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Srila Prabhupada - Founder-Acarya


Five Key Steps taken

by Srila Prabhupada in
Shaping his ISKCON
* The founding of the institution under the name of ISKCON

* The recognition of that founder with the title Prabhupada


* The further recognition of Prabhupada with the title Founderacarya


* The establishment of the Governing Body Commission


* The acquisition of land at Sridham Mayapur for the world

headquarters and construction of the ToVP

Why the Founding

Within a year or so of Srila Prabhupada arriving
in the US, he had established his ISKCON society
To deliver pure love of God to suffering humanity
the example taken from all previous acaryas
An institution that would be able to achieve the
above with united force over large spans of space
and time, needed a unique form

Why it had to be
I am one of the workers of the Gaudiya Math, I
have no ambition of becoming the proprietor of
any Math or Mandir [SPL November 8th 1965 to Kunja Bihari dasa]
Just start a branch of your Sri Caitanya Math or
designate the branch as New York Gaudiya
Math [SPL November 23rd 1965 to Kunja Bihari dasa]
I am prepared to accept any condition for your
cooperation [SPL May 23rd 1969 to Gaudiya Math secretary]

Why it had to
So far as my starting a separate organisation known as the International Society
for Krishna Consciousness, it was inevitable because there was no cooperation. I
am still prepared to accept this cooperation in any condition [SPL to the Secretary, Gaudiya
Mission, May 23, 1969]

In his last two month on earth, rla Prabhupda put time and energy into
establishing the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust, with the central aim of
uniting the Srasvata familythe followers of Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat
hkurain a cooperative effort to restore and develop Gaura-maala-bhmi.
Tamal Krishna Goswami recorded how rla Prabhupda laid down the aim and
provided a concrete example. Prabhupda said, No more non-cooperation. Now
everyone cooperate to spread Lord Caitanyas movement. Just like rdhara
Mahrja is having trouble finishing his Nath Mandir. So in that way,
cooperate [TKG 293].

As followers increased and more and more
devotees became initiated and more and more
books were published, the devotees became
enabled to better understand their master and
how unique he was
Just as the maha-mantra gradually reveals itself
to those who properly chant, so the spiritual
master becomes revealed to his disciples who
properly chant

Why Prabhupada?
My husband decided he wanted to call me
Govindaji so he asked Prabhupada was that okay
Srila Prabhupada said, no, actually ji is a third
class form of address
I then piped up, well if it is a 3rd class form of
address why are we addressing you as ji

Why Prabhupada?
Srila Prabhupada said, it is not very important
I said, oh no it is VERY important we do not want to
address you in a 3rd class way, please what would be a
good way to address you?
Well Gurudev, Guru Maharaja or Prabhupada
That is three! Which one is best?
Well Prabhupada is nice, is the best
Ok from today on you will be called Srila Prabhupada!
[Govinda Ds, DVD 1: November 1965 Summer 1970. Following rla Prabhupda : A Chronological Series. (ISKCON Cinema, 2006]

Why FounderAcarya?
This title is quite rare.
Aside from two obscure exceptions the only other reference
is to the successors of the original vaisnava sampradayas
(1) Lakshmi - Sri sampradaya (Ramanuja)
(2) Lord Brahma - Brahma sampradaya (Madhvacarya)
(3) Rudra sampradaya - (Vishnuswami)
(4) Kumara sampradaya - (Nimbarka) [SKC Pg 150]

Why FounderAcarya - Exceptions

The Gaudiya Math is also identical with its founder
Acharyya. The associates, followers and abode of His
Divine Grace are limbs of himself. None of them
claim to be anything but a fully subordinate limb of
this single individual. This unconditional, causeless,
spontaneous submission to the Head, is found to be
not only compatible with, but absolutely necessary
for the fullest freedom of initiative of the
subordinate limbs [Harmonist October 1930]

Why FounderAcarya - Exceptions

The Gaudiya Math is the instrument and
counterpart of His Divine Grace Paramahansa
Paribrajakacharyya Sree Sreemad Bhakti Siddhanta
Saraswati Goswami Maharaj. It lives and moves and has its
being in the Founder-Acharyya. [Harmonist December 1936]

A week following the publication of these words,

Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura left this world. So both
given the term Founder-Acharya was only used twice and
the second time only a week before SBSST departed, it
never took hold as a permanent title for him.

Suitable and
SBSST revived and reformed a weakened tradition
Engendered a society formed in and pervaded by, his
own spirit
Embodied the mood of the ancient and original
sampradaya acaryas
Not least to satisfy the desires of the Lord
In delivering pure love of God to suffering humanity

FounderAcarya Suitable
and Consistent
Countered impersonal monism
Restored the true theistic siddhanta
Spread that siddhanta vigorously
And exceptionally propagated the synthesis of
the four ancient sampradaya acaryas acintyabhedabheda-tattva

Suitable and
However after SBSST left this mortal world his
Gaudiya Math were deprived of being able to be;
an extension of the centre of the bestowal of grace
for the benefit of souls in all parts of the world.
Consequently his servant, to be able to carry out
the order of his master, became the FounderAcarya with the aim to have his movement fulfil
the aspiration his master had for his Gaudiya Math

Will be with us for evermore
But only as long as we remain
His unwavering servants, come what may

Srila Prabhupada our master

When the mortal body of the spiritual master expires, his
disciples should cry

Exactly as a queen cries when her king leaves his body


However the disciple and spiritual master are never separated


Because the spiritual master always keeps the company of his


As long as the disciple follows strictly the instructions of their

spiritual master. [SB 4.28.47, purport]

Srila Prabhupada
- our master
The Gaudiya Math is. . . identical with its founder
Acharyya. The associates, followers and abode of His Divine
Grace are limbs of himself. None of them claim to be
anything but a fully subordinate limb of this single individual
[Harmonist October 1930]

You have very nicely stated that I am your life. This means
you are my body and so neither life nor body can be
separated because on the spiritual platform there is no such
distinction. On material platform sometimes life is separated
from body, but on the Absolute platform there is no such
distinction [SPL Jan 11th 1968]

Srila Prabhupada - our master

SBSST exceptionally propagated the synthesis of the four
ancient sampradaya acaryas - acintya-bhedabheda-tattva,
Srila Prabhupada uniquely propagated unity in diversity
Material nature means dissension and disagreement
This Ka consciousness movements success will
depend on agreement, even though there are varieties of
In the material world there are varieties, but there is no
In the spiritual world there are varieties, but there is
agreement. That is the difference.

Srila Prabhupada

The materialist without being able to adjust the varieties and the
disagreements makes everything zero
If we keep Ka in the center, then there will be agreement in
varieties. This is called unity in diversity.
With all GBC and senior men present we should discuss how to
make unity in diversity.
Please try to maintain the philosophy of unity in diversity. That
will make our movement successful
[Therefore those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge see unity in diversity (SB 6.8.32). The principle of unity in
diversity is philosophically known as acintya-bhedbhedasimultaneous oneness and difference (CC Madhya

Srila Prabhupada
- notable years
1922 first meets SBSST - preach in english
1933 receives initiation
1944 begins BTG [sajjana tosani, harmonist]
1955 establishes the league of devotees
1966 forms ISKCON
1977 leaves the material world

Srila Prabhupadas
In a lecture on SBSSTs disappearance in LA 1968, Srila Prabhupada
I was born in a different family; my Guru Mahrja was born in a different
family. Who knew that I will come to his protection?
Who knew that I would come in America?
Who knew that you American boys will come
to me?
These are all Kas arrangement.
We cannot understand how things are taking place.

In 1936today is ninth December, 1968 in Bombay,
I was doing some business:

All of a suddenperhaps on this date, I wrote a

letter: My dear master, your other disciples
brahmacr, sannysthey are rendering you direct
service. And I am a householder: I cannot live with
you, I cannot serve you nicely. So I do not know.
How can I serve you?

Srila Prabhupadas
On the 13th of December, 1936, SBSST replied:

I am very glad to receive your letter. I think you should try to

push our movement in English. That will do good to you and to
the people who will help you.

Then on the 31st of December, 1936just after writing this

letterSBSST passed away.

But I took that order of my spiritual master very seriously


If we strictly try to serve the spiritual master, his order, then

Ka will give us all facilities

Srila Prabhupadas
worthiness - our
vyavasytmikbuddhir ekeha kuru-nandana.

Vivantha Cakravart hkura gives his

commentary that we should take up the words from
the spiritual master as our life and soul.

We should try to carry out the instruction, the

specific instruction of the spiritual master, very
rigidly, without caring for our personal benefit or

Srila Prabhupadas
worthiness, our legacy
So I tried a little bit in that spirit. So he has given me all
facilities to serve him.

Things have come to this stage, that in this old age I have
come to your country

You are also taking this movement seriously, trying to

understand it.

We have got some books now. So there is little foothold of

this movement.

Srila Prabhupadas
worthiness, our
So on this occasion of my spiritual masters

As I am trying to execute his will


Similarly, I shall also request you to execute the

same order through my will.

1. The Governing Body Commission (GBC) will
be the ultimate managing authority of the entire
International Society for Krishna

Establishing the
Governing Body
In 1970 Srila Prabhupada was able to have his
movement fulfil another aspiration SBSST had for his
Gaudiya Math
Forming a Governing Body Commission [GBC]
This was one of SBSSTs final instructions to his
Srila Prabhupada was convinced that disobedience of
this order led to the disintegration of the Gaudiya Math

Establishing the
Governing Body
Just as his own spiritual master had requested a GBC to
succeed him, Srila Prabhupada implemented the same
Departing from the custom of an acarya naming his sole
successor in his will
Instead the first article in Srila Prabhupadas will was;
The Governing Body Commission (GBC) will be the
ultimate managing authority of the entire International
Society for Krishna Consciousness.

Mayapur ISKCONs World

Headquarters and Srila
Prabhupadas Place of
After many setbacks and local opposition
Srila Prabhupada was able to purchase land in Mayapur
He quickly revealed his plans for that land - we have
proposed to hold a nice festival there from Janmastami day for
two weeks. At that time the foundation stone [for the temple]
will be set down. I wish that all our leading disciples come to
India at that time. There are 50 branches, so at least one from
each branch should attend the function [SPL May 28th 1971 - Govinda dasi]

Our Central
After establishing the GBC Srila Prabhupada
stated that he wanted there to be;
hundreds and thousands of spiritual masters
within ISKCON
He implied that the normative guru-disciple
relationship would be perpetuated within the
unified institution under the direction of a GBC.

Our Central
Maintaining and increasing the cooperation
between the GBC and all devotees, perhaps most
important of all, cooperation of ISKCON gurus
I offer you my longevity Srila Prabhupada That is not important
Only our cooperation with one another to
advance Srila Prabhupadas mission after his
departure is important

Our Central
Cooperation is the essence of vani-seva
By which we attain and sustain association with
Srila Prabhupada
Cooperating together to spread Krsna
consciousness is really the essence of sankirtana
Srila Prabhupada explains this wonderfully

Our Inspirational Example

Even Lord Caitanya MahprabhuHe is God himself, Ka HimselfHe felt,
alone, unable to do this task

So this is the position. You are cooperating; therefore I am getting the credit.
Otherwise alone what could I do?

Ekk mra nhi pya bolo. Caitanya Mahprabhu Himself wanted our
cooperation. He is God, Ka

Therefore cooperation is very important thing. Nobody should think that I have
got so great ability. I can do. No. It is simply by cooperation we can do very big

United we stand; divided we fall. . . . . So be strong in pushing on Ka
consciousness, and Ka will help.

He is the strongest. Still, we must be combined together. Sakrtana. Sakrtana
means many men combined together chanting. That is sakrtana. That is Caitanya
Mahprabhus mission, combined together.

Our Eternal Master

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