds that undergo physical and chemical changes. Ice, which
is solid, can melt into water which is liquid, when put in room temperature but it can be
frozen again. Ethanol evaporates when left on a watch glass. Magnesium ribbon can be
burned with flame using the Bunsen burner, and as soon as it came in contact with flame,
it immediately emanated bright flame, and it transformed into a whole new substance.
Chemical changes only happen when the molecular composition changes.

Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. It has 3 phases; Solid, liquid
and gas. Matter has properties that show the qualities that describe them. The properties
can be either physical or chemical. Physical properties can be observed by an objects
measurements, odor, boiling point, texture, density and etc. A physical change occurs
when a substance alters its physical form, notits composition. It may involve
change in size, shape or physical state (solid, liquid or gaseous). Elements with
chemical properties, however, have tendencies or potentials to undergo a chemical
change. In a chemical change, also called a chemical reaction, occurs when a
substance is converted intoa whole new different substance. This
transformation can be seen in the change of the chemicalas well as the
physical properties of the substances involved. Such properties as
color, odor,taste, and solubility are useful in determining if new substances
have been formed.

1. To demonstrate the differences in the properties of elements, compounds and
2. To show some methods of separating components of mixtures.


A piece of ice was placed into a 250 mL beaker; it was left to stay at
room temperature for ten minutes. On a watch glass, a few drops of
ethanol were left to stand for five minutes. T h r o u g h t h e u s e o f a
p a i r o f t o n g s , a p i e c e o f m a g n e s i u m r i b b o n wa s h e l d a n d
i g n i t e d i n a Bunsen burner. The process was observed. A pinch of
naphthalene was placed inside a 250 mL beaker; it was covered with a watch
glass and was heated gently over a low flame. With the use of a pair of
tongs, a small piece of filter paper was held and ignited in a Bunsen
burner. The process was again observed. Inside a test tube, a small piece of
mossy zinc was placed together with a 5 mL diluted HCl.

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