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The Messenger
D e c e m b e r

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Greetings from fr. Chuck

We are entering what

with the bills of January and the

true joy of Christmas will last

some people consider to be the

let downs that come at this time of forever. The grace, the

most joyful time of the year. No,

year as well.

its not the snowmobilers who are

Where do you find joy at

delighted with the white stuff that

this time of year? Scripture

is falling from the sky.

provides us with another

Many people believe that

description of joy and where it is

forgiveness, the mercy, the love

will never wear out nor will you
want to return this gift of love.
A young boy was asked
what love was the and the

the time approaching Christmas is to be found. The real joy,

response was: Love is whats in

the most joyful time of the year.

scriptural rooted joy, comes with

the room with you at Christmas if

If you havent already heard you

knowing in full certainty that The you stop opening presents and

soon will hear that popular song

Lord your God is with you. And

telling us that its the happiest

that God is mighty to save. It

season of all. The time of

comes from being in a personal

Advent and real joy will come to

Advent to Christmas are times of

relationship with God.

you. And we do this not to bring

joy and they go together like milk

Stop and Listen throughout

The giving and receiving of glory to ourselves or to make our

and graham crackers or milk and

gifts is a wonderful experience.

own joy. We share the joy

a good chocolate chip cookie.

But at Christmas we will

because our real joy, Jesus has

celebrate the arrival of real joy.

arrived. Share the gift!

This time of year is joyful

and yet for many the joy is gone

Gifts will break or wear out but the Share the joy!

Moving through advent to Christmas

Hopefully, you are not
feeling overwhelmed this early
but I am guessing that as the
weeks pass by you will be feeling
the busyness that surrounds us at
this time of year.

way to walk beside God in

Know that it will make our
engaging in justice and yearn for worship on Christmas a joyous
peace and love just as He did with celebration and our prespective
the birth of the Christ Child.
for the coming year can be
transformed and empowered. So,
Dong this along our Advent
let us enter the season of Advent
preparation and other activities of
a time of preparation and be met
So, I encourage you to
life can be challenging. It can
by The Holy One.
begin a practice of quiet reflection change our perspective of what
now. I ask that each of us look to Advent is about.
the coming Christ Child as a clear

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The messenger
W o r s h i p

O p p o r t u n i t i e s

a t

E m m a n u e l

Our Sunday Worship Schedule December

Starts at 9:30am
December 7: Holy Eucharist, Rite I

from the Eve
of Christmas
until the
Baptism of
Our Lord

December 14: Holy Eucharist Rite II

December 21: Morning Prayer : Holy Eucharist
Rite II
December 24: Christmas Eve Service
December 28: Holy Eucharist Rite II
You are cordially invited to worship with us.
Please call 334-8801
for details or to arrange a ride.

Christmas Eve Music Schedule

At 7:30 PM on Christmas Eve Emmanuel will present Christmas music performed by the adult choir and several of the young
people and children of the church. This is a time to come together and share in the wonderful hymns and carols of the
Christmas season. We encourage everyone to come early and be a part of this most holy of times,
celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Blessings to all this Advent season,
-Claudia Kachmarik, Music Director at Emmanuel Episcopal Church






Psalm 96

Isaiah 40:1-11

Isaiah 9:2-7


85: 1, 2:8-15



2 Peter 3:8-15

Gospel Luke 2:1-20


Mark 1:1-8

Titus 2:11-14




Isaiah 9:2-7


Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11






Galatians 3:23-25, 4:4-7


1Thessalonians 5:16-24

Gospel John 1:1-18


John 1:6-8, 19-28



2 Sammuel 7:1-11, 16


Canticle 3


Romans 16:25-27


Luke 1:26-38

Pray for
Dave Loomis
Deb Cassavaugh
Sandra Colton
Jim Everard
Kai Loomis
Nancy Karaman
Anthony Giglio
Jay Vorhies

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The messenger


2 John Sayko; Benjamin Dye;
Nancylee Gridley; Richard Lindner.
3 Trevin Cruz
4 George Denning
5 Holly Sullivan
7 Cody Gebo; Ian May
8 John Shepler

11 Nancy Dye
12 Connor Suspensky
14 Helen Donahe

25 Joseph Harris; Lorraine Jenkins

17 Michelle Campbell

27 Marshall Morris

18 Sarah Prindle; Vaughn Labor

29 Deborah Hitchcock; Jennifer Fink

19 Betty Shorter; Saralyn Reynolds

30 Shaun Zampetti

20 Patricia Brookins

31 Peter Smith

9 Morgan Rogers;
Dave & Kai Loomis

22 Gina Denning; Peter Miers

10 Thomas Mason

24 Patricia McAvoy: Patricia White;

William Hitchcock; Scott Campbell


December 1 to December 7-Bernie Dye, Benjamin and Nancy Dye; Minnie Ellis; Sharon & Jim Everard
December 8 to December 14 Levi, Liam, Nicholas, Averie, Alexandra, Sabrina, Brandon, Jennifer & Brian Fink
December 15 to December 21 Nancy & Michael McGibbon; Matthew Giglio, Tambria Schroeder, Talon Schroeder,
Kisten & Tony Giglio
December 22 to December 28-Susan Gracin Sperry; Cathy & Michael Gray; Grace Gustafson; Florence Hand;
Jim Haynes
December 29 to JanuaryZacariah, Brooke, Megan, Kristin & Joseph Harris.


A man tells of a time that he was given true meaning of stewardship without ever realizing it at the time.
His two year old son had his bath and was given a snack. The boy crawled up on the couch and showed
him his snack an absolute perfect pear. He said to his father, Would you like the first bite of my pear?
It was very nice of him to offer, but more importantly, he had hit on the heart of stewardship. Do we off the
first Bite of our most precious fruit to God for all he has given to us? Or, do we offer the second, third, or
sometimes the core back to God?
It is important to ask ourselves these questions and to remember that stewardship is a new way of life to
us all.

Next Vestry Meeting:

January 25, 2015

at Annual Meeting.

The Parish Office & Food Pantry

will be CLOSED Dec. 25th &
Dec. 26th.

The messenger

Recipe: Cherry Nut Bread

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recipe by Pat Anthony

1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 cup butter 1 egg

3/4 cup chopped maraschino cherries
1/2 cup maraschino cherry juice 1/4 cup milk
2 cups flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Cream sugar and butter, add egg and beat until fluffy. Stir in
chopped cherries, cherry juice and milk. Sift flour with baking
powder, salt and chopped nuts. Stir until just moistened.
Turn into well-greased 9x5x3 loaf pan.
Let stand 20 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes.

Flowers on the Altar

for December
December 7: OPEN
December 14: OPEN

STEWARDSHIP 2015: Many gathered for

worship and coffee hour on Stewardship
Sunday, November 16, 2014. The focus
of stewardship for 2015 is outreach and
how Emmanuel can better serve the
community. Also, The importance of the
necessary building repairs and upkeep
of church grounds. Lynne Walton was
present and spoke about the Mission
Outreach Program here at Emmanuel,
Stewardship = Mission. Stewardship
is necessary for the community and the
upkeep of the Church and its property
do to finaincial challenges
that need to be met.
Have you remembered your
pledge card for 2015?

December 21: OPEN

December 24: Christmas Eve
A separate listing will appear in
the January 2015 issue of The
December 28 OPEN



From the Williams Inn in

Williamstown, MA

Gladden the heart of a

child. Decry complacency.
Express your gratitude. Go to
This Christmas, mend a quarrel.
church. Take pleasure in the
Seek out a forgotten friend.
beauty and wonder of the earth.
Dismiss suspicion, and replace it Speak your love. Speak it again.
with trust. Write a love letter.
Speak it still once again.
Share some treasure. Give a soft
answer. Encourage youth.
Manifest your loyalty in word and Make Christmas
deed. Keep a promise. Find the
Last All year.
time. Forgo a grudge. Examine
your demands to others. Think first
of someone else. Appreciate. Be
Kind; Be gentle. Laugh a little.
Laugh a little more. Deserve
confidence. Take up arms against
malice. Welcome a stranger.

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The messenger

The Season of Advent

Advent Colors: One of the seasons symbolic colors is blue, representing hope. During Advent, we wait in
hope to celebrate again Gods coming in human form, and we look forward in hope to Christs coming in
glory at the end of the age. Purple symbolizes the royalty of Jesus, the coming Prince of Peace, of the
penitence with which we receive him. Some congregations also use pink or white candles in the Advent
wreath, with pink symbolizing joy and white symbolizing the Christ Child.
Each year we prepare for the coming Christmas . We go about decorating our homes, setting up
Christmas trees and buying presents. We look forward to spending time with family and friends. We also
prepare in the Church as well. We have the hanging of the greens-where we decorate our church, we have
a Christmas worship where we sing praises to God for the Birth of Jesus Christ and we come together on
Christmas eve-where we celebrate the birth of Christ with communion and also realize that Jesus is the
light of the world. This year as we prepare for Christmas we will also have the lighting an Advent wreath.
We will light a candle each week for the next four Sundays to prepare our hearts for Christmas. The
meaning of the Advent Wreath Ceremony: The Wreath, as circle , expresses Gods eternity. The
evergreen symbolizes Gods unchangeableness. The lights reminds us that we are to be the light of the
world, just as Jesus was the light. The purple candle symbolizes the royalty of Jesus Christ who is the King
of Kings, and Lords of Lords.

The Christmas Season is a time of giving.

Please consider donating to Fr. Chucks Discretionary Fund. This money is used to help
many people in many ways.
Also do not forget the food pantry. Winter has started with a punch already.
It is only an indication of the great need for the this service to the people in need.

Please consider helping beautify the church this Christmas by

donating poinsettias. Send a donation to the church in memory
or Thanksgiving of someone you have lost or cherish.
Fill out this form and include it with your donation.
Thank You!
IN MEMORY OF: _________________________________________
IN THANKSGIVING FOR:___________________________________

Please return this form to the Parish Office.

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The messenger
Thank you for being a partner in the ministry of our parishioners!
Your on-going financial contributions are making a difference in the lives
of many people. If you have not returned a pledge card for 2015 please
bring it to church or mail it to the church office. Your gifts are generous as
they help us carry out our ministry and for us to grow in faith.
On Friday, November 7, and
Saturday, November 8,
approximately 50 women of all
ages and different faith
communities gathered at
Emmanuel Episcopal Church for the Women of Faith
Live Simulcast From Survival to Revival. Friday
evening opened with music, laughter and grace which
awakened our spirits to what God had in store.
Saturday began with music by Gateway Worship,
followed by excellent speakers who shared personal
stories about their faith journeys. It was encouraging
and empowering to hear about what God is doing in
the lives of everyday women of faith. We all came
away feeling new joy and a fresh sense of purpose.

Emmanuel Soul Kitchen

The Outreach commission of Emmanuel is offering and
sponsoring A FREE Community Dinner on
Thursday, December 11 at 5:30pm.
Thanks to Charlie McMullen, Chief Chef, and his crew of
volunteers along with others who volunteered to setup,
serve or clean up, many are talking about the meals and are
thankful to Emmanuel for their generosity.
If you would like to assist and be a part of this outreach
endeavor, please contact Fr. Chuck or the Church Office to
be placed on a volunteer list.
The Dates for the upcoming dinners for 2015 are :
January 8th, February 12th, March 12th, and April 9th.

Thanksgiving Ministries at Emmanuel a

Huge Success
Emmanuel Hosted a Free Community
Dinner on Thanksgiving day. Thanks to the
Thank you to St. Andrews, St. Matthews and
efforts of Gary Brookins, Tim Thompson, Charlie
Emmanuel for hosting this event. A very special
McMullen, Bernie Dye, and a host of other
thank you to Steve Bliss who did all of the technical
volunteers, we served a little over 400 meals. Of
work and set-up.
these meals about 65-70 were actual sit down
Thank you to Cathleen Reeder for taking care
meals and the remainder were delivered meals
of tickets, registration, and copying needs. Thank
or take outs. We are fortunate to have so many
you to Bernie Dye for helping Steve Bliss run cable
wonderful volunteers to serve the dinner, deliver
and assisting in setting up tables and helping where
meals, and clean up. And Thank You to those
needed. Thank you to Sally Miers and the members of
who supplied pies that were served for dessert
Parish Life for helping organize the food and
with the dinners. The music was furnished by
decorating the tables. And, last but not least, thank
Brian Murphy and was certainly appreciated and
you to Father Chuck for helping Steve Bliss with the
enjoyed by all.
technical needs, for shopping for the food and
Emmanuel also gave out 100
supplies, hauling my sound equipment back and
Save-A-Lot gift cards to families in need to use
forth, and supporting this event every step of the
for their Thanksgiving meal. These gift cards
were given out on the Thursday before
Peace to All!
Thanksgiving and we wish to thank the two
-Donna Taylor
volunteers, Lynne Walton and Van Mason for
A special Thank You from all the parishes for Donna making themselves available to hand out the gift
cards and see that all distribution ran smoothly.
Taylors arranging this week-end experience!

The messenger

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Safe Church Training Class

On November 16, 2014, Epiphany in Sherburne hosted a Safe Church training
session for the Chenango District. Seven people attended from Sherburne and
Oxford. Lynne Walton presented the training and video from the Diocese of Central New York
program. There was a discussion of current perceptions versus proven facts about
sexual abuse in the United States. The three steps to protect our children were reviewed
along with how to respond to situations.
The next Safe Church training session is scheduled for Saturday, January 17,
2015 at ZION church in Greene from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Please call 607-334-8803 or
the ZION church 607-656-9502 to sign up for this class. All families attending Episcopal
services are encouraged to participate in the class to help raise awareness and support of all
the children in our communities.. The class is free.

D e c e m b e r

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Fr. Chuck Taylor

PO Box 361
New Berlin, NY 13411
Editor: Cathleen Reeder
Phone: 607-334-8801

Were on the Web!

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014

Pork Dinner with side dish, Roll,
Beverage & Dessert.



To Know Christ And To Make Him Known!

Remember the Church in Your Will!

Our Daily Bread Food Pantry continues to see an

increased need. Thank you for your past, present, and
future support! As the holiday season approaches, our monetary
needs are particularly important. If you wish to make a
contribution, monetary contributions may be sent to Our Daily
Bread Food Pantry, P.O. Box 813, 37 West Main St., Norwich,
NY 13815.
Foods items for December
Week of December 1 -Canned chicken or tuna
Week of December 7 -Canned fruit
Week of December 14 -Canned vegetables
Week of December 21 -Boxed Macaroni & Cheese,
potato flakes, etc.
Week of December 28 -Juice
Thank you for your continued support!
Barb and Gary Tompkins
Volunteer Coordinators

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