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Question 2 Marks

1. State any four types of patterns

2. Mention any two advantages and disadvantages of die casting.
3. What function of core?
4. What are the advantages and applications of ceramic moulds?
5. What are the pattern materials?
6. Explain the term fettling.
7. What is the purpose of flux?
8. How can slag inclusions in welding be avoided?
9. Why is flux coated on filler rods?
10. What is the application of carburizing flame?
11. What are the diameter and length of the electrodes available in the market?
12. List the various alloys and metal used in pattern.
13. List the three forms of contraction.
14. Shrinkage of metal depends on what factors?
15. Define permeability.
16. Explain the principle of oxy-actelyene welding.
17. What are the factors affecting resistance welding?
18. Write in short about gas welding
19. Name the types of flames
20. What do you mean by filler metal?
Questions 5 Marks
1. (a) What are the cast irons? (b) What is their basic range of composition? (c)
What are some of the properties of cast irons that make them important
engineering materials? (d) What are some of their application? (e) What are
the four basic types of cast irons?
2. What are Steps involved in Making Sand Castings
3. Can a chaplet also act as a chill? Explain.
4. Explain the advantages and limitations of sharp and rounded fillets,
respectively, in casting design.
5. Molten metal can be poured into the pouring cup of a sand mold at a steady
rate of 1000 cm3/s. The molten metal overflows the pouring cup and flows
into the down sprue. The cross-section of the sprue is round, with a dameter
at the top = 3.4 cm. If the sprue is 25 cm long, determine the proper diameter
at its base so as to maintain the same volume flow rate.
6. Explain Explosion welding & Braze welding in detail
7. What is weld decay? How is this prevented?
8. What is Arc blow? How is this prevented?
9. Advantages and limitations of plasma arc cutting
10. State the Influence of elements on the weldability of carbon steels

Questions 10 Marks
1. Explain all Metal Defects due to Pouring
2. Explain Solidification shrinkage , Directional solidification, Nucleation and growth
3. The total solidification times of three casting shapes are to be compared: (1) a
sphere, (2) a cylinder,in which the length-to-diameter ratio = 1.0, and (3) a cube.
For all three geometries, the volume = 1000cm3. The same casting alloy is used
in the three cases. (a) Determine the relative solidification times for each
geometry. (b) Based on the results of part (a), which geometric element would
make the best riser? (c) If the mold constant = 3.5 min/cm2in Chvorinov's Rule,
compute the total solidification time for each casting.
4. A cylindrical riser is to be designed for a sand casting mold. The length of the
cylinder is to be 1.25 times its diameter. The casting is a square plate, each side
= 10 in and thickness = 0.75 inch. If the metal is cast iron, and the mold constant
= 16.0 min/in2in Chvorinov's Rule, determine the dimensions of the riser so that it
will take 30% longer for the riser to solidify.
5. Explain Welding Joints and Types
6. Describe FIVE welding Defects

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