Pilihan Tempat Praktikal

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Host organisation: Ateneo Innovation Center (AIC)

Host organisation: Centre for Environment and

Development (CED)

Host organisation: Cameroon Wildlife Conservation

Society (CWCS)
Host organisation: City of Sanctuary (Sheffield)
Host organisation: Development Education Centre
South Yorkshire (DECSY)
Host organisation: Development Initiatives Ltd
Host organisation: Dig Deep (Africa)
Host organisation: Green Tara Nepal
Host organisation: International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Host organisation: International Land Coalition
Host organisation: Jali Organic
Host organisations: Kilimanjaro Environmental
Development Association (KEDA) and Community
Economic Development and Empowerment (CEDE)
Host organisation: Kids Club Kampala
Host organisation: KwaAfrica
Host organisation: The Light and Leadership
Initiative (LLI)
Host organisation: Otra Cosa Network
Host organisation: PHASE Nepal
Host organisation: Princess Taghrid Institute for
Arts & Handicraft Development
Host organisation: Sense International
Host organisation: SolidarMed
Host organisation: Straight Talk Foundation

Host organisation: Teach a Man to Fish

Host organisation: Towers of Hope
Host organisation: University of Makeni (UNIMAK)

Host organisation: Village Aid

Host organisation: World Conservation Monitoring
Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
Host organisation: Yeryuzu Doktolari (Doctors
The organisations: FAREM (Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of the National Autonomous University of Managua) and

Location/country: Quezon City (Manila) and San

Pablo, Philippines

Location/country: Yaounde, Cameroon

Location/country: Yaounde and field locations,

Location/country: Sheffield, UK
Location/country: Sheffield, UK
Location/country: Bristol, UK
Location/country: Sheffield, UK
Location/country: Kathmandu District or
Nawalparasi District, Nepal
Location/country: Rome, Italy
Location/country: Rome, Italy
Location/country: Bussi Island, Uganda.
Location/country: Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

Location/country: Kampala and nearby rural areas,

Location/country: London, UK and Kadama, Uganda
Location/country: Lima, Peru
Location/country: Huanchaco, near Trujillo, Peru
Location/country: Kathmandu and rural areas,
Location/country: Amman, Jordan
Location/country: London, UK
Location/country: Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania,
Location/country: Kampala, Uganda

Location/country: London, UK
Location/country: Bloemfontein, South Africa
Location/country: Makeni, Sierra Leone

Location/country: Bakewell, Derbyshire, UK

Location/country: Cambridge, UK
Location/country: Istanbul, Turkey
Location/country: Estel, Nicaragua

Website: www.admu.edu.ph/ls/sose/ateneoinnovation-center/ateneo-innovation-center

Number of places: 2

Website: www.cedcameroun.org (French) See

also: www.forestpeoples.org/partners/centrepour-l-environnement-et-le-developpement-ced
Website: www.cwcs-cameroon.org

Number of places: 2

Website: www.cityofsanctuary.org/sheffield
Website: www.decsy.org.uk

Number of places: 1 or 2
Number of places: 2

Website: www.devinit.org
Website: www.digdeep.org.uk
Website: http://greentara.org.np

Number of places: 2
Number of places: 1
Number of places : Up to 4

Website: www.ifad.org

Number of places : 1

Website: www.landcoalition.org

Number of places : 1

Website: http://www.jaliorganic.com

Number of places: Up to 4

Website: http://kilimanjarocharity.org

Number of places: Up to 4

Website: http://kidsclubkampala.org

Number of places: 2

Website: www.kwaafrica.org
Website: www.lightandleadership.org

Number of places: 2 in
London, 2 in Uganda
Number of places: 2

Website: www.otracosa.org

Number of places: Up to 4

Website: http://phasenepal.org See also:

Website: www.pti-jo.com

Number of places: 2

Website: www.senseinternational.org.uk
Website: www.solidarmed.ch/en

Number of places: 1
Number of places: Up to 8

Website: www.straighttalkfoundation.org

Number of places: 2

Number of places: Up to 4

Number of places: 2

Website: www.teachamantofish.org.uk
Website: www. towersofhope.org

Number of places: 1
Number of places: 2
Number of places: 2

Website: www.villageaid.org
Website: www.unep-wcmc.org

Number of places: 2
Number of places: 1

Website: www.yyd.org.tr/en

Number of places: 2

Website: www.farem.unan.edu.ni www.sheffieldestelisociety.org.uk

Number of places: 2

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