Tutorial 2

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Tutorial questions

1. The author of the above article notes that the development groups
were isolated from one another - one group was doing analysis, one
group was doing software design and a separate group was doing
Why would this arrangement be a recipe for disaster?
= It would be a recipe for disaster due to the groups being seperated
and not being able to share any information or express opinions
towards each other to avoid messing up the final product of their
development. For example, if the group doing analysis was progressing
slower than the group doing software design, then there would be a
clash of missing analysis done in order for the software design to be
better. Another example is that the group doing implementation would
have to rely on the finished progress of the other group doing the
software design in order for them to proceed to the implementation of
their developing product.
2. The author also quotes the Standish Report stating the statistics
demonstrate that the larger the budget and the bigger the team, the
more likely the project is to fail1. Nine out of ten large projects
experience severe problems. With regard to software development
projects, bigger is almost never better.
Why do you think that large projects with big budgets are more likely
to fail?
= The larger the projects and budgets that have many a lot of
contraints and requirements to do and make it looks more complicated.
Big projects means need more times like many years to implement
from zero , small mistake might corrupt entire projects and have to
solve the problem.

3. The author mentions both incremental development and iterative

development within the case study.
a. Explain both of these terms
b. Why would the approach taken to incremental and iterative
development described in the case study contribute to the project
3a )
Iterative and Incremental development is any combination of both
iterative design or iterative method and incremental build model for
software development. The
combination is of long standing and has
been widely suggested for large development
Because the project management are lacking of good planning and
design. Moreover, they needs a clear and complete definition of the
whole system before it can be broken down and built incrementally.

4. The case study tells us that: Testing appeared to be non-existent

developers tested their own code but not part of an integrated testing
Why is this flagged as a problem? What would be a more effective way
of testing within a development environment?
= Testing is very important phase during the system development. The
phase of development should work simultaneously with testing when
develop the system. This will successfully completed when in
implementation phase. After develop one of the functional
requirements of the system, the test case for testing phase should
produce. When finished the integrated system development, the
integrated system testing should completely done in order to
implement the system to the customer.

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