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33 reviews, explanation of novelty, ecology, 33 top publications on environmental

science (selected). The reviews were published by independent experts at the

web-site World Catalog, the largest global library catalog.
Key words:
reviews, publications, articles, ecology, environmental, top, water, quality, filtration,
self-purification, toxicology, ecotoxicology, environment, protection, safety,
biogeochemistry, gold, World Catalog, plants, macrophytes, phytotoxicity,
This was mentioned at the Facebook page of American Library Association;

the previous draft (32 reviews):

Countries as diverse as Vatican, U.S., Germany, Spain needed, downloaded these

articles on ecology, environment protection, environmental science, toxicology, water.
Key words: anthropogenic effects, surfactants, biology, biogeochemistry, top, papers,

Summary Review and explanation of 3 key innovations IN ECOLOGY,
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, WATER SAFETY (with references, links to full
texts of the papers, some posts with pictures). Links to posts in English, Japanese,
Korean, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese:
Explanation, review in English:

33 Reviews of top interesting innovative publications in the field. The reviews

were published by independent experts at the web-site World Catalog, the largest
global library catalog:
**Review of the article:
Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. to sodium dodecyl sulphate
(authors of the paper under review E A Solomonova; S A Ostroumov, Moscow State

The title of the review:

New toxic effect of surfactant on aquatic plant, pondweed (seconds ago)
by Professor_S.K.
This excellent article is first to report new toxic effects of a synthetic chemical, an
anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate) on the common species of Eurasia
pondweed, Potamogeton crispus. This is a valuable contribution to a better
understanding of negative consequences of chemical pollution of freshwater
ecosystems: ponds, lakes and streams. Anionic surfactants are the key components of
many laundry detergents, shampoos, and many other chemical products in everyday
use. Therefore the anionic surfactants are discharged with wastewaters into all types of
aquatic ecosystems.
However, this interesting paper is more than that. There are two aspects in studying
interactions between chemicals and organisms: (1) to find toxic effects concentrations;
(2) by contrast, to find safe concentrations. The second aspect (to find safe
concentrations, and safe loads of the chemicals) is especially important. The
information on the safe concentrations and loads of chemical pollutants is needed to
develop ecological technologies (phytotechnologies) for water treatment.
This brilliant and innovative paper provides this new unique and needed information namely, the new information on both toxic and safe concentrations and loads of the new
chemical pollutant, an anionic surfactant. This valuable article is recommended to all
who are involved in aquatic ecology, aquatic botany, plant science, water quality, water
resources, environmental toxicology, phytoremediation, and modern green technologies
for water treatment.

Additional information: DOI:10.3103/S0096392507040074;

Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2007, Vol. 62, No. 4, p. 176179. ISSN 0096-3925,
Allerton Press, Inc., 2007. Available at SpringerLink;
Original Russian Text E.A. Solomonova, S.A. Ostroumov, 2007, published in Vestnik
Moskovskogo Universiteta. Biologiya, 2007, No. 4, pp. 3942.
Keywords: effects, surfactant, aquatic, macrophytes, Potamogeton, crispus, Concentrations,
fragmentation, stems, plants, negative, pollution, detergents, phytoremediation, chemico-biotic
interactions, water quality, sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS

Full text free:

Review of:

On studying the hazards of pollution of the biosphere: Effects of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)
on planktonic filter-feeders.
(the authors of the paper under review: I M Vorozhun; S A Ostroumov);

The title of the review:

Discovery: pollutant (surfactant) inhibits water filtration by daphnia (seconds ago)

by Professor K.
This is a first paper to report the discovery: chemical pollutant (a surfactant) decreases
the water filtration by zooplankton, namely, daphnia. This toxic effect took place at a
relatively low concentration of the chemical (a surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate, or
SDS). This discovery is in agreement with the previous publications and discoveries of
Dr. Sergei Ostroumov (Moscow State University). His previous research demonstrated
that the same chemical pollutant decreased (inhibited) water filtration by some other
water invertebrate animals, namely, bivalve mollusks. The new discovery is important.
The new fact demonstrated a new hazard from the chemical pollutants even at their low
The new fact confirmed the conclusions of the previous publications of Dr. S.
Ostroumov. The new data added additional evidence on serious environmental hazards
from synthetic surfactants. These chemicals pollute water ecosystems.

Conclusion: This paper presented important new facts. These facts are really relevant.
The publication is of outstanding interest to many scientists who study ecology,
environmental pollution, environmental toxicology, aquatic ecotoxicology. I recommend
this excellent article.
Availability: The full text is available online free:
_planktonic_filter-feeders ;
ution_of_the_biosphere_effects_of_sodium_dodecylsulfate_(SDS)_on_planktonic_filterfeeders ;
Key words: pollution, synthetic surfactants, daphnia, crustaceans, zooplankton, water
filtration, sublethal concentrations, aquatic, water quality, ecotoxicology, environmental
hazards, bioassay, green algae, Scenedesmus quadricauda,

Review of the paper:
The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems
(Co-authors of the paper under review: S A Ostroumov; G M Kolesov)

The title of the review:

First paper: gold, uranium, other chemical elements in biodetritus

(seconds ago)

by Professor_K.

This is the first paper to report concentrations of gold, uranium, other valuable
chemical elements in biodetritus (i.e., biological detritus) in sediments in aquatic
system. The author, a Fulbright Award winner, conducted innovative and unique
experiments. For a number of months, he has created a biological detritus in an
experimental water ecosystem.
This detritus was generated by both plant and animal aquatic organisms in this water
ecosystem. After several months, he collected the detritus and measured the
concentrations of a number of chemical elements including gold, uranium and some
others (some interesting rare earth elements among them).
As a result, he obtained absolutely new and unique data on the biogeochemical role of
biological detritus in aquatic ecosystems.
The chemical elements that were found and measured in the biological detritus were:
Ca, Zn, Ba, Br, Ce, Se, Nd, La, U, Hf, Sb, Th, Sm, S, Cs, Au.
This article is absolutely innovative. I recommend it for reading and citation. It will be
very useful to all who study chemical ecology, aquatic ecology, biogeochemistry,
sediments in water systems.

Review of the book:
Full text of the book is available here:

by A V



The title of the review:

New ideas on nature conservation. ( the authors of the book under review: A.Yablokov,
S.Ostroumov) (seconds ago)

by Professor_K.
Excellent book. New useful system of facts, ideas on nature conservation. The full and
more correct reference is:
Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Levels of Living Nature Conservation. 1985. Nauka
Press. Moscow. 176 p. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1679.9366.
The book presented a fresh, unique and innovative approach to analysis of issues of
nature conservation. The authors invented a new productive conceptualization of the
new science of conservation biology. They proposed and used a very efficient
approach. This approach is based on the concept of levels of organization of living
systems. As a result, the authors, prominent biologists, transformed a huge mass of
facts on anthropogenic effects on nature (man-made impact on living organisms, the
biota, the biosphere) into a well-organized system of scientifically treated data.
The book presented also a unique system of axioms of nature conservation.
The book was translated into some other languages.
The citation of this book is excellent.
This unique, innovative book was ahead of its time, it will be useful to many who are
involved and interested in nature conservation and environmental protection. It is really
very useful and recommended to scientists, professors and students.

The full text of the book is

available: ;
I would like to give this book my very strong recommendations.
The key words: Nature Conservation, Conservation Biology, Biological
Conservation, biodiversity protection, Environment Protection, Biology, Wildlife
Conservation, Ecology, anthropogenic, man-made impact, Environmental Education


**Review of the article:
On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification
The title of the review:
New step: creating theory of water self-purification in ecosystems (moments ago)

full text free:
New step in creating theory of water self-purification in ecosystems - this is the short
summary of this excellent innovative paper. The article under review is a wellbalanced review, and an opinion paper with the 53-reference list of cited literature.
The paper summarizes the author's research on...
To read more, click the title of the review of this article.

Review of the article:
On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological
by S A Ostroumov; Article;
The title of the review:
Biochemical ecology: New scientific discipline, new science was created. (about 2
days ago)

Full text free:
cal_ecology_and_hydrobiology_Ecological_chemomediators ;
In this paper and in the preceding publications by the same author (a Fulbright Award
winning researcher at Moscow State University, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov) a new
scientific discipline, new science was created. This new science is biochemical
ecology. The author of this term and the farther...
To read more, click the title of the review of this article.
**Review of the article: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to
water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks
By some imperfection, on the list of publications of this author at WorldCatalog, the
reference is labeled as: No title available;
The title of the article is:
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current
conceptualizations and concluding remarks.
The title of the review:

Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes ... water purification (about 2 days


Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current

conceptualizations and concluding remarks. This is the title of this excellent paper. It
is a really outstanding and concise formulation of a new theory of aquatic ecosystem
function, a vital aspect of ecosystem... (To read more, click the title of the review of
this article).

Review of the article:
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current
conceptualizations and concluding remarks
The title of the review:
Outstanding, excellent, top paper on how ecosystem maintains water quality (about 2
weeks ago)

Full text free:

This is an outstanding, excellent, top paper that presented a concise theory on how
aquatic ecosystems maintain water quality (theory of water self-purification in
freshwater and marine ecosystems).
In 2014, Diploma was awarded to this publication and the other papers of the series
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).

Review of the article: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to
studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification
By some imperfection, in the list of publications of this author at WorldCatalog, the
reference is labeled as: No title available.
Article titled: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying
eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification
The title of the review:
Outstanding excellent contribution to aquatic ecology, water science (about 2 weeks

Full text
Paper (titled: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying
eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification) is an outstanding excellent
contribution to aquatic ecology, water science, and environmental safety.
The full text and citation:
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).
Review of the article:
Influence of Some Amphyphilic Substances and Mixtures on Marine Mollusks
The title of the review:
Discovery of toxicity of detergents to marine mussels and oysters (about a month ago)

This paper is the first to report toxicity of 2 surfactants and several detergents to the
marine bivalve mollusk, namely, marine mussels (the Latin name: Mytilus
galloprovincialis) and oysters (the Latin name: Crassostrea gigas). The influence of
some synthetic surfactants (=surface active substances = amphyphilic substances.
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).
**Review of the article:
The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water
Self-Purification System
by S A Ostroumov; Article;
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
I will cite this excellent top paper. (about a month ago)

I will cite this excellent top paper entitled: The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile
and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System. - Doklady
Biological Sciences [proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Biological
sciences sections; in English, translated from Russian]...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).
Review of the article:
An Aquatic Ecosystem: A Large-Scale Diversified Bioreactor with a Water SelfPurification Function
by S A Ostroumov ; Article;
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
Superb article. New step in ecology (about a month ago)

Superb article. New step in ecology. The paper is available at ResearchGate.

(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).

Review of the article:
Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal
blooms, and water self-purification ;
The title of the review:
Well-cited excellent article, fresh deep insight into water ecology (about a month ago)

**Well-cited excellent article, fresh deep insight into aquatic ecology: both freshwater
and marine ecology. The paper is unique in providing a better understanding of
several hot issues in studying...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).
Review of the article:
On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory
by S A Ostroumov ; Article;

The title of the review:

Fundamental top paper: a new useful theory of water ecosystem function. (about a
month ago)

This is a fundamental top paper. The paper presented fundamental elements of a new
useful theory of water ecosystem function. This is a theory of how aquatic ecosystem
functions towards improving water quality (water self-purification). In terms of
fundamental ecology and pure science, it is a solid...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).
Review of the article:
Filtration Inhibition Induced by two Classes of Synthetic Surfactants in the Bivalve
Mollusk Mytilus edulis
by S A Ostroumov; P Donkin; F Staff ; Article;
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
Discovery: surfactants inhibit water filtration by marine mussels M.edulis (about a
month ago)

Explanation of terminology: surfactants are a broad class of organic chemicals that are
key components of all detergents, liquid soaps, washing liquids, and shampoos, and
therefore they pollute water in huge quantities; 'Mytilus edulis' is the scientific Latin
name for a common species of marine mollusks...
See at
Review of the article:
Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of
Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects ;
The title of the review:

1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

Top paper, discoveries on freshwater ecotoxicology of detergents. (about a month

This top paper reports new discoveries on freshwater ecotoxicology of detergents.

Explanation of terminology used in this article: 'Unio tumidus' is a scientific Latin
name for a common species of freshwater mussels (bivalve...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).
Review of the article:
Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed
to Anthropogenic Impact;
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
Unique, top article. In-depth analysis of hazards of pollution to plankton (2014-05-22)

A unique, top article. In-depth analysis of hazards of aquatic pollution to plankton.

The paper discovered a new type of environmental hazard of pollution to plankton
populations. It is interesting that the immediate target of some pollutants that were
studied in this innovative paper is not plankton...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).
Review of the article:
The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutrophication
by S A Ostroumov; Article;
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
Top paper, new useful solution to eutrophication problem (2014-05-22)

Top paper, new useful solution to eutrophication problem. This paper is absolutely
innovative. The paper reported experiments and their analysis that lead to a

fundamentally new solution to the problem of euthrophication. I recommend this

paper. It will be used and cited by many who are involved in...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article).
Review of the article:
System of Principles for Conservation of the Biogeocenotic Function and the
Biodiversity of Filter-Feeders ;
by S A Ostroumov; Article;
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
Fundamental innovation in conservation biology (2014-05-28)

This paper (titled: System of principles...) presents a fundamental innovation in

conservation biology. The traditional concept in conservation biology is that these 2
things are the priorities: (1) conservation of species (genetic pool of all biological
species); and (2) protection of habitats....
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of
Review of the article:
Pellets of Some Mollusks in the Biogeochemical Flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al
by S A Ostroumov; M P Kolesnikov; Article;
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
First paper to link biogeochemistry,ecology of freshwater mollusks (2014-05-23)

Unique, top article. Linking ecology and biogeochemistry. First paper to report the
new facts: (1) first quantitative data on fluxes of chemical elements with the pellets of
mollusks, per 1 m2 of bottom of freshwater ecosystems; (2) discovery of the fact that
chemical pollutants...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of

Review of the book:
Biological Effects of Surfactants.
by S A Ostroumov; eBook : Document

3 of 3 people found this review helpful.

Title of the review:
The title of the review:
Excellent useful book (about a month ago)

I predict that the citation of this useful book will increase in future. This is a unique
book. This is a first world-level monograph on ecotoxicology of detergents and the
main components of detergents, namely, synthetic...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this book, or go to the web site of

**Review of the article:

The Functions of Living Substances in the Biosphere ;
by S A Ostroumov ; Article;
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
Very useful paper. It is worth citing (2014-05-23)

Very useful paper. It is worth citing.

There are many innovations in this article, e.g.: A new modernized definition of the
term 'pheromones', p.232-233; comments on the new concepts that were proposed by
the author...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of

Review of the article:
A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of PelagialBenthal Coupling
by S A Ostroumov ; Article;
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
I will cite this superb top paper (2014-05-21)

I will cite this superb top paper. The author of the paper proposed a new fundamental
concept: uncoupling pelagial-benthal coupling. This concept is useful in
environmental toxicology. The paper discovered a specific example of the uncoupling
of pelagial-benthal coupling. New facts supported...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of

**Review of the article:

Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in Trophic Webs ;
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
Really excellent article, top paper on ecology (2014-05-24)

Review of the paper: Inhibitory analysis of regulatory interactions in trophic webs. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Vol. 377, p. 139141.
This paper reports absolutely new facts. The new facts...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of
Review of the article:
New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis
by S A Ostroumov; Article;
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
The title of the review:
Excellent contribution to ecology, top paper (2014-05-24)

Review. Ecosystem definition. New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms

Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis.
This is a fundamental contribution to ecology, a top paper. Prior to this paper no
satisfactory ecosystem definition existed....
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of
Review of the article:
Natural photolysis by ultraviolet irradiance of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter to
simple substrates for rapid bacterial metabolism
The title of the review:
Good useful publication (2014-05-21)

Good useful article. Useful new scientific facts on what happens with dissolved
organic matter in aquatic ecosystems. A good contribution to aquatic ecology. The
science of Aquatic Ecology was advanced by the outstanding scientist Hutchinson.
Innovative useful publications - papers and...

Review of the article:
Dissolved organic matter and lake metabolism: Biogeochemistry and controls of
nutrient flux dynamics in lakes: Technical progress report, 1 July 1986-30 June 1987
by R Wetzel; Book;
The title of the review:
Useful contribution (2014-05-21)

This is a useful publication. Useful new scientific facts. The topic is important. A
good contribution to aquatic biogeochemistry. The science of biogeochemistry was
advanced by the outstanding scientist V.Vernadsky. Publications by R.Wetzel, S.
A.Ostroumov, and some other scientists represent new...
(To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of
Review of the article:
The Geochemical Apparatus of Aqueous Ecosystems: The Biocos Regulation;
The title of the review:
Innovative excellent article on environmental science (2014-05-18)

Innovative excellent article on environmental science.

Title of the article: The Geochemical Apparatus of Aqueous Ecosystems: The Biocos
Author: ...
(To read the text of this review, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the
web site of WorldCat).
Ostroumov, S.A. The geochemical apparatus of aqueous ecosystems: The Biocos regulation
Vestnik Rossijkoj Akademii Nauk 2004
74 (9) , pp. 785-791

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Tags: Articles, ecology, ecotoxicology ,environment, environmental, protection, publi

cations,Reviews, science ,top, toxicology, water quality, water safety, World
catalog, ,

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