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n a world where the most powerful takes the lead, where the injustice reigns. We
feel the urge to find a solution, a revolutionary one, that would definitely help us to

escape this unexpected fate, set ourselves free and lead us toward a world with no
boundaries. Here where the Human Rights stand out, right in between, to ensure the
respect and protection.
Human Rights are a set of basic rules and freedoms to which all Human beings are
entitled to have. Nowadays people do not really seem concerned of these rights as they
take it for granted. But one may need to think twice before ignoring such thing. Human
Rights are threatened these days because of the political attitudes towards Human
Rights legislation. The government is rather focusing on protecting terrorism than
recognizing its main role which is to provide a good atmosphere for the citizens in
To accept Human Rights means to support the oppressed, embrace the excluded,
advocate for voiceless and celebrate diversity, especially that Human Rights are not
only universal but also its indivisible, inalienable and inherent which prevents any kind of
hierarchy of rights.
Moreover, it is more than well-mannered aspiration to get legal actions. Probably its
importance resumes especially in the fact that is the promotion of work of all society
levels. Rights are not given, they are rather earned, so these rights declared as
Universal today, are the results of a long worldwide struggle.
Just imagine a world with no rights or freedoms, how awful would it be to live in the
absence of respect, shelter and even worse food! I believe no one would survive these
conditions; like the flower longs for the sun, we keep longing for freedom and perhaps

thats why Human Rights are linked to democracy through the article 21(3): The will of
the people shall be the basis of the authority of government.

To sum up Human rights is a whole philosophy that questions about the existence,
nature and legal status of a person. As a consequence, it is very crucial for a society to
experience Human Rights through practices, behaviors and attitudes.
Everything begins with a tiny hope, why not hang on tight to our dreams and pave the
way for a better world.
Zeineb Bouchkati

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