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User's Manual


56 Bradley St.
Middletown, CT

Phone (860) 635-1500

Fax: (860) 635-1522

Technical Support:

Web Address:

Registration Page
The following information is required in order to register your HYPACK with HYPACK,
Inc. Registering your package enables us to send you software upgrades and to report bugs
that have been found in the programs.
Please fill in the following information and fax it to HYPACK, Inc at (860) 635-1522 or
email the same information to

Hypack Lite
Hypack Survey
Hypack Office


Windows 2000
Windows XP

License Holder:
Company Name:
Billing Address:

Date Purchased:
Purchased From:
Key Number:

FOR SHIPPING OF FUTURE UPDATES: The Maintenance Plan entitles you to all
program updates during that period. Whereas the billing address is often different than
where the product is actually being used, please provide instructions below as to where new
release CDs should be sent.
Contact Person:


1. INTRODUCTION.......................................... 1
I. Welcome to HYPACK .............................................................................................................. 1
II. HYPACK Minimum System Requirements.......................................................................... 2
III. Network System Requirements............................................................................................... 3
IV. Installation ................................................................................................................................ 4
V. User Permissions ........................................................................................................................ 4
VI. HYPACK Interface ................................................................................................................ 6
A. HYPACK Files List ............................................................................................................... 7
B. HYPACK Screen Control Bar................................................................................................ 8
C. HYPACK Area Map Settings ................................................................................................ 9
D. Language Selection ................................................................................................................ 32
VII. Projects in HYPACK .......................................................................................................... 32
A. Managing Projects.................................................................................................................. 33
B. Loading and Unloading Files to your Project ........................................................................ 40
VIII. HYPACK Data Files ......................................................................................................... 41
A. Raw Data Files ....................................................................................................................... 42
B. Edited Data Files .................................................................................................................... 42
C. Sorted Data Files .................................................................................................................... 42
D. Catalog Files (*.LOG)............................................................................................................ 43
IX. HYPACK Project Files ........................................................................................................ 45
X. Preparing for your Survey ...................................................................................................... 48
A. Create a New Project.............................................................................................................. 48
B. Check your Geodesy .............................................................................................................. 48
C. Create your Planned Lines ..................................................................................................... 49
D. Configure and Calibrate your Hardware. ............................................................................... 49
E. Prepare Other Support Files ................................................................................................... 50
XI. Collecting your Data .............................................................................................................. 57
XII. Processing your Data ............................................................................................................ 59
A. Single Beam Editor ................................................................................................................ 59
B. Multibeam Editor ................................................................................................................... 59
C. Sounding Selection................................................................................................................. 60
D. Tide Corrections..................................................................................................................... 60
E. Sound Velocity Corrections ................................................................................................... 61
F. Side Scan Mosaic.................................................................................................................... 61
XIII. Creating your Final Reports .............................................................................................. 61
XIV. Utility Programs .................................................................................................................. 62
A. Digitizing Programs ............................................................................................................... 62


Manual 4/06

B. File Work Programs ............................................................................................................... 62

C. Geodesy Programs.................................................................................................................. 63
D. ADCP Processing Programs .................................................................................................. 63
E. Other Utility Programs ........................................................................................................... 64
XV. External Programs ................................................................................................................ 64

2. PREPARATION.......................................... 2-1
I. Loading Background Files (Charts) to the Project ............................................................... 2-1
A. Loading ARCS Charts to HYPACK ................................................................................... 2-2
B. Loading BSB Version 4 Charts to the Project....................................................................... 2-5
C. Loading C-Maps to the Project ............................................................................................. 2-6
D. Displaying DXF and DGN Charts ...................................................................................... 2-11
E. Loading S63 Charts to the Project....................................................................................... 2-12
F. Displaying SHP Charts ........................................................................................................ 2-13
G. Loading VPF Charts to the Project ..................................................................................... 2-14
H. Creating Geo-referenced TIF Charts in HYPACK ........................................................... 2-15
II. Geodesy .................................................................................................................................. 2-17
A. Geodetic Parameters Program............................................................................................. 2-17
B. Geodesy Utility Programs ................................................................................................... 2-30
III. Planned Survey Lines ......................................................................................................... 2-39
A. Spacing Planned Lines ........................................................................................................ 2-41
B. Offset Patterns for Planned Lines........................................................................................ 2-41
C. Creating Planned Lines in the Line Editor .......................................................................... 2-43
D. Creating Waypoints by Distance and Bearing .................................................................... 2-55
E. Creating Curved Lines with the Line Editor ....................................................................... 2-56
F. Importing *.LIN and *.N83 Files to the Line Editor........................................................... 2-57
G. Clipping Planned Lines to the Survey Area........................................................................ 2-57
H. Creating Planned Lines in Channel Design ........................................................................ 2-62
I. Creating a Planned Line File from a CAD DXF or DGN File ............................................. 2-73
IV. Hardware Setup in Hypack ................................................................................................ 2-75
A. Specifying Devices in HYPACK Hardware ....................................................................... 2-77
B. Basic Device Setup in HYPACK Hardware ..................................................................... 2-78
C. Advanced Device Setup in HYPACK HARDWARE....................................................... 2-91
D. Vessel Settings in HYPACK Hardware............................................................................ 2-94
E. System Settings in HYPACK Hardware ........................................................................... 2-97
F. Disabling Devices in the HYPACK Hardware Setup.......................................................... 2-99
G. Editing Device Settings in HYPACK Hardware ................................................................ 2-99
V. Hardware Notes .................................................................................................................... 2-99
A. GPS Positioning Equipment................................................................................................ 2-99
B. Echosounders .................................................................................................................... 2-115
C. Sub-Bottom Profilers......................................................................................................... 2-120
D. Helmsman Displays and Event Taps ................................................................................ 2-121
E. Parallel Event Boxes.......................................................................................................... 2-126
F. Motion Sensors .................................................................................................................. 2-127


HYPACK Manual 6/07

G. Telemetry Tide Gauges..................................................................................................... 2-129

H. Gyros................................................................................................................................. 2-129
I. Towfish/ROVs/Multiple Vessels ...................................................................................... 2-130
J. Real Time Altitude ............................................................................................................. 2-142
K. Automated Identification System...................................................................................... 2-144
L. Dredge Configurations ...................................................................................................... 2-144
M. HYSWEEP Hardware Setup in HYPACK..................................................................... 2-145
VI. Example of a Typical HYPACK Hardware Setup ......................................................... 2-145
VII. Calibrating your System ................................................................................................. 2-150
A. Latency Test...................................................................................................................... 2-150
B. Correcting Latency Time in the Hardware Program ......................................................... 2-153
C. Correcting Latency Errors to Survey Data........................................................................ 2-153
VIII. Target Files (*TGT) ....................................................................................................... 2-154
A. Creating a New Target File............................................................................................... 2-154
B. Editing an Existing Target File ......................................................................................... 2-155
C. Translating Targets in the Target Editor ........................................................................... 2-156
D. Target Display Options ..................................................................................................... 2-157
E. Exporting Target Information............................................................................................ 2-158
IX. Plotting Sheets (*.PLT) ..................................................................................................... 2-159
A. Creating Plotting Sheets in the Plotting Sheet Editor ....................................................... 2-159
B. Example of Creating a Plotting Sheet in the Plotting Sheet Editor................................... 2-161
C. Editing an Existing Plotting Sheet File in the Plotting Sheet Editor................................. 2-161
X. Matrix Files (*MTX)........................................................................................................... 2-162
A. Creating a Matrix File with the Matrix Editor .................................................................. 2-162
B. Example of Creating a Matrix File.................................................................................... 2-164
C. Filling a Matrix File with Sounding Data ......................................................................... 2-165
D. Extracting Sounding Data from your Matrix .................................................................... 2-168
E. Editing an Existing Matrix File ......................................................................................... 2-168
F. Matrix File View Options in Hypack ................................................................................ 2-169

3. SURVEY .................................................... 3-1

I. Overview ............................................................................................................................... 3-1
Survey Preparation.......................................................................................................... 3-1
Starting the Survey Program.......................................................................................... 3-2
Navigation Parameters .................................................................................................... 3-3
V. Project Information ............................................................................................................. 3-5
Raw Survey Files.............................................................................................................. 3-6
A. Survey File Naming Convention ....................................................................................... 3-6
B. Data Directories for Raw Survey Files .............................................................................. 3-7
C. Catalog Files for Raw Survey Files ................................................................................... 3-7

Windows in Survey .......................................................................................................... 3-7

Area Map in Survey ........................................................................................................... 3-8
Left-Right Indicator in Survey......................................................................................... 3-11


Manual 4/06



Data Display Window in Survey ..................................................................................... 3-13

Profile Window in Survey ............................................................................................... 3-15
Device Windows in Survey ............................................................................................. 3-18
Alarms in Survey ............................................................................................................. 3-18
Helmsman Display in Survey .......................................................................................... 3-19
Broadcasting Survey Windows over the Network to the Survey Viewer........................ 3-20


Boat Features in Survey ............................................................................................ 3-21

Boat Track Parameters ..................................................................................................... 3-22
Boat Shapes and Symbols................................................................................................ 3-23
Labeling your Vessels in Survey ..................................................................................... 3-24
Specifying the Main Vessel in Survey............................................................................. 3-24
Position Filters in Survey................................................................................................. 3-25
Displaying Boat Profile Windows ................................................................................... 3-25
Anchors in Survey............................................................................................................ 3-25


Chart (Background) Files.............................................................................................. 3-27

Loading Charts During Survey ........................................................................................ 3-28
Unloading Charts During Survey..................................................................................... 3-28


Targets in Survey ............................................................................................................... 3-29

Marking Targets in Survey .............................................................................................. 3-29
Selecting Targets in Survey ............................................................................................. 3-30
Erasing and Restoring Targets in Survey......................................................................... 3-30
Target Properties in Survey ............................................................................................. 3-30
Target Display Defaults in Survey................................................................................... 3-32
Loading a Manually Prepared Target File in Survey....................................................... 3-33
Water's Edge Targets ....................................................................................................... 3-34
Connecting Targets with Survey Lines............................................................................ 3-35
Connecting Targets to the Boat Position in Survey ......................................................... 3-35


Matrix Files in Survey ................................................................................................... 3-35

Loading and Unloading Matrix Files in Survey .............................................................. 3-36
Multiple Matrix Files in Survey....................................................................................... 3-36
Saving Soundings to a Matrix in Survey ......................................................................... 3-36
Matrix Color Settings in Survey ...................................................................................... 3-41
Saving Matrix Files in Survey ......................................................................................... 3-41


Tide Corrections in Survey ........................................................................................... 3-42

Telemetry Tide Gauges in Survey ................................................................................... 3-43
Manual Entry of Tide Corrections in Survey................................................................... 3-43
Predicted Tide Corrections in Survey .............................................................................. 3-44
RTK GPS Tide Corrections in Survey............................................................................. 3-44

Draft/Squat Corrections............................................................................................ 3-44
A. Manual Draft/Squat Corrections ...................................................................................... 3-44
B. Automatic Draft/Squat Corrections ................................................................................. 3-45
Shared Memory Programs........................................................................................ 3-45
A. Memory Viewer ............................................................................................................... 3-46
B. Shared Memory Output Program..................................................................................... 3-47


HYPACK Manual 6/07


Echosounder Display ....................................................................................................... 3-51

NMEA Output.................................................................................................................. 3-52
Odometer.......................................................................................................................... 3-53
Graphical Motion Reference Unit.................................................................................... 3-54
Heading and Speed Indicator ........................................................................................... 3-55


Logging Data in Survey ................................................................................................. 3-55

Navigating Planned Lines in Survey................................................................................ 3-55
Logging Events in Survey................................................................................................ 3-60
Logging Seabed Identification Data in Survey................................................................ 3-61


Plotting in Survey....................................................................................................... 3-62

Printing Survey Data ................................................................................................. 3-64

4. SINGLE BEAM PROCESSING ............. 4-1

I. Previewing Your Soundings in the Main Window............................................................ 4-1
Single Beam Post-processing Sequence Guides............................................................. 4-2
Sound Velocity Corrections Program ............................................................................ 4-3
A. Creating a Sound Velocity File.......................................................................................... 4-4
B. Importing Sound Velocity Data ......................................................................................... 4-4

Single Beam Editor .......................................................................................................... 4-6

Single Beam Editor Procedure........................................................................................... 4-6
Selecting Sounding Files in the Single Beam Editor ......................................................... 4-8
Corrections in the Single Beam Editor .............................................................................. 4-9
Read Parameters in the Single Beam Editor .................................................................... 4-13
Merging Digitized Depth Data with Raw Survey Data in the Single Beam Editor......... 4-19
Windows in the Single Beam Editor................................................................................ 4-20
Display Settings in the Single Beam Editor..................................................................... 4-27
Search and Filter Options in the Single Beam Editor ...................................................... 4-31
Single Beam Editor Statistics........................................................................................... 4-33
Editing Data in the Single Beam Editor........................................................................... 4-34
Saving Edited Single Beam Data..................................................................................... 4-38
Exporting Edited Single Beam Data to a Text File.......................................................... 4-38

V. Clipping Survey Files......................................................................................................... 4-39

Sounding Selection Programs for Single Beam Surveys ............................................ 4-40
A. Comparison of Sounding Selection Methods for Single Beam Data............................... 4-41
B. Sort Program .................................................................................................................... 4-42
C. Cross Sort Program .......................................................................................................... 4-44
D. Mapper Program .............................................................................................................. 4-46

5. SIDE SCAN ............................................... 5-1


Side Scan Hardware ............................................................................................................ 5-1

Specifying Devices in Side Scan Hardware....................................................................... 5-1
Driver Setup in Side Scan Hardware ................................................................................. 5-2


Side Scan Survey .............................................................................................................. 5-7


Manual 4/06


Side Scan Survey Windows ............................................................................................... 5-7

View Options in Side Scan Survey.................................................................................. 5-12
Logging Data in Side Scan Survey .................................................................................. 5-17
Side Scan Playback .......................................................................................................... 5-21


Side Scan Data Reformatter ......................................................................................... 5-21

Side Scan Processing...................................................................................................... 5-23
Running Side Scan Mosaic .............................................................................................. 5-23
Loading Data to Side Scan Mosaic.................................................................................. 5-24
Setting Side Scan Mosaic Display Options ..................................................................... 5-26
Editing your Side Scan Data ............................................................................................ 5-28
Scan View ........................................................................................................................ 5-31
Creating Geo-referenced TIF Files in Mosaic Mode....................................................... 5-35

6. FINAL PRODUCTS ................................. 6-1


Hyplot.................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Running HYPLOT ............................................................................................................. 6-1
Setting Display Options in HYPLOT ................................................................................ 6-2
Plotting Methods in HYPLOT ......................................................................................... 6-22
Exporting your Plotting Sheet to DXF Format ................................................................ 6-22


Cross Sections and Volumes ......................................................................................... 6-26

Running Cross Sections and Volumes............................................................................. 6-26
Surveys Tab in Cross Sections and Volumes .................................................................. 6-27
Graph Options Tab in Cross Sections and Volumes........................................................ 6-33
View Tab in Cross Sections and Volumes....................................................................... 6-38
Print Tab in Cross Sections and Volumes........................................................................ 6-39
Volumes Tab in Cross Sections and Volumes................................................................. 6-40
Cross Section-based Volumes Calculation Methods ....................................................... 6-41
Examples in Cross Sections and Volumes....................................................................... 6-77
Computing Reach Volumes Using the Channel Plan Feature ......................................... 6-86


Surface Modeling in the TIN Model Program ............................................................ 6-90

Creating a TIN Model...................................................................................................... 6-90
Initial Data Dialog in TIN Modeling ............................................................................... 6-91
TIN Model Displays ........................................................................................................ 6-93
Measuring Distance and Position in 2D TIN Models.................................................... 6-102
Editing your TIN Model ................................................................................................ 6-102
Exporting Data from TIN Models.................................................................................. 6-107
Volumes Based on Surface Calculations ....................................................................... 6-123
Examples of Volumes Based on Surface Calculations .................................................. 6-132


Export............................................................................................................................ 6-140
Running the Export Program ......................................................................................... 6-140
Export Options in Export ............................................................................................... 6-142
Example: Exporting to DGN/DXF in EXPORT............................................................ 6-152



ENC Editor ....................................................................................................................... 6-154

A. ENC Editor Interface ..................................................................................................... 6-155

HYPACK Manual 6/07


Geodesy Settings for the ENC Editor ............................................................................ 6-158

Opening a Chart in ENC Editor ..................................................................................... 6-159
Defining your Chart Information ................................................................................... 6-161
Displaying your Charts .................................................................................................. 6-163
Feature Types in S57 Charts .......................................................................................... 6-166
Creating a Spatial Record .............................................................................................. 6-166
Working with Features in your Chart ............................................................................ 6-172
Importing HYPACK Data to your S57 Charts ............................................................ 6-186
On-Site Chart Verification with HYPACK Survey ..................................................... 6-196
Exporting S57 Chart Data.............................................................................................. 6-202

7. UTILITIES ................................................ 7-1


Tide (Water Level) Corrections.......................................................................................... 7-1

Harmonic Tidal Predictions ............................................................................................... 7-2
Manual Tides Programs ..................................................................................................... 7-5
Tidal Zoning..................................................................................................................... 7-10
Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Tide Corrections ............................................................... 7-13


Boat Shape Editor .......................................................................................................... 7-21

3D Shape Editor ............................................................................................................. 7-23
3D Shape Editor Interface................................................................................................ 7-23
Adjusting the View in 3D Shape Editor .......................................................................... 7-25
Running the 3D Shape Editor .......................................................................................... 7-27
Opening Custom Shape Files in the 3D Shape Editor ..................................................... 7-28
Animating Dredge Template Files in the 3D Shape Editor ............................................. 7-31
Creating Objects in the 3D Shape Editor......................................................................... 7-31
Connecting Objects and Shapes....................................................................................... 7-38
Removing Objects from the Custom Shape..................................................................... 7-42
Setting Object Properties in the 3D Shape Editor............................................................ 7-42
Merging 3OD Files .......................................................................................................... 7-59
Grouping Objects in your Custom Shape ........................................................................ 7-59
Saving your Custom 3D Shape File................................................................................. 7-62


Advanced Channel Design ............................................................................................ 7-63

Running Advanced Channel Design................................................................................ 7-64
Creating (or Editing) your Channel File in Advanced Channel Design .......................... 7-64
Importing Channel Template Information to Advanced Channel Design ....................... 7-69
Viewing your Channel in Advanced Channel Design ..................................................... 7-73
Saving Screen Captures of your Channel ........................................................................ 7-74
Exporting XYZ files based on your Channel File (*CHN) ............................................. 7-75
Examples in Advanced Channel Design.......................................................................... 7-75

V. LNW Generator ................................................................................................................. 7-79

Intersector Program ...................................................................................................... 7-82
VII. Echogram Program ....................................................................................................... 7-85
Sub-bottom Processor................................................................................................ 7-86
A. Running the Sub-bottom Processor ................................................................................. 7-87


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Loading your Data in the Sub-bottom Processor............................................................. 7-87

Display Options in the Sub-bottom Processor ................................................................. 7-88
Marking Targets in the Sub-bottom Processor ................................................................ 7-89
Digitizing Layers in the Sub-bottom Processor ............................................................... 7-90


DG2 Editor ..................................................................................................................... 7-92

Running the DG2 Editor .................................................................................................. 7-92
Setting Display Attributes in the DG2 Editor .................................................................. 7-94
S57 Options in the DG2 Editor........................................................................................ 7-95
Defining the Feature Position in the DG2 Editor............................................................. 7-95
Modifying Features in the DG2 Editor ............................................................................ 7-96
Merging DG2 Charts in the DG2 Editor.......................................................................... 7-97
Example of Creating a DG2 Chart................................................................................... 7-97

X. XYZ Collector .................................................................................................................. 7-101

Sounding Adjustment .................................................................................................. 7-102
XII. Manual Entry Program............................................................................................... 7-103
Metadata ................................................................................................................... 7-104
A. Creating Metadata.......................................................................................................... 7-105
B. Navigation through Metadata projects/files................................................................... 7-106
C. Metadata Symbols.......................................................................................................... 7-106
D. Entering Data in your Metadata Report ......................................................................... 7-107
E. Building the *.MET file and Saving the *.GEN file...................................................... 7-109
F. Saving a Metadata project.............................................................................................. 7-109
Metric File Converter Program.............................................................................. 7-110
XV. Remap ........................................................................................................................... 7-110
Pathfinder Program................................................................................................. 7-113
Merge XYZ ............................................................................................................... 7-114
XVIII. XYZ Manager........................................................................................................... 7-115
A. Creating a Database in the XYZ Manager..................................................................... 7-115
B. Exporting XYZ Data from the XYZ Manager............................................................... 7-116
C. Database Statistics in the XYZ Manager ....................................................................... 7-117

Universal Input Program ........................................................................................ 7-118

Running the UNIVERSAL INPUT Program................................................................. 7-118
Input File Formats for Universal Input .......................................................................... 7-119
Setting your Universal Input Options ............................................................................ 7-120
Describing your Universal Input Strings ....................................................................... 7-120


ADCP Logger ............................................................................................................... 7-121

ADCP LOGGER Procedure .......................................................................................... 7-122
Connecting your ADCP Device..................................................................................... 7-123
Testing the ADCP Connection....................................................................................... 7-124
Opening the Plan File in the ADCP Logger .................................................................. 7-124
Deploying the Plan file in ADCP LOGGER ................................................................. 7-125
Logging ADCP Data...................................................................................................... 7-125
Windows in ADCP LOGGER ....................................................................................... 7-126


HYPACK Manual 6/07


ADCP LOGGER View Options .................................................................................... 7-133


ADCP Profile............................................................................................................ 7-136

ADCP Profile Procedure................................................................................................ 7-137
Surveys Tab in the ADCP Profile Program ................................................................... 7-137
Graph Options Tab in the ADCP Profile Program ........................................................ 7-138
View Tab in the ADCP Profile Program ....................................................................... 7-141
Printing Cross Sections in the ADCP Profile program.................................................. 7-143
Printing ADCP Profiles.................................................................................................. 7-144
Discharge Report Tab in the ADCP Profile Program.................................................... 7-144

ADCP to DXF........................................................................................................... 7-146
XXIII. Hardlock Test ........................................................................................................... 7-148
A. Running the Hardlock Test ............................................................................................ 7-148
B. Hardlock Problem Solving............................................................................................. 7-149
XXIV. Seabed Statistics ....................................................................................................... 7-150
A. Creating a Seabed Square in Seabed Statistics .............................................................. 7-151
B. Creating Seabed Statistics.............................................................................................. 7-157
C. Reassigning Seabed Identification Values..................................................................... 7-158
D. Exporting Information from Seabed Statistics............................................................... 7-159

Cross Check Statistics.............................................................................................. 7-161

Running the Statistics Program...................................................................................... 7-162
View and Print the 3-D View in the Statistics Program ................................................ 7-164
Viewing and Printing the Cross Check Statistics Report............................................... 7-164
Example in Cross Check Statistics ................................................................................ 7-165

XXVI. Channel Condition Reporter .................................................................................. 7-166

A. Channel Condition Reporter Interface ........................................................................... 7-166
B. Running Channel Condition Reporter Program............................................................. 7-167
3D Terrain Viewer ............................................................................................... 7-177
A. Running the 3DTV Program.......................................................................................... 7-178
B. Terrain Settings in 3DTV............................................................................................... 7-181
C. 3D Terrain Viewer Flight Modes................................................................................... 7-184
D. Display Options in the 3D Terrain Viewer .................................................................... 7-187
E. Loading Survey Features to the 3DTV Display............................................................. 7-196
F. Positioning your Camera in the 3D Terrain Viewer ...................................................... 7-210
G. Saving your Views in the 3D Terrain Viewer ............................................................... 7-219
H. Optimizing 3D Terrain Viewer Performance ................................................................ 7-222
I. Archiving 3DTV Projects .............................................................................................. 7-223

8. DREDGEPACK ...................................... 8-1

I. Overview ............................................................................................................................... 8-1
Running DREDGEPACK ............................................................................................. 8-1
Configuring Dredge Hardware....................................................................................... 8-2
A. Cutter Suction Dredge Configuration ................................................................................ 8-3
B. Hopper Dredge Hardware Configuration........................................................................... 8-5


Manual 4/06



Excavator Dredge Hardware Configuration ...................................................................... 8-7

Bucket Dredge Hardware Configuration ........................................................................... 8-8


Windows in DREDGEPACK ........................................................................................ 8-9

Area Map Window in DREDGEPACK......................................................................... 8-10
Data Display Window in DREDGEPACK .................................................................... 8-10
Left-Right Indicator in DREDGEPACK ....................................................................... 8-11
Boat Profile Window in DREDGEPACK ..................................................................... 8-11
Device Windows in DREDGEPACK ............................................................................ 8-17
Alarms in DREDGEPACK ............................................................................................ 8-17

Matrix Files in DREDGEPACK ..................................................................................... 8-17

A. Entering Survey Data into a Matrix File.......................................................................... 8-18
B. Loading and Unloading a Matrix Files in DREDGEPACK .......................................... 8-18
C. Multiple Matrix Files in DREDGEPACK ..................................................................... 8-18
D. Saving Dredge Depths to the Matrix in DREDGEPACK ............................................. 8-19
E. Editing Matrix Depths in DREDGEPACK ................................................................... 8-21
F. Matrix Color Settings in DREDGEPACK..................................................................... 8-22
G. Matrix View Options in DREDGEPACK ..................................................................... 8-23
H. Saving Matrix Files in DREDGEPACK ........................................................................ 8-23
Bucket Patterns in DREDGEPACK .......................................................................... 8-24
A. Displaying Bucket Patterns in DREDGEPACK ............................................................ 8-25
B. Displaying Bucket Patterns in HYPACK ...................................................................... 8-27


Volume Estimates in DREDGEPACK ....................................................................... 8-28

9. APPENDIX................................................ 9-1

HYPACK Data Types........................................................................................................ 9-1

A. HYPACK Project File Types........................................................................................... 9-1


File Format Descriptions................................................................................................. 9-4

Hypack Raw Data Format.................................................................................................. 9-4
HYPACK All Format .................................................................................................... 9-20
Target File (*.TGT) Format............................................................................................. 9-30
Tide File (*.TID) Format ................................................................................................. 9-31
Sound Velocity Corrections File (*.VEL) ....................................................................... 9-31
Planned Line Files (*.LNW)............................................................................................ 9-32
Plotting Sheet Files (*.PLT) ............................................................................................ 9-33
Matrix Files (*MTX) ....................................................................................................... 9-33
Border files (*.BRD)........................................................................................................ 9-34
Channel Plan Files (*.PLN) ............................................................................................. 9-35
Channel Template Files (*.TPL)...................................................................................... 9-35
Advanced Channel Files (*.CHN) ................................................................................... 9-36
HYPACK Data File Types......................................................................................... 9-36


Hardlock Types and their Programs............................................................................ 9-38

Keyboard Commands.................................................................................................... 9-39
Survey Keyboard Commands .......................................................................................... 9-39
3DTV Keyboard Commands ........................................................................................... 9-40

HYPACK Manual 6/07


3D Shape Editor Keyboard Commands........................................................................... 9-42


Hardware Interfacing........................................................................................................ 9-43

Serial Interfacing.............................................................................................................. 9-43
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Devices ........................................................................... 9-46
GPIB Interfaces................................................................................................................ 9-47


How the 1PPS Box Works............................................................................................. 9-47

Drivers and their Devices .............................................................................................. 9-48
Device Drivers ................................................................................................................. 9-48
Devices Supported by HYPACK Hardware .................................................................. 9-49
Devices Supported by Side Scan Survey ......................................................................... 9-58


Geodesy ....................................................................................................................... 9-59

Ellipsoids.......................................................................................................................... 9-59
Geoids .............................................................................................................................. 9-60
Datums ............................................................................................................................. 9-61
Datum Transformations ................................................................................................... 9-61
Projections........................................................................................................................ 9-63


Basic Acoustics for the Hydrographer......................................................................... 9-67

Sound Velocity and Ray Bending.................................................................................... 9-67
Beam Frequency Effects on Survey Data ........................................................................ 9-70
Beam Geometry ............................................................................................................... 9-70
Timing and Latency ......................................................................................................... 9-73



Echosounders 101............................................................................................................... 9-74

How Echosounders Work ................................................................................................ 9-74
Echosounder Calibration.................................................................................................. 9-76
Beam Patterns .................................................................................................................. 9-78


S57 Basics........................................................................................................................ 9-79

Feature and Spatial Data .................................................................................................. 9-79
Nodes, Chains and Areas ................................................................................................. 9-81
Combining Features and Spatial Data.............................................................................. 9-83
Boundaries and Clipping.................................................................................................. 9-84

XII. Launching External Programs from the HYPACK Menu ...................................... 9-85
Beta Programs............................................................................................................ 9-86
A. Seabed Identification in Mapper...................................................................................... 9-86


Manual 4/06


1PPS pulse
1PPS box, 9-47
graph, 2-115
settings, 2-103, 2-111
time tagging, 2-103
3D Shape Editor, 7-30, See Also 3D shapes, Boat Shape
camera controls, 7-27
color settings, 7-26
background, 7-24
keyboard commands, 7-26, 9-42
overview, 7-23
procedure, 7-27
advanced objects, 7-31
attachment points, 7-37
basic objects, 7-31
colors, 7-24, 7-26
connectors, 7-41
dredge arms, 7-37
extensible parts, 7-40, 7-55
faces, 7-56
groups, 7-597-62, 7-61, 7-62
height, 7-55
lighting, 7-26
model types, 7-25
names, 7-59, 7-61
object properties, 7-427-59, 7-61
radius, 7-55
scale, 7-31, 7-55
vessel origin, 7-37
windows, 7-57
wires, 7-39, 7-54
design panes, 7-24
main, 7-23
object browser, 7-24
object properties, 7-24, 7-59
3D shapes
creating, 7-31
3D Shape Editor, 7-23, 7-27, 7-28, 7-30
advanced objects, 7-31, 7-36
basic objects, 7-31
connectors, 7-38, 7-41
dredge arms, 7-37
extensible objects, 7-38
extensible parts, 7-40
groups, 7-62
poles, 7-39
spuds, 7-37
vessel origin, 7-37
wires, 7-38, 7-39

HYPACK Manual 6/07

3D Shape Editor, 7-25, 7-31

3D Terrain Viewer, 7-203, 7-207
advanced objects, 7-36
extensible parts, 7-40, 7-55
faces, 7-36, 7-56
groups, 7-59, 7-62
names, 7-41, 7-59
object properties, 7-427-59
removing objects, 7-42
wires, 7-54
grouping objects, 7-597-62
3D Shape Editor, 7-30
3D Shape Editor, 7-30, 7-59
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-180, 7-203, 7-204, 7-207
merging 3OD files, 7-59
object properties
alignment, 7-45
colors, 7-50
distribution, 7-46
extensible parts, 7-55
name, 7-40
rotation, 7-45, 7-59
scale, 7-47, 7-59
textures, 7-51
translation, 7-44, 7-59
transparency, 7-50
wires, 7-54
replicating objects, 7-38
saving, 7-62
local computer, 7-63
network locations, 7-63
3D Shape Editor, 7-47
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-204
3D Terrain Viewer
3DTV mode, 7-178
camera controls, 7-2107-219
camera position window, 7-211
heading, 7-215
horizontal positioning, 7-213
radar angle, 7-217
speed and direction, 7-215, 7-219
tilt, 7-218
vertical positioning, 7-214
yaw, 7-216, 7-217
zoom, 7-219
keyboard commands, 7-212, 9-40
Matrix 3DTV mode, 7-178
3DM, 7-220

AVI, 7-221
recording, 7-220, 7-221
replaying, 7-220, 7-221
saving, 7-220
overview, 58, 7-177
archiving 3DTV projects, 7-223
overview, 7-178
positioning the camera, 7-2107-219
recording video, 7-221
screen captures, 7-220
AVI, 7-221
boat shapes, 7-203
camera controls. See 3D Terrain Viewer:camera controls
camera position, 7-213
camera position window, 7-194
channel templates, 7-198
colors, 7-191, 7-196, 7-199, 7-203
custom shapes, 7-203, 7-207
dredging equipment, 7-206
dynamic lighting, 7-192
flight modes, 7-180, 7-184
performance optimization, 7-222
radar angle, 7-217
survey lines, 7-198
targets, 7-202
terrain, 7-179, 7-181, 7-187, 7-191
vertical scale, 7-194
water surface, 7-196
camera position window, 7-194, 7-211
lighting position window, 7-192
terrain window, 7-181, 7-187
3DM files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-180, 7-220
definition, 9-1
3DP files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-223
3DS files
3D Shape Editor, 7-30
3DTV. See 3D Terrain Viewer, See 3D Terrain Viewer
3DV files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-180, 7-191, 7-223
definition, 9-1
3OD files
3D Shape Editor, 7-28, 7-62
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-207, 7-223
definition, 9-1
ENC Editor, 6-205
acoustics theory
bar check, 9-70
beam angles, 9-78
beam frequency, 9-70
beam geometry, 9-70
beam patterns, 9-78
ray bending, 9-67, 9-68
reflection, 9-68
refraction. See acoustics theory:beams:ray bending
overview, 9-67
multibeam, 9-689-70


single beam, 9-679-68

Snell's Law, 9-68
sound velocity
changes, 9-68, 9-69
corrections, 9-70
profile, 9-70
ADCP files
ADCP to DXF, 7-146
ADCP Logger, 7-123
ADCP Profile, 7-141
ADCP Profile, 7-137
ADCP to DXF, 7-147
ADCP Logger, 7-121, 7-125
ADCP Logger
break test, 7-124
overview, 58, 7-121
plan file, 7-125
procedure, 7-122
settings, 7-126
connection, 7-123
data display window, 7-134
heading, 7-135
modes, 7-122
output format, 7-135
plan file, 7-124
tabular view, 7-134
units, 7-133
velocity profile windows, 7-134
velocity reference, 7-133
ADCP Logger, 7-126
data display, 7-132
Hypack information, 7-132
intensity profile, 7-129
magnitude direction profile, 7-130
tabular view, 7-126
transect vector, 7-130
velocity profiles, 7-128
ADCP Profile
overview, 63, 7-136
overview, 7-137
printing cross sections, 7-144
cross sections graphs, 7-143
discharge reports, 7-143, 7-144
color settings, 7-141
cross section graph, 7-141
object files, 7-142
print options, 7-143, 7-144
survey data, 7-139
survey lines, 7-141
view options, 7-141
overview, 63, 7-146
procedure, 7-146
settings, 7-147

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Advanced Channel Design

adding toes, 7-75
LNW to CHN, 7-77
inverting depths, 7-65
overview, 57, 7-63
procedure, 7-64
checking faces, 7-64
converting CHN to XYZ, 7-75
converting LNW to CHN, 7-69
converting PLN to CHN, 7-71
converting TPL to CHN, 7-73
entering face data, 7-66
entering node data, 7-64
saving screen captures, 7-74
splitting faces, 7-68
faces, 7-66
LNW to CHN, 7-69
nodes, 7-64
PLN to CHN, 7-71
TPL to CHN, 7-73
view options, 7-73
nonconvex shape error, 7-68
non-flat face error, 7-68
orientation error, 7-68
advanced read parameters
Single Beam Editor. See Single Beam
Editor:settings:advanced read parameters
device driver, 2-144
display, 2-144
ADCP Logger, 7-126
cross track error, 8-17
device alarm, 8-17
HDOP, 8-17
minimum depth, 8-17
no kinematic, 8-17
non-differential, 8-17
Side Scan Survey, 5-8
Survey, 3-8
cross track error, 3-4, 3-12, 3-18, 3-19
device alarm, 3-18
HDOP, 2-109, 3-18
minimum depth, 3-4, 3-18
no kinematic, 3-18
non-differential, 2-148, 3-18
number of satellites, 2-109
all format
definition, 9-37
format, 9-20
all format-edited, 42, See Also survey files-edited, data
ADCP Profile, 7-138
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-27
Cross Sort, 4-42
Export, 6-140
information query, 8
Manual Entry program, 62, 7-103

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Mapper, 4-42
Merge XYZ, 7-114
Metric File Converter, 7-110
Remap, 7-110
Seabed Statistics, 7-151
Single Beam Editor, 4-8
Sort program, 4-42
Sounding Adjustment program, 7-102
tide corrections, 7-11
TIN Model program, 6-90, 6-92, 6-107, 6-123
all format-sorted, 42, See Also survey files-sorted, data
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-27
Cross Sort, 4-42, 4-46
Hypack, 4-1
Metric File Converter, 7-110
Seabed Statistics, 7-151
TIN Model program, 6-90, 6-92, 6-107
3D Terrain Viewer, 2-142
alt3dtv.dll, 2-142
Hardware program, 2-134
Side Scan Survey, 5-8
AML charts
Hypack, 50
amplitude profile
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-34
Side Scan Survey, 5-10
Analog Side Scan
overview, 5-3
settings, 5-3
distance to vessel, 3-27
dropping, 3-26
on boat shapes, 3-25, 7-22
raising, 3-27
ADCP Profile, 7-143
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-35
Hardware device setup, 2-80, 2-119, 2-127
archive directory, 32
3D Terrain Viewer projects, 7-223
Hypack files, 38
ARCS charts
base charts, 2-3
chart updates, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4
georeferencing, 2-4
loading, 2-2
hard drive, 2-3
Hypack, 2-4
permits, 2-2
ARCS Manager
overview, 2-3
loading ARCS charts, 2-2
loading ARCS permits, 2-4
loading charts to your hard drive, 2-4
loading charts to your project, 2-4


geodesy, 2-5
permits, 2-3, 2-4
area map
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-177
Border Editor, 2-58, 2-59, 2-60
Line Editor, 2-45, 2-46, 2-47, 2-48, 2-60
Plotting Sheet Editor, 2-160
Target Editor, 2-155
Single Beam Editor, 4-21
settings, 4-28
Survey, 2-122, 3-7, 3-8, 3-28
display settings, 3-10
helmsman display, 3-19
orientation, 3-9
ARCS charts, 2-2
C-Maps, 2-6
S63 charts, 2-12
Automated Identification System. See AIS
automatic leg switching, 3-5, 3-59
AVI files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-180, 7-221
back azimuth, 2-37
geodetic, 2-30, 2-35, 2-36
geodetic azimuth
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-167
grid azimuth, 31
Hypack, 8
TIN Model program, 6-102
range-azimuth positioning, 2-93
reference azimuth, 2-93, 2-94
Single Beam Editor, 4-22, 4-35
background files. See charts
bucket files, 8-26
catalog files, 3-59
matrix files, 3-41
project files, 3-41
bar check, 2-119
Bar Check program, 50
theory, 9-76
base surveys
annotation, 6-39, 7-143
loading, 6-27, 6-77
overlaying files, 6-27
template information, 6-29
Beam Angle Test. See The HYSWEEP Manual
overview, 59
bearing measurements
Line Editor, 2-55
Side Scan Survey, 5-8, 5-10
Single Beam Editor, 4-22, 4-35
Survey, 3-14, 3-30
block editing
Seabed Statistics, 7-158
Single Beam Editor, 4-23, 4-35
BMP files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-220
Advanced Channel Design, 7-74
Dredgepack, 8-16


Hyplot, 6-13, 6-16

TIN Model program, 6-119
Title Block Editor, 6-13, 6-14, 6-16
boat features
Survey. See, See
Boat Shape Editor. See Also 3D Shape Editor
anchors, 3-25, 7-22
overview, 57, 7-21
procedure, 7-21
boat shapes. See Also 3D Shape Editor
3D Shape Editor, 7-23, 7-28
anchors, 7-22
assigning symbols or shapes, 2-139
color settings, 2-140, 2-141
creating, 7-22
3D Shape Editor, 7-23
Boat Shape Editor, 7-21
CAD DXF, 3-23
Dredgepack, 8-15
custom shapes
3D Shape Editor, 7-23
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-203
Boat Shape Editor, 7-21
Dredgepack, 8-16
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-203
Boat Shape Editor, 7-22
Dredgepack, 3-23, 8-14
Side Scan Survey, 5-13
Survey, 3-213-27
profile window, 8-14, 8-15
ENC Editor
vessel tracking, 6-197
color, 3-24
labels, 3-24
symbols, 3-24
track line, 3-22
vectors, 3-23
follow boat
Side Scan Survey, 5-13
labeling, 2-140
3D Shape Editor, 7-28
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-203
Boat Shape Editor, 7-21
Dredgepack, 3-23, 8-16
Side Scan Survey, 5-13
Survey, 3-23, 3-24
orientation, 2-80, 2-90, 2-129
3D Shape Editor, 7-62
Boat Shape Editor, 7-22
Side Scan Survey
display options, 5-13
positions, 5-20
displaying, 3-23
positions, 3-8, 3-113-12, 3-19
vessel tracking, 3-9

HYPACK Manual 6/07

anchors, 3-25
main vessel, 3-26
positions, 3-31
vessel tracking
ENC Editor, 6-197
Survey, 3-9
Border Editor. See Also border files
overview, 2-57
procedure, 2-58
border files. See Also BRD files, Border Editor
clipping data files, 6-105
Hypack, 4-39
TIN Model, 6-102, 6-105
clipping survey lines, 2-57, 2-60
Border Editor, 2-58, 2-59
spreadsheet method, 2-59
Survey, 3-39
TIN Model, 6-120
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
displaying, 2-59, 2-60, See Also project files:enabling
Survey, 3-39
TIN Model, 6-120
editing, 2-59, 2-60
editing survey data, 3-39
format, 9-34
limiting volumes calculations
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-37
TIN Model program, 6-132
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-37
Line Editor, 2-58
Survey, 3-39
TIN Model program, 6-132
previewing, 2-59, 2-60
Border Editor, 2-59, 2-60
Survey, 3-39
TIN Model, 6-120
bottom classifications. See seabed identification
defining, 7-151
box templates
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-30, 6-52, 6-54
TIN Model program, 6-129
BRD files
Border Editor, 2-60
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-37
definition, 9-1
format, 9-34
Hypack, 4-40
Line Editor, 2-57
Survey, 3-39
TIN Model program, 6-102, 6-120
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
break lines, 6-104
BSB charts. See Also charts:BSB charts
Hypack, 51
loading, 2-5
bucket patterns

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Dredgepack, 8-24
Hypack, 8-27
modes, 8-25
view options
Dredgepack, 8-25
Hypack, 8-27
C3D files
Side Scan Data Reformatter, 5-21
cable out, 2-134
driver setup, 2-133
echosounders, 7-14
bar check, 2-119, 9-70
Latency Test, 2-1502-153
Latency Test, 2-1502-153
calibration tests
bar check, 50, 2-119, 9-70
Latency Test, 50, 2-1502-153
Patch Test. See The HYSWEEP Manual
camera controls
3D Shape Editor
3D camera control, 7-27
zoom and pan, 7-27
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-2107-219
camera position window, 7-211
heading, 7-215
horizontal positioning, 7-213
keyboard commands, 7-212
speed, 7-219
tilt, 7-218
vertical positioning, 7-214
yaw, 7-216
zoom, 7-219
CAP files. See BSB charts
catalog files. See Also LOG files
archiving, 38
backup, 3-59
creating, 43
definition, 9-3
editing, 44
merging All Format files, 44
naming, 3-7
overview, 43
saving, 43
show lines report, 45
archiving cataloged data, 38
center line reference, 6-45
center lines
Channel Design, 2-62, 2-63
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-87
Export to Line File, 2-73
Line Editor, 2-42
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
ADCP Profile, 7-142
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-38
DXF export to LNW, 2-75

Channel Design, 2-64

ADCP Profile, 7-139
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-34, 6-45
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-168, 7-169
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-29, 6-69
Dredgepack, 3-16, 8-11
Single Beam Editor, 4-12
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-199
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-36, 6-38, 6-45, 6-86, 6-87
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-87
definition, 2-62
LNW Generator, 7-80
Single Beam Editor, 4-12
Channel Condition Reporter
overview, 64, 7-166
procedure, 7-167
creating a channel, 7-168
creating reaches, 7-171
determining shoals, 7-175
exporting XYZ files, 7-175
creating, 7-176
displaying, 7-175, 7-176
editing, 7-176
printing, 7-176
channel limits, 7-169
channel properties, 7-170, 7-175
channel types, 7-169
channels, 7-170
colors, 7-171, 7-174
controlling depths, 7-176
DGN layer display, 7-168
project depth, 7-171, 7-176
reaches, 7-167, 7-171
saving, 7-173
soundings, 7-173
turning basins, 7-170
Channel Design
overview, 2-62
procedure, 2-62
channels, 2-63, 2-64, 2-67
curved channel lines, 2-67
offset toes, 2-65
side slopes, 2-65
survey lines, 2-67
toe shifts, 2-65
top of bank, 2-66
channel files
format, 9-36
channel plan files. See PLN files, Channel Design, channel
templates, survey lines
format, 9-35
channel plans. See channel templates, PLN files, Channel


channel properties-Channel Condition Reporter, 7-170

channel template files
format, 9-35
channel templates. See Also box templates, Template
Editor, cross sections, PLN files
calculating volumes
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-86, 6-87
center lines
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-199
ADCP Profile, 7-142
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-169
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-36, 6-38, 6-43, 6-45
Channel Design, 2-62
CHN to XYZ, 7-75
PLN to CHN, 7-71
TPL to CHN, 7-73
Advanced Channel Design, 7-63
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-30, 6-87
Intersector, 7-82
Line Editor, 2-40, 2-51
TIN Model, 6-121
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
ADCP Profile, 7-137, 7-141, 7-142
Advanced Channel Design, 7-73
Channel Design, 2-71
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-26, 6-35, 6-36, 6-38
Line Editor, 2-51
Survey, 3-153-17, 3-153-17
TIN Model, 6-95, 6-97
Advanced Channel Design, 7-70
Channel Design, 2-63
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-30
Line Editor, 2-51
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-198
Advanced Channel Design, 7-64
Channel Design, 2-63
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-29
Intersector, 7-82
Line Editor, 2-51
LNW Generator, 7-79
overview, 48, 6-28, 6-41
Advanced Channel Design, 7-64, 7-69, 7-71
Channel Design, 2-63, 2-72
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-30
Intersector, 7-82
Line Editor, 2-51
LNW Generator, 7-79
TIN Model, 6-121
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
Advanced Channel Design, 7-70
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-36, 6-53
Line Editor, 2-51

HYPACK Manual 6/07

side slopes
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-87
Advanced Channel Design, 7-70
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-36
toe lines
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-199
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-169
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-87
toe points
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-36, 6-87
turning basins
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-199
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-169
Channel Design, 2-62, 2-64
channel type-Channel Condition Report, 7-169
chart datums
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-203
Geodetic Parameters, 2-19
Line Editor, 2-51, 2-52, 2-53
RTK tide corrections, 7-13, 7-14, 7-17
chart features
DG2 Editor, 7-92, 7-93, 7-95, 7-97
Echogram program, 7-85
DG2 Editor, 7-96
ENC Editor, 6-154
S57 options
Hypack, 17
chart verification, 6-1966-202
AML charts
Hypack, 50
ARCS charts
Hypack, 2-2
BSB charts
Hypack, 51, 2-5
C-Maps. See Also C-Maps
Hypack, 16
Hypack, 2-15
TIN Model program, 6-118
DG2 files
Boat Shape Editor, 7-21
DG2 Editor, 7-92, 7-93, 7-95, 7-96, 7-97
DGN files, 53, See Also DGN files
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-168
ENC Editor, 6-186
Export, 6-143, 6-150
Hypack, 17
DGW files
Boat Shape Editor, 7-22
DG2 Editor, 7-92, 7-95, 7-97
Echogram, 7-85
displaying. See Also project files:loading
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-168
DG2 Editor, 7-93

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Dredgepack, 8-10
ENC Editor, 17, 6-163, 6-164
Hypack, 28, 46, 50, 2-1, 2-5, 2-12, 2-15, 2-154, 2-159, 2162
Single Beam Editor, 4-21, 4-28
Survey, 46, 50, 3-2, 3-7, 3-83-11, 3-19, 3-27, 3-28
draw order
DG2 Editor, 7-94, 7-97
Hypack, 28
Survey, 3-28
DXF files, 54, See Also DXF files
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-168
ENC Editor, 6-186
Export, 6-143, 6-150
Hypack, 17
Intersector, 7-82
LNW Generator, 7-79
TIN Model program, 6-115
geodetic parameters, 3-28
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-168, 7-173
ENC Editor, 6-186
Hypack, 2-1, 2-5, 2-12, 2-14, 2-154, 2-159, 2-162
Hyplot, 6-1, 6-2
Single Beam Editor, 4-28
Survey, 3-2, 3-27, 3-28
Echogram program, 7-85
S57 charts
ENC Editor, 62, 6-154
Hypack, 17, 55
S63 charts
Hypack, 2-12
SHP charts, 55
TIF files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-187
Hypack, 56
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-23
TIN Model program, 6-118
types, 3-27
unloading, 3-28
Hypack, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
VPF (Vector Product Format) files
Hypack, 2-14
Survey, 3-28
check lines
Statistics program, 7-162
Chinese volumes calculations, 6-67
CHN files
3D Shape Editor, 7-30
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
Advanced Channel Design, 45, 7-63, 7-64
definition, 9-1
Dredgepack, 8-11
format, 9-36
Intersector, 7-82
Line Editor, 7-79
Survey, 3-16
TIN Model, 6-121
authorization, 2-6


day/night colors, 27
information query, 30
loading, 2-62-11
scales, 2-9
scanning the CD, 2-7
subscription list, 2-6
zones, 2-7
COB files. See Also Object files, See Also Object files
ADCP Profile, 7-143
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-32
definition, 9-1
color settings
3D Shape Editor
faces, 7-56, 7-57
objects, 7-26, 7-50
3D Terrain Viewer
channel lines, 7-199
channel templates, 7-199
depths, 7-191
survey lines, 7-199
vessel, 7-203
water surface, 7-196
ADCP Profile, 7-141
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-171, 7-174
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-32, 6-38
bucket colors, 8-26
depths, 8-22
matrix files, 8-22
profile window, 8-13
ENC Editor, 6-163, 6-165, 6-192
day/night colors, 10
depths, 12
grid display, 10
schemes, 24
seabed colors, 7-160
color bar, 6-18
matrix, 6-9
north arrow, 6-18
Seabed ID, 6-9
Hysweep Survey, 5-14
Mapper, 4-49
Plotting Sheet Editor, 2-160
Scheme Builder, 24
chart elements, 26
matrix files, 27
survey elements, 26
window elements, 28
Seabed Statistics, 7-151, 7-152, 7-154
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-26
Side Scan Survey, 5-14
Single Beam Editor, 4-20
Survey, 7-160
boat outlines, 2-140
boat symbols, 2-140, 2-141
boats, 2-140, 3-24
data display window, 3-13, 3-15
depths, 3-41
matrix files, 3-41
schemes, 24


TIN Model program, 6-101, 6-117

COM ports. See Hardware program:settings:serial
Compress Project, 37
computer, 3, See hardware:PC system requirements
conical projections, 9-66
3D Shape Editor, 7-41
Cross Sections and Volumes
contour dredging, 6-45, 6-58
ENC Editor, 6-165
ENC Editor
exporting, 6-202, 6-204
importing to S57, 6-186
color settings, 6-5
TIN Model program
attributes, 6-117
color settings, 6-115, 6-118
creating, 6-94
exporting, 6-115
labeling, 6-118
smoothing, 6-115, 6-116
control panel
Hypack, 9
Hyplot, 6-2
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-26
controlling depths, 7-176
core directory, 32
core volumes
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-69
CORPSCON. See geodetic parameters:Use Corpscon
course made good, 2-80, 2-102, 2-129, 3-22, 3-23
cross check statistics. See statistics:cross check
cross sections (channel). See Also channel templates, box
templates, Template Editor, PLN files
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-30, 6-87
Line Editor, 2-40, 2-51
ADCP Profile, 7-137, 7-141, 7-142
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-26, 6-36, 6-38, 6-75
Line Editor, 2-51
Single Beam Editor, 4-20
Survey, 3-8, 3-153-17, 3-18
TIN Model, 6-95
printing, 6-39, 7-143
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-75
segments, 6-45
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-75
cross sections (data)
TIN Model program, 6-90, 6-107
displaying, 8-11
ADCP Profile, 7-137, 7-141, 7-142
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-26, 6-38, 6-75
Single Beam Editor, 4-20
Survey, 3-8, 3-153-17, 3-18
TIN Model program, 6-95, 6-99

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TIN Model program, 6-107, 6-112
ADCP Profile, 7-143
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-39, 6-75
Cross Sections and Volumes
color settings, 6-32, 6-38
calculation method comparison, 6-81
changing templates, 6-79
channel plan, 6-87
session setup, 6-77
exporting DXF files, 6-39
Object Editor, 6-31
overview, 62, 6-26
procedure, 6-26
cross sections graphs, 6-39
gap report, 6-36
top of bank report, 6-36
volumes, 6-40, 6-76
box templates, 6-55
channel plan. See Also channel templates
channel templates, 6-29, 6-36, 6-74
color settings, 6-32, 6-38
compensating slopes, 6-74, 6-75
cross section graph, 6-38, 6-75
CSS files, 6-26
print options, 6-39
saving, 6-26
sessions, 6-26
survey data, 6-27, 6-74
templates, 6-36
view options, 6-38
Template Editor, 6-30
volumes calculations, 6-75
Chinese, 6-67
Chinese 1 core volumes, 6-69
Chinese 1 end area 1, 6-69
end area 1 method, 6-47
end area 2 method, 6-48
end area 3 method, 6-49
end area no segments method, 6-50
GLDD, 6-64
Jacksonville, 6-56
method comparison, 6-42
Norfolk, 6-63
Panama City, 6-61
Philadelphia methods, 6-52
reach volumes, 6-86
Savannah method, 6-62
standard Hypack method, 6-46
any void within box cut, 6-58, 6-66
average end area and nonparallel survey lines, 6-45
simplified template in Chinese methods, 6-67
Cross Sort program, 4-42
overview, 60, 4-44
procedure, 4-45
cross track error. See Also distance off line

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parallel helmsman display, 2-124

serial helmsman display, 2-125
USB helmsman display, 2-125
Dredgepack, 8-11, 8-17
Hardware, 2-146
multiple vessels, 2-141, 3-25
Survey, 3-4, 3-8, 3-11, 3-12, 3-15, 3-19
CSS files
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-26
Cross Sections and Volumes program, 6-26
definition, 9-1
cut profile window. See Dredgepack:windows:cut profile
data display window
color settings, 3-15
fonts, 3-14
item order, 3-13
item selection, 3-13, 3-43
multiple vessels, 3-14, 3-15
Survey, 3-8, 3-13
data files
archiving, 38
compressing, 37
Export, 6-141
Hypack, 4-1
Hyplot, 6-2
displaying. See data files:enabling
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-75
Export, 6-141
Hypack, 41, 4-1
Hyplot, 6-2
geodesy conversion, 2-38
project information, 6-33
unloading, 41, 4-1
data logger
Side Scan Survey, 5-17, 5-18
datum transformation parameters
calculating, 2-30, 9-61
3-parameter, 9-61
7-parameter, 9-62
CORPSCON function, 2-21
exact formulae, 9-62
multiple regression formulas, 2-24
NIMA function, 2-23
numerical difference, 9-63
regression formulae, 9-62
no transformation, 2-20
specifying, 2-19
3-parameter, 2-20
7-parameter, 2-20
usage, 2-101
Datum Transformation program
overview, 63, 2-30
procedure, 2-31
day/night colors, 10, 27, 6-165
DBL (Distance from Beginning of Line)
ADCP Profile, 7-142, 7-143
All Format, 9-30
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-35, 6-37, 6-38, 6-39
Export, 6-152


Line Editor, 2-52

Manual Entry program, 7-103
raw format, 9-17
Single Beam Editor, 4-11
TPL files, 9-35
DCT files
definition, 9-2
Sounding Adjustments program, 7-102
DEP files
definition, 9-2
Echogram program, 7-85
Single Beam Editor, 4-19
depth mode
ADCP Profile, 7-139
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-35
Dredgepack, 8-19, 8-20
Geodetic Parameters program, 2-18
Single Beam Editor, 4-9, 4-11
Survey, 3-37
TIN Model program, 6-92
depths. See Also survey files-raw, survey files-edited,
survey files-sorted
calculating position, 9-73
camera controls
3DTV, 7-214
color settings
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-191
ADCP Profile, 7-141
Dredgepack, 8-13
ENC Editor, 6-163
Export, 6-147
Scheme Builder, 27
Survey, 3-41
TIN Model program, 6-101
corrected, 3-42, 4-6, 4-9
correcting. See Also sound velocity corrections, tide
corrections, draft/squat corrections, survey filesraw:editing, survey files-edited:editing
Single Beam Editor, 4-12
design grade, 6-45, 6-54
Channel Conditions Reporter, 7-171
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-31
Line Editor, 2-51
Echogram program, 7-86
Single Beam Editor, 4-26
XYZ Collector, 7-101
displaying, 8-11
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-191, 7-194
ADCP Profile, 7-137, 7-139, 7-141
ADCP to DXF, 7-147
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-173
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-26, 6-35, 6-38, 6-75
Dredgepack, 2-165, 8-14, 8-18, 8-20, 8-178-22
ENC Editor, 6-163, 6-165
Hypack, 12, 7-102
Hyplot, 6-1, 6-2, 6-8
Memory Viewer, 3-46
Side Scan Survey, 5-75-10
Single Beam Editor, 59, 4-8, 4-20, 4-27
Survey, 3-14, 3-31, 3-46

TIN Model program, 2-165, 6-90, 6-93

XYZ Collector, 7-102
XYZ to Matrix, 2-165
Merge XYZ, 7-114
Single Beam Editor, 4-26
XYZ Manager, 7-115
ENC Editor, 6-202
ENC Editor, 6-204
Export, 6-145, 6-152
Hyplot, 6-24
Seabed Statistics, 7-159
Single Beam Editor, 4-38
TIN Model program, 6-111, 6-120
XYZ Manager, 7-116
extracting from matrix, 2-168
Dredgepack, 8-20
Single Beam Editor, 4-7, 4-154-16
Survey, 3-37
Advanced Channel Design, 7-65
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-175
Export, 6-152
Hyplot, 6-9
Line Editor, 2-52
Merge XYZ, 7-115
Single Beam Editor, 4-31
Template Editor, 2-52
TIN Model program, 6-92
ADCP Profile, 7-138
ADCP to DXF, 7-147
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-34
Hypack, 12
Hyplot, 6-8, 6-24
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-178, 7-179
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-27
Dredgepack, 8-18
ENC Editor, 6-193
Hypack, 7-102
Hyplot, 6-1
Manual Entry, 7-103
Matrix Editor, 2-167
TIN Model, 6-91
XYZ Manager, 7-115
overdredge limit, 6-28, 6-45
Hyplot, 6-8
Survey, 3-64
Single Beam Editor, 4-16
rounding options
Hypack, 13
Hyplot, 6-9
saving. See survey files-raw:saving, survey filesedited:saving, survey files-sorted:saving, digitizing
subgrade. See depths:overdredge limit
supergrade, 6-28, 6-45

HYPACK Manual 6/07

unit conversion
Metric File Converter, 7-110
design depths
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-75
design grade, 6-54
Channel Design, 2-62
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-31, 6-45
Line Editor, 2-51
device drivers
a2ts.dll, 8-3, 8-9
ais.dll, 2-144
alt3dtv.dll, 2-142
bubbler.dll, 8-5
cablecnt.dll, 2-134
cable out, 2-134
driver setup, 2-133
driver setup, 2-133
catcher.dll, 2-137
cutter.dll, 8-3, 8-4
echotrac.dll, 2-120
excavparser.dll, 8-7
excavsm.dll, 8-7
GenOffset.dll, 8-5
GPS.dll, 2-101, 2-108, 7-13, 8-3, 8-5, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9
hopper.dll, 8-5
HPGL.dll, 3-62
Hysweep.dll, 2-145
inn448.dll, 2-119
kinematic.dll, 2-101, 2-109, 7-13, 8-3, 8-5, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9
lcd3.dll, 2-124
lcd4.dll, 2-125
LCI90.dll, 8-9
Hypack Hardware, 9-49
Side Scan Hardware, 5-1, 9-58
lpt_tap.dll, 2-127
NetNMEA.dll, 3-52
NMEA.dll, 2-130
OPC drivers, 8-5
OTFgyro.dll, 2-130
overview, 9-48
pitcher.dll, 2-137
relhdg.dll, 8-7
seabedID.dll, 3-61, 7-151, 7-160
selecting, 2-77
sim_rel.dll, 8-5
sminput.dll, 3-50
tidefile.dll, 3-44
towcable.dll, 2-134
cable out, 2-134
driver setup, 2-133
trackp.dll, 2-135
trackpo.dll, 2-135
trkplxt.dll, 2-136
variableshape.dll, 8-4
vulcan.dll, 8-20
warning, 2-78
device settings, 2-91, See Also Hardware program:settings,
hardware:selecting devices, Hardware
program:selecting devices, Side Scan

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 2-153, 4-14
Hardware, 2-99
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Side Scan Hardware, 5-6
Single Beam Editor, 2-153, 4-14
device setup dialog
GPS, 2-108
parallel event box, 2-127
parallel helmsman, 2-124
serial helmsman, 2-125
device windows
Dredgepack, 8-17
Survey, 3-8, 3-18
DG2 Editor
overview, 7-92
procedure, 7-92
merging DG2 files, 7-97
feature attributes, 7-93, 7-94, 7-96
feature types, 7-94, 7-95
positioning, 7-93, 7-95, 7-96
S57 options, 7-93, 7-95
DG2 files
DG2 Editor, 7-92, 7-97
DGN files. See Also charts:DGN files
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-168, 7-173
definition, 9-2
ENC Editor, 6-186
Export, 6-150
overview, 53
DGN to LNW, 2-73
DGW files
Boat Shape Editor, 7-22
definition, 9-2
differential mode, 3-18, See Also GPS:positioning modes
DIG files
definition, 9-2
digitizer drivers, 7-85
digitizing programs
DG2 Editor, 7-92, 7-97
Echogram program, 7-85
XYZ Collector, 7-101
directory structure, 32
overriding target paths, 3-29
survey files-raw, 3-7
ADCP Profile, 7-140
reports, 7-143
distance from beginning of line. See DBL (Distance from
Beginning of Line)
distance measurements
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-167
Dredgepack. See distance measurements:Survey
Hypack, 8, 31
Side Scan Survey, 5-9, 5-10
Single Beam Editor, 4-22, 4-35
Survey, 3-30
TIN Model program, 6-102


distance units. See geodetic parameters:distance units

DOP history, 3-46
draft table. See draft/squat corrections:hardware
draft/squat corrections
Hardware, 2-119, 7-14
Single Beam Editor, 4-18
Survey, 3-42, 3-44
Hardware, 3-45
Dredgepack, 8-15
Memory Viewer, 3-46
Single Beam Editor, 4-23, 4-29
Survey, 3-46
Single Beam Editor, 4-10
Export, 6-152
Memory Output Program, 3-47
Single Beam Editor, 4-38
draft in echosounder calibration, 2-119
dredge shapes
3D Shape Editor, 7-23
Dredgepack, 8-15
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-206
Dredgepack, 8-14
Dredge Viewer. See 3D Terrain Viewer:Matrix 3DTV
mode, See 3D Terrain Viewer:Matrix 3DTV mode
capping, 8-24
color settings, 8-13
overview, 8-1
procedure, 8-1
alarms, 8-17
boat shapes, 8-15
bucket patterns, 8-25
colors, 8-26
matrix options, 8-19
volume estimates, 8-28
bucket dredge depth accuracy, 8-9
windows, 8-9
area map, 8-10
cut profile, 8-11
data display. See Survey:windows:data display window
left-right indicator, 8-11
driver setup dialog, 2-81
GPS, 2-109
parallel helmsman, 2-124
towfish, 2-133
Side Scan Hardware, 5-2
dual frequency data
ADCP Profile, 7-139
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-35
Export program, 6-24, 6-142
Hypack, 13


Hyplot, 6-9
Mapper, 4-35
overview, 2-116
Single Beam Editor, 4-26, 4-28
Sort program, 4-43
dual monitors, 2-1222-123, 3-19
DXF files. See Also charts:DXF files
ADCP to DXF, 7-146
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-168
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-39
definition, 9-2
Dredgepack, 3-23
ENC Editor, 6-186, 6-202
Export, 6-140, 6-143, 6-150
Hypack, 54
Hyplot, 6-22
Intersector, 7-82
LNW Generator, 7-79
overview, 54
Survey, 3-23
TIN Model program, 6-115
DXF to LNW, 2-73
EC1 records, 2-115, See Also survey files-raw
EC2 records, 2-116, See Also survey files-raw, dual
frequency data
ECDIS display options
ENC Editor, 6-163
Hypack, 17
Echogram program
overview, 62, 7-85
procedure, 7-85
event marks, 7-86
scale, 7-85
Echosounder Display
overview, 58, 3-51
procedure, 3-51
settings, 3-51
annotation, 2-80, 2-119, 2-127
as boat origin, 2-88
bar check, 2-119
bar check theory, 9-76
Latency Test, 2-1502-153
overview, 7-14
calibration warning, 2-119
data. See survey files-raw
beam output, 9-75
beam reflection, 9-75
hard vs soft bottom, 9-75
sensitivity setting, 9-75
threshold setting, 9-75
multiple transducer offsets, 2-116
dual frequency, 2-115
multibeam, 2-116
multiple transducer, 2-116
single beam, 2-115
ECM records, 2-116, See Also survey files-raw
edit directory, 32

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elevation mode
ADCP Profile, 7-139
Dredgepack, 8-19, 8-20
Geodetic Parameters program, 2-18
Line Editor, 2-52
Single Beam Editor, 4-9, 4-11, 4-14
Survey, 3-37, 3-38
TIN Model program, 6-92
elevations-corrected, 4-6, 4-9, 4-18
ellipsoid height, 9-60
GPS output, 2-101, 2-102, 2-107
raw data, 2-107
ellipsoids. See Also reference ellipsoid
definition, 9-59
Geodetic Parameters, 2-17, 2-24, 2-25
project files. See project files:enabling
ENC Editor. See Also S57 charts, See Also S57 charts
chart information
boundaries, 6-159, 6-163
geodesy, 6-158, 6-162
identification data, 6-161
information data, 6-162
overview, 62, 6-154
adding features, 6-1726-180, 6-1726-180, 6-200
assigning attributes, 6-177
assigning feature position, 6-178
converting DXF or DGN data to S57, 6-187
creating new charts, 6-159
defining chart information, 6-1616-163
deleting attributes, 6-178
deleting features, 6-183, 6-199
editing attributes, 6-178
general chart editing, 62, 6-154
importing data, 6-186
moving features, 6-181, 6-198
on-site chart verification, 6-196
opening existing charts, 6-159
cursor position display, 6-165
day/night colors, 6-165
delete confirmation, 6-165
depths, 6-165
display options, 6-1636-165
ECDIS options, 6-163
export to DXF, 6-202
geodesy, 6-162
spatial records, 6-164
symbol export, 6-205
user interface, 6-155
deleting spatial records, 6-183
geodesy display only, 6-158
editor window, 6-156
object manager, 6-155
end area 1volumes calculations, 6-47
end area 2 volumes calculations, 6-48
end area 3 volumes calculations, 6-49
end area no segments method, 6-50

HYPACK Manual 6/07

ending line, 3-58

event taps. See parallel event boxes
echosounders, 2-80, 2-119
parallel event boxes, 2-127
Survey, 3-5
creating. See Also events:logging
Echogram program, 7-86
Survey, 3-603-61
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-35
Hypack, 15, 6-7
Side Scan Survey, 5-21
Single Beam Editor, 4-21, 4-26
Survey, 3-4, 3-8
Single Beam Editor, 4-32
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-35
Hypack, 15, 6-7
Hyplot, 6-7
Survey, 3-4
logging, 3-603-61, 3-65
printing, 3-65
settings, 3-4, 3-60
Advanced Channel Design
adding toes, 7-75
LNW to CHN, 7-77
Border Editor
clipping survey lines, 2-60
Cross Sections and Volumes
calculation method comparison, 6-81
changing templates, 6-79
channel plan, 6-87
session setup, 6-77
ENC Editor
importing Hypack data, 6-193
Export program
exporting to DXF/DGN, 6-152
Geodetic Parameters
local grids, 2-26
Hardware program, 2-145
Harmonic Tides program, 7-3
enabling files, 4-1
Line Editor
clipping survey lines, 2-60
cursor and offset method, 2-48
spreadsheet and offset method, 2-45
Manual Tides
high-low water times and heights, 7-5
manual observations, 7-7
Matrix Editor, 2-164
Plotting Sheet Editor, 2-161
Statistics program, 7-165
TIN Model program
Philadelphia volumes calculation, 6-136
TIN to Channel volumes calculation, 6-133
TIN to level volumes calculation, 6-134


TIN to TIN volumes calculation, 6-136

Export program
color settings, 6-147
overview, 62, 6-140
procedure, 6-140
custom formats, 6-151
DXF/DGN options, 6-143
input options, 6-142
user-defined formats, 6-151
XYZ parameters, 6-149
Export to Line File program, 2-73
warnings, 2-75
extensible parts
creating, 7-40
properties, 7-55
external programs
adding menu items, 9-85
deleting menu items, 9-85
editing tool options properties, 9-85
launching, 9-85
Advanced Channel Design, 7-64, 7-67
convexity, 7-66
3D Shape Editor, 7-36
Advanced Channel Design, 7-66
3D Shape Editor, 7-36, 7-56
Advanced Channel Design, 7-66
Advanced Channel Design, 7-67
TIN Model program, 6-125, 6-127
features records. See Also S57 charts:features
FGDC standard, 7-105
file information
Single Beam Editor, 4-33
file types, 9-1
fill values, 6-37
Dredgepack, 8-20
RTK tides, 2-112
Single Beam Editor, 4-154-16, 4-30, 4-31, 4-36
Survey, 2-112, 3-25, 3-37
fix marks. See events
flattening, 2-25, 9-59
flight modes, 7-184
attached to vessel, 7-186
circle flight, 7-186
follow planned line, 7-185
free flight, 7-185
fluxgate compasses, 2-129, 8-3
follow boat
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-186, 7-195
ENC Editor, 6-197
Side Scan Survey, 5-13
Survey, 3-9
ADCP Profile, 7-138
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-176


Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-34

depths, 14
grid labels, 11
trackline labels, 15
depths, 6-9
grids, 6-6
labels, 6-17, 6-18
survey lines, 6-10, 6-24
targets, 6-11
trackline labels, 6-7
Scheme Builder, 27
data display window, 3-14
left-right indicator, 3-12
line labels, 3-10
screen text, 3-10
targets, 3-10
all format, 9-20
BRD files, 9-34
CHN files, 9-36
LNW files, 9-32
MTX files, 9-33
PLN files, 9-35
PLT files, 9-33
raw format files, 9-4
TGT format files, 9-30
TID format files, 9-31
TPL files, 9-35
VEL files, 9-31
forward offsets. See offsets:Hardware program:forward
beam. See acoustics theory:beams:beam frequency
update, 2-91
Analog Side Scan, 5-3
Side Scan Hardware, 5-3
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-26
Side Scan Survey, 5-14
GEN files
Metadata program, 7-109
geodesy. See Also geodetic parameters
definition, 9-59
7-Parameter Datum Transformation program. See Datum
Transformation program
Geodetic Parameters program. See Geodetic Parameters
Grid Conversion program. See Grid Conversion program
Inverse. See Inverse program
Project Converter. See Project Converter
Traverse. See Traverse program
Unit Conversion program. See Unit Conversion program
theory, 9-389-67
datum transformations, 9-61
datums, 9-61
ellipsoids, 9-59
geoids, 9-60
projections, 9-63
geodetic distance

HYPACK Manual 6/07

calculating, 2-30, 2-35

geodetic parameters. See Also Datum Transformations
program, Geodetic Parameters program, Geodesy
charts, 3-28
converting, 2-38
Corpscon, 2-21
datum transformation parameters, 2-18, 2-19
3-parameter, 2-20
7-parameter, 2-20
no datum transformation, 2-20
ENC Editor, 6-162
Hypack, 2-18
distance units, 2-25, 2-30, 2-36, 2-134
ellipsoids, 2-17, 2-25
ENC Editor, 6-158
flattening, 2-25
geoids, 2-18
ARCS charts, 2-5
S57 charts, 6-158
local grids, 2-26
predefined, 2-24
user-defined, 2-25
multiple regression formulas, 2-24
NIMA, 2-23
projection parameters, 2-18, 2-80
projections, 2-25
saving, 2-29
scale factor, 2-25
semi-major axis, 2-25
Survey, 3-2
zones, 2-25
Geodetic Parameters program
overview, 2-17
procedure, 2-17
geoid models, 2-18
geoids, 9-60
GLDD method volumes calculations, 6-64
Global Positioning System. See GPS
antenna array, 2-130
Latency Test, 2-1502-153
data graphs, 2-113
dual GPS systems, 2-130
offsets, 2-115
latency, 2-88, 2-150
position, 2-88
position information, 2-101
positioning modes, 2-109
differential, 2-100
RTK (Real Time Kinematic), 2-100, See Also tide
stand alone, 2-100
device setup, 2-108
driver setup, 2-109
offsets. See GPS:offsets
time tagging, 2-1012-107

HYPACK Manual 6/07

1PPS pulse, 2-102, 2-103

fixed latency, 2-106
methods comparison, 2-102
synch. clock with ZDA, 2-98, 2-105
ZDA and synch. clock, 2-102
ellipsoid height vs mean sea level, 2-101
position accuracy warning, 2-101
update frequency affects sync clock accuracy, 2-98, 2-105
Graphical Motion Reference Unit, 3-54
Grid Conversion program
overview, 63, 2-30, 2-34
procedure, 2-34
grid conversions
Geodetic Parameters program, 2-17
Grid Conversion program, 2-34
Project Converter, 2-38
calculating volume differences, 6-111
color settings, 10
ADCP Profile, 7-138
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-171
Hypack, 10
Hyplot, 6-5
TIN Model program, 6-97
ADCP Profile, 7-138
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-34
Export program, 6-148
Hypack, 10
Hyplot, 6-6
local grid, 2-26
local grids, 2-26
predefined grids, 2-24
user-defined grids, 2-25
GSF files
Side Scan Data Reformatter, 5-21
alignment, 2-90
default vessel orientation, 2-80, 2-108
multibeam acoustics, 9-71
offsets, 2-90
survey quality, 2-129
hard drives, 2
hardlock keys, 2
ARCS permit numbers, 2-2
Hardlock Test, 7-148
licenses and programs, 9-38
permissions, 4
S63 charts
Hypack, 2-12
Hardlock Test
ARCS permits, 2-2
overview, 64, 7-148
procedure, 7-148
troubleshooting, 7-149
1PPS boxes, 2-103, 9-47
disabling devices, 2-99


bucket dredge configurations, 8-8

cutter suction dredges, 8-3
excavator configurations, 8-7
hopper dredges, 8-5
echosounders, 2-115
GPS, 2-992-115
warnings, 2-98, 2-105
gyros, 2-1292-130
helmsman displays, 2-1202-126, 3-20
mobiles, 2-1302-141
MRUs, 2-1272-128
multibeam survey devices, 9-71
PC system requirements, 2, 3
selecting devices, 2-77, 2-124, 2-125, 2-127, 2-146
serial, 2-83, 9-43
side scan, 5-15-6
single beam survey devices, 9-70
testing connections, 2-84
tide gauges, 2-129
towfish, 2-1302-141
update frequency, 9-73
Hardware program
device drivers, 9-49
example, 2-145
overview, 49, 2-75
procedure, 2-75
selecting devices, 2-77, 2-124, 2-125, 2-127, 2-144, 2-145,
2-146, See Also device drivers
alt3dtv.dll, 2-142
bucket dredges, 8-8
connect, 2-75, See Also Hardware program:settings:serial
connections, Hardware program:settings:parallel
connections, Hardware program:settings:output to file
cutter suction dredges, 8-3
device assignment, 2-96
disabling devices, 2-99
dredge configurations, 2-144, 8-28-9
driver setup dialog, 2-81
editing, 2-99
excavator dredges, 8-7
heading devices, 2-129
hopper dredges, 2-137, 8-5
latency, 2-87, 2-106, 9-73
mobiles, 2-142
multiple vessels, 2-137
network connections, 2-83
offsets-dual frequency transducer, 2-116
output to a file, 2-84, 2-85
parallel connections, 2-82
pitch, 2-90
record basis, 2-91
saving, 2-76, 2-132
scripts, 2-91
serial connections, 2-83, 2-84
stations, 2-91, 2-92
towfish, 2-1312-138
tracking point, 2-95
USB connections, 2-125
USB helmsman displays, 2-125
vessel setting, 2-94


incompatible drivers, 2-78

update frequency affects sync. clock accuracy, 2-98, 2105
USB to Serial interface, 2-83
harmonic tides. See tide corrections:Harmonic Tides
HCF files
Hypack, 24
Seabed Statistics, 7-152, 7-160
HCP records, 2-127
heading (camera)
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-215, 7-219
heading (vessels)
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-186
ADCP Logger, 7-126, 7-135
definition, 9-72
Hardware, 2-129
Survey, 2-129
Memory Viewer, 3-46
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-29
Side Scan Survey, 5-8
Single Beam Editor, 4-25
Survey, 3-13, 3-46, 3-54
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-29
measuring, 2-129, See Also gyros
Hardware, 2-80, 2-129
Hysweep Hardware, 2-129
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-24, 5-29
Single Beam Editor, 4-13
heading/speed indicator, 3-55
heading/speed indicator, 3-55
correcting data
Single Beam Editor, 4-174-19, 4-36
Memory Viewer, 3-46
Single Beam Editor, 4-24
Survey, 3-13, 3-46
measuring. See MRUs
merging with RTK tide, 4-18, 7-20
replacing with average RTK tides, 4-18, 7-20
heave compensators. See MRUs
height offset. See offsets:Hardware program:height
helmsman displays, 3-8, 3-19
broadcasting Survey windows, 2-122
overview, 2-121
parallel, 2-121, 2-123
device setup, 2-124
driver setup, 2-124
serial, 2-121, 2-125
device setup, 2-125
connect settings, 2-125
video splitters, 2-121, 2-122, 2-123
virtual screens, 2-121, 2-122
HS2 files
definition, 9-37

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Side Scan Mosaic, 5-23, 5-28

HSX files
definition, 9-37
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-23
Side Scan Survey, 5-18
color settings, 9
day/night colors, 10
depths, 12
schemes, 24
installation, 4
legend, 14
screen controls, 29
chart display, 16
color, 24
depth display, 12
display, 9, 28
draw order, 28
external programs, 9-85
file list, 28
fonts, 11, 14, 15
grid display, 10
language, 32
seabed ID display, 14
survey line display, 15
target display, 19
tools, 9-85
trackline display, 14
system requirements, 2, 3
tools, 9-85
user interface, 432
file list, 7
information bar, 31
screen control bar, 8
archiving cataloged data, 38
overwriting files, 35
color settings
color bar, 6-18
matrix, 6-9
north arrow, 6-18
overview, 62, 6-1
plotting sheet information, 6-3
procedure, 6-1
settings, 6-2
color settings, 6-4, 6-18
colors, 6-9
DIB bit resolution, 6-4
DXF converson options, 6-23
export to DXF, 6-22
fonts, 6-6, 6-7, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6-17, 6-18, 6-24
matrix, 6-9
planned lines, 6-24
plotting, 6-2, 6-22
printing, 6-2
soundings, 6-8, 6-24
targets, 6-11, 6-25
title blocks, 6-11
tracklines, 6-25
Hysweep Hardware

HYPACK Manual 6/07

overview, 50
in Hypack, 2-145
latency, 9-73
offsets, 2-116
Hysweep Survey
colors, 5-14
display options, 5-15
gain, 5-14
side scan waterfall window, 5-13
ignore checksum, 2-111, 5-2
information query, 30
input format
Datum Transformation, 2-21
Line Editor, 2-43
Sound Velocity, 4-4
installation-Hypack, 4
Intersector program, 7-82
Inverse program
overview, 63, 2-30, 2-35
printing screen, 2-36
procedure, 2-35
geodetic parameters, 2-35
IP addresses
Hardware, 2-83
Survey Viewer, 3-20
Jacksonville volumes calculations, 6-56
JPG files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-220
Hyplot, 6-13, 6-16
Side Scan Merge Mosaic, 5-37
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-34
Side Scan Survey, 5-10
Title Block Editor, 6-14
JSF files
Side Scan Data Reformatter, 5-21
KAP files. See BSB charts
keyboard commands
3D Shape Editor, 7-26, 9-42
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-212, 9-40
Dredgepack, 8-24
Side Scan Survey, 5-17
Statistics program, 7-164
Survey, 9-39
TIN Model program, 6-96
kinematic tidal datum files. See KTD files, KTD Editor
KTD Editor
procedure, 7-187-19
height of the geoid above chart datum, 7-15
KTD files
creating, 7-18
definition, 9-2
overview, 46, 7-16
saving, 7-19
boats. See boat shapes:labeling
TIN Model program, 6-118


ADCP Profile, 7-138

ADCP to DXF, 7-147
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-34
Hypack, 12
Hyplot, 6-8, 6-24
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-35
Survey, 3-4
ADCP Profile, 7-138
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-34
Export program, 6-148
Hypack, 10
Hyplot, 6-6
survey lines
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-198
Channel Design, 2-70
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-32
DXF to LNW conversions, 2-74
Hyplot, 6-24
Line Editor, 2-44, 2-47
Survey, 3-59, 3-63
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-202
Hypack, 19
Scheme Builder, 25
Survey, 3-32
Target Editor, 2-154
Hypack, 14
ADCP to DXF, 7-147
Hypack, 32
program modules, 32
S57 charts, 6-162
latency. See Also offsets:Hardware program:latency,
offsets:Hysweep Hardware:latency, calibration
calculating offset adjustments
Latency Test program, 2-1502-153
correcting data
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 2-153
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 2-153, 4-14
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 2-153, 4-14
fixed latency time tagging, 2-106
overview, 9-73
Hardware, 2-87
Single Beam Editor, 4-14
Latency Test
overview, 50, 2-150
read parameters, 2-150
latitude, 9-60
left-right indicator
cross track error alarm, 3-4
fonts, 3-12


overview, 3-8, 3-11, 8-11

scale, 3-11
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-191
Cross Sections and Volumes
graph option, 6-35, 6-43
Hypack, 14, 20
TIN Model program, 6-97
Line Editor
clipping survey lines, 2-60
cursor and offset method, 2-48
spreadsheet and offset method, 2-45
overview, 2-43
appending files, 2-55
applying channel templates, 2-53
clipping survey lines, 2-58
creating channel templates, 2-51
creating survey lines, 2-43, 2-44, 2-47
importing LIN files, 2-57
removing channel templates, 2-53
channel template, 2-51
input format, 2-43
line extensions, 2-49
offets, 2-41
line features. See S57 charts:chains, S57 charts:lines
line spacing
Channel Design, 2-62, 2-70
Line Editor, 2-41
LNW Generator, 7-80
LLS files. See datum transformation
parameters:calculating:CORPSCON function
definition, 9-2
LNW files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
Advanced Channel Design, 7-69
Channel Design, 2-40
definition, 9-3
Dredgepack, 8-11
Export to Line File, 2-73
format, 9-32
Intersector program, 7-82
Line Editor, 2-43, 2-45, 2-57
LNW Generator, 7-79
overview, 47
Pathfinder program, 7-113
Remap, 7-111
Single Beam Editor, 4-11, 4-12
Survey, 3-16
TIN Model program, 6-102, 6-104, 6-111
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
LNW to CHN. See Advanced Channel
Design:procedure:creating a CHN file from an LNW
local grids, 2-26
LOG files. See Also catalog files
ADCP Profile, 7-137, 7-138
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-27
Cross Sort program, 4-44, 4-45
definition, 9-3

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Hypack, 33, 38, 43

Hyplot, 6-2
Latency Test, 2-150
Merge XYZ, 7-114
Pathfinder, 7-113
project log, 33
Seabed Statistics, 7-151, 7-152, 7-157
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-24
Side Scan Survey, 5-24
Single Beam Editor, 4-7
Sort program, 4-42, 4-43
Statistics program, 7-162
Survey, 3-7, 3-59
TIN Model program, 6-90, 6-91, 6-123
logging status
ADCP Logger, 7-123, 7-125
Side Scan Survey, 5-8
Survey, 3-13, 7-125
longitude, 9-60
LPT ports. See Hardware program:settings:parallel
Manual Entry program
overview, 62, 7-103
procedure, 7-103
Manual Tides program
overview, 7-5
high-low water times and heights, 7-5
manual observations, 7-7
Mapper, 4-42, 4-464-51
overview, 60, 4-46
procedure, 4-46
seabed identification, 4-51
color, 4-49
data selection, 4-48
matrix, 4-49
statistics, 4-51
Matrix 3DTV. See 3D Terrain Viewer:Matrix 3DTV
mode, See 3D Terrain Viewer:Matrix 3DTV
Matrix Editor
example, 2-164
overview, 2-162
creating an empty matrix, 2-162
filling with uniform depth, 2-167
settings, 2-163
cell dimensions, 2-163
matrix files. See Also MTX files
as geo-tif borders, 2-15
automatic backup, 3-41
color settings
Dredgepack, 8-22
Hyplot, 6-9
Scheme Builder, 27
Survey, 3-41
Matrix Editor, 2-162, 2-167
TIN Model, 6-120
XYZ to MTX program, 2-167
Dredgepack, 8-10, 8-17, 8-19, 8-20

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Hypack, 2-15, 2-163, 2-168

Side Scan Survey, 5-11, 5-13, 5-19
Survey, 3-7, 3-8, 3-19, 3-36
Matrix Editor, 2-168
Survey, 3-39
erasing depths, 3-36
extracting data, 2-168
Dredgepack, 8-20
Hypack, 2-165
Mapper, 4-48
Matrix Editor, 2-167
Survey, 3-363-40
TIN Model program, 2-166, 6-120
XYZ to MTX program, 2-166
format, 9-33
Dredgepack, 8-22
Hypack, 20
Survey, 3-41
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-179
Dredgepack, 8-18
Hyplot, 6-2
Mapper, 4-47
Matrix Editor, 2-168
Side Scan Survey, 5-18
Survey, 3-2, 3-10, 3-36
TIN Model program, 6-120, 6-123
matrix type
Matrix Editor, 2-163
Side Scan Survey, 5-19
Matrix Editor, 2-164, 2-167
TIN Model program, 6-120
XYZ to Matrix program, 2-167
overview, 46, 2-162
plotting, 6-2, 6-9
Matrix Editor, 2-163
TIN Model program, 6-120
XYZ to MTX program, 2-167
Dredgepack, 8-23
Matrix Editor, 2-164, 2-168
Survey, 3-41
TIN Model program, 6-120
selecting. See matrix files:loading
Hyplot, 6-9
Mapper, 4-49
Matrix Editor, 2-163, 2-167
Scheme Builder, 27
TIN Model program, 6-120
XYZ to MTX program, 2-166
soundings in. See matrix files:filling
Dredgepack, 8-18
Side Scan Survey, 5-18
Survey, 3-36
update basis


Dredgepack, 8-20
Survey, 3-38
editing filled matrix, 2-169
Memory Output program
overview, 58, 3-47
procedure, 3-48
data selection, 3-48
output format, 3-48
Memory Viewer
DOP history, 3-46
overview, 58, 3-46
procedure, 3-46
satellite history, 3-47
vessel information, 3-46
mercator projections. See projections:mercator
Merge XYZ
overview, 63, 7-114
procedure, 7-114
MET files. See metadata
creating, 7-105, 7-109
saving, 7-109
Metadata program
overview, 62, 7-104
procedure, 7-105
saving the project, 7-109
property dialogs, 7-107
symbols, 7-106
tree view, 7-106
Metric File Converter
overview, 63, 7-110
procedure, 7-110
mobiles. See Also towfish, boat shapes
Hardware program, 2-142
settingsHardware program, 8-2
Side Scan Auto-Mosaic, 5-38
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-37
definition, 5-23
Side Scan Merge Mosaic, 5-39
Motion Reference Units. See MRUs
motion sensors. See MRUs
movie controls. See 3D Terrain Viewer:movies
MRUs (Motion Reference Units). See Also heave, pitch,
Graphical MRU, 3-54
multibeam acoustics, 9-71
overview, 2-127
Hardware, 2-127
Single Beam Editor, 4-17, 4-18
MSTL files
Side Scan Data Reformatter, 5-21
MTX files. See Also matrix files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-178, 7-179
definition, 9-3


Dredgepack, 8-17, 8-20

format, 9-33
Hypack, 2-165, 2-168
Hyplot, 6-2
Mapper, 4-42
Matrix Editor, 46, 2-162
Scheme Builder, 27
Side Scan Survey, 5-11, 5-13, 5-18
Survey, 3-35
TIN Model program, 6-120, 6-123
XYZ to MTX program, 64, 2-166
Multibeam Editor. See Also The HYSWEEP Manual
overview, 59
multiple regression formulas. See geodetic
parameters:multiple regression formulas
multiple transducers
Hysweep Hardware, 2-116
National Imagery and Mapping Agency. See geodetic
navigation parameters, 3-3
navigation system
Hardware, 2-100
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-24
Single Beam Editor, 4-13
broadcasting data, 3-50
broadcasting Survey windows, 2-122, 3-20
Hardware, 2-83, 2-137
copying projects, 36
duplicating projects, 37
exporting data
3D Shape Editor, 7-63
Hardware, 2-137
Survey, 2-137
full path file list, 7
project management, 33, 35
system requirements, 3, 2-137
NIMA. See geodetic parameters:NIMA
nmea message strings
GGA, 2-102
GGK, 2-102
GLL, 2-102
GNS, 2-102
GST, 2-102
HDT, 2-102
PSER,ATT, 2-102
PTNL,GGK, 2-102
PTNL,QA, 2-102
PTNLR,ATT, 2-102
RMC, 2-102
VTG, 2-102
NMEA message strings
exporting, 2-101, 3-52
ZDA, 2-102
NMEA Output program
overview, 58, 3-52
procedure, 3-52
NOAA tides
importing to Manual Tides program, 7-9
NOAA tide book, 7-5

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Advanced Channel Design, 7-64
KTD files, 7-19
S57 spatial data. See S57 charts, ENC Editor
Norfolk method volumes calculations, 6-63
north arrow
Hyplot, 6-18
object editor
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-31
object files
creating, 7-167
ADCP Profile, 7-142
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-31
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-31
ADCP Profile, 7-143
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-32
object properties
3D Shape Editor, 7-24, 7-427-59
overview, 58, 3-53
procedure, 3-53
Latency Test, 2-1502-153
correcting data
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 2-153, 4-15
Line Editor, 2-41
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 2-153, 4-14
Survey, 3-13
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 2-153, 4-14
Hardware program
forward, 2-87, 2-88, 2-89
height, 2-89, 2-119, 2-132
latency, 2-87, 2-106, 9-73
pitch, 2-90
roll, 2-90
starboard, 2-87, 2-88, 2-89
yaw, 2-90
Hysweep Hardware
latency, 9-73
pitch, 2-90
roll, 2-90
yaw, 2-90
measuring, 2-88, 2-146
multibeam acoustics effects, 9-72
multiple transducers, 4-9
Hysweep Hardware, 2-116
Side Scan Hardware
latency, 5-6
pitch, 5-6
roll, 5-6
yaw, 5-6
survey lines. See survey lines:creating:Line Editor
operating system, 2

HYPACK Manual 6/07

area map
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-167
Hypack, 30, 31
Survey, 3-9
boat. See heading
overdredge bases, 6-37, 6-46
overdredge limit, 6-28, 6-42, 6-43, 6-44, 6-45, 6-124
parallel event boxes
device setup, 2-127
overview, 2-126
parallel hardware connections, 2-82
parallel helmsman displays. See helmsman
passwords. See user permissions
Patch Test. See The HYSWEEP Manual
overview, 50, 59
Pathfinder program
overview, 63, 7-113
procedure, 7-113
PC. See hardware:PC system requirements
permissions. See user permissions
Philadelphia volumes calculations
box templates, 6-30
calculation method comparison, 6-42
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-52
setup, 6-37
TIN Model program, 6-90, 6-92, 6-107, 6-129, 6-136
pitch (camera)
camera controls
3DTV, 7-218
pitch (devices)
correcting data
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 4-14
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 4-14
Hardware, 2-90
Hysweep Hardware, 2-90
Side Scan Hardware, 5-5
pitch (vessel)
correcting data
Single Beam Editor, 4-174-19
definition, 9-71
ADCP Logger, 7-126
Memory Viewer, 3-46
Single Beam Editor, 4-25
Survey, 3-13, 3-46, 3-54
measuring. See MRUs
planned line files. See LNW files, survey lines
Side Scan Survey, 5-7, 5-8
PLN files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
Channel Design, 2-62
definition, 9-3
Dredgepack, 8-11


format, 9-35
overview, 46
Survey, 3-16
Plotting Sheet Editor
example, 2-161
overview, 2-159
procedure, 2-159
plotting sheet files
color settings, 2-160
Plotting Sheet Editor, 2-159
DXF format, 6-22
editing, 2-161
Plotting Sheet Editor, 2-161
Hyplot, 6-22, 6-23
format, 9-33
Cross Sort, 4-44
overview, 47
Hyplot, 6-1
Survey, 3-63
Plotting Sheet Editor, 2-155, 2-160, 2-161
Cross Sort, 4-45
Hyplot, 6-1
plotting sheet information, 6-3, 6-21
PLT files
Cross Sort, 4-42
definition, 9-3
format, 9-33
Hyplot, 6-1
Plotting Sheet Editor, 2-159
pole template, 7-39
POS. See survey files-raw:POS data
positions. See Also S57 charts:spatial records
positions (3DTV elements)
camera, 7-219
lighting, 7-192
water surface, 7-196
positions (boats). See Also follow boat, cross track error,
GPS, heading, events, tracklines
Project Converter, 2-38
ADCP Logger, 7-126
Side Scan Survey, 5-8, 5-11, 5-13
Single Beam Editor, 4-29
Survey, 3-8, 3-11, 3-13, 3-19, 3-22
Dredgepack, 8-19
data display window. See positions (boats):Survey:data
display window
left-right indicator, 8-11
Hyplot, 6-25
Pathfinder, 7-113
Side Scan Survey, 5-8, 5-20
Single Beam Editor, 4-21
area map, 3-8, 3-19, 3-22
data display window, 3-13, 3-19


filters, 3-25
left-right indicator, 3-11, 3-19
Memory Viewer, 3-46
NMEA Output, 3-53
target properties, 3-31
positions (charts). See orientation:area map, geodesy,
geodetic parameters
ENC Editor, 6-197
positions (cursor)
ADCP Profile, 7-143
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-167
Hypack, 8, 31
Hysweep Survey, 5-10
Side Scan Survey, 5-10, 5-20
TIN Model program, 6-94, 6-102
positions (devices). See Also offsets:Hardware,
offsets:Hysweep Hardware,offsets:Transducer
Offsets program, towfish:settings
anchors, 7-22
navigation stations, 2-93, 2-94
positions (files)
Advanced Channel Design, 7-64
border files-Border Editor, 2-59
channel information
Channel Design, 2-64
chart features
DG2 Editor, 7-93, 7-95
DG2 Editor, 7-97
Echogram program, 7-86
matrix files
Matrix Editor, 2-163, 2-168
plotting sheet files-Plotting Sheet Editor, 2-160, 2-162
sample coordinates-Datum Transformations program, 2-32
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-167, 7-175
survey files-raw, 2-107
survey lines
Channel Design, 2-62, 2-64, 2-72
Line Editor, 2-40, 2-44
Side Scan Survey, 5-19, 5-21
Survey, 3-33, 3-34, 3-35
Target Editor, 2-154
target properties, 5-21
positions (soundings)
ADCP Logger, 7-126, 7-141
ADCP Profile, 7-139
Cross Sort, 4-42
Echogram program, 7-85
Export, 6-149, 6-152
Hyplot, 6-25
Manual Entry, 7-103
Mapper, 4-42, 4-49
Merge XYZ, 7-114
Pathfinder, 7-113
Single Beam Editor, 4-26
advanced read parameters, 2-128, 4-14, 4-17
display, 4-21, 4-28
merging digitized data, 7-85
Sort, 4-42

HYPACK Manual 6/07

water's edge, 3-34

Universal Input, 7-119
XYZ Collector, 7-101
processing sequences
single beam data, 4-2
Project Converter
overview, 63, 2-38
procedure, 2-38
settings, 2-39
project depth. See Also design grade
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-171
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-45
project files
archiving, 38
disabling, 4-1
Export, 6-141
Hypack, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
displaying. See project files:enabling
enabling, 4-1
Hypack, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
geodesy conversion, 2-38
loading, 4-1
Hypack, 40
unloading, 41, 4-1
project information
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-33
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-25
Single Beam Editor, 4-15
input, 3-5, 3-29
project log, 33
project manager
copying projects, 36
deleting projects, 39
directory path, 35
duplicating projects, 37
new projects, 34
opening projects, 35
overview, 33
restoring projects, 40
overwriting data, 37
projection parameters, 2-18, 2-80
projections, 2-25
conical, 9-66
mercator, 9-63
oblique mercator, 9-66
transverse mercator, 9-64
universal transverse mercator, 9-65
copying, 36
creating, 34
deleting, 39
directory path, 35
directory structure, 32
duplicating, 37
local, 34
network, 34, 35
opening, 35
project log file, 33

HYPACK Manual 6/07

removing, 39
restoring, 39
saving, 37
viewing, 34
quality data
Hardware, 2-79, 2-81, 2-100, 2-102, 2-109, 2-116, 2-118
target files, 3-31
Single Beam Editor, 4-16
Survey, 2-79, 2-81, 2-100, 2-102, 2-107, 2-109, 2-116
quick mark
Side Scan Survey, 5-20
Survey, 3-29
r.000 files
ADCP Logger, 7-122
range radius, 3-23
range-azimuth positioning, 2-81, 2-92, 2-93
range-range positioning, 2-81, 2-92
RAW. See survey files-raw:RAW data
raw directory, 32
raw format files. See Also survey files-raw, data files
definition, 9-36
Dredgepack, 8-19
Export, 6-145
format, 9-4
Hypack, 4-1
overview, 42
Side Scan Survey, 5-7
Single Beam Editor, 4-7, 4-8, 4-38
Survey, 3-63-7
Channel Condition Report, 7-175
creating. See Channel Condition
Reporter:procedure:creating reaches, Cross Sections
and Volumes:settings:channel plan
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-86
objects, 7-167
volumes calculations, 6-86
read filters
Single Beam Editor, 4-13
read parameters
Latency Test, 2-150
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-24
Single Beam Editor, 4-13
record basis, 2-91
redraw, 41
reference ellipsoids. See Also ellipsoids
Geodetic Parameters, 2-18, 2-19
separation from chart datum, 7-17
reflection. See acoustics theory:beams:reflection
Reformat program. See Export program
refraction. See acoustics theory:beams:ray bending
refresh. See redraw
overview, 63, 7-110
procedure, 7-110
ADCP Profile
discharge reports, 7-143, 7-144
Advanced Channel Design, 7-67
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-175, 7-176
cross check statistics, 7-162, 7-163, 7-164


Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-39

gap report, 6-36
top of bank report, 6-36
volumes, 6-40
FGDC compliant. See Metadata program
Metadata, 7-104
show lines report, 45, 47, 49
TIN Model program, 6-122
roll (devices)
correcting data
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 4-14
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 4-14
Hardware, 2-90
Hysweep Hardware, 2-90
roll (vessel)
correcting data
Single Beam Editor, 4-174-19
definition, 9-71
ADCP Logger, 7-126
Memory Viewer, 3-46
Single Beam Editor, 4-25
Survey, 3-13, 3-46, 3-54
measuring. See MRUs
rounding options
Hypack, 13
Hyplot, 6-9
RTK positioning. See GPS:positioning modes
RTK Tides. See tide corrections:RTK tide corrections
RXW files. See SIX files
definition, 9-3
S57 charts. See Also ENC Editor, See Also ENC Editor
adding, 6-175
attributes, 6-177, 6-178
chain direction, 6-169, 6-170, 6-171, 9-82
definition, 6-166, 9-81
deleting, 6-183
modifying, 6-177, 6-181
moving, 6-181, 6-183
assigning, 6-177
deleting, 6-178
modifying, 6-171, 6-178
boundaries, 9-84
defining, 6-159
adding, 6-166, 6-168, 6-175
attributes, 6-177
definition, 9-81
deleting, 6-183
direction, 6-169, 6-171, 9-82
displaying, 6-169, 6-171
left-right, 6-170, 9-82
modifying, 6-181
moving, 6-183


order, 6-171
chart information, 6-1616-163
boundaries, 6-159, 6-163, 9-84
geodesy, 6-158, 6-162
identification data, 6-161
language, 6-162
statistics, 6-162
chart updates, 17, 6-164
definition, 6-166
creating, 6-159
day/night colors, 27
displaying, 6-1636-165
day/night colors, 6-165
ECDIS options, 6-163
features, 6-164
Hypack, 17
miscellaneous options, 6-165
spatial records, 6-164
drawing, 9-83
edges. See S57 charts:chains
ENC Editor, 17, 6-164
feature records
adding, 6-172, 6-200
associated spatial records, 6-178, 9-83
definitions, 9-83
deleting, 6-183, 6-199
modifying, 6-171, 6-177, 6-181, 6-196
moving, 6-181, 6-183, 6-198
features. See Also feature records
adding, 6-1726-180, 6-175, 6-200
areas. See S57 charts:areas
collections. See S57 charts:collections
definitions, 9-79
deleting, 6-165, 6-183, 6-199
displaying, 6-165
editing, 6-172
exporting, 6-202, 6-204
lines. See S57 charts:lines, S57 charts:chains
modifying, 6-171, 6-181, 6-196, 9-80
moving, 6-181, 6-183, 6-198
point features. See S57 charts:point features, S57
positions, 6-178, 6-181, 6-198, 9-83
verifying, 6-196
information query, 8, 30
isolated nodes, 6-165, 6-166
definition, 9-81
adding, 6-175
attributes, 6-178
definition, 6-166
deleting, 6-183
modifying, 6-181
moving, 6-181, 6-183
loading, 6-159
adding, 6-166, 6-168
connected, 6-166, 6-175
definition, 9-81
deleting, 6-183, 6-199
isolated, 6-166

HYPACK Manual 6/07

modifying, 6-181
moving, 6-198
opening, 6-159
overview, 9-79
point features
adding, 6-172, 6-200
definitions, 6-166
deleting, 6-183, 6-199
exporting, 6-205
modifying, 6-181
moving, 6-181, 6-183, 6-198
verifying, 6-196
adding, 6-166, 6-168
exporting, 6-204
spatial records
adding, 6-1666-172, 6-198
areas. See S57 charts:areas
associated features, 6-178, 6-198, 9-83
chains. See S57 charts:chains
chart boundaries, 6-163, 9-84
definitions, 9-81, 9-83
deleting, 6-165
displaying, 6-164, 6-169, 6-183
modifying, 6-171, 6-181
nodes. See S57 charts:nodes
verification, 6-1966-202
S63 charts
loading, 2-12
permits, 2-12
S63 Manager
loading S63 charts, 2-12
Savannah method volumes calculations, 6-62
SB2 records, 2-116, See Also survey files-raw
scale factor, 2-25, 2-28
Scheme Builder
color settings
chart elements, 26
survey elements, 26
window elements, 28
overview, 24
procedure, 24
settings, 24
day/night colors, 27
fonts, 27
matrix colors, 27
schemes. See Scheme Builder
SCX files
Scheme Builder, 25
seabed identification, 7-151
Seabed Statistics, 7-154, 7-158
Hyplot, 6-9
logging, 3-61
Mapper, 4-51
Seabed Mapper, 9-86
Seabed Statistics, 7-150, 7-151, 7-152, 7-158
Single Beam Editor, 4-7, 4-22, 4-29
Survey, 3-61
TIN Model, 6-102
seabed identification colors

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Hypack, 7-160
Seabed Statistics, 7-154
Survey, 3-61, 7-160
Seabed Statistics, 7-152
Seabed Statistics, 7-150
seabed identification numbers. See seabed identification
seabed identification squares
Seabed Statistics, 7-151
Survey, 3-61
Seabed Mapper, 9-86
Seabed Statistics, 7-158
Seabed Statistics, 7-151
Seabed Mapper
overview, 9-86
procedure, 9-86
seabed identification, 9-86
file options, 9-86
mapping options, 9-87
Seabed Statistics
overview, 64, 2-117, 7-150
creating an ID square, 7-151
displaying statistics, 7-157
editing statistics, 7-158
exporting to text, 7-159
loading calibration points, 7-153
loading data files, 7-152
bottom classifications, 7-151, 7-154
calibration points, 7-151, 7-152, 7-153
colors, 7-151, 7-152, 7-154
seabed identification, 7-154
seabed identification colors, 7-151
seabed identification square, 7-151
data inclusion, 7-157
search criteria
Single Beam Editor, 4-31
section lines
ADCP Profile, 7-141
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-27, 6-39
TIN Model program, 6-90, 6-107
sections. See cross sections (data)
semi-major axis, 2-25, 9-59
semi-minor axis, 9-59
serial hardware connections. See Hardware
program:settings:serial connections,Hysweep
Hardware program:settings:serial connections
serial hardware connections-testing, 2-84, 5-4
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-26
3D Shape Editor
advanced objects, 7-31, 7-33, 7-36
attachment points, 7-37


basic objects, 7-31

colors, 7-24, 7-26
connectors, 7-41
dredge arms, 7-37
extensible shapes, 7-40
faces, 7-56
groups, 7-597-62
height, 7-55
lighting, 7-26
model types, 7-25
names, 7-59, 7-61
object properties, 7-427-59, 7-61
poles, 7-39
radius, 7-55
scale, 7-31, 7-55
vessel origin, 7-37
windows, 7-57
wire properties, 7-54, 7-55
wires, 7-39
3D Terrain Viewer
3D shapes, 7-203
AVI, 7-221
boat shapes, 7-203
camera position, 7-2107-219, 7-213
camera position window, 7-194
channel lines, 7-198
colors, 7-191, 7-196, 7-199
custom shapes, 7-207
dredging equipment, 7-206
dynamic lighting, 7-192
flight modes, 7-180, 7-184
movie controls, 7-220
performance optimization, 7-222
radar angle, 7-217
survey lines, 7-198
targets, 7-202
terrain, 7-181, 7-187, 7-191
terrain data, 7-179
vertical scale, 7-194
water surface, 7-196
ADCP Logger
data display options, 7-134
heading, 7-135
output format, 7-135
plan file, 7-124
tabular view options, 7-134
units, 7-133
velocity profile windows, 7-134
velocity reference, 7-133
ADCP Profile
color settings, 7-141
cross section graph, 7-141
discharge/velocity data, 7-140
object files, 7-142
print options, 7-143
survey data, 7-139
survey lines, 7-141
view options, 7-141
ADCP to DXF:, 7-147
Advanced Channel Design
CHN to XYZ, 7-75
faces, 7-66


LNW to CHN, 7-69

nodes, 7-64
PLN to CHN, 7-71
TPL to CHN, 7-73
Analog Side Scan, 5-3
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-167
channel limits, 7-169
channel types, 7-169
channels, 7-168, 7-170
colors, 7-171
DGN layer display, 7-168
reaches, 7-171
soundings, 7-173
turning basins, 7-170
Channel Design
channels, 2-63, 2-64, 2-67
curved channel lines, 2-67
offset toes, 2-65
side slopes, 2-65
survey lines, 2-67
toe shifts, 2-65
top of bank, 2-66
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-69
box templates, 6-55
channel template, 6-86
channel templates, 6-75
channel templates, 6-29, 6-36, 6-53, 6-75
color settings, 6-32, 6-38
compensating slopes, 6-75
cross section graph, 6-38, 6-75
print options, 6-39
view options, 6-38
DG2 Editor
display attributes, 7-93, 7-94
feature attributes, 7-96
positioning, 7-93, 7-95, 7-96
S57 options, 7-93, 7-95
alarms, 8-17
boat shapes, 8-15
bucket patterns, 8-25
colors, 8-26
ENC Editor
cursor position display, 6-165
day/night colors, 6-165
delete confirmation, 6-165
depths, 6-165
display geometry, 6-164
display options, 6-1636-165
ECDIS options, 6-163
export DXF, 6-202
export XYZ, 6-204
symbol export, 6-205
Export program
custom formats, 6-151
input options, 6-142
user-defined formats, 6-151
XYZ parameters, 6-149
Geodetic Parameters program. See geodetic parameters
Hardware program
alt3dtv.dll, 2-142
bucket dredges, 8-8

HYPACK Manual 6/07

connect, 2-75, 2-84

cutter suction dredges, 8-3
device assignment, 2-96
disabling devices, 2-99
dredge configurations, 2-144, 8-28-9
driver setup, 2-81
editing, 2-99
excavator dredges, 8-7
heading devices, 2-129
hopper dredges, 2-137, 8-5
latency, 2-87, 2-106, 9-73
mobiles, 2-142
multiple vessels, 2-137
network connections, 2-83
offsets, 2-116
output to a file, 2-84, 2-85
parallel connections, 2-82
record basis, 2-91
saving, 2-76, 2-132
scripts, 2-91
serial connections, 2-83, 2-84
stations, 2-91, 2-92
towfish, 2-1312-138
tracking point, 2-95
USB connections, 2-125
USB helmsman displays, 2-125
vessel settings, 2-94
chart display, 16
depth display, 12
display options, 9, 28
draw order, 28
file list, 7, 28
full path, 7
grid display, 10
seabed ID display, 14
survey line display, 15
target display, 19
tools, 9-85
trackline display, 14
Hyplot, 6-2
color settings, 6-4, 6-9, 6-18
DIB bit resolution, 6-4
DXF conversion options, 6-23
export to DXF, 6-22
matrix, 6-9
planned lines, 6-24
plotting, 6-2, 6-22
printing, 6-2
soundings, 6-8, 6-24
targets, 6-11, 6-25
title blocks, 6-11
tracklines, 6-25
Hysweep Hardware
in Hypack, 2-145
latency, 9-73
offsets, 2-116
Hysweep Survey
colors, 5-14
display options, 5-15
gain, 5-14
side scan signal window, 5-13

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Intersector program, 7-82

Hypack, 32
program modules, 32
Latency Test
read parameters, 2-150
Line Editor
channel template, 2-51
line extensions, 2-49
offets, 2-41
color, 4-49
data selection, 4-48
matrix files, 4-49
Matrix Editor
cell dimensions, 2-163
fill value, 2-167
position, 2-163
matrix files
Matrix File Editor, 2-163
Scheme Builder, 27
Survey, 3-363-40
Memory Output program
data selection, 3-48
output format, 3-48
Project Converter, 2-39
Scheme Builder, 24
day/night colors, 27
fonts, 27
matrix files, 27
Seabed Statistics
bottom classifications, 7-151, 7-154
calibration points, 7-151, 7-153
colors, 7-151, 7-152, 7-154
seabed identification, 7-154
seabed identification colors, 7-151, 7-154
seabed identification numbers, 7-151
seabed identification square, 7-151
Side Scan Hardware
connect, 5-2
driver setup, 5-2
hull-mounted devices, 5-5
offsets, 5-5
serial connections, 5-3
towed devices, 5-5
Side Scan Merge Mosaic, 5-39
Side Scan Mosaic
colors, 5-26, 5-36
input files, 5-36
mosaic options, 5-36
towfish altitudes, 5-30
view options, 5-26, 5-31, 5-36
Side Scan Survey
alarms, 5-8
colors, 5-14
display options, 5-15
gain, 5-14
logging options, 5-18
matrix options, 5-18, 5-19
side scan coverage map window, 5-12
side scan water fall window, 5-13
side scan waterfall, 5-9


Single Beam Editor

advanced read parameters, 2-128
color settings, 4-20
heave smoothing, 4-36
read parameters, 4-7
sound velocity corrections, 4-3, 4-9, 4-12
tide corrections, 4-9, 4-11
Statistics program
input information, 7-162
view options, 7-164
AIS, 2-144
boat features, 3-213-27, 3-213-27
broadcast, 3-20
color, 24
events, 3-4, See events:settings
left/right indicator, 3-113-13
logging options, 3-5, 3-55, 3-59
navigation parameters, 3-3
network, 3-50
position filters, 3-25
print configuration, 3-64
profile window, 3-15
towfish, 2-1392-141
Survey Viewer, 3-20
Tidal Zone, 7-12
TIN Model program
border files, 6-132
colors, 6-101
inital data, 6-91
legend, 6-97
lighting, 6-97, 6-98
sections, 6-99
union/intersection mode, 6-103
view options, 6-93, 6-96
XYZ export, 6-111
Title Block Editor, 6-146-15
Universal Input
input, 7-119, 7-120
XYZ Manager, 7-115
shapes. See boat shapes
Shared Memory, 58
Echosounder Display, 3-51
ENC Editor, 6-197
Graphical Motion Reference Unit, 3-54
heading/speed indicator, 3-55
Memory Output, 3-47, 3-50
Memory Viewer, 3-46
NMEA Output, 3-52
Odometer, 3-53
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-167, 7-173, 7-175
Cross Sort program, 4-45
Dredgepack, 8-19, 8-20
show lines report
catalog files, 45
LNW files, 47, 49
SHP charts, 51
SHP files
Boat Shape Editor, 7-21
definition, 9-3
Survey, 3-23


Side Scan Data Reformatter

overview, 5-21
procedure, 5-21
settings, 5-21
Side Scan Hardware
COM Test, 5-4
device drivers, 9-58
overview, 5-1
procedure, 5-1
selecting devices, 5-1, See Also device drivers
connect, 5-2
driver setup, 5-2
editing, 5-6
hull-mounted devices, 5-5
offsets, 5-5
serial connections, 5-3
towed devices, 5-5
Side Scan Merge Mosaics
overview, 5-39
procedure, 5-39
settings, 5-39
Side Scan Mosaic
color settings, 5-26
overview, 5-23
building mosaics, 5-35, 5-36
exporting TIF files, 5-35, 5-36, 5-37
measuring horizontal distances, 5-33
measuring towfish altitude, 5-33
mosaic mode, 5-23
raw format mode, 5-23
saving screen captures, 5-34
scan view mode mode, 5-23
colors, 5-26, 5-36
file list, 5-25
input files, 5-36
mosaic options, 5-36
read parameters, 5-24
towfish altitudes, 5-30
view options, 5-26, 5-31, 5-36
mosaic view, 5-23, 5-35, 5-36
scan view, 5-31
scan view mode, 5-23
side scan signal
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-34
Side Scan Survey, 5-10
Side Scan Survey
keyboard commands, 5-17
logging status, 5-8
overview, 5-7
playback, 5-8, 5-21
alarms, 5-8
colors, 5-14
display options, 5-15
gain, 5-14
logging options, 5-18
matrix options, 5-18, 5-19

HYPACK Manual 6/07

side scan coverage map window, 5-12

side scan water fall window, 5-13
side scan waterfall, 5-9
windows, 5-7
coverage map window, 5-18
device controls, 5-17
main, 5-8
side scan coverage map, 5-19
side scan coverage map window, 5-11
side scan signal window, 5-10
side scan waterfall window, 5-9
side slopes
Advanced Channel Design, 7-69
Channel Design, 2-62, 2-65
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-26
3D Shape Editor, 7-31
Side Scan Survey, 5-7, 5-21
Single Beam Editor
exporting to text, 4-38
overview, 59
procedure, 4-6
heave smoothing, 4-36
advanced read parameters, 2-128, 4-17
color settings, 4-20
display options, 4-264-31
read parameters, 4-7
search and filter options, 4-31
sound velocity corrections, 4-3, 4-9, 4-12
tide corrections, 4-9, 4-11
statistics, 4-33
file information, 4-33
offline statistics, 4-33
echogram, 4-26
heave window, 4-24
pitch, roll and heading window, 4-25
profile window, 4-36
profile window, 4-20
shell, 4-6
sound velocity profile window, 4-23
spreadsheet window, 4-22
survey window, 4-21
tide and draft corrections window, 4-23
Single Beam Test. See The HYSWEEP Manual
overview, 59
SIX files
definition, 9-3
Hypack, 14
Seabed Statistics program, 7-151, 7-152
snap to line, 6-9
Snell's Law, 9-68
software installation, 4
BSB charts, 2-5
loading S63 charts, 2-12
sort directory, 32
Sort program, 4-42
overview, 60, 4-42
procedure, 4-43

HYPACK Manual 6/07

statistics, 4-44
sound velocity cast, 9-70
sound velocity corrections, 61, 9-70
Multibeam Editor, 59
Single Beam Editor, 4-9, 4-10, 4-12
Survey, 3-4
correcting, 7-102
Single Beam Editor, 4-23, 4-29
Sound Velocity program, 4-4
Single Beam Editor, 4-10
Sound Velocity program, 4-4, 4-23
Sound Velocity program, 4-4
Single Beam Editor, 4-9, 4-12
Sound Velocity program, 4-4
saving, 4-4, 4-6
sound velocity files
format, 9-31
Sound Velocity program
overview, 4-3
procedure, 4-4
Sounding Adjustment program
overview, 62, 7-102
procedure, 7-102
Sounding Reduction program
overview, 60
sounding selection programs, 60, 4-2, 4-404-51
comparison, 4-41
Cross Sort, 60
Mapper, 60
Sort program, 60
Sounding Reduction program, 60
soundings. See depths
stand alone mode. See GPS:positioning modes
standard Hypack volumes calculations, 6-46
starboard offsets. See offsets:Hardware
start line gate, 3-3, 3-57, 3-58
starting line, 3-57
stations, 2-91, See navigation stations
cross check, 7-162
Seabed Statistics, 7-158
ENC Editor, 6-162
Seabed Statistics, 7-158
Statistics program, 7-163, 7-164, 7-165
distance surveyed. See reports:show lines report
Mapper, 4-51
Statistics program, 7-163, 7-164, 7-165
quality data
survey files, 2-107
target files, 3-31
Seabed Statistics, 7-158


E1 and E2 distribution, 7-157

material statistics, 7-157
seabed ID square to material comparison, 7-157
Single Beam Editor, 4-33
file information, 4-33
offline statistics, 4-33
Sort Program, 4-44
Statistics program, 7-161
survey line lengths. See survey lines:show lines report, See
reports:show lines report
TIN Model program, 6-111
XYZ Manager, 7-117
Statistics program
example, 7-165
keyboard commands, 7-164
overview, 64, 7-161
procedure, 7-162
graph, 7-163
text, 7-162, 7-163
input information, 7-162
view options, 7-164
reports, 7-164
subgrade, 6-56, See overdredge limit
supergrade, 6-28, 6-45, 6-47
color settings, 3-41
keyboard commands, 9-39
plotting data, 3-62
AIS, 2-144
alarms, 3-4, 3-12, 3-18
anchors, 3-25
area map, 3-83-11
boat features, 3-213-27
broadcast, 3-20, 3-50
color, 24
data display, 3-133-15, 3-43
left/right indicator, 3-113-13
logging options, 3-5, 3-55, 3-59
matrix files, 3-37, 3-41
navigation parameters, 3-3
network, 3-50
position filters, 3-25
print configuration, 3-64
profile window, 3-15
towfish, 2-1392-141
window configuration, 3-8
logging over a network, 36
alarms, 3-8
area map, 3-7, 3-21
data display, 2-140, 2-141
data display, 3-8
data display window, 2-142
device windows, 3-8
helm area map, 3-8, 3-21
helm left-right indicator, 3-8
left-right indicator, 3-8
profile window, 3-8, 3-153-17, 3-25


survey files-edited. See Also data files

Metric File Converter, 7-110
Single Beam Editor, 4-11, 4-12, 4-15
Sounding Adjustment program, 7-102
tide corrections, 4-11
disabling, 41
Hypack, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
displaying. See Also survey files-edited:enabling
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194
ADCP Profile, 7-141
Seabed Statistics, 7-152, 7-158
Single Beam Editor, 4-6, 4-8, 4-28
Statistics program, 7-163
TIN Model, 6-93
Single Beam Editor, 4-6
Hypack, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
Hyplot, 6-24
format, 9-20
information query, 8
ADCP Profile, 7-137
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-27
Cross Sort program, 4-45
Export, 6-141
Hyplot, 6-2
Mapper, 4-48
Pathfinder, 7-113
Remap, 7-111
Seabed Statistics, 7-151, 7-152, 7-158
Single Beam Editor, 4-7, 4-8
Sort program, 4-42, 4-43
merging All Format files, 44
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-27
Seabed Statistics, 7-157
overview, 42
Hyplot, 6-8
Manual Entry program, 7-103
Single Beam Editor, 4-8
Cross Sort, 4-44, 4-46
Sort program, 4-42
tide corrections, 4-11, 7-10
unloading, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
survey files-raw, 3-6, See Also data files, raw format files
dual frequency (EC2), 2-116
multibeam (SB2), 2-116
multiple transducer (ECM), 2-116
single beam (EC1), 2-115
correcting. See Also sound velocity corrections, tide
corrections, draft/squat corrections
heave, pitch and roll corrections, 4-174-19

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Single Beam Editor, 4-11, 4-36

tide corrections, 4-11
directory structure, 3-6
disabling, 41
Hypack, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
displaying. See Also survey files-raw:enabling
Echosounder Display, 3-51
Hypack, 4-1
Memory Viewer, 3-46
NMEA Output, 3-52
Seabed Statistics, 7-152, 7-158
Single Beam Editor, 4-6, 4-8, 4-28
Survey, 3-8, 3-15, 3-17, 3-35
overview, 4-2
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-28
Single Beam Editor, 4-6, 4-36
enabling, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
NMEA Output, 3-52
Shared Memory Output, 3-47
format, 9-4
Hypack, 4-1
Hyplot, 6-2
Seabed Statistics, 7-152, 7-158
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-24, 5-36
Single Beam Editor, 4-7, 4-8
Side Scan Survey, 5-7, 5-17, 5-18, 5-24
Survey, 2-109, 3-63-7, 3-55, 3-59, 3-603-61
naming, 3-6
Seabed Statistics, 7-157
overview, 42
Side Scan Survey, 5-7, 5-21
plotting, 3-62
POS data, 2-107
Survey, 3-64
QUA data, 2-107
quality data, 2-107
RAW data, 2-107
Dredgepack, 8-19
Survey, 3-7, 3-36
to matrix, 3-41, 8-23
to XYZ format, 3-41, 8-23
Side Scan Survey, 5-21
tide corrections, 4-11, 7-10
unloading, 41, 4-1
Hyplot, 6-2
survey files-sorted. See Also data files, all format-sorted,
XYZ files
Hypack, 4-39
TIN Model program, 6-102, 6-104, 6-105

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Metric File Converter, 7-110

disabling, 41
Hypack, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
displaying. See Also survey files-sorted:enabling:Hypack
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194
ADCP Profile, 7-141
Mapper, 4-48
TIN Model, 6-93
Hypack, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
Hyplot, 6-24
XYZ Manager, 7-116
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-27
ENC Editor, 6-193
Export, 6-141
Hyplot, 6-2
Remap, 7-111
Seabed Statistics, 7-151
TIN Model, 6-91
XYZ Manager, 7-115
merging All Format files, 44
overview, 42
Hyplot, 6-8
Cross Sort, 4-46
Mapper, 4-48
Sort program, 4-42, 4-44
unloading, 41
Hyplot, 6-2
survey lines. See Also LNW files, survey lines
appending files, 2-55
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-200
Line Editor, 2-582-60
Channel Design, 2-40, 2-62
Line Editor, 2-43, 2-442-54
LNW Generator, 7-79
overview, 2-40
Pathfinder, 7-113
Survey, 3-35
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
curved lines, 2-40
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
ADCP Profile, 7-141
Channel Design, 2-71
Dredgepack, 8-10
Hypack, 2-154, 2-159, 2-162
Line Editor, 2-46, 2-49, 2-60
Side Scan Survey, 5-13
Single Beam Editor, 4-21, 4-28
Survey, 3-7, 3-8, 3-19
TIN Model program, 6-96, 6-107
Channel Design, 2-63, 2-71


Intersector, 7-82
Line Editor, 2-46, 2-49
Pathfinder, 7-114
Hyplot, 6-24
format, 9-32
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-198
Channel Design, 2-70
Export to Line File, 2-74
Hyplot, 6-10, 6-24
Line Editor, 2-44
left-right indicator, 3-11
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
Advanced Channel Design, 7-64
Channel Design, 2-63
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-29
Hypack, 2-154, 2-159, 2-162
Intersector, 7-82
Line Editor, 2-49
Remap, 7-111
TIN Model program, 6-107
multisegment lines, 3-5, 3-59
Channel Design, 2-63, 2-70
DXF to LNW conversion, 2-75
Line Editor, 2-45
navigating, 3-55
offsets, 2-43, 2-442-54
center line, 2-42
extend tab, 2-50
parallel, 2-41
radial, 2-42
search, 2-42
stairstep, 2-42
overview, 2-40
Hyplot, 6-24
Survey, 3-63
Channel Design, 2-71
Line Editor, 2-45, 2-46, 2-47, 2-49, 2-55, 2-60
saving, 47
Channel Design, 2-63
Export to Line File, 2-74
Line Editor, 2-45, 2-47, 2-49, Error! Not a valid
bookmark in entry on page 2-57, 2-58
selecting, 3-4, 3-5, 3-55, 3-59
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194, 7-198
automatic leg switching, 3-5, 3-59
labels, 3-63, 6-10, 6-24
line extension, 2-69
line increment, 3-4
lines at center turn, 2-70
lines at channel beg/end, 2-70
next line, 3-4, 3-58
search distance, 2-69
smart corners, 2-70
spacing, 2-70
show lines report, 47, 49


Channel Design, 2-70
Line Editor, 2-41
turning basins, 2-41, 2-64
survey preparation, 3-1
survey units. See geodetic parameters:distance units
Survey Viewer
overview, 3-20
procedure, 3-20
settings, 3-20
swap depths
Single Beam Editor, 4-35
SWP files. See Also survey files-raw, data files
definition, 42, 9-3, 9-37
Export program, 6-140
boat, 2-139, 3-24
chart symbols, 7-93, 7-94, 7-96
DG2 Editor, 7-93, 7-94, 7-96
Metadata program, 7-106
synchronize clock, 2-98, 2-105
Target Editor
overview, 2-154
creating targets, 2-154
translating targets, 2-156
target files. See Also targets
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Target Editor, 2-156
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Side Scan Survey, 5-19, 5-20
Survey, 3-29, 3-60
Target Editor, 2-154
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
ENC Editor, 6-197, 6-198
Side Scan Survey, 5-20
Survey, 3-8, 3-29, 3-30, 3-32, 3-33
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Side Scan Survey, 5-21
Survey, 3-33
Target Editor, 2-155, 2-156
format, 9-30
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Side Scan Survey, 5-19
Survey, 3-33
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Side Scan Survey, 5-20
Survey, 3-29, 3-30, 3-60
Target Editor, 2-155
overriding default path, 3-29
overview, 48
quality data, 3-31
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Survey, 3-29
Target Editor, 2-155

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Survey, 3-33
targets. See Also target files
creating. See targets:marking
deleting, 3-33
displaying, 3-30
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-202
ENC Editor, 6-197
Side Scan Survey, 5-20
Survey, 2-138, 3-29, 3-30, 3-32, 3-33
Export, 6-147
Hyplot, 6-25
Export, 6-147
Target Editor, 2-154
ENC Editor, 6-198
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Side Scan Survey, 5-20
Survey, 2-138, 3-34, 3-60
Target Editor, 2-154
ENC Editor, 6-197, 6-199
Side Scan Survey, 5-19, 5-20
Survey, 3-30, 3-32, 3-33, 3-34, 3-35
Target Editor, 2-154
target properties, 5-20
quick mark
Side Scan Survey, 5-20
Survey, 3-29
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Target Editor, 2-155
ENC Editor, 6-197
Side Scan Survey, 5-19
Survey, 3-30, 3-33
chart features to, 6-199
circles, 3-32, 6-147
display defaults, 3-32
distance and bearing, 3-30
events at targets, 3-32
labels, 3-32, 6-147
target properties, 3-30, 5-20
survey lines to, 3-35
Target Editor, 2-156
water's edge, 3-34
TDX files
definition, 9-3
Manual Tides program, 7-7, 7-9
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
telemetry tide gauges, 2-129, 3-43
template files
3D Shape Editor, 7-28
Advanced Channel Design, 7-63, 7-73
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-28, 6-79
Line Editor, 2-51
TGT files. See Also target files, targets
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-202

HYPACK Manual 6/07

definition, 9-4
ENC Editor, 6-197
Export, 6-140
format, 9-30
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-32
Side Scan Survey, 5-19
Survey, 3-29
Target Editor, 2-154
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
TID files. See Also tide files, tide corrections
definition, 9-4
format, 9-31
Harmonic Tides program, 3-44, 7-2, 7-3
Manual Tides program, 3-44, 7-7, 7-9
Multibeam Editor, 2-129
Single Beam Editor, 2-129, 4-7, 4-11, 4-12
Survey, 2-129
Tidal Zones, 7-10
Tidal Zone
overview, 61, 7-10
applying tide corrections, 7-12
creating tidal zones, 7-11
settings, 7-12
adjustment factors, 7-11
tidal zones
TIN Model program, 7-11
XYZ Collector, 7-11
definition, 7-10
tide corrections
Single Beam Editor, 59, 4-7, 4-9, 4-10, 4-11, 4-13, 4-14
Survey, 3-43, 3-44, 3-423-44
Tidal Zone, 7-12
Dredgepack, 8-15
Single Beam Editor, 4-23, 4-29
Single Beam Editor, 4-10
Tidal Zone, 7-10
Export, 6-152
Single Beam Editor, 4-38
Harmonic Tides program
example, 7-3
overview, 60, 7-2
procedure, 7-2
Manual Tides, 7-9
manual entry, 3-43, 7-2
Manual Tides program
example, 7-5, 7-7
high-low water times and heights, 7-5
importing NOAA historical tide data, 7-9
linear method, 7-7
manual observations, 7-7
overview, 60, 7-5
spline method, 7-7
merging with heave, 4-18
NOAA tide book, 7-5
overview, 7-1


predicted. See tide corrections:Harmonic Tides, tide

corrections:Manual Tides, device drivers:tidefile.dll
RTK (Real Time Kinematic) tide corrections
alarms, 2-109, 3-19, 8-17
filtering, 2-112
GPS status codes, 2-109
math display, 2-114
Multibeam Editor, 7-20
overview, 3-44, 7-13
settings, 2-111, 4-14, 4-17, 4-18, 7-107-21
Single Beam Editor, 7-20
warning, 2-110, 2-112
warnings, 7-20
with KTD file, 7-13
without KTD file, 7-13, 7-19
Survey, 3-423-44
telemetry tide gauges, 2-129, 3-43, 7-2
Tidal Zone. See Tidal Zone
tide adjustments
Single Beam Editor, 4-11
Tidal Zone, 7-10
tidefile device driver, 3-44
calculating in non-kinematic mode, 2-112
tide files
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
Manual Tides, 7-9
format, 9-31
Harmonic Tides program, 7-2, 7-4
Hypack, 7-1
Manual Tides program, 7-6, 7-7
overview, 7-1
Harmonic Tides program, 7-3, 7-4
Manual Tides program, 7-5, 7-7, 7-9
Single Beam Editor, 4-7, 4-10, 4-11, 4-12
Survey, 3-44
Tidal Zone, 7-12
tide stations, 7-10, 7-13, 7-18
tidefile.dll. See device drivers:tidefile.dll
TIF files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-220
ENC Editor, 6-161
Hypack, 2-15
Side Scan Merge Mosaic, 5-39
Side Scan Mosaic, 61, 5-23, 5-34, 5-35, 5-37
Side Scan Survey, 5-10
TIN Model program, 6-118
Hyplot, 6-7
Memory Viewer, 3-46
Side Scan Survey, 5-8, 5-21
Single Beam Editor, 4-29
Survey, 3-13
Export, 6-152
Single Beam Editor, 4-38


time tags
1PPS pulse, 2-102, 2-103
comparison of methods, 2-102
fixed latency, 2-102, 2-106
synch. clock with ZDA, 2-98, 2-105
ZDA and synch. clock, 2-102
calculating depth position, 9-73
TIN files
definition, 9-4
TIN Model program, 6-90
TIN Model
exporting borders, 6-120
TIN Model program
clipping survey files, 6-105
Philadelphia volumes calculation, 6-136
TIN to Channel volumes calculation, 6-133
TIN to level volumes calculation, 6-134
TIN to TIN volumes calculation, 6-136
all format files, 6-107
BMP files, 6-119
channel templates, 6-121
contours, 6-115, 6-118
cross sections (data), 6-112
DXF files, 6-115
grid differences, 6-111
matrix files, 6-120
TIF files, 6-119
TIN differences, 6-113
XYZ files, 6-111
overview, 62, 6-90
calculating volumes, 6-123, 6-124
clipping TIN Models, 6-103, 6-104
cutting break lines, 6-102, 6-104
cutting sections, 6-107
editing TIN Models, 6-102
exporting all format files, 6-107
exporting BMP files, 6-119
exporting channel templates, 6-121
exporting contours, 6-118
exporting data, 6-107
exporting DXF files, 6-115
exporting grid differences, 6-111
exporting matrix files, 6-120
exporting TIF files, 6-119
exporting TIN differences, 6-113
exporting XYZ files, 6-111
measuring distance and position, 6-102
restricting volume areas, 6-132
reports, 6-122
border files, 6-132
colors, 6-101
initial data, 6-91
legend, 6-97
lighting, 6-98
saving, 6-91
sections, 6-99

HYPACK Manual 6/07

smooth contours, 6-116

union/intersection mode, 6-103
view options, 6-93, 6-96, 6-102
volumes calculations, 6-124
TIN editor, 6-1026-106
volumes calculations
advantages, 6-123
changing calculation mode, 6-124
disadvantages, 6-124
procedure, 6-123, 6-124
TIN to channel, 6-91
TIN to level, 6-91
TIN to TIN, 6-91
contour settings affect sounding position, 6-117
sounding inversion method change, 6-123
volumes with non-parallel lines, 6-127
TIN models
clipping, 6-104, 6-105
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-177
TIN Model program, 6-93
printing, 6-119
saving, 6-90
cutting, 6-107
displaying, 6-99
Tidal Zones, 7-10
Title Block Editor
overview, 6-13
procedure, 6-13
settings, 6-146-15
title blocks
Hyplot, 6-11
Title Block Editor, 6-13
Hyplot, 6-11
TMP files
definition, 9-4
toe lines
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-194
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-169
Channel Design, 2-62, 2-64
toe points
Advanced Channel Design, 7-69
Channel Design, 2-62, 2-64
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-36
top of bank
Advanced Channel Design, 7-69
Channel Design, 2-65, 2-66
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-36
device setup, 2-133
towfish. See Also boat shapes
alt3dtv.dll, 2-142
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-30, 5-33
Side Scan Survey, 5-8, 5-9
color settings, 2-140
data display, 2-141

HYPACK Manual 6/07

3D Terrain Viewer, 2-142

Hardware, 2-1312-138
Hardware program, 2-142
main vessel, 3-24, 3-26
Survey, 2-1392-141, 2-142
shapes, 2-139
symbols, 2-139
warning-offsets, 2-136
towfish altitudes
alt3dtv.dll, 2-142
Side Scan Survey, 5-10
default, 5-15, 5-26
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-30
device output, 2-134
Side Scan Survey, 5-8, 5-10, 5-15
Hardware, 2-134
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-33
TPL files. See Also channel templates, Cross Sections and
Volumes:Template Editor
Advanced Channel Design, 7-73
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-30, 6-42
definition, 9-4
Dredgepack, 8-12
format, 9-35
Intersector, 7-82
LNW Generator, 7-79
Survey, 3-16
tracking point
definition, 2-88
logging, 8-19
Hardware, 2-77, 2-95
Side Scan Survey
targets, 5-20
alarms, 19, 3-4, 3-19
logging, 3-3, 3-57, 3-58, 3-60
targets, 2-157, 3-29, 3-32, 3-34, 3-60
vector, 3-23
Hyplot, 6-7
Pathfinder program, 7-113
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-28
Single Beam Editor, 59, 4-21
Survey, 3-153-17, 3-22
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-28
Single Beam Editor, 59
Export program, 6-148
Hyplot, 6-25
Pathfinder program, 7-113
Export program, 6-148
Hypack, 14
Hyplot, 6-7


Hyplot, 6-7
Survey, 3-64
Trackpoint systems, 2-135, 2-136
Transducer Offsets program
overview, 50
transverse mercator projections. See
projections:transverse mercator
traverse calculation dialog, 2-36, See Traverse program
Traverse program
overview, 63, 2-30, 2-36
printing screen, 2-37
procedure, 2-36
Hypack, 13
Hyplot, 6-9
turning basins
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-169
Channel Design, 2-62, 2-64
basin level, 2-66
multiple basins, 2-66
simple basin, 2-64
Channel Design, 2-64
curved basin lines, 2-67
definition, 2-62, 2-64
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-170
TXT files
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-208
ADCP Logger, 7-135
Advanced Channel Design, 7-67
Channel Conditions Reporter, 7-176
ENC Editor, 6-161
Hyplot, 6-3
Metadata program, 7-109
Seabed Statistics, 7-159
Statistics, 7-162, 7-164
TIN Model program, 6-117, 6-122, 6-123, 6-150
U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers Coordinate Conversion
program. See geodetic parameters:Use Corpscon
Unit Conversion program
overview, 63
printing screen, 2-38
units conversion
Metric File Converter, 7-110
Project Converter, 2-30, 2-38
Sound Velocity program, 4-4
Units Conversion program, 2-30
Universal Input
overview, 7-118
input, 7-119, 7-120
update frequency, 2-91
user permissions, 4
User-Defined Output. See Export program:settings:userdefined output
UTC time
NMEA GGA string, 2-98, 2-102, 2-105
ZDA and synch. clock, 2-98, 2-102, 2-105
ADCP to DXF, 7-147
Survey, 3-23


VEL files. See Also sound velocity corrections

definition, 9-4
format, 9-31
Single Beam Editor, 4-12
Sound Velocity program, 61, 4-3
vertical scale
3D Shape Editor, 7-47
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-182, 7-194
Advanced Channel Design, 7-74
VES files
3D Shape Editor, 7-28, 7-30
definition, 9-4
vessel settings. See Also boat features
Hardware, 2-94
vessels. See boat shapes, towfish
video splitters, 2-121, 2-122
virtual screens, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on page
2-121, 3-19
VOL files
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-41
definition, 9-4
volumes calculations
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-40
beach volumes, 6-74
Chinese 1 core volumes, 6-69
Chinese 1 end area 1, 6-69
Chinese methods, 6-67
end area 1 method, 6-47
end area 2 method, 6-48
end area 3 method, 6-49
end area no segments method, 6-50
GLDD method, 6-64
Jacksonville, 6-56
method comparison, 6-42
Norfolk method, 6-63
Philadelphia Methods, 6-52
reach volumes, 6-86
Savannah method, 6-62
standard Hypack method, 6-46
warning, 6-45
Dredgepack estimates, 8-28
TIN Model program, 6-123, 6-124
advantages, 6-123
changing calculation mode, 6-124
disadvantages, 6-124
Philadelphia method, 6-90, 6-129
restricting area, 6-132
TIN to channel, 6-91
TIN to level, 6-91
TIN to TIN, 6-91
TIN-to-channel, 6-125
TIN-to-design, 6-128
TIN-to-level, 6-124
TIN-to-TIN, 6-127
volumes calculations control dialog, 6-132
volumes reports
Cross Sections and Volumes, 6-39, 6-40, 6-41
TIN Model program, 6-122, 6-123
VPF (Vector Product Format) charts
Hypack, 2-14
Survey, 3-28
warnings. See Also alarms

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Advanced Channel Design

nonconvex shape error, 7-68
non-flat face error, 7-68
orientation error, 7-68
ARCS charts
permit and license coordination, 2-2
calculating in non-kinematic mode, 2-112
Cross Sections and Volumes
any void within box cut, 6-58, 6-66
average end area and nonparallel survey lines, 6-45
simplified template in Chinese methods, 6-67
bucket dredge depth accuracy, 8-9
save only strikes in elevation mode, 8-20
ENC Editor
deleting spatial records, 6-183
geodesy display only, 6-158
Export to Line, 2-75
files stored outside the project file, 40
echosounder calibration, 2-119, 9-75
ellipsoid height vs mean sea level, 2-101
GPS position accuracy, 2-101
mobile offsets, 2-136
RTK alarms and DGPS systems, 2-110
update frequency affects sync. clock accuracy, 2-98, 2105
USB to Serial interface, 2-83
vertical measurements positive downward, 2-87
vertical offsets positive downward, 2-89
archiving cataloged data, 38
files stored outside the project directory, 2-1
overwriting data, 37
overwriting files, 35
Matrix Editor
editing filled matrix files, 2-169
RTK tides without KTD change, 7-20
Seabed Statistics
data inclusion, 7-157
logging over a network, 36
TIN Model program
contour settings affect sounding position, 6-117
sounding inversion method change, 6-123
volumes with non-parallel lines, 6-127
XYZ Manager
short maximum side, 7-116
water's edge, 3-34
WCom32 program, 2-84
wires. See 3D Shape Editor:settings:wires
pole template, 7-39
properties, 7-54
XSE files
Side Scan Data Reformatter, 5-21
XTF files
Side Scan Mosaic, 5-23

HYPACK Manual 6/07

Side Scan Survey, 5-18

XYZ Collector
overview, 7-101
procedure, 7-101
XYZ files
Universal Input, 7-119, 7-120
XYZ format, 42
3D Terrain Viewer, 7-178, 7-179
Advanced Channel Design, 7-63
Channel Condition Reporter, 7-173, 7-175
definition, 9-37
Dredgepack, 8-18
ENC Editor, 6-193, 6-204
Export program, 6-141, 6-149
exporting\ENC Editor, 6-204
Hypack, 2-168, 4-39
Intersector, 7-82
Mapper, 4-42
Merge XYZ, 7-114
Remap, 7-110
Seabed Mapper, 9-87
Sort program, 4-424-44
Tidal Zone, 7-11
TIN Model program, 6-90, 6-111, 6-121, 6-123
XYZ Collector, 7-101
XYZ Manager, 7-115
XYZ to MTX program, 64, 2-166
XYZ Manager
overview, 7-115
creating the database, 7-115
exporting merged XYZ files, 7-116
settings, 7-115, 7-117
statistics, 7-117
XYZ to MTX program, 64
procedure, 2-166
yaw (camera)
camera controls
3DTV, 7-216
yaw (devices)
correcting data
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
definition, 2-90
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 4-14
Multibeam Editor, 2-153
Single Beam Editor, 4-14
yaw (vessel). See heading
ZDA strings, 2-98, 2-102, 2-105, 2-111
time tagging, 2-105
zones. See Also tidal zones
C-Maps, 2-7
geodetic parameters, 2-25
Z-scale. See vertical scale, See vertical scale
Z-values. See depths


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