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The Quality Assurance Office is a vital unit in achieving SUCs quality standards envisaged in
the Vision and Mission and also to meet the best practices in providing quality education
and academic support services adopted by the Universities in the region and the world over.
This office works towards meeting the guidelines/standards/accreditation requirements
provided by MOHESR. The QA office has two important wings viz Institutional Research
Office and Quality Assurance wherein the functions are demarcated as below:


The Institutional Research office is responsible for planning, designing data collection
instruments, gathering, compiling, analyzing and disseminating information. Institutional
research offices major role is to measure, analyze and report findings that facilitate in
gauging the level of Institutional Effectiveness (IE), Identifying gaps and making
amendments in the process of Institutional Effectiveness. Results from the various
institutional effectiveness tools are used to provide guidance in preparing and evaluating
strategic plan and disseminate inputs for academic and administrative operative decision
makers. Institutional Research office uses existing databases and gathers additional data
as warranted to determine the future course of actions in achieving the Vision and
Mission of SUC.


The Quality Assurance (QA) Office at Skyline University College (SUC) was set up in
January 2012. The Quality Assurance Office receives various feedbacks and IE tools
reports from Institutional Research Office and reviews the findings in order to suggest to
the Executive Council the areas of improvement in both academic and academic support
services. The Quality Assurance office designs appropriate methodologies for meeting
the Quality standards of the Institution in Academics and Academic Support Services to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the institution.
The QA office is responsible for providing guidelines for the implementation of policy
procedures during the academic year. QA conducts regular audits of academic and
academic support services to ensure the adherence of policy and procedures for the

improvements in the overall institutional quality standards. It also helps in preparing,

implementing and evaluating the Strategic Plan.
1. To achieve the quality standards for fulfilling the SUC Vision and Mission
2. To identify the data requirements, plan and develop assessment tools helpful in
gathering appropriate information for measuring institutional effectiveness
3. To collect, compile, analyze and disseminate information to the decision makers
with regards to Quality improvements in Academics and Academic support
4. To evaluate the Institutional Effectiveness through auditing the academic and
academic support service processes.
5. To record, organize and present output to meet the national and international
accreditation requirements
6. To provide inputs for strategic plan review
7. To facilitate the FES, SES and EC evaluation system



a. Planning and Decision Support

Institutional Research Office (IRO) identifies the data requirements, plan and
develops assessment tools helpful in gathering appropriate information for
increasing institutional effectiveness. IRO compiles, analyzes and disseminates
information for decision making in the process of institutional effectiveness. It
provides inputs for preparing and evaluating long term Strategic Plan and Short
term annual and semester plans.

b. Feedback Survey

Conducting various surveys that helps in assessing the status and requirements
of SUC among the stakeholders is a major responsibility of the Institutional
Research Office. Student, staff, graduate and employer perceptions and opinions
are imperative in determining the future directions of SUC. IRO contributes to
the development of survey tools and the analysis of their results.

c. Assistance in Accreditation

As a key source of data and information within SUC, IRO is responsible for
assisting in the process of accreditation.

d. Facilitating the Performance Evaluation System

The IR office helps in developing the tools for performance evaluation systems of
evaluating Board of Governors, Executive Council Members, Faculty and Staff. It
collects and analyzes information on the evaluation systems and forwards it for
decision making to the respective authority.


A. Quality Enhancement
SUC is committed to excellence in all aspects of academics and academic support
service departments as envisioned in the vision statement. The Quality
Assurance Office ensures there is continuous enhancement of the institutional
goals in meeting the specified standards and requirements across all areas of
Academics and Academic Support Services.

B. Institutional Policies

QA office is responsible for preparing, amending, ensuring compliance and

evaluating the policy and procedures of SUC.
C. Quality Auditing
The quality enhancement is ensured by auditing and reviewing the various
institutional activities with respect to adherence to the planned processes and
procedures. This review will help in appropriate decision making by the Dean,
Executive Council and Board of Governors.

D. Compliance with accreditation standards

The Quality Assurance Office keeps track of all the latest updates in the MOHESR
standards and reviews its impact on the institutional policy and procedures. It is
the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Office all the necessary amendments
as per the latest updates are reflected in the appropriate policies. It ensures that
all the important documents of the Institution are amended as per the changes
in the standards set by the MOHESR.

E. Enhancing Institutional credibility


Benchmarking in higher education is an important tool of setting higher
goals and achieving them through defining specific academic processes
and procedures. In SUC, the need for benchmarking is visualized with
respect to diversity of student community and teaching community, the
National Qualification framework of UAE, the industry requirement and
international placements currently SUC has adopted standardizing CDPs,
nature of assessment tools, quality check of question papers to meet
learning outcomes, program learning outcomes linked with the skills and
competencies desirable by the industry.


Participation for awards and ranking

The Quality Assurance Office researches and identifies various renowned

awards and ranking that would provide global recognition to Skyline
University College. Awards and rankings are finalized for participation in
consultation with the Accreditation Committee. The office understands
the complete process and requirement of participation and accordingly
plans its activities for participation in these awards. SUC can confer
degrees. The criteria of evaluation would be decided by the panel
selected for the purpose. The quality assurance communicates the
information to the institutional units whose contribution is required for
achievement of these awards.

(IR & QA)


The Quality Assurance Office is a vital unit in achieving SUCs quality standards envisaged in
the Vision and Mission and also to meet the best practices in providing quality education
and academic support services adopted by the Universities in the region and the world over.
This office works towards meeting the guidelines/standards/accreditation requirements
provided by MOHESR. The QA office has two important wings viz Institutional Research
Office and Quality Assurance wherein the functions are demarcated as below:


The Institutional Research office is responsible for planning, designing data collection
instruments, gathering, compiling, analyzing and disseminating information. Institutional
research offices major role is to measure, analyze and report findings that facilitate in
gauging the level of Institutional Effectiveness (IE), Identifying gaps and making
amendments in the process of Institutional Effectiveness. Results from the various
institutional effectiveness tools are used to provide guidance in preparing and evaluating
strategic plan and disseminate inputs for academic and administrative operative decision
makers. Institutional Research office uses existing databases and gathers additional data
as warranted to determine the future course of actions in achieving the Vision and
Mission of SUC.


The Quality Assurance (QA) Office at Skyline University College (SUC) was set up in
January 2012. The Quality Assurance Office receives various feedbacks and IE tools
reports from Institutional Research Office and reviews the findings in order to suggest to
the Executive Council the areas of improvement in both academic and academic support
services. The Quality Assurance office designs appropriate methodologies for meeting
the Quality standards of the Institution in Academics and Academic Support Services to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the institution.

The QA office is responsible for providing guidelines for the implementation of policy
procedures during the academic year. QA conducts regular audits of academic and
academic support services to ensure the adherence of policy and procedures for the
improvements in the overall institutional quality standards. It also helps in preparing,
implementing and evaluating the Strategic Plan.
8. To achieve the quality standards for fulfilling the SUC Vision and Mission
9. To identify the data requirements, plan and develop assessment tools helpful in
gathering appropriate information for measuring institutional effectiveness
10. To collect, compile, analyze and disseminate information to the decision makers
with regards to Quality improvements in Academics and Academic support
11. To evaluate the Institutional Effectiveness through auditing the academic and
academic support service processes.
12. To record, organize and present output to meet the national and international
accreditation requirements
13. To provide inputs for strategic plan review
14. To facilitate the FES, SES and EC evaluation system



e. Planning and Decision Support

Institutional Research Office (IRO) identifies the data requirements, plan and
develops assessment tools helpful in gathering appropriate information for
increasing institutional effectiveness. IRO compiles, analyzes and disseminates
information for decision making in the process of institutional effectiveness. It

provides inputs for preparing and evaluating long term Strategic Plan and Short
term annual and semester plans.

f. Feedback Survey

Conducting various surveys that helps in assessing the status and requirements
of SUC among the stakeholders is a major responsibility of the Institutional
Research Office. Student, staff, graduate and employer perceptions and opinions
are imperative in determining the future directions of SUC. IRO contributes to
the development of survey tools and the analysis of their results.

g. Assistance in Accreditation

As a key source of data and information within SUC, IRO is responsible for
assisting in the process of accreditation.

h. Facilitating the Performance Evaluation System

The IR office helps in developing the tools for performance evaluation systems of
evaluating Board of Governors, Executive Council Members, Faculty and Staff. It
collects and analyzes information on the evaluation systems and forwards it for
decision making to the respective authority.


F. Quality Enhancement
SUC is committed to excellence in all aspects of academics and academic support
service departments as envisioned in the vision statement. The Quality
Assurance Office ensures there is continuous enhancement of the institutional
goals in meeting the specified standards and requirements across all areas of
Academics and Academic Support Services.

G. Institutional Policies
QA office is responsible for preparing, amending, ensuring compliance and
evaluating the policy and procedures of SUC.
H. Quality Auditing
The quality enhancement is ensured by auditing and reviewing the various
institutional activities with respect to adherence to the planned processes and
procedures. This review will help in appropriate decision making by the Dean,
Executive Council and Board of Governors.

I. Compliance with accreditation standards

The Quality Assurance Office keeps track of all the latest updates in the MOHESR
standards and reviews its impact on the institutional policy and procedures. It is
the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Office all the necessary amendments
as per the latest updates are reflected in the appropriate policies. It ensures that
all the important documents of the Institution are amended as per the changes
in the standards set by the MOHESR.

J. Enhancing Institutional credibility


Benchmarking in higher education is an important tool of setting higher
goals and achieving them through defining specific academic processes
and procedures. In SUC, the need for benchmarking is visualized with
respect to diversity of student community and teaching community, the
National Qualification framework of UAE, the industry requirement and
international placements currently SUC has adopted standardizing CDPs,
nature of assessment tools, quality check of question papers to meet

learning outcomes, program learning outcomes linked with the skills and
competencies desirable by the industry.


Participation for awards and ranking

The Quality Assurance Office researches and identifies various renowned
awards and ranking that would provide global recognition to Skyline
University College. Awards and rankings are finalized for participation in
consultation with the Accreditation Committee. The office understands
the complete process and requirement of participation and accordingly
plans its activities for participation in these awards. SUC can confer
degrees. The criteria of evaluation would be decided by the panel
selected for the purpose. The quality assurance communicates the
information to the institutional units whose contribution is required for
achievement of these awards.


i. Strategic Planning
The Strategic Planning is done with specific long-term directions in line with the
vision, mission and purposes of the University after thorough analysis of it's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It consists of the planning of
strategic directions for a five year period.
The Strategic Plan of SUC is divided into following three major components:
a. To define strategic directions
b. To determine strategic goals
c. To specify strategic initiatives to achieve the set strategic
The Quality Assurance Office in coordination with the COECs Office conducts a
through auditing of its previous strategic plan target Vs achievements in relation to
its capabilities and the external constraints. The internal capabilities and its gaps
are assessed continuously through the Institutional Effectiveness (IE) tools which
are documented on a semester basis. Evaluation of the IE tools gives an
understanding of operational strengths & weaknesses and provides directions for
the areas of development. Based on these inputs appropriate decisions are taken
during the review of the Strategic Plan which further provides inputs for the next
Strategic Plan.

ii. Annual Planning

The Quality Assurance Office coordinates and carries out the annual planning of the
instituion that includes following activties:
a. Institutional planning
1. Strategic plan review:
To begin the institutional planning, the previous years performance is
assessed in line with Strategic plan. Upon the SWOT analysis gaps are
identified, plans for the forthcoming academic year are prepared after
receiving inputs from Board of Governors, faculty, students, staff and
other stake holders. The Goals and objectives for all the existing
academic programs offered by the institution are also reviewed and
updated by the Quality Assurance Office based on the accreditation
requirements, Program review and industry requirements.
2. Institutional Effectiveness System Planning: Executive Council
reviews the Institutional Effectiveness tools before the start of the
academic year and finalizes the Institutional

Effectiveness tools and

appointment of Chairperson and Committee members for the

forthcoming academic year. IR office prepares the IE calendar for the
forthcoming academic year which includes the following components
i. Name of the IE committee
ii. IE committee Chair
iii. IE committee members
iv. IE committees to submit report to IR office as per
v. IR office to review and compile the report and forward to
QA office as per calendar

vi. Semester wise review of consolidated reports by

Executive Council
vii. QA office to facilitate the departments in implementing
IR office intimates the allocation of IE tools to respective IE
committee chairs and members. IE tools are handed over to the
respective committees during the orientation meeting with HQA at the
start of the academic year.
3. Feedback Planning:The Quality Assurance receives inputs from
various academic and academic support services units for the need of
a new feedback and / or updates required in existing feedback for the
coming academic year which are forwarded to EC for review. The EC
reviews all the suggested requirements and takes the decision. On
approval of the feedbacks, the Quality Assurance Office updates the
list of feedbacks, develops the corresponding scope and objectives
and sends it for the approval of Dean. Upon finalization of scope and
objectives for the revised feedback list, the necessary feedback forms
are developed by the Quality Assurance and sent for Deans review
and approval. IR office prepares the feedback calendar for student,
faculty and staff and forwards it to the respective department for
necessary actions.

4. Performance Evaluation System Planning

The QA office reviews the various components of the performance
evaluation system towards the end of an academic year and develops
a draft containing required changes as per the accreditation standards

locally and internationally in coordination with Human Resource

Department. This draft document is presented to the Executive
Council for approval/amendments. The approved changes are sent to
the Human Resource Department for incorporation in the Evaluation
System and its compliance from next Academic Year onwards. IR
office prepares the performance evaluation calendar and forwards it
to the respective departments for necessary actions.
b. Planning for Academics
IR and QA office disseminates the curriculum approved by the Dean for
the academic year to all concerned authorities for its implementation. The
specific course CDDs on yearly basis forwarded to HOA for necessary
action. QA Office after reviewing the annual closing reports of Teaching
Effectiveness Committee, Research Committee, Services Committee
academic support services committee & learning resources committee
and the inputs received from Dean and EC sets the tone and provide the
guideline for the forthcoming academic year.
c. Departmental Planning
Quality Assurance Office coordinates with various departments of the
institution to plan for the upcoming academic year by providing them the
necessary guidelines. The departmental planning activities include goal
setting, review of goals and objectives, setting KPIs and Benchmarks,
review of policy and procedures, review of forms, letters, calendar of
annual activities, annual Budget requirement, etc.
iii. Semester Planning
Operational planning of various units should be carried out before the start of every
semester after reviewing the previous semester closing reports. Each department
head prepares a week wise operational calendar and pre-semester checklist of
activities which should be completed for the smooth commencement of semester. A

status report of these activities should be submitted to QA Office before the start of
the semester.
iv. Planning Policy
a. Introduction
The planning activities are aimed at achieving the Vision and Mission of the
institution through a well-directed course of action plans drawn from the long
term plans. The plans not only provide long term strategic directions but also
help Skyline University College (SUC) in foreseeing the opportunities to expand
the range of services that it can extend to the stakeholders. In the process SUC
develops its capabilities to benefit from the available opportunities, manage
risks and sustain in the long run to serve the community.
b. Planning Premise
Board of Governors (BOG) provides the Strategic direction to help SUC cruise
through the plan period successfully. The Chair of Executive Council (COEC)
along with the Members of the Executive Council (EC) reviews of the previous
Strategic Plan and provides thrust areas for preparing the new Strategic Plan.
The Executive Council also receives inputs from various external and internal
stakeholders such as industry practitioners, employers, parents and alumni,
faculty, staff and students.
c. Formation of Strategic Planning Committee
Based on the inputs received from the BOG, COEC authorizes the Dean to
initiate the process of preparing the plans. Dean in turn delegates the authority
to Head of Quality Assurance (HQA) to carry out Strategic Planning activities.
The Strategic planning committee is headed by HQA, other members of EC and
members as co-opted by the EC for the specific purpose. The various Heads of
Department (HOD) are responsible for preparing departmental annual plans
under the guidance of Quality Assurance (QA) Department.
d. Strategic Planning Process

1. BOG Provides Strategic Directions

2. COEC adds inputs from review of previous Strategic Plan and market
3. Strategic Planning Committee receives inputs from EC and departments for
4. Strategic Planning Committee prepares plans based on SWOT analysis of the
external environment and internal resources
5. Draft Strategic Plan is forwarded to EC and respective department HODs for
review and discussion

Preparation of


w frequency

to implement

to amend


al plan

Strategic Plan
Heads of

Once in 5





Semester wise Heads of




Heads of





Heads of


Institutional effectiveness is an ongoing, integrated and systematic set of processes that
includes planning, evaluation and measurement of academic and academic support services
carried out during an academic year. Institutional effectiveness system ensures that the
regular flow of data is maintained which is used in analyzing the institutional effectiveness
at the end of the academic year. The findings of the analysis are disseminated to the
Executive Council for necessary decisions and implementation.


Institutional Effectiveness System works on the following Principle:

PLAN Develop policy &





and processes.


DO implement the systems

and processes.


CHECK Monitor, Compile

and analyze and compare the





ACT Initiate preventive and

The Institutional Effectiveness process helps SUC to measure the achievement of outcomes
based on its mission.


Overall Institutional Effectiveness Committee

The Institutional Effectiveness Committee is headed by Dean and consists of the following

a. Head-Quality Assurance
b. Executive Council Members
c. Head - Institutional Research
d. Supervisor Quality Assurance


Responsibilities of the IE Committee Chair Again the role is to be

redfifned. These are old instructions.

a. Review the IE Tool with the committee members and prepare internal
plan of action of the committee for the academic year towards achieving
the objectives of the committee
b. Encourage all committee members to present their views and to explain
the rationale for their opinions
c. Mobilize faculty and staff to achieve the objectives of the committee
d. Ensure committee MOM, reports, and recommendations are completed
and appropriately disseminated in a timely manner
e. Forward Reports and recommendations to IR office as per the IE


Responsibilities of the Committee Members

a. Regularly contribute to achieve the objectives of committee

b. Attend and actively participate in meetings;
c. Share information during committee discussions, recommend and
express opinion for decision making
d. Support decisions of the committee or ensure that MOM minutes
include concerns/reservations with decision (s)


General Format of IE Committees Report

a. Report Introduction
b. Members of Committee
c. Display of Data

a. Data Analysis
b. Outcomes Achieved as per objective
c. Key Performance Indicators
d. In comparison to last year
e. Positives

Areas of Improvement

g. Recommendations to EC
h. Conclusion

MOM of all meetings and contribution by individual members


Institutional Effectiveness Tools

Institutional Effectiveness tools are classified into academic, academic support services and
learning support services.

a. Institutional Effectiveness Tools - Academics

The following Institutional Effectiveness tools are used to evaluate the processes
related to academics


Academics Department

Business Updates

Skyline Business Journal (SBJ)

Media and Communication Committee (Newsline, Catalog, Marketing

Material, Digital and Print Media)

Teaching and Faculty Portfolio (Course files)

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre

Case Study Centre

Internship, Internship Project and Dissertation

Program Objectives Measurement (Direct and Indirect Measures)


All Capstone Courses Including The Major Capstone

Courses Outcomes

a Internship Courses Outcomes

a Dissertation Course Outcomes
a Professional Skills Development Program Outcomes
a Alumni Survey Analysis
a Employer Survey Analysis

b. Institutional Effectiveness Tools - Academic Support Services

The following Institutional Effectiveness tools are used to evaluate the administrative
units and processes:


Institutional Research Office and QA Office

Overall IE Committee

Feedbacks (Conduct & Review)

Interim Feedbacks

Faculty feedbacks - Course

Faculty feedbacks - Dissertation

Faculty feedbacks - Internship/Internship project

Academic Advising

Academic Support Services

Academic and Academic Support Services Monthly report review

Semester Report by EC

Program Review/Revisit Committee



Accreditation Committee

Revisit of Organization chart

Revisit of Vision, Mission, Purpose, Program Goals, etc. Committee

Revisit of Strategic Plan


Quality Audit Committee (Academic and Academic Support Services, CPD, Club,


Revisit of Policy and Procedures


Fact Book and Annual Report

Marketing , PR and Admissions Department

Enrollment Analysis Intake wise

Caller ratio

Visitors ratio

Enrollment statistics including last year comparison


Location wise

Gender wise




Year of completion of high school/university

Location of school/university

Working status

Fee waivers/scholarship

Area of specialization at school level/university level

Total application/registration

Total to Main

Total to English

Total to Maths course


Budget comparative with last year and current year utilization

Cost per student - Media wise, location wise

Fee review

Competitor analysis

Advertising Survey

Corporate Relations Department


Corporate Relations Committee

Program Review


PSDP (Conduct and Feedback)

Guest lecture and Technical visit( Feedback)

Conduct of Employer Survey (Feedback from Employer)

Placement and Employer Rate of AY 2013-14 Graduates (Feedback From


Articulation Agreements

Alumni and Graduate MBA network Committee

Media and Communication Department

Media and Communication Committee

Knowledge Updates

SEO Activities

SMO Activities

Online Chat

Listing and Ranking and Membership




Press & PR


Administration, Registration, Student Services and Examination

Administration Academic - Progression (BBA & MBA)

Progression and SAP

Retention, Postponement, Withdrawal, Cancellation and



Disciplinary Action Committee

Registration Committee

High School Grades

Demographic wise

School wise

Major wise

Shift wise

Board wise

Gender wise

Working status

Graduate Grade Analysis

Demographic wise

University wise

Emphasis wise

Shift wise

Provisional Admission (BBA & MBA ) - Admission Process Audit

Placement Test Analysis


Feedback from Toastmaster club members on club activities


Placement Test Review

MQP Analysis (MBA)

TOC Analysis (BBA & MBA)

Examination Board

Exam & Invigilation Schedule

Quality Check

Result Analysis

Student Counseling Committee

Personal & Group Counseling

SAP Counseling

TOC Counseling

Graduation Counseling

Withdrawal & Repeating Course Counseling

Provisional Admission Counseling

Accelerated Counseling

Zero & Low Attendance Counseling

Low Gpa Student Counseling

Exam Absentees Counseling

Mitigation Counseling

Financial Outstanding Counseling

Postponement & Reactivation Counseling

Cancelation & Exit Interview Counseling

Visa Student Counseling

Hostel Student Counseling

Suggestion & Complaint Forms (Feedback From Students)




Events Committee (Reporting, Planning, Allocation, Checklist, Budget, Expenses&


Teacher Appreciation Day


23rd Graduation Ceremony

Farewell Party


Alumni Picnic

Carnival & UAE National

Hostel Students Outing

Crossfire Debate Competition

Student Picnic + Vday

Can Collection (Community Service)

International Trip

Hostel Students Picnic

Green Walk (community service)

Career Fair + Intercollegiate CAT fest


Appreciation Day

Human Resource Department

EC Evaluation Committee (Individual Goal institution driven)

SES Committee (Goals, KPI and Benchmark setting and review (individual goal
department driven))

FES Academic Committee

Teaching Effectiveness Committee

Academic Advising & Mentoring Committee

Research and Professional Development

Services Committee

Goals Setting and Review Committee

FES AAS Committee

Following Policy & Procedure

Meeting Administrative Deadline

Meeting Deadlines IE

Developing Learning Support Services - Library

Developing Learning Support Services - Computing

Faculty Schedule & Semester Wise Allocation

Faculty Information

Qualification Wise Statistics - Faculty

Qualification Wise Statistics - Staff

FT Vs PT Ratio

Faculty Grade Wise

Faculty Diversity Ratio

Faculty Vs Students Ratio

Faculty and Staff Satisfaction Review

Faculty and Staff Search Committee

Faculty & Staff Development Program (TNA)


Salary and Benefits Review


Sports Department

Sports Committee

Health Committee

Fire and Safety Committee

Student Accommodation Committee


Finance Department

Financial Audit Report

Student Debit & Credit Audit

Risk Management

Resources Adequacy - Facility (Infrastructure, Fire, Safety, AMC)

Budget Review



LRDC Committee (Library Resource Adequacy& Feedback Faculty, Staff &

Students, Library Collection Development)



CRDC Committee (Computing Resource Adequacy& Feedback Faculty, Staff &

Students, Computing Development, Hardware ,Software ERP, New technology in
class, Technical support ,Online supports ,Website, Portal , Backs ups, Cloud)


The Quality Assurance Office evaluates the academic and academic support services
outcomes as follows:
a. Educational /Academic Outcomes

i. Develop and implement effective course learning outcomes.

ii. Measure Program outcomes through direct & indirect tools (Dissertation,
Employer Survey, Alumni Survey, etc.)

b. Academic Support Services Outcomes

To audit compliance with policies and procedures in:

i. Admission procedures including marketing efforts
ii. Human resources recruitment, selection and utilization
iii. Learning resource Adequacy and systems (library and IT)
iv. Financial resources
v. Student services and Advising
vi. Corporate Affairs including Job Placement
vii. Facilities for co-curricular and extracurricular activities

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