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Aisha Hanif
MBA (human resource management )7th Semester

Jinnah university for women , karachi




Aisha Hanif

A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the institute of JINNAH UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN in
Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of
MBA ( human resource management ) 7th Semester

Jinnah university for women , Karachi



I, hereby declare that the research submitted to R&DD by me is my own original work. I am
aware of the fact that in case my work is found to be plagiarized or not genuine, R&DD has the
full authority to cancel my research work and I am liable to penal action.

Students Name: Aisha Hanif

Date: _________________________


The study was undertaken at mobilink on the topic the effect of training

on employee

performance at mobilink a telecommunication industry. The objective of this study is to search

out the effect of employee training on employees performance with mobilink .The methodology
that was used for the study was quantitative research. Self administered questionnaire was used
in the gathering of analysis for data .The statistical population of this study is from
telecommunication industry in pakistan, mobilink That covers 200 employees and data was
Gathered through a questionnaire.the variables of this research are skill development,employee
commitment,readiness to adapt change and service delivery really have the positive impact on
employee performance. Correlation analysis was used throughspss for data analysis the study
disclosed, that there were organizational issues such as lacking of management support for
training programmes, which compelled training and development. It was also looked that
training had positive impact on employees of the mobilink. The study suggested that in order for
mobilink to be successful as the first choice telecommunication industry in pakistan,
management must enable all departments to engage in the training of employees to maintain
potential and strengthen employees competencies ,skills ,knowledge and attitude. Results show
the Positive relationship between on job training and employee performance.


This research is dedicated to my late grand father who always had a confidence in me and
offered me an encouragement and whose vision and every kind of support in my endeavors has
led me to the current situation; and I want to say
O my lord! Have a mercy on him, as he did care for me when I was a child.

It is also dedicated to my sweet mom whose prayers are always encircling me in the time of
difficulty, to my brothers and family whose love, encouragement and patience have felt me
comfortable and at last but not the least To all my respectable teachers who played an enormous
role in my life and to all my friends whose affection and prayers are always with me.

Certificate of Approval

I certify that I have read impact of training on employee performance in mobilink By Aisha
Hanif and that in my opinion this work meets the criteria for approving a thesis submitted in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the MBA (human resource management ) 7th Semester
at the institute of Jinnah university for women , Karachi .


Name: Dr Saad Usmani

Designation: Dean
Signature: _____________






1.1 Background of the Research1

1.2 Problem Statement...5

Significance of the study
Surrounding of the study

Research question
Variables to be studied:
coceptual Framework to be used:
Proposed Research Hypotheses:
Limitation of the study
Rationale of the study





2.2 Concepts and De finitions9

2.2.1 Meaning of training.10
Historical facts
Impact of training on employee performance

2.3 Organizations Need for training (performance)..15

Typical reasons of Employee Training at MOBILINK

Benefits of training



1.9 Research Methodology41

1.10 Research Strategy42
1.11 Research Instrument..43
1.12 Respondents..43
1.13 Scales43

1.14 Rational to use44

1.15 Data Collection45
Method of Data Analysis
Ethical consideration
Survey method

1.1. Background Of The Study
There is no doubt that organisations are focusing more on employee performance for
order to utilize human resource effectively.organizations emphasize on their human resources to
keep them up to date based on environmental changes,technology and competition. In so doing
organizations tend to focuse on managers to pay special attention on human assets to attain
organizational goals and objectives. Organizations try to capture turbulent dynamic market,they
strongly focus on human capital in order to get financial solvency and competitive advantage
.the success of organizations depend on employee skill,knowledge and attitude. This study,
therefore, discuss the one of the core valuable function of human resource which is training,
employee performance, organizations must see continuous employee training and development
.training and development is very important at all level of employees, due to the reason that skills
erode and become obsolete over a period of time and need to be replenished (nishtha and amit
(2010).employees need training to respond customer and market requirement because it keeps on
changing.organizations invest in training programs to improve performance of employees as the
success of organizations depend on skilled enhance the performance outcome of
the organization. Actve usage of training and development is one of the essential role of human
resource management ,it is the very important component for raising the level of executive
capability and individual ,it helps employees narrow the gap then they fulfill their tasks
effectively. Training main objective is to increase workerss ability for present and forthcoming
tasks and challenges,work ideas and capabilities (cole 2002). Training helps employees to
perform processes because it targets the employees weaknesses and hindrance to perform the

specific task capture the problem fills the gap and helps to remove negative
outcomes by facilitating and providing information that are necessary to improve their
performance level.
organizations are updating their employees performance ,knowledge ,skills and
attitude due to changes in political,economical and technological advancement (evans, pucik &
barsoux 2002, 32) thats why it is very important for an organization to train their employees so
they can adapt changing environment put greater impact on employee
performance and make employees knowledgeable so it is the primary concern for any
organization to increase job performance of the employees ,employees are the asset for every
organization therefore they are trained to achieve organizational goals and objectives.employees
are intellectual property for an organization(houger 2006), so managers ensure that they are
being provided adequate training so their competencies and skills will be increased and training
is the best way to develope employees behavior and knowledge towards their job. When
organization hires a new employee he or she is not familiar to the relavent knowledge skills and
culture of an organization they need training to know about their tasks ,assignments and how to
interact with customer ,organizational policies and is also important for an
existing employees for updating their helps to redirect the current









knowledge,skills,attitude and interest automatically changes when the environment changes so it

puts positive impact.organizations provide transferrable skills by training in this way employees
adapt change and be ready for future change. Pakistan mobile communications limited, or
mobilink, is the leading telecommunications service provider in pakistan, founded in 1994
having 8500 as the first gsm operator in pakistan after obtaining the gsm license in 1992. Four

years later, mobilink introduced pakistans first prepaid brand mobilink jazz in 2008. . This
study however concentrated on the staff of the mobilink members, junior staff and senior staff.
Interviews were also conducted among junior staff in administration and management members
as well as. The senior members are the supervisors of both senior staff and junior staff and are
also the heads of various departments. The interviews conducted with management and junior
staff members supported whatever survey (questionnaire) that were administered to the research
according to ivancevich (2010), training and development is an important core function
that provides skills, information and understanding of the organization and its goals to
employees. Cole (1997) defines the list of factors that affects the quantity and quality of training
activities are as follows:
1. That the degree of change in the external environment e. g. Technology, legislation and so on
has influence on training and development.
2. Training emphasizes on internal change e. g. New markets, new processes, new competitors.
3. Suitable knowledge, skills and attitude within the existing workforce
4. Training focuses on adaptability of existing workforce
5.the commitment of senior management to training as an essential part of economic success
6. The extent to which the organization supports the idea of internal career development
7. The extent to which management sees training as a motivating factor in work and finally

1.2 .Problem Statement

To check out whether or not the

training has more impact on employee performance in

telecommunication sector(Mobilink) in pakistan.the ups and down in the economy of pakistan

due to various factor is a puzzling situation for telecommunication sector and employees are
greatly affected.despite the concerning of organizations on training of their employees ,there is
little focus on literature of employee development issues in pakistan (debrah & ofori 2006) and
customer face low quality services issues in the telecommunication sector ,moreover
performance gap among employees also a big problem and rapidly changing in technology also a
big problem for mobilink.
1.3.Significance Of The Study
It will be significant to the researchers,training policy makers and for their decision making and
for human resource policy implementation. It would benefit the mobilink in its effort to develop
and train its employees .
1.4.Surrounding Of The Study
Training and development is a very large area of research,therefore i focus specifically on
telecommunication industry in pakistan ,mobilink,training is an important area for mobilink to
increase performance of employees. In this research i did not focus on the internal aspects of an
organization, even though some of these aspects are addressed, but i focus on how

organizations are addressing the integration of training

into their

programs.the main purpose of conducting the study of the impact of training on employee
performance is that we want to increase the growth of telecommunication industry in all over the literature is found on pakistani market thus,this study will be a thorough analysis of

employees performance and it will be helpful for researchers the telecommunication industries
and their employees.

1.5.Research Question
1)what is the relationship between training and employee performance?
2)what is the relationship between employee commitment and employee performance?
3)what is the relationship between service delivery and employee performance?
4)is there relationship exist between skill development and employee performance?
5)does training help employees to adapt for change?
The main objective of human resource management is to evaluate the abilities and assertiveness
of plays an important role for progress of establishment and achievement of every organization has identified the significance of workers bacause they are very
imporant resource for any organization.organizations

maintain their employees to increase

awareness and skill development in them.organizations focus to their employees for adapting
change and better service will create better oppurnity for employees

1.6.Conceptual Framework To Be Used


Independent variable

Dependent variable


Service delivery


Readiness to
adapt change

1.7.Variables To Be Studied
1.7.1.Dependent Variables
The dependent variable of this research is employee performance
Which depends upon training of employees.Literature review also reveals that performance is
dependent variable and it is enhanced by Providing effective training.
1.7.2.Independent Variable
The independent variable of this research is training. . Literature review recommends that
Training of employees have a greater impact on the performance of employees. There is direct
Relationship between training and performance i.e. Training enhances the performance.
1.8.Proposed Research Hypotheses
H1: Skill development and employee performance have a relationship.
H2: service delivery has an impact on employee performance.
H3: There is an association between employee commitment and employee performance.
H4: Readiness to adapt change have an impact on employee performance.
1.9.Limitation Of The Study
Time is the major constraint for this broad topic and it needs further study and time to explore it.
Lack of proper data availability is also hindrance to focus on any variable for satisfactory result.

1.10.Rationale Of The Study

The main reason of this research is to analyze the relationship between training and employee
performance and to find out

which variables (i.e.skill development,productivity,service

delivery,employee commitment & readiness to adapt for change) has a relationship with
employee performance
it is expected that the findings of this research will assess highlight the ways in
which human resource training can be useful not only to the organizations but also to the career
development of its employees. All in all, the output would cover way of clarifying human
resources needed for the competitive performance of organizations managing in the same line of
business as the sample companies in pakistan.


Aidah Nassazi (2013) effects of training on employee performance evidence from uganda 25-29

Graig (2011) degree of influence of training and development of employees behavior 5-7

Victor A Malaolue & Emenike (2010) training and manpower development,productivity and
performance international journal of research 5-12

Naqvi (2014) impact of training and development on employee performance A Case study from
different banking sector 19-21

Theresa I .NDULUE (2012) impact of training and development on worker performance in an

organization 5-10

Dr.Amir Elnaga (2013) the effect of training on employee performance Europeon journal of
business management 4-6

Theresa Teller Rogers (2003) the impact of training on worker performance and retention the
journal of social education 7-9

Benedicta Appiah (2010) the training impact on employee performance A case study of HFC
bank ltd 17-23

2.1.Overview Of Topic
This research has been undertaken in the field of training to identify how training improves the
competencies of workers to enhance their performance is identified in different
companies specially in telecommunication that training is very necessary for the involvement
and comitment of employees towards their work.if employees are trained then overall
performance of workers will be increased ,and firm will grow financially ,strategic point of
view,hr perspective and the organization will be more successful because the taining programs
have high impact on the employees performance based on work,knowledge,performance and
training is defined by(lorrain dearden 2005)as the degree to which employees improve
their ksas. According to (black and lynch 2001) training and workers performance have a
positive a result organization growth will be possible and high by reducing
absenteeism,demotivation and dissatisfacton. Planned efforts by organizations to increase
employees competencies.
Workers are considered as valuable asset for achieving desired objectives which make
the firm to stay on high position in the corporate world,so it is necessary to set training programs
so that workers are able to polish their attitudes towards job to get involved and be skillful in
their tasks. By the study of khan et al (2011), employees are counted as the most important
assets for every organization, because it is not possible to be a skilful worker without an
appropriate training programs now every organization is investing a sufficient amount of capital

in training and development activities. Training delivery and design style has positively related
with organizational performance as Measured by empirical data

2.2.Concepts And Definitions

Well trained employees play vital role to a organization success.we never deny that the most
productive,satisfied and motivated employees are those who receive extensive training.this type
of employees are often called cream of crop, as they have the strongest stake in any
organizations success.
according to (dessler 2008),even employees are selected carefully ,it doesnt mean
they can perform all the tasks effectively they are given,this is because may be a employee is
good at doing one task and not have potential to do another different tasks until a employee go
through training thats why training of newly hired employees start from orientation.
human resource management according to( mccourt & eldridge 2003, 2)

is the

process where organizations manage their staff and assess them to develop (in order to be able
to execute organizations goals and missions successfully.
2.2.1.Meanings Of Training
Decenzo & robbins (2000), explain training as a learning experience, in that, it seeks a
relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his ability to perform on the job.
Training means to educate the employees to improve their knowledge,skills and behavior
towards can increase the skillful employees and has a positive is very useful to
promote this way employees can be more developed.

(garavan et al., 1995; harrison, 1993; reid et al., 1994) explored ,training is defined
as a planned and systematic effort to modify or develop knowledge, skills and attitudes through
learning experiences, to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities.
Finally ivancevich (2010), says training is an attempt to improve future or current performance
of an employee and it is important for both new and current employees
by the study of harrison (2009:6) training is to lead and guide in or for some particular
art, profession, occupation or practice; to exercise, practice, and assignments . Gravan et al
(1995); also defines training as an instructor led and content based intervention which notify to
desired changes in behaviour (cipd factsheet 2008). As cited in garavan (1997), the oxford
english dictionary defines training as a practical education of any profession, art or
is used extensively to help employees discern their role in meeting corporate objectives. They
further said that training is an opportunity for learning and learning depends on factors such as
implementation and design of training and the learning climate of any organization.
harrison (1993) and reid et al (1994) citied in garavan (1997) also explored training as
planned and systematic strength to transform or flourish skills, knowledge, and attitudes
With the help of learning experiences to get effective performance in an activity or variety of
Activities. Van wart et al (1993) explained training is an application driven system which
objective is to increase skills that are beneficial promptly in particular situations.
according to blanchard and thacker (2007) training impart employees with knowledge
And skills to fulfil their job more effectively. It means training should be provided in a way that
will replenish employees knowledge,behavior,attitude and must focus on employees that
how should they perform their tasks and they know their duties to be done effectively on timely based on planned programs to improve level of performance for an employee.if

employees performance is up to the mark it means they go through training continually and there
is a better chance to get oppurtunities and they are ready to adapt change.
There is a input_output relationship exist in performance.performance is based on employee is also called employee productivity as how employees input and utilize resources to get
the outputs. Performance is a measure of the results achieved. It increases the effectiveness of
the process or procedure.
Learning is defined as a permanent change in behavior and attitude .it is the process of acquiring
understanding, values, knowledge, skills .it considers to adapt to any environment; it helps to
underpin all of the above three terms. Now, the approach must consider on the employee
learning by ensuring that it should happen when needed that is, just-in-time & just-for-you
learning,it mainly depends on these factors:
1. Conditions in which the learning takes place
2. Skills of the trainer
3. Innate qualities and interest of the learner
(kim, 1993) explain learning is defined as a method to increase an employees talent for taking
an action.
Sloman (2003a) differentiate between learning that influence within the range of the individual
and training that influence within the domain of the organization

However, reynolds et al (2000.he defined there is a difference betwwen training & learning as
through learning we can gain information,skills and capability while training is an action for
taking promotion of learning.
2.2.4.Personality Competency
Refers to skill, knowledge, traits or attributes that relate to an individuals personality.. A
personality competency that may be required for success in one job may also be required for
success in a whole lot of other jobs. Anagement
It is concerned with doing things right and relates to the output of the job and what the
employee actually achieves .it means that the employee successes in accomplishing what he/she
tries to do. The degree to which the employee achieves a stated goal ..
it is concerned with doing things right. It is calculated as the amount of resources used to
produce a product or service. It is based on how much raw materials, money, are necessary for
producing a volume of output..the amount of resources used to achieve a goal.
Its focus is on learning and personal development. Preparing individual through learning and
education for the future needs of an organization traditionally, lower level employees were
trained while higher level employees were developed. This distinction focuses on the
learning of hands on skills as against interpersonal and decision making skills.

2.2.8.Training Need Analysis

(Nishtha and amit (2010). Explored that the analysis of learning and training needs provides a
health check on the talent, skills, and capabilities of the organisation. (tna) training
Needs analysis is explained as the identification of training requirements and the most cost
saving means of meeting those requirements.

A TNA should always be performed where a major new development in policy, equipment
acquisition or procedures is , considered to have potential effect upon the current training

2.2.9.Transfer Of Training
The principle that employees transfer the competencies learned in the training period onto their
2.2.10.Person Analysis
Addresses the question of whether employees are deficient in important tasks and competencies
and whether training would address these deficiencies.
2.2.11.Organizational Analysis
The purpose of this analysis is to examine the organization, unit, or department and determine its
basic business strategy, objectives, and goals.

2.2.12.Task/Competency Analysis
Involves obtaining information from the organizational analysis to examine the tasks performed
in each job and determine the competencies needed to perform these tasks effectively.
2.3.Historical Facts
Training programs started to take place during the 19th and early 20th centuries.simulation
gaming took place early 1800s in the prussian military.role playing was developed in 1910 by
dr. J. L. Moreno of vienna, austria, in 1910.
In the early 20th century,training emerged as a profession henry ford (1863-1947) introduced the
assembly line at his highland park, michigan, plant.this required highly particular and concerned
training programs for labor division,assignments & tasks , as compared to ever before
The huge production demands of the world war i and ii designed a invasion of new employees
with few and no informative education or proficiency to the work setting reid and barrington
(1999) recommended that the main concern of training for training methods and individual

was based on teaching before the era of has been more

complicated and focused learner centric activities. The 20th century was the era of economic
growth and globalisation. Most of the organizations have changed in size, structure, management
and philosophy. In this continuously varying environment the concepts

based on training

modified which enhanced the use and scope and became more developed in practice.

2.4.Impact Of Training On Employee Performance

A study by(nadeem,naveed and komal 2014) training plays tremendous role on the performance
of workers to enhance their capability by filling the gap in very short period of time by
supporting workers in the situation of conflict and increases their compatibility for growth.
Training directly impact on employees performance they can be innovative while having tacit enhances their adaptive expertise,self mangement proficiency ,technical
proficiency and crosscultural also has indirectly impact on employees
performance while increasing coordination among teams,planning,communication skills and
(nodler 1984) says training is considered for enhancing individuals position
,knowledge & skills on the present job to meet the objectives of the organizations .if employees
take participation in training effectively it must be indicating firm have better policies regarding
training .he says moreover 100% employee performance is based on training because
technologies are more advanced as compared to before & changing day by day.
by the study of( ameeq-ul-ameeq 2013) training assesses organizations to be
profitale & organizations now make sections to improve performance of their employees in this
way could be developed & be skillfull while doing task efficiently. And new trends in treatment
with greater emphasis on physical activity instead of rest and passivity. The training is one of
the basic activity in order to have qualified, flexible,skillful and proactive employees(bartel,
1994; raghuram, 1994; macduffie and kochan,1995). Organizations spend sufficient amount of
time and money on training in order to help employee's learning of job-related issues and
competencies(cascio, 2000;noe,2006).training emphasizes particular techniques and inputs for

issues solving and objectives setting concerning and to attain the right running of each stage of
the procedure of the knowledge management (alavi and leidner,2001; bollinger and smith,
(Dr Elnaga ,2013)the success and disaster of any firm depends on the performance of
employee ,organization tries to find out where is the performance problem so it could be solved
out & employees better understand the job .organizations provide training so workers do job as
organization want from them to handle the uncertain conditions if arises,& be more committed
towards their job(david 2006) training gives the power to employees how to interact from
customers in the best way responding of their quaries.
a study by (Nda muhammad ,2013) says training is counted as a buzz for
employee performance now organizations tend to invest more in training programs & to meet the
market needs as well as employees needs that where is the gap between performance in desired
& actual exploring dexterity of employees to solve out the issues of employees & financial
a study by (theresa teller rogers ,eileen mayers ,2003) invigored that employee
performance are affected in a positive way by solving out poor assessment ,poor issues of
services and delivery & interventions by emphasizing on work commitment while putting better
impact on employees competencies , skills & retention as well as.
a study explained by(naveed ahmed,nadeem iqbal) says there is a positive
relationship between training & employee performance it improves the delivery style &
competencies of employees such as ksas & measuring training needs of employees.

a study by (ann p.bartel ,1991) says if a company provides more training to their
employees then they would be internationally competitive .according to (bishop 1990 & hozler
1991) invigored that if there are newly hired employees in mobilink or any firm ,training is
considered to enhance their performance level by making them more productive for enhancing
participation for making them informed about economic performance & policies of hr
management. As to how the patients may training plays significant role in achieving
organizational objectives by keeping in view the interest of employees and organization (stone
j.r. Human resource 2002). To achieve the organizational goals employee performance is
important that depends on a variety of factors. But training receives high importance as it
improves the skills, capabilities, confidence and competencies.
a study by (waleed hassan) job training focus on retaining employees , turn over
rate ,participation of female & male ,reward system and supervisory support by making career
and remains employees competitive to increase the level of performance specially in
(pecorn 2000) says ongoing training is very important to make employees
well informed about the latest services & technology by maintaining morale as well as. In short
for getting the organizational objectives position of human capital convince to organization
expansion and advancement and human capital is completely based on training, if a employee is
trained he/she can better perform in organizations. The main purpose of the study is to elaborate
the influencing

effect of training and development on organizational performance level .

Organizations should consider more & more on training programs as compared to cost control
and efficiency as organization could not attain betterment unless they go through training &
development .

(russell, terberg, and powers 1985; bartel 1994; cianni and wnuck 1997; ettington 1997; barak,
maymon, and harel 1999).the business that were working below their expectation level in 1983
had introduced newly programs for training to get their workers to be more developed & skillful
so they could reach their business on the top during 1983 & 1986 by gaining experience by using
harthorne effect based on formal training is the suitable way for below average firm to
enhance level of performance of their employees.
a research by (wright ,2001) identifies that training program is used to change
competency level of employees. It puts great impact on ksas ,so that organizational performance
also be improved with the performance of employees as well as .by the study of (swart,2005) training helps organizations to investigate that if there is a need for modeling their
employees then performance gap is filled by effective training programs so that employees can
be able to get knowledge about their job requirements.
it is said by(cooke,2000) employees need continuous training for doing their
assigned tasks well moreover he says presenting & functioning are also counted for performance
of employee .he states that on the job training is very appropriate to discover provision of
training by giving benefits to employees through skill development & quality services to
customers also.
by the study of (laura portolese dias,beginning management of human resources
2012) she defines through training it is possible to meet with workers to assess their interest by
fulfilling gap between actual verses expected by adding value & newly skills moreover she states
training puts highly positive impact on empolyees that how to interact with customers by soft
skill training. Training also has a significant effect on employee performance. Firms can develop

and enhance the quality of the current employees by providing comprehensive training and
development. Indeed, research indicates that investments in training employees in problemsolving, teamwork and interpersonal relations result in beneficial firm level outcomes
it is said by (learning & development for individual & organization,john
p.wilson,1999) people working in any organization either individually or in groups or in the
shape of teams have never been able to handle their tasks by their own until and unless they
provide healthy support to each other while working on their targets. So, team members should
develop the environment where they can bring down the short comings of weak members by
consistently contributing to their weak performance. In any organization not everyone is fully
equipped with any sort of expertise or carry the ability of handling every task he is assigned,
except he is well versed in it and has strong track experience regarding that specific assignment.
Training has been the main factor for influencing the employees skills, abilities and attitude.
(lisa et al, 2010).training emphasizes for attention,awakening enthusiasm of employees,personal
discovery & for offering challenges by sharing inspiration & build level of confidence of
employees & best suites for task involvement by improving skill defeciencies.
a study by (employee training & development ,raymond noe,2012) he says most
of the issues are tackled by training to enhance employee performance,retention,productivity &
doing more with less ,companies try to solve out above issues by assessing skill gap & need
analysis of employees and also give value to intellectual capital.
it is said by (olagunju,motoluwake 2014) training gives power to employees to
increase satisfactory delivery ,efficiency & effectiveness on job.according to (steers 1977:54)
commitment is significant and positively related to employee performance

by the study of (ronald r sims ,1998) training emphasizes on performance by

preparing employees for doing best work based on teams while providing knowledge about
improving service,quality & delivery & make emloyees able to understand tasks & processes
how to respond customers for variety,convenience & customization.
it is said by (saks & robert r ,2009) trained employees keep on getting new
knowledge & improve attitude towards job and they will have self_efficacy increasing
oppurtunities of advancement & promotion in order to adapt change.
by the study of (dana gains & james ,1998) now a days training focuses on
employee skills & performance needs by involving them in a new procedures & how to designed
solutions to function the customer service rapidly moreover employees are given training about
new products prior to 20 days before. Identification of training needs, design and implementation
of training programmes, transfer of training, and evaluation of programme benefits are key
activities (krishnaveni & sripirabaa, 2008)
according to ( benedicta appiah,2010) it is very necessary to attain education
about job awareness since the technology has been more advanced as compared to before then
the need for more skillful employees has also been increased ,for eliminating risks to beat
competition & to secure employment training has taken valuable place to enhance employee
performance,confidence and to make them feel secure as well as .training is an integral tool to
reach on desired goal and target.
it is said by (dr.shahid,2014) organization performance depends on employee
performance .training and development cultivate attitude of employees to profit orientation and

goals of organization helping them how to perform future and current job dealing in
understanding,practices & techniques.
(paully et al.,1994) says there is a need of every individual to be committed to the
assigned task .the employees who are really involved in a job assignments would make the better
output.and it is only possible when they are trained.employees feel satisfaction when they
identify their skills,task,behavior and norms of the organization.individual become highly
motivated when they are committed for doing innovative tasks .training helps to attach the
employees towards immediate tasks or routine tasks as well as..if employees are committed it
may affect the transfer of training(blau and boal, 1987).if emloyees are trained it makes possible
lower turnover rate and fewer absences and employees identify their self worth (blau and boal,
1987).employees want to improve their job performance and training is the best way to improve
their transfers the knowledge and skills that is necessary to actual job
(blau, 1986).
(gordon, 1970).says training is very important element to imrove enhances
the level of organization and employee performance and helps to fill the
performance gap between what is going on and what should be happen_between desired tasks
and targets ,actual work performance and training need has become any shortfall
in individual is very useful way to reduce deficiency level at work increases competency,skills,attitude,productivity and ultimately employees
performance in any organizational means organizational success and profit depend on
the abilities and skills of their so doing organizations continually invest in training
programs to make sure the adequate supply of staff based on socially and technically this way employees would be developed into high ranking for the relevant
(wong & tjosvold,1995) says training helps to enhance communicative style and
now it has been a profitable business for any organization.(knippen & green,1994) defines
training has two aspects first,evaluating how verbal skills change( manipulation check) through
a training program. Secondly,how much effects does training put on a customer and a services
provider. Another reason is that training operationalizes communicative skills and heps to reduce
distress of employees at work focuses both the customers and employees
emotions and attitude.trained employees have better conversation and evaluating skills than
untrained workers.customers also want to provide information to trained employees than to
untrained because trained employees familiar how to get appropriate information at the right
time from right customers based on techniques.
(colarelli & montei, 1996; becker, 1993) says training leads to increase
employee retention.employees training put greater impact on the success of company.employees
performance is expected to enhance once a training program is this way the benefit
of company will be increased due to enhancement of employees skills,knowledge productivity
and return the employees get oppurtunities , higher wages and high ranking as well
as.through training the employees skills can be replenished and in this how,the organization may
acheive organizational leads to employees committment and fosters retention of
(deckop et al. 2006) says training is designed to fulfill the needs of employees
in this way employees will be more productive and also be helps employees to
enhance their interpersonal skills and abilities,job confidence,team work and this

how they can carry their task more is used to unlock the potential growth and
to maintain competitive edge (rama v. & nagurvali shaik, 2012).organization invest in training
programs as knowledge,skills and attitude greatly impact on employees the
study of(noe, 2006),organizations tend to focus on training programs to assist employees job
related issues and competencies.
(robert, 2006) explians training programs assists in making acquaintance of
individuals with more advanced technology and getting coarse and sound competencies and
proficiency so that it would be easy to handle the work and basics of newly introducing
technical equipments. More importantly it occurs when


are not fully trained

perspective current working and technical skills & techniques and they are not able to provide to
their assignments & tasks according to the expectation of an organization. Effectiveness of
training can bring down these imperfection spot , it gives energy to employees to actively take
part in providing supportive advice on their behalves and conveying it to considering
management for the improvement of the employees and organization.
(svenja, 2007) says training makes it possible for enhancing individual self efficacy at work
place would also help in pushing workers performance to an improved and better level and to
high their momentum on employees own behalf , the trainees who would

be provided

informative training programs from their supervisor he/she would definitely increase the
effectiveness of the task they do which will absolutely improve their performance into an
effeciency level (wei-tai, 2004). Training makes it possible to reduce negative & weak aspects in
an organization outputs and tends towards the advancement of traditional practices that are
adding few in approaching to the mentioned expected level of target (kathiravan, devadason and
zakkeer, 2006).

2.5.organizations need for training (performance)

When employees are fully trained and has

knowledge about how to deliver services to

customers or callers specially in telecommunication industry,mobilink and if organizations know

how to utilize the competencies of employees it would be beneficial for both employees and
organization as well as.
therefore for an organization to grow and survive in todays globally
competitive and fast changing environment especially in the technology, for a very long time,
there would be the need for organizations to come up with systems and programmes that would
carry out of their the need struggle creativity ,attention, and general innovations as individual
employees and as

teams or

groups of network, asare- bediako (2008). For this reason

organizations try to adapt to new cultures ,structures, and new effective methods of performance
management and employee motivation to be able to manage with immediate

change and

competition in the business environment

with innovative changes or adjustments become successful when people get

new perspective or understandings, values, skills and

knowledge . For an example, the

introduction of effective and up-to-date technique in performance management would require

that the employees (supervisors and management) who administer this system must (i)
understand the need for it and (ii) have the knowledge and skills to implement it. This
understanding, knowledge and skills would come from organizing seminars or training
programmes that will provide these implementers the relevant perspectives, skills and knowledge

for successful implementation. The ultimate human resource management outcome therefore is
performance and hence all other outcomes such as competencies, morale of employees, attitudes
and motivation are determinants of performance, performance of employees as said elsewhere
thus is about employee output which is two fold; first, the effective use of inputs or resources and
second, the translation of efficiency into quality services in an organization like mobilink which
has been granted accreditation for the running of courses in bachelor of technology
Human resource training, education and development activities therefore focus at the equipping
of employees with the important competencies that they need for their better performance on
their work setting . It therefore fairly important and correct to argue that, without the right kind
of competencies, no amount of motivation either in cash or kind will be able to get employees to
perform creditably or totally acceptable.
Asare-bediako, ivancevich and beardwell and holden, all agree that competencies needed by
employees to perform at a fully acceptable levels fall into three main categories, namely;
technical, managerial and personality competencies. Training and development interventions
therefore should aim at providing employees with the required technical, managerial and
personality competencies for them to attain and sustain a high level of performance.
Boxall and purcell defines

that the opportunity to use training powerfully arises when

organizations have invested more comprehensively in recruitment and has thus built a labour
pool with greater long run potential and consequently greater aspirations.
according to robbins and judge (2207), competent employees do not remain
competent forever. Skills deteriorate and become obsolete and therefore new skills need to be
learned. They cite a report from the usa where corporations with 100 or more employees spent
more than $51 billion dollar on formal training in one year.

Most training is directed at upgrading and improving an employees technical skills. This form
of training has become increasingly important for two (2) reasons:
Jobs change as a result of new technologies and improved methods, (ibid)
Due to new technology and new organization structure design

Technical training has become very necessary because of changes in organizational design. For
example as organizations expand their use of teams flatten their structures, and break down
traditional barriers, employees need mastery of wider variety of tasks and enhanced knowledge
(working in teams ,problem solving techniques, , quality circles, e. T. C.) Of how their
organizations must manage .
Training in general terms is designed to increase employees job skills, be it, managerial,
technical or personality. E. G. Employees may be trained to teach new skills, run machines, or
acquainted with persona ldevelopment methods.
The requirement of training for all

employees further comes from both



demographic trends which has which meant radical changes in the composition of the labour
force. Further factors impact on the numbers, types and requirements of available jobs contain
automation, worker displacement due to acquisitions and mergers, downsizing and business
paradigm shift e. G. From manufacturing to service job (or vice versa); the increasing
sophistication in technological systems that are imposing training and retraining requirements on
existing workforce, the need to train underutilized employees and the training needs t about by
national and international competitions in the environment of many organizations.
according to taylor (1998), for the successful creation of an organizational culture
managements make sure that the employees have the appropriate outlook and the required set of

attitudes. This further leads credence for the need for training and development of employees
right from new employees through orientation to current employees who from
Time to time need modification of attitude to remain in line with the culture of the organization

2.6.typical reasons of employee training at mobilink

2.6.1. Customer service

Now competition has increased

in todays global marketplace so it is very neccesary for

employees to meet and understand the requirements and needs of customers.

Customer service representatives have the direct connection between the company that they are
working for and the customers who are looking for services they assess customers to answer
about their quaries and to provide help involving a company's product or services. Workers
should be patient and polite, especially when interacting with demanding or annoyed customers.





supply knowledge about an organizations services





and products . Customer service

representatives should be ready and able to assess customers and exercise patience even when
dealing with people who may be sulky or worried . They may work with customers in person,
over the phone or via computer. The expected growth of industries that specialized in customer
service, like telephone call centers, should lead to more job openings in the coming years, as will
consumers' increasing demands for products that require service and support. Representatives
must try to find solutions to a customers issues. By resolving issues effectively, representatives
contribute to customer retention and loyalty and trust.

2.6.2. Computer skills

computer skills have become a neccesary need for performing office and administrative tasks.
Mobilink focuses on

tools that sync computer software to phone systems. Outbound

representatives make rotating calls to all customers and phone numbers set up in a prospect or
customer database. . Inbound representatives cycle through calls that rotate in specific program
operation varies, but employees generally need the ability to multitask with the technology to
keep calls coming through or going out on their line. Representatives commonly add notes to
customer accounts and enter details of services or new purchases.
It refers to the action of consenting to undertake or receive something offered and give respect
to all employees whether their race,gender, status, ethnicity physical abilities, religious beliefs
or nationality are is focused that every employee is unique and valuable . It is the
exploration of these differences in a positive,

safe and nurturing environment. : diversity

training usually provides explanation about that how people have different perspectives and
views, and includes techniques to value diversity. Diversity is about understanding each other










rich directions of diversity consisted within each employee.


Customer service representatives highly need strong communication skills to answer about
customers quaries clearly. The rapidly increasing diversity of todays workforce brings a wide

variety of customs and languages .they should communicate and

understand information

effectively in writing, by phone, or in person communication skills. Customer service reps in a

call center are phone communication experts .creating positive connections with customers is
very necessary requirement of a representatives job.listening is especially important since the
conversations take place over the phone. Call centre representatives are not able to see
customers' nonverbal gestures, thats why they have to pick up on vocal cues and listen
effectively to understand customers' feelings and

messages . . Representatives should listen

being attentive and understand a customers situation in order to assess them. . Outbound
representatives also use their communication skills to provoke customers to purchase extra
products and services.
employees need the ability to quickly acknowledge the situation and resolve it by
communicating alternative solutions and offering benefits. Customer service representatives
usually receive short-term on-the-job training, lasting 2 to 3 weeks. Those who work in finance
and insurance may need several months of training to learn more complicated financial
regulations. In certain industries, such as finance and insurance, customer service representatives
must keep up-to-date with changing regulations

General customer service training should focus on procedures for answering about quaries
information about a companys products and services, and how to use computer and telephone .
An experienced workers train the employees under the guidance of them for the first few weeks
of employment.

2.6.5. Human relations

There is no doubt that stresses of todays worksetting has been increased and resulting in
conflicts and misunderstandings. Mobilink provides training to their employees to get along in
the workplace.if employees are feeling comfortable and mentally relaxed at their workplace they
can work more better and efficiently.

2.6.6 . Sexual harassment

in mobilink sexual harassment training is usually specified through a
the organizations

careful description of

rules and policies about sexual harassment, especially about what are

unethical attitude and behaviours.and employees are given deserving rights and protecting
against sexual harassment.

2.6.7. Quality initiatives

Initiatives such as total quality management, quality circles, benchmarking, etc. Require basic
training about quality concepts, guidelines and standards for quality.
2.6. 8. Safety
safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment, hazardous chemicals,
Repetitive activities, etc. But can also be useful with practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc.
2.6.9. Ethics
todays society has increasing expectations about corporate social responsibility. Also, todays
diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values and morals to the workplace

2.7.traning programs in the mobilink

Mobilink is focusing both on the job training and off the job training as well as.mobilink is
providing 80% on the job training while 20% off the job training.mobilink also considers
external parties in there training programs.
2.7.1.On the job training
(needham & dransfield, 1990) defined a basic definition of(ojt) on-the-job training is that it is
an approach that provides the chance for learning knowledge and skills through experience at
work settings. Training is provided at the worksite is known as ojt.
(levis & trevitt, 1994) explained on the job training is different from off the job
training for some perspective because off the job training provides knowledge and education
opportunity through being present at training that is far away from the job or workplace. Ojt is a
form of directed experience (albers, 1974). On the job training is provided to workers while they
are doing their regular jobs. This is the best way to save time and in this way, they get learning
while doing their tasks.mobilink develops a plan for what must be taught and they inform their
employees with all details and scheduals. A time-table is established with periodic assessment to
inform employees about their progress. In on the job training fresh or unskilled workeres acquire
a knowledge through observing managers or peers performing the job and trying to follow their
behaviour. It is cost saving and are less troublesome bacause employees are always on the
job.on-the-job techniques include orientations, apprenticeships, job instruction training, ,
assistantships and internships, coaching and job rotation .

It is also an important training and development method in mobilink .it is the 1st step to welcome
new employees orientation involves getting new employees trained and

familiarized on the

new job within an organization.its main objective is to make employees aware from an
organization such as organizational policies ,structure and its procedures, and to empower
them to get the best understanding about the organizations rules and orientation
program ,employees are exposed to different undertakings for example the nature of their new
work, how to take on their identified tasks and responsibilities and what is generally expected of
the employees by the organization.employees are further given a general overview of the
organizational working environment including for example working systems, office layout and
technology, briefed about the current organizational culture, processes and procedures, working
conditions, and health and safety issues. Simply the main reason of the orientation is to provide
new employees with all the necessary information they highly need to start working

2.7.3. job rotation

In this method employees are moved through a series of correlated jobs .it is a formal, planned
program that involves the assignment of trainees for varying jobs in different parts of the
organization. According to (mccourt & eldridge 2003, 356) job transfers and

rotation is the

movements of employees from one official responsibility to another as a way of enhancing

employee skills for instance getting on higher rank position within the organization, and one
branch of the organization to another within organization. It also




employees from one country to another. These rotations and transfers opens door for employees
to get knowledge of the different operations within the organization together with the differences

existing in different countries where the organization also operates. In this way it will overcome
constant mental or physical stress .the knowledge acquired by the selected employees for this
method is beneficial to the organization as it may enhance the flexibility and adaptability of the
organization. It is useful

to prepare or groom promising employees for future leadership

positions by enhancing their skills and knowledge.

By the study of (mccourt & eldridge 2003, 256;;devanna, fombrun & tichy 1984;; torrington et
al. 2005, 394 - 395). It includes having the more experienced employees guide the less
experienced employees. Coaching is a one-to-one training coaching refers to unplanned and
informal training and development activities provided by supervisors and peers to employees.
Coaching assess in rapidly identifying the weak areas and tries to consider on issues
wray and parsloe (2000:42) explored a definition of coaching that says, coaching is
a process that empowers development and learning to occur and thus performance to improve
knowledge, skills and work performance . Albers (1974) regards ojt as being similar with
coaching. Coaching carries greater accountability and

responsibility for commitments and

2.8. Other categories of training done in mobilink
There are two types of training categories provided in mobilink which are soft skill training and
technical training

2.8.1.Soft skill training

Mobilink assesses their employees flourish a higher base of information on topics that impact
their personal lives in this way they could be more productive and less inattentive, in their work
setting. Soft skill development courses in areas such as childcare and personal finance can
assess their better team manage the most neccesary areas in their personal may contain
the following things like teamwork training ,conflict management training, communication
skills ,people management training, ,anger management,time management training
workers need several key soft skills to perform their job well. A knack for subtly steering
conversations to diffuse caller anger and resolve caller issues and concerns ranks high among the
essential communication skills needed by call center workers. Agents must recognize when to
express empathy, how courtesy conveys respect and the power that their tone of voice has on
caller perceptions.
2.8.2.Technical training
Technical training puts direct impact on the performance of the employees. Specific skills are
considered and produced accordingly. The engineering trainings of mobilink are also focused
with this along with,customer services training, marketing and technology training ,sales related
training, etc.all these types of training are done to increase the employees job performance at
through a training programs. Mobilink

invests aggressively with its large workforce in

maintaining its human assets through local trainings and

International trainings as well as a structured employee well-being programs,leading it one of
the most sought after companies to work for in pakistan.graham burke, the president pmcl

mobilink, said mobilink will provide proper training programmes to its employees in order to
make them more aware of their responsibilities and to enhance their performance
The various training programmes of mobilink focuses on specific skills such as the monthly or
annual reports of performance are assessed by the manager and the weak areas are considered
and the respective training is followed up.mobilink trains its employees in the following fields
as well:
2.8.3.Customer service training
The employees are focused to train in negotiating skills, communication skills in order to deal
the customers whether in the customers services centre or call centre . They are trained on how
to respond appropriately to the customers, how to recognize their issues , solve their problems
and how to deal with customers .
2.8.4.Leadership workshop
Good leaders are made,not necessarily born.employees can become an effective leader by
developing theirself through a never-ending process of self-study, training,

education &

experience. To inspire people to higher levels of teamwork there are some things should be,
know & do. Leadership makes people want to attain challenging objectives and

goals . This

workshop is for managers who have the wish to make things happen & have a team who need
to be inspired into action! Mobilink provides this workshop for its particular employees.
2.8.5.Supervisors training
It is a very difficult job to leading an organization or a department and the person at this
position should be completely skillfull

The supervisor training program assesses those people who are at this post to develop the right
skills needed and asked for at this job.
2.8.6.Development of oratory skills
Employees fulfil faster and more accurately with less stress if employees are fit, healthy and
have active minds .the way of speaking

indicates their state of mind. Lack of confidence in

making public appearance is often the result of not knowing information on a certain topics that
what to do and howto do it! Mobilink makes employees learn toovercome their hesitation and
feel the self confident -professional image many seek! This workshop will provide handsonapproach to replenish oratory skills that involves a heavy dose of practical the
same time, practice without the necessary conceptual knowledge is pointless and avoides the
need for adaptation and

flexibility and for varying situations. They will also find ways to

manage performance of teams and employees in order to get organizational and departmental
objectives and goals . All these programmes are focusing at developing particular skills in
specific people for mentioned is believed that leadership skills and business goals are
gained through the training and development of the employees. To make it more motivating the
participants of the training programme are awarded a course completion certificate at a
graduation ceremonywhich is held after the completion of the training programme.
2.8.7.Conflict management training
We are living in this era where conflict and chaos are on the peak level.lack of conflict can be
as destroying for any organization, if having conflicts that gone out of hand. In actual conflict is
the key source of creativity, without which innovation is not possible. Usually these conflicts are
overcome , but occasionally they grow to hinder one's job performance. This program is

designed toenhance a supervisor's ability to prevent conflicts from reaching a crisis stage and
how to resolve it when a necessary conflict occurs. A framework for tackling conflict is also
provided that assesses managers who find dealing with conflict an unpleasant experience.
2.8.9.Off the job training
When training is conducted away from the workplace is called off the job training .when
employees are away from work place then off the job is considered to be more effective and
their concentration is fully at training.


depending on the information needed,

organizations policies and structure, the trainers too may be coming outside the organization or
within the corporation .
according to cipd factsheet (2010) any type of learning carried out away
from the place of work is known as off-the-job training. Off-the-job training can be done through
various activities and exercises like outdoor activities or

conducting lectures in groups.

According to sloman (1999) off-the-job training activities are mostly conducted when new
employees are hired . These activities mainly consist of group training sessions and lectures for
a fixed number of days. Learning from these activities is measured at the end of the sessions
before the employees start with their jobs.
It refers to any artificial environment exactly same to the real situation. Simulation shows real
life situations regarding trainees decisions resulting in outcomes that reflects what could be
happen if they were on the job. Simulation method of training is most famous and core among all
of the job training methods. Trainees are trained on the especially designed machine or
equipment that seems to be really used in the job or field in the simulation training method .it

enables trainees to look impact of their decisions in an artificial and risk free environment. Its
mainly concerned

to teach process and

production skills as well as

interpersonal and

management proficiency. Simulations closely copy work this way motivation and
interest of employees can be increased as actual job situations are replicated and trainees could
focus on getting knowledge without facing much risk.
2.8.9.Role playing
Role-playing is defined as a role training where people rehearse situations in preparation for a
future performance and to boost their capabilities within a role. It includes training and
development techniques that focus to capture and carry forth decision making situations to train
the employees. In this way the method enables workers to act out work situations . This method
is cost effective and also very easy for the employees to learn new things. It involves the
presentation of problems and solutions for example in an organization setting for discussion.
This method is better when it is followed under stress-free or alternatively less -stress
environments so as to open door for better learning. The trainees are instructed to act out a
given role by assuming themselves as they would in a stage play. It develops skill in applying
knowledge in areas of human relations. Role players have knowledge of a situation about the
respective roles that they have to play. . It is good for customer service and training. Role playing
basically covers topics such as, conducting a post-appraisal interview. Hiring, firing, employeeemployer relationships .
according to blanchard and thacker (2007) lecture or group training is considered one of the
most traditional pattern and frequently used of training a instructor or trainer always leads
group training. Thacker (2007) further explored that the trainer starts the training sessions by

discussing the agenda for training,the training objectives, and the process that will be used in the
training sessions employees are given training by trainer in the form of lectures calling them to
a class room. This method is effectively used to make aware of procedures and to give
instructions on particular topic. Cost per trainee is low when it is used for large groups and
simple and

efficient and lots of material could be presented within given time limit . It is

primarily one way communication of learned capabilities from trainer to audience. It is hard to
ensure that the entire audience understands a topic on the same level . Despite these drawbacks,
lecturing is the most cost-effective way of reaching large audiences.
2.8.11.Case study
Case stydy is a written description of any real situation in the past in same organisation or
somewhere else and trainees are asked to analyze and provide their opinion in writing. It gives
an insight into the context of a issues as well as emphasizing , the main points. Case study
method enhances the trainee's power of observation, helping them to ask better questions and to
see for a broader range of issues. Analytical thinking is enhanced and it encourages open
mindedness.moreover it is suitable to all employees as it deals with detailed description of actual
life situations it focuses studying cases from all perspectives, analyzing the various options
available to the company for solving isues or address problems and arriving at most suitable

2.9.benefits of training

Mullins (2007) defines training is the necessary potential motivator to improve knowledge and
skills and to change trainees attitude and and hence the following benefits accumulate from
training programmes:
1. Training replenishes the quality, skills and availability of employees.
2. It improves service delivery to customers
3. Training enhances commitment and confidence of employees.
4. Training increases the personal achievement and satisfaction and this tends to further
broaden career progression opportunities
5. It enhances efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain increased capacity to
adopt new technologies and methods eg biomatrics in mobilink.
6. Employees are able to recognise and enhances responsibilities that would lead to an
increase in pay and promotion.
7. Training can increase the overall productivity of staff.
8. Training increases employee motivation.
9. It makes it possible to reduction in employee turnover and scrap and wastage.
Mobilink recognizes that the personal and professional growth of its employees is a critical goal
of its responsibility towards its people. Professional growth is also an integral need for the
enhancement of an organizations culture. Therefore, mobilink strives to ensure that its
employees excel at their work and develop their leadership skills through cross-training,
education assistance, and multidisciplinary skills.
It increases innovation in strategies and service delivery from all of the above, it has become
quite clear that when an organization invest money in training for the betterment of their

performance then employees feel worthy. Training is a very essential element in the
improvement process of organizations performance and enhances

level of employees

performance and finally leading to organizational competence. With a higher sense of worth,
employees often feel more loyal to business. Training therefore bridges the gap between what
should happen and what is happening; i. E. The desired goals or standards and the actual level of
performance when employees feel greater loyalty, they are more willing to work harder and
longer in order to make the business a success. Training is where skills are developed, behaviors
are changed, ideas generate and the organization is reinvented. In the course of learning the skills
that will increase sales, build effective teams, improve quality standards or meet a wide range of
other objectives, employees create a new organizational culture (babaita, 2010). Training can
also provide employees with a feeling of empowerment. With empowerment focuses the
willingness to do whatever they should

do to get the job done on well. Overall, trained

employees tend to benefit both their own careers and the company they are working for.


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Chapter three
Research design
3.1.research methodology
I used quantitative approach in this research. Questionnaires were developed as the survey
instrument. Sample size consists of 200 employees from telecommunication organizations in
pakistan. Convenience sampling will be used to collect data from the respondents for this study.

The quantitative research is that which tries to search answer to a question by the analysis of
quantitative data .moreover gay, mills and airasian (2009) explored that the strength of
quantitative research is the opportunities that it provides researchers to interact and collect data
& information directly from their research participants to understand a phenomenon from their
point of view.
3.2.research strategy
The study is based on survey in which i collected data once across a population through
sampling.i selected 200 employees using convenience sampling technique, to which
questionnaires were administered. An interview was also conducted to gather information &
knowledge about the management point of view on how mobilink performance of employees
can be better through training. I also reviewed documents on training from mobilink. . It helped
me to ascertain whether mobilink has a training policy in place, whether mobilink has career
progressions projection for each employee, and also to check whether the processes of training
were being duly followed.

3.3.source of data collection

I used seconday sources such as journals ,websites,articles,books and thesis to collect data.the
data of research work was gathered essentially from secondary sources. I traced the history of
mobilink and its role of training area over the last few years from secondary sources. The
purpose of the questionnaires was to investigate the awareness of training program and the role
that mobilink is considering in the training area of its employees. I investigated why it is very
important to acquire new skills,knowledge and abilities on the work place & how it can affect the

performance of employees. Sample size of my research is 200 from which a total of 200
questionnaire were filled out by the employees of mobilink. The required information for the
study was collected through questionnaire. The use of questionnaire provides the information to
be presented in a numeric way. The survey had been administered to 200 participants using
different means (email,personally delivered and through third party). The covering letter
highlighted the objectives of the research, significance of respondents contribution and the time
within which to return the instrument. A complete set of questionnaire including a covering
letter accompanied the questionnaire. Respondents were given free access at any time for any
type of information or assurance they needed it was also assured that anonymity of all research
participants will be ensured and the results would be discussed and reported only in the
aggregate. Questionnaire was prepared in english language and it was distributed among
different experts to maintain content validity this was followed by personalcontact and
persuasion.i also conducted semi-structured personal interviews to obtain the primary data.
These interviews assessed me to deliver general perception on how mobilink has traditionally
dealt with issues of training . A copy of the questionnaire is attached as appendix 1.i used spss 20
version for data analysis purpose

3.4.research instrument
I developed comprehensive research instruments and tested before the real research commenced.
The questionnaire for this research was administered to 200 employees; the questionnaire was
developed after suggestions with the supervisor. The items were finally edited and carefully
chosen bearing in mind the research questions. The questionnaire was in one part only,

constituting the main items, which directly dispatched the research questions. Items 1-7 was
expected to provide an answer to the number of years employees had been working with the
organization, their gender as well as educational background. Items 8-11 of the questionnaire
were to lit up information on training programs available at mobilink when they joined the
company,which training method was provided to them. Items 12-16 elicit information on
employees development and the role of management in assisting them to enhance their
knowledge skills and attitude towards job. Items 17 and 21 elicit information to consider that
employees become more responsible after on-the-job training & really a job performance directly
enhances the customer satisfaction at services and products ofthe company then it results to
enhancement in job performance causes satisfaction in top management/ colleagues /supervisors/
customers that increses interest to performing the job.the remaining items were basically to
throw more light on mobilink training policies, the importance they attach to it and employees
awareness of any such policies while considering that chances of promotion within company
increases after getting training and reduces the turnover rate of the company and it highly put
impact employees motivation and growth. The questionnaire greatly helped me to data analysis.
Other minor tools used were personal interviews, occasional conversations and direct
observation whether there is a documented training policy in place, and whether there are career
progression projections for all employees
The data will be collected through questionnaires. Five point likert scale will be utilized to ask
over the respondents how strongly they disagree or agree with a statement. To collect the opinion
data from the respondents scale questions will be used regarding the employee performance and
training . The collected data will then be analyzed with the help of spss.

3.6.method of data analysis

Since the aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between different variables in relation
to employee performance so the statistical technique that will be used in this study would be
correlation which helps in finding the association among different variables. A descriptive
research design was carried out in an attempt to investigate the effect of training on employee
performance in mobilink . A questionnaire was used to find out the effect oftraining
employee performance in mobilink. The population for this research


mainly focused on

administrators, junior and senior call representatives and business centre employees of mobilink.
From 200 respondents, all 200 respondents returned the questionnaires. Heads of department
and administrators were also interviewed. Correlation analysis was used to determine the effect
of training on employee performance. Spss( statistical package for social science ) version 21
was used for evaluating the data.

3.7.survey method
The research is based on quantitative nature because the data collected through survey is
numeric in nature and will be analyzed with the help of using spss for accurate measurement.
3.8.ethical consideration
According to flynn et al., (1995) defined that several ethical issues must be concerned while
gathering data which includes confidentiality of data gained , the objective of the research, ,
respect of the participant in all aspects, and ignorance of enforcing the respondents in case he or

she takes time to respond. The truthfulness and honesty of the researchers is the most important
aspect that needs to be focused ethically. (carlos a. Primo braga, 1995 ) explored that various
unethical problems

in research, which need to be ignored include violating nondisclosure

agreements, misrepresenting results,breaking respondent confidentiality deceiving people, , and

ignoring legal liability ,invoicing irregularities. during the study strict compliance was ensured
with regard to the guidelines stressing the need to define the objective of study and the advantage
expected from participants, the rights of participants and how these would be protected and kept
confidential and getting the informed consent of participant during the process of interviews
(osullivan & ressel,1989).in this study, it was made sure that the basic and neceassy aspects of
ethical consideration are complied. Respondents were ensured full confidentiality of their
identity (organizational and personal and) and the information provided.

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Chapter four

4.1.relationship between training and motivativation of employees

Looking ways for motivating their employees ,training is the best way to motivate employees if
any organization is offering appropriate training to their employees . Employees will appreciate
training as it is formal based process through employees get skills,knowledge and competencies.
The relationship between training and motivation is that training provides both the awareness
and the competencies that allow people to motivate toward a certain goal or objective. . The basis
of motivation, or the yearning to attain a desired goal depends on awareness of such goals, and

the realization that the person has the means and capabilities to attain such goals. If an
organization have desire to keep their staff motivated about learning new concepts. Reasons for
employee training consists of from new-hire training about operation, to introducing a new
concept to a workgroup to bringing in a new computer system. Human resource management
must contain factors of employee training and employee motivation and development. Employee
business training for employees would only not equip them, but it can also be an excellent
source of employee motivation. Competent employees have a higher capacity to be enabled and
perform withbetterment , which also builds their sense of confidence , willingness ownership,
and employee motivation. Benefits of employee training can be many, including employee
motivation techniques that targets business career training, which employees view as directly
developing theircareer.

training is the formal process by which a person acquires knowledge, skills,

and competencies. Motivation is the direction and intensity of ones effort, or the psychological
feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal.if employees are provided
appropriate training to motivate employees the output would be positive such as:

4.1.2.Betterment of job results

The main reasons for lack of motivation at work place contains lack of faith in one's abilities and
attitude , training helps to provide a solution to most of these factors such as poor rewards , low
self-esteem, monotony at work , habits such as procrastination and laziness, poor time
management, fear of failure and other factors. The most focused obvious output of any company
sponsored intervention of training programs that is based on skill-development . Training
assesses to equip the individuals with skills to do the work efficiently and faster , and apply

employees to do tasks more wisely .training also assesses employees enhance soft skills such a
better communication skills , better time management, better critical thinking ability, , and other
skills, all of which remain necessary traits to achieve success in any job. The ability of
employees to work better enhances confidence, improves self-esteem ,removes the fear of
failure, and all translating to better motivation.
Competency and skills is increasing through training also allows for job
enrichment, and

job enlargement and whereby employees get a broader range of

responsibilities and

roles and and end monotony. All these usually come with excellence

rewards and recognition, both primary motivators. Training thus becomes the basis of impacting
performance improvement.

4.1.3.Better fit for perform tasks

Training enables the employees to fit within the organization better, sometimes individuals
remain disinclined to do tasks in an organization they usually are not able to associate
themselves with that jobs, so training also offers a path to abolish mismatches and best way to
acquire the competencies and skills and that remain in demand, but which the person lacks. Such
training interventions assesses employees to get motivated to associating themselves with
theorganization,moreover substantiating the relationship between training and motivation.

4.1.4.Development of employees

It is the most necessary for every employees to remain aware of the requirement to keep their
skills updated to remain competitive in today's fast

growing world. Training motivates

employees primarily by building their skill-levels and developing their competencies ,skills and
knowledge. The simple environment of work, however, does not supply then with an opportunity
to learn extra and new things very often as compared to complex environment, and as such,
they remain in a state of anxiety and frustration. Providing regular and periodic company
sponsored training and developmental intervention is the best way for companies


employees to get rid from the frustration and anxiety respective to their skills stagnating and
becoming unemployable in the future. This makes it possible to get them motivated enough to
remain and do their tasks on well in the current job.

4.2.relationship between employee training and performance appraisal

It is the process which helps a consultant or manager for evaluating and examining the
work behavior an employee's by comparing it with current

standards and documenting

the outputs of the difference while useing the output to provide feedback to the employee to
make them aware that where improvements are needed and why. A performance appraisal (PA),
also defined as a career development discussion ,performance review,performance evaluation
Performance appraisals are employed to determine who needs what training, and who are going
to be retained, promoted, fired or demoted.commonly , during performance appraisal, the
training & development needs of the employees are evaluated by her or his ,head or supervisor of
the department on the basis of ratings and comments given to knowledge and skills part
,generally performance appraisal devided in 3 parts; targets, jd and skills. These needs are the
base to increase the information and skills of the employees for doing their jobs in a effective

it is a method by which the job performance of an employee is

documented. Performance appraisals is considered as



a part ofcareer development and it

contains of regular reviews of employee performance within organizations. Training need

evaluation is first step of training & development process. Afterwards, half yearly or yearly
training & development activities are planned and then, training programmes are implemented
on the basis of t & d plan. After implementing lots of struggle for t & d activities, at the end of
the year, the skills and knowledge of the employees are evaluated and rated once again . Rating
would justify the training & development efforts. Generally, hr's training & development group
looks at these weak points or areas evaluated in appraisals where betterment is needed or
interventions are urgently needed for the incumbent to succeed in the organization. When
completed, these interventions are expected to yield a better or improved performance for the
incumbent in the succeeding appraisal .an appropriate training based on performance appraisal
which empowers organizations to validate that their employees have the right knowledge and
skills for fulfilling job tasks and assignments and produce quality services and


Creating training and development tools are made to make it sure that managers are conducting
performance appraisals effectively involves designing the process, training employees on how to
use the tools, training managers on how to supply feedback and set performance objectives while
adhering to legal guidelines, distributing resources consisting instructions and controlling the
whole process. An effective performance appraisal process aids management in decision-making
processes associated with promotion, discipline and salary administration activities. Training and
development activities designed to support an effective performance appraisal process involve
establishing an ongoing communication process between employees and managers. Improved
employee performance reduces costly mistakes, increases productivity and motivates all

personnel to get strategic goals and objectives . Performance appraisal training and develop
sessions for managers typically cover what to say when conducting a performance review or
assessment. By the help of role-playing exercises, managers learn to use effective
communication that conveys any objectives that need adjustment to changing strategic
objectives. Managers learn to reinforce the need for improving skills to enable high performance.
Managers also learn to encourage and reward employee strengths. Creating a positive
relationship with employees regarding performance improvement builds trust, and enables
growth and development that benefits the company as a whole.

4.3.relationship between employee training and productivity

productivity is defined as an economic measure of output per unit of input. Inputs consists of
capital and labor , while output can be measured typically in gdp components and revenues like
business inventories. Productivity measures could be examined collectively (across the whole
economy) or assessed industry by industry to examine trends in wage levels, labor growth, and
technological improvement and advancement . So it is very necessary to make employees
productive through training so their performance level can be increased thus,Training enpowers
employees ,eliminating actions that are not relavent and thoughts in employees perfomance.
However training have not the answer that training could handle only skill related and attitude
problems For instance , if an office requires automation, training can address the issues like
employees restisting change from good old type writer to pc(attitude) and skill (ease and speed
and in managing soft copies when compared to redtaped files),but if management is not willing
to invest in automation , training and development cant assess it.Then coming to productivity,

training enhances productivity as employees become an expert,they atleast learn what not to be
4.4.relationship between job training and employee satisfaction

Satisfaction with job training is considered as an aspect of overall job satisfaction. Organizations
are interested in improving job satisfaction among their employees must , in part, focus on job
training as a best way to enhance job satisfaction. Absenteeism is the term generally used to
refer to unscheduled employee absences from the work setting. Absenteeism can have a number
of costs on employer such as the lost output of the absent employee; overtime for other
employees to fill in; any temporary assess costs incurred; possible dissatisfied customers or loss
of business (Oi, 1962).the main reason of Absenteeism is low job satisfaction. if employees are
not satisfied towards their job the rate of absentism would be so high therefore organizations
must invest in training programs for providing appropriate training to their employees so that
they can check whether employees are doing their responsibilities without having any stress and
they are satisfied with their tasks and assignments.Managers and Employers are responsible to
face with creating high job and the task of motivating employees satisfaction among their staff
members.. If the employer understands about the benefits of job satisfaction and motivation in
the work setting , though, the investment in employee-related policies can be justified. By
implementing training policies and

programs which

serve to motivate employees and to

develop job satisfaction it would take both money and time to create. hiring a new employee is
expensive. Between the money and time involved with recruitment, training and workplace
integration, what may be seen as an immediate hire quickly turns into a laborious, costly

undertaking so it is very necessary to provide training to employees so that organizations can

save cost and employees are continuously get motivated.
4.4.1.Customer Service
Job satisfaction among the entire staff creates a positive experience for customers as well.
Motivated warehouse employees work harder to speed up order fulfillment while maintaining
accuracy, building maintenance workers keep the office clean and operational, and product repair
personnel take it upon themselves to address customer concerns directly rather than funneling the
customer through a sales or service associate.

4.4.2.Job Duties
Employees who are satisfied and well aware of doing their jobs and get motivated by the
organization to succeed .it will also work well to create more effective job processes. Managers
must meet at least monthly with employees to discuss the efficiency of their job duties and how
they can be improved to enhance productivity. The company that sets out to create a satisfying
workplace will be privy to feedback from employees who would like to enhance the level of job
satisfaction they experience, resulting in open communication between management employees
and personnel Employees will have desire to maintain that satisfying work environment, and
they will supply opinions on regular basis and feedback that they feel as important to preserve
the positive work setting environment.
One of the benefits to a company that has a motivated and satisfied staff is patience. When a new
policy is put into effect or major changes are made to the way the company does business, the

entire company is affected. Employees who are satisfied in their jobs are more apt to offer
suggestions to make a transition smoother than disgruntled employees. Additionally, as changes
are made, motivated employees work as a team to implement those changes as quickly and
efficiently as possible.

When staff members are dissatisfied and unmotivated with their tasks and jobs, they tend to
not provoke extra tasks that may assess the organization to get success . If an organization
manage to enhance employee job satisfaction it is not only going to benefit them, but it will also
benefit the business as a whole. For instance , dissatisfied employees will generally not offer to
volunteer for committees that plan the annual company picnic or assess move departments from
one part of the office to another. When the company creates an atmosphere of job satisfaction
and properly motivates employees, it can be easier to find volunteers to complete outside
projects that are essential for enhancing company morale or the operation of the organization.

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Std. Deviation













Valid Percent

















Valid Percent





































Valid Percent


















Valid Percent


1-5 Years





6-10 years





11-15 years














Descriptive Statistics

Std. Deviation






















Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed)




Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)



Pearson Correlation





























Sig. (2-tailed)










Pearson Correlation





Sig. (2-tailed)










Pearson Correlation






Sig. (2-tailed)









**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


Descriptive Statistics

Std. Deviation





















Pearson Correlation

Sig. (1-tailed)







































































Variables Entered/Removed













. Enter


a. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Change Statistics



Adjusted R

Std. Error of the

R Square




R Square




F Change


a. Predictors: (Constant), EmployeeCommitment, AdaptToChange, BetterService, SkillDevelopment


Sum of Squares


Mean Square









a. Predictors: (Constant), EmployeeCommitment, AdaptToChange, BetterService,

b. Dependent Variable: JobPerformance






Unstandardized Coefficients


Std. Error







a. Dependent Variable: JobPerformance





















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