Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Shared Application Tier Additonal Info

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R12 Install, Patch and Maintain

Shared Application Tier Additional Information

1 Shared Application Tier is the default in R12 when installing a multi-tier environment.
2 The Shared Application Tier is also called the Primary Application Tier.
3 By default the DBTier will be placed on the Primary Application Node.
4 The shared file system will host the following and all nodes will access the associated files
using the same path as defined on the shared system:

ex: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_st/prodcom,
ex: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_st/prodappl
Tools ORACLE_HOME ex: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_st/prodora/10.1.2
Web ORACLE_HOME ex: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_st/prodora/10.1.3

Pre-Install Work:
Define the shared file system for the installation
Create the user id and group id for the application user on all application nodes. The
user and group id MUST be the same on all nodes.
Mount the shared file system on all application nodes. In this manner all file system
layouts will be the same for all nodes.
If the RDBMS will be on a node other then the Primary Application Node then Rapid Install will
need to be run on each defined application node in the configuration file:
a) Run rapidwiz on the database tier. In the configuration define all the nodes required
and allocate one of the nodes as your primary application tier. Complete the build on
the DB tier for the database and ensure that the rdbms is up and running before
b) Run rapidwiz on each additional node and the primary application node, pointing to
the original configuration file configured and saved to the database. Select the
checkbox to load a configuration file and enter the database connect string in the
response field. When running rapidwiz on each additional node, be certain that the
shared filesystem checkbox is checked in rapidwiz when defining the node and the
primary application node is selected that will host the shared filesystem.
c) When adding new nodes in rapidwiz the paths to the components listed in step 4
above MUST be the same. This path will be defined in the additional node definition.
In other words, you are defining the path to the shared components on the shared
mount point.

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R12 Install, Patch and Maintain

Shared Application Tier Additional Information
Adding a New Node to an existing multi-node configuration
1 On the Primary Application Node identified as the shared application server, run with a parameter of appsTier.
$ cd <INST_TOP>/admin/scripts/
$ perl appsTier
This process prepares your system to add a new node into the configuration. Do not make any
further application configuration changes until after completing the addition of the new node. If
you do then the preclone process will become invalidated and errors may occur.
2 On the new server mount the shared application system disk. The absolute path to the
shared file system must be exactly the same for all application nodes. Ensure that the drives
hosting the following files are accessible using the absolute path and visible from both the
primary and new application nodes:

Shared OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME
Shared OracleAS 10.1.3 ORACLE_HOME

3 Create the UserID and GroupID on the new server ensuring that the UserID and GroupID
are the same on all servers.
From the New Node to be added:
1 Login to the server as the APPLMGR user. Do NOT source the consolidated environment
2 Copy the Applications context file (<context>.xml) from the primary application server to the
new node if you cannot point to it from the new node.
3 Source the Applications environment file (not the consolidated file!). The applications
environment file is in $APPL_TOP directory with a name in the format of
4 - From the command line issue the following command to move to the COMMON_TOP. The
command should take you to the COMMON_TOP under the shared mount point:
$ cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin
5 Run the following command to create a new context file for the new node that is being
added to the system. Use absolute paths when defining context file dir:
$ perl addnode contextfile=<INST_TOP>/appl/admin/<CONTEXT>.xml
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R12 Install, Patch and Maintain

Shared Application Tier Additional Information
During the process of defining the new context file you will be prompted for the following
APPS Password
ORACLE password for AOL
Target hostname (virtual or normal)
Current HostName
Do you want the inputs to be validated (y/n)
This checks for resource conflicts when response is Y
Target system service groups enable Root Services [enabled]:
Default is enabled. Must be enabled if configuring additional Web Entry Point
Services or Web Application Services on new node.
Target system service groups enable Web Entry Point Services [enabled]:
Default is enabled. Must be enabled if configuring Web Entry Point
Target system service groups enable Web Application Services [enabled]:
Default is enabled. Must be enabled if configuring Web Entry Point
Target system service groups enable Batch Processing Services [enabled]:
Default is enabled. Must be enabled if configuring Batch Processing Services.
Target system service groups enable Other Service Groups [enabled]:
Default is enabled. Must be enabled if configuring Other Service Group.
Do you want to preserve the Display set to localhost:5.0(y/n)?
Default is n. Enter y to use the previous display value.
Target System Display[xxxxxx:0.0]
Enter a valid display value if entering n in the previous prompt.

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R12 Install, Patch and Maintain

Shared Application Tier Additional Information
Do you want the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n)?
Default is n. Answer y to keep the same port values as the source system. Otherwise
you will need to answer the following prompt.
Enter the port pool to be used for the target system node [0-99]:
0 is the default port pool. Selecting a new port pool integer will increment each port
assigned by the application by the integer selected.
Target system proxy hostname:
Default is www-proxy. Enter a valid proxy hostname.
Target system proxy port:
Default is 80. Enter a valid proxy port.
UTIL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories:
1. /usr/tmp
2. /<APPS_BASE>/db/tech_st/10.2.0/temp
3. /<APPS_BASE>/db/tech_st/10.2.0/appsutil/outbound.<SID>
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value that will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node:
The default is 1. Select a value from the list provided. Your list will reflect the values
added for temp directories defined during installation of the application and possible
reconfiguration. The selected value will be assigned to APPLPTMP by the utility in the
newly cloned context file.
A new context file will be generated following the run of on the new server.
6 Run AutoConfig ( on the new node. A new Instance home on the box will be
created and the RDBMS tables will be updated to recognize the new node.
Ex: $ perl $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=<complete path to new context file, including
the file name>
7 Run AutoConfig on all other nodes to update the configuration files on nodes to recognize
the new node.

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