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The Collin County Local Mitigation Strategy (CoLMS) was created in order to comply with
State and Federal regulations to reduce impacts caused by natural and technological hazards. It
also qualifies the City of Allen and other plan participants for grant programs to address these
issues. The CoLMS outlines mitigation goals within each community, identifies risk reduction
strategies for hazards that threaten the area, and discusses the ongoing risk reduction activities
undertaken within the jurisdictions.
The CoLMS covers unincorporated Collin County, Allen, Frisco, Lavon, Lucas and Wylie. Each
jurisdiction participated in the creation of the document by having a Hazard Mitigation Team
(HMT). The HMT from each jurisdiction participated in creating the Local Mitigation Strategy.
The Emergency Preparedness Department at the North Central Texas Council of Governments
assisted with the compilation of jurisdictional information and with the preparation for the
submission of the CoLMS to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for approval.
The Collin County Local Mitigation Strategy is organized into six chapters which satisfy the
mitigation planning requirements in 44 CFR Part 201. These are:
Chapter One (Multi-Jurisdiction Planning Process) describes the process and
organization of the Collin County Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Action Plan (Collin
County Local Mitigation Strategy).
Chapter Two (Planning Process) describes the individual mitigation planning processes
for each participating jurisdiction satisfying requirements 201.6(b) and 201.6(6)(1).
Chapter Three (Hazard Analysis) describes the hazards identified, known national
extent scales, location of hazards, previous events, and jurisdictional profiles satisfying
requirements 201.6(c)(2)(i), 201.6(c)(2)(ii), 201.6(c)(2)(ii)(A), 201.6(c)(2)(ii)(B),
201.6(c)(2)(ii)(C), and 201.6(c)(2)(iii).
Chapter Four (Mitigation Goals and Actions) describes the county-wide goals
established by the Collin County Local Mitigation Strategy and the Mitigation Action
Items for each jurisdiction satisfying requirements 201.6(c)(3), 201.6(c)(3)(i),
201.6(c)(3)(ii), 201.6(c)(3)(iii), and 201.6(c)(3)(iv).
Chapter Five (Plan Maintenance Process) describes the monitoring, evaluating,
updating, plan incorporation, and future public updates for each participating jurisdiction
satisfying requirements 201.6(c)(4)(i), 201.6(c)(4)(ii), and 201.6(c)(4)(iii).
Chapter Six contains applicable attachments such as documentation from planning
meetings, documentation from public meetings, and a sample resolution.
The Collin County Local Mitigation Strategy is 343 pages in length. It can be found at the
following link:

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