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Sixth Semester B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Time: Three Hours

Maximum :100 Marks

Answer all Questions

Part A
Each question carries 3 marks

Define Pschens theory related to breakdown of gaseous insulating material.

How are the wavefront and wave tail times controlled in impulse generator circuits?
What is capacitance voltage transformer?
Give the necessity of earthing and shielding arrangements in impulse measurements in high
voltage laboratries.
5. How is lossy dielectric represented? Draw its phasor diagram.
( 5X3 = 15 marks)

Part B
Each question carries 5 marks
6. Explain the phenomena of electrical conduction in liquids.
7. Briefly describe the components of a multistage impulse generator
8. Draw the extended series resistance (with inductance neglected) circuit for high voltage
9. Give the basic circuit for measuring the peak value of impulse voltage.
10. Give the sequence of impulse testing in transformers. Mention the precautions to be taken while
testing of transformers.
( 5X5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Each question carries 12 marks
11. Determine the breakdown voltage for air gap of 2mm and 5mm length under uniform
field and standard atmospheric pressure conditions. Also find the voltage if atmospheric
pressure is 750mm of Hg and 350C.
What are the anode and cathode streamers? Explain the mechanism of of their formation
and development leading to breakdown.
12. A 12 stage impulse generator has 0.126F capacitors. The wavefront and wavetail
resistances connected are 800 and 5000 respectively. If the load capacitor is 1000pF,
find the front and tail times of the impulse wave produced?

A Cockcroft Walton type voltage multiplier has eight stages with capacitances equal to
0.05F. The supply transformer secondary voltage is 125kV at a frequency of 150Hz. If
the load current to be supplied is 5mA, find (a) the percentage ripple (b) the regulation
and (c) the optimum number of stages for minimum regulation of voltage drop.
13. Explain the sphere gap method of measuring dc,ac and impulse voltages.
Explain how a sphere gap can be used to measure the peakvalue of voltages. What are the
parameters and factors that influence such voltage measurement?
14. A Rogowski coil is to be designed to measure the impulse current of 10kA having a rate
of chage of current of 1011A/s. The current is read by a VTVM as a potential drop across
the integrating circuit connected to the secondary. Estimate the value of mutual
inductance and capacitance to be connected if the meter reading is to be 10V for full scale
deflection. Resistance has to be selected as 2X103.
Expalin the with block schematic diagram, the cathode ray oscillographs for impulse
15. Explain the various high voltage tests to be performed in bushings.
Briefly explain how partial discharges in an insulation system or equipment can be
detected and displayed.
( 5X12 = 60 marks)

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