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a report by

Reactor Services International Inc.

Back in the early 1960s, refinery and chemical processes were

service, particularly in their reformer units. By the late sixties, there

becoming more complex. The changing complexity required catalysts

were three companies providing such services located in California,

capable of providing greater yields while operating under more severe

Tennessee and Texas.

Technology & Services

History of Catalyst Handling

conditions. The severity of the production runs caused the reactor units
to change with greater frequency. These more expensive catalysts were

Removing and screening the catalyst quickly and efficiently became

often re-usable, but required careful handling. The traditional

only a part of the total picture. Improvement was directed toward more

programme during a shutdown and after regeneration, was to dump

efficient loading systems. One design lifted two drums of material up

the catalyst into the bucket on a front-end loader and take it to another

an oilfield drilling rig mast, and another was a telescoping conveyor

site for screening by hand. It was important to treat the catalyst gently

that elevated to an angle of 60 and conveyed material from a

because of its friability. Separating the broken chips and fines from the

hopper, at a little above ground level to a height of about 40 feet.

full or larger size catalyst particles and the inert balls required special

Along came flow bins, therefore temporary storage of screened

material handling systems. Some plants did not have this equipment.

catalyst was improved. Cranes or cherry pickers lifting the flow bins

Others acquired various types of equipment, including screeners, to

then became the standard method for loading reactors.

perform the task. Unfortunately, plant personnel with experience and

knowledge about operating this equipment were often needed

Loading catalyst into tubular reactors such as hydrogen furnaces,

elsewhere. Also, much of the equipment sat unattended for several

ethylene oxide (EO) reactors and small diameter tubes required

months and often needed repairs.

different techniques and equipment such as the plastic sock method

for loading hydrogen furnace tubes, or multi-tube loader used for

One small contractor, based in Alvin, Texas, which performed various

several small diameter tubular reactors.

contract services for one of the local plants recognized a need to improve
this system. They built a system with specialized components that would

Soon, refiners were finding the need to change catalyst more

operate efficiently and provide the customer with a clean, perfectly sized

frequently and downtime was critical. Each day that could be saved

catalyst for re-use in the process units. The contractor convinced the

meant significant savings in lost production costs. Therefore, ways

customer to allow the catalyst to be taken, after carefully removing and

were sought to minimize downtime. One way to minimize downtime

drumming, to their facility for proper screening and sizing.

was to purge the units with nitrogen and dump the catalyst
un-regenerated. Another way was to dump the catalyst saturated with

After about a year of operation, it became apparent that a mobile unit

light oil. The light oil method had remaining residue, which was often

would be more efficient. The contractor used the services of Merlin G

more than half the bed and had to be flushed out with water, thus

Hoiseth, PE, a contract engineer, to design and build a self-contained

destroying the catalyst. Purging the units with nitrogen allowed the

mobile screening machine with dust collection capabilities. The result

catalyst to be regenerated exsitu if kept in an oxygen-free container.

was the patented Soft-Flow Catalyst Screener. This unit was

demonstrated to several more plants and soon was used throughout

Personal safety was of primary concern when considering the nitrogen

the industry. The new screener set a standard by which all screening

purge dump. Multibed reactors, such as hydro-crackers, posed a

results were measured.

greater problem when dumping and often required workers to enter

the vessel to unplug the internal dump tubes.

Along with the need to screen the catalyst, was also the need to
remove it from reactors easily. There was the need for the design of a

Whether or not the catalyst was wet with oil or water, it might

self-contained vacuuming system with an air/material separation

contain fluorides, might be coked and pyrophoric, or there might

chamber (cyclone), dust collector and an engine driven vacuum pump.

have been a formation of carbonyls. With all these possibilities, Shell

This original trailer mounted unit proved useful, but cumbersome and

Oil requested better equipment and techniques for personnel

difficult to maneuver around a plant. A modified design such as the

working in such conditions.

Supersucker followed and was known as the forerunner to todays

mobile vacuuming system.

Since resources were limited, the Bendix Corporation, who designed

equipment for the space programme, was contracted to design and

Catalyst screening sieving, sifting or shaking, depending on which

build the breathing apparatus. The criteria was to have a hard hat

industry you were in became a necessity for most process units.

helmet that could be locked on to the worker to prevent it from being

Sulphuric acid converters required the dust and chips to be removed,

removed. With redundant air supplies controlled through a console and

no less than once a year. Gas processing plants had a need to do the

monitored by an operator, the worker could safely perform his duties.

same for their dryers. Also, more refinery units needed such a

Once the equipment was built, Shell decided to sell the system to a


History of Catalyst Handling

company called Alien Atmospheres, who became the first company to

The current situation, Occupational Safety and Health Organisation

commercialize the performance of work in a nitrogen or immediately

(OSHA 1910.119), Process Safety Management has become the

dangerous to life and health (IDLH) environment.

predominant focus of most of the industrys management personnel.

Safety, is the catalyst industries primary emphasis.

Inert entry, the term used when workers performed catalyst handling
functions in reactors while being purged with nitrogen, gained

Experienced contractors must be familiar with processes ranging from

acceptance very slowly. Two of the factors influencing its viability were

those found in a refinery to those found in a petrochemical plant.

assurance of the workers personal safety and an increased need for

Likewise, contractors are familiar with reactor designs associated with

exsitu catalyst regeneration.

the particular processes.

Assurance of the safety of workers was achieved by:

Pre-Job/Pre-Bid Considerations
The bidding contractor has a number of considerations to make when

demonstrating that supplied air to the respirator would be

provided by three independent sources (two monitored from

presenting a proposal for changing catalyst. In dealing with the hydroprocessing units, such thoughts are addressed.

independent consoles and one tertiary);

locking the helmet on to prevent removal in case of panic;
communicating continuously with all the crew; and
training the workers in the procedures of performing work under
such conditions as well as emergency rescue operations.

What are the unit operating conditions prior to shutdown

(abnormal pressure drop, temperature excursions, etc.)?
What was the length of the run or last change-out?
What is the type of catalyst in the reactor?
What are the shutdown procedures and vessel cool-down

In 1976, Reactor Service International, Inc. (RSII) a company based in


Alvin, Texas redesigned the life support system by modularizing the

Is the catalyst un-regenerated or regenerated?

system so that each worker had his/her own primary and secondary

What is the physical design of the reactor?

console. In addition, the console was totally air operated without

What work area will be co-ordinated with other contractors?

dependence on electrical components such as alarm indicators. This

What utilities are available?

new system was the Supplied Air Monitoring System (SAMS) and

Who is to dispose of the spent catalyst?

was approved by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and

How much time allotted for the turnaround? (i.e., what is the critical

Health (NIOSH).

Are there any repairs to the reactor or its internals?

RSII and a few operators are also to be credited with developing some

What is the loading method (dense or sock)?

innovative catalyst handling ideas. For example, Catalyst Oriented

How will the catalyst be packaged?

Packing (COP), which is a method of loading catalyst, a multi-tube

loading device for loading tubular reactors and an electronic magnetic

Once the contractor has been awarded the job, a pre-job meeting is

separator for removing trash iron from catalyst as it is dumped. No

scheduled. In this meeting, co-ordination with the maintenance

doubt, many minds have been concerned about attaining higher

department, the safety department and others should be well defined

productivity and quicker turnaround.

and respective expectations fully understood. The following is an

explanation of job parameters for the removal of un-regenerated

Professionals in the catalyst handling industry have a challenging

catalyst in a hydro-processing unit.

responsibility to keep up with whats new. The technology itself is always

evolving. There are many types of refinery processing units, myriad

The operations department must provide the shutdown and cool-down

processes in the chemical industry, and natural and synthetic gas,

procedures in order to accomplish an effective removal of

ammonia and sulphuric acid manufacturing, each with its own unique

hydrocarbons, prevent the generation of carbonyl gases and effectively

requirements. Add to this over a thousand different designs of

cool the vessel without metallurgical damage.

manufactured catalysts and it is evident that the learning curve for new
technologies has been steep. Those who succeed in this business accept

The maintenance department must provide the necessary piping and

the above as given and budget the resources to keep up with new

blinding to accomplish the shut-down/cool-down procedures.

technologies as they appear. Furthermore, almost all of the catalyst-

Furthermore, they must organize the logistics of several contractors for

handling techniques in use today have been well established for some

the turnaround.

time now. The bigger challenge in the present business climate is keeping
up with whats new in government regulations while continuing to meet

The safety department will be concerned about the activities of the

client expectations.

various contractors involved, particularly the inert entry involvement by

the contractor.

Whats Really New in Catalyst Handling Today?

Safety, safety, and more safety! The biggest challenge today is wisely

Others associated with the monitoring of this job might be the

dealing with concerns about protecting workers and the environment. In

industrial hygiene, the engineering and inspection departments.

the push for productivity, the cost of doing business goes up when worker

safety and environmental impacts are ignored. Improving the industrys

The contractors involvement begins with the planning of the shut-

performance in these areas is a vital goal.

down. The pre-job meeting will determine the interfacing requirements


History of Catalyst Handling

with other contractors and the various plant departments. The

determine the presence of hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide,

contractors procedures and methods will often be dictated by the

carbonyls and the LEL of hydrocarbons. Some hydrocarbons are

allotted time. Since, quite often a catalyst change-out is on the critical

ignitable when mixed with as little as 7% oxygen. This procedure is

path, removal of the catalyst must be the primary concern. Removal

important regardless of the type of shut-down procedure.

may be by either dumping from the bottom/side dump nozzles or by

vacuuming. Dumping into large containers, such as flow bins, is

Once the predetermined percent of the LEL measured at the man-

generally the quickest. If screening of the catalyst is required, the

way opening is satisfactory and entry into the reactor is permissible,

equipment may be located at some offsite location. When vacuuming

continuous monitoring should occur. If the reactor is purged with

either the entire bed of catalyst or the residual angle of repose, the

nitrogen, the LEL should be continuously observed at the man-way

reactor must contain a continuous purge of nitrogen and the exhaust

opening and oxygen content should be monitored inside the reactor.

of the vacuum unit re-circulated back into the reactor.

The places where the oxygen content is monitored is throughout the

vessel as well as where the personnel are working or where the

Prior to starting the dumping/vacuuming procedure, a checklist

re-circulated nitrogen is entering the reactor. Nitrogen purging and

should be implemented to insure safe vessel entry. Typically, the

re-circulation of the nitrogen, as a general rule, should produce an

effluent gases released from the opened man-way contain a

environment wherein no more than 5% oxygen should be allowed

substantial amount of hydrocarbons, i.e. the lower explosive limit

to accumulate. In most instances, oxygen levels inside the vessel and

(LEL) is excessive. Vessel entry standards used throughout the

re-circulation systems are maintained at 0%.

industry prohibit entry into an atmosphere of greater than 10% LEL.

Many procedures have parameters between 0 and 5% LEL. The

It is important to understand that the high LEL inside a nitrogen-purged

correct place for measuring LEL is at the man-way opening, since

reactor is not a concern if the oxygen content is maintained at less than

instrumentation reading explosivity operates only when there is

5% (preferably 0%). It is only when high amounts of oxygen are

oxygen present. The greatest danger of explosion exists at the point

present that an ignitable condition can exist. In fact, it is safer to work

where hydrocarbons meet the air. If there are substantial

in an environment that can be made inert and maintained inert. In a

hydrocarbons present in the corresponding effluent gas there is a

confined space where air is the primary environment, a possibility exists

danger of fire. However, proper shut-down procedures and a

that hydrocarbons can invade the space. Such is the case when reactors

sufficient nitrogen purge will prevent this occurrence.

are dumped in an air atmosphere, even if the catalyst has been wetted
with oil or an oil/chemical mixture.

Monitoring of the gases in and around the reactor openings, as well as

throughout the vessel, is an important step in the catalyst change-out

In the end it is not new technology that is the key to catalyst

process. The shut-down procedure involves a hot hydrogen strip,

handling, but rather the planning, well-trained staff and safety

nitrogen purge circulation of light cycle oil or some type of passivating

procedures. With these steps in place you are sure to have success

chemical. Upon opening the reactor, certain checks are made to

on any catalyst change-out.


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