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[HE AVIATION FACTFILE HELICOPTERS Helicopters is a fascinating and iniormative guide to more than 120 of the most mportant rotorcraft ever designed. its information- packed pages cover a broad range of helicopters, from early experimental autogyros and basic designs lke the Sikorsky R-4 to al- time classics Ike the Bell UH-1, the famous ‘Huey’ that became the workhorse of the Vietnam War. ‘Among the rotorcralt featured are: « The Fletiner F1 282 Kolibri, one of the world’s first operational helicopters, used by the Germans in World War It «The McDonnell Douglas AH-64 Apache, Used to devastating effect in combat in Iraq and the Balkans ‘The Mil Mi-24 Hind D, one of the most effective assault helicopters of all tine Each helicopter is covered in detail, with feature boxes outlining its development, technical specifications, performance data and variants. Unique graohics allow you to compare specific features like top speed, troop-carrying capacity and payload to those of other aircraft of the same type. With a wealth of essential information on every page, Helicopters is a must for aircraft lovers, of all ages. PON 00 Robert Jackson is a foriner plot and navigational instructor. Now a full-timo writer in military, naval, and aviation affairs, he has over 80 books to his name, including Spitfire: The Operational Record, B-17 Flying Fortress and Warplanes of World War Il, and was @ contributing editor of The Encyclovecia of Aircraft. He ives in Darlington, County Durham. Jacket design: ‘Amber Books Ltd Bradley's Close 74-77 White Lion Street London N1 9PF ‘www.amberbooks.co.uk ISBN: 1-84013-812-2 Printed in Singapore THE AVIATION FACTFILE HELICOPTERS ar a See oT = -_ s THE AVIATION FACTFILE HELICOPTERS Military, Civilian and Rescue Rotorcraft GENERAL EDITOR: ROBERT JACKSON Fins published in 2005 for Grange Books ‘An imprine of Grange Books ple The Grange Kingsnorth Industrial Esare Hoo, Nr Rochester Kent ME3 9ND swwngrangebooks.co.k Copyright © 2005 Inernational Masters Publishers BY All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmicced in any form, by any means, electronic, ‘mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright holder. A catalogue record for this book is available from che British Library, ISBN 1-84013-812-2 Produced by Amber Books Led Bradley's Close 74-77 White Lion Street London NI 9PF wwwamberbooks.co.uk Printed in Singapore Contents Introduction Aérospatiale to Atlas Bell to Boeing Helicopters Boeing Vertol to Eurocopter Flettner to McDonnell Douglas Mil to Schweizer Sikorsky to Westland Index 38 78 110 152 192 254 INTRODUCTION long ago as the fourth century childeen ia China were playing with litle toy whose principle would he used huncreds of years later to bring’ new dimension to the science of ‘Alyht. 1 was a simple round stick with feathers mounted on top, twisted slightly so thar it struck the air at aan angle when the stick was spa, ach feather 6 to fly ap into the air, Two hundsed years lates, Atchimedes of Syracuse ~ the Greek physicist and inventor who was responsible for many scientific discoveries tht laid the foundations of modem science ~ hit upon exactly the same principle for use in a different medium. He perfected a rotating serew which, when fitted inside a eylinder, mace an excellent water pump, Rotated continuously inside the cylinder, the screw pushed against the water and moved it along, ark! this in turn gave rise to” reaction: the water resisted by pushing back, ‘Wo thousand years were to elapse before the principle tht governed the operition of Archimedes’ serew in water Lot: Paul Cornu's 1907 ‘Fying Bieycl th first ‘machine to take off vertcaly wit a pilot and ‘make a controled free fight. ‘Above: The Europear-manufactured EH. 101 ‘Mein is on@ ofthe new generation of larce ‘mutt-role heicoptors. Fight: The CH-S53E is currently the West's most powerku holicopter Far right: The tandem-seat AH-64 Apache is ‘ne ofthe loading battofold holceptors in the world, and packs a powerful punch. ‘was applied to another fluid — air —to produce a hiting foree On 13 November, 1907, a Frenchman named Paul Comu made thi worlds first free, unte jcopter igh al Coquainvilliers, near Lisieux, His primirive machine ~ knows as the ‘ying hovered 39 em (1 1) clear of hieyele the ground for 50 seconds, It would be Many years before the dream of vertical Aight | ab ploncwrs of eotary-sving Might nidable challenge, because 10 \ helicopler (the name means, ying screw") fly successfully make literally Several different principles must be rough together. The First of these is tft The cross-section of a helicopter blade is oe, jst ike the wing aventional aircraft. The top surface of this aerofoll section is more ‘curved, or cambered, than the unde: surfice, so that When a stream of air Hows: ‘over it the speed of the air increases and its pressure clecreases, Under the wing the ‘opposite happens; sinee the wing is, ssaally inclined at « small angle to the airflow, the air passing unclerneath it is slowed down by being obstructed and the The high pressure area relow the wing ties to move towards the Jow pressure area above the wing, and a ltt force is created onal aircraft has to move through the air to reach the speed con forwa Intropuction where enough lift is obtai the ground, but with a he wings motion through the air by rotation, even when the aircraft is not moving, the samount of lift produced by a helicopters rotor blades depends on three or rovor blades ~ are given ofthe hades, things: th nape an the speed at which they rotate, snd their ‘Avaron Ficrrus: Heucoprens, angle of attack ~ the angle at which they Inte into the air. One or more of these factors must be Increased ithe hits 1 be increased. The first wo pessbilties are both to alter the size of the blides, nor has he the reserves of engine power at his disposal very quickly when he needs extra lift He can, however, alter the angle of attack, for the main rotor blades of a helicopter can be automatically ‘eathered = in other words, made to twist in the rotor bub. Ifthe angle of attack of all the wed at the same time, blades isin there is sudden increase in total lif, and when the lift becomes greater than the weight, the helicopter rises off the ‘ground. Once aisborne, the pilot ean Lot: The Eurocopter Panther is one of a number ‘of highly successtul mutt-role nescopters bul by Aérospatiale and then Eurocopter. Above: Mil M-28s have been used on United Nations humanitarian relief operations jn recont years. Fight: Igor Sikorsky pictured piloting his fst ‘successiul helicopter, the VS300, in 1999, Farright: 4 Walls autogyro in the colours of the Royal Air Force. mike the aircraft hover by slightly reducing the angle of attack of the blacles so the total fe of the rotor now bal the weight of the helicopter. To alter the angle of attack of all moment the pilot uses a lever known a the collective pitch control The helicopter is now off the ground and hovering, but o make It move forward through the air some form of horizontal thrust is needed. A conventional aircraft achieves this by means of its propeller or jet exkaust; in a helicopter, the lift force is tiked slighily te produce a horizontal thrust component ‘This can be achieved by titing the whole rotor assembly slightly forward, b practice it was [ound more effeciv hinge each blade to the retor hub so that 4 can ‘flap’ up and dowa, When the helicopter is motionless on the ground, 4s ron blades have @ noticeable ‘droop’ Because ofthis hinge arrangement 3 Stop § fted below each blade 10 prevent it is! bow each blade t prevent When the main rotor tS to revolve at Increasing speed, ipetal force (the force thy Above: The PasockiMVertel H-24 was fown in Sabor colburs atthe 1968 World’ Fai Right: The Flettner FL 282 Kori appeared towards the end of World War Il and wae one of the worle’s frst successful miltary nekcopters. when you swing @ weight around on a piece of back to a horizontal position. As each blade is feathered ~ its angle Of attack increased to produce more lift — it rises slightly on its hinge. If the angle jack is reduced slightly as it approaches the forward position on its way around the rotor disc, the lilt is ng) tends to lift the blades slightly reduced too, and if the angle of attack is increased again as the blade retreats’ rearwards so the lift i increased — with the result that each blade fl downwards as it revolves through the forward position under the influence of centripetal force and rises under the lucnce of lft as passes around the rear of the dise Intropucrion The whole effect is of the rotor dike tilting forward to produce forward thrust, swith each bltde changing its pitch as it moves round, This change of pitch is automatic and is governed by the cyelic pitch control ifthe jicopter consisted only of a set fof main rotor blades mounted on the fuselage, the reaction to the rotor as it Avxron Fectrue: Heuooerens, revolved would turn the fuselage in the opposite direction, this is known as torque effect, and is normally overcome vertically revolving rotor ul to prevent the fuselage II the helicopter's mec main controls: the collective pitch control, the throttle, the eyelie pitch control and the tail rotor conus. 0 Inthe 1920s, while designers struggled to overcome the prob young Spanish aircraft designer wan de la Cierva y Gordlonia came up with an alternative, which he named the In this machine, lift was 1 frecly-windmilling rotor py a conventional though the autogiro could never perform all the functions of a both civilian and rniltary fields, anel wats widely used in the years between the (wo world wats, I yas left to the i proxluce the worlds fir helicopter. the twin: her of world seconds. For the next few years, the Germans enjoyed an undisputed lead in helicopter evelopment, the two companies at the forefront being Focke-Achgelis and Flettner. These fims pioneencd the the helicopter in World un alr observation platform the Allied he forefront of medium and heavy helicopter design today. Another American Far ots The hugo twin-rotor Mi V-12 shattered ‘every cecord for helicopter payload. Left: Poscara’s No.3 hollcoptar, the first to incorporate collective and cyclic controts. ‘ight: The plant Mil Mi-6 pioneered the use of supplenentary wings for extra tt Far ight: The Sikarshy $-61 is one ofthe most ‘common search and rescue holicoptors. Below The Westland Lynx is a very successful light shipboard helicopter. Helicopters, dominated the post ging War market for lighter machines, from wtlity to fast atack helicopters Tn the Soviet Unton, Igor Skkorsky's ‘Spposte number was Antem I. Mil, whose design bure:ss was response for a range Ci massive heavytit elkcptets By the beginning of the 21st century, more thin 30,000 Mil built, with Many of these rugged machines remaining, {in service worldwide helicopters had hee IntRopuction | = In western Europe, economics eventually compelled companies that specialised in helicopter production to join forces. Eurocopter is now the efficial manufacturer of all MBB and Aérospatiale helicopters, and Brit operates under the name GRN Westind In common with other types of aircraf, both civil and n now the subject of joint design and proxuction on both sides of the Atlantic. 's Weiland now iary, helicopters are Today, helicopters are applied 10 $0, rmuany clfferent tasks that it i efficult t0 list them all, They are the miost vessatile ying, ‘machines in existence, and they enabye the pilot to operite in three dimensions in sway that no fixed-wing aircraft can except, of course, VSTOL machines like Hariier, which are intended for a specific re hy no means as prolific role and which The helicopter, for all that itis expensive to operate, hi indispensable too! of modern avittion, New technology, in pa greater strength and lightness than anything previousy available, has given designers the means to enter # new phase of development that combines ‘greater speeds with lower operating costs. It is in the commercial world of tomorrow that the helicopter will mitke iis greatest impact " Avarion Facrrue: HeicoPrens AEROSPATIALE ALOUETTE II © High altitude @ Air ambulance @ Excellent handling LUd-Est, one of the forerunners of ‘Aérospatiale, combined Turboméca's new Artouste turbine with a gearbox adapted trom the Skorsky S-55 to produce power for the Alouott. It flow for tho first timo im March 1955, and within three months the machine had set a new helicopter attitude record of 8209 m (28,925 f). Two years later an ‘Alouette raised the record to 10984 m (36,028 ft) ‘This altitude performance made the airerait a natural candidate for mountain rescues. ‘A Spacious and ‘elatvely wel equipped for rescue Work the Aleuotte I as fur a ready ‘martin bath eivland miltary services as 2 dopencabie reseu platform, 2 AérosratiaLe ALOUETTE II Equipped with alarge ampli ts examoto Alborne ambulance > od tissue wargings of faralanches to climbersin sunavers ae flown 9 Rost speci Tusoiage svetsnors ‘the mountains “4 Saving lives French hr Force Acoust hoists wp another rescued skier Despite thir miltary role the Alouettes ae ofan tasked with ‘rescuing Guitars in ites. A The search is on Pots o'ton lok fr tho surviorsthomenlves, oxpleiting the excelent visbity ram the Alovato™s cock Star performer Demonstrating the canabitive ofthe helioantr is hie ‘example, Hing a argo bakoen as par of a publeity ‘Stunt. Crews find the helcoptor 2 light fe Mh FACTS AND FIGURES “Tre Alouette Ist few on 12 March ‘Options avatae for the helicopter 1955; French ceruficaton on 2 May 1856 Include shi landing ger oats oF 8 eared the way for production. ‘wietod undercarriage. > Inthe rescue rol the Alouettes 2 420-kg (2144) capable host. > Many cvitan examploe operating tedoy. > Germany hes used the helicopter for more than 25 years without any crashes. Bocause ofthe shape ofthe fuselage the helicptar is known as bg-o7e AgnospaTiaLe ALOUETTE II PI High mountain rescuer ee Lae ee, ly aarcceiamominent srieiaitors) Rouehemne Mika pe Whe exe lee mtn : perciinuen (tesed net ic war eas Statin noenas he ae. Reems hase ern oan te ena Me Aimee” unten othe Mean en ans ce Seat! ee UIGOTRK “aclure curedion weed THA MREN RCE te Beene tinea aia Ft) , Pe ce, eer eee, Neeeeia ie perce eh mp eRe eh ee Mrorkcth within five minutes ofthat would net Fave been The op fs akendy reueved Tang the ebcoper had reachable Ly any her means. cline frm th on EEE TT The Geran amy his operate Alot or it oye ‘ore than 25 years for goeral des clang y ‘scouting ard ss « VP varepet. Now fang ‘Avion Faorrte: Heuorrens AEROSPATIALE ALOUETTE III © Alpine search and rescue © Unrivalled high-altitude performance igh in the Alps, the Alouette is a ‘quardian angel winds, snow, ice ar terrain to rescue these in trouble on Europe's high mountains. The highly successful Alouette Is found in dezens of nations performing hundreds of jobs. None have become better known than its dramatic meroy missions, which it carries out at great risk to the crew to save those in peri. ‘slows the Movoto It operate 26 n ‘tectiveroop transporter Tho Alouette ina also boen used n suppert of quick ‘4 A Mountain rescue ‘An Alovote of te French Secunte Civ Dicks up an inured skier rom a hgh ‘mountain top. Aouetes have carried a High performance Fed wit amore pewarfu stares XIV engin he SA 3198 has ‘Superb hinhralttude performance. Ths exams also cars ots for water-based operations, FACTS AND FIGURES In June 1960 an Aloueto I proved that it could operate at 4840 m (15,780 ft) on Mont Blane, Europe's highest mountain. “The frst flioht ofthe Alovete Il took place on 28 February 1950, (0n24 June 1972, an GA 2156 Lama (Alouette Haiframe and Hl engine) oat» ecord of 12442 my (10,829 Gon AérospaTiALe ALOUETTE ere tancing is impossible the exceptional vorsatile Abuotte an sill previde vital supotos, Using an extemal sing. Vintage gunsiip g) using As-17 rockets ara heavy cannen, tne ADuerto evelopment of hacer (unshps. The alowoe Servedin the warin Agere, ‘th French forces, ad also >> Alouettes also serve 2s lat transports, ‘gricutual liaison, observation ard Bhoto-mapping ater. > The Alouoto Il has an external sing for loads up to 780 kg (1,650 Ib) or 9 once holst which can if 175 ka 1400 > Indian Alouettes regularly operate i tho Hiralayae, the word's highest mountain Rotors to the rescue, Alpine style he Asroxpatae igh-akinide performance. Part I Sh SIO Alouene Ml, ef the eet forthe success of anafsctered by the urope’s best known helloper eoinpor day 38 fs de tothe Turbomée Burcortr, has been 3 Company. which asthe fist in Salar aiteraft altos from the world to develop ight etre Male This ins turbine aero enggnes, many superb On the heels ofthe exer Fring qualies, hut ne Is mone Aloe I, 1.808 of which serve Impressive tin the Alouetie’s around the globe, she Albuetie Te Netnconds army opertes woaporiss Alot is + ant! Ml unvsncanniace: the ‘Seeetiond tnserserane an Novo ar Takes in hp TL has reached oper rurbers exceeding (ery cat, the A seratle aiteraft and CSperators have use the Alouette Th for lishtartack and anti submarine dues, However i Tas become famous for ying. essing missions in mountain ranges the Werld ove -Fronch Alouettes have performed a variety ofjobs. As a iltary ight uty transport they have boen ropaced ‘by the Gazelle and Puna, bu! the Gendarmerie ‘centnuns to appreciate iis superb high-afttude Morescue vere: Traine 9 peonin cv thee Was tothe Renter srg ear lees wth norms Wath noe cmatcee = Siesta to paetraren aan by fe acunne AEROSPATIALE ALOUETTE ange: 0 Sy 75m) ‘Wodgis: snp 16319 @.840 8) ese Roe) Dinerslos: rox dame 1152 m 958 2m) Yong acs cc 10. eae) how -agnmon ion) Mogan 9538 C27) CCL 1 ‘Amanoy Facrete: HeucooTens AEROSPATIALE SA 321 Super FRELON © Hearyltt @ Anti-submarine wartare © Assault transport the Super Frelon was built with the assistance of Sikorsky. Used for ‘aezault traneport, anti-culomarine warfare and delivery to ships, the SA 321 was also Converted to tre Exocet missiles for Iraq in the war against Iran. More than 35 years after its first fight, the Super Frelon is stil inservice with the forces af China, France, leracl and Libya, mainly ae a utity and assault transport aircraft E Lurope's largest production helicopter, ‘A Although the arketin heavy helcapier was ominated by American art Soviet desons the '8A.21 achioved rotable export success. The aca want to war with sao frees 1973 the assaut transport rob, and has also toon ted to rescue French raw plot, 16 eas Submarine hunter b Eouipped with dion sonar and sureilarce radar. the Super Frolan was responsible for shiaboard an-submarne warfare a Stil in service Inner four decade of service, ‘Aéronavale Super Frelons now fy in alow-consplculty dark roy ‘colour scheme A Floating Freton ihe mary Siborsky designs the SyperFrelen coud lard on watet, bout only i he sea coraions wore extomay calm. Pick up ‘The Super Froton was used by tho Aéronavale for air-sea e800 Pacific deployment p> A small numbarof Super Froens ware deployed to France’: Pace ‘sland nicer test contre, FACTS AND FIGURES > iraq used Super Frelons, equipped with > In French naval service the Frelon equips ‘mera radar and AM3S Exoce! missiles, three unts: S3F and 208 at St Mandsier in and-shipping stikes against Iran ‘nd 32F based at Lanveoc. > Prediction of the Frelen continues in > The prototype toep- carrying Super ‘China, whare the typo is called the 2. Frolon fiat flew on 7 December 1062. > toraelre-engined eight ofits Super Frolons and sola them to Argentina, > Fronen Aeronavale Sa 3218 are uses {o refuel naval vessels tom the ar. Biggest of the ‘Eurocopters’ erg & 1962 and 1963, with the ive market Aeronuvale receiving the fist manated by Soviet andl Super Freon, equpped with 3 Torin GeSgrs, the Sper’ pork! Sylph survelance rida, vative ofthe hater ‘Heaned, This ical with nose mounted ne Exocel miss for Ht ant ship attck, andthe fequinment fora t Fa was elven fr foe sized helicopter wih E fue. The 2 inibe Super hucing the Transmission. and trnson nes few in Largely reieuistie thir SEES ‘sercnarae attough thas now gven ‘ra ari war Above: Mares ito extemal ‘except loreamautags, fo dstnuish the transport Super Felons fram {Mir mantne counterparts antisubmarine warfare ole The Supt Freon Was exported 0 Ia helsinor vartat, the 9A was alo prowiiced tut widely sed AEROSPATIALE SA 321 SUPER FRELON Boow: A total of 99 Frnch-but Super Folens were proaucod. The type also flow as 2 fre-ighter and hottinge ‘Amaiow FacreLe: HeucoTens AEROSPATIALE (WESTLAND) SA330 PumMaA © Al-woathor transport PHOTO FILE AEROSPATIALE (WesTLAND) SA 330 Puma = “4 Stil in active service France deployed Pumas tothe former Yugostava for use by the UN. This example tes sol-protection fares. copter © Gulf and Bosnia veteran Yin stes fiatangaciobe oe | svacton maces 4 Say aaah! ‘APuma vl tthe noid or @ 6-5 Galary—oneo fs rotors have doen rorored, Tis RAF Puma it ] 4 Oilfield support | eee fou ee 4 Early prototype The 842904 prototype frat ew in 1965. Thi is the Ath of eight prototypes craved Mame 1963. ln 1968 tre Iact af thie bath was dlvored tothe UK for evaluation. tillding on its experience with the earlier, larger Super Frelon, Sud Aviation (later Aérospatial) the French army's FACTS AND FIGURES ‘medium transport hncgetamslemmemmecny meses France and later Briain ordered sizeable peepee ge _ fleets. Civil operators, too, found uses for 1 Despite their advancing yoo > sasmabne aud a rie wi Pe sass SiR eh oaoes Tove es what wae to be the fret all-westhor ‘Bumas ar sll widlyusod by ta worlds wes ouenh eiepuna sone Naira piarete pare hellopter fo the Woot. Mltny and eh parce ea rnin ream > inthe 1982Fakinds War Argentina used > Romanian Pumas hav bosn armed with exports have flourished and the Puma is ‘iarypes took part in th Fest Gu Vl Pumas to move radars rom ate to ste M4 (ATO) antitank miedo. In production almost 39 years later. I ————————————— ne Aénospatiate (Westtanp) SA 330 Puma SA330L Puma | tT roach Crciobatletd | ap dun nor her uve 12974" 28° | pagar we 17557588) 71590, ut was revved terse een ‘pration Desert Storm Te ston was Sure aboard «Para First all-weather Western chopper took place in 1909, the re be pron the fall ‘Above: The UK. Dotonee Research Agency at RAE Beecombe ‘Down operated thie Puma HC.Atk for over! years. The SA 0H is known tho French a ‘Sh soa. 15 was bases inthe Franch Caribbean ‘ih verse Transport Squadron No, 59 1965 eto 2 (298) Sl erwane aun semen) ee fees Pumas show their colors ROYAL Aik FORCE'SA 0 (PUMA HC.K ):xV2%0 MSH AIR CORPS SAON Te spe SA 30 used by he HM BELGIAN GENDAAWERIE SA 90H: Assoned to NATO Sa sr tonatesowlemetiateanard” Sram tensa gis eo re ‘Aviano Frome: Heucoerens AEROSPATIALE (WESTLAND) SA 342 GAZELLE © Missile-armed tank-killer @ Helicopter trainer @ ‘Fan-in-fn’ design cerving in attack, spotting oF training, duties, the Gazelle isa reliable and cost-effective helicopter. A natural successor to the Alouette, this tim fve= seater has much greater performance, ‘and no utilty-class rotorcraft looks more pleasing or porferms better. nt ‘esthetic appeal and superb handling for {ts pilot, he Gazelle is among the most versatile of helicopters, and has been widely ‘embraced by civian and military users. a Garetos to grat efectin the Gull War AEROSPATIALE (WesTLAND) SA 342 GAZELLE | ¥ Mountain Gazette Like it French bul predecessors, the Lama ard Acuete the Gazsle has great reaorve of power gving scion atitude abilty ‘and making popular wit sre mounainous ars, The Gasol Said seve ieptr apeodrecrdh te oy 197s adi ‘A.Geing tothe Gult French and British foreos and by ‘combat againat tran in the 1990 A Tonk-buster ‘Both French and Brith root mounted sighs. Out ‘whereas Bian machines folocatetrget for cer Garetes can make their wre quded misses and 4 Staying low tactic, and the Gases agiy With the Legion > avalos supported the het moving {gh units in the Cult, operating far > Te SA.3t0 protatype lew on 12 Api 1968 with tho kame engine > The glass-tbr rotor blades introduced by the Gazelle wore trst used in 1970. > Manutacture of the Gazelle Bogan with 3 ivicregisterod orcraft on 8 August 1971 Labanone Bata Valley in 1982 > The Gazeta can cary out oops and bar rots in capable hands. > The Serbs used Yusoslav-bull Gazoties in the Balkan cil war during the 1900s. Agnospariale (WesTLAND) SA 342 GAZELLE As tong asthe Gazello. ‘can ay ou of range of fxcatint ight seni Inhas fought tho Faklanes both Gut Wars ‘and in Bosnia ts ture this ole may be coming to anond ae air defence ‘anunsthaleaoters gets mere deadly. Fast mo the Gazelle rench ams are performing wih distinction ward, The finshed ik the wel ite and tna alike ithe Gazal reappeared in 1970 ten Uh Tmantoorckaneer 10807 (4.5) py enclased Genie eased ee world “cumpena a} rutrum efile ® beenter speed roids The a8 Eon bellown hy # single plot, upgraded SA 312 fr Rew eS Cee target for tunic TOW-onmed ree Ue —a a ‘Avuaron Facrrie: Heuooprens, AEROSPATIALE ALOuETTE II/LAMA ‘© Worlds first production turbine belicepter @ Worldwide success ‘osign work on the now famous | 2 ‘A Despre inarrage, the Alouette i1arel Lama soir on. nie Alouette procuction coated in 1975, the Lame was bultin Francs unt 1991 ad continses tobe produced i irc Cee AérospariaLe ALOUETTE II/LAMA Civil success story > Athough conceived as a miltaryhoticaptar the Aeuette Hand Lama ALama in the Alps ‘Both civian and miitary customers take advantage of the Lamas improved ‘hot andi perfomance. ‘A 'Blue Bees’ Belgium's Slee Boes'dsply toum was lamously equipped wth Alovetto i ‘A Strong, lightweight construction Anexposed talboom structure was !yplal of hoicoptrs ofthe 18405 and 1960s. This isa Beljian miltary SE 3138. ‘Training with the Heerestlieger > Germany cok delivery of 247 Aleut, ‘beginning in 1959. Arter more than S0years of service, the army continues f2 ‘operate abou 6) in the raining role FACTS AND FIGURES > On 21 June 1972 a Lama, withjust a plot > Licences to produce ths Aloueite If were ‘on board, set an absolute height record granted to Saab in Sweden and Republic {or halicopters of 12442 m (40,300 ft). In the US; few were bult, however > Hindustan Aeronautics in nia stil produce > Alouette ls ancl Lamas have served with the Lama itis knows the Cheat ‘more than 120 users nearly 0 courtres, > The Alouette was te fst foreign > in Bazi, Hetoras assembles Lams hlcopior to gain certiteation inthe US. the Gaviao, using Preach components, AgrospariaLe ALOUETTE I/LAMA Larks and Lamas from France ‘Above: Inthe itary roe, Aust it can bo fttod wih a wary of reokots, miles and guns. The machno caries SS11 arttark misle. ae produc a ei, he i =e “Himalaya _ Sd SE 313B ALoverte Above: Horna Lama demonstrate i billy Meaney it ovwight of an Slouetl rcur tawheh Sos S70 h mot. The Lama canbe FA ais ow of 9 SE 3198 md EON: tind Sa on ee bts fhre-baded tai oae ley yard we cae aera esc Sse Oates bapa 107s Spas binensons: faa aor ener 10.20 (98 in) ‘sdaje ung 070m 0 mp oot rami 8) rote de ; 70m (04 8) Coan Avurion Facraté: Heuceprens 1S Oat AS 332 SuPeR PuMA © Airtome workherse © Increased power ® Ciril operations established favourite with helicopter companies specialising in the support of offshore oil exploration and production, the Super Puma, alona with its Cougar military variant, has also won ordero from many other companies and agencies for a wide variety of applications. ‘They range from VIP transport to the support of UN peace-keeping forces in the world's troublespots. The type is readily adaptable for a whole host of other tasks, Py ‘A Hovirg already developed 2 ighiy ‘capable transport helcoptor withthe Puma, ‘Aerospatiae proposed a model with ‘nereased power ard cabin volume. roa AerospatiaLe AS ‘Y Overseas service Te increase sarety during ong overwator igh, the Super Puma can be ted wy fenoigency fotan bags around the nose, ‘This example operates rom retin Tho AS 232 was developed tom the ‘suceoeshl 6A 39, ‘son demonstrating ‘ro-ighting equipment V Advanced design Aérespatalo was abo design. Ona of heoe twos the ure of gle A Increased volume Tho tergo fuselage ofthe Super Puma ie twident in this view of an AS 2220 Ming off trom a srowy landscape ier | soon tre Super Puma erployed es n tho industry Bra fasted to allow tne pibt to ‘monitor ho load. 4 Added strength Aninerease ower along with file: FACTS AND FIGURES > The fir fight of te AS 382Super Puma > Inthe event of a mishap, the Super Pume, was on 13 September 1978, Service entry is abo to land on water because ofthe ‘Scourred in 1861 fiting of emergoncy flotation bags. > Civitan Super Pumas have the capacity > One variant, the AS 2021, hos move then transports for oll exploration support. Aérospatiale’s super workhorse ‘Arve: Taking te ais the prototype Super Pumas the SE" hlcopte is ionifiable by ts prominent vertra ‘ight: An increase nthe nose volume ofthe Super Puma thas alowed the typo fo be itd wih a weather radar Agnospariate AS 332 Super Puma iam ean ah ninco cactuea 19.,0m 5020 ico il age oar rt tira uneaiae. ecae. crrg wter mens Avarion Facrru: Heuicoprens AEROSPATIALE AS 350 ECUREUIL w news © On-the-spot sews @ Rapid response @ Economical and reliable iceman i= aor eee ee Sie cece Serpe iret eee. ‘A. Wan its ample cabin space ‘he Ecureul makes a pertect camera platform. This was recognises by ‘Aérospaiae, which offered a TVcamera instalation as standard equipment. on Pron AcrospaTiALe AS 350 ECUREUIL w news Y camera system Yen nay equippes, ror te Space avauabie mse the Eur, ausTy an in America, where Bel and MeDonnel! Douglas helicopters have tradtionally been favoured, he AS 950 has been popula 4 UK nowscasting ‘This much-moded, smarty painted Tein Squire! Js operated by ITM JetRanger on alr > Many thor ight holsopters are used for TVeltes, nelucing the Bel JetParger Chicago bulletin WLS-TY. The halzoptr also high-rate bit fo! for FACTS AND FIGURES > A Textron Lycoming-engined version > An uprated electrical system on the ‘of the Ecureul is marketed in North Eoureull2 makes it particulary suted ‘Amorica as the Astor te the TV reperting role. > By 1 Moreh 1900 Eoweulls and Asters «> Apert rom its win engines, the AS 095 swore Syfng in 49 countvion, Eouroull 2s simile tothe AS 250, > Most > The Ecurul is stil in procuction, and from therma-formed pl Is now built by Eurocopter Going live with the Ecureuil Agnospariate AS 350 Ecureutt - tv News: ‘Above: Some TV broadcasters use ther holcopters aa relays fr signe varamitted trem the ‘Above: Tiss ITN ASOS5F-1 in action. A special seat ‘iratated to slow th cama opersto to workin saety ‘rom the open door. ‘Ths aera centans specalst camer ad warsmting ‘cqupmant longing Meepandent Teton Rew a oa me igs: enety 12 9 2.40: moar tmeorarag asso ‘Aecemotation: pot a up v0 assonger CIE ‘Avuaron Facrmne: HetcorTeRs AGUSTA A 109 HirRUNDO © Air taxi © Military transport @ Ant-tank attack ‘yl \ ti il a ~~ idely recognised as one of the ‘most gracetul and attractive helicopters ever built, the Agusta {A109 Hirundo has sold well in both evi and military markets. Since 1971 the Hirundo hes performed superbly as a light passenger anspor freighter, ar ‘a Agusta 108 are often ston ambulance, law-enforcement craft and sestng among Now Yorsshseaper. search-and-rescue ship. In its military guise, ‘Whether foryng top excerves or the A 109A is employed for ant-tank attack, a"orming law-enforcement dts the reconnaissance and electronic warfare. SEPT RAM 8 ‘V Hot and high Designed for operations in ai ‘mountains regions, the ® 109K ‘nai, ct fitre and improved ‘uionics giving it the cra to Surv in harsh coneitons Alpine rescue The A 109 can ‘be fited with ss and used inthe Abs asan ‘ar anbuince, ‘evacuating victims ‘favelanches or Shing accidents. began in 1975. captured during the 1862 Fatcards War ‘ond were used by the Sits. Acusta A 109 HiRUNDO FACTS AND FIGURES > The first of three cil A 109 prototypes ‘made fs int fight on ¢ August 1971. > Dotivrios ofthe frst production A 1098 > In 1961 the chi model was red ‘AOOAMk I refacting changes in ‘wanimission and othor features. The A 108C ie 9 ‘wide-body’ version with > The Belgian army uses A 1095 for ‘scouting and ant-armour cuts. 4 Maritime missions Fite with searchigh', oats and a 260° radar, tho A 100 an ht a number of Coastal patrol and ant-ohie dia, A Spy launcher An unssual se ofthe A 109s reconnaissance cranes. These ‘ean spy an enemy postions using A Flying ambulance The A 108's canacious cabin is feal for casualty rescue, The ‘orsatie hefcepter can ferry to stretcher cases plus toe tendons to hospi ignated Agusta’s best- selling machine ough August has Aausta A 109 Hinunco ‘tan wraaioon of proccingaicratt wit sleek, grace nes and ‘excelent performance. However, the tana rele anc ‘airabe, making idea obo ‘are itary rates. Ato: A modified A 100 vas used as Bosing's Advanced hetorraf Techroloay Integration (AT) eave. The plo! ‘was situated the poscenger cabin andl had no external ‘ew he used the cameras onthe nose tf the area. EIT ‘Avaron Facue: Heucorrens base Acusta A129 MANGUSTA Y-A129 International A129 Manecusta carga eee © European attack helicopter @ Advanced systems @ Highly versatile a Poised for attack ‘Agusta chose tre classic artack hrelcoptorayout ofa slender fuselage anc stub wings for Five prototypes were uit, ef which this i the | Fg pine YY Ani-tank mission ight TOW misses h Iaurchers on he outboard pylons. plus itor seven. or 16reund rooket A Testing Mangustas The ret and eocond prottypos ar coon Mt Ithough originally based on the A109A, the Mangusta eventually emerged as an al-new design, The result is FACTS AND FIGURES Europe's fret dodicatod all-weather day/night combat helicopter - @ machine that can can bate aes ante me on oekewe. am a ny Iaidinthemidbrbe bu oink aerator) machine-gun ay be ied bt ‘a wide range of weapons, withstand hits trom ‘ed not fy ont 1 Seotamber 198. ‘Prot usd by the taka ry. 12.7-mm (50-calibe) or even 23-mm shells a Fulyintopatnd avorcs.« $ eeipemine ee aayel > te ash an Dut anni Doug tne and operate for up to 90 minutes at a time Cempratensve range of compatible Pisoni ieee ial any moa cicry St ni porate oamanpeee Bi atos piss soe tin oo bons vere steapone anda resh-strvable tram ie aatan nase > Ajein European project known as Tol, > tran has shown interest n ordering base. The Italian army operates the Manguste sor pedrraec awit ‘was to have been based on the A129. ‘an export version. attack and battlefield haleapter its primary anti-tank system. sa 2 Aausta A129 Manausra Italian anti-armour system ‘Mangusta demonstrates tro helicopters revised nose contours Aight Athougt aly armod, tho s0cond prototype dd rot ropresont tho final production standard HOITOW sight above th rose ‘A129 Mancusta Fisnocin ha Ratan army manangs and were (Bs) ec aes BEER ae Agustas Fron 0 38 th AE wa Bi p21 GRIFFON: Agta tas dorapa an ‘Avusron Fucrrut: Heucorrens AB.212ASW © Licence-builtHalian sub-hunter © Ten operators worldwide BB inirrer seen ees ame to produc the ABZ12 the equirent ofa tit-engined Felons Te halen company Agusta trae son, however in racoging he Fotentiat tthe srt oo» gh cecceeta and afecve atretimarine Sra ant-surface west platform. fgusin werk on taba! noms F100 a8 212XSW htop 2 nn s0 exams, tt AD.21245W i haly's print naval hecopte& serves aboard akan trates Sstmarine and art-stippig ots. PHOTO FILE Acusta-Bet. AB.212ASW ‘Y Early production Agua ul the fot 12 0f 60 AB.212ASHs for the taka nary ecuieped ‘with MEL ARI-S9SS search rade cased in a dante domed radon ‘A Sub-hunting sonser The AB.212A5W ts able 10 operate om decks previously used by the wes > Two torpedoes oF depth charges are > Inthe search and rescue role, the available for submarine attacks AB212ASW can carry four stretchers. > For uly operations @ 27049 (6.00015) > The engine Ie protected ogainat salt wala Italian maritime striker Mees” The Gav, he outset and a fate ASW eepipm jeeaet hat, tania machi ‘lord in 197 against shipping APTS ‘neuen sea gry caroctioge scheme. Daya range pacten are aso ape! wa a © vy, Sul fing Prenat supped S12 maslen The delivery air ling Nesiy > explo Spank ars Tish and 7 South Atrios, Pen Nemes benght the sic have Bae edd LesamaSAi ca al 1S ‘Above: The AB 212 can abo provide mid-courseguidanco Ccomections (va a Teseo TO-2 tank under the nose) for (OTD Molara TOMAT 2ant-sip mssies usod by tho lan nary Loft: The Terkieh oary bought 12 AB-272ASe, “mate-ches figates ‘Those are fted with Erish-built Se Spray ‘dar and San Skin ‘istosurincn mises conan nc « bahy Acusta-BeLt AB.212ASW Dimensions: “manta sane 1409 me fan vag at assm(en on) anrotr dic aea 1000. (100939 #) PTT Avarion Facrrue: Heuicoprens. Pea Sg Sa04 AS-61 © Utility telicopter @ Anti-ship missiles @ Rescue missions ‘usta started to build Sikorsky's Model A 61 ~ equivalent to the US Navy's $H-3D ‘Sea King ~for the Italian navy in 1967. Whole series of specialized miltary and civil variants followed, end the HH-2F, operated by the lalian airforce as the $-51R Pelican, was stillin production 30 years later. Other S-61s hhave been exported and license-bult for military and civil operators in Europe, the Middle East, ‘Asia and Latin America. A. Despite its 1950s design, the Sea ‘King looks set to cortinse operating wi various navies across the word on Arv-submarin ans roseve ditis. eas ‘A.Looking down A ademe mounted on the ower fuselage ‘A AlLwoather capability Thi Raion examplo as s nose. mounted search ractarto asi Vitlome grown The taian company Augusta fo tls tho Sea King Packing away TWallow the holicoetr to operate trom hip. tha rotors fold own alengsice the ‘selage for storage Bo ss oes Civil operators b Fotiable and reomy. an enlarged vorsion cf the S51 has foun a wolcome ell market. §-S1s ae often isd as air tans for offshore oi oats. FACTS AND FIGURES > The S61 dosignaton appfos to export > For anti-ship operations, the Sea King cal versions of the Ant-Submarinos-Warare carry two Exocet mill, which have a Sea King ‘ange of up to 145 km (0 mies) > The fest fight ofthe heleopier was on, ‘The holicoptor i capable of landing an > mauprani also putes the $61 under A Britsh owitS-51N bs used inte Italian-built king of the sea Aausta-Sikorsky AS-61 {Beiw: The boat-tke design ofthe $-61 ‘sclear ints view, as are the vo outer sporsons designed 0 heep the hnecopter upright inthe erent of & Above: Often fown as. rarsport hetcopter, te AS-61 is aso capable of stocking enery shi with mises. ses0m 062m) fotr carer Lcuniwione) games) owe ‘Sa m6 Gin} Wan toric aren 20050 01388 Baus ery SE enn vant Recor ga hehe aan ce tout eden mace 2 tay Sua Amano Faerru: Hevoorens Ue) ROOIVALK © South African design @ Attack helicopter Highly manoeuvrable > A oowalk win 273 arararmour missiles Shows tat can st ‘bo very apie inthe ‘paren area win up 10 2000 ig Cemsjorweapors | Battlefield support Upto 16 27-4 laser-guided or lecto-optca ‘Crash protection forget ant-tank meses can 0 earned bythe Fe The cockpits are sina, having heec-up These can be fred wf & km (3 miles) trem the plays (dbs) ith night nin compatioly, Cresh-worty stuctur, protected aystores and energy absorbing seat ge crow big crash survivaby, ‘W Fast attack Wit ep speed of ovr 200 kmh (185 mish) anda top climb rate oF 670 my (2.200 rpm, por minut, the Rodivalk can veld detctien during an attack thanks 12 1s ow radar snd intra.redegrature ‘Gperatng away trom ts home base, the Foot an be ely changed oor ation, the Rooivalk or ‘Red ‘an advanced armed attack helicopter. It can be deployed in support of highty mobile ground forsee, in the anti-armour, deep penetration, close air suppor, reconnaissance and helicopter ‘Alpha and XTP-2 Bota tos arcraf- A.A tll armed Rohl carves Rosia use sore leer fh tom lh cone ays escort roles. A20-mm high-speed cannon is "aC Catron’ mass pods of So Accnastaaheees | naan aoe carried in the nose turret and an assortment. 68-mm unguided rockets, enclosed four. Sutncce nm > First town on 1 Ftrunry 1200, tho > The Roots esgned to operat t and other ordnance may be eee ona entered sorvicn fate 1006. val de 0) nd ah carried on the stud wings. Py

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