Michell's Essay

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Aprilliyani Marta Yuliana

November 23, 2014

Its Not Just Save Our FST
As a environmentalist, Im never really quite sure how to answer the question about what
I have been saved from this Earth. The condition of Earth now a day, however will open our eyes
to find clear solution. We must do anything to keep all of natural resources. Its not just to keep,
but we must think about how we can make these resources always stay on this planet.
A source nursery can start from a little thing that we never be conscious. Start from the
nearest. An impossible place is our home, our faculty. Indonesia has many of university and
many of this thinking the innovation, however, can save the environment and reach the welfare
too. Airlangga University! An elite university in the middle of town, busy condition, like
Surabaya, UNAIR must be pathfinder beside another university. Im sure with a such oration
can wake the humans heart to show up, to tell their smart innovation.
The most important are collegers. We can be pioneer of save and health environment.
First, look at those gallons. We did a good event but we leave bad rubbish. Plant in Gallons is a
misunderestimate event. Actually yes we can plant to keep oxygen, but gallon made from plastic
and many of this are useless. We can change it to be organic-paper-plastic garbage for FST. We
can modify this garbage with painting so it will be nice. Second, the mess green house can be
conjured to be a Floras House. We can give it an almost wipe out tropic plants, for the
example so FST does one of the best thing to keep the plasma nutfah with this
activity. Third, we can name the plants in FST with Latin and this advantage. This activity can
give an education to all visitors. Then, garbage store may exist in FST because we will get
many of advantage it. For the example we can recycle the organic become manure until methane
gass that can be placed in a store. It can replace the function of LPG that the cost rising
continuesly. Plastic and paper can be conjured become creative goods and increase the facultys
All of that idea is not the mission. All of that advantage is not the vision. Its not just
about save the Earth or get the advantage. Its about save ourself, our offspring in the future.
Earth is enormous mass of inorganic material eight thousand miles thick. Its giant rock. It will

be here, whether we recycle those bottles or not. The Earth is just a giant rock that needs nothing
from us, but without it, we are nothing. Allwe do is just to clean the mess, not just save the water,
soil, or air, but over all. We can do anything to save ourself from destroyment. Earth Day 22
April is just one of moment that can help us to clean all up the mess, its a philanthropy. Just say
We can, we still have chance, and we can rise that to ourself and get to work right now.
Become a good grandfather or grandmother for our offspring. We can start it again until the
nirvanas come back to us.

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