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What is the normal process flow of the production system at Donner? Draw a
process flow diagram?

1) Preparation stage:

Artwork Generation :
Master artwork to be received from the customer.
A negative image to be produced out replicating the exact circuit pattern with Actual
Depending on final size, The images are repeated to maximize the number of images.
Inspect & shear
Row materials (double-sided copper-clad glass epoxy sheets) in 36 by 48 size and
0.059 thick are purchased and inspected visually for defects.
The sheets to be sheared into 8 panels 12x18size
Punch Tooling Holes
The location holes to be punched to help for aligning the panels in drilling, imaging
and routing.

2) Image transfer stage

The operator first pins the panel to the drill table using the location holes created in
the previous stage.
Approximately 500 holes per circuit board are drilled, either manually or
Each panel is processed through a copper immersion bath (This process, called
Metallization ) deposits a thin (.00005") layer of copper in the drilled holes.
Dry film photoresist
1. Panel Prep
The panels are washed, after metallization, scrubbed and coated with dry film
photo resist (DFRP).
2. Laminate and expose
The film of the customer artwork is laid on top of the coated panels and
exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light.
3. Develop
The developing machine washes away the DFPR that has not been cured with
the UV light.
Additional 0.0015 of copper is deposited on those areas of both surfaces not
covered by DFPR and through the drilled and metallized holes.
Strip DFPR
Tin is then flashplated with 0.0005" thick over the copper plating.
DFPR that had been exposed to UV light is chemically stripped from the
Etch & tin strip
The copper that had not been previously electroplated is then chemically
etched off the glass epoxy base.

The tin is chemically stripped from the circuits leaving only a copper image
on the panel to create the desired circuit pattern on both sides.

3) Fabrication stage
Solder mask
The panels to be processed through solder mask silk-screening leaving a protective
epoxy coating.
Solder Dip
Each panel is then dipped into a molten solder bath and the exposed copper in holes
are covered with solder.
Each individual circuit board is then separated from the panel and reduced to its
desired size either by CNC routing or by stamping using a 20 ton punch press.
Inspect, Test ,Pack
After profiling, Boards are visually inspected, electrically tested packed and shipped.

Process flow diagram : see attached file processflow.doc

2. What orders would you schedule on the CNC drill? On the CNC router?
Referring to bexhibit 2 ( standard processes flow ) :
CNC drill requires 240 min setup and 0.004 per hole compared to 15 min setup and
0.08 per hole for manual. Considering 500 holes per plate any order above 6 plates
shall be done with CNC drill.
CNC router requires 150 min for setup and 0.5 min run time per plate compared to 50
min setup and 1 min run time using punch press. Therefore any process above 200
plates shall be done with CNC router.
3. A) What are the information flows within the Donner factory?
B) Trace an order as it moves from the originating customer to completion. Draw a
A- The main information listed below

Estimation of Labour and material cost to prepare bidding.

detailed material specifications and factory order showing material specifications ,
delivery date , number of circuits and sequence of operations is prepared to start

Order entered into a log and sent to factory supervisor

scheduling decision and difficulties estimated by Supervisor

Factory order is kept and blue print after delivery

Process flow diagram : see attached file processflow.doc

4. A) How is Donner doing?

B) What problems do you see?

C) Why the problems exist?

A) Referring to exhibit 1 we can conclude that the company is doing fine however , there
is drop in Sept 1987 in the profit due to current problems. Obviously, the company is
suffering from operational, productivity , quality and delivery problems and not solving
or improving them and it can lead to further losses .
B) The current operations problems can be summarized as follows:

They are unable to identify the production bottleneck

Low utilization of machines and equipments.
The reworking time for parts which failed in inspection or returned by
customer was not included in slandered labor hours
Layout of the factory affected the loss of time due to moving from place
to another.
No methods of improvement are introduced.

Quality & deliveries

3% of shipments returned due to defects.
Defects due to missing or failure to complete one or two of the required
Late delivery dates (average 9 days)

C) The reasons of the following problems can be summarized as follows:

Delaying scheduling until receiving row materials

Scheduling is done by one person and it is his sole decision
The production bottleneck was perplexing because it is shifted almost
daily from one operation to another where the work piles up.

Customers modifications to the original specs and ask for changes in production

Individual orders imposed varying workloads on each operation due to

differences in order size that forms orders bypassing some operations.
Poor facilities layout causes loss of time of workers
The four-days rush orders were contributing to fluctuations was requiring
rework at one or two operations.
Variety of quality standards from customer to customer and even from
order to order.
Informal examination of units by workers During process.
Learning curve for new adapted workers

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