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Why Executive Order No. 65 Snafu is

Resurrecting Old and Unforgotten Rule

Neyor Frowns On Sirleafs

Executive Order 65














These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of

the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia

VOL 8 NO.736





We blame this lawless action squarely, at the Rob Sirleafs campaign, which has repeatedly threatened
to do same and have exclusive rights to violate the current midnight curfew, under the guidance of
state security apparatus. Ben Sanvee, Liberty Party Senatorial Aspirant for Montserrado County


Politics - pg.6





Young Life Africa assembles

Camps for Survivors

Your Vote is your Voice Vote your Nation & Vote Right

Monday, December 8, 2014

Page 2 | Frontpage

season of political discontent in the midst of a
deadly Ebola outbreak has post-war Liberia on edge
amid threats of a Burkina-Faso-like showdown
initially planned for Monday but now put off by
the opposition Congress for Democratic change, seeking to
ask questions about a controversial Executive Order No. 65
that has many including the political opposition and the son of
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf running to the Supreme Court,
which on Sunday placed a stay order on what many say is an
order reminiscent of a junta rule.
The Supreme Court order however came with a twist Sunday
over ownership as to who was responsible for pressing for the
Stay Order.
Rob Sirleaf vs. Lawmakers: Who Filed Petition First
Initially, state radio the Liberia Broadcasting System aired a
broadcast in which the governments chief spokesman Lewis
Brown was quoted as saying that the Supreme Courts action
was based on a petition filed by Independent Candidate Robert
Sirleaf, who according to Brown had filed a petition before
the high court arguing that an Executive Order No. 65 issued
by his mother, last week, is discriminatory in that it seeks out
only the people of Monrovia for its enforcement when the issue
it proposes to cure the possible transmission of the deadly
Ebola Virus Disease is actually occurring all across the country.
Robert Sirleaf is running as an independent in a field of 11
candidates that include football legend George Manneh Weah
of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change(CDC);
Dr. Christopher Z. Neyor, former President of the National
Oil Company of Liberia, Benjamin Sanvee of the opposition
Liberty Party and the incumbent Joyce Musu Freeman.
Browns assertions immediately drew anger from some
members of the national legislature who argued that the
Supreme Court had failed to respond to their petition which
was filed on Friday, long before Mr. Sirleaf filed his petition.
The opposition CDC, at a news conference late Sunday
frowned at Minister Brown for what they termed misleading
the Liberian public that the Supreme Court action was as result
of Sirleafs petition to the high court. Instead the CDC stated
that the stay order from the Supreme Court was based on a
petition from the fourteen lawmakers.
The party through Samora Wollokollie said: a writ of
prohibition has been filed, affidavit signed and received on
6th December 2014, with the honorable Supreme Court by
14 lawmakers of Montserrado County and not Mr. Robert
Sirleaf as indicated by a desperate, unauthorized, surrogate
and misdirected Lewis G. Brown. Minister Browns action to
announce on state radio a stay order by the Supreme Court,
on grounds of a prohibition issued by Mr. Robert Sirleaf, has
questioned the moral integrity of the government of Liberia.
But it was later gathered that that the Supreme Courts action
was actually based on a petition filed by fourteen members of
the national legislature and not Mr. Sirleaf. The lawmakers
who filed the petition included: Representatives Edwin
Snowe(Independent, District 6); Henry Fahnbulleh(Unity
Party, Montserado County District 4) Edward Forh(CDC,
Montserrado County District 16), Saah Joseph(CDC,
Montserrado County District 16); Solomon George(CDC,
Montserrado County District 7); Munah Pelham Youngblood(
CDC, Montserrado County, District 9); William V. Dakel,
Sr.(National Democratic Coalition, Montserrado County,
District 17) amongst others who detested the action of the
president to issue the executive order and took the matter to
the Supreme Court of Liberia.
Associate Justice in Chambers Phillip A.Z. Banks following
the fourteen lawmakers petition before the high court for a
writ of prohibition, placed a stay order on the executive order.
You are commanded to instruct the Respondents to stay and
suspend the enforcement of Executive Order #65 pending the
disposition of the matter by the court, stated the Stay Order
from the Justice In Chambers.
The court also ordered the Government of Liberia through
the Ministry of Justice and the Solicitor General to appear
before the court on Wednesday, December 10. You are hereby
commanded to notify the Government of Liberia by and thru
the Ministry of Justice, represented by the Acting Minister of
Justice and all Deputy Ministers also of the City of Monrovia,
Liberia in the above entitled cause of action to appear before
his Honor before His Honor Phillip A. Z. Banks, III, Associate
Justice of the Honorable Supreme Court of the Republic of
Liberia, presiding in Chambers at the Supreme Court Room,
Temple of Justice, on the 10th of December, A.D. 2014 at the
hour of 9:00 am to show cause why the petitioners petition as
prayed for should not be granted, the Stay order further stated.
Justice Banks mandated the Government of Liberia to file its
return before appearing before the court on December 10 as
failure will be deemed as waiver. Stated the Supreme Court
Stay Order You are further commanded to file their returns
to the petition not later than Wednesday, December 10, 2014.
Multiple judicial sources told FrontPageAfrica Sunday that the
high court is upset with Information Minister Brown, whose
initial statement brought embarrassment on the judicial branch.
But some critics of Robert Sirleaf, including Mr. Wilmot Paye,
Secretary General of the ruling Unity Party which brought his
mother to power, were quick to point that the issues raised by
Sirleaf was a smoke screen to steer critics of the order who
contend that President Sirleaf had implemented the measure

Rodney D. Sieh,

Justice Banks mandated the

Government of Liberia to file its
return before appearing before the
court on December 10 as failure
will be deemed as waiver. Stated
the Supreme Court Stay Order
You are further commanded to
file their returns to the petition not
later than Wednesday,
December 10, 2014.
to appease her sons candidacy and put him at the advantage
of the other candidates seeking the Montserrado County
Senatorial seat.
On Wednesday, the government through the Ministry of Justice
will file a response to the fourteen lawmakers petition as to
why the executive order No. 5 should be scrapped.
But first, the court will on Monday, hear another petition filed
by a group of Liberians calling for the postponement of the
looming senatorial elections. The hearing originally set to
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on December 4 issued Executive
Order No. 65 ordering all concerted mass movements of people
on the streets of Monrovia during the ensuing special elections,
including in particular rallies, demonstrations and parades
prohibited and for 30 days after the announcement of election
But opposition to the order has sent put the presidency on edge.
The opposition, Alternative National Congress(ANC) noted
that while the President may certainly exercise by executive
orders those powers granted her by the Constitution, the
Constitution simply does not grant the President the power to
take away, by way of executive orders, the right to freedom of
expression and the right to assemble as she now seeks to do
by Executive Order No. 65. To the extent the Constitution
countenance the authority of the President to curtail such
rights, it is only through the exercise of emergency powers.
But the Constitution requires that for the President to exercise
emergency powers, she must first secure the approval of the
Legislative Branch of government. See Articles 85-88 of the
Cllr. Tiawaon Gongloe, a noted Human Rights lawyer and
former Solicitor General also took aim at the president,
suggesting that any order that disturbs elections should come
from the NEC. I find that to be troubling in terms of affecting
the democratic space. For the purpose of neutrality, impartiality
and transparency in the whole process, every restriction or
instruction regarding the conduct of the electorates and the
candidates should come from the Election Commission. I
think the NEC should be left alone, to conduct the process as
an independent body. The NEC and the judiciary are the two
bodies that are expected to deal with all electoral issues during
election and not the executive branch of government.

The Opposition Liberty Party through its chairman Cllr. J.

Fonati Koffa called the order a sad exercise of the executive
Skepticism Over Rob Sirleafs Petition
According to an Executive Mansion release, Executive Order
No. 65, signed by the Liberian leader on December 3, 2014, is
intended to strengthen the efforts of the Government of Liberia
to contain the spread of Ebola, protect the security of the State,
maintain law and order, and promote peace and stability in the
Political analysis remained skeptical Sunday over Robert
Sirleafs petition and the timing of the Stay Order.
Mr. Sirleaf had on Saturday issued a strongly-worded statement
stating that Executive Order is wrong and spoke of plans to
file a petition to the high court at 9am Monday, December 8,
2014. Thus, many were baffled that the initial reports of a stay
order was credited to the petition filed by Sirleaf and not by the
fourteen lawmakers.
Mr. Sirleafs campaign statement noted: We submit that we
have also seen violations of the Ebola preventive measures,
and we condemn these violations. However, it is always wrong
to change the rules of games in the middle of the games. And
although intentions may be right, it is always better that our
actions are right, as we are judged not necessarily by our
intentions but by our actions statement declared.
The senatorial candidate cautioned others to act as leaders.
Avoiding Constitutional Crisis
The statement furthered And so, as we legally challenge
Executive Order No. 65, we again propose to all of us who dare
to present ourselves in the service of our people at this time
to act as the leaders our people truly deserve. I ask all of us
seeking these political offices to let our actions keep our people
alive, and as I have promised, let our mission of service truly
empower our people with opportunity and hope for a better
As the high court ponder two issues on its plate this week,
one regarding the petition seeking to postponed the senatorial
elections due to Ebola and another looking to shoot down
President Sirleafs controversial Executive Order, political
observers and international stakeholders will no doubt be
awaiting the outcome of what could very well be the most
crucial week in Liberias political history, a week which in
which the deadly Ebola outbreak has been eclipsed by politics,
and one which could offer a clear signal at what many fear
could derail Liberias post-war democratic resurgence and
avoid a constitutional crisis.
During her visit to Monrovia last week, former U.S. Ambassador
to Liberia, Dr. Linda Thomas Greenfield, currently, Assistant
Secretary of State for African Affairs hoped that Liberians
will make a decision that will avoid constitutional crisis: "That
is not a call for the United States Government to make. Your
supreme court is addressing that issue. Our view is that the
process that is taking place should hopefully lead to free, fair,
peaceful and transparent elections and that a decision will be
made that will not put Liberia into a position where there's
constitutional crisis but not in the end, it is for Liberians to
decide in which direction they will like to go."

Monday, December 8, 2014


Page 3






Martin K. N. Kollie,, Contributing Writer

Why Executive Order No. 65 is Resurrecting Old

and Unforgotten Rule in Liberian Politics
NO POLITICIAN in recent Liberian history has worked so hard
and fought so many battles with ruling establishments than Ellen
THE COMPLICATED IRONY FOR MANY is that Sirleaf continues
to flirt with pages from her past battles with those establishments as
she seeks to muzzle the faces in the mirror of the persona she was
decades ago.
RUNNING ON the ticket of the Liberian Action Party in the disputed
1985 presidential and legislative elections, Sirleaf participated and
won the senatorial seat for Montserrado County.
PROTESTING FRAUD allegations which were widely reported,
Sirleaf refused to accept the seat.
PRIOR TO THOSE elections, Sirleaf had battled Samuel Does
government with a passion only she was capable of at the time. She
had taken similar critical stance against President William R. Tolbert
who Doe and a band of young and inexperienced military officers
toppled in a military coup detat on April 12, 1980, ending decades
of Americo-Liberian rule.
DOE HAD PLACED Sirleaf under house arrest and she was later
sentenced to ten years in prison for sedition as a consequence of a
speech in which she insulted the members of the Doe regime. Under
immense international pressure, for her release, Doe pardoned and
released her in September 1985.
IN THE AFTERMATH of her rejection of the Senate seat and the
aftermath of an attempted coup against the Doe government by
the late Thomas G. Quiwonkpa on November 12, 1985 Sirleaf was
arrested and imprisoned again on November 13, 1985 by Doe's
forces. Despite continuing to refuse to accept her seat in the Senate,
she was released in July 1986 and secretly fled the country to the
United States later that year.
TWENTY NINE YEARS later, Liberia again finds itself on the
verge of yet another senatorial elections with special attention again
being placed on Montserrado County.
THIS TIME, IT IS Sirleafs son, Robert who is contesting the seat as
an independent candidate in a field of 11 that includes football legend
George Manneh Weah of the opposition Congress for Democratic
Change, Dr. Christopher Z. Neyor, former head of the National Oil
Company of Liberia, Benjamin Sanvee of the opposition Liberty
Party and the incumbent Joyce Musu Freeman.
IN WHAT MANY say was a flirtation with a junta return last
Thursday, Sirleaf surprised many Liberians and international
partners when she announced a ban on public gatherings of any
kind for the next 42 days under the guise of preventing the spread
of Ebola.
THE EXECUTIVE Order 65, states that all concerted mass
movements of people on the streets of Monrovia during the ensuing
special elections, including in particular rallies, demonstrations and
parades are prohibited. A ban will take place for 30 days after the
National Elections Commission (NEC) announce the results.
THE ELECTION had been slated for December 16 and results set
to be announced on December 31, 2014 but a petition filed to the
Supreme Court of Liberia seeking a postponement of the elections
led to a Stay Order by the court pending a hearing between the
parties involved.
MANY OF SIRLEAFS POLITICAL opponents jumped on what
many are now describing as a political freefall to take the President
to task, going as far as to suggest that the order was actually intended
to put her sons opponents at a disadvantage as the order is strictly
for Montserado County where her son is contesting.
NEYOR Said the Presidents action is prejudicial and undermines
the essence of justice. It constitutes a breach of the peace especially
when the Supreme Court which is the final arbiter of justice now has
before it matter of the 2014 Special Senatorial Elections. Should the
Court decide the elections would be held after Liberia is declared
Ebola free is the President saying these rights will be suspended until
30 days after election results from that faraway future election date?
Or is the President trying to force the decision of the court to her
Alternative National Congress and the Presidents own son, Robert
disagreed with the ruling.
IN HIS SUPREME COURT filing, Robert Sirleaf argues that
Executive Order No. 65 is discriminatory, punitive and wrong, and
seeks to undermine the ongoing democratic process by which the
citizens would elect the individuals they believe to be qualified to
represent their interests in the government for the next nine years.
The Order is discriminatory in that it seeks out only the people
of Monrovia for its enforcement when the issue it proposes to cure
the possible transmission of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease is
actually occurring all across the country.
THE ANC, IN its response bemoan that while the President may
certainly exercise by executive orders those powers granted her
by the Constitution, the Constitution simply does not grant the


In 2006, Madam Sirleaf made a solemn pledge to put an end

to imperial Presidency in Liberia when she delivered her first
inaugural speech. I sat quietly on January 16, 2006 listening to our
new Head of State and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces
as she spoke the following words in a fine tone the days of an
imperial presidency, an intrusive leadership and a domineering
and threatening Chief Executive are over in Liberia. Again on
January 5, 2012, this same President reaffirmed her pledge to end
an imperial presidency in Liberia when she launched the National
Policy on Decentralization and Local Governance.
When the President reaffirmed this promise about 3 years ago, it
was difficult for many of us to believe her, because overtime she
has proven to be an inconsistent political character. I personally did
not fall prey to the sweet words of the President because her past
as a leader contradicts her present. I knew that Madam Sirleafs
comment was only meant to score political points and magnetize
unnecessary international favor. This is the same President who
made a very strong vow to Liberians and Citizens of the World
to run for only one term, but later did we know that this iron lady
would have been an inconsistent lady. No one easily predicts
Madam Sirleaf because she is a leader who says one thing today,
and does another thing tomorrow.
The continuous crucifixion of our democracy by this government
is unbecoming. The exhibition of super executive powers in recent
time by Africas first female President promotes an unhealthy
breeding ground to revive the horrible semblance of monocracy and
autocracy in Liberia. The latest decision by Madam Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf to issue Executive order 65 prohibiting mass movements of
people including rallies, demonstrations, and parades during the
ensuing midterm senatorial election and after 30 days upon the
announcement of election results is a clear warning sign of post
electoral violence.
Anyone can safely conclude, judging from historical antecedents
since 2006, that Liberia as a democratic nation is being led by
an undemocratic President. The President has misinterpreted the
real essence of Executive order. Executive orders are not meant
to violate our constitution, but to help officers and agencies of
the executive branch properly manage the operations within the
government itself. The recent pronouncement by the President
sharply contravenes Article 13(a) and Article 17 of our constitution.
The President must understand that freedom to movement is a
fundamental right that cannot be taken away to quench her hidden
political thirst.
Furthermore, this bizarre executive order violates Article 81 of our
constitution which says Any citizen, political party, organization,
or association, being resident in Liberia, of Liberian nationality or
origin, and not otherwise disqualified under the provisions of this
constitution and laws of the land, shall have the right to canvass
for the votes of any political party or candidate at any election.
Executive Order 65 will prevent candidates and eligible voters from
campaigning which is not in conformity also with Article 77 of our
constitution. What right does the President have to halt rallies and
parades during any electoral process? Her executive power does not
extend this far, because she is not the chief regulator of elections in
this country, neither is she the supreme arbiter of justice.
Boring holes in the Presidents Executive Order
I find it very necessary to bore few holes and sharpen some definite
contradictions in Madam Sirleafs executive order #65.
The President said that Executive Order 65 is intended to
strengthen the efforts of the Government to contain the spread of
Ebola, protect the security of the state, maintain law and order, and
promote peace and stability in the country. How can the President

be so concern this time around about containing ebola when she

was the very same person who approved the holding of the special
senatorial election? The President forgot to know that election is
not just about voting, but campaigning through mass rallies and
parades. In the absence of campaigning, there can be no free, fair,
and transparent election.
The President also said in her Executive Order 65 that the
existing law requiring persons desiring to march or demonstrate
to obtain prior permits from the Ministry of Justice have proven
ineffective to address rallies, parades and concerted mass
movements on the streets of Monrovia and its environs. This is the
funniest thing I have ever heard from any responsible government.
If our laws cannot regulate the issue of rallies, parades, and
concerted mass movements, then it means the enforcement arm
of this government is very weak. However, our president was too
quick to forget that approved candidates and voters do not need
permit from the Ministry of Justice to campaign through rallies,
parades, and mass movements. These activities are provided for in
our constitution and new electoral law.
Additionally, the President claimed that recent mass
movements in Monrovia have led to persistent and frequent
violations of the Vehicle and Traffic Laws of Liberia, obstruction
of the free flow of traffic and the movement of peaceful citizens,
the disruption of economic activities, and concomitant panic in the
City with total disregard of the consequences thereof. When did the
President get to know this? Was it only after the launching of the
Congress for Democratic Change candidate, Amb. George Manneh
Weah? More besides, it is not possible to prevent traffic obstruction
during all national elections, even in the United States of America.
The President Executive Order 65 also undermines her
recent statement calling on all partisans of the ruling Unity Party to
support senatorial candidates of UP. We did not see any Executive
Order when aspirant Rob Sirleafs supporters obstructed traffic for
hours in the city of Paynesville. This unrealistic executive order
has further exposed the undemocratic identity of Madam Sirleaf.
We are very aware that Madam Sirleaf has an overwhelming
interest in deciding who the next senator of Montserrado County
becomes, but she must not misuse the seat of the presidency to
thwart our emerging democracy. The Presidency is not a platform to
advance hidden political agenda. Therefore, I call on the President
to retract her unpatriotic, undemocratic, unnationalistic, and
unrealistic executive order 65 in the next 72 hours. This interestdriven order is no different from degree 2A and 88A when Liberia
was under martial atmosphere. The image of imperial presidency is
resurfacing at a 4G speed.
For almost 9 years now, this President has deliberately refused
to reconnect herself with history and its great lessons. Just few
weeks ago, the request made by Madam Sirleaf seeking legislative
endorsement to withhold certain fundamental rights of Liberian
citizens was again trashed. Today, she has taken another decision
that does not conform to the tenets of modern democracy by
issuing Executive Order 65. Madam Sirleaf must not pretend to
love this country so much when she has already risked our lives by
approving the conduct of the midterm senatorial election. The CIC
must give chance to NEC and the Supreme Court to perform their
required constitutional duties.
Liberia can only get better when our leaders do not use their powers
to expose our people to visible dangers. Our leaders must begin to
embrace a new character of democratic sustainability and ensure
national decisions are not driven by greed and naked political
Above all interests, Liberia is Supreme!

President the power to take away, by way of executive orders, the

right to freedom of expression and the right to assemble as she now
seeks to do by Executive Order No. 65. To the extent the Constitution
countenance the authority of the President to curtail such rights, it is
only through the exercise of emergency powers. But the Constitution
requires that for the President to exercise emergency powers, she must
first secure the approval of the Legislative Branch of government. See
Articles 85-88 of the Constitution.
HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER Tiawon Gongloe said any order that
disturbs elections should come from the NEC. I find that to be
troubling in terms of affecting the democratic space. For the purpose
of neutrality, impartiality and transparency in the whole process, every
restriction or instruction regarding the conduct of the electorates and
the candidates should come from the Election Commission. I think the
NEC should be left alone, to conduct the process as an independent
body. The NEC and the judiciary are the two bodies that are expected
to deal with all electoral issues during election and not the executive
branch of government.
WE AGREE. The immediate reactions and fallout from the

controversial order must open Sirleafs eyes to the realities of todays

THE SAD REALITY is that the younger Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf fought
for many of the ills, laws and steps like Executive Order No. 65 is
seeking to restrict.
THE 1985 election must serve as a perfect reminder for Sirleaf. The
President must not allow history to repeat itself under her watch.
THE SIMILARITIES are just too glaring and too close for anyone to
FOLLOWERS OF HISTORY will agree that Executive Order No. 65
and laws like it have outlived their usefulness.
IT IS OUR HOPE that the Supreme Court of Liberia will see reason
to shut the door on any order that seeks to resurrect old wounds by
restricting movement, speech and rights enshrined in the constitution.
THE COURT can start with the Executive Order No. 65 by sending a
clear message not just to the president but future leaders as well, that
Liberia will not return to junta rule or allow anyone to impose their will
on Liberians, to the detriment of Liberias bourgeoning democracy and
post-war political and economic revival.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Page 4 | Frontpage






Samuel M Sondah Top Commenter University of Ghana

The Montserrado County Senatorial election is likely to define the
Ellen Presidency. Executive Order 65 smells like decree 88A. Wonder
shall never end in Liberia. Repeating the same mistakes of their
predecessors. Howbeit that after a Chuckie Taylor, there is another
son who goes by the name of Robert Sirleaf. Like Chuckie, he gets
and does whatever he wants. Did Liberians expect to experience this
dejavu at this time? Well this is the subterfuge that came clothed in the
garb of the Unity Party. The executive order and other subtle attempts
to undermine the elections are intended to influence the process from
on high. At this point I won't fault anyone who publicly challenge the
presidency in the exercise of their democratic right in the democratic
Jay Wion Top Commenter Works at NPRC
MY TURN: To CDC leader George Weah : Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr said this about disobeying unjust laws; "One who breaks an unjust
law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept
the penalty. I must submit that an individual who breaks a law that
conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penality
of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community
over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.
Now, there is nothing wrong in having an ordinance which requires
a permit for a parade. But such ordinance becomes unjust when it is
used to maintain segregation (injustice) and to deny citizens the FirstAmendment privilege of peaceful assembly and protest. Oppresed
people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for FREEDOM
eventually manifests itse...
Jay Wion Top Commenter Works at NPRC
The above story and my commentary will air later today, Saturday
on my authoritative and informative Liberian African News Service,
LANS - 518-556-1343; 301-789-7786 - cell phone.
Raymond Sumo Top Commenter Cuttington University, Liberia
All Well meaning Liberians should rally around the Liberian
Constitution because I believe this Executive Order 65 is about CDC
and Mr. George Weah who turned out their massive supporters a week
ago because I believe there is a fear that Mr. Sirleaf might lose the
election, and the president is determined to help her son at the expense
of Liberia. If Mr. Robert Sirleaf was successful in turning out such
crow, I don't think there would be any Executive Order 65. The Justices
in Chamber at the Supreme Court of Liberia, regardless of bribe money
that they might have received or intend to receive must do the right
thing for Liberia. We want peace, Justice, and democracy in Liberia.
Even if the Justices don't like CDC or Mr. Weah, they must make a
decision in the interest of Liberia and the Liberian People, but not in
the interest o...
Kehleboe Gongloe West Chester University of PA
Jay Wion, the way we promote and strengthen our democracy is not
by resorting to challenging "unconstitutional acts" in the streets. It is
rather through judicial means. I believe the court will easily overturn
this present Executive Order but we should not invite street protest as
a means to address our dissatisfaction with constitutional issues. By
the way, President Sirleaf has the constitutional authority to issue any
Executive Order provided it does not violate the constitution. She does
not need to consult the Legislature just President Barack Obama did
not need to consult the US Congress on the his Executive action on
immigration. That said, any Liberian citizen or group of citizens have
the right to challenge the constitutionality of the Executive Order and
this is what I am committed to doing soon.
Raymond Sumo Top Commenter Cuttington University, Liberia
Ms. Gongloe,
I don't think Mr. Weah is advocating violence, but peaceful protest
which is a sufficient and necessary tool of democracy. Your thinking
will work in America where the Judiciary is Independent of the
Executive Branch. In Liberia, the Executive Controls the Judiciary and
this is why we don't have an independent judiciary. A peaceful protest
will send a message to the Supreme Court that Liberians do not agree
with the Executive Order. No one is advocating violence but the people
must vent their anger in a peaceful protest in the streets and this is
what the Liberian President doesn't want. It is like beating your child
and telling him or her to shut up and sit down and don't cry. I will
100% agree with you if the courts in Liberia were independent of the


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

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The Editor,

t is time to go beyond just celebrating the 16 Days of Activism

and work together as seven continents in one world to put an
end to violence against our mothers, sisters, aunties, daughters,
and nieces. Promoting womens rights is not only about talking,
but acting to ensure they have equal access to opportunities in order
to compete with their male counterparts. Women are not backyard
gardeners or mere followers, but they are frontliners and forerunners
whose impact on global growth and development remains visibly
evident. Women too, like any other creature deserve a unique space in
our society to fully maximizing their God given potentials and talents.
Whenever November 25th is approaching, women from different
culture and creed muster an unbending courage to remind all of us
about severe issues affecting their destiny. They usually raise their
voices so loudly against all forms of violence. These women who
are mostly vulnerable continue to experience countless number of
abuses and inhumane treatments. Sometimes, they wonder whether
violence against them will ever end. Some of them are even abused on
the very day of their birth. This ugly history of cruel actions against
women must come to an end now if we are serious about promoting a
universe of equal partnership.
It is not just enough to attend wonderful ceremonies and deliver sweet
speeches in remembrance of women who have lost their lives as a
result of violence against them, but it is time for national, regional,
and intercontinental organs to enact tough laws protecting our women
from widespread abuses. We must not allow them to fight against
their perpetrators alone. We must tighten our laws to discourage
prospective perpetrators from violating the rights of women. We
owe our mothers and sisters a solemn pledge to always ensure their
maximum safety, security, and wellbeing. This is a pledge that burns
our hearts so much to immediately take action whenever anyone of
them is taken advantage off by unconscious creatures.
As men, we must treat women with a high degree of respect at every
level of our interaction. We must not use our strength and status to
abuse them. Until we can understand that women are not floor-mats,
but forerunners like us, our one world will remain a place of gender
inequality and inequity. They do not deserve to remain in the kitchen
forever, but they too must sit in the living room to decide what kind
of dish comes out of the kitchen. They were not made to remain in
the backyard, but to also come in the front yard and exhibit their
great potentials. Women also have the right to shift public policy
and determine their own future. Their selfless participation to nation
building around the world remains an indispensable asset to mankind.
The issue of violence against women in recent time is too alarming,
and if we fail to provide a timely response and solution mechanism
to problems affecting women every day, we too are nothing, but
failures. There is no global peace when girls under 16 are sexually
assaulted each day. How can anyone boast about equality when sexual
harassment is still on the increase? How do we intend to prevent rape
in our society when cases against suspects of rape are thrown out
of courts as a result of cash inducement, political interference, and
family intervention? How long will our mothers and sisters be treated
in such a cruel manner? We stand with them today, calling on all
world leaders and key stakeholders to exhibit more effort and utilize
additional resources in order to eliminate violence against women.
For more than a century now, women have been subjected to all forms
of human abuses such as femicide, sexual assault, force marriage,
female genital mutilation, trafficking, sexual harassment, rape, etc.
Most often, these women are powerless and choiceless to resist these
cruel acts against them. For instance, two women are murdered
on average each day in Guatemala. An estimated 150 million girls
under the age of 18 suffered some form of sexual violence in 2002
alone. Approximately 130 million girls and women in the world have
experienced FGM, with more than 3 million girls in Africa annually
at risk of the practice. Over 60 million girls worldwide are child
brides, married before the age of 18. Up to 50% of sexual assaults are
committed against girls under 16.
The November 2014 World Health Organization statistics on violence

against women indicates that more needs to be done in order to

protect womens rights. Currently, 35% of women worldwide have
experienced either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual
violence in their lifetime. On average, 30% of women who have
been in a relationship report that they have experienced some form
of physical or sexual violence by their partner. Globally, as many
as 38% of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner.
According to the Delhi Police Department in India, a woman is raped
every 18 hours or molested every 14 hours in the capital.
The TRC report highlights the total of 46,188 sexual violations against
women during our recent civil crisis in Liberia. Today, most of those
who committed these heinous crimes are walking on our streets with
impunity. How could anyone think about raping a child at 21 months
old? This is really wickedness to the highest degree. Reports indicate
that somewhere between 60 and 70 percent of women in Liberia have
suffered some kind of sexual violence, and Time magazine reports
that the number could be as high as 90 percent.
Where are we going as a nation when those fundamental rights of
our aunties and daughters are trampled upon by evil forces? There
can be no genuine peace in this world when a girl childs future is
damaged as a result of sexual violence. The road to an inclusive
global development is only possible when the transmission of
violence against women is broken. We will continue to be at war with
our consciences until the last survivor of rape receives Justice. Our
bodies shall remain restless until all culprits of cruel crimes against
women are held liable for their misdeeds.
We can no longer afford to keep silent about these issues. As of now,
we are going to increase our energy to raise huge alarm against violent
actions that affect our young sisters and mothers. I can imagine some
of the things they go through every other day to survive. It is time to
stop treating women as our enemies. They are not our enemies and
they can never be! All men must take the lead not just by words, but
by action. Women are frontliners like us too, and they must be given
a non-discriminatory corridor to prove how extraordinary they are.
Some of them have unmatched talents that are still hidden, because
we (men) have refused to accept them as our competing partners. This
prehistoric way of life got to stop, and stop now!
How quick are we to forget about the great legacy of women like
Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Rosa Park, Mother Teresa, Marie
Curie, Florence Nightingale, Simone de Beauvoir and others who laid
down their lives to elevate humanity? Surely, these heroines deserve
our utmost tribute always. Even after their death, violence against
women globally is still a major issue. Citizens of the world must not
give up this fight. We must continue to fight until women are finally
liberated from the scars of violence and abuses.
As we observe the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence,
my heart is with those children who are in the streets and orphanage
homes. I can imagine what some our sisters are going through every
day. Some of them have not even seen a classroom before. I cannot
say more than what my thoughts are on this issue because it is painful
to even go further explaining some of the current realities around us.
The only best strategy right that we can employ is to help prevent and
mitigate the widespread violence against women.
Therefore, I am certain these three recommendations to all nations
around the world will help to put an end to violence against women:
Establish a special court to address cases of violence against
women, such as rape, sexual assault, trafficking, force marriage, etc.
Allocate between 10% - 15% annually of the total national
budget to address issues relating to women.
Inculcate Gender Based Violence/Women Issues nationwide
as a compulsory course in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools.
The world can become a better place for all of us if we begin to take
genuine steps to break the chain of violence against women. I wish all
women a great celebration this year as they soberly reflect on issues
affecting them during these 16 days of activism.
Martin K. N. Kollie
Youth Activist


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Monday, December 8, 2014

On Friday, a CDC supporter,
Musa Konneh posted photos on
the Darius Dillon Intellectual
Exchange Center, of a man
tearing down a Sirleaf poster near
the Vamoma House building in
Sinkor with a message: What
come out of your mouth make you
a man. Torn billboards of Mr.
Sirleaf were also visible along the
Tubman Boulevard area, leading
to the Old Road junction.
Police will protect everyone




We blame this lawless action squarely, at the Rob Sirleafs campaign, which has repeatedly threatened to do
same and have exclusive rights to violate the current midnight curfew, under the guidance of state security
apparatus. Ben Sanvee, Liberty Party Senatorial Aspirant for Montserrado County

Wade C. L. Williams,

Monroviaiberias political play

is heating up and
candidates anger has
begun to flare. Over
the weekend two camps in the
Montserrado County Senatorial
Election, the Ben Sanvee Camp
and the Robert Sirleaf camp have
both thrown jibes at each other.
Both camps are accusing the
other of tearing down giant sized
campaign billboards erected in
around Monrovia. On Sunday,
Sanvee called a news conference
accusing Mr. Sirleaf, son of
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
of tearing down his billboard
erected directly opposite the
National Elections Commission.
The Liberty Party Senatorial
Candidate accused state security,
specifically Police Director Chris
Massaquoi of siding with the
Sirleaf camp.
In wake of all of these happenings,
the intimidation of our campaign
team has gone unabated and taken
a new and more dangerous trend,
said Sanvee at Sundays news
Yesterday, we woke up early
morning noticing that our
campaign billboard erected at the
9th Street location opposite the
National Elections Commission
headquarters had been vandalized.
We blame this lawless action
squarely, at the Rob Sirleafs
campaign, which has repeatedly
threatened to do same and have
exclusive rights to violate the

current midnight curfew, under

the guidance of state security
Sanvee said the destruction of his
billboard was his rival Sirleafs
(an independent candidate) way
of retaliating for allegations he
(Sirleaf) made that the Sanvee
camp had destroyed his billboard
erected opposite his mothers
vicinity on Tubman Boulevard
in Monrovia. Sanvee termed
Sirleafs alleged action as
misplaced aggression against his
campaign team.
Mr. Sirleaf and his accomplices
to this act of hooliganism, are
acting on a basis of paying back
for an alleged destruction of their
campaign billboard, even though
Mr. Musa Konneh, a well known
CDCian had admitted to the
commission of said act meaning
destroying Mr. Sirleafs billboard
and provided pictorial evidence
against himself, said Sanvee.
Mr. Sirleaf continues to accuse
us of being the perpetrators. Mr.
Sirleafs frustration and misplaced
aggression derived from the fact
that we remain unbending in our
quest for a fresh start for Liberia
in Montserrado County. Fellow
Liberians let it be known today,
no amount of intimidation by Mr.
Sirleaf or this misguided regime
of his mother will cause us to dash
the hopes and aspirations of our
people at backing off from this
process we are destined to win.
Police complacency

The LP candidate maintained

that despite efforts by his team to
run a clean and civil campaign,
they continue to be subjects of
attacks, harassment and political
intimidation particularly from the
Sirleaf camp and recently by the
Liberia national police.
Sanvee said his campaign chair
Mr. Abraham Darius Dillon
was called in by the police
for questioning on Friday but
it later turned out that Police
Director Chris Massaquoi was
interrogating him (Dillon) for
allegedly tearing down Sirleafs
It is noteworthy and sad, that
perhaps not surprising, the
Chairperson of my campaign,
Mr. Abraham Darius Dillon on
Friday December 4, 2014 about
4pm, was cited for interrogation
by the Liberia National Police on
complaint allegedly filed by Mr.
Sirleaf son of the President and a
candidate in these elections, he
was disgusting to note that
complainant Sirleaf was nowhere
to be seen. But we were informed
that the director of police was now
the complainant while serving
the same time as judge and
He said the citing of Mr. Dillon
by the LNP took place less than
48hours after his campaign
team had written an official
complaint to the National Election

Commission, about the Sirleafs

campaign flagrant violation of
the Supreme Court Stay order
on all campaign related activities
until the case involving the NEC
and some Liberians calling for
the cancellation of election can
be adjudicated. He said despite
the Supreme Courts Stay Order
issued on the holding of campaign
activities by parties contesting
the ensuing election, the Sirleaf
camp has without any regard for
the august body continued with its
regular campaign activities.
To date we have been informed
that our complaint has been
forwarded to the Honorable
Supreme Court Justice Phillip
continues to violate the Supreme
Court mandate in his desperate
and naked unrealizable quest for
the Senatorial seat in Montserrado
County, said Sanvee.
Fellow Liberians let it be known
today, no amount of intimidation
by Mr. Sirleaf or this misguided
regime of his mother will cause us
to dash the hopes and aspirations
of our people at backing off from
this process we are destined to
On Friday, reports had emerged
that Mr. Sirleaf had filed a
complaint against Mr. Dillon to
the LNP alleging that Mr. Dillon
was heard on a local radio giving
orders to partisans and Sanvee
supporters to tear down Mr.
Sirleafs billboards a charge the
Sanvee camp denied.

the Legislature against Liberias

President Sirleaf Executive order
#65 restricting mass political
gathering in Montserrado County.
The Party at Fridays Press
Presidents Executive order as
unconstitutional and threatened
not to adhere to it. As a follow
up criticism to the Presidents
Executive Order Mr. Robert
Sirleaf a Senatorial candidate in
Montserrado and son of President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf threatened
to sue the government against the
executive order.
including the CDC who pledged
support to the candidacy of Mr.
George Weah of the CDC held a
press conference condemning the
Presidents executive order.
The Press conference presided
over by Representative Edwin
Snowe a known political ally to
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
who is on record for threatening
his colleagues against criticizing

the President on the government

response to the fight against the
Ebola virus threatened a lawsuit
against the President executive
Late Sunday the CDC announced
to the public at a press conference
that the 14 lawmakers have won
through a petition filed against
Presidents executive order by the
Supreme Court.
We welcome the fact and
evidence that sanity has prevailed
over insanity. We believe that
this is a face-saving venture by
the President of the Republic of
Liberia to withdraw her recently
Executive Order # 65 abrogating
the organic laws of this land, said
the CDC in a statement.
In the partys position statement
read by Mr. Samora Wolokollie,
a senior member of the CDC
the party stated that attempt
by information Minister Lewis
Brown to announce a stay
order purportedly issued by
the Honorable Supreme Court

Speaking to FrontPageAfrica
via mobile phone, Police boss
Col. Massaquoi said the police is
here to give protection to all the
candidates contrary to claims from
the Sanvee camp that the police
has sided with candidate Sirleaf.
He said the Dillon was called in
because he had issued a threat to
tear down Sirleafs billboard in a
mobile phone conversation.
Dillon called me the day before
and threatened to tear down
Robs billboard and I advised him
not to do but go to the law if he
felt aggrieved. The next day the
billboard is damaged and Rob
brings a complaint, who do you
think I would question after what
Dillon had said? Stated Director
No one is above the law here,
if it had happened the other way
around, I would have done the
same thing. I have every right to
call Dillon in for questioning. No
one has the right to take down
another persons billboard. I will
do it again if I had to.
The police director in November
warned officers of the LNP to stay
clear of political activities or risk
drastic action during the Special
Senatorial Election.
We are not politicians, and so we
are not to get involve in political
activities, our actions must be in
line with our responsibility as law
enforcement institution, Director
Massaquoi said.
The LNP Boss said the police
as a law enforcement institution
have moral and legal obligations
to provide protection for all
candidates during the time of
elections, and reminded the
officers to be cognizant of their
civil responsibility to their
country. He said any police officer
that will be seen campaigning or
in electoral activities will face
the full weight of the Police Duty
Manuel for their action.
Chapter Ten of the Police Duty
Manuel states: By virtue of

Page 5

the membership of the Liberia

National Police and in affirming
commitment and independence
in serving the community at
large, no member of the LNP
shall join or play an active role
in the organization, non-official
securing or holding of executive
position in any political party or
organization; however, he/she
may freely exercise his/ her right
to case vote in an official elections
in Liberia.
At the same time the Police
urged the public to stop carrying
civil matters to the police for
investigation. The Police Boss
said the courts and not the police
must handle civil matters. But
these fresh allegations by the
Sanvee camp cast a shadow on
police neutrality and political
candidates confidence in the
Courts stay order
The Supreme Court on Friday,
November 28 issued a Stay
Order on the pending midterm Senatorial Election, which
emanated from a petition filed
by the Movement for Progressive
Change (MPC) and a group
calling itself eminent citizens.
The hearing was set for Friday
but the court pushed the process
to Monday further over reports
that Cllr. Lavelli Supuwood,
one of those seeking election
postponement had not yet received
a copy of the courts notice.
Last Monday a group of political
parties condemned the petition at
a news conference at the National
Elections Commission.
Cllr. Joseph Jallah, Acting
National Chairman of the Alliance
for Peace and Democracy
(APD), said petitions against
the mid-term senatorial election
are unacceptable and counterproductive.
The Senate election, scheduled
for Dec. 16, already has been
postponed once because of the
Ebola crisis, which began last
The issue has been complicated
by the issuance of an Executive
Order by President Ellen JohnsonSirleaf Thursday banning all
rallies and other mass gatherings
in Monrovia before the senatorial
election scheduled in less than
two weeks, due to the outbreak.
Sirleaf has in recent days targeted
Christmas for no new cases in the
post-war nation, which has seen
the worst of the outbreak.


Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Monroviawo days after the

for Democratic change
(CDC) promised a sit in
action at the National Legislature
in response to Executive Order
No. 65 issued by the President,
the party has called off the action,
calling on his supporters to instead
gather at the partys headquarters.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
on December 4 issued Executive
Order No. 65 ordering all

of people on the streets of
Monrovia during the ensuing
special elections, including in
particular rallies, demonstrations
and parades prohibited and for 30
days after the announcement of
election results.
In reaction to Presidents order,
the CDC vowed not to honor the
Executive Order and on Friday
the party called on all partisans
to gather today ( Monday) at
the Capitol Building to petition

of the Republic of Liberia on

state radio is a joke jointly
organized by President Sirleaf
and her son, Robert A. Sirleaf
to bring the judiciary to public
disrepute and described it as a
strange phenomenon in a modern
Mr. Wollokollie comments to
Minister Brown came as a result
of an earlier announcement he
claimed the country information
minster made on state radio that
the Supreme Court placed a halt
on the Presidents executive order
as a result of a lawsuit filed by
Candidate Robert Sirleaf.
The party through Wollokollie
said: a writ of prohibition has
been filed, affidavit signed and
received on 6th December 2014,
with the honorable Supreme
Court by 14 lawmakers of
Montserrado County and not
Mr. Robert Sirleaf as indicated
by a desperate, unauthorized,
surrogate and misdirected Lewis
G. Brown. Minister Browns
action to announce on state radio

a stay order by the Supreme

Court, on grounds of a prohibition
issued by Mr. Robert Sirleaf, has
questioned the moral integrity of
the government of Liberia.
The CDC declared Mr. Brown as
a useless voice that is equivalent
to nothing less than a pathological
liar and cautioned the Information
Minister to concentrate on a more
direct focus of being the official
spokesperson of the Government
of Liberia, because according
to the CDC he has gradually
turned himself into Campaign
Spokesperson of the Robert A.
Sirleaf senatorial candidature.
The CDC however calls on it
partisans to remain mobilized
and peacefully assemble at the
National Headquarters of the party
instead of the grounds of Capitol
Building in celebration of the
peoples victory and get further
instructions. Meanwhile, as we
await the ruling of the honorable
Supreme Court, we remain law
abiding, the Party stated.

~ Executive Order no. 65 fallout ~

Page 6 | Frontpage



Monday, December 8, 2014


Campaign leads to file legal suit with the Supreme Count against the Government of Liberia
My Fellow Liberians:

ndependent Montserrado
candidate Mr. Robert
Sirleaf has joined a
laundry list of opposition to
his mothers Executive Order
No. 65 which aims to restrict
movement and campaign
gathering prior to and after the
looming Montserrado County

Senatorial elections.
In a statement issued in
Monrovia Saturday, the Sirleaf
campaign also announced that
it is in the process of filing a
legal lawsuit against the Order
on Monday, December 8, 2014.
Below is a full text of the

Today, the Robert A. Sirleaf

Campaign for Senator of
Montserrado County is to filed
a legal suit Monday, Dec 8 at
9am against the Government of
Liberia. On behalf of the people
of Monrovia, and in our own
name, we have represented
to the courts that Executive
Order No. 65 is discriminatory,
punitive and wrong, and
it seeks to undermine the
ongoing democratic process by
which the citizens would elect
the individuals they believe to
be qualified to represent their
interests in the government for
the next nine years.
The Order is discriminatory
in that it seeks out only the
people of Monrovia for its
enforcement when the issue
it proposes to cure the
possible transmission of the

Ebola Virus Disease is
actually occurring all across
the country.
It clearly is punitive because
it punishes all the people of
designated Monrovia many of
whom continue to respect and
abide by the Ebola Preventive
Procedures established by the
government and its partners.
Obviously, these people do
not need to be punished for

observing the law. In addition,

it clearly undermines the
ongoing democratic process.
Firstly, it seeks to unfairly
portray all campaigns as
incapable of controlling their
supporters and of conducting
themselves in line with
the provisions established
and agreed upon by the
NEC, political parties and
independent candidates should
these other campaigns decide
to also publicly turn out their
supporters. I strongly reject
this characterization as our
campaign has and will continue
to be orderly and respectful of
all others.
Secondly, it creates an unfair
advantage for one candidate
over the others. By seeking to
suddenly ban the public display
of support by other campaigns
who may desire to do so, the
government has generated the
wholly false impression in
the minds of the electorates
that other campaigns may not
have the capacity to turn out
numbers sufficient to confirm
their ability to win these
elections. Failing to turnout
supporters will not only demotivate campaigns that are
desirous of doing so but also
could unfairly influence the
votes of independents, as well

as discourage many from

turning out on Election Day.
Thirdly, we have already heard
threats about cheating and
the promised consequences.
The turnout of one campaign
without permitting others to do
the same would lay dangerous
basis for these claims and
threats to be possibly realized.
The veiled message of
Executive Order No. 65: that
because one campaign turned
it supporters out and others
did not by which a reasonable
assessment could be made
about the actual strengths,
advantages of each campaign
will play favorably to support
claims of cheating and threats
of disorder should another
candidate other than the one
who turned his supporters out,
We believe that Executive
Order No. 65 is dangerously
wrong to impress the minds
of the public that only the
candidate who turned out his
supporters deserves to win, and
as such, an outcome which does
not confirm this belief ought to
be fraudulent. Therefore, rather
than an orderly process which
the Order may have intended,
largely on account of the public
perception which the Order


Monrovia olitical tension is

building up in Liberia
issued by Liberian president
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf .
The political leader of the main
opposition party, the Congress
for Democratic Change (CDC)
at a news conference late
Friday evening at the partys
headquarters in Congo town,
rallied his supporters to defy
Executive Order No. 65 which
aims to curb gatherings and
rallies ahead and after the
looming senatorial elections.
Weah, who is running as
an independent candidate
in the Montserrado County
Senatorial race, called on his
supporters to turn out in mass
at the national Legislature
on Monday to petition that
body to reject the executive
order #65 on grounds that it is
I called on all supporters to
come Monday on the grounds
of the national Legislature
to petition our lawmakers to
reject the executive order.
The Montserrado County
Senatorial candidate also
called on his supporters to keep
obeying the safety procedures
put in place to eradicate the
dreadful Ebola virus from

Weah Rallies CDC to Protest EJS Executive Order No. 65

Liberia as the country as

the country prepares for the
senatorial race.
At Fridays rally, several
supporters of the main
Democratic Change branded
President Sirleaf as a heartless
and a carless leader who is
only seeking her own interest
over the good of the struggling

If the president is eager for

a bitter Liberia, we will give
her a bitter Liberia and we are
clear to stand by our people.
The voice of the people is the
voice of God declared Janjay
Baikpeh, a supporter of CDC.
Baikpeh asserted that the
deadly Ebola virus outbreak
is killing Liberians and but the
party has agreed to go to the
election simply because it is in

the interest of the country.

Baikpeh said any attempts by
the president to defraud the
process will force her to to
leave Liberia and run away
like other countries leaders
in recent times, something he
said supporters of the CDC are
prepared to implement.
This president must turn
power over because she has
failed our people Baikpeh

said, calling on the presidents

advisor to advise here wisely.
Nathaniel McGill, the partys
acting National Chairman and
Secretary General, said, the
order is unconstitutional and
McGill said the CDC will not
abide by the executive order
#65 because it is dubious, and
undermines the organic laws
which is the constitution of
Liberia and rights of the people
of Liberia.
McGill said, the Executive
Order also undermines the
of the national
elections commission and also
clearly brings to light what
President Sirleaf is aiming to
ensure that her son, Robert
Sirleaf, a contestant vying for
the Senate seat in Montserrado
County, capture the seat
through a dubious process
unconstitutional issuance of
this so-called executive order
does not only preempt the
outcome of the said process but
also undermines the neutrality
and credibility of the National
credibility to conduct a free
fair and transparent election
McGill added that the CDC is
of the conviction that the order

itself wrongly creates, disorder

could actually follow the
announcements of results.
Finally, and of no less
importance, we will sue the
government and are determined
to set this Executive Order
aside, because it is wrong.
We submit that we have also
seen violations of the Ebola
preventive measures, and we
condemn these violations.
However, it is always wrong
to change the rules of games
in the middle of the games.
And although intentions may
be right, it is always better that
our actions are right, as we are
judged not necessarily by our
intentions but by our actions.
And so, as we legally challenge
Executive Order No. 65, we
again propose to all of us who
dare to present ourselves in the
service of our people at this
time to act as the leaders our
people truly deserve. I ask all
of us seeking these political
offices to let our actions keep
our people alive, and as I have
promised, let our mission of
service truly empower our
people with opportunity and
hope for a better future.
May God bless us all. I thank

on Monrovia restricting public

gathering and movements is a
designed mechanism to violate
the rights of the Liberian
people preparing for a crucial
senatorial race. The mighty
Congress for Democratic
Change reassures its partisan
that it will not and cannot
under any giving circumstance
conform with an undemocratic,
unlawful executive order that
undermine the rule of law
McGill said.
Sirleaf, issuing the order
Thursday, said the Executive
Order No. 65 is needed
because the existing law
requiring persons desiring to
march or demonstrate to obtain
prior permission from the
Ministry of Justice, has proven
ineffective to address rallies,
parades and concerted mass
movements on the streets of
Monrovia and its environs.
Mr. McGill also said the party
will obey the Supreme Court
order putting a halt to campaign
activities pending hearing
into complains filed by some
political parties against the
holding of election but added
that the CDC believes in the
rule of law and will continue
adhere to the Stay Order issued
by the supreme court and look
forward to its ruling.
Earlier Friday, a group of
fourteen members of the lower
house of the national legislature
who are supporting Weahs bid
for the Senate issued a stronglyworded statement condemning
Executive Order No. 65.

~ Executive Order no. 65 fallout ~

Monday, December 8, 2014




Page 7

Neyor frowns on Sirleafs executive order 65


ays after Liberian

issued executive
order number 65, prohibiting
all concerted mass movements
of people on the streets
of Monrovia during the
ensuing special elections,
including in particular rallies,
demonstrations and parades for

30 days after the announcement

of election results, the President
has received criticisms from
Liberians especially political
actors who see the order as
Addressing a news conference
at the weekend, at his campaign
headquarters in Monrovia,
Montserrado County Senatorial
candidate Christopher Neyor
strongly disagreed with the

Presidents order terming it

as a sinister motive which
constitutes a pattern of political
chicaneries conceived and
hatched by President Sirleaf
and her son, Robert A. Sirleaf
to present a result other than
the will and wishes of the
people of Montserrado County.
Mr. Neyor called on Liberians
to condemn what he called
sheer insanity, adding that
order of such nature and
magnitude presents low parity
of reasoning.
Said Neyor:The Presidents
action to ban these rights
until 30 days after election
results is prejudicial and also
undermines the whole essence
of justice; it constitutes a
breach of the peace especially
when the Supreme Court
which is the final arbiter of

justice now has before it

matter of the 2014 Special
Senatorial Elections. Should
the Court decide the elections
would be held after Liberia
is declared Ebola free is the
President saying these rights
will be suspended until 30 days
after election results from that
faraway future election date?
Or is the President trying to
force the decision of the court
to her date?
Sirleaf using state assets
The Montserrado County
senatorial candidate noted that
while he and other senatorial
candidates are mobilizing their
private resources to support
their campaigns, Mr. Robert A.
Sirleaf, son of President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf continues to
use public assets and facilities
to run his lavish campaign in

contravention of the Code of

Conduct with the intent to put
him at an undue advantage
over other candidates.
He said the flagrant disrespect
of the Supreme Courts stay
order by Mr. Robert A. Sirleaf
to defiantly erect campaign
billboards and banners in the
streets of Monrovia further
exposes what he termed as
their grand ploy.
Neyor also said It was
Robert Sirleaf to defy the
Court because his mother had
given him prior information of
Executive Order No. 65 which
she intends to undermine the
integrity and independence of
the Court while the Supreme
Court is in the process of
making a final determination
of the matter.

Neyor wondered why the

Executive Order No 65
prohibits demonstrations and
protest for 30 days after the
announcement of election
results and why only in
Montserrado County?
What parity of reasoning
did she use to determine that
Ebola will be kicked out of
here within 30 days after the
announcement of election
result? Does it mean that if the
election result is announced
any time before or after 30days
Ebola will not be defeated?
How can she tie in Ebola to
election result and how does
the number of days worsen or
help the fight against Ebola
especially when anchored
on result? the senatorial
candidate questioned.



There shall be no reversal of the democratic gains we have made
through the blood and sweat of our compatriots.





Monrovia ourteen members of

the lower house of the
national legislature in
Liberia has denounced
what they call a return to the junta
rule in Liberia which threatens
to derail Liberias bourgeoning
In a position statement read
on the floor of the legislature
Friday, the 14 lawmakers
representing districts in the
county Senatorial race, declared:
We, the undersigned fourteen
duly elected representative of the
people of Montserrado county
present,do hereby emphatically
denounce and condemn the
draconian executive order No.65
issued by her H.E. Madam Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf president of the
republic of Liberia on December
4, ,2014. Cognizant of the fact
that the Liberian constitution of
January 6, ,1986 as enshrined
in articles 1, 13, 15 and 17
which guarantee democratically
cherished inalienable right,

we categorically reject any

semblance of the return to junta
rule and despotism.
The lawmakers unanimously
immediately rescind and retract
such a tyrannical order which
has the proclivity to thwart our
nascent democracy. There shall
be no reversal of the democratic
gains we have made through
the blood and sweat of our
compatriots. We want to assure
you, our fellow citizens that we
will do everything within the
ambiance of the law to protect
the constitution of which we
are under oath to uphold. It is
quite suspicious that Executive
order No.65 deliberately and
with a sinister motives chose to
antagonize only Montserrado
county where the son of the
president is contesting and
flagrantly violating the mandate
of the supreme court and the
national election commission
with impunity.
The lawmakers have meanwhile
called on our international

partners who have been very

supportive of democracy to take
due cognizance of the creeping
threat to our fledgling democratic
The lawmakers represented
District 3,District 4,District
5,District 6,District 7, District
8, District 9, District 10, District
11, District 12, District 13,
District 14, District 15
District 16, District 17.
Sirleafs controversial Executive
Order has been greeted with
the various corners. Cllr. J.
Fonati Koffa, Chairman of
the opposition Liberty Party
slammed the Executive Order
as unconstitutional and a sad
exercise. The President has by
one sweeping act canceled the
constitution guarantee of the
right to assemble and petition
the government when there is no
state of emergency in place. You
cannot abolish constitutionally

because the government finds it

Independent candidate Robert
Sirleaf, Sirleafs son has
threatened file a complaint before
the Supreme Court on Monday.
While the opposition Alternative
National Congress believes that
Executive Order 65 cannot pass
constitutional muster for two
principal reasons. First, the
Order vests the President with
authority she can only exercise
by way of a legislative grant
of emergency powers, which
the Legislature has recently
refused to give the President.
Second, there is no independent
constitutional basis for any of
the reasons the President puts
forward as justification for
Executive Order 65, the party
said in a statement today.
In issuing her Executive
According to Sirleaf, large
concentrations of people at
election rallies especially in
the Monrovia area could lead to
more infections.

Monrovia he Congress for Democratic Change considers

Executive Order #65 issued by the President of Liberia
as unconstitutional, arbitrary and counter-productive.
The CDC observes that an Executive Order cannot
override or abrogate a provision of the constitution, except during
a State of Emergency, which no longer exists. Hence, her decision
to issue an Executive Order suspending a cardinal provision
of the constitution, i.e., the inalienable rights of the people of
Montserrado, is evident of her attempt to influence and manipulate
the conduct of the 2014 Montserrado Senatorial Elections in favor
of her son, a Candidate in the aforementioned process. Therefore,
the CDC will not comply with this unconstitutional, sinister and
irrational Executive Order #65. The Congress for Democratic
Change, believing in the rule of law, will continue to adhere to
the Stay Order recently issued by the Supreme Court and looks
forward to its ruling.
While the CDC and its allies remain in compliance with the
decisions of the Supreme Courts Stay Order on Elections, the
Presidents unconstitutional issuance of this so-called Executive
Order does not only preempt the outcome of said process, but also
undermines the neutrality and credibility of the National Elections
Commission to conduct a free, fair, transparent and democratic
elections throughout Liberia.
Considering that this illegal Executive Order lacks legitimacy
thereby constituting a violation of the fundamental rights of
the Liberian people, the CDC takes shield in the protection and
dictates afforded by the organic laws of the state as enshrined in
the constitution of the Republic of Liberia and refuses to confirm
to this Executive Order.
Consequently, the Congress for Democratic Change views
the Presidents declared Executive Order #65, especially its
malicious emphasis on Monrovia and its environs, as a designed
mechanism to violate the inalienable rights of the people of
Liberia as they look to participate in these elections.
The Mighty Congress for Democratic Change reassures its
partisans that it will NOT and CANNOT, under any given
circumstance, comply with an undemocratic and unlawful
Executive Order that undermines the rule of law.
Lastly, the leadership of the Congress for Democratic Change
remains cautious of the prevalence of the Ebola Virus Disease in
our country, and admonishes all Liberians to continue observing
all safety measures and protocols as published by the Ministry
of Health, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease

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Monday, December 8, 2014


Page 8 | Frontpage

-Bids Farewell To Two Retired CBL Board Members

Bank Governor has
underscored the need
for strong leadership
and bold vision to transform
the countrys economy.
Dr. Joseph Mills Jones,
speaking at an honoring
ceremony for two retired
Board of Governors of the
Central Bank of Liberia (CBL)
last Friday, said transformation
without bold vision and action
will not guarantee a strong
inclusive economic growth.
He told the gathering that the
CBL has already scored strong
gains in its goal to build an
inclusive economy driven by
The Board and Management
of CBL have taken several
steps aimed at building an
inclusive economy. We must
continue to do more as a nation
and people because as I have
repeatedly said poverty is not
our destiny, said Governor
The CBL Executive Governor
praised the outgoing Board of
Governors for the excellent
leadership roles they played on
the CBL Board.
Governors Mildred B. Reeves,
a former General Manager
and Deputy chief executive
officer (DCEO) of the Liberia
Bank for Development and
Investment (LBDI) and David
K. Vinton, a former National
Bank Governor and former
president and CEO of LBDI,
ended their terms as Board of
Governors of CBL last week.
They were given standing
ovation in the hall and
certificated by CBL Board
Chairman Dr. J. Mills Jones
who applauded them for
playing strong and meaningful
leadership roles on the CBL
In special remarks, Governors
Jones disclosed that the two
outgoing Board of Governors
were already prepared before
coming on the Board of the
Mildred Reeves and David
Vinton came on CBLs Board
already prepared, he said.
The CBL Executive Governor
added you build institutions
with individuals who are
already prepared.
We have built the CBL
together because both Mrs.
Mildred Reeves and Mr. David
Vinton were prepared, said
the CBL boss who is also
Chairman of the Board of the
The CBL Farewell Dinner
which took place at the Royal
Hotel in Sinkor was grace by
several government officials
include political leaders as well
as the public.

CBL Executive Governor Dr. Joseph Mills Jones

CBL Executive Governor Dr. Joseph Mills Jones Certificates outgoing Board of Governor. Mr. David K. Vinton

The Plateform table

Former Chief Justice Henry Revees Cooper chats with CBL Deputy Governor for Economic Policy Mr. Boima Kamara

Former CBL Board Of Governor Mrs Mildred B. Revees

Dr. Amos Sawyer chats with outgoing Board of Governors as others look on

Former CBL Board Of Governor Mr. David K. Vinton

Deputy Governor for Operation Charles Sirleaf

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Monday, December 8, 2014


Page 9

Dr. Amos Sawyer chats with Former UP Chairman Dr. Charles Clark

LBA President Mr. John David with some heads of Banking Insitutions at the CBL Farewell Dinner

Madam Julie Endee's Crusader Paece Band

A CBL Staff distributes the program sheet to plateform guests

Some of CBL Staff

Motorcyclist Union Secratary General at the CBL Farewell Dinner

Dr. Amos Sawyer chats with outgoing Board of Governors as others look on

The two outgoing CBL Board of Governors Mrs. Mildred B. Revees

and Mr. David K. Vinton with others

Page 10 | Frontpage



Mr. James Davis, Regional Director for

Young Life in West Africa

n what appears to be
a moment of sharing
thoughts and experiences,
characterize with a united
front to combat the Ebola
Virus Disease dozens of youths
from across the country that
contracted the deadly Ebola
virus but managed to survive
converged Friday at the Baptist
Youth Camp on the Roberts Field
Highway for a weekend camp.
While in the camp, the survivors
will be relaxed and encouraged
by messages of hope and vision,
said Mr. James S. Davis II,
Regional Director for Young Life
in West Africa, the international
nongovernmental organization
that organized the camp.
According to him, the over
hundred young survivors have
had horrible experiences as
a result of contracting the
Ebola virus thus they need to
be counseled and motivated
so that they can return to their
towards the fight against the
deadly virus.
Said Mr. Davis: These survivors
are already safe. They can help
us better in helping those who
are coming down with the virus
in different communities.
Davis further said They come
from Gbarnga, Bong County,
Kakata, Margibi County and
several parts of the country.
And those parts of the country
they come from are places
that got hard-hit by the virus.
Many of these young people


Monday, December 8, 2014

Young Life Africa assembles Camps for Survivors
Stephen D. Kollie, 0776329124

Some Ebola survivors

that we worked with who came
down with the virus had bitter
experiences and we think that
having them here and being in a
relaxed atmosphere, having fun,
laughter and putting aside some
of those negative experiences
they had and also fight the stigma
they experienced when they got
back home, we think its just a
clear message that we need to
love these people.
Mr. Davis told FrontPage
Africa that his organization
hopes to restore hope in the
young survivors, build a
trusting relationship with them
(survivors) so that they will
develop the vision to go back in
their communities to serve.
This youth camp will be
sending a message to people out
there that yes these people are

safe and we just need to welcome

them back home, he said.
Explaining his experience when
he contracted the Ebola Virus,
23-year old Musa G. Kamra told
FPA that he first came in contact
with the disease after he visited a
friend call Paul who was ill.
He said on October 10, 2014
Paul was vomiting, defecating
and showing nearly all the
signs and symptoms of the virus
but out of ignorance, he and
other friends cared for Paul by
providing him medications.
I was feeling pain in my back
and I was toileting a little bit. So
the community leader told us that
the ambulance will be coming on
the camp so we should try to get
on board, Kamara narrated.
Kamra said when finally arrived
at the MSF Ebola Treatment

Unit, two of his family members

including his brother and sister
also fell ill but due to delay in
coming at the ETU, few days
later; Kamra said his two siblings
For him, after recovering from
the worlds deadliest virus on
October 20, 2014 , life has since
become very difficult because
all his personal belongings were
burnt to ashes by community
members, explaining
friends have helped him with
clothing and food.
The things that I left behind
like my clothes, the community
leaders burnt everything. Right
now am lying down on small
mattresses, he said.
For 24-year old Yatta Konneh
of Grand Cape Mount County,
she got infected by her fianc

who died in their one bedroom

She told FrontPage Africa that
it all started when her boyfriend
returned from work one evening
and began to complain of poor
health. A day later, she says her
fianc died and she touched his
dead body several times.
Said Yatta When my boyfriend
died three days later I was feeling
very weak. So I decided to tell
the community chairman. They
called the ambulance for me and
I was taken to ELWA two where
Dr. Jerry Brown is operating.
Stephen K. Gbollie, another
survivor of the Ebola virus
believes he was cured by the
grace of God.
Gbolie was working as a
vaccinator in Kakata, Margibi
County before getting infected

with the virus.

According to Gbollie in the last
week of July, 2014 he visited a
registrar nurse who was working
at Weala Clinic in Margibi
County but died on the 25 of
July. He said the nurses sister
who was caring for him took his
mobile phone and gave it to him
Gbollie explained to FPA: After
a week, I started to experience
the signs and symptoms of this
virus. Eventually on the fourth
of August I was taken to the C.H
Rennie Hospital because I am a
vaccinator. I was treated on the
fourth and fifth of August and
on the sixth an ambulance took
me in Monrovia to the ELWA
treatment Unit. There I stayed
for two weeks before I was

Clarence the next day, we

should not be accepted. So they
were under instruction from the
people on the first shift, could it
had been the doctor? questioned
When asked as to why does he
blames the very government he
works in, for killing his daughter,
and weather he believed the
nurses refused to treat his child
as a payback for owing health
workers, he answer: The
Government and the institution
killed my daughter, because the
hospital administrator and the
chief medical officer are very
good friends of the president.
They were some of the people
that had this superior knowledge
that came from the Diaspora to
help us the ignorant, poor and
there, he says, they were told that illiterate people.
while a nebulizer to regulate the Forh says they came with the
breathing was there, they were superior knowledge. So if
not comfortable using it on his anybody protesting, it should
daughter due to fear of Ebola.
not be them, because they are at
The lawmaker said, he took the the higher stage in this country.
child back home but remained So they should not be making
puzzled. He says the next day, those draconian regulations and
the attitude of the other hospital threatening the poor people with
staff on the first shift was dismissals, Says Forh.
intentional to toward him.
Forh says the Executive Branch
I think it was a personal of government requested the
attack on me as a person or as funds. Under our oversight, we
a government official. I do not granted the power for the money
know, because they knew that to be given but whether they
if we did not bring an Ebola used it properly or did not use it

properly, I do not know. So the

health workers should blame the
executive and not the legislature,
for their salary crisis.
Not go give injection or put a
gas mask over a childs nose to
breathe properly, the lawmaker
says, is out of line. So what
would you say about the mothers
who gave birth in the street,
were they wives of senator or
representative? The little girl less
than 25 years old, gave birth to a
set of twin in front of the Benson
hospital, was she the daughter of
a representative or senator?
Representative Forh who said
his daughter died in his arms,
explained his painful ordeal of
what transpired at the Hospital
when he arrived with his sick and
helpless daughter.
It was a breathing condition and
not a sickness, and they refused
to admit her. I was not asking
for any preferential treatment
because she was a human being
like all of us. But I am saying
if a person like me, with such
status could not get help from
a functioning service provider,
then what more about our people
in the villages, where they do not
even have access to roads and
basic health services?
The lawmaker further narrated
that he told the hospital that if
the childs breathing was not

stabilized; the child would not

make it until they got an Ebola
test Clarance that would have
taken four hours to get the result.
So he suggested that the nurses
wear their PPE. Finally, he says,
a doctor wore a PPE and came
over the patient and later walked
away without touching her.
The lawmaker said it could not
have been out of fear for Ebola,
but maybe because they had
misbehaved at the beginning
and exchanged words with him,
so they felt they should take it
to the end. My baby died after
an hour in my arms, and when
I asked for a stretcher to put
her body they refused. She lied
on the bear floor for over two
hours. But when they heard that
president Sirleaf was coming,
they started acting busy by
taking blood sample, they could
not take before. They were ready
to take blood specimen of the
body, which could have been
more infectious, then when the
person was alive and could be
less infectious and when they
did the test and it came negative.
They give my daughters body
to me but at the time she was
already dead, and did not need a
test, that they could have done it
when she was alive.


Mae Azango

Monrovia t is usually said that one

cannot turn back the hands
of time, because if it could
Edward Forh, would have been
one of the first to do so and save
his late daughter Nikita Forhs
live life.
Weeks after his daughters death,
the lawmaker continues to pile
blame on the government over
Nikitas death for killing his
Nikita died over a month ago
at the John F. Kennedy Medical

Center as a result of an Asthma

Representative Forh explained
in October that the state-owned
John F. Kennedy Hospital could
have saved his childs life by
regulating her breathing with a
nebulizer; but it refused.
He explained that when they
arrived at the JFK gate when his
daughter was facing difficulty
breathing, they were asked
for the bio data and an Ebola
clearance of the patient at the
gate, before sending them to the
emergency. But when they got

~ Executive Order no. 65 fallout ~

Monday, December 8, 2014



he Alternative National
Congress (ANC) views
with grave concern
No. 65 issued on December
3, 2014 by President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf. That Order
bans effective immediately all
mass movements of people on
the streets of Monrovia, during
the ensuing special elections
including in particular rallies,
demonstrations and parades.
Under the Order, this ban will
continue for thirty (30) days
after the announcement of
elections results. By its plain
language, therefore, the Order
infringes on fundamental rights
guaranteed all Liberians by our
Constitution, including the
right to freedom of expression,
as set forth in Article 15(a) of
the Constitution, and the right
to assemble and consult upon
the common good, as enshrined
in Article 17 of our founding
As more fully set forth
below, the ANC believes that
Executive Order 65 cannot
pass constitutional muster for
two principal reasons. First, the
Order vests the President with
authority she can only exercise
by way of a legislative grant
of emergency powers, which
the Legislature has recently
refused to give the President.
Second, there is no independent
constitutional basis for any of
the reasons the President puts
forward as justification for
Executive Order 65.



The President may certainly
exercise by executive orders
those powers granted her by
the Constitution. However, the
Constitution simply does not
grant the President the power to
take away, by way of executive
orders, the right to freedom
of expression and the right to
assemble as she now seeks to
do by Executive Order No. 65.
To the extent the Constitution
countenance the authority of
the President to curtail such
rights, it is only through the
exercise of emergency powers.
But the Constitution requires
that for the President to exercise
emergency powers, she must
first secure the approval of
the Legislative Branch of
government. See Articles 85-88
of the Constitution.
We cannot but note that the
Legislature recently denied

the Presidents request for

emergency powers to limit the
very rights of Liberians that she
now seeks to limit by Executive
Order No 65. The President is
therefore effectively seeking
through Executive Order 65 an
end-run around the Legislatures
denial of her request for
emergency powers. For this
reason alone, Executive Order 65
fails as a matter of constitutional
The President puts forward
two principal reasons for the
issuance of Executive Order
65, none of which can survive
constitutional review. First, the
President states that the Order is
necessary because the existing

law requiring persons desiring to

march or demonstrate to obtain
prior permits from the Ministry
of Justice have [sic] proven
ineffective. We do not know
what the
President means when she
says, without more, that the
law is ineffective. However,
even if we were to agree with
the President that the law is
ineffective, our position would
be that the President should
work with the Legislature and
the courts to make the law more
effective. But the fact that a
law is ineffective should not
and cannot provide a basis to
trample on fundamental rights
guaranteed by the Constitution
as Executive Order No. 65 does
with its blanket prohibition of
peoples rights to assemble and
Second, the President says the
prohibitions on the rights of
expression and to assemble as
contained in Executive Order
65 are necessary because rallies
led to persistent and frequent
violations of the Vehicle
and Traffic Laws of Liberia,
obstruction of the free flow of
traffic, and the disruption of
economic activities. We at the
ANC agree and strongly believe
that the right to demonstrate and
hold rallies must be balanced
against the rights of other people,
including their rights to operate
their vehicles and run their
We note that striking this balance
should be the purpose of laws
requiring people to obtain
prior permits from the Justice
Ministry for demonstrations
and marches. The purpose of

such permits should be to set
reasonable time and manner
restrictions on rallies and
demonstrations. By this we mean
that rallies, demonstrations, and
particularly marches, can be
restricted to certain time of the
dayduring non rush hours,
for example, when people are
not going to or leaving work
so that disruptions of traffic
flow can be kept to a minimum.
Similarly, marches, rallies, and
demonstrations can be confined
to certain streets or locations
so that there are also minimal
disruptions of traffic and other
peoples lives and businesses.
If laws meant to strike this
balance are to be effective then
two things must happen. First,
the Justice Ministry cannot use
such laws as an excuse to deny
permits for demonstrations and
rallies. The Ministry must work
in good faith with people seeking
such permits to set reasonable
time and manner restrictions as
described above as a condition
for granting permits for marches
and demonstrations.
Second, those seeking to hold
demonstrations or rallies should
comply with reasonable time and
manner restrictions. If any group
or party fails to comply with
such restrictions, the government
may seek a court injunction
prohibiting that group or party
from holding demonstrations.
What the Executive Branch
cannot and should not do is
unilaterally impose a broad and
sweeping ban on everyones
right of expression and to
peaceably assemble as Executive
Order 65 does.
A democracy is at its best and
can only survive in the long
run when it learns how to strike
the right balance between and
accommodate the competing
interests of its citizens. The
current special election presents
us a unique opportunity as
a country to strike the right

Page 11

balance between peoples right

to peaceably assemble and the
rights of others to carry on their
normal activities. Executive
Order 65 does not strike this
balance. Instead, it violates
core rights enshrined in our
respectfully urges the President
to withdraw Executive Order No.
65. We also call on the Ministry
of Justice to fairly apply the
law requiring prior permits for
demonstration and rallies. That
is, the Ministry should not use
the law as an excuse to simply
deny all requests for permits
from people it believes are
opposed to the government
doing so would only result in
people staging marches and
demonstrations without first
seeking permits. Instead, the
Ministry should work with
people seeking permits to set
reasonable time and manner
restrictions for demonstrations
and marches.
We also call on all those
seeking to hold marches
and demonstrations to do so
peacefully and in a manner
that respects the rights of other
Liberians. We strongly urge
any group or party that, like us,
disagrees with Executive Order
65 to seek redress through the
courts. We at the ANC believe
that this is how a democracy
should work.
Finally, given the passing
reference in Executive Order
65 about the need to combat
the spread of Ebola, we implore
people attending rallies and
with recommendations by the
Ministry of Health, WHO and
other health agencies as to how
to prevent the spread of Ebola,
such as washing their hands,
avoiding contact with body fluids
including sweat and restraining
from hand shaking.


Brewerville City, Montserrado

Countyhe issue of Police
depots to be owned
by the force has been
a major challenge to the Liberia
National police.
According to police sources
not many police stations or
depots are owned by this agency
because many of facilities are
rented due to the budgetary
constraints facing the Police.
Speaking at a the construction
site of a police depot in
Police Director
Chris Massaquoi said despite
budgetary constraints the police
remains committed in fighting
crimes in the country.
Director Massaquoi said the one
of the major challenges facing
the LNP is budgetary support
which he has hindered several
projects implementation by the
Our budget has been cut down
by 70% but we are committed
in fighting crimes in all parts of
the country, said police boss
He further explained We gave
a budget of over 40 million in
ensuring that all of policing
materials including Badges,
ID card, arms, ammunitions,
and uniforms are acquired but

Bettie Johnson/

(L-R) Police Director Chris Massaquoi; Police Chief Superintendent Zone 6, Blama Yancy

with the reduction we will still

work efficiently in combating
Speaking at the official ground
breaking project of the Zone
Six police depot in the city of
Brewerville, Director Massaquoi
pointed out the deduction of the
LNP budget will also hinder
operations of the police.

Director Massaquoi pledged

500 USD on behalf of himself
and 5,000 USD on behalf of
the police toward the pending
He disclosed that the project
is in collaboration with the
Community and the Liberia
National under the theme
Together we can fight crime.

together several stakeholders
including former police boss
Justice Philip A. Z. Banks,
Senator Cletus Wotorson and
Montserrado Senatorial Aspirant
Robert Sirleaf among others
who made pledges toward the
construction of the zone six

police depot.
The LNP boss said the budget is
opened and for the competitive
process and financial system for
government only three hundred
officers have access to uniform
from government funds.
The police boss boasted that
armed robbery cases in the
country have been reduced

because mechanisms have been

put in place by several deports
commanders and superintendents
at zones of the police.
He also pointed out that
the community has been
collaborating with the police in
pointing out robbers and thief
who are constantly terrorizing
For his part, the chief
superintendent of the depot,
Blama Yancy said the project is
geared towards owning a place
for the police.
He disclosed that the police
depot has been temporarily using
the facility at the Brewerville
city hall for over 30 years and
there is not much place for police
daily operation.
He also placed the cost of
the project at over fifty three
thousand United States dollars.
At the same time, the Zone six
police chief superintendent

has stressed transparency and
accountability on the pending
He commended UNPOL, and
all those who exerted efforts
in ensuring that the project is

~ Executive Order no. 65 fallout ~

Page 12 | Frontpage


r. Abraham Darius
Dillon, campaign
manager for Mr.
Benjamin Sanvee,
the opposition Liberty Partys
candidate in the upcoming
senatorial elections in Liberia was
called in for questioning by the
Liberia National Police Friday in
connection with allegations that
he has been behind the tearing
down of campaign billboards
of Independent candidate Mr.
Robert Sirleaf.
Earlier reports Friday suggested
that Mr. Sirleaf had filed a
complaint against Mr. Dillon to
the LNP alleging that Mr. Dillon
was heard on a local radio giving
orders to partisans and Sanvee
supporters to tear down Mr.
Sirleafs billboards, a charge
Dillon denies. Sirleaf camp has
denied filing a complaint against
Mr. Dillon but throughout the
city Friday, torn billboards of
Mr. Sirleaf were visible along the
Tubman Boulevard area, leading
to the Old Road junction.
On Friday, a CDC supporter,
Musa Konneh posted photos on
the Darius Dillon Intellectual
Exchange Center, of a man
tearing down a Sirleaf poster
near the University of Liberia
with a message: What come out
of your mouth make you a man.
Dillons questioning comes
just 24 hours after the Sirleaf
under fire amid accusations that
the campaign was in violation
of the Supreme Court Stay
Order suspending campaign
and political activities pending
the outcome of a hearing
into a petition filed by a
group of Liberians seeking a
postponement of the senatorial
elections due to the lingering
deadly Ebola outbreak.
Encounter With the Police
Explaining his ordeal shortly
after he was released by the LNP,
Dillon said he received a call at
about 1:20PM Liberian Friday, a
number that is not stored on my
phone. I picked the call and the
caller identified himself as "Chief
of Investigation of the Liberian
National Police", and that I
was requested to appear before
the Police "IMMEDIATELY"
to "clarify an issue about Mr.
Robert Sirleaf's Billboard".
I asked what have I to do with
that and what "clarification" did
the Police from me? I further
asked whether anyone had
complained against me, and if
so, what was the name of the
Interestingly, the Police Chief
Investigator asked me to hang up

Monday, December 8, 2014

Who Tore Rob Sirleaf Campaign Billboards? Sanvee Aide Questioned

and that he would call me back

after "speaking to my BOSS".
After 15 minutes, the Chief
Investigator called again and said
"Mr. Robert Sirleaf personally
complained that you vandalised
his Billboard at the Fish Market
in Sinkor, by the Old Road
Junction". To be very certain, I
again asked whether Mr. Sirleaf
himself had complained me, to
which the Chief Investigator
confirmed and said "yes".
Now that a Complaint was
said to be allegedly filed and a
Complainant allegedly identified,
I requested the Police to have
me appear today, Saturday at
10:00am, since I was a distance
away at the time I received the
call to appear. Again, the Chief
Investigator told me to hang up,
until he talk with his "BOSS".
True to his word, he called for
the 3rd time and said... "Mr.
Dillon, you must appear before
the Police today at 4pm on
instruction and insistence of my
BOSS". All this while, he did not
call the name of his "BOSS".
And so, I appeared before the
Police at 4pm on the dot. I did
so because I have always lived
and conducted myself within the
confines of the law..... as a lawabiding and responsible citizen.
I appeared with my lawyer
Edwin Martin... my Senatorial
Candidate Ben Sanvee, Mr.
Israel Akinsanya and a few
others. Off course... before our
arrival, some partisans, fans, the
PRESS, sympathisers as well as
others had gathered at the Police
Headquarters in their numbers.
At the Police Hq, we were

urshered into the Office of the

Director of CID who asked me to
"make Statement about what you
know about the destruction of
Mr. Robert Sirleaf's Billboard"?
At this point, I demanded to
be confronted by my accuser
before making any comment or
before proceeding any further.
But, there no 'accuser'. There
was no Robert Sirleaf in person.
Interestingly, the Police Chief of
CID then informed me that he
was instructed by the Director
of Police Col. Chris Massaquoi
to question me because "you
called the Police Director and
threatened to destroy Mr. Robert
Sirleaf's billboard".
At this point, I asked whether
the Complainant had changed
Chris Massaquoi? This was
embarrassing to answer, but
the Chief of CID demanded me
to write statememt about the
Police Director's allegation. I,
too, insisted that now Director
Massaquoi had turned out
to be the unseen and alleged
"Complainant" against me, that
he should be present to give
me the opportunity to face my
The Police insisted no, but
that I should make a written
statement on account of Director
Massaquoi's allegation against
me. On the advice of my Lawyer,
I wrote a brief statement,
rejecting and refusing Director
Massaquoi's nonssensical LIE.
After holding me up and wasting
my precious time for almost
three hours at the Police Hqs,
I was told to "go home and we


will call you any tine we need
you to answer further questions
regarding this matter". So, and
in effect, this matter remain open
and not closed.
I term this a political harrassment
on part of the Police under the
direct order of President Sirleaf
and her son, Robert Sirleaf. This
is totally unacceptable.
Let the word go forth that
no one, I mean absolutely
no one will coward me into
submission. What is even more
disappointing is for the Head
of Police to shamelessly tell a
LIE and falsely accuse a citizen
for political reasons. This abuse
of power will be resisted by all
means under the law. It is scary
when the Police Director himself
begins to LIE against peaceful
citizens to please his masters or
as a means to get at a perceieved
or real opposition. To whom does
one carry a complaint against
a junior officer of the Police
when the Chief Police of the
land is himself telling blantant
and boldface lies such as the one
against me?
We have made contacts with
our international partners and
they are seized of this matter.
We received a call from UNMIL
today and we are assured that
this matter is concerning to them
as well.
We call on ALL our Partisans,
Members of #Teamsanvee, our
fans and sympathisers to remain
calm as we legally deal with this
We wish to express our gratitude
and appreciation to all those
who showed up at the Police

Hqs yesterday to give us their

support. We also express our
appreciation to those who
demonstrated their support to us
via the social media and in their
corners wherever they were.
Thanks for your prayers as well.
Also, we thank those who
remain critical of us, even in
our darkness period. You, too,
continue to unsuspectingly
encourage us to move forward
by your criticisms.... whether
such criticisms are objective or
The Supreme Court on Friday,
November 28 issued a Stay
Order on the pending midterm Senatorial Election which
emanated from a petition filed by
the Movement for Progressive
Change (MPC) and a group
calling itself eminent citizens.
The hearing was set for Friday
but the court delayed the process
further over reports that Cllr.
Lavelli Supuwood, one of those
seeking election postponement
had not yet received a copy of
the courts notice.
Earlier this week, a group of
political parties condemned the
petition at a news conference
at the National Elections
Cllr. Joseph Jallah, Acting
National Chairman of the
Democracy (APD), said petitions
against the mid-term senatorial
election are unacceptable and
Cllr. Jallah said there is
no rationale for a national
conference when as a matter
of fact the people have spoken
through their representatives in
the National Legislature. Their
voices were echoed loudly
through a Joint Resolution of the
of the Legislature mandating the
National Elections Commission
(NEC) to conduct the mid-term
Senatorial Election on December
16, 2014. Jallah pointed out.
Cllr. Jallah further said the
Petitioners reference to the
Ebola outbreak, as a justification
for cancelling the election, is
illogical and baseless, stressing
that facts available suggest that
this process can be conducted
with adherence to the safety
measures provided by the WHO,
Centers for Disease Control and
the Ministry of Health.
Cllr.Jerome Korkoya, chairman

of the Liberian National Elections

Commission says further delays
could cause havoc in convening
a new Senate in January when
the newly-elected senators are
expected to be seated.
The Senate election, scheduled
for Dec. 16, already has been
postponed once because of the
Ebola crisis, which began last
The issue has been complicated
by the issuance of an Executive
Order by President Ellen
banning all rallies and other mass
gatherings in Monrovia before
the senatorial election scheduled
in less than two weeks, due to the
Sirleaf has in recent days targeted
Christmas for no new cases in
the post-war nation which has
seen the worst of the outbreak.
The virus outbreak has infected
more than 17,000 people in
the three worst-hit countries
and killed more than 6,100,
according to the latest data
posted Thursday by the World
Health Organization. Half the
deaths have been in Liberia.
According to Sirleaf, large
concentrations of people at
election rallies especially in
the Monrovia area could lead
to more infections. But Cllr.
J. Fonati Koffa, Chairman of
the opposition Liberty Party
slammed the Executive Order
as unconstitutional and a sad
exercise. The President has by
one sweeping act canceled the
constitution guarantee of the
right to assemble and petition
the government when there is no
state of emergency in place. You
cannot abolish constitutionally
because the government finds it
Cllr. Koffa suggested that if
the system of permitting does
not work, the government must
devise a new system narrowly
tailored to meet the government
interest allow citizens to exercise
their rights. :The new executive
order does not have any pretense
of public
health concerns
because it is designed purely
to control behavior during the
election period and thirty days
after. We are talking to party
lawyers to petition the Supreme
Court to strike that down, he




Monrovia resident Ellen Johnson

Sirleaf has accepted the
request of Dr. Elizabeth
withdraw her nomination for
the position of Minister of
In a Special Address to the
Nation on Sunday, November
16, the Liberian President

nominated Dr. Davis-Russell as

Minister of Education-designate
pending confirmation by the
Honorable Liberian Senate.
According to an Executive
Mansion release, in her letter
to the Liberian leader dated
Tuesday, December 2, 2014, Dr.
Davis-Russell cited her United
States of America citizenship as
an obstacle to her ability to serve

effectively in the position.

Moreover, she expressed concern
that her abrupt departure from the
William V.S. Tubman University
without a planned succession has
already invoked a process that
could undermine the quality of
instruction and the reputation
that she has engendered at
Tubman University over the last
two years.

Dr. Davis-Russell was appointed

President of the William V.S.
Tubman College of Technology
(now William V.S. Tubman
University) in October 2007.
She assumed leadership of the
institution in July 2008.
Meanwhile, Dr. Davis-Russell
has consented to serve as Chair
of the Education Advisory

Monday, December 8, 2014




Page 13

Commission on
General long Corruption tale
Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Monrovian further consultations on

laws expected to govern
the emerging oil and gas
industry of Liberia, the
House of Representatives has
completed a two day validation
exercise on the country oil and
Gas Law.
In 2013 after the passage of the
oil and Gas law by the Senate,
the House of Representatives
failed to concur with the senate
but rather in collaboration with
the senate budgeted nine hundred
thousand United States dollars to
be used to facilitate a nationwide
tour on the oil and Gas law.
Before the tour, the lawmakers
agreements for the sale of the
countrys remaining oil blocks
in the absence of the law. With
the completion of the two day
validation on the draft petroleum
law legislative sources have
hinted FrontPageAfrica that the
House of Representatives will
concur with the Senate during
the week on the law which
will subsequently result into a
conference committee and the
ratifying of agreements on the
sale of some new oil blocks.
At the two day validation exercise
over One hundred stakeholders
from more than 30 Civil Society
Organizations (CSOs) across
the country gathered at the
Monrovia City Hall to complete

the validation on the Petroleum

(Exploration and Production)
and the National Oil Company
of Liberia (NOCAL) Act, 2013.
according to the House of
Representatives was the final
inputs from outreach activities
to confirm their commitment
in bringing reform to the Oil
and Gas Sector including
transparency and accountability
by ensuring that Liberia and all
Liberians duly benefit from the
potential hydrocarbon deposits.
The Petroleum (Exploration and
Production) Act, dubbed the E &
P, centered on the establishment
of a fiscal and legal regulatory
framework for the management
and regulation of petroleum
activities in the country, while the
NOCAL Bill is seeking to have
NOCAL as a commercial entity
for the purposes of managing, on
behalf of the state to undertake
the exploration, development
and production and disposal of
The NOCAL Act is also
intended to manage the citizens
participation in the rights
and interests in all petroleum
Some of the participants attending
the 2-days validation exercise
included Thomas Doe Nah of
the Center for Transparency
and Accountability in Liberia
(CENTAL), Ms. Beneta Ackah

of the Liberia Extractive

Industries Transparency (LEITI)
and Mr. Francis Dunbar of Burn
International Incorporated.
Others included Mr. Pindarius
Allison, National Consultant of
Trust Africa; I. Adams Manobah
and Johansen T. Veker of the

that the New Oil and Gas Laws

reflect the good of society and
strengthen the overall growth
and development of the country.
Speaker Tyler said the validation
phase on the New Oil and
Gas Law is a key component
in reforming the sector and
described the process as a

of Liberia. It is in furtherance
of the reform process initiated
by the Government of Liberia in
2012 to ensure that the countrys
appropriate laws and policies
that will enhance the countrys
chances of achieving optimal
benefits from its assets govern

Agency (EPA), Paul Hinneh of

the Liberia Oil and Gas Initiative
and Isaac T. Charleson of Liberia
Petroleum Watch.
At the start of the event, the
Speaker of the House of
Representatives J. Alex Tyler
reemphasized the need to ensure

turning point aimed at fostering

participatory governance in
The Speaker said: The exercise
is part of an effort by the
National Legislature to adopt
a new petroleum Law that will
govern the Oil and Gas sector

gas sector.
Also speaking the National
Oil Company Vice President
for Public Affairs, Mr. Lamini
Waritay lauded the efforts of
the Legislature to scrupulously
examine the New Oil and Gas
Laws especially engaging the





By Bettie Johnson/0886971922/0770197670/

Monroviahe issue of rape is a

major challenge to as
the act continued to
be committed across
On a daily basis, cases of rape
are appear in the court as the
Liberia National Police and
increase efforts to bring rapists
to justice.
A 24 year old man was arrested
and jailed by the Monrovia
Magisterial Court on at the
weekend for allegedly raping a

pregnant girl.
Suspect Tarnue John was
arrested and charged with
rape and criminal attempt to
commit theft after going to the
victim resident on Saturday
November 29, 2014 at about
1:00am to commit the act.
According to the Women and
Children Protection Section of
the Liberia National Police, the
defendant criminally entered
the victims room and sexually
abused her.
The victim explained that the

defendant fought her and torn

her under clothes and when
she was crying he placed his
hands to her mouth to avoid her
yelling and gaining attention
from her parents.
I have no door at my room
there is only a screen that do
not lock, my mother room is
a little far but my brother door
is near and he and my sister
who sleep with me were not
around, the victim told the
Victim Princess (not her real

name) said presently I am

feeling pains in my body and
my private part, I dont urinate
freely without pains since the
During investigation, the
WACPs revealed that the
admitted to entering the victim
house but denied entering her
It was established that the
defendant criminally entered
the home of the victim room.
The WACPs further established

that the defendant John

admitted that he is a criminal
that have been terrorizing
homes at night but denied
committing rape.
In a medical report from a local
clinic in Monrovia, several
bruises on both sides of labia
manorial, hymen tags painful
on touch, redness and milky
discharge seen on vagina
Speaking to the victim, she
told our reporter that since
the incident she had been
embarrassed to leave her
home because she is being
stigmatized by residents of her
Right now, dont know what
to do, this court process will
always inform the people that
I have been raped something
I dont want people to know
about because this pregnancy
came as a mistake then I am

inputs of Liberians across the

For his part Deputy House
Speaker Hans Barchue said,
after the validation exercise,
which is the final phase of
citizens engagement, the bills
are expected to be presented
on the floor of the House of
Representatives for discussion,
debate and consideration for
Let me say after the passage
of the Oil Laws by the House of
Representatives, there will be a
conference committee from both
Houses, but with about 50%
seeking reelection, there would
be a delay in the full passage,
Deputy Speaker Barchue stated.
He said, the local content
chapter (or the Peoples Law)
addresses itself to specific
interests, rights and issues which
Citizens (local inhabitants) may
have. He said it is at the Local
Content segment of the bill that
every citizen may participate.
Deputy Speaker Barchue also
disclosed that the revenues
management chapter of the law
treats the comprehensive issues/
questions of revenue generation,
growing out of this E & P bill,
and concerns itself with prudent
administration of funds derived
In the case of the second
draft, the NOCAL bill basically
separates the functions of being
regulator of the sector, manager
and participating as a player all
at once and the same time, he
He further stated that new
NOCAL bill seeks to decouple
the crisscrossing functions of the
old NOCAL bill, delegating the
commercial and administrative
interests of the State (in each
block) to the Corporation
(NOCAL), while removing the
technical and regulatory aspect
to the Petroleum Directory,
to be placed with Ministry of
Lands, Mines and Energy.
I wish to thank the Chief
Executive, HE Madam Ellen
the Local Authorities of
the Fifteen Counties, Civil
Society Organizations, The
Fourth Estate, and all StakeHolders for their generous
and gracious contributions,
participation and loyalty during
this process. Today, hopefully
we can clean up the bills to
be presented in January for
passage by the Legislature and
subsequent signing into law by

raped again make me more

traumatized, Princess said.
My sister if I have some
where to go and leave the
entire community I am gone
because the pregnancy I am
carrying, my child too will be
stigmatized by this rape thing,
I just want the justice system to
look into the case and allow me
get justice she ended in tears.
Rape and Criminal attempt to
commit theft are crimes and a
violation of section 14.70 and
criminal attempt to commit
theft in violation of section
10.1 of the penal code of
Liberia pending court trial.
The case is expected to leave
the Monrovia City Court and
be transferred to Criminal
Court E a specialized court
that deals directly with sexual
issues including rape, and
statutory rape, among others

Page 14 | Frontpage







KANO, Nigeria (AP)

igeria has seized
an aircraft loaded
with at least one
military helicopter
and heavy weapons bound for
Chad that made an unscheduled
landing at Kano airport in
northern Nigeria, airport and
security officials said Sunday.
Five Ukrainian crew members
were detained, said Nigerian
security agents, who insisted on
anonymity because they were
not authorized to speak to the
press. The flight crew said the
plane was flying from Bangui
in Central African Republic to
N'Djamena, the capital of Chad,
said the security agents. Kano is
far northwest of that air route.
Nigeria's airport authority
confirmed Sunday that a
transport plane was seized
Saturday, apparently after it
made an emergency landing
because it was running out of
The plane carried one helicopter,
according to PR Nigeria, a
hired by the government. But
security officers said the cargo
included two helicopters, rocket
launchers and machine-guns.


Monday, December 8, 2014


imbabwe's President
Robert Mugabe has
been re-appointed as
leader of the ruling
party, while his wife Grace has
been given a top position in the
Grace Mugabe's promotion to
head of Zanu-PF's women's
wing puts her in a good position
to succeed her husband in the
future, analysts say.
The first lady has criticised
political rivals, including VicePresident Joyce Mujuru, in
recent months.
Mr Mugabe, 90, is due to stand
for election again in 2018.
Speaking at Zanu-PF's congress,
Mr Mugabe thanked thousands
of supporters for choosing him
as party leader.

MANILA (Reuters) powerful, slow-moving

typhoon ripped through
the central Philippines
on Sunday, bringing
howling winds that flattened
houses and toppled trees and power
lines in areas still scarred from a
deadly super-storm just over a year
In the coastal villages of Dolores,
on Samar island, where Typhoon
Hagupit first made landfall on
Saturday night, Mayor Emiliana
Villacarillo said around 80 percent
of homes were destroyed.
"Only the big houses were left
standing," said Villacarillo, adding
floods also washed away rice crops
in what is a key growing region.



enyan officers are
shakedown victims
and even children spreading
fear, breeding corruption and
complicating efforts to deal
with terrorism, an Associated
Press investigation has found.
Although death squads have
long been known to operate
in Kenya, a dozen interviews
with victims, police, lawyers,
activists and analysts suggest a
big share of the violence is also
being carried out by ordinary
beat cops. Evidence examined
by AP suggests they are almost
never punished.
"The broader picture here is
one of utter impunity," said
Leslie Leftow, deputy director
of Human Rights Watch's
Africa Division. "My fear is
that the pattern of extrajudicial
killings will only worsen."
Concerns about impunity
were also raised when the
International Criminal Court's
chief prosecutor in The Hague
on Friday dropped all "crimes
against humanity" charges

against Kenya's president for

lack of evidence. That case
was linked to violence after the
2007 elections.
In its investigation of killings
by police, the AP spoke to six
family members of victims
who say their relations either
disappeared or were found
dead after being taken into
police custody. One human
rights lawyer said officers shot
a 14-year-old during a botched
raid and tried to dump her
body in a forest. Two survivors
of a May 13 police shooting
in Nairobi told AP an officer
killed their friend after failing
to extort a bribe.
One officer said he had had
taken part in a killing in
"I took part in an extrajudicial
killing at the time there was
pressure to reduce muggings
downtown and we needed to
send a message," the officer
said, without giving details on
who was killed.
"Illegal killings are the norm
rather than the exception," Dr.
Eric Thuo, a forensic specialist
at the Independent Medico-

Legal Unit, a Kenyan human

rights organization, wrote in a
recent report.
Thuo combed through the
forensic records for 1,873
gunshot-related deaths in six
major urban areas between
2009 and 2014. He found that
police were involved in nearly
two-thirds of those deaths,
many of them suspected
Some killings take place in
broad daylight. Mohammed
Gulow, 34, and Adan Hussein,
33, saw their 21-year-old friend
Aliyow Alinoor shot dead by
police on a street corner in
Nairobi's Mukuru slum after
the survivors say they failed to
pay a 50,000 Kenyan shilling
(roughly $550) bribe.
Kenyan police spokeswoman
Zipporah Mboroki declined to
comment about the allegations
of police executions. The
Independent Police Oversight
Authority would not comment
on how many of the police
killings were suspected of being
extrajudicial assassinations.
But three senior officers who
spoke to AP confirmed that

extrajudicial killings were

common. Bosses are well
aware of what's going on, the
officers said, adding that, in
some cases, the orders to kill
suspects come from the bosses
All three officers insisted on
anonymity for fear of reprisal.
Some of the killings are
justified in the press as part of
Kenya's fight against terrorism.
That's what happened in the
case of Yousef Mohamed,
Mohamed Kaburu, Kevin
Kahuri, Simon Kingori and
Martha Wairimu, whose bodies
were found deep in a forest
near the central Kenyan city of
Nyeri on April 17.
unidentified officers as linking
the youth to the Somali terror
families deny it.
"They were totally innocent,"
said Saida Mohammed Kaburu,
Mohamed Kaburu's mother.
Observers acknowledge that
the country faces a real threat
from al-Shabaab, but they
warn the killings could end up
exacerbating the very problem
police are trying to stamp
out by pushing disillusioned
Kenyans into the terrorist
Western governments have
spent millions of dollars to help
Kenya control the terror threat.
The U.S. alone provides an
average of $8 million in antiterrorism training to Kenyan
police every year, according
to the Congressional Research
Service. Exactly how much
money goes where is kept
secret. Britain's Foreign Office
says it gives training and
"capacity building support" to
anti-terror police but refuses to
put a figure on the assistance.
In a statement, it said the
money was being spent to boost
security "in line with domestic

11 people killed alongside two

Western hostages when U.S.led forces battled militants in a
failed rescue mission in Yemen,
residents said on Sunday.

U.S. special forces raided the

village of Dafaar in Shabwa
province, a militant stronghold
in southern Yemen, shortly
after midnight on Saturday,
killing several members of al
Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
American journalist Luke
Somers, 33, and South African
teacher Pierre Korkie, 56, were
shot and killed by their captors
during the raid intended to free
the hostages, U.S. officials
AQAP, formed in 2006 by
the merger of the Yemeni and
branches of the network,

has for years been seen by
Washington as one of the
movement's most dangerous
Western governments fear an

advance by Shi'ite Muslim

Houthi fighters with links to
Iran has bolstered support
among Yemeni Sunnis for
AQAP, which has established
itself in parts of south and east
Yemen, including Shabwa
where the raid took place.
State in Syria and Iraq began
distributing films of its
militants executing Western
hostages, the focus on AQAP,
which has traditionally used
hostage-taking as a way to
raise funds, had diminished
until now.
At least one Briton and a
Turkish man are held by the
The Yemen-based group,
loyal to the wider al Qaeda
organization founded by the
late Osama bin Laden, has

and international law."

The U.S. State Department
on Friday urged the Kenyan
government to investigate
all of the reported claims.
Spokeswoman Marie Harf said
all the trainees and units that
the U.S. works with have been
screened thoroughly as required
by U.S. law. The training, she
added, is intended to increase
the professionalism of the
forces and includes support
"to improve accountability
and transparency in the police
Kenyan officials at the interior
ministry and elsewhere did
not return messages seeking
Occasionally, police are called
to account for the deaths.
Two officers were recently
charged with the killing of
whose house in a Kenyan
coastal village was raided
by officers on Aug. 22. The
officers shot her in the head
and tried to dump her body in
the forest, according to human
rights lawyer Harun Ndubi.
But impunity remains the
norm. Few families get justice.
Some never even get answers.
Abdifatah Odowa Adan, a
30-year-old bus company
manager, disappeared on May
5. He had been stopped by five
men, one of whom flashed a
police badge.
Mohammed Korane Abdi,
Adan's relative, said the
manager's whereabouts remain
"We, as his brothers, have the
right to know if he is alive or
dead," said Abdi. "If he is alive
let him be charged in court,
but at least we will know that
he is alive. If he is dead, let his
people bury him.
"The uncertainty is too much
to bear."

denounced Islamic State, but

Western and Gulf sources have
said there may be operational
connections between the two.
"AQAP and Daesh (Islamic
State) are essentially the
same organization but have
different methods of execution
and tactics," a senior Yemeni
intelligence official said on
the sidelines of a conference in
Bahrain this weekend.
"They have killed hostages
before, like the Yemeni special
forces soldiers in Abyan in
2011. There are some AQAP
cells that have pledged
allegiance to the caliphate
but there is division over the
legitimacy of Daesh in its
vision but not tactics."


SANAA/ADEN (Reuters) woman, a 10-yearold boy and a local

al Qaeda leader
were among at least

Monday, December 8, 2014







Lifoca identifies with its members as part of anti-Ebola campaign

he Liberia Football Players

Association (Lifoca) have
identified with its members in
four communities and a group
of elderly women.
On December 2, Lifoca distributed 25
bags of rice to New Kru Town, St. Paul
Bridge, New Georgia and Gardnersville
all-stars and some elderly women in St.
Paul Bridge, specifically Crab Hole as
part of its anti-Ebola campaign.

Making the presentation, Lifoca founder

Wleh Bedell said the donation was made
possible as a result of an appeal made to
lethal striker William "Iron Man" Jebor
of Portuguese Primeira Liga outfit Rio
Bedell said Lifoca had appealed
to several Liberian foreign-based
players but only Jerbo and Chris Jones
"Currently things are tough with

everyone including the players here.

For the fact that there are no footballing
activities in the country, the players
have become inactive and are jobless
as most clubs have abandoned their
players and there are no salaries.
"These players have literally become
non-essential [staff] and there is a
need for their colleagues plying their
trade oversea to assist them. This is our
campaign for now.

"The players first, and we want to thank

robust forward William Jebor and
inventive midfielder Chris Roosevelt
Jones of German lower league side
SVN Zweibrucken who also made a
contribution to the ongoing campaign,
Bedell disclosed.
The all-star teams and elderly women
group thanked Lifoca for the donation
and prayed that the Lord bless those that
gave to them.


t was an another eventful

evening for Cristiano
Ronaldo. The Portuguese
hit his 23rd Liga hat-trick
for Real Madrid to set a new
record, made it 23 goals in 13
Primera Division games this
term and left the pitch early
with a knock to a standing
ovation from the home fans.
But not everyone was happy
with the 29-year-old.
With Isco suspended and Luka
Modric out injured, Madrid
had struggled to break down
a Celta Vigo side that arrived
unbeaten away from home in
La Liga. That run had included
a 2-2 draw at Atletico and a 1-0
win at Camp Nou. And until
Ronaldo threw himself to the
turf following minimal contact
with Celta defender Jonny
towards the end of the first half,
there was very little in this.
Madrid fans had been furious
with referee Alberto Undiano
Mallenco on his last visit to the
Santiago Bernabeu, when he
gave Barcelona two penalties
and sent off Sergio Ramos as
the Catalans claimed a 4-3 win
last March.
But this time he was on their
side as he pointed to the spot
following Cristiano's theatrical
tumble and Ronaldo slotted
home to give Real a lead they
had threatened but barely
deserved before the interval.
Madrid gradually imposed

Page 15

nspired by two-goal
Andy Carroll, West
Ham came from behind
to beat 10-man Swansea
City 3-1 and move up to third
in the Premier League.
Though the Hammers enjoyed
the majority of possession
throughout, Wilfried Bony
punished them on the visitors'
first attack of the game nearly
20 minutes in when he coolly
finished a fine break, Jefferson
Montero pulling back for the
But Carroll got one back not
long before the break when
his fantastic looping header
gave Lukasz Fabianski no

ose Mourinho has

ball boys for ending
start to the season with what
he perceived as time-wasting
at St James' Park on Saturday.
A double from substitute
Papiss Cisse put the hosts
ahead and, despite the
Magpies being reduced to
10 men and Didier Drogba
scoring with time to spare,
the Blues were unable to find
a late equaliser to cling into
their record.

themselves in the second half

and after a couple of close calls,
Ronaldo volleyed home a loose
ball with a fine finish that took
him to 199 goals in La Liga.
And 199 became 200 later on
as he added a third from close
range at the far post following
a cross from Marcelo to take
his tally for the season to 29 in
just 21 games.
Easily his most prolific
campaign so far, the Portuguese
is threatening to smash Lionel
Messi's mark of 50 goals in a
single season in La Liga and
the Argentine's remarkable
record of 73 overall in 2011-12

is also under threat.

"Ronaldo is playing at his best
at the moment," coach Carlo
Ancelotti said afterwards.
"Physically, he is at his peak
and he is extraordinarily
motivated right now."
And Sergio Ramos added:
"The figures he is reaching are
crazy. It's a privilege for Real
Madrid to have a player like
him. We have to invent new
words to describe him. He is
breaking all the records and he
is in perhaps the best moment
of his career."
The Portuguese ended the

evening injured as he suffered

what looked like a knock, but
soaked up the applause as
he hobbled off following yet
another memorable night at the
And Madrid fans will hope it
is nothing serious as the club
are back in action on Tuesday
evening against Ludogorets
in the Champions League,
when the club can make
it 19 successive wins and
surpass the Spanish record
set by Barcelona under Frank
Rijkaard in 2005-06.
Madrid have already qualified
in first place for the second

round and Ronaldo now has

a knock, so he does not need
to play on Tuesday. But as he
chases Messi's 74 Champions
League goals and seeks to
improve his own personal
marks in 2014-15, you can bet
he will want to start.
In the meantime, he was the
toast of the madridistas on
Saturday as he made it to 200
goals in La Liga and set a new
record for hat-tricks in the
Primera Division. Just don't
mention the dive.

insists Liverpool
had no choice
but to sign Mario
Balotelli as the controversial
Merseyside continue.
Liverpool splashed out 20
million to bring Balotelli
from AC Milan in the summer
as Rodgers re-modelled
his attack in the wake of
Luis Suarez's departure to
Barcelona, but the 24-yearold's return to England has
been frought with problems.
Just two goals in 14 matches
in all competitions have
been compounded with a
groin injury and a Football
Association charge for an
Instagram post that allegedly
contained anti-Semitic and
racist references.

he Alpha Phi Alpha

Fraternity eta epsilon
Lambda chapter number
260 in Liberia joined more
than 200,000 Alphas around the world
on Thursday, December 4, 2014
to celebrate 108 years of existence
with a dinner held at the Monrovia
City hall to mark the Founders Day
program of such noble organization.
At a very colorful ceremony on
Thursday evening, the organization
president, Brother T. Nelson
Williams, II, thanked members of
Alpha for the dedication over the
years and the commitment shown
in 2014 as they continue to serve
mankind. Mr. Williams addressing
Alpha members that also include Vice
President Joseph Nyumah Boakai
noted We started our work in Grand
Bassa, early 2014. We did well from
January to June but had to readjust
due to Ebola. Brother Williams
also said that they Alpha brothers
and their sisters Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority had to go to 67 communities
in Grand Bassa, Margibi and
Montserrado counties in creating
Ebola awareness as they taught a
lot in these communities and could
not continue their mentoring class at
Cuttington University, Boveh High
and other institutions in the country.
We went out to serve humanity.
I want to thank every member of
Alpha for the good work. Brother
Williams also pointed out that they
are currently clearing a container
at the Free Port of Monrovia that
is over US$ 600,000.00 worth of
medical drugs. He also congratulated
some members of Alpha Phi Alpha
that were promoted to Boards and
other agencies and commended
the youngest member of the group,
J.Alben Greaves who attended
the Obama Young Professional
program in the United States. Let
us not be complacent, but work and
serve humanity, Brother Williams
One major inspiring part of the
program was the honoring of some
members of Alpha including Vice
president Joseph Nyumah Boakai
who was honored by the chapter
president T. Nelson Williams, II
who presented him the Outstanding
Leadership Award.
Other Alpha brothers honored for
going beyond the call of duty were:
William K. Morris, the chaplain of
the organization, Nathaniel E. Kevin,
financial comptroller, Henrique
Caine, member of the national Ebola
Task Force, Pierre Sebastain King,
for his relatively endless travels
overseas in the interest of Alpha and
John T. Woods who was presented
the Alpha Life Time Achievement
Award as he became a member of the
organization in 1965.
There were also recognition of
some distinguished guests including
Madam Matilda Parker, Managing
Director of the National Port
Authority (NPA) who is also a
member of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority and Daniel D. Ziankhan,
Chief of Staff, Arm Forces of Liberia.
Another exciting part of the program
was the honoring of Alphas
president and Managing Director
of the Liberia Petroleum Refining
Company (LPRC), T. Nelson
Williams, II who was honored by a
reputable group, Charity Liberia.
The group honored Mr. Williams
as Ambassador of Charity with
the wordings on the certificate In
recognition of his priceless, immense
contribution to the human resource
and social economic development of
our society as well as humanitarian
services to mankind over the years,
and is recognized as Ambassador
of Charity. Based upon the request
of the group, Vice president Boakai
gowned Mr. Williams with the
president of the Liberia Bank for
Development and Investment (LBDI)

~ Alpha Phi Alpha Celebrates 108 years In Pictorial ~


-As Alpha Phi Alpha Celebrates 108 years-

(L-R) Bros. Woods, Boakai, Williams & Kevin

Alpha Sirgeant at Arms, Bro. Robert Beer pins Veep Joseph N. Boakai

Veep Boakai gowns Charity Ambassador, T. Nelson Williams, II

Charity Ambassador Bro. T. Nelson Williams, II

Alpha brothers singing their hymn with passion

John Davies who is also an Alpha member, presenting

the certificate.
Also, another Alpha member, Prince Kieh, paid
tribute to the seven tenacious men who founded the
organization on December 4, 1906 on the Campus of

Alpha Emblem with seven candles & lights in honor

of the seven founding father

Cornell University in Itacha, New York.

Alpha Phi Alpha is the first Black Inter Collegiate
Greek-lettered Fraternity founded December 4, 1906
at Cornell University in Itacha, New York. The seven
founding members are known as founding jewels. The

AFL Chief of Staff, Daniel D. Ziankhan & others at the dinner

tenacious seven that founded the organization include:

Charles Henry Chapman, Robert Harold Ogle, Eugene
Kincles Jones, Vertner Woodson Tanely, Nathaniel
Allison Murray, Henry Arthus Callis and George Biddle

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