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White tigers to
revive glory of
Vindhya region


he State

Job fair
held at
showing signs
of recovery

Published simultaneously from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

Vol-03. Issue-09. Bhopal. Monday Page-12 Price-5/Online edition available at and

POSTAL REGD. MP/BHOPAL/4-323/2013-15

BJP manifesto
promises cities
development on
lines of smart

Ganguly not happy

with India's
schedule ahead of
Oz Test series
I am not
Sonakshi on
doing film with



E-payment, a success in MP

MP pioneer in womens

development works


total payments. Through them,

24,477 transactions. Now the

payment of Rs 40,000 crore has

number of transactions has gone

been made.

upto 25.77 lakh in year 2013-14

s many as 99 per cent gov-

through which an amount of Rs


All four banks associated with

being made electronically in MP,

government treasuries State

which is pioneer in the use of infor-

Bank of India, Union Bank,

Online real time deposit facili-

mation technology in governance

Central Bank and Allahabad Bank

ty has been provided in the state.

and public services delivery. Side

are making e-payments. All treas-

With this the challan number of

by side e-payment, MP has also

uries and sub-treasuries are also

cyber treasury is made instantly

made considerable progress in e-

making e-payments. MP has been

available to those depositing gov-




14,233 crore was deposited.


conferred SKOCH Award for out-

ernment tax or fee online. They

Government has placed MP next

standing e-payment works. Every

are not required to wait for two

only to Gujarat in Electronic

sort of problem has ended and

days for confirmation.

Aggregation and Analyser Layer

work has become easier with intro-

The depositor can have a print

(e-TAAL) portal launched to assess

duction of e-payment facility.

of treasury challan number and

e-transactions in the country. So

Earlier, drawing and disbursing

challan sitting at home. The print

far, 5.90 crore electronic transac-

officers used to obtain cheques

out can be submitted as challan

tions have been made through e-

from treasury officer and send the

to concerning departmental offi-

transaction system launched in

same with attached lists to banks

cer immediately. Besides, the

the state in year 2009. Database of

on basis of which payment was

depositor gets the prescribed

about 5 lakh employees is being

made. Now, e-payment is made in

service within no time. The most

maintained in MP. All payments to

concerning bank account and

important feature of this facility

government servants in the state

information about it is given

is that cyber treasury has been

are being made electronically

through SMS.






apart from 75 lakh vendors includ-

It is noteworthy that populari-

Following this public facilitation

ing contractors, suppliers and non-

ty of cyber treasury in MP has

centres like MPOnline kiosk can

government persons. So far, 13.75

increased rapidly. In year 2007,

be linked to cyber treasury. The

lakh cheques have been paid elec-

when it was launched, only Rs 16


tronically, which is 99 per cent of


amount at any kiosk.







Bhopal: Womens empowerment is basic mantra of

social development since families can be developed
when girls future is brightened. This was stated by
Commerce and Industries Minister Yashodhara Raje
Scindia while addressing MP Day function at
International Trade Fair at Lal Chowk theatre in Pragati
Maidan, New Delhi recently. Theme of International
Trade Fair is womens empowerment this year and stall
of MP also profusely highlights this aspect. Smt.
Scindia said that CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan had started Ladli Laxmi Yojana realizing this fact several years
ago. Now, many states of the country are replicating this
scheme. This ambitious scheme has resulted in acceptance of girl child since through the scheme girls become
owners of Rs. one lakh 18 thousand on attaining age of
18 years. She also enumerated a number of schemes
implemented by the state government for womens
empowerment like Mukhyamantri Kanyadan Yojana.
Scindia said that it is the result of committed efforts of
CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan to make agriculture profitable that double digit agriculture growth rate has been
achieved in the state for consecutive 3 years. States
present agriculture growth rate 24.99 percent is highest
in the country. She said that this fact has been highlighted properly in MPs stall apart from laudable display of various aspects of states increasing industrialization, tourism and development. The Minister rewarded government and private sector institutions for outstanding performance in the stall. In government sector,
Renewable Energy Department was adjudged best. The
award was received by Additional Chief Secretary S.R.
Mohanthy. MP Tourism was awarded in fiscal sector. In
private sector, Shakti Pump Indore and Fancy Global
Gwalior were awarded. Jury special prizes went to
Batto Bai Gudiya, MP Dairy Federation and Health &
Family Welfare Department.

Chhattisgarh Explore

Panels to curb
child marriages
in Cgarh

In order to prevent child
marriages in the districts,
committees would be formed
at village and janpad panchayat levels. A meeting in
this regard was held at district headquarters here
recently. While addressing
Collector Ritu Sen asked
Tehsildars, CEOs, janpad
panchayats, block education
officers and project officers to
initiate action at their own
level to eradicate the social
evil. Sen said that the committees formed at village
panchayat and janpad panchayat levels should have

Panchayati Raj bodies, public representatives, social
workers, Government officials and leaders of specific
communities and ethnic
groups besides SHO of concerned police station and
local Patwari.
The Committee should
also hold quarterly meeting
to review the cases of child
marriage, Sen added. She
instructed the officials concerned to identify specific
ethnic groups where child
marriage is prevalent in the
district. She asked them to
engage local patwaris, kotwars, teachers, anganwari
workers and public represen-

tatives in identifying such

communities and groups.
She further said that each
and every marriage is registered at every village and
village panchayat level.
Anganwari workers in coordination with Panchayat secretaries should verify the age
of the bride and groom with
help of the records. Services
of Kotwars should be taken
for public announcement in
villages to make people
aware that child marriage is
a crime.
She instructed the officers and employees of
Development Department to
hold discussions and spread
awareness about consequences of child marriage,
prevention of child marriage,
impact of child marriage on
health of women, malnutrition in infants, maternity
mortality rate and infant
mortality rate. For generating awareness against child
marriage, the officers should
give a message by wall writing, distribution of pamphlets, holding rallies at
schools and anganwadi centres, and by organising
debates and essay competitions on topics like impact of
child marriage on society
and child marriage and malnutrition.


(MP & CG)

CS praises s
cientists, farmers
for Jeeraphool

Chief Secretary Vivek Dhand visited
Balarampur Agriculture Research Centre
and praised its scientists and local villagers for producing Jeeraphool rice
through the help of local self-help group
(SHG). The Chief Secretary also appreciated the SHG chief for his contribution to
the efforts and helping the villagers earn
good profit. The farmers of the village,
located near archaeologically important
Dipadih, about 80 km away from
Balarampur, have been cultivating scented Jeeraphool variety of paddy for the past
several decades. The area is surrounded
by forest and the forest litter including the
rotten leaves make the land fertile in the
area. The farmers have been cultivating

Jeeraphool variety of organic rice without

using any chemical fertilisers. The farmers said rice millers and other traders
have been buying this variety of rice at
Rs23 per kg. The scientists of the
Agriculture Research Centre helped the
farmers to improve their employability
and provided training on better milling
and packaging of the rice. As part of this
training, packets each having five kilogram of rice were created. Vice chancellor
of Indira Gandhi Agriculture University
Dr SK Patil had provided the farmers bag
closure machines in a function held at the
Research Centre on February 13 this year.
The University had also felicitated the
farmers and presented to them certificates
for their unique efforts.

State Govt to launch green drive in Naxal zones

The State Government in a bid
to provide additional source of
income to farmers in the Naxalinfested areas, has decided to
engage them in special plantation
drives, for which it will shell out
around Rs 10.87 crore. The move,
according to Chief Secretary Vivek
Dhand would help enhance the
green cover in the Naxal-hit areas
and will also result in additional
income to the farmers. The decision
to this effect was taken at meeting
of senior officials chaired by the
Chief Secretary at the Mantralaya
here recently. As envisaged, the
Government would make available

saplings to the farmers under the

greenery promotion scheme to the
maximum limit of 5000 saplings,
which they will be free to plant in
their own land or other identified
places. The scheme will benefit
more than 11,000 famers who hail
from Maoist hit districts such as
Rajnandgaon and Kanker. The
Government has set an ambitious
target of planning at least 64 lakh
saplings under its new scheme to
expand green cover. The Chief
Secretary also reviewed the
progress of other developmental
works being implemented in these



(MP & CG)

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana: All families

of Khandwa and Indore linked with banks







Independence Day. Bank accounts

Yojana is being implemented in

are to be opened under the scheme

right earnest in MP. After Ujjain,

by January 26, 2015. In Ujjain dis-

all families of Khandwa and Indore

trict, with the cooperation of dis-

districts have also been linked with

trict administration and all banks,

banks now. Bank accounts of all 2

3 lakh 95 thousand 101 families

lakh 66 thousand 655 families have

were linked with banks during last


3 months. Earlier, 2 lakh 74 thou-







Khandwa district. Earlier, 2 lakh


28 thousand 376 families had bank

accounts. During the drive follow-

accounts. During the drive follow-

ing announcement of the Prime

ing announcement of the Yojana,

Minister, one lakh 20 thousand 802

bank accounts of remaining 38

bank accounts were opened. Now,

thousand 279 families have been

no family in Ujjain district is with-








out bank account. So far, banks


RuPay Cards to all new account

79 thousand 184 families were

Bank of India of Khandwa and

tricts. It may be mentioned that

have provided RuPay Cards to 65

holders. Similarly, bank accounts of

opened. Now, no family in Indore

Lead Bank Manager of Indore

Ujjain district of MP leads in

thousand 592 families. It is note-

all families have also been opened

district is without bank account.

Mukesh Bhatt. He has also con-


worthy that bank account of any

in Indore district. In the district, 3

For this achievement, CM Shivraj

gratulated bankers and other



one member of family is opened

lakh 70 thousand 356 families out

Singh Chauhan has congratulated

employees associated with this

Chauhan is taking personal inter-

under Jan-Dhan Yojana to link

of total 6 lakh 49 thousand 540

Khandwa Collector M.K. Agrawal,

work. He has desired all districts to

est in implementation of the

every family with banking. RuPay

families had bank accounts. During

Indore Collector Akash Tripathi,

achieve cent percent target like

scheme in accordance with the

Cards are also provided to bank

the drive, bank accounts of 2 lakh

Lead Bank Manager T.A. Khan of

Ujjain, Khandwa and Indore dis-

announcement made by Prime

account holders.





No target of sterilization White tigers to revive

set in MP: PS Health glory of Vindhya region

then remained in the area for over two


nised MPs mode and are mak-

administered to rural women

Programmes for popula-

ing efforts to provide health

to save them from anaemia. In

The roar of white tigers will soon

tion stabilisation and mater-

services on the same lines.

the state, 170 LTT surgeons

reverberate in MP's Vindhya region as

nal and infant health protec-



have already been imparted

the world's first White Tiger Safari

tion are under implementation

Health has been invited by

necessary training. They are

would begin in Rewa, which was once



World Health Organisation to

also being linked with re-ori-

home to this rare breed of the big cats.

Abhiyans in MP. Under Prerna

give a presentation on the

entation programme. In MP,

Abhiyan, family planning and

scheme at a national workshop

no targets have been set for

welfare activities are being

in Chennai on November 19-


undertaken without setting

20. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

which are being carried out by

targets. In the wake of deaths

Free Medicine Distribution


of some women at a sterilisa-

Scheme is being run in the

have also been given not to

tion camp in

state for last two years. This

include over 25 beneficiaries in






The world's first White Tiger Safari


their place of origin till 1976 only, he

ted by erstwhile ruler



Singh in 1951 from

a camp. About 25 lakh pregnant women and 50 lakh other


Welfare Department has sent

cines in being made online and

targeted young couples in the

Mohan), MP Public

detailed directives to concern-

their distribution after batch-

state are being motivated and

Relations Minister Rajendra Shukla

ing staff in the state to strictly

wise examination is being done

advised door to door to keep

told. Initially, two female white tigers

follow the necessary protocol.

continuously for last 2 years.

family limited. Directives have

would be brought to begin the Safari

Principal Secretary Praveer

For making the scheme more

been given to follow instruc-

and later a male white tiger, too,

Krishna in a meeting here

effective, Quality Insurance

tions of Central Government

would be introduced to them for mul-

recently directed all the doc-

Officers will be appointed in

in this. Every week, an inspec-

tors of the department to

all districts to ensure quality

tion team visits both urban

ensure conduct of all pro-

in distribution of medicines,

and rural areas to monitor

gramme with vigil.

medical tests, nutritious diet,

quality of health services.

Mamta Abhiyan

food and sanitation in hospi-

Recently, a Central team visit-

and Health Service Guarantee

tals. Their responsibility will

ed Panna and Katni and found

Scheme are based on quality,

be to maintain quality of

these arrangements as per

in which maximum attention

health services. In the state,


is being paid to implementa-

only WHO/GMP-certified med-

praised Chalen Gaon ki Or

tion while fixing accountabili-


ty. Other states have recog-

Besides, IFA pills are being


the world and zoos, they were found in

white tiger was spot-

ous scheme. Purchase of medi-


made their home in different parts of


scheme has replaced a previ-


Shukla said. Though its progenies

Rewa where the first



gradually to other parts of the world,

would begin soon at

Public Health and Family


decades and its progenies spread

Sidhi forest area (it



tiplication, he said. Nearly 99 per

cent work on the Safari has been completed and it would be launched anytime next month, the Minister said.

said. Now, the white tigers would

roar again in the area after nearly 40
years once the safari would begins,
the Minister said.
The zoological park already existing in Mukundur will now be known
as "Mukundpur Zoo and Mohan White
Tiger Safari" while the breeding centre will be named after Maharaja

The white tiger was caught by


Martand Singh on May 27, 1951 from

'Madhyam' will also exhibit the entire

Sidhi district's Bargadi forest area

history of white tigers at the Safari to

and later the animal was brought to

abreast the visitors about its origin

Govindarh Palace in Rewa from where

and how it was first found in the for-

it escaped the very next day and then

est area near here by then Maharaja

Abhiyan being implemented

again found in Mukundpur area about

Martand Singh.

by health staff in MP.

26-27 km away from Rewa. Mohan









(MP & CG)

Job fair held at

Naxal-hit Narayanpur

Narayanpur (Chhattisgarh)
Planning Department, in compliance of the directives of CM
Raman Singh and with the assistance of the district administration, held a two-day Rozgar Mela,
(Job fair) for the first time in the
Naxal-infested Narayanpur district headquarters in Bastar. In

have also shown keen interest in

the fair and registered their
name. At the inaugural function
of the fair, Collector Yashwant
Kumar said that it is a golden
opportunity for the youths of the
district. Youth,
taking benefit of employment
of their choice, can make themselves self-reliant. Office bearers
of Chhattisgarh Udyog Bharti
and entrepreneurs have been
registering youth for giving then
jobs in their respective enterprises and institutions. Kumar said
that it was a unique effort to provide employment to the youth of
the district in various cities. A
self-employment workshop for
youth who are interested in
establishing institutions in the
district would also be organised
on June 1 this year.
Divisional Forest Officer
(DFO) Dilraj Prabhakar said that
it was a significant effort for the
youth of the district. There is no
obligation of educational qualification, educated and uneducated
youths can register their name
for employment. He said that
there is a great scope for setting

the fair, the Udyog Bharti (Small

Industries Organisation) registered youth for getting them jobs
for different vocations. During
the first day of the fair, 110
youths had registered their name
for the posts of Supervisor,
Security Guard and Office staff.
Youth from the remotest tribal
pocket of the district, Abujhmad

up forest produce based industries and trades in the district.

The Forest Department can provide adequate assistance and
impart necessary training to the
interested youths to establish
self-employment at local-levels in
activities such as production of

Dona-pattal, brooms, mushroom

production and processing and
Bee keeping. Entrepreneurs and
traders from Raipur, Durg and
Bhilai, youths for the district and
officers and employees of various
departments were present at the

Stterilisation deaths: Docs threaten resignation even

as anaesthesia injections found laden with fungus
The death of 15 women at a sterilisation
camp in Chhattisgarh has put a spotlight on
India's dark history of botched sterilisations.
India carried out nearly 40 lakh sterilisations during 2013-2014, according to official
figures. Less than one lakh of these surgeries were done on men. More than 700 deaths
were reported due to botched surgeries
between 2009 and 2012.
There were 356 reported cases of complications arising out of the surgeries. In
Bilaspur health camp, it was not just antibiotics laced with rat poison (zinc phosphide)
that was administered on victims of botched
surgeries, local anaesthesia injected on

ed injections from the government hospital

the Government doctors remained off duty

support from doctors across the State and

women was laden with fungus. Few batches

and health centres, officials admit these

across Chhattisgarh for a day on November

the future strategy will be decided in the

of fungus-ridden Lignocaine injection, used


as anaesthesia, were supplied by Indore-






20. The Government doctors under the ban-

next meeting, said Secretary of the




ner of State Medical Officers Association are

Association Dr PK Tiwari. The doctors have

based company Kabra Drugs. Though gov-

Government to revoke the action taken

working while sporting black ribbons since

threatened to go for mass resignation if the

ernment withdrew the stock of contaminat-

against doctors in botched sterilisation case,

November 17. The protest received good

Government fails to consider their demands.





(MP & CG)

Stamps also to be available with Service

providers besides stamp sellers
New amendments in MP
Stamp Rules in the context of eregistration and electronic stamping system have been implemented
in throughout the state with effective from November 1, 2014.
According to the amendments,
stamp papers will also be available
for sale with service providers
besides stamp sellers.
Two categories of service
providers have been constituted.
Under the first category individuals will be given licence for one
year. Banks, financial institutions
or post offices can become service
providers under the second category, whose licences will be valid for
2 years. Rs. 1000 has been prescribed as fee for issuance and
renewal of licence which will be

non-refundable. Fee for duplicate licence has been prescribed

as Rs. 500. A provision has been
made to dispose of applications
of service providers for licence
within a month. It would be
mandatory for service providers
to provide facilities of electronic
signature, computer, printer,
bio-metric device, electronic
writing pen, web camera, UPS
and scanner and prescribed
computer peripherals along
with broadband or high speed
Service providers will be
able to start process of registration through electronic registration system. Evaluation of property, stamp duty payable on it and
calculation of registration fee will
be done through electronic regis-

tration system. Service provider

will be responsible to draft documents and book slot for documents
worthy of registration. Service

providers will also make

available facilities of search
of registered documents and
download their copies. The
service provider will generate e-stamp code for documents not requiring registration. Inspector General
Registration will prescribe
mode of payment for purchasing e-Stamp. Draft of
application for e-Stamp has
also been given in rules.
Service provider will only
issue e-Stamp for documents
whose registration is necessary. A Unique Login ID and
password will be given by
the department to service
providers for these works. Powers
for review suspension or rejection
of licence have been vested in

General Registration. As per new
rules, decision of Inspector
General Registration will be considered as final. Definitions of eStamp, electronic registration system, electronic stamping system,
service provider, electronic signature, e-Stamp Code, service
provider credit limit, slot booking
etc. have been given in the new
rules. The new arrangements
ensure modern safety specialities
like optical watermark, micro
print and security barcode. It has
also been provisioned to lock eStamp. As per rules, Deputy
Registrar can also issue additional
e-Stamp. Tampering with electronic stamping system has been made
a criminal act under Indian Penal

Bhopal rly station

under round-theclock vigil

Attach top priority

to Simhastha
works: Minister


Now, Bhopal railway station is
under round-the-clock vigil of railways. An integrated security system was inaugurated by Bhopal
divisional railway manager (DRM)
Rajiv Chaudhary on Tuesday. The
system has 62 CCTVs and would
monitor all platforms, booking
offices, reservation offices, waiting
rooms, foot over bridge (FoB) and
all major points at the Bhopal station. CCTVs have been installed

with a view to improve passenger

safety services and monitoring
cleanliness inside station premises. A control room has been set up
where RPF personnel and other
railway staff would carry on 24X7
monitoring of the feed from cameras. Speaking at the inaugural
function, Chaudhary said number
of cameras may be increased
depending upon need and may
also be repositioned after initial

Public Works Minister Sartaj

Singh has directed departmental
officers to adopt such working style
and procedures, as may enhance
peoples trust in the department.
Singh reviewed departmental
activities here today. He said that
more posts and technical staff
should be made available in rural
areas to complete construction
works within time-limit. Singh said
that payment process in the state
needs to be made more prompt and
logical. The PWD Minister said

that public representatives should

be immediately informed about
departmental action on problems
identified and demands made by
them. The meeting also discussed
to accelerate pace of recruitment of
sub-engineers in departments civil
and electrical sections and appoint
consultants, if required.
Minister Singh said that
Simhastha work should be done on
top priority. The meeting was
informed that work has been started at 109 places to implement CMs
announcements. The Public Works
Minister said that CM Helplines

cases are also being disposed of as

early as possible. The PWD
Minister said that the sub-engineers who have not assumed
charge at new place of posting must
be relieved at the earliest. At the
meeting, directives were given for
early disposal of promotion and
pending pension cases. Minister
Singh gave consent to avail services
of experienced and suitable persons
for assistance in court cases and
other legal works. Principal
Secretary PWD Pramod Agrawal
and other officers were present at
the meeting.


26-11-2014- Wednesday -Margashirsh
Mah Shuklapaksh-Chaturthi
Positive directions -South and East
Bad time
12:14 pm to 1:35 pm
Good time
6:48 am to 9:31 am
and 10:52 am to 12:14 pm an 2:57 pm
to 5:40pm
Mah Shuklapaksh-Panchmi (Shashthi
Tithi Kshay)
Positive directions-South and East
Bad time
1:36 pm to 2:57 pm
Good time
6:49 am to8:10 am
10:53 am to 1:35 and 4:18 pm to 5:40 pm
28-11-2014- Friday -Margashirsh
Mah Shuklapaksh-Saptami
Positive direction-South and West
Bad Time
10:53 am to 12:15 pm
Good time
6:49 am to 10:52 am
and 12:16 pm to 1:36 pm and 4:18 pm to
29-11-2014- Saturday -Margashirsh
Mah Shuklapaksh-Ashatmi
Positive directions-North and West
Bad time
9:32 am to 10:54 am
Good time
8:11 am to 9:33 am
and 12:15 pm to 4:18 pm 5:40
30-11-2014- Sunday - Margashirsh Mah
Positive directions - North and West
Bad time
4:19 pm and 5:40 pm
Good time
8:12 am to 12:15 pm
and 1:36 pm to 2:58 pm
01-12-2014-Monday-Margashirsh Mah
Positive directions-North and North
Bad time
8:12 am and 9:34 am
Good time
6:51 am to 8:11 am
and 9:35 am to 10:55 am and 1:37 pm
to 5:40 pm
02-12-2014- Tuesday - Margashirsh
Mah Shuklapaksh-Ekadashi
Positive directions-East and North
Bad time
2:58 pm to 4:19 pm
Good time
9:34 am to 1:37 pm
Mobile: 9826609192

Vastu tips for Apartment

Slope of balcony
should be towards
the East or North.
Check out the
North-east corner of
flat as this portion
must be converted
into worship room or
left open.
Kitchen should be in
the South-east
Check or construct
over-head tank in
South-west and
underwater tank in


(MP & CG)

Indian economy showing

signs of recovery

The Indian economy is showing signs of a turnaround. New reforms,

some of which are included in the package presented by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi, need to be implemented to put the country on a path to
strong, sustainable and inclusive growth, according to the latest OECD
Economic Survey of India. The Survey, presented here by OECD Chief
Economist Catherine L Mann and Chief Economic Adviser to the Government
of India, Arvind Subramanian notes that India slowed more than many
other countries since 2011, but is now recovering faster.

ndias GDP should grow by more than

6.5 percent annually in the coming
years, according to an official release
from the Organisation of Economic Co-operation
Investment and exports are driving the
rebound, but growth will be sustained at a
stronger pace if further steps are taken.
Commenting on the survey, Mann said the
Indian economy is coming out of some tough
times in recent years, with a steep decline
in growth, stubbornly high inflation and a
wide current account deficit, but the situation is now improving.
Key reforms in the business environment, to labour markets and to infrastructure will bring economic growth back to the
higher levels seen in the recent past, create
good jobs and improve well-being for all
Indians, she added. In addition, the Survey
draws attention to the long-term challenges
facing India - notably the need to create better-quality jobs for those currently working
in the informal sector, as well as to provide
employment for the massive influx of young
people into the labour force over the coming

decades. It points out that

reducing barriers to manufacturing growth,
which has contributed relatively little to
growth of GDP or exports, will be critical.
The survey discusses the need for a simpler
and more flexible labour law, covering more
workers, coupled with better education and

Ensuring better living conditions for all
Indians notably access to sanitation and
putting additional public resources into
health care would improve health outcomes
and contribute to more inclusive growth
and well-being, the OECD added.

Controversies surround self-styled godmen

e it a politician or a
godmen, there are
umpteen numbers of
cases showing these
mighty people involved in sex
scandals. It seems that controversies and self-styled godmen
share a good rapport with each
other, at least in India. These
spiritual leaders continue to
enjoy supports of their followers
despite the fact they have been
surrounded by several controversies like financial irregularities, sexual abuse, abduction
and sometimes even murder.
Their disciples blindly believe
them because of their claims
that they have special powers.
Though India has an anti-

superstition law to deal with

wrongdoings by such godmen,
their popularity remains unaf-

fected. Sant Rampal, the selfproclaimed spiritual leader is

facing trial in a 2006 case when

his disciples opened fire on villagers, killing one and injuring

several others in Rohtak. He
was charged with murder,
attempt to commit murder and
other charges under various
Sections of the Indian Penal
Code (IPC) but was later
released on bail which has now
been cancelled due to his
absence during the trials. Since
2010, he has skipped court
hearings 42 times, after seeking repeated exemptions. He
runs a sprawling "Satlok
Ashram" in Barwala, Haryana,
where 40,000 Central Reserve
Police Force (CRPF) personnel
were deployed to ensure he
appears before court in person.


Financial aid for

self-employment scheme
The Chhattisgarh State Antyavsayi Sahkari Vitt Evam Vikash
Nigam, in order to make financial aid available to the scheduled caste,
scheduled tribe and other backward class beneficiaries in the district for
establishing self-employment has invited applications. The beneficiaries
can send application to the Executive Officer, District Antyavsayi
Sahkari Samiti, Narayanpur.
As the charge of Executive Officer Antyavsayi Sahkari Samiti
Narayanpur is with the Assistant Commissioner, Tribal Development
GR Sori, the applicant can contact him also. Through the Corporation,
target of one unit each has been allotted for the scheduled caste class
under small business scheme, micro credit scheme and Mahila
Samruddhi Yojana. However, for the beneficiaries of scheduled tribe category, target under tractor trolley scheme, goods carrier scheme, passenger vehicle scheme, diesel autorickshaw scheme, small business scheme
and women empowerment scheme has been allotted.
Besides, under personal beneficiary scheme, Mahila Swarnim
Scheme and term loan scheme for the other backward class and for the
minority class, loan grant target has been allotted for term loan and
minority micro loan scheme and education loan. For sanitary workers,
micro credit scheme, Mahila Adhikarita Yojana and Mahila Samruddhi
Scheme, loan grant would be made available under personal beneficiary
scheme. The beneficiary interested in establishing self-employment
under self-employment schemes can send their application to the office
of the Assistant Commissioner, Tribal Development.

IITF: a platform for SME

exporters to interact with
international buyers & investors


(MP & CG)

Dairy Development Board sanctions

42 dairy projects for 12 states
New Delhi
National Dairy Development
Board (NDBB) has sanctioned 42
sub-projects with a total outlay of
Rs. 22102.72 lakh for 12 States,
which include Bihar, Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab,
Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand and West Bengal.
Out of this amount Rs. 15895.02
lakh has been sanctioned as grant
assistance and Rs. 6207.70 lakh as
share of End Implementing
Agencies (EIAs). This has been
made possible because of special
efforts and initiative taken by
Union Agriculture Minister, Radha
Mohan Singh. These 42 sub-projects would be implemented for
activities like Fodder Development
(9 projects), Ration Balancing
Programme (13 projects), Village
Based Milk Procurement System
(14 projects), Embryo transfer (4
projects), import of bulls (1 project)
and strengthening of Semen station (1 project).
These projects have been sanctioned under the National Dairy
(NDP-I), which was
launched during March 2012 for
implementation during 2011-12 to

2016-17 with the objective to help

increase the productivity of milch
animals and thereby increase milk
production to meet the rapidly
growing demand for milk and to
help provide rural milk producers
with greater access to the organised milk-processing sector. The
scheme is being implemented by
NDDB through end implementing
agencies (EIAs) comprising State
Government, State Livestock
Boards, State Cooperative Dairy
Federations, District Cooperative
Cooperative forms of enterprises
such as Producer Companies,
Trusts (NGOs, Section 25 companies), subsidiary of statutory bod-

V e t e r i n a r y / D a i r y
Institutes/Universities and any
other entity as may be decided by
the National Steering Committee
to be set up under the Plan.
NDP-I would focus on areas
with higher potential in the 14
major milk producing States of
Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana,
Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, Bihar,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Orissa and Kerala constituting 90% of the milk production. Coverage of NDP I will however be across the country in
terms of benefits accruing from
the scheme.

Baiga tribals to get potable

water in hilly terrain

New Delhi



Minister of State for Commerce

observe that they also have a major

and Industry, Nirmala Sitharaman

role to play in empowerment of mil-

said that the India International

lions of disadvantaged in Indias vil-

Trade Fair (IIFT) is a platform for

lages by generating sustainable

exporters and entrepreneurs, par-

livelihood, she said. With regard to

ticularly SMEs to interact with

this years IIFT theme, she said this

international buyers and investors.

decade belongs to women entrepre-



neurs. They command attention

Sitharaman was speaking during

because they are significant. Their

the inauguration of the 34th edition

domain is not limited to a few tradi-

of IIFT, one of the largest conver-

tional business lines.




gence points for the business frater-

They are no longer followers but

nity in the Asian region. The IITF

visionaries in their own right. They

provides a reliable and tested plat-

combine energy, initiative, determi-

form to our exporters and entrepre-

nation, timing, administrative acu-

neurs, from States and Union

men, and talent. Some even stand

Territories and the private sector,

out as innovators changing the

particularly SME exporters to inter-

shape of global economy, the

act with international buyers and

Minister said. IITF this year has a

investors, she said. Indian enter-

sizable foreign participation with

prises, according to her, truly have

countries like Bahrain, Bangladesh,

mettle to create world class brands.


While appreciating the Indian

Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka,

exporter for their performance in

South Korea and Tibet, retuning

terms of making a mark in fiercely

after a gap of a few years.



More than two dozen handpumps have been installed within

a fortnight in about 11 Baiga settlements in Pandriya and Bodla
development blocks of Kabirham
(Kawardha) district to provide
potable water for the Baiga tribals
living in the forest areas of the district. Work of installing handpumps is being carried out on a
war-footing in these areas as per
instructions of CM Raman Singh
who has set May 31 as the deadline for completion of the work.
According to officials, as many
as five simple drilling machines
besides a crawler machine specially designed for drilling in hilly
areas have been deployed for expediting the work of installing the
hand pumps. Till date, as many as
14 hand-pumps have been
installed after drilling in 11 settlements of Baiga tribes. Platforms
have also been constructed around
ten hand-pumps. It is pertinent to
mention that the CM had shown
concern for the Baiga tribals of
Kabirdham (Kawardha) district

facing acute problem of potable

water in a meeting held on May 1.
He had instructed Secretary ,
Department (PHED) GS Mishra to
send a team of senior engineers of
the department to the affected
areas. A team led by PHED Chief
Engineer Dr M L Agarwal was
immediately constituted for the
purpose. The team conducted a
survey of the Baiga settlements of

the district and a report was submitted by Mishra to the

Government. According to the
report, the team members moved
through the mountain of Kurapani
village panchayat (Jampani village)
Hydrochloride to the water seeping out from the mountain to make
it free from microbes. The team
found that drilling in the area was
possible only by crawler machine
and requested the senior officers
about requirement of the crawler
machine. A crawler machine was
sent from Surguja and drilling
work was started in the village.
The settlements where the work
has been completed include
Amleedih (village panchayat
Bairakh), Makkekonha (village
Chorchaudha (village panchayat
Dholbazza) , Khalhepar (village
panchayat Bairakh) , Barpani (village panchayat Kukreepani) ,
Bagchhapar (village panchayat
Batipathra) and Skulpara and
Dhamdapara ( village panchayat
Kesmarda ).


India to cross 300 million

internet users by year end
New Delhi
The number of Internet
users in India would reach
302 million by December
2014, registering a year-yoyear growth of 32 per cent
over last year, according to a
report Internet in India 2014,
jointly published by the
Internet and Mobile Association
of India (IAMAI) and IMRB
International. The Internet in
India took more than a decade to
move from 10 million to 100 million and 3 years from 100 to 200
million. However, it took only a
year to move from 200 to 300 million
users. Clearly, Internet is mainstream in India today, said IAMAIs
social networking site. In October
2014, there were 278 million internet
users in India.
Currently, India has the third
largest internet users base in the word
but it is estimated that by December
2014, India will overtake the US as the
second largest Internet users base in the
world. China currently leads with more
than 600 million internet users while the
US currently has estimated 279 million
internet users, it said. According to the
report, the number of internet users in
urban India has grown by 29 per cent
from October 2013 to reach 177 million in
October 2014. It is expected to reach 190
million by December 2014 and 216 mil-

lion by June 2015. Significantly, compared to last year, in rural India,

Internet users have increased by 39 per
cent to reach 101 million in October
2014. It is expected to reach 112 million
by December 2014 and 138 million by
June 2015.
The report further finds that there is
a huge spurt in the number of people
accessing Internet on a daily basis in
Urban India. As on June 2014, 31.5 mil-

lion (61 per cent) in 35

cities were using Internet
on a daily basis. The daily
user base has gone up by 51
per cent from June 2013.
96 per cent of the Internet
Internet at least once a
week. Out of these, 18 per
cent access Internet 4 to 6
times a week and 14 per
cent access Internet 2 to 3
times a week.
The report also finds
that in urban India, for
nearly 93 per cent of the
respondents, the primary
use of Internet is Search,
Communication and Social
Networking. However, in
rural India, Entertainment
is the primary reason for
internet usage, followed by
communication and social
networking. According to the report, the
number of mobile internet users has also
witnessed a steady rise, with 159 million
mobile internet users in October, and is
estimated to reach 173 million by the end
of December. In October, there were 119
million users accessing the Internet on
mobile devices, in urban India. Rural
India is not that far behind in this regard
with a base of 40 million mobile Internet
users in October 2013.

Cgarh farmers set new record

of papaya production
Kawardha district who have
approach to papaya farming
are setting new records of
production. These farmers
are now supplying papayas
to the adjoining districts of
Chhattisgarh as well as to
the bigger markets in other
states such as Goa and
Uttar Pradesh (Agra and
Allahabad). The Mohgaon,
Nawagaon of
Lohara development block of
the Kawardha district have
started Papaya and also
Banana farming on 82 acres
of land under National
(NHM). With novel techniques adopted by the farmers, the production of
Papaya has multiplied. The

farmers of these villages

have sold papayas and
bananas worth Rs 2 crore.
Inspired by them, the farmers of the adjoining villages
have also shown keen interest in horticulture cash
crops. Action plans are being
drawn to engage farmers of
the district in cultivation of
horticulture cash crops.
Collector P Dayanand has
advised officials to engage
the farmers in cultivation of
Pomegranate along with
papaya and banana.
Initially, a target of cultivation of Pomegranate on 15
acres of land has been set in
the district. Similarly action
plan is being chalked out to
engage Baiga tribals of
Bodla development block in
cultivation of spices as the
climate of this area has been
found favourable for cultivation of spices.


(MP & CG)

Government to Launch
Blue Revolution

New Delhi
Radha Mohan Singh, Minister for Agriculture
today on the occasion of World Fisheries Day said
that India with a fishermen population of 14.5
million and a coastal line of 8118 kilometers can
rise to be a major player in the world fisheries.
India also has a fleet of 200,000 fishing vessels
and last year has exported fish worth 5 billion US
dollars. The Minister informed that India has a
vast area of unutilized and untapped Inland water
resources and is short of for quality fish seed and
formulated fish feed and government will focus on
filling the critical gaps. informed that the
Government is focused to usher in a Blue
Revolution meaning increase in fish production
and productivity in the country on the occasion of
World Fisheries Day. National Fisheries
Development Board under Ministry of Agriculture
organized celebrations on World Fisheries Day at
Pragati Maidan here recently.
The Minister informed that India ranks world
number two in fish production and also the second
highest aquaculture country in the world. He
informed that the Government has announced a
new scheme Blue Revolution-Inland Fisheries in
the last budget session and the Government is
likely to launch very soon a programme to usher
in Blue Revolution in the country. Even though
the per capita income consumption in the world
for fish is 18 kilograms per annum, India stands
at 8 kilograms. India currently produces 9.58 million metric tonnes of fish out of which 64% of production is Inland and 36% is from marine sources.
The Minister also informed that the fisheries can
be an engine of growth due to high growth rates of
7.9% in Inland fisheries last year. He also
informed that Fisheries sector in our country is a
small scale nature with vast majorities of stakeholders along the value chain from production to
consumption. In India, fisheries is recognized as a
powerful income and employment generator as it
stimulates growth of a number of subsidiary sectors. Fisheries in both inland and marine waters
have been contributing as an important source of
livelihood and supplies nutritious protein for the
growing population. In fact, with exponential
increase in human populations, the food demand,
nkage of cultivable land and decline in the agricultural productivity, role of fisheries sector to fulfill the growing demand for food is of paramount
importance for nutritional security.
From a mere traditional activity years ago,
the fisheries sector has transformed into a significant commercial enterprise with an impressive
growth in recent times. As per the latest FAO statistics released in 2014 (The State of World
Fisheries and Aquaculture 2014), the global fish
production has reached to 158 million tonnes,
with food fish supply increasing at an average
annual rate of 3.2 percent, outpacing world population growth at 1.6 percent.



(MP & CG)

BJP manifesto promises cities

development on lines of smart cities
CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan unveiled the
BJP's manifesto for the upcoming urban
bodies' polls. Titled 'Nagar Sankalp Patra'
the document is divided into sector wise
promises on what the BJP intends to do in
towns and cities in the state if voted to
power in the municipal bodies. The manifesto begins with swachta (cleanliness,) the
focus area of PM Narendra Modi. In the
manifesto, the BJP reiterated its promise to
start survey for light metro in Indore along
with Bhopal, Jabalpur and Gwalior. Besides,
it also promises to construct flyovers in the
cities to ease out traffic congestion, make
facilities for online payment of taxes and
provide basic amenities like road, water and
electricity in illegal colonies of the city. The
salient features of the manifesto are: on the
sanitation front the party has promised 3.5
lakh community toilets to be built, scientific
disposal of urban waste, collection of waste
from home, recruitment of cleanliness staff
and sewage treatment plans in towns locat-

ed on banks of rivers On the friont of drinking water the BJP has promised ensuring
135 litres of water per head for citizens,
drinking water projects in 156 urban bodies,
private investment in water supply distribution and maintenance, tanker services at
low prices and river linking for meeting
water demands. The party has promised to
speed up infrastructure development. On
this front, the party has promised development of cities and towns on lines of smart
city concept, development of parks, play
grounds, stadiums in cities, storm water
drainage, high quality roads, ring roads in
big cities and modern fire services.
The BJP, in its manifesto, has also promised five lakh housies for urban poor amd
Rain Basera for the poor and development of
slums. The party has said colonies designated as illegal will also be developed by the
government. The party has also made commitments regarding public transport, environment and administrative reforms in
urban administration department.

Civiic polls: Congress promises

to regularize illegal colonies
The MP Congress Committee (MPCC) here
on Tuesday released its manifesto for upcoming
civic bodies elections in the state promising
employment creation, regularisation of illegal
colonies, implementation of single-tax system
and corruption-free system in a bid to woo the
electorate. While talking to media persons,
PCC Chief Arun Yadav said, Under the manifesto, the Congress has promised to merge various taxes, including water, under the property
tax in order to prevent residents from the trouble of paying multiple taxes.
Besides, the party would pay attention on
civic amenities such as proper disposal of
wastes, tackling the menace of stray animals,
ensuring BPL (Below Poverty Line) cards for
eligible families and maintaining cleanliness in
drains, he said. The nine-page manifesto
promised making purified drinking water
available at public places, laying new water
and drainage lines for civic bodies and pipelines
for colonies and areas in the outskirts. The
Congress' election document contained a
plethora of promises and commitments concerning social security schemes, simplification
of processes, public health, urban transport,
vehicle parking, road laying, environment,
beautification, drainage and pollution control
besides other aspects of local governance. On
the occasion, Yadav alleged that the BJP was in
power in 12 municipal corporation out of total
14, in the state but no development took place
despite the fact that the then United
Progressive Alliance Government sent it funds
for the purpose. We will construct 25 toilets for

women only in each of the state's metro cities if

the people bless us with power in the coming
local body elections in MP, stated the Congress
manifesto. The toilets will be maintained by
women only, it said. Senior Congress leader and
former minister Sajjan Singh Verma was also
present during the release of the manifesto for
the local body polls to be held later this month
and in the first week of December. The mani-

festo also promised construction of similar facilities near public places, railway stations, bus
stands, main squares, gardens and religious
places to deal with the problem of shortage of
toilets there. Focusing on cleanliness, the manifesto said that on the lines of Telangana's
Suryapeth and Tamil Nadu's Namkallam, the
cities in MP will be made totally clean with the
help of people.

Policemen forced to
donate blood on
Maulayams birthday
Mulayam Singh Yadavs 75th
birthday, strange kind of programme is reported from
Aligarh in which policemen are
forced to donate blood. To commemorate Mulayam's 75th
birthday here, it was planned
that 75 leaders of the party will
donate their blood. But forget
about 75 leaders, not even party
workers come forward to donate
blood. After this, those policemen who are deployed for the
security of Samajwadi Party
leaders were forced to give
blood. However, spotting the
media cops started hiding their
face and evaded questions.
Earlier during the day, a programme was organised to shed
light on the political career of
Mulayam Singh at the Malkhan
Singh auditorium. Here speakers talked about his political
achievements and honoured him
with the status of iron man.
After that, party leaders went to
different hospitals and distributed fruits to patients. Vinod
Savita, under whose leadership
this blood donation campaign
was carried out said that the
programme was organised to
wish for long life of Mulayam




(MP & CG)

F1 showdown: Lewis Hamilton ready to stand and deliver


ewis Hamilton's closest

friends and family are
elsewhere on the most important weekend of his life but the
words of Martin Luther King
are very much in mind as he
bids for a second Formula One
title. "The ultimate measure of
a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at
times of challenge and controversy," the Mercedes driver
reminded his followers on
Twitter earlier in the week. "I've
used that several times on

Twitter," the Briton told

reporters as he prepared for his
'Duel in the Desert', the
Formula One showdown with
German team mate Nico
Rosberg in Abu Dhabi. "It's one
of my favourite quotes. You take
all these pictures and post
them, but you want to find
something that's inspiring to
people. "I want it to be more
than 'Hey, here's me by a car...
here's me by a mountain.' I
want to tell them 'If I can do it,
you can do it.' Help inspire people, really."

We are well equipped to tackle Johnson

on pacy, bouncy wickets: Virat Kohli

alking tough ahead of

the of the Test series
against Australia, standin-skipper Virat Kohli said
that the team is in the right
frame of mind and totally
equipped to handle the dangerous Mitchell Johnson. I
think coming to Australia and
playing, its more about the
mindset rather than getting
used to the conditions, because
pace and bounce is something
which you can get used to. But
unless youre mentally there,
theres no point of any sort of
practice, Kohli told reporters
on the eve of the first two-day
Cricket Australia XI.
Kohli also opined that the
team is absolutely capable of
withstanding the threat posed
by the paceman Johnson. Hes
been bowling really well -everyone knows that. Credit to him for
doing all that, Kohli said. We are
equipped enough to tackle him on
these pacy and bouncy wickets. I dont

see any good reason why we cant come

up and put up a good fight. Its all
about mentally being there. If you can
visualise being in that battle and being
on top, I think youre going to be able

to go out there and execute it. I think

the guys in our team have the ability
to do it ... its all about being mentally
present. Given the responsibility of
leading the side in the first Test in the
absence of Mahendra Singh Dhoni,
who is recovering from a wrist injury,
Kohli, who led India to the Under-19
World Cup triumph in 2008, said that
he has always been comfortable as a
leader. I love leading the side, I love
being captain, I love putting my first
foot forward and putting in my (views)
throughout the game. I dont see any
issues on why I cant be up to the challenge. As long as the team backs me
and puts in the performances we want,
I think Im going to look good at the
end of the day, said Kohli.
Responding to Australian paceman
Peter Siddles jibe that he might find
the rowdy crowd and added responsibilities a bit daunting, Kohli, who
will become Indias 32nd Test captain
at the start of the four-Test series in
Brisbane on December 4, was quick to
answer back. Well thats for me to
know and for me to experience, said
the top-order batsman.

Ganguly not happy

with India's
preparation schedule
ahead of Oz Test series

ot really impressed with the preparation that India

will have going into the Test series against Australia,
former captain Sourav Ganguly today said a couple of twoday practice games are just not enough. India will start the
Test series against Australia on December 4 and play two
practice games before that. "The key to doing well in places
like Australia is the preparation before the Test series starts
and not between the matches. I am not happy with India's
schedule of two two-day games ahead of first Test match,"
Ganguly said during a panel discussion at the Hindustan
Times Leadership Summit.
"This effectively means that you will get only two
innings to prepare yourself for the first Test which I don't
think is ideal. Even someone like Virat Kohli would like to
get at least four innings to prepare himself," he added.
Ganguly, India's most successful captain in overseas Test
matches, recollected his time when India batted well during
that phase. "If you look at the Oval Test match few months
back, we batted some 42 odd covers in the first innings and
some 25 odd covers in the second innings. In Brisbane back
in 2004, Australia made 323 and we responded with a 450
odd total. In Adelaide, we scored 550 and 700 in Sydney.
"At Headingley in 2002, we scored in excess of 600 runs. In
that team, we had Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid, Anil
Kumble, VVS Laxman. They were not loud people but
always would give you that feeling of quiet confidence that
we can do well," he said.

Clarke's club to be investigated after declaring at 17-0



Cook saying it was to give Clarke

statement published by News Ltd.

cricket club is being probed


the best chance to bat the following

Consequently we will investigate

for declaring at 17-0 during a local

Saturday. All I wanted to do was

the full facts and evaluate Wests

game on Sunday and claiming it

the best for Michael Clarke and

actions at the conclusion of the

was to boost the injured Australian

Australia, News Ltd media quoted

round. Cook confirmed the probe

captains chances of batting time

Cook as saying. I stand by what I

and the veracity of the reports

before the first Test against India

wanted to do, Cook said. I might

when contacted by Reuters, but

next month. Clarke is racing to be

have sacrificed six first-innings

declined to comment, saying he

fit for the Dec. 4 opener in

points, but it would be fantastic for

had been told not to while the

Brisbane, having re-injured his

cricket if 2000 kids turned up to

investigation ran its course. Cook

hamstring in a one-day interna-

watch Michael try to prove a point

told News Ltd he had briefed

tional against South Africa in

to the Australian selectors. State

Parramatta on his plans before

Perth just over a week ago.

governing body Cricket New South


His club Western Suburbs were

Wales said it would investigate.


sent in to bat against Parramatta

While Cricket NSW and the

Australian cricket, and appreciate

t o

Parramatta also sprung a surprise

after losing the toss, but declared

Sydney Cricket Association are

the thinking behind this gesture,

main the integrity of the Sydney

by declaring at 140-2 midway

after a few overs, with captain Jeff

conscious of the broader interest of

we are also conscious of the need

Grade competition, it said in a

through the afternoon.









(MP & CG)

Angelina says ready to give up acting, sets sights on directing

ollywood A-lister Angelina Jolie says she

plans to give up acting after a "few more"
films and switch her focus to directing. Jolie
walked the red carpet in Sydney with husband
Brad Pitt this week at the premiere of her new
movie, World War II epic "Unbroken", which was
filmed in Australia.
It was her second foray behind the camera
after the critically-acclaimed 2011 "In the Land of
Blood and Honey" and she said directing was now
her passion and where she saw the future. "I'll do
a few more, but I'll be happy to let that all go at
some point," she told the Sydney Morning Herald
of acting, in comments published online
Thursday. "I love directing, I'm much happier
directing," added the 39-year-old. "I like following
a project all the way through. I like spending two
years on something and learning about it... I like
being pushed mentally to have to learn so much
and be a part of every single aspect of a produc-

tion." She separately told The Australian newspaper that "unless I'm sure there's a role or something I should do or (that) really means something to me, I'd rather be spending my time
telling stories from behind the camera". Jolie's
new movie is based on the true story of a US
Olympic athlete turned Japanese prisoner of war,
Louis Zamperini, who competed in the 5,000m at
the 1936 Games in Berlin before becoming a bombardier in World War II.
When his plane crashed over the South
Pacific, he spent 47 days adrift on a raft with a
crewmate before being captured by Japanese soldiers in the Marshall Islands. He was held in a
prisoner of war camp for more than two years,
enduring beatings and torture, before his return
home. Jolie, who has been acting since she was a
child, said her preference for being behind the
camera did not mean she thought any less of acting or actors.

I am not insecure: Sonakshi on

doing film with other actresses

onakshi Sinha will be seen sharing

screen-space with Yami Gautam
and Manasvi Mamgai in her
upcoming film 'Action Jackson' but
the actress says she has no
qualms about doing a movie
with two other female stars
as she is very secure
about herself.
The 27-year-old actress
says she is happy to
finally be a part of a multistarrer film, which also has
Ajay Devgn in it. "I think I have
established my name in the industry
in a way that I am not insecure of
the fact that the film has two other
heroines. I genuinely liked the role
and just because there are two more
heroines, I can't say no to a film.
"This is the first time I am working

in a multi-starrer. It was a fun film

to be involved with," Sonakshi said.
'Action Jackson' is an action comedy
directed by Prabhudeva. Sonakshi,
who has previously collaborated
with the choreographer-director in
'Rowdy Rathore' and 'R... Rajkumar',
said the upcoming movie is a typical
commercial film, which Prabhudeva
is best known for. "It is a typical
Prabhu sir film full of entertainment
and masala. When I was offered the
film, Prabhu sir told me he is looking for someone who has a good
comic timing.
This film gave me an opportunity
to play a character which is overloaded with comedy," the 'Dabangg'
actress said. Besides, making potboilers, Prabhudeva is also known
for his quirky choreography of his

songs. Sonakshi said since she has

worked with Prabhu several times,
she had no problem picking up the
moves but her-co-star Devgn was
initially struggling with the dancing. "I love dancing and I don't see
it as a task. It is my passion too.
So I pick up Prabhu sir's steps
quickly. As we know Ajay sir does
not like dancing and he tried to
keep away from it. But Prabhu sir
is a brilliant choreographer and he
knows the limitations of a person.
"He designed steps according to
Ajay's comfort. He was little hesitant before doing the steps but
finally he did it perfectly. And I
guess that comfort also shows in
the screen," Sonakshi said. 'Action
Jackson' will hit theatres on 5

Brace yourself! There might a

sequel of Salman Khan's Kick soon

alman Khan has

never done a sequel to
Dabangg, but that might
change soon with a sequel of
the superstar's last released
film Kick. According to
sources close to the project,
Kick, directed by Sajid
Salman's highest grosser to
date, may write out its
sequel sooner than expected. 'Kick' has become the
highest grosser of Salman's
career. It has so far accrued
a total box-office collection
of Rs.234 crore. That beats
the earlier Salman starrer
'Ek Tha Tiger' which netted
Rs.188 crore worldwide.
"Sajid is now being told by
his distributors and friends
to carry the story forward

into a sequel because it

makes a lot of business
sense," a source said.
Nadiadwala, however, is in
two minds as he has his
hands full as a producer.
"It's been a tremendous
year for me. God has been
kind. 'Kick' became far bigger than we imagined. And
it's all because of Salman's
star-power. I don't know
whether I can direct again
for a while. My hands are
full with productions. I
don't deny there is a growing demand to direct again.
All I can say is, wait and
watch," said Nadiadwala.
Released in July this year,
Nawazuddin Siddiqui and
Jacqueline Fernandez.

Why Lingaa is the most

important film of
Rajinikanth's career

uperstar Rajinikanth will be

turning 64 on 12 December,
2014. Since its a Friday, producer Rockline Venkatesh is planning
to release his Rajinikanth starrer
Lingaa directed by hit maker KS
Ravikumar on his birthday. Lingaa
has an impressive star cast of
Rajinikanth in a dual role along with
Sonakshi Sinha, Anushka Shetty,
Jagapathy Babu, Santhanam and
others with music by AR Rahman.
The audio launch of Lingaa last
Sunday in Chennais Satyam theatre
was a big red carpet affair.
There is a huge buzz around the
film as it is Rajinikanths first live
action release in four years after
2010 blockbuster Enthiran (Robot in
Hindi). It is the first film which was
shot in a record eight months, after
his recent illness. Rajinikanth at the
audio launch said: I never thought I
could return to acting after my illness.
I think I need to thank my fans for
giving me the energy to continue acting. Rajinikanths Kochadaiyaan
directed by his daughter Soundarya
which released earlier this year was
an animation film using performance
capture technology. The film was a
commercial failure and dismissed as
an animation film by fans who were
looking for his famous punchline dialogues, dance movements and stylish
live action scenes. In fact Rajinikanth
himself admitted that he lost a lot of
money on Kochadaiyaan, but said it
was a lesson learned. Lingaa is
Rajinikanths comeback vehicle, as he
knows that in tinsel town you are
recognised by your last hit at the boxoffice altar. So he chose KS
Ravikumar who had given him blockbuster like Muthu and Padayappa,
which are considered by critics as his
best films. So when Ravikumar narrated a story, Rajini could smell a hit.
Ravikumar said: When I met Rajini
sir, I told him my long time associate
Ponram had a story that suited his
image and it would work commercially. After he listened to my narration,
he said Lets start the movie. He
had only one condition that the film
should release in 2014.


White tigers to
revive glory of
Vindhya region


he State

Job fair
held at
showing signs
of recovery

Published simultaneously from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

Vol-01. Issue-50. Raipur. Monday Page-12 Price-10/Online edition available at and

BJP manifesto
promises cities
development on
lines of smart

Ganguly not happy

with India's
schedule ahead of
Oz Test series
I am not
Sonakshi on
doing film with



E-payment, a success in MP

MP pioneer in womens

development works


total payments. Through them,

24,477 transactions. Now the

payment of Rs 40,000 crore has

number of transactions has gone

been made.

upto 25.77 lakh in year 2013-14

s many as 99 per cent gov-

through which an amount of Rs


All four banks associated with

being made electronically in MP,

government treasuries State

which is pioneer in the use of infor-

Bank of India, Union Bank,

Online real time deposit facili-

mation technology in governance

Central Bank and Allahabad Bank

ty has been provided in the state.

and public services delivery. Side

are making e-payments. All treas-

With this the challan number of

by side e-payment, MP has also

uries and sub-treasuries are also

cyber treasury is made instantly

made considerable progress in e-

making e-payments. MP has been

available to those depositing gov-




14,233 crore was deposited.


conferred SKOCH Award for out-

ernment tax or fee online. They

Government has placed MP next

standing e-payment works. Every

are not required to wait for two

only to Gujarat in Electronic

sort of problem has ended and

days for confirmation.

Aggregation and Analyser Layer

work has become easier with intro-

The depositor can have a print

(e-TAAL) portal launched to assess

duction of e-payment facility.

of treasury challan number and

e-transactions in the country. So

Earlier, drawing and disbursing

challan sitting at home. The print

far, 5.90 crore electronic transac-

officers used to obtain cheques

out can be submitted as challan

tions have been made through e-

from treasury officer and send the

to concerning departmental offi-

transaction system launched in

same with attached lists to banks

cer immediately. Besides, the

the state in year 2009. Database of

on basis of which payment was

depositor gets the prescribed

about 5 lakh employees is being

made. Now, e-payment is made in

service within no time. The most

maintained in MP. All payments to

concerning bank account and

important feature of this facility

government servants in the state

information about it is given

is that cyber treasury has been

are being made electronically

through SMS.






apart from 75 lakh vendors includ-

It is noteworthy that populari-

Following this public facilitation

ing contractors, suppliers and non-

ty of cyber treasury in MP has

centres like MPOnline kiosk can

government persons. So far, 13.75

increased rapidly. In year 2007,

be linked to cyber treasury. The

lakh cheques have been paid elec-

when it was launched, only Rs 16


tronically, which is 99 per cent of


amount at any kiosk.







Bhopal: Womens empowerment is basic mantra of

social development since families can be developed
when girls future is brightened. This was stated by
Commerce and Industries Minister Yashodhara Raje
Scindia while addressing MP Day function at
International Trade Fair at Lal Chowk theatre in Pragati
Maidan, New Delhi recently. Theme of International
Trade Fair is womens empowerment this year and stall
of MP also profusely highlights this aspect. Smt.
Scindia said that CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan had started Ladli Laxmi Yojana realizing this fact several years
ago. Now, many states of the country are replicating this
scheme. This ambitious scheme has resulted in acceptance of girl child since through the scheme girls become
owners of Rs. one lakh 18 thousand on attaining age of
18 years. She also enumerated a number of schemes
implemented by the state government for womens
empowerment like Mukhyamantri Kanyadan Yojana.
Scindia said that it is the result of committed efforts of
CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan to make agriculture profitable that double digit agriculture growth rate has been
achieved in the state for consecutive 3 years. States
present agriculture growth rate 24.99 percent is highest
in the country. She said that this fact has been highlighted properly in MPs stall apart from laudable display of various aspects of states increasing industrialization, tourism and development. The Minister rewarded government and private sector institutions for outstanding performance in the stall. In government sector,
Renewable Energy Department was adjudged best. The
award was received by Additional Chief Secretary S.R.
Mohanthy. MP Tourism was awarded in fiscal sector. In
private sector, Shakti Pump Indore and Fancy Global
Gwalior were awarded. Jury special prizes went to
Batto Bai Gudiya, MP Dairy Federation and Health &
Family Welfare Department.

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