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KAPAP (Hebrew: ", )"is an acronym for
Krav Panim el Panim, translated as "face to face
combat", is a close quarter battle system of
defensive tactics, hand-to-hand combat and self


1 History
1.1 Main contributors
1.2 Training
2 Modern-day system

British colonial soldiers practicing stick fighting in India



Country of



Bare knuckle boxing, Greco Roman

3 KAPAP Europe

wrestling, knife fighting, judo,

4 KAPAP Asia

jujutsu, British and Indian stick

5 See also


6 References
7 Sources




8 External links

The KAPAP system was developed in the late 1930s, within the Jewish Aliyah camps (ma-a-not
Olim) as part of preparatory training before their arrival in the British Mandate of Palestine. The
Palmach and Haganah used KAPAP as an ongoing combat development program for their recruits.
It was primarily considered a practical skill set that was acquired during the training period of the
Palmach and Haganah fighters. The main focus was to upgrade the physical endurance, elevate and
strengthen the spirit, developing a defensive and offensive skill set. It included physical training and
endurance, cold weapon practical usage, boxing, judo, jujutsu, karate and knife and stick fighting.
In the early 1950s the term KAPAP was used interchangeably with the term Krav Maga as elements
of the syllabus altered. By the time the 1960s came, the term was used only within certain units who
needed more than basic training in Krav Maga such as Unit 216, Sayeret Matkal (Ariel Sharon also
served in this unit). Special units required skill sets that suited their function. Units such as
non-military police special units like Yamam require more than striking and neutralization in their
skillsets. It should also be noted that not all Special Forces fall under the IDF (Israeli Defense
Forces). Modern KAPAP has evolved in units such as these and also at Lotar (Israel's school of

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Main contributors
Gershon Kopler: judo and jujutsu Instructor who organized and established the self-defense
concept as part of the KAPAP training in the Palmach and Haganah.
Yehuda Marcus: Palmach's physical training judo and jujitsu chief Instructor, who replaced
Gershon Kopler;
Moshe Finkel: Palmach's fitness training officer, integrated the different typologies of the art
into the training regime.
Yitzhak Sade: Palmach's commander who adopted the KAPAP training into the regiment.
Maishel Horovitz: Palmach's official KAPAP Instructor, was in charge of the development of
the short stick fight tactics at the Palmach and made it famous to the term KAPAP. Maishel
Horowitz died in December 2009.[1]
In the 1930s, as a leader of the youth movement "Mhanot Haolim", Horovitz faced a problem of
dealing with British policemen armed with clubs. It was for this purpose that together with fellow
members of the youth movement he developed the short stick fighting method. Horovitz's method
became one of the main components of hand to hand combat training for all Haganah. Horovitz had
made a major contribution to the development of KAPAP. According to the historian Noah Gross,
Horovitz did not even know that such a thing as Krav Maga existed or that his stick fighting system
was taught to soldiers as late as 1959. The short stick method became most popular by use, due to the
adaptation of the young generation of recruits. Among the sticks used in the KAPAP fighting, the
short stick was most commonly used and therefore practiced. It was favored due to its concealability
in the sleeve until the actual fight began (Mle) on the streets.
Lieutenant Colonel (Res) Chaim Pe'er is the President and founder of the International KAPAP
Federation. He is recognized internationally as a Soke founder of the modern KAPAP system.

The KAPAP method was and still is based on principles and not techniques.

Modern-day system
KAPAP is a term used today to differentiate itself from the many Krav Maga schools around the
world. Lt. Col. (Res) Chaim Pe'er[2] of Unit 216, Sayeret Matkal heads the International KAPAP
Federation. Major Avi Nardia (Unit 216 Sayeret Matkal and Yamam Hand to Hand Combat
instructor) developed many of the techniques now seen in modern Krav Maga, very specifically
many of the gun disarms which were not in historical KAPAP and therefore Krav Maga.
Modern KAPAP highly evolved from its historical counterpart and advances many of its concepts so
that modern-day operational men and women can remain safe in the line of duty and so that civilians
can defend against modern threats.
Historical KAPAP is not Krav Maga, yet its roots can clearly be seen in historical KAPAP. Modern
KAPAP has evolved further, as have other Israeli systems under men like Dennis Hanover.[3] Krav
Maga has by commercialisation become the most well known Israeli martial art, but it has never
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been the only martial art. Where training requires a unit do a different and specialised job, training
must be bent to suit its needs.
Youth movements in Israel, like HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed also practice KAPAP to remember the
connection between the youth movement and the defense forces.

KAPAP Europe
KAPAP Europe is organized and headed by KAPAP Level 4 instructors, Sam Markey and William
Paardekooper. Sam and William are the highest-ranking member of the International KAPAP
Federation in Europe. Markey holds monthly seminars in the United Kingdom to train and develop
the European KAPAP Instructor Team and William holds courses in mainland Europe.
Sam Markey met Avi Nardia in the USA. He introduced KAPAP to the United Kingdom and he was
the first person authorized by Major Avi Nardia and Lt. Col. Chaim Pe'er to open an authorized
KAPAP training center.

KAPAP Federation Asia is headed by Master Teo Yew Chye (KAPAP Level 3 Instructor) and his
training team on behalf of Major Avi Nardia and Lt. Col. Chaim Pe'er.

See also
Krav Maga
Sayeret Matkal (Special Forces Unit of Lt. Co. Chaim Pe'er, Head of the International KAPAP
Yamam (Special Forces Police Unit)

1. ^ KAPAP Worcester (
KAPAP Worcester (2010-05-26). Retrieved on 2011-12-17.
2. ^ Martial Arts Biography - Lt. Colonel Chaim Peer (
/uba-biographies/uba-biography-chaim-peer.htm). Retrieved on 2011-12-17.
3. ^ Dr. Dennis Hanover ( (2009-12-28). Retrieved on 2011-12-17.

Palmach online Museum (
Historical Kapap site (
History of Lotar/Kapap (
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Israel connection (
The Walking Stick in Mandatory Palestine and Israel (
Inside Israel ( Article by Black Belt Magazine

External links
International KAPAP Federation ( (
International KAPAP Union (
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Categories: Israeli martial arts
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