Icar Question Pepar 2014

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-for zero seed drill which furrow openers used?

-color of tomato is due to?
-offset angle=....?
-What is mean by reduced level?
-Firing interval 4-s engine?
-aquicludes?,aquifuge?,power point?, flash point?
- definition of probability
- pump law discharge Q inversely with head H
-fan laws all?
-Measures of dispersion?
-Mohrs stress circle depends upon?
-leaching used for?
-TRD-reflect meter used for?
-Hydrocyclon filter used for?
-N2 contain of biogas?
-Limit of Noise level of tractor in dB?
-Value of thermal efficiency of engine?
-Inlet valve opens before_______ TDC?
-____roller bearing used in disc plough?

-Prismatic forces on MB plough on which part?

-Computer literacy means?
-Beauredex is the fungicide? Insecticides?
-Standard brick size?
-Value of crushing strength of stone?
-Barbed wire not used for?
-Which dung is produce maximum biogas?(ans=pig)
-Where is the central Agril uni?
-Which state highest forest area?
-Environmental day?
-Calculate range of matrix?
-C/N ratio of biogas?
-In how many stages bio gas process done?
-Size of combined harvester measured by?
-Seed metering device used for maize?
-Seed damage due to increase in ____?
-Enthalpy of dry steam increase then_______?
-Eulers equation of steam on which law?
-Kirchhoff law?
-Lesimeter used for?

-Chrometrology means?
-Water level in artisan aquifer?
-Seepage line are in which shape?
-Function of RAM in computer?
-Shape of natural grassed water ways?
-Dielectric constant for food?
-Stanchions used for?
-Product in cutting into slices known as?
-Which dryer used for milk?
-Efficiency of solar water heater?
-Polishing the surface of grain ________its emissivity?
-If seed rate drill changed then speed remains ______?
-Shear strength of soil?
-Liquid limit?, plastic limit?, shrinkage limit?__
-ICAR recommended value for exacacavation ?
(Ans=Float used in tranplanter,cone used in weeder)
-Sail type mower____?
-Vitamin A in ____?(carrot)
-Metal of sickle__?

-Capillary water held by______?

-Droplet size depends upon______?
-Open trench between two land strips is called ___?
(For square notch b=2d)
-Dimension of sp. Volume____?
-Definition of kinematics?
-For trashy soil disc are?
-Sprinkler irrigation _______ the distribution Effie.?
-ESP> &EC> then soil are____?
-Heat exchanger used in which part of tractor system ?
-Undulations irrigation is known as?
-optical pyrometer is used to measure?
-Bernoullis principal is based on the law of conservation of_______?
-shifting cultivation means?
In indigenous plough, the which part give the support?
In ________flow pressure drop constant but area changed?
USLE formula is on which scientist________?
-screw conveyor (standard) in which pitch=_____?
-Solar energy constant=___________?

-Interceptor drain also known as _____?

-Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales have the identical value for
-Farm stead should be located=______?

-Thermal conductivity of grain increases as M.C_______?

-c.g of hemisphere_____?
-Reduced level____?
- (1100)2-convert binary to decimal ?
-Wire has 4, it is hauled then what is resistance?

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