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Issue in the industries


The way to solve problems of child labour







Nowadays, many issues about global awareness about poor working condition, low wages,
failure in looking after workers safety and welfare, no trade unions and many mores. We choose
the issue about child labour for this topic of this assignment. Underage workers or child labour is
an issue that has long been lodged in the community since the first until today. This phenomenon
is becoming increasingly popular, especially in third world countries. Child labour is forbidden
by law in most countries. Its generally considered unacceptable for a child to work long hours or
to perform tedious, dangerous, heavy or dirty tasks. The United Nations Convention on the
Rights of the Child stipulates that all work done by children under the age of 15 and all
hazardous work done by children under the age of 18 is illegal. And yet there are an estimated
168 million1 to 200 million2 child labourers working around the world today. In spite of global,
national and sector initiatives to abolish child labour, almost 11 per cent of the global child
population is a child labourer, according to figures from the International Labour Organization
(ILO). As a human being, we are so disappointed to whom that are have this problems from
childhood. Other than that, employer needs to be more responsible for their employees. They
cannot just think about themselves and be selfish. This is because we need to solve some of
global awareness. This issues that we will provides is will be related to the industries who are
take child labour to their company and countries. Actually the main reasons why childrens be a
child labour because everything is about money. Besides, the children should be in school but
then they are looking for income to help her family life .There are some countries that extreme in
the use of child labour which are Myanmar , North Korea , Somalia , Republic of Congo ,
Zimbabwe , Afghanistan , Burundi , Pakistan and Ethiopia . The report also said there is potential
for some other countries use children as labour. Countries such as the Philippines, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Mexico and the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) has been identified among the
countries that will be involved in using children as labourers in various areas of development
There are several industries which are contains either direct or indirect unethical practices such
as palm oil industry, Choco industry, construction industries, textile industries, coffee industries
and many others.


Cocoa Industries

In 2010, the study group of researchers from Tulane University, New Orleans, United States of
America under the country's government research grants showed 1.8 million children aged from
5 to 17 years involved in cocoa farming industry in Ivory Coast and Ghana. The involvement of
children in the cocoa industry in both countries will resulted in physical, emotional and moral
thinking to the child. The report also states that more than 40 per cent of children involved in the
cocoa industry in Ivory did not enter the school. There are more unfortunate five per cent of the
amount was not paid a salary by the employer who takes them as an employee. It was so pity to
them to who are not enters the school because of they want to works for their family. Then they
did not get the salary. It was something like they already waste their time with the job that they
not get the benefits. Surely they are very sad because they already sacrifice their time whole day.

The data released by researchers from Tulane University, New Orleans, USA, they describe that
how children have been mistreated by the government and employers who take their work. Their
right to an education is denied by the system perfect life around them. Therefore when the
children do not go to school, they will do not get formal education. In addition, they also cannot
form as a regular student like their other same ages in others countries. Their mental and physical
development is also will be affected. They have not been taught by teachers who are trained as
their counterparts in other countries. Besides, they also denied the right to socialize through a
systematic curriculum. They did not get the curriculum subject for their life and cannot perform
likes their other friends which are same ages with them. Instead they are stacked with a gross
social environment in cocoa plantations in their respective countries. As a result of exposure
should not be accepted at such a young age, many of them as adults inherited the tradition of
family poverty. This is due to lack of education to limit them to a better job. Instead they are
more exposed to the atmosphere of low -wage jobs and working environment that is dirty and


Manufacturing Industry

The children as labour has become one of the industries that supply beneficial to the child. They
also have their own reason why they become a child labour. The New York Times reported in
2010, the Chinese government has crippled smuggling equip children as labourers to
manufacturing industries in the country. Chinese authorities reported that they managed to save
over a hundred children and arrested several people involved supply of child labour in several
regions in the country. In Dongguan , Guangdong province is located in an industrial area known
for supplying electronic products to all over the world , authorities save hundreds of child
labourers aged between 13-15 years . They are tricked and kidnapped by some smuggling and
made to work to meet the needs of labour in factories. These problems also occur in some other
areas such as in Shanxi and Henan. Other than that, child abuse occurs due to factors such as
labour shortages in the industry, high inflation, and rising exchange rates. Hence, as a step out of
the crisis, many employers in factories take children as labour to reduce costs and increase
profitability of their respective companies. But then they did not think about the regulation.

The latest issue in July 2014, the supplier of the leading company Samsung Electronics Co Ltd at
Seoul has been using children as labourers to do the installation work in their supplier factories.
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has also announced that they have suspended the cooperation with
the business with suppliers from China after finding it using child labour. Samsung also confirms
that it will not tolerate with the use of children as workers and will maintain monitoring in the
future to prevent similar cases from recurring. Besides that, they have conducted audits of
Dongguan Electronics Shinyang three times since 2013, including inspection last month from the
issues come out. However, China's labour observers claimed that Samsung have ineffective
monitoring system. Previously Samsung Electronics has established collaborations with
Shinyang Dongguan Electronics Co Ltd and it has ended after finding at least five child
labourers are found working without a contract supplier factories may be applicable.


In India, there is also the issue of child labour in the manufacturing sector. They were put to
work in a brick factory. They also raised thousands of bricks every day at work. National
Children 's Policy, which protects children from physical abuse , mental and sexual abuse and
exploitation , has been approved by the government, however , the lack of compulsory education
and legal protection for children under the age of 16 and 17 still causes children exposed to
forms of physical abuse is the worst child labour. Nepal government conducted a raid on
embroidery factories using child labour and save 124 children from labour exploitation. The
children of migrant workers from neighbouring countries India and Nepal have to work in a
factory in the kiln Lalitpur. Then the brick in Kathmandu Valley pollute the environment,
exploitation of children and generally operate from the public eye. Unfortunately, no labour
inspectors have been done in the kiln to monitor thousands of immigrant labourers. Child Labour
(Prohibition and Regulation) Act 2000 establishes a minimum age for work at 14 years old and
the minimum age for hazardous work is at 16 years old. But the Act does not cover nontraditional organization where many child labourers are found, including companies at home and
organizations that are not registered in the informal sector and agriculture.

Textile Industries

Based on publications by the India Committee of the Netherlands, the cotton seed production has
been manually cross pollination which are they need to transferring pollen from one plant to
another. So it will be the main activity. The child workers especially often girls, are widely
employed to do this job. The child workers in cotton seed production are subjected to long
working hours and exposure to pesticides for wages often below the official minimum. In 2007,
more than 400,000 children under the age of 18 were found to be employed in cotton seed farms
in the Indian states of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. More than half of
these children were younger than fourteen. These farms account for more than ninety per cent of
the total production area in India. The economic resources that are not growing due to extortion
by the government led to economic activities freely, thus preventing the entry of foreign
investors. This affects the country's economic growth as unemployment rises due to lack of
employment opportunities. Short-term effects of witnessing the heads of households do not have

a regular job and be able to accommodate the needs of the family expenses. Therefore , to
overcome the shortage of financial resources , the child ( children -headed households ) had to go
out in search of financial resources .Children should be in school and not out looking for income
to help her family life . But the reality today saw many children in certain countries do not go to
school, but worked as a labourer in a particular field such as in the agricultural sector.

Public Utilities Industry

In India, Child Labour News was reported that a number of child labourers were rescued by
police forces of the country from becoming a victim of bullying in the workplace. Child labour is
paid wages very low at around Rs 130 to Rs 160 per day ( RM 7:50 to 9:33 ) . This number is
very low compared to the total income of minimum wages in Delhi, India. Child labourers aged
between 13-17 years were also doing dangerous work which should be done only by adult men.
They work cut iron, work involving electrical power and become a plumber. In addition, they
often suffer from pain and injuries in the body due to injured during the course of employment.
They also do not live in perfect home workers, but only occupy the house in order and relations
that are not well managed.

Although the police managed to rescue the child labour continues to be exploited by the
unscrupulous employers, believed many such cases that failed to be eradicated by the authorities.
Based on the number of lower wage rates, hostile work environment, frequent injuries suffered
by children and others, shows that employers are not afraid to use children as labourers. This is
because the demand for jobs is very high, thus employers have a lot of choice and always a
source of cheap labour to be their choice. They do not have many options for survival while in
the children, the poverty that plagued the life. Thus, the atmosphere at work, low wages and are
exposed to injury does not become a barrier for them to get a little reward.



Cooperation between countries

Cooperation and collaboration between countries, especially neighbouring countries is very
important in combating this problem. Neighbour State should create understanding, cooperation
and partnership more so smart power technology, communication and network security. The
issues like in manufacturing industry which are related with China and Seoul. They should be in
good collaboration with their smart partnership.

Enforcing LAW
Among the measures to curb violence is enforcing national laws. Important military and police
must act quickly to force child labour. Minor violence should also be eradicated. This is so
because without early action, violence will spread to lose control. They were sparked rioting and
pears must be severely punished. States should enact a special law to allow for prompt action
against terrorists. For example, Malaysia has the Internal Security Act (ISA) which allows the
government to take immediate action against any party that threatens national security. In this
way the safety and security of the state can be maintained.

Parents need to take care of the interests of the child's education, but do not understand the
adverse effects that would be brought about by poverty. As we all know, knowledge is crucial for
survival, especially in today's society that rocked the current modernization and globalization.
Therefore, the authorities are urged to enact an act or law to ensure that every child gets the
opportunity to receive and pursue at least until age 18 or completing secondary school level.
Therefore, every country should have the education system to save children from being labour.
The education system is not only geared to enlighten employers, smuggling, and children only,
but more importantly can enlighten parents of children involved.


The Government should adopt to protect the rights of children. Government should defend and
shelter to children by reducing the number of child labour. For the example, the government
ensure child safety is assured of doing labour work as possible will result in the death of a child
because of fatigue .In addition, the government should ensure that children acquire opportunities
for schooling and studying rather than bear the source of family income through labour activities.
The government should adopt the responsible. For instance, the government should ensure that
violate the rules and act on child protection will be fined and jailed .The government needs to
implement more stringent criminal penalties on those involved or exploitation of forced labour.
Malaysia should develop and implement procedures to identify victims of forced labour and
child in the face to the door of justice.

The public is responsible for making reports if you know the crime occurred inside or outside of
the state. People need to have a high awareness of the crime of forced labour. They also need the
help from many people then these symptoms can be prevented. If people in a residential area are
being proactive, crime definitely broke faster. People who remain silent will cause human crime
continues to be protracted.



The uses of children as labour are not responsible for the actions and pursue profits alone.
Children are not only deprived of their right to get education but they also lost more lives as
children. Action employer in some countries that exploit children must be stopped immediately
and they need to get the appropriate penalty for each act. The children should spend time in
school. The children also have been exposed to long working hours and can be harmful to health.
They will sick because of this harmful. So that, they should not be able to work yet. The
involving forced labour, exploitation and rewards those are not commensurate with the work
done. Therefore, education about the importance of children to national development should be
given attention by all countries of the world. Only with education alone can solve many
problems and more importantly education covers both formal and informal methods. This is
because it needs to be disseminated education not only to children but also to get it is society



i. See Hoon Peow 2007. The law and child labour in Malaysia. Subang Jaya: Pelanduk
ii. Goh Cheng Chuan 2005. Panduan kepada akta pekerjaan dan undang-undang buruh
malaysia untuk majikan dan pekerja. Petaling Jaya: Leeds Publication

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