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Elliott 1

Bradley Elliott
Mr. Hackney
English 101: Rhetoric
19 September 2014
Statement of Scope for the Annotated Bibliography
Success. It is something all people strive for over the course of their lives. Whether it is
monetary or personal gain, all people want to be successful. Everybody measures success
differently through what they value, but does a persons success have a direct link to their
parents? As their are many different ways to guide a child, multiple factors contribute to a
parents success such as strictness, involvement, and home atmosphere.Children will be more
likely to succeed if parents have a greater positive impact, and spend more time with their kids
throughout the childs developing adolescent years.
This essay will explore the atmosphere of childrens lives at home, and how their parental
guidance affects the child as they develop into an adult. Parents play such a large role in a childs
development that they could either guide their child to success or ignorance. Parents teach the
rules and proper etiquette a child must follow. They also choose the atmosphere in which the
child grows up; from household life to the neighborhood and schools. All of this, at large,
develops a child and prepares them for what they will do with the rest of their life. Seemingly
insignificant, it is actually these adolescent years which are the most important in shaping a
This selected bibliography includes sources that address parent involvement, quality and
quantity of time, and home/neighborhood atmosphere. While I have included sources which
cover factors that contribute to short term lessons and success with children, I did not include

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one that looks at a childs success as they develop into an adult. The Johnson and Kazura essays
address that the time a parent spends with their child and how it has a direct impact on the childs
development. The Liem and Sartor essays study the necessary authoritative and demanding
figures that parents must be at times. The Meyers essay covers the atmosphere in which a child
grows up, such as in the home, schools, and neighborhoods. Together, the sources cover the
various aspects that a child goes through during their adolescent and developmental years.

Annotated Bibliography
Johnson, Sarah., Li, Jianghong., Kendall, Garth., Strazdins, Lyndall., Jacoby, Peter..
Mothers and Fathers Work Hours, Child Gender, and Behavior in Middle Childhood.

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Journal of Marriage and the Family 1(2013):56. eLibrary. Web. 16 Sep. 2014. Johnson
and her coworkers ran a series of studies in which they researched different factors that
contribute to a childs early life, and the outcome these factors have on the child. The
group of researchers found that time spent with children is very important in developing a
childs skills. Uninterrupted time was found to be especially effective during the week,
which is why parents should not work overtime all of the time so that they have time for
their children, according to Johnson.
Kazura, Kerry. Fathers Qualitative and Quantitative Involvement: An Investigation of
Attachment, Play, and Social Interactions. Journal of Mens Studies, The. 31 Oct. 2000: p
41. eLibrary. Web. 18 Sep. 2014. Kazura found in studies that the amount of time seen
on the surface that parents have spent with their children, does not mean there is huge
impact on the child. The study conducted in the journal showed that socialization while
with parents is necessary for a child to learn to socialize. Fathers also play a large role in
the childs life, and when a good father-child relationship was seen, that child was seen to
have better behavior than those with weak relationships.
Liem, Joan H., Cavell, Emily Cohen., Lustig, Kara.. The Influence of Authoritative
Parenting During Adolescence on Depressive Symptoms in Young Adulthood:
Examining the.... Journal of Genetic Psychology 1(2010):73. eLibrary. Web. 17 Sep.
2014. Liem explains in this journal that the process of developing a positive sense of self
is found in the middle of multiple influences, including parenting climate and behaviors.
Self worth is also found through encouragement, praise, and acceptance by the adult
figures in a childs life. Studies show that parents who are more authoritative have
children which excel in academics and success in self-defined goals.

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Meyers, Steven A., Miller, Cheryl.. DIRECT, MEDIATED, MODERATED, AND
AND ADOLESCENT OUTCOMES. Adolescence 153(2004):121. eLibrary. Web. 16
Sep. 2014. Meyers found in her intriguing journal that where an adolescent grows up has
a direct impact on their outcome in life. If a parent chooses, or has no decision, to live in
a low income neighborhood with not many resources, it will have a direct impact on their
family. Meyers also suggests that child develop rests in part on parental employment and
a neighborhoods socioeconomic status.
Sartor, Carolyn E., Youniss, James.. The relationship between positive parental
involvement and identity achievement during adolescence.Adolescence 146(2002):221.
eLibrary. Web. 16 Sep. 2014. Sartor studied throughout her analytical journal the role of
parental support and monitoring in the development of identity during adolescence. Her
studies showed that a demandingness from parents is necessary in order for a child to
learn self regulation. Parents teach their children the conformity ways of society, and
must demand rules and regulations which their children follow. Sartor believes this is
how children learn various key characteristics about respect and restraint.

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