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Jay Boughter

December 7, 2014
EDEL 483 Secondary Supervised Teaching Internship
Diversity Lesson Reflection
This lesson focused on helping the students to visualize geologic landforms and structures in 3
dimensions which is critical in the field of Geoscience. This presentation is directed to engage the
students through the use of photographs of actual geologic landforms while comparing the photographs
of those landforms to topographic expression as shown on a topographic map using the same actual
geologic landform as shown in the photograph. By comparing the two images, the students are able to
make a connection in their mind between the two images. This lesson teaches to both visual learners
through the use of photographs and written definitions of each landform while being explained verbally
by me for auditory learners. The students also are able to exercise their kinesthetic abilities through the
use of drawing what they see on the screen and transferring that to their worksheet.
I have some Spanish ELL students. The cooperating teacher grouped them with other Spanishspeaking students so the Spanish-speaking students can translate to the Spanish ELL students. We also
make a Spanish-English translation book available to Spanish-speaking ELL students for them to use
whenever they need it.
I try to implement Guided Practice lessons along with Inquiry lessons whenever possible. I
noticed the Geoscience Honors students are able to do well implementing these teaching methods.
However, the regular Geoscience students have a tougher time with implementing these teaching
methods and require more differentiation. For the regular Geoscience students, I have to implement the
use of fill-in answer worksheets. For the Geoscience Honors students, I can implement the use of
concept maps to help the students extend their depth of knowledge. The regular Geoscience students
do not do well with the implementation of concept maps. I find that the use of Concept maps helps the
students understand concepts better, and it also allows me to better assess the students understanding
of the concepts taught.
Initially, I hoped only one would be required to cover landforms. But I decided to add more
landforms to the lesson and to extend the lesson to two days to complete. This allowed for more
practice for the students.

I had to spend a few minutes at the beginning of the lesson about the ability of the students to be
able to visualize geologic landforms in 3 dimensions and why topographic maps were used for that
purpose. This was implemented through the use of clear and accurate communication of the material
and concepts by me and by allowing for the proper amount of time for student practice.

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