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1. What do the following modals express?

1.She can drive a lorry
You dont have to get up early on Saturday
3.Look at the snow; it must be cold outside.
4.You mustnt smoke here.
5.I might get a job soon
6.Shall we go to the theatre this evening?
7.Will you please help me with my homework this afternoon?
8.You have to be at school at 8:45.
9.If you want to pass English, you should study hard
10. Helen hasnt come to school since Monday. She must be ill
11.Can you take me to the bus station?
12.You may only use a pen during the exam
13. I had to go to school very early when I was in England
14.It may not rain again this winter
15.Its very cold outside; you ought to wear a coat.
2. How do you say:
Mandar u obligar a hacer algo.
Ofrecerse a hacer algo.
Pedir permiso.
Dar consejo.
Pedir a otra persona que haga algo.
Ofrecerse uno mismo a hacer algo.
Para prohibir algo.
Posibilidad de que algo ocurra.
Imposibilidad con respecto al presente.
10. Certeza respecto al presente

ability, present


3. Fill in the gaps using CAN or MAY:

____________ I go to the toilet, Mrs Thompson?
I ____________ not study more than I do.
____________ he understand what Im saying?
Its too cold. I think it ____________ snow tonight.
Call him now if you want. He ____________ be at home.
Dont telephone them, because they ____________ be still asleep.


4. Fill in the gaps using MUST-MUSTNT or NEEDNT:

You ____________ ring the bell; I have a key.
You ____________ drink this. It will kill you.
You ____________ drive more slowly. There is a speed limit here.
Candidates ____________ bring books into the examination room.
You ____________ write to him, because he will be here tomorrow.
You ____________ do all the exercise. Ten sentences will be enough.
Mother to child: you____________ tell lies.


Complete the sentences with MUST or MUSTNT:

Sssssh! You ................. make a noise!
Olives arriving tomorrow. I ................. forget to meet her at the station.
Come on! We ................. get on the train. Its leaving soon.
Look at the car! We ................. wash it!
You ................. learn to swim. Its very important.
You ................. try to breathe when you are under the water!
Are you sure its platform two? We ................. get on the wrong train.
Ben! You ................. go to bed. Its ten oclock.


Fill in the gaps using the following modal verbs: CAN, CANT, COULD, COULDNT, MUST, MUSTNT, HAVE
a) You ____________ open a coke. There are some in the fridge.
b) I ____________ forget to keep this secret.
c) You ____________ open a tin without a tin-opener.
d) You ____________ wear a seat belt in a car.
e) Please, help me. What ____________ I do?
f) ____________ I help you, sir?
g) You ____________ enter this garden. Theres a big dog.
h) We ____________ turn on
the light. We can see very well

Translate the following sentences using a form of CAN or a form of BE ABLE TO:
Si pudiese jugar, ganaramos el partido.
d) No puedo esperar ms.
l podr conducir cuando tenga 18 aos.
e) Ella no ha podido escribirte.
Si tuviese tres millones, podra comprar ese coche.
Complete the gaps using CAN, CANT, COULD, COULDNT, MAY or MAY NOT:
A) He isnt on this train. He ___________ be on the next train.
B) ___________ you swim?
C) ___________ I come in, please? Please do.
D) I ___________ remember the address.(use the negative)
E) When I was a child I ___________ understand adults, now that I am an adult I ___________ understand children.(use
the negative)
F) If I buy a lottery ticket, I ___________ win 1,000.

Choose the correct answers.


You (dont have to/ ought to/ could/ shouldnt) eat healthy food.
A: This programme isnt very good.
B: (Must/Had to/ Need/ Shall) I turn it over?
I think Diana (will/ must/ have to/ had to) pass the exam.
A: Lets go out tonight.
B: What time (must/ shall/ could/ need) we meet?
A: When is Barbara going to phone you?
B: I dont know. She (cant/might/couldnt/neednt) phone this afternoon.
(Must/ Need/ Have to / Could) you open the door, please?
Im sorry, but I (dont have to/cant/shouldnt/couldnt) come to your party next Saturday.
(Should/Could/Must/Shall) you pass me the salt, please?
Customer: (Should/Can/May/Would) I have a bar of that chocolate please?
Shopkeeper: Here you are.
10. I had a party last weekend but Paul and Jenny (couldnt/ could/shouldnt/wouldnt) come. I was so upset.
11. We (can/ have to/ must/ cant) go to the bank today we havent got any money. We need some money.
12. You (couldnt/dont have to/ mustnt /can) wear shoes in this area. Shoes arent allowed here.
13. You watch TV all the time. You (can/ cant/ should/ shouldnt) watch too much TV.
14. A: My bag is heavy.
B: I (will/would/have to/need) carry it for you.
15. I think everybody (cant/ wouldnt/ should/couldnt) learn another language.
Its a good idea to know more than one language.
16. Im not working tomorrow, so I (wouldnt/couldnt/mustnt/ dont have to) get up early.
17. A: (Must/Could/Would/Can) you like a chocolate?
B: Yes, please.
18. Im hungry. I (can/shall/would/may) like something to eat.
19. Tom (can/mustnt/should/ doesnt have to) go to bed early. He goes to bed very late, and hes always tired.
20. We didnt have any food yesterday, so we (could /can/ must/ had to) go shopping.
21. We have got enough food, so we (cant/mustnt/neednt/ should) go shopping.
22. A: You cant park your car here for nothing. You (can/will/could/ have to) pay.
23. A: (May/Shall) I sit here?
B: Yes, you may.

Choose the most appropriate modal
1. I think your thumb is broken. You go to the emergency room.
a. might
b. could
c. ought to
d. can
2. If you are interested in losing weight, you ........ try this new diet.
a. could
b. mustn't
c. had to
d. have got to
3. Johnnie's fallen down the stairs! ............ I call an ambulance?
a. Should
b. Can
c. May
d. Ought
4. I can feel the heat, we .. be near the fire.
a. can
b. would
c. must
d. have to
5.You ................... come too early. We won't leave until nine o'clock.
a. has to
b. must
c. needn't
d. can't
6. The train was badly damaged in the crash, but the passengers . get out through a broken window.
a. can
b. had to
c. ought to
d. were able to
7. Children . Be accompanied by an adult at the zoo.
a. ought
b. must
c. would
d. mustnt
8. You .. talk during the exam. Its forbidden
a. dont have to
b. mustnt
c. couldnt d. ought to
9. They hear him because he was whispering.
a. wouldnt b. mustnt
c. shouldnt
d. couldnt
10. .. you like to have dinner with me tonight?
a. could
b. may
c. should
d. would
11. You . let him hear about the party tomorrow. Its a surprise!
a. mustnt
b. wouldnt c. couldnt d. cant
12. . I speak to the Chief of Police, please?
a. Must
b. may
c. would
d. am
13. I crashed into a wall, but luckily I .. force open the car door and escape.
a. had to
b. can
c. was able to
d. would
B. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence. Make sure to put the verb in the correct tense
1) She _____________ finish the essay yesterday because her teacher asked her to do so.
2) You _____________ come back in the afternoon. All classes have been cancelled.
3) You _____________ take a break! Youve been studying too long.
4) _____________ you speak Spanish when you were 8?
5) You _____________ tip a taxi driver, its optional.
6) My brother David is very talented. He _____________ hold his breath for 3 minutes. Its amazing!
7) The teacher yelled at me yesterday. She said, Sally! You _____________ do all of your homework or you will fail this
semester of school!
8) You _____________ be late for the exam tomorrow! Its very important for your educational future.
9) Phoebe, you _____________ accompany me to the party yesterday. I know you dont like social gatherings, but it was
very nice that you decided to go.
10) Peter _____________ ride a bike when he was only 3 years old.
11) We _____________ play video games after school for more than an hour when I was a child. My mother always thought
that it could made us intellectually stupider.
12) My father told me that I _____________ go to the movie theatre with you tomorrow night.
13) If you are sick, you ________ go to work. Youll infect everyone there.
14) Drivers _______ stop at red lights.
15) You _______ finish the proposal today. You can finish it tomorrow.
16) She ______ hear much better with her new hearing aids.
17) ______ I order us a bottle of wine?
18) Sam ______ pick his daughter up from school. Shes taking the bus home.
19) You _____________ smoke here. Its a smoke-free building.

You ________ eat so many sweets. They are bad for you.

21) _________ you mind walking a little faster? Were going to be late.

Im sorry. I _______ help you. I dont know how to do it.

1. Podra utilizar tu ordenador?
2. Puede usted abrir la ventana?
3. Puede que vayamos al campo el prximo fin de semana. Incluso podramos ir al extranjero.
4. Mis amigos deben vivir ya en su nueva casa pero puede que no hayan llevado los muebles todava.
5. No debes comer chicle en clase. Est prohibido.
6. Vamos al cine esta tarde?
7. Hara usted el favor de cerrar la puerta?
8. Podemos irnos hoy antes?
9. Puedes ayudarme, pap?
10. Podra usted traer los ejercicios, Mr Smith?
11. Leo yo el texto?
12. Tendra que tomar ms verduras usted.
13. No puedes hablar alto en clase.
14. Puede que vivan cerca.
15. Podra ser que vinieran.
16. Puedes darme un par de euros?
17. le abro la puerta?
18. Yo no puedo leer esta carta porque he perdido mis gafas.
19. Despus de tomar un pequeo descanso, nosotros fuimos capaces de continuar.
20. Cuando era un nio, l poda bailar como un profesional.
21. Nosotros podremos viajar a Madrid maana. El coche est funcionado ahora.
22. Todos los nios menores de 16 aos deben ir al colegio.
23. Los conductores deben tener una licencia para conducir
24. Aunque hace sol, puede que maana llueva.
25. Mara puede visitarnos la semana prxima, pero no estoy muy seguro.
26. Sabes jugar al ftbol?
27. Cuando lleguemos, puede que la fiesta ya haya terminado.
28. Esto est demasiado caliente; podas haberme avisado.
29. . Tenas que hacer la cama cuando tenas cinco aos?
30. Nosotros no necesitamos acabar los deberes hoy. Son para el prximo jueves.
31. Nosotros tuvimos que caminar a casa porque perdimos el ltimo autobs anoche.
32. Yo tengo que acostarme temprano durante la semana,
pero yo no tengo que acostarme temprano los viernes por la noche.
33. Puede que llueva maana.
34. No puede ser el coche de tu ta.
35. No puedes dormir en clase.
36. Me puede traer un vaso de agua?
37. El debe haber conducido toda la noche.
38. Maana yo tendr que estudiar mucho.
39. No tienes que hacer la cama (si no quieres).
40. Puede que Patricia nos visite maana.
41. Puede que hayan estado aqu. Les viste?
42. Es imposible que Luis haya estado aqu hoy; est en Pars.
43. No he podido arreglar la tele; podr arreglarla maana. Puedes ayudarme t?
44. No pude llegar a tiempo al teatro ayer.
45. No debes tocar los libros del profesor.
46. No me hubiera hecho falta estudiar tanto; al final no tuvimos el examen.

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