Discipleship Training - Identity

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Discipleship Training

I. The Importance Of Christian Discipleship


Whats the goal of the Church? I believe that Jesus revealed His
overarching strategy in Matthew 28:19-20. In this pivotal passage,
He declared,
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you.
So, as Christians were not specifically out to manufacture Bible
scholars, singers, or even church attenders. Dont get me wrong.
These kinds actions are vital for the growth of the Church, but, by
themselves, they fall short of the goal. Jesus is telling us the goal
is to make disciples, plain and simple. When we begin to truly
develop disciples, then we will get everything else that we need.
So, what is a disciple?

J.D. King was powerfully

impacted by the ministry of Steve
Gray in early 1996 as the revival
broke in his congregation in
Smithton Missouri. He was
forever changed through the
preaching and prayer he

The term "disciple" comes from the Greek word mathetes, which
means a pupil or an apprentice to a master craftsman. It refers to
one who is a learner and an adherent of truth. While there are
diverse perspectives on what a disciple is; most agree on the

Joining Grays ministry in 1999,

King has worked in a number of
capacities in World Revival
Church including: youth
ministries, evangelism biblical
teaching and pastoral care.

A disciple may be described as a well-grounded individual in a

dynamic, growing relationship with Jesus and His Church. They
are people - not only finding their place in Christian community and growing in Gods Word; they are also learning to express faith
with boldness and determination. A disciple is a believer learning
to express the will of Jesus in the earth.

King has also served as the

International Director of World
Revival Network of Ministries, an
organization providing resource
and leadership development for
Spirit-led ministries.

We are all being invited to enter into the challenging process of


J.D. can be reached by email at:

jdking@wrckc.com or at the
offices of World Revival Network

II. Introduction To The Discipleship Training Course

Over the following
sessions, the
foundations of Christian
discipleship will be
explored. Throughout
these teachings, the
importance of identity,
association, and
engagement will be
discussed. While the
sessions obviously
arent comprehensive, they do provide an overview of essentials
for Spirit-filled believers.

Discipleship Is

This introductory training not only helps individuals clarify their

relationships with Jesus and the Church, it also spurs them to grow
in the works of the Holy Spirit; faithfully advancing Gods Kingdom
in the earth. Sessions will explore who we are, where we belong,
and what we are to do. Understanding and applying this three-fold
reality is fundamentally what discipleship is all about.
Admittedly, this kind of teaching sometimes gets hindered in
impact. This is due to minimal relational engagement, time
constraints, and limited opportunities for practical application. I've
found that participants can also be lax in reflecting on the
scriptures and relevant points after the sessions. This keeps them
from internalizing what is being taught or finding ways to personally
engage in the principles.
In many ways this is exasperated by the fact that class is being
presented, in part, to an international audience - through the
Internet. This creates a greater sense of "distance."
So, throughout the training, "exercises" and other outside activities
are recommended. Participants will find some of these action
points presented in the sidebars of the teaching notes and others
referenced by the instructor during the sessions. Please make
every effort to engage these activities. If one truly wants to
experience growth, then indifference must be avoided at all costs.
Everyone should feel free to press into the training materials on
their own and discover new ways to apply what is being taught.

A. Introduction To Classes

Lecture One Who Are You?

The first session - not only provides a basic course
introduction, it also lays out the importance of
salvation, identity, and becoming free from
darkness. Until one establishes who they are in
Christ - and experiences total deliverance,

Jesus declared the following

about discipleship,
A disciple is not above his
teacher, but everyone who
is perfectly trained will be
like his teacher. (Luke
Here one sees, in the
classic Jewish
understanding, that
discipleship is replication. It
is when the student
becomes just like his or her
We are now being called to
follow after Jesus and
replicate His way of life.

maturity will be allusive. While portions of this

session could appear remedial to some, we believe
its helpful to engage every portion of this curriculum.
Its hard to build a context for effective discipleship
when participants are unwilling to find a common
starting point. Getting everyone in the same place
with Jesus will really enable us to move forward.

ii. Lecture Two Where Do You Belong?

The second session penetrates deeper; moving
beyond individual concerns to reveal the significance
of community. God always intended for His people to
be interconnected. However, we are not only
learning to be "group-minded," but to also recognize
spheres of authority emanating from God. Believers,
growing in the things of the Kingdom, must learn to
truly honor others and live mutually submitted lives.
We were designed to live and move within the love
and responsibility of an extended family;
recognizing fathers, and functioning as honorable
siblings. While our culture often obsesses over the
individual, Scripture encourages group or tribal
identity. To truly become a discipled people, the
reality of what the Church is all about must be

iii. Lecture Three- What Do You Do?

In this final session, we'll complete our exploration of
discipleship. Our goal is to not only provide an
adequate conclusion to this study but to also
emphasize individual and corporate responsibility. It
is not enough to be rightly related to God and to be
rightly positioned within the Church. We have also
been called to express the wisdom, wonders, and
works of the Kingdom. Christians are to produce fruit
and faithfully reflect the righteousness of God in the
earth. We are called to carefully listen and respond
to the voice of God; doing the works that Jesus did.
Believers are to express the works of the Holy Spirit
in diverse ways and expressions.
It is hoped that you will benefit from these teachings and grow in
your understanding of the ways of Jesus.

Effective discipleship is not

just participating in Bible
studies or memorizing
doctrinal truths. Both of
those exercises provide
real value. Yet, discipleship
is about knowing, feeling,
doing, and engaging.
Obviously it is difficult to
facilitate all of these
engagement points in
these lessons. Yet, I want
to invite you to press in
deeper. Find more of what
God is speaking to you
As you work through each
of these lectures, it is
important to ask pointed
questions and explore
innovative ways for
personal application. If you
are not willing to do the
hard work of personal
development, you will not
be positioned for growth.

Lecture One - Identity


To talk about
discipleship is
to clarify ones
relationship and
identity with God.
Even though
many people
faithfully attend
church - and
even serve,
many have not
established a
healthy identity
in their Heavenly Father. To say it another way they are
religious, but arent truly saved. Dont get me wrong, they may
have some affinity for Jesus and His Church, but they arent truly
sons of the Most High God.
I expect some that are listening to this today fall into this category.
You may push back against this suggestion. I get it. Most dont
want to see themselves away from God. Yet, many dont really
have a loving, life-giving, relationship with the Heavenly Father. I
dont say that to judge, I say it to clarify a great need and
opportunity. I want to invite all who are listening to this session to
step into their rightful places as sons and daughters.
Yet, there are also sons and daughters who dont know what it
truly means to live and function as one who is rightly related to
God. In this session I also want to invite those men and women to
rise up in their identity and find their place in the family of God. If
we are the children of God, we cannot keep living as if we were
orphans. There is so much more than what many Christians have

II. God As A Father

One could
certainly use a
number of
metaphors to
describe the
nature and
attributes of God.
For example, the
Lord is depicted,
in Scripture, as
both a husband (Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 31:32, Hosea 2:16) and a
King (Psalm 47:7, 1 Timothy 6:15-16). Either metaphor reveals
important aspects of who God is and how He operates.

Key Relationships
Relationships matter. They
affect our lives in a number
of different ways. Why dont
you consider a few of the
key relationships that have
affected your life whether
they are good or bad? Then
write down a few of their
names of these people on
the lines below?


How has your personal

identity and sense of
purpose been affected by
these people. Is Jesus one
of the names that you wrote
down on this list? If not,

Yet, one of the most deeply moving biblical depictions Ive found is
that of a father. While one could easily use the kingly metaphor or
other expressions, I find the image of Father preferable because it
reflects the deepest relationship and identity markers within
humanity. Through childhood experiences, people understand the
incredible power of fatherhood and family. Either you had a dad or
you didnt. And if you did, he was either good or bad. There is
something deeply primal about the notion of a father. It
reverberates in the very depths of our being.
Moreover, the Fatherhood of God is one of the most important
concepts in Scripture. While Fatherhood references are not as
strongly expressed in the Old Testament (presumably because of
the terms connection with pagan religions and some of the sexual
overtones associated with it), it is specifically used in a number of

He is your father, who made you his! (Deuteronomy 32:6)

But you are our Fatherour Redeemer from of old is your name.
(Isaiah 63:16)
Yet, O Lord, you are our Father... (Isaiah 64:8).
Have you not just called to me: My Father, my friend from my
youth. (Jeremiah 3:4).
I thought you would call me Father and not turn away from
following me (Jeremiah 3:19).
I will lead thembecause I am Israels father (Jeremiah 31:9).
A son honors his father... If I am a father, where is the honor due
me? (Malachi 1:6).
Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us
(Malachi 2:10).

There are also a number of passages where the term is not used,
but it is alluded to. These include: Exodus 4:22-23; Deuteronomy
1:31; 8:5; 14:1; Psalm 103:13; Jeremiah 31:20; Hosea 11:1-4;
Malachi 3:17.
The Fatherhood of God becomes much more pronounced with
Jesus in the New Testament. The terms Abba, or Father comes
forth from Jesus mouth some sixty-five times in Mathew, Mark, and
Luke and over one hundred times in John. So, the Fatherhood of
God is referenced over 165 times in the Gospels (compared to
only 15 times in the whole Old Testament).

Our Father in heaven (Matthew 6:9b).

Abba, Father, he said, everything is possible for you. (Mark
the Father himself loves you (John 16:27).

Jesus references to God as Abba were largely unprecedented.

This was a term that little children used when they addressed their
daddies. It was a very intimate phrase. Shockingly, there is no
evidence in early Jewish literature that Jews ever addressed God
this way. They felt it was too personal. Suddenly Jesus was
revealing more about God than what had been understood in
previous generations.

Heavenly Father And

Natural Fathers
In this section were talking
about God as our Heavenly
Father. Ive found that ones
ability to truly accept God as
their Heavenly Father is
often tied to experiences
they had with their natural
Unfortunately earthly fathers
can sometimes be
neglectful. A few of them
are even abusive. Sadly,
difficult experiences with our
natural fathers can hinder
our openness to God.
What was your earthly
Father like? Was He
compassionate or
disconnected. Did he
provide a sense of stability
and strength or did he make
you feel uncovered?
Take a minute and talk to
God about it. Allow your
Heavenly Father to touch
your heart and open the
door to more of His great
compassion and strength.
As you listen, write down
what He says:

Through Jesus' pronounced emphasis on the Fatherhood of God, it is

not surprising that the rest of the New Testament also emphasizes
this metaphor. The Apostle Paul references God as Father over
forty times. Some of these examples are found in the following:

we cry, Abba, Father (Romans 8:15).

the Spirit who calls out, Abba, Father (Galatians 4:6).
Grace and peace to you from God our Father (Ephesians 1:2).
all of us can come to the Father (Ephesians 2:18).
one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in
all (Ephesians 4:6).

Some of the other Apostles also referenced God as Father.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us (1 John 3:1)
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father (2 John 1:3)
To those who have been called, who are loved in God the
Father (Jude 1:10)

A. The Kind of Father God is

If God is in fact depicted as a Father, then we need to explore
what kind of father He is. From the pages of scripture we learn
that He is holy (Leviticus 11:45, 19:2) and just (Job 8:3, Psalm
9:16); filled with truth and honor (Daniel 4:37). These attributes
speak of nobility and strength. They speak of a Father that
actively superintends and protects. They speak of powerful Kingly
metaphors and the kinds of things revealed throughout the Old
Testament. The truths reveal a transcendent God who is over
and above His creation.
Yet, that is not the only way that God is depicted. He is also
shown as a God of imminence who invades time and order. He is
not just a designer or source of power; He is also relational. He
comes down into the midst of children; showing great
benevolence and love. While all of who God is needs to be
discussed, I feel we need to take a deeper look at certain aspects
of the Heavenly Father.
i. The Heavenly Father is Good
We live in a world that is sometimes destructive
and dark. Not everyone has the most noble of
intentions. Even so much of religion is misguided
and selfish. In the midst of all this, we need to
understand the distinctiveness of our Heavenly
Father. In contrast to everything else, He is good.

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is

good! (Psalm 107:1a)

I would see the Lord's goodness in the land

of the living (Psalms 27:34)

I will cause all my goodness to pass in front

of you. (Exodus 33:19)

Write Down Some of

the Qualities Of A
Good Father
Most everybody has some
ideas about what being a
good father is all about.
Maybe we have never
articulated them, but we
still have them in mind.
Below I would like you to
write down some of the
qualities of a good father:


Do you feel God embodies

these qualities?
Which of these qualities
have you experienced in
your own relationship with

ii. The Heavenly Father is Filled With Love

In the same way there is also the overwhelming
love of God. In a world of great hatred and
perversion, He is selfless and encouraging. He is
abundant and kind. This isnt a weak, humanistic
love. We are talking about a deep transformative
love. It is a compassionate, longsuffering love that
stands firm throughout time and eternity.

The LORD your God is in your midst, a

mighty one who will save; he will rejoice
over you with gladness; he will quiet you by
his love; he will exult over you with loud
singing (Zephaniah 3:17).

But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and

gracious, slow to anger and abounding in
steadfast love and faithfulness (Psalm

because of his great love for us, God, who

is rich in mercy, made us alive...
(Ephesians 2:4).

God is love (1 John 4:8b).

B. Who He Made Us To Be (Sons)

This loving, Heavenly Father - who does nothing but good - has
made us to be His beloved sons and daughters. This is such an
important truth because it is the opening biblical metaphor
associated with humanity. In the first Scriptural decree, God
describes humanity as the Imago Dei or image bearers. We
were made in the image of God to express His purposes as
" Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our
likeness" (Genesis 1:26).
Specifically the term likeness was associated with sonship.
(Notice a similar reference in Genesis 5:3, When Adam had
lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own
image; and he named him Seth.) We are depicted from the very
beginning as sons and daughters of the living God; expressing
His great purposes in the earth.
What does all this mean?

We were stewards of Gods great plan.

There was a clear identity and responsibility that distinguished
us from the rest of creation.
We had a firm place in a family that enabled us to act.

The Goodness of God

We have been talking about
the goodness of God. For
some this is only a vague
religious ideal - a concept
without any real world
application. This tragic
disconnection is unfortunate.
God desires to move in
tangible ways in His sons and
daughters. He wants to
impact His own with real acts
of kindness and benevolence.
I would like for you to think
about what the goodness of
God means in terms of your
life. Think about what it looks
like in operation. What does it
mean in terms of thoughts,
emotions, and physical
health? What does that mean
in terms of finances and
general well being? Get that
picture in your mind and
meditate on it. Speak it out.
Now, turn to someone else
and talk to them about the
goodness of God. Allow the
realities of who He is to come
alive to them.

III. Sin And The Loss Of Identity

How could those who possessed so much, turn
from the One who so greatly blessed them? That
is the question that reverberates through time and
eternity. Sadly, Gods sons and daughters
embraced sin and rebelled against their Heavenly
Father. What we have here is not just a terrible
breakdown, but also estrangement. Sin has
created a terrible sense of alienation and
disconnection in Gods family.

There are all kinds of consequences to these decisions.
A. Curses Come Upon Humanity Because Of Our Choices
God didnt bring evil and destruction upon humanity. We
brought it upon ourselves. Through our acts of rebellion we
invited darkness to come and dwell with us. This was never
Gods intent for us.
Cursed is the ground because of you (Genesis
if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not
carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am
giving you today, all these curses will come on you
and overtake you (Deuteronomy 28:15)
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today,
that I have set before you life and death, blessing and
curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your
offspring may live. (Deuteronomy 30:19)
B. All kinds of darkness and evil are being released through our
defiance of God
The list of this terrible outworking is quite long. Consider some
of what is going on in the hearts of the spiritually estranged.
The orphans are filled with:

Sickness and disease
Broken relationships
Loss of identity

C. Spiritual Orphans are trying to discover their identity in a myriad

of unhealthy ways.
There are a number of ways that the broken and disconnected
are trying to find their way. Some of these pursuits include the

We talked about God's role

as father. The direct
implication is that we are
sons and daughters. What
does it mean to be a good
son or daughter?
Which of these things could
you work on?

Sex and Pleasure

Personal Expression
Clothing and Fashion

People, whether religious or not, are often trying to fill an empty void
in their lives. They are not just gripped by darkness but with what we
could call an orphan spirit. They are trying to find meaning in areas
that cannot provide any real direction or help for them.
How much of this has been affecting you?

IV. Jesus As A Restorer

Much of what I have been telling you in this
teaching is troubling. The ugliness and
despair that sin brings is horrific. Yet, I want
to begin to share some good news about a
good God. I want to talk to you about a
Heavenly Father that wants His sons and
daughters back.
He will not stand for this ongoing
estrangement and alienation. Though we have been rebellious and
dishonorable, He is the one who is advancing toward us. Though
we have spurned His goodness, He is still working to bring
Because of humanitys tremendous value and worth to God, He
sent His First-born son, Jesus, to reconcile us to Him. Understand,
He didnt just come to remove the darkness and sin in our lives. He
came to restore us into a place of family and give us a sure identity.
Through this, we will not only know who we are, but whose we are.

V. Salvation And Our Identification With Jesus

A. Dealing With The Broken Image
So how does this happen? How do people with a marred
image - a broken sense of identity - become restored to
their heavenly Father? Isnt this one of the essential
questions that must be answered?
We are obviously talking about the wonderful reality of
Gods salvation through Jesus. Undoubtedly, we all need to
be saved through His shed blood. Redemption is
something that must be experienced. Yet, the problem is
most of us believe that we are already saved. That may
very well be true. But there is something wrong with a
people who claim to be saved but have no sense of identity
and purpose. People who are not living in intimate
relationship with the Heavenly Father can hardly be called
sons or daughters.

Identify With Jesus

Take a moment and
begin to really identify
with Jesus. Press into
Him and reflect upon His
great sacrifice for you.
Try to prayerfully
position yourself with
Him. Consider Him as
your very purpose and
source of life.
Say out loud, Jesus, I
identify with you and
your wonderful work on
the cross. I have died
with you and I now live
because of your great
work on my behalf.
Feel that sense of deep
association and
connection with Jesus.
Allow this marvelous
truth to wash over you in
a powerful new way.

B. Meaning of Identification
There may another way to frame this
up. Since we are talking about identity,
we need to continue to build on this
metaphor. What would happen if we
truly began to identify with Jesus? What
if we grab hold of the fact that Jesus
identified with us so that we could
identify with Him?
This is an important aspect of
salvations appropriation that I havent
observed as clearly in the past. Quite simply salvation takes
place through our deep, gut-wrenching identification with
Jesus. As we identify with Him, we get an identity.

"Because Gods children are human beingsmade of flesh

and bloodthe Son also became flesh and blood. For only
as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he
break the power of the devil, who had the power of death.
Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their
lives as slaves to the fear of dying." (Hebrews 2:14-15)

"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in
him we might become the righteousness of God." (2
Corinthians 5:21)

As believers in Jesus we are now closely identified with Him.

By "identification" I mean that God identified us with Christ in
His redemptive work (death, burial, resurrection, etc.). We
associate with Jesus death and shed blood. Through this we
now consider ourselves dead to sin and alive in Jesus.

"Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live

with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from
the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has
mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once
for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same
way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ
Jesus." (Romans 6:8-11)

Jesus became our substitute, acting in our place. So we can

be accredited with what He did. Jesus became what we
were, so that God viewed Him as being us. What was and is
in Jesus is now in us. What was released through His death,
resurrection, and ascension has now been given to us.
The old humanity, with former evil tendencies, was crucified
with Jesus. Previous ways of thinking and behaving are
exterminated, executed with Jesus. We part company with
worldly principles and actions. Sins dominion is broken.
Through Jesus, believers are no longer a slave to old habits
and attitudes. We are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).
We get our identity through identification.


Things other than God

motivate many. There
are realities that press
up against you and
cause you to react. It
could be your job, your
education, or even an
unquenchable thirst for
entertainment. Most
everyone is being
shaped by certain
pulls in his or her life.
So, what is shaping
you? What are you
spending your money
on and staying up at
night thinking about?
Take a few minutes
and write some of
these things below:


Why do think these

things are impacted
Are you really being
honest? Is that what is
really motivating you?


Receiving The Spirit of Adoption

A. Jesus The Eldest Brother


So, we have been learning through this

session that Jesus Christ broke open the way
for us to be restored as sons and daughters.
That is such good news for us. He is the one
who is actively restoring honor to His Father
and reestablishing the broken family. Jesus
truly is the elder brother who made the way
for the rest of us to be restored to the Father.

For God knew his people in advance,

and he chose them to become like his
Son, so that his Son would be the
firstborn among many brothers and
sisters. (Romans 8:29)

Jesus was firstborn of Gods many sons

and daughters. Through our deep
association and trust in Him, we receive both
sonship and identity. In fact, it might be
said that we become co-heirs with Jesus;
receiving a tremendous inheritance.

"If we are children, then we are heirs

heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ"
(Romans 8:17).

B. Sonship And Adoption

This wonderful reality of a restored sonship

through Jesus shows up in a number of
different biblical passages.


Reflect on what it really

means to be adopted by
God. Think about how that
truth should impact your
sense of identity and
purpose. How should this
wonderful outcome affect
your subsequent behavior
and actions?
What happens if a son
keeps behaving like an
How does a beloved son
really behave? Write down
some of your thoughts

"But to all who did receive him, who believed

in his name, he gave the right to become
children of God," (John 1:12)

See what kind of love the Father has given to

us, that we should be called children of God;
and so we are. The reason why the world
does not know us is that it did not know him.
Beloved, we are God's children now, and what
we will be has not yet appeared; but we know
that when he appears we shall be like him,
because we shall see him as he is. And
everyone who thus hopes in him purifies
himself as he is pure." (1 John 3:1-3)

For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God,

through faith. (Galatians 3:26)

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are

sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit
of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have
received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by
whom we cry, Abba! Father! (Romans 8:1415)

He has identified us as his own by placing

the Holy Spirit in our hearts. (2 Corinthians
1:22a NLT)

All of this is referring to a spirit of adoption. We

who were once alienated and broken are now
receiving strength and status. We know who we
are and where we are going. We once again have
a family through the sacrifice of Jesus.
Sonship now gives us, not just favor and a
sense of value, it gives us a place to belong.
Not everyone who has prayed the prayer and
been involved with church has necessarily found
this place of sonship. Some of you need to
explore your heart today and ask whether you
need to better identify with Jesus and better
appropriate His work?


It is incredibly important to
appropriate the truth of
what we are sharing about
Jesus great work in our
life. So I want you to pray
the following prayer out
loud right now:
I did not receive the
spirit of slavery to fall
back into fear. I have
received the spirit of
adoption. I am a son. I
have a loving Heavenly
Do you believe the truth of
that declaration? Is it
coming alive in your heart?
Consider making this a
confession all week until it
comes alive in your heart.

VII. Breaking Off Old Identities

A. Introduction
Part of obtaining this new
identity in Jesus is giving Him
freedom to break off all the
darkness and turmoil in your
life. Many who attend church
and who consider themselves
saved, havent adequately
dealt with all these issues.
They havent allowed Jesus to
truly establish His identity in
You may say, I really dont
need anything broken off my
life. I understand that
response. A lot Christians say
that. Ive even said it. Yet, if you are getting your identity
from money, fashion, entertainment, or even areas like your
spouse or children, you may be in trouble. There is not
necessarily anything wrong with any of these things, but
they are not where identities are truly made.
B. Personal Examples
In my own life several different things have gripped my heart
and driven me in wrong directions. I would like to share a
little bit about this.
i. Identity From Peer Acceptance
For example, when I was much younger I was
motivated by the need for acceptance from my
friends and classmates. I went places and did
things I should not have because I was trying to
find my identity through them. Its sad, but I cant
even remember names of the people who I really
wanted to receive affirmation from twenty-five
years ago.
ii. Identity From Biblical Knowledge
Later I became an on-fire Christian and things
began to go much better. Yet, I still allowed myself
to be defined by things other than Jesus. One
example is that I diligently studied and amassed a
large library with the sole purpose of proving my
intelligence. I thought I could get an identity from
acquiring a lot of biblical insight. Knowing the
Bible and theology is certainly a good thing, but
when that becomes a sense of identity and status,
it can become misguided. Suddenly I was


Faulty Identities
What are some of the
different things giving you
a sense of identity? Take
a moment and write
down some of these
things. Be honest!


Anything other than

Jesus is a faulty identity.
Now, I want you to pray
that the faulty identities
and purposes be broken
off your life. Ask God to
establish you in His great
strength and purposes.

comparing my knowledge with others and gaining

a sense of pride that had nothing to do with the
purposes of God for my life.
iii. Identity From Marriage And Kids
Like most young adults in America, I got married and
thought Id find a sense of purpose through my
marriage. After all, I had listened to all the pop songs
and saw all the romantic comedies. They all told me
that when I find my soul mate, everything comes
into alignment. I thought, I am going to be happy
because that person makes me happy. In case you
dont already know, pop culture lies to you.
Ultimately you wake up one morning and realize that
your spouse cannot complete you. They are
incapable of doing that. God never even designed
them for that purpose. In a similar manner, our kids
cannot give us a sense of wholeness and meaning.
Children are truly wonderful, but you cannot gain a
healthy sense of identity from them.
iv. Identity From Ministry
Sadly I had to learn that even ministry could not give
me the sense of identity that I was looking for.
Preaching is truly exhilarating. Praying for the sick is
utterly amazing. Yet, these expressions will not
sustain you for long. Your ministry is not the same
as your relationship with Jesus. Your ministry will not
sustain you. Trust me, I know this from first-hand
C. You Only Get An Identity From Jesus
The only way that youre going to discover your true identity is
by pressing into Jesus. I am aware that you already know this,
but there needs to be more than just a general understanding
of these things. You need to apply them to your life.
D. So Where Is Your Identity Truly Coming From?
Now, I want you to seriously think about life and what is
driving you. What are the things that are shaping your
decision-making and sense of value? What is it that really gets
you moving every day? If it isnt Jesus, then, with all due
respect, your identity is out of order.
When you are truly established in the life and love of Jesus, it
opens the door to your true destiny. You are not called to be
harassed by fears, lusts, or even by the opinions of others.
You are not supposed to overly prove things or live a life of
continual personal projection. You are called to fully embrace
your God-given identity. You are supposed to become who
Jesus is truly making you to be. He is the one who can truly
give you a healthy identity.


An Identity From
As we are talking
about this, it is
important to come to
Jesus with an open
heart. We dont just
want to talk about
theological ideas, we
want to pray and seek
His face. We must
appropriate and
believe in His great
Now, ask Jesus to
truly give you a sense
of identity and destiny.
Let Him invigorate
your heart, mind, and
emotions. Feel His
goodness and love
washing over you. You
are now being
positioned to be and
do so much more.


Becoming Delivered And Free

A. Its Time To Deal With The Deep Conditions Of The Heart

Some of the
issues were
talking about here
are more deepseeded and
sinister than most
of us would care
to acknowledge.
Not everything
shaping our lives
is related to simple
choices or even environmental influences. Some are tied to
brittle emotions and fears. Some of our foolish actions and
responses are related to circumstances of abuse and deep
personal disappointment. Other troubling aspects of our
behavior are products of entrenched sin patterns and willful
defiance. We may desire to separate our actions from our
identity, but that is difficult to do. Disturbingly, some of our
thoughts and interactions are tied to forces of darkness and
wicked strongholds. I know that nobody wants to talk about
this, but it must be addressed if we are going to experience
true discipleship. We must deal with the deep issues that
affect our lives.
B. Let the goodness and love of God to wash over us
Scripture talks about fully experiencing the freedom and life
of Jesus. We dont have to live in the past and continue to
embrace the darkness. We are being positioned for joy and
great contentment.
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John
For freedom Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1)
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves
to righteousness. (Romans 6:18)
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed
me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to
proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for
the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of
the Lords favor. (Luke 4:18-19, referencing Isaiah 61:1-2)

This wonderful freedom and life touches multiple dimensions

of who we are. It is not just physical and psychological; it is
also emotional and spiritual. Goodness is waiting to be
embraced. You must learn to appropriate Gods great love
and kindness. You must be convinced that He wants to bring
transformation to your entire life and ministry. Jesus desires
that you would be whole and complete in Him.


Ripping Out Old Roots

God is a God of deliverance
and freedom. He breaks off
the power of darkness and
evil. He uproots twisted
truths of the past.
It is time to believe that the
influence of the past is
severed. The grip of evil will
not be on you!
Right now, ask the Lord to
drive out everything in your
life that is not of Him. Pray
that freedom and joy would
overwhelm you. Believe that
this is the year of the Lords
As you pray this prayer what
are you sensing?

IX. Walking In Your New Identity

Men and women are
discovering their identity in
Jesus. They are getting free
from the darkness and pain
that has afflicted their lives.
They are coming into a new
position of strength and hope.
God is opening the door of
destiny to people like you and me.
Yet, as you experience the freedom of Christ, you have to truly walk
in it. You must abandon any image or declaration that is not from
God. You must stop accepting what others - outside of the Kingdom are saying about you. This might even include well-meaning family
members. Youre no longer defined by your feelings, circumstances,
or the opinions of others. God and God alone defines you. He is the
one who is establishing your future and you are pressing into that
It is helpful to begin to start living and walking with Gods intent in
mind. You need to start meditating on what the Word of God has to
say about you and your destiny. So, what are some of the things that
God saying about you now?

The Lord says, You are beloved.

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn
you with unfailing kindness. (Jeremiah 31:3)

The Lord says, You are never alone.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he
will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

The Lord says, You are being made whole.

In Christ you have been brought to fullness. (Colossians

The Lord says that, You are becoming righteous.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that
we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2
Corinthians 5:21)

The Lord says You are being set apart.

You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a
people for his own possession. (1 Peter 2:9)

He says, You are an ambassador of Christ.

We are therefore Christs ambassadors, as though God
were making his appeal through us. (2 Corinthians 5:20)


Embracing A New
New identities often
require new ways of
operation and function.
To move forward in this
you cannot live, or even
think, like you did in the
past. You must now
reckon yourself dead to
sin and alive in Jesus.
You must change your
mind about the realities
of the past, which is
ironically the
foundational meaning of
the word repentance.
We must have our minds
We cannot continue to
give lip service; saying
Our identity is in Jesus.
We must change what
we do to line up with that
fact. What is something
you can do to show that

He says, You are a co-laborer.

For we are co-workers in Gods service; you are
Gods field, Gods building. (1 Corinthians 3:9)

You need to start building your life on what God is saying about
you. Embrace His design for your life. Believe what He is saying
about you. It is time to step into your true identity.

X. Conclusion
An important part of
discipleship is establishing a
healthy identity in Jesus. You
are never going to be able to
live in community or even
express the works of God the
way He wants for you until you
settle these foundational
issues. This is something that
is probably not going to be
settled in one teaching session.
You are going to have to continue to work on it. I want to invite
to reflect on these scriptures and prayerfully ask God to
examine your heart.
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and
know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive
way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm
Later, in these sessions were going to be building on identity;
helping you learn how to live in community and more fully
embrace the works of the Kingdom. If you dont grasp the
gravity of this teaching, it will undermine your ability to
participate in the next two teachings.
Discipleship is an ongoing process. Remind yourself to go over
these concepts regularly to allow the Holy Spirit greater access.
As you do, your foundation will grow more and more firm in
Jesus. Discipleship is not just knowledge, it also involves action.
So lets be a people of action.


Take extra time to write

down some of the things
that are being brought
out during this teaching.
Reflect on what you are
hearing and bathe it in
prayer. The Lord will
show you how to expose
any areas where your
identity is not in Him.

Make sure that you

contact us if you have
any questions:

J.D. King
World Revival Church
P.O. Box 11678
Kansas City, MO 64138
(877) 804-5433

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