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Peter Heydon, ELL Resource Teacher | TCDSB

Anecdotal Comments for ELLs

ESL/ELD Fall Progress Report
Sample of Overall Expectation: Reading
Recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic elements and demonstrate
understanding of how they help communicate meaning.
Possible Strength Comments (Junior Samples)
Stage 1 - __________ extends his/her understanding of texts by making
connections to their own knowledge and experiences to the world around them.
Stage 2 - When reading, _________ identifies some key text features and
explains how they help in understanding the text.
Stage 3 - When reading, _________ makes an outline of a selection from a
textbook and summarizes important ideas and some supporting details.
Possible Concrete Comments (Intermediate Samples)
Stage 1 - By using text features, _________ is able to identify several key text
features such as sub-headings, hyperlinks, and margin notes.
Stage 2 - _________ uses a graphic organizer to compare and contrast two main
characters during novel study.
Stage 3 - _________ uses anchor charts and word walls to extend their
knowledge of familiar words and word families.
Possible Next Steps (Primary Samples)
Stage 1 - _________ will focus on using different reading strategies such as
sounding out letters in determining meaning of new words in print media.
Stage 2 - During group discussion, _________ is encouraged to express
personal opinions about ideas or pictures presented in texts.
Stage 3 - _________ is encouraged to select from a wide variety of texts both at
school and at home on topics of personal interest.

Intermediate ESL Step 2 Report Card Sample

Jose demonstrates an increasing ability to read and understand simple
sentences and brief passages in a variety of print media at a level that is
appropriate for his developing English language skills. During shared reading
activities, Jose summarizes important ideas by citing a variety of details that
supports the main idea. Jose is encouraged to connect ideas he has read to the
world around him and to his personal experiences.
Sample of Overall Expectations: Writing
Use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of
language conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their work
Possible Strength Comments (Intermediate Samples)
Stage 1 During writing, _________ uses a graphic organizer to sort new words
into two different categories.
Stage 2 - _________ uses the computer for word processing and publishing.
Stage 3 With assistance, _________ uses the writing process to produce an
edited copy of written work.
Possible Concrete Comments (Primary Samples)
Stage 1 - _________ participates in a variety of prewriting activities such as
dramatic play and drawing.
Stage 2 - Using the word wall and anchor charts, _________ spells most
common and personally relevant words.
Stage 3 With support, _________ uses the stages of the writing process,
prewriting, drafting, and publishing a final product.
Possible Next Steps (Junior Samples)
Stage 1 - _________ will begin to use acceptable formats for specific writing
tasks, such as adding titles and dates to daily work.
Stage 2 - For writing tasks, _________ will use the dual-language dictionary to
select appropriate words.
Stage 3 - _________ is encouraged to use an editing checklist specific to the
writing task.

Junior ESL Step 2 Report Card Sample

Kichee is able to make notes, with assistance, in the play A Dark Place. Using
computers for word processing, Kichee is using software features such as Spellcheck
and the thesaurus to embellish her writing. She will sort and arrange information using
organizers found in her Writing Folder next term.
Sample of Overall Expectation: Oral Communication
Listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a
variety of purposes.
Possible Strength Comments (Primary Samples)
Stage 1 When listening to a story, _________ listens carefully to her
classmates and speaks single words or short phrases when asked.
Stage 2 - _________ participates in class discussions using words appropriate
for his/her level of English language skills.
Stage 3 - _________ makes short, effective oral presentations on different
academic topics.
Possible Concrete Comments (Junior Samples)
Stage 1 - _________ uses role play and drama to explore emotions or ideas
presented in simple oral presentations.
Stage 2 - _________ understands main ideas in visually supported oral
presentations containing familiar words.
Stage 3 In group situations, _________ contributes meaningfully to discussions
based on classroom themes.
Possible Next Steps (Intermediate Samples)
Stage 1 _________ is encouraged to listen carefully to short, simple stories
and familiar conversational topics and ask one of the W5H questions to ensure
understanding (who, what, when, where, why, how).
Stage 2 Next term, _________ will concentrate on learning to ask questions
and paraphrasing to confirm understanding in oral presentations.
Stage 3 - _________ will use a written outline as a guide when taking notes from
teacher lessons presented orally.

Primary ESL Step 3 Report Card Sample

In class, Manuel responds to discussions and conversations using active listening
strategies such as taking turns when speaking. He speaks with clear pronunciation and
enunciation. Manuel is encouraged to ask questions if he does not understand different
points of view.
Sample of Overall Expectation: Media Literacy
Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts.
Possible Strength Comments (Intermediate Samples)
Stage 1 - _________ is able to choose whether to use a flyer or a poster by
considering the best way to communicate his/her message.
Stage 2 - _________ designed and produced a video presentation on a Weather
Report using different elements of a narrative.
Stage 3 Using information about the topic, purpose and audience, _________
plans, creates and publishes a brochure.
Possible Concrete Comments (Junior Samples)
Stage 1 With assistance, _________ selected and used pictures effectively to
convey meaning.
Stage 2 - _________ understands short, simple sentences in a variety of media
texts with familiar words.
Stage 3 - _________ created a nine-panel storyboard to summarize the storyline of a music video.
Possible Next Steps (Primary Samples)
Stage 1 With assistance, _________ will begin to recognize and print familiar
and personally relevant words from Reader Rabbit 1.
Stage 2 - _________ is encouraged to compare, contrast and select from
different pictures for his/her media projects.
Stage 3 using a graphic organizer, _________ will make a plan to identify the
topic, purpose and audience for a story of our class trip to Pucks Farm.

Primary ESL Step 1 Report Card Sample

Tiego chose an appropriate media form (a poster) to demonstrate effective handwashing techniques to suit the appropriate purpose and audience. In his tape-recording
of his group story, My Favourite Pet, he selected and produced appropriate soundeffects (barking) to properly convey the mood of the story. Tiego will be given
opportunities to compare different flyers before creating his own.
Other Curriculum Areas for ESL/ELD Comments
Possible ESL/ELD Math Comments
Stage 1 - _________ shows developing understanding of Addition and
Subtraction facts to 100 using concrete materials.
Stage 2 Working with a partner, _________ is able to create three-dimensional
nets of a cone, cylinder and square.
Stage 3 - With assistance, _________ is able to determine area and perimeter of
two-dimensional objects using mm, cm, and meter measures.
Possible ESL/ELD Science Comments
Stage 1 With teacher assistance, __________ shows understanding of Life
Systems by recording his/her observations using a two-part graphic organizer.
Stage 2 - _________ shows understanding of basic concepts of the Water Cycle
using labelled diagrams and short, simple sentences and sentence completion
Stage 3 - _________ records relevant information on the Food Chain using short
paragraphs and simple grammatical construction.
Possible ESL/ELD Social Studies, History, Geography Comments
Stage 1 With teacher and peer assistance, _________ created a four-slide
PowerPoint presentation on the War of 1812.
Stage 2 Using a labelled diagram, __________ is able to visually represent the
three-levels of government in Canadian politics.
Stage 3 Using a graphic organizer, _________ can identify the causes and
effects of Confederation in Canada in 1867.

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