Factual Description - Report, Speech, Process & Instructions

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AWS: Factual Description - Report, Speech,

Process & Instructions

Advanced Writing Skills

Factual Description
A report is a systematic and well organised presentation of facts and findings
of an event that has already taken place somewhere. It is written for a specific
readership and intended to be kept as a record. A good report includes the

the record of a sequence of events

interpretation of the significance of these events or facts

evaluation of the facts

discussion of the outcomes of a decision or course of action



A report must always be:

well structured

Kinds of Report

Newspaper Reports
School Reports
Speech for Assembly
Factual description of a person, place or object
Process - Writing
Instructions & Directions

1. Headline
2. Name of the report writer
3. Place and date of reporting

4. Opening paragraph
5. Account of the event in detail

1. Newspaper Report:
(a) You are Madan Gopal, a staff reporter of the The Indian Express. You have
been asked to pay a visit to the site of the bus-train accident at a manned railway
crossing near Pulwa station. On the basis of the first hand information, write a
report in about 125-150 words.

Train accident 7 dead and 16 injured

Ghaziabad, March 15: Seven school children were killed and 16 injured when the Taj
Express rammed into a school bus at a manned railway crossing near Pulwa station, 15
kilometers from here, on Saturday. Three of the injured are said to be in a critical
The accident occurred at around 8:25 a.m. The crossing had been closed but was
opened by railway gateman on a request from the bus driver who was in a hurry to get
the students to school. Neither of them saw the train coming as the fog had reduced the
visibility almost to zero. As the bus sneaked through the gate, the train rammed it from
The Railway announced Rs. 5 lakh in compensation to the families of the dead, Rs.
50,000 each for the seriously injured and Rs. 15,000 each for those with minor injuries.
-- Madan Gopal, a staff

2. A Report for School Magazine

Delhi Public School, Shantipur, Delhi recentlty organized a course in First Aid for
students of Senior classes. Rajni of Class XII writes a report on the programme
giving necessary details for the school magagine. Write the report in 125-150

A Report On A Course In First Aid

- By Rajni, Class XII
A course in the first aid was organized in Delhi Public School by Red Cross Society of
Delhi on 15th & 16th Dec. 2012 in school auditorium at 10.00 a.m. It was a fine
programme on the preliminary requirements of the first aid. Two doctors delivered
lectures as well as demonstrated to adopt precautionary measures during the time of
emergencies in accidental, fir and earthquake cases. They taught the binding of
bandages and the use of certain life-saving drugs in the most fatal cases. The course
was attended by more than 70 students of XII that enabled them to learn and apply first
aid in urgent cases. A small leaflet of 5 pages was also issued by the society for more
information. The Principal thanked all and praised their servicing attitude.

3. A Speech for Assembly

Last week you attended a seminar on the importance of blood donation
organized by Red Cross Society, New Delhi. Write a report to be read in the
morning assembly.

Honourable Principal, teachers and dear friends

Good Morning to you all
I happened to attend a seminar on the importance of blood donation that was organized
by Red Cross Society, New Delhi. Near about 90 students from different schools and 50
doctors from different hospitals of Delhi attended the seminar. The Union Health
Minister pointed out the importance of blood for our life. He revealed that a single drop
of blood can save the precious life of a dying man. He stated that by donating blood
they are not inviting any ailment or deficiency of any kind in the body. It is the mental or
psychological whim that a donor possesses in his or her mind about some weakness. A
healthy man can donate blood after every six months and he will remain in a perfect
trim. Other eminent doctors too stated that they should save and protect their blood and
utilize it at the proper time. The seminar concluded that the masses should be educated
to donate blood.
Thank you

4. Factual Description
Today a lady, an acquaintance of your mother, came to visit your house. Your
mother was not at home at that time. When she comes back you describe the lady
to her in such a way that she can recall and recognize her. Write the description.

Factual description of a visitor

Mother, today a lady came to our house at around 11 Oclock. I was alone in the house
at that time. When I opened the door I saw that a tall fair woman dressed in an elegant
salwar Kameez was standing at the door. She handed me her card told me that she had
met you in Bangalore during a conference. She told her name as Vandana. She was
carrying a brown leather handbag and had long black hair which she had left open. Her
hair was particularly noticeable. She said that you might not be remembering her so the
card would help you in recognizing her. She also showed me the visiting card which you
had given to her in Banglore. She told me that she located the house with the help of
the map drawn on the backside of the card.

5. Instructions & Directions

You are going to the hostel next week . Your mother writes a set of instructions
and directions and gives it to you. It includes dos and donts and directions
about managing your routine. Write her instructions.

Instructions & Directions

Once you will be on your own you will realize that independence is very sweet but
requires lot of responsibility. You have already learnt how to sew a button on your shirt.
You should know how to make a cup of tea. Knowing how to fix a fuse is also important.
You should be able to handle emergencies like sickness or being hurt. Always contact
the authorities in that case.
You should wind your alarm clock at night so that you can wake up in time. Be quick in
getting ready but do not neglect personal hygiene. There will be no Mom to remind you.
Your good health is important for you to study hard, so eat well. The mess food may not

be like homes. But it is more wholesome and hygienic than food outside. So do not eat
cheap spicy food in the outside eating places. You must make friend with other boys in
the hostel. Being in good company will not make you homesick. I know you can handle
all this well. So my good wishes are with you.

6. Process Writing
You are staying at a boarding school. You want to open a Savings Bank Account.
Write how to open a Savings Bank Account in not more than 125-150 words.

Opening a Savings Bank Account

The process of Opening a Savings Bank Account is very simple. Go to bank and ask
the clerk on duty at the Saving Account counter to give you a prescribed printed form for
opening an account. You must take with you and your identity card. You are required to
enter your name and address in it. You can give the name of nominee. You have to put
your signature at two or three places on it. This is termed as your specimen signature.
Each applicant is required to sign a declaration to the effect that he or she has read and
accepted the rules for the conduct of Savings Bank Deposit Account. After you have
opened an account, you are given a bank Pass Book with your name, home address
and account number written on it. You can withdraw the amount required by filling in the
withdrawal form.

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