Vol. 2, Issue 2 - January 8, 2010

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custody fight district national

the lgbtq community’s news source

escalates agenda agenda

Arrest warrant D.C. Jail guards N.J. vote on marriage
sought for ‘ex-gay’ accused of beating comes as new GOP
parent of missing gay inmate now in guv prepares to take
7-year-old Va. girl. protective custody. office vowing veto.

dcagenda.com • vol. 2, issue 2 • january 8, 2010

Council candidate provides

tip in D.C. gay murder unidentified man believed to be responsi-
Victim may have been ble for a string of robberies that Perkins
target of criminal in learned about. Motley said the robbery
suspect may have thought Perkins was
Congress Heights about to report him to police.
Perkins was found dead in his car
at Fourth and Oakwood streets, S.E.,
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. at 5:15 a.m. on Dec. 27.
lchibbaro@dcagenda.com “According to my sources, Anthony
received a call that morning and left his
A gay man who was shot to death house to go meet someone,” Motley
in his car in Southeast Washington last told DC Agenda in an E-mail. “It is said
week may have been the target of a that the individual Anthony knew who
thug who’s “terrorizing” the Congress was robbing people had become para-
Photo courtesy of Metro D.C. Police Heights neighborhood where he was noid that Anthony would talk. It’s
killed, according to a local minister assumed that is why he was shot.” Photo courtesy of American Foundation for Equal Rights
Anthony Perkins, who’s gay, was shot who is running for a seat on the D.C. Homicide Detective John Bolden,
and killed last week in his car in Southeast City Council. one of the investigators working on Attorneys Ted Olson (left) and David Boies are representing plaintiffs in the
Washington. Police have no official motive Rev. Anthony Motley said a mutual the case, said police have no motive case against California’s Proposition 8.
and have made no arrests in the case. friend told him that the murder of Anthony for the killing and had no suspects as
J. Perkins, 29, may be linked to an of earlier this week.

Prop 8 trial
Bolden said investigators were
looking forward to talking with the
mutual friend that Motley mentioned
in his e-mail to the Agenda, with the
hope that this individual could pro-
vide an important lead in the case.
Homicide squad Lt. Paul Wingate
said police have no evidence so far to
indicate the murder was a hate crime.
begins Monday
Police and Christopher Dyer, direc-
tor of the Mayor’s Office of LGBT
Case to overturn for expedited proceedings because
of the serious nature of the com-
socialagenda Affairs, have been distributing fliers that
include a photo of Perkins to local
same-sex marriage plaints raised by plaintiffs.
During the trial, Walker will con-
Cast of 'REAL WORLD D.C.' returns to town LGBT organizations and activists, ask- ban may be televised sider witness testimony, documents
for premiere party. Page 20 ing for help in identifying the person or and other evidence and arguments
people responsible for Perkins’ death. By CHRIS JOHNSON from both sides over the constitu-
Police are asking anyone with infor- cjohnson@dcagenda.com tionality of Proposition 8, an amend-
mation about the case to call the homi- ment to the state constitution ban-
cide squad office at 202-645-9600 or The eyes of LGBT rights sup- ning same-sex marriage. The
the 24-hour police hotline at 202-727- porters will be on the proceedings amendment was approved in 2008
9099. Similar to all D.C. homicides, of a California federal court case through voter referendum.
police are offering a reward of up to next week that could overturn the Attorneys Ted Olson and David
$25,000 for information leading to the state’s ban on same-sex marriage Boies are representing plaintiff cou-
arrest and conviction of a suspect — and possibly similar bans ples that were denied marriage
linked to Perkins’ murder. throughout the country. licenses in California because of the
In a statement released the day of The trial in the case of Perry v. state’s ban on same-sex marriage.
the murder, police said they found Schwarzenegger will begin Monday. While it’s the first time these
Perkins, whom they described as a Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S. lawyers have worked together on a
theateragenda “shooting victim,” seated inside his District Court’s Northern District of
California will preside and has called Continues on page 14
Don't miss first locally staged production of 'RENT.' Page 21 Continues on page 8
2 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 3

The DC Council, the Mayor, and the Coalition Partners who have worked
to secure marriage-equality for all DC residents.
AFL-CIO, Pride at Work
DC Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans
DC Clergy United for Marriage Equality
DC Coalition of Black LGBT Men and Women
DC for Democracy
DC for Marriage
DC Young Democrats
Gay and Lesbian Activist Alliance
Gay District
Gertrude Stein Democratic Club
Human Rights Campaign
National Black Justice Coalition
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Center for Transgender Equality
National Center for Transgender Rights
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Organization for Women
PFLAG National
The Rainbow Families
We also thank the individual advocates and supporters who have done their part to make sure that home rule
and DC’s Human Rights Act is honored and respected. The Campaign For All DC Families represents a
diverse coalition of District of Columbia residents working to win and secure (civil) marriage equality.
With your help we pledge to protect our hard won victory.
To join the Campaign and become a part of history go to www.alldcfamilies.com and sign up today.
Together we will work to win the court battles yet to come, ensure that Congress doesn’t override the votes of
our duly elected officials, and be prepared to do whatever is necessary to see that the District of Columbia is a
place where all people will enjoy equal rights.
4 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 5

Fisette elected Arlington Board chair
The Arlington County Board, which serves as the Northern Virginia county’s governing
body, elected gay Board member Jay Fisette as its chair for 2010 during a Jan. 1 meeting.
Fisette was first elected to the Board in 1997 and previously served as chair in 2001 and
2005. He drew media attention at the board’s New Year’s Day meeting last week when he
announced a far-reaching energy saving proposal for the county that calls for reducing green-
house gas emissions generated by residents and businesses.
“Just as we have plans for land use and transportation, we need a plan for energy use,”
Fisette said in his inaugural speech. “It is the Arlington way to involve the whole community
in the important decisions on our county’s future, and I hope this sets a blueprint for
Arlington’s long-term sustainability and competitiveness.”
Under Fisette’s proposal, which the board endorsed, the Board member will lead a 28-
member task force that will make recommendations in early 2011 for specific goals and
strategies for reducing Arlington’s total greenhouse gas emissions.
In November, Fisette won election to his third four-year term on the Arlington Board. Each
member of the five-person board is elected by the residents to a county-wide, at-large seat.
The county’s population is estimated at 210,000.
Fisette, a Democrat, has been a longtime advocate for LGBT rights in Virginia on the
county and state level. The gay-supportive Arlington County government adopted an ordi-
nance more than a decade ago that bans discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Although he supported losing Democratic candidate Creigh Deeds in the Virginia gover-
nor’s race in November, Fisette said he’s hopeful that Republican victor Bob McDonnell will
Photo courtesy of GLAD keep his promise of opposing discrimination against LGBT citizens.
He noted that McDonnell claimed in his 2009 campaign to have broken from his record of
An arrest warrant is being sought for Lisa Miller, the ‘ex-gay’ advocate who is believed to have disap- hostility toward LGBT rights in favor of a policy of “moderation.”
peared with the daughter she shares with Janet Jenkins. “I’m hopeful that he will be the one he claimed he is in the campaign,” Fisette said. “All I
can say is I’m hopeful he will govern as fairly and effectively as possible.”

Arrest warrant sought in lesbian Md. retains gender change option for driver’s licenses
parental custody dispute Equality Maryland is welcoming the Maryland Vehicle Administration’s decision to retain
— at least for now — its existing system for changing gender markers on driver’s licenses.
The department was considering revising its policy so that amended birth certificates were
7-year-old girl missing return the Agenda’s calls or e-mails this week.
Miller previously told Newsweek: “I do not
required to initiate the license update. But in an e-mail to Equality Maryland, the MVA said the
policy scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1 would not be enacted.
as interstate clash escalates feel safe leaving my daughter with [Jenkins], “MVA believes that the current policy on gender designation, which has been in practice
and I believe I have a God-given and constitu- for almost a decade, is secure and the procedures we have adopted ensures reasonable
tional right to raise my child as I see fit. There accommodation for individuals who are making a gender transition change,” says the e-mail.
By Harley Dennett is a homosexual agenda at work here, and “At this time, MVA is not effecting a change to that policy.”
Special to DC Agenda Isabella is a pawn in their game.” But the e-mail notes that “written legal advice” from state Attorney General Doug Gansler’s
The court had awarded Jenkins full custody office “clearly states that MVA’s current policy does not meet all statutory requirements” and
An arrest warrant for Virginia resident Lisa last year after Miller failed to comply with an work on the issue continues.
Miller was likely to be issued this week, earlier custody order giving Jenkins access to Under current state policy, Marylanders can change the gender marker on their driver’s
according to lawyers involved in her child cus- their daughter. license by providing a physician or psychologist report confirming they are in treatment. The MVA
tody dispute that has become a focal point in Police in Virginia’s Fairfax County this week requires annual re-evaluations until the person “meets requirements for permanent gender
the nation’s same-sex parenting debate. declined Jenkins’ requests to help find change.” Under the proposed change, an amended birth certificate would have been required.
Miller’s former partner, Janet Jenkins, came Isabella. Missing persons police reports were Birth certificates can be thusly amended only after gender reassignment surgery is completed.
forward Monday with a plea to help find her 7- filed in Fairfax and Bedford counties, where Equality Maryland said in a statement that it was pleased the MVA halted “implementation
year-old daughter, Isabella, after Miller failed to Isabella lived and went to school. of this dangerous policy change” and is allowing “for constructive dialogue.”
return her by a Jan. 1 deadline set by Rutland The Virginia branch of the American Civil “There is still work to do,” says the statement, “but for now, let’s take a moment to celebrate.”
Family Court in Vermont. Liberties Union, which represented Jenkins in JOSHUA LYNSEN
“I am so worried about Isabella. I do not that state’s Supreme Court case over jurisdic-
know where she is or whether she is OK,” tion of the Vermont court orders, said the issue
Jenkins said in a statement. has been settled and that Virginia law enforce-
Jenkins said she and Miller were involved ment should respect the Rutland Family
throughout Isabella’s conception, birth and Court’s custody ruling.
early years. But Miller, who claimed she was Rebecca Glenberg, the ACLU Virginia
no longer a lesbian and became an “ex-gay” branch’s legal director, said Miller had shown
advocate after the couple separated, denied herself to have no respect for the rule of law
this during court proceedings to dissolve their and the matter was no longer about non-bio-
civil union and arrange custody of Isabella. logical parenting.
“My goal has never been to separate Lambda Legal, which also has supported
Isabella from Lisa,” Jenkins said. “I just want Jenkins throughout the case, said their main
Isabella to know and love both of her parents. I concern is the safety of Isabella.
just want to be with her, like any parent.” “Our client has done everything she can as
Her lawyers in Vermont, including Sarah a loving parent to work within the system to
Star and Gay & Lesbian Advocates & protect her child,” said Greg Nevins, a Lambda
Defenders, said they were disappointed the Legal senior attorney. “Lisa Miller has repeat-
transfer of custody did not occur as ordered. edly defied court orders and her behavior has
“We’ve petitioned the court to issue a bench been outrageous and harmful.”
warrant because of Lisa’s continued refusal to Conservative and “ex-gay” groups rallied to
comply with the custody order,” Jennifer Levi, a defend Miller after the case became public in Photo by Nancy Mulliner; courtesy of the Kennedy Center
GLAD senior attorney, told DC Agenda. “The 2004, launching the Protect Isabella Coalition.
Rutland Family Court has been very responsive Concerned Women of America and the 'SHEAR MADNESS,' an audience-participation whodunnit playing now at the Kennedy Center, was the
to this contempt [of court] concern that Janet National Organization for Marriage have, in the scene of a same-sex marriage proposal on Christmas. Hughesville, Md., residents Jimmy Evans, fourth
has raised and could order pretty quickly.” past, criticized the Vermont judge. from left in the back row, and Brandon Hayes, seated, used the occasion to solidify their relationship. The
Judge William Cohen, who has handled the But this week, Maggie Gallagher, National two have been dating since March and had talked of tying the knot. Hayes said he didn't want a cliched
case from the beginning, was to rule on the Organization for Marriage president, said it was a proposal, so Evans got the idea to work his proposal into 'Shear Madness.' Evans had seen the show sev-
bench warrant. No decision was announced tragedy all around and didn’t blame either party. eral times before and knew its non-existent fourth wall might give him a chance to propose in an unex-
before Agenda deadline. “I have sympathy for the pre-eminent claims pected way. He contacted the Kennedy Center and found the show's personnel excited about the notion.
Liberty Council, which represents Miller, filed of natural parents versus legal parents, when The actors worked the proposal into the second act and Hayes accepted. The two are seen here with the
an appeal with the Vermont Supreme Court, but the natural mother is a fit parent (which nobody cast. From left are actors Aaron Shields, Tierman Medorno, Bolton Marsh, Evans, Danny Devlin,
it was not known if that appeal would continue if has denied in this case). But we have to be a Taryn Evans (Evans' daughter), Rick Hammerly, Brigid Cleary, Hayes and Chelsea Evans (another
Miller’s whereabouts continued to be unknown. nation ruled by laws, even when those laws daughter of Evans'). Evans says he was a nervous wreck as the moment approached. It brought tears and
Miller’s lawyers in Virginia, including Liberty may be unjust,” Gallagher said in an e-mail to well wishes from many in the audience. Evans and Hayes met on match.com. — JOEY DIGUGLIELMO
University Dean of Law Mathew Staver, did not the Catholic News Agency.
6 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010


Unfinished business as lawmakers prepare to convene

marriage recognition for same-sex ACLU and the National Center for
Equality Maryland exec couples. The Court of Appeals left in Lesbian Rights to conduct research
talks marriage and more place lower courts’ rulings applying
New York’s marriage recognition rule
on past precedent and work with local
legal scholars to submit supporting
as legislative session nears to marriages of same-sex couples. information and analysis to the
According to a recent poll spon- Attorney General’s office as part of
By STEVE CHARING sored by Equality Maryland, for the this process. In November, we also
Special to DC Agenda first time a majority of Marylanders solicited stories and pictures from
support passage of the Religious local folks who received licenses in
In the two and a half months since her Freedom & Civil Marriage Protection other states to submit as part of the
appointment, Morgan Meneses-Sheets, Act. We are currently working with a public comment process.
the new executive director of Equality number of funders and partners to There is legal precedent in the
Maryland, has been visiting cities and launch a wide-scale plan to engage state of Maryland to honor the licens-
towns across the state and introducing with partners in communities of color es of couples validly married else-
herself to the LGBT community. and communities of faith, as well as where. The Attorney General’s opin-
Now, as the 2010 Maryland legisla- to build on our past successes with ion will determine the legal possibili-
tive session approaches — with signifi- the Pride in Faith initiative and our ty of building on that precedent to
cant unfinished business as it relates to strong partnership with the Maryland honor the licenses from other states
LGBT issues — the DC Agenda, in part- Photo by Steve Charing Black Family Alliance. or countries. The decision is pending. Photo courtesy Maryland state government
nership with Baltimore OUTLoud, sat We have had some setbacks this
down with Meneses-Sheets to talk about Morgan Meneses-Sheets, executive year, but we have also had some Agenda: What are you hearing about Maryland Attorney General Doug
the political landscape and the strategies director of Equality Maryland huge steps forward. It is going to take the timing of the opinion’s release? Gansler is expected to release in
her organization intends to employ to time and hard work, but we are con- Meneses-Sheets: In a recent inter- about a month an opinion on whether
advance pro-LGBT legislation. also create true and lasting equality fident that equality will win out in the view with WTOP, Mr. Gansler suggested state law should recognize same-sex
The 2010 session begins Jan. 13 throughout the Free State. end. We are fighting for civil rights. that the opinion would come out either marriages from other jurisdictions
and runs through April 12. Equality That has never been easy, but it is before the session or early in the session.
Maryland’s Lobby Day is scheduled Agenda: We head into 2010 with certainly worth it. While we are all anxious to hear back, we constituents. They need to hear our
for Feb. 8 in Annapolis. some restrained hopes based on the know first hand from our recent dealings stories — otherwise we are letting our
experience here in Maryland over the Agenda: Besides marriage equali- with the AG’s office around the [Maryland opposition tell them who we are.
Agenda: Since you were selected past several years concerning the ty and transgender protection, what Vehicle Administration] issue that they
for the position of executive director signature issue of marriage equality. other legislation are you hoping to are bombarded with new requests and Agenda: We have a Democratic gov-
at Equality Maryland, you have been Is there any reason to be more hope- pass this year? And would you be will- obligations every week as part of helping ernor, the leaders of both legislative
going non-stop on a statewide tour, ful this time around and if so, why? ing to accept civil unions at this time? to do the business of the state. chambers are Democrats, and the over-
meeting people and organizations. Meneses-Sheets: We have built a Meneses-Sheets: Civil unions pro- The initial analysis by many whelming majority of the General
How has this been valuable to you? strong foundation, but there is still vide no guarantee that the protections prominent legal experts suggests Assembly are Democrats. We have
Morgan Meneses-Sheets: I am work to be done. 2010 is a build year. will travel with them to other states. that we are in a strong position as a made some important progress over the
committed to ensuring that Equality We have to really invest in building a They are second-class protections. state to provide legal recognition of past four years or so, yet we cannot
Maryland truly represents the needs network of pro-equality activists, public Equality under the law for same-sex out-of-state licenses. We are holding seem to wrest the two remaining big bills
and interests of Maryland’s LGBT com- officials and religious leaders through couples means equal marriage rights. out for a positive opinion. — marriage equality and transgender
munity. Attending community events education and outreach efforts. We The same social, legal and financial protections — from committee. Is there a
and making presentations has enabled are working to design an ambitious benefits currently afforded to hetero- Agenda: What will be the impact strategy in place to move the bills so at
me to start to build strong partnerships and sophisticated PAC plan to ensure sexual couples in Maryland can only of the legalization of same-sex mar- least there could be an up-or-down vote?
and have authentic conversations the election of candidates who believe be replicated for same-sex couples by riage in D.C.? Meneses-Sheets: While we should
about the future of our organization and in fairness and equality. granting the same marriage license. Meneses-Sheets: This will be just maintain perspective on the recent set-
the LGBT movement. This year is about building momen- While we are still working with our one step in our journey toward full backs, we also have to realize that
The welcome receptions have tum and putting the plans and tactics in legislative committee to finalize our equality. Now that LGBT couples can each loss gives our opposition another
been my coming out parties to intro- place to take us through the elections agenda for 2010, there are a number of obtain a marriage license by simply opportunity to claim a victory and gain
duce me to the community as the into a legislative victory. We are also important issues that we would like to traveling to the District, Maryland must ground. We are truly making progress,
new director. They have offered me already laying out a wide-ranging strate- support in addition to anti-discrimina- move forward in not only recognizing but we have to be smart about each
an opportunity to emphasize that we gy to ensure that we have the neces- tion protections and marriage equality. out-of-state marriages, but we must step that we take. We have to lay the
have a strong team in place and we sary public support to beat back a refer- The Maryland Family Medical also pass the Religious Freedom & groundwork so that we can not only
are ready to get it done. endum aimed at rolling back our gains. Leave Act would allow people to uti- Civil Marriage Protection Act. win on our important issues, but also
Activists must not only remain hope- lize leave for their brother, sister, protect and maintain those wins. We
Agenda: You were successful in ful, but also be committed. We need grandparent, grandchild, or domestic Agenda: Let’s talk about Lobby are taking the time to really think
building a nationwide advocacy pro- Marylanders and all of our supporters partner. Family leave can be used to Day, which is a significant event in through every tactic, every target and
gram from the ground up when you to be in this with us for the long haul. provide care to family members with the quest to gain equal rights in every step along the way.
were with the Amputee Coalition of serious health conditions or in the Maryland. There are those who have We will work to generate pressure
America. How did that experience, Agenda: We had a mixed year in case of the birth of a child. criticized the rally in the past for its at the grassroots level to push for co-
plus the experience gained from the 2009 concerning LGBT rights, espe- declining turnout and logistical sna- sponsors and really ramp up support
other positions you held, prepare you cially marriage equality. New states Agenda: You and your wife Rae fus, particularly in lighting and sound for our key issues. In many ways, 2010
for your role at Equality Maryland? legalized it while another, Maine, had married in Vermont … with the hope at the rally. Are there any steps you will be a building year. We have work to
Meneses-Sheets: From day one it stripped away at the ballot box. And that, until marriage equality is passed plan to take to remedy these con- do to continue to educate lawmakers,
with the ACA, I was charged with build- in New York it was defeated in a dis- here, Maryland will recognize our mar- cerns for the Feb. 8 event? increase our organizing efforts and
ing a strong, grassroots network that heartening vote by the Senate. What riages from other jurisdictions. Now our Meneses-Sheets: We had a build the campaign we need to not only
would have the ability to generate lessons, if any, have you drawn from next-door neighbor, Washington, D.C., record turnout in 2007 as part of the win, but also protect our victories.
enough pressure to impact the policy these two significant defeats? is poised to [enact] same-sex mar- push around the Court opinion. After
making process in each of the state leg- Meneses-Sheets: We have cer- riages. We’ve been waiting a long time the very disappointing ruling, some Agenda: Does Equality Maryland
islatures. We were successful in passing tainly had our share of ups and downs for Attorney General Doug Gansler to folks were quite disempowered, but in plan any face-to-face meetings with
over a dozen different bills to enhance over the past year, but the mere fact issue an opinion on whether Maryland recent months we have really seen an the governor and/or Senate and
access to care. It was all about doing the that our issues have been front and can recognize our marriages. increase in excitement and commit- House leaders on these issues?
work to engage and develop our local center in the public arena is a sign of What’s holding the decision up? ment from our activists. Maryland is Meneses-Sheets: We have been
supporters, identify and cultivate rela- progress. People are talking about And what is Equality Maryland doing on a short list of states that have the working with the governor’s office
tionships with potential partners and LGBT equality. Lawmakers are really to put pressure on Gansler? potential to enact true marriage equal- around the MVA issue. We have also
being strategic each step of the way. digging in on our issues in state legis- Meneses-Sheets: Many couples ity in the next couple of years. We just reached out to a number of leaders in
In January, we are launching the latures, county councils and Congress. around our great state have made the trip received a two-year grant to support the Assembly and Senate as we work
Equality Maryland Vision Task Force. The loss in Maine was devastat- to places like California, Massachusetts, enhancing our organizing around to prepare for the upcoming session.
The task force will be comprised of ing and yet we must remember that Vermont and Connecticut to get a mar- equal protections for transgender We will continue to leverage every
thought-leaders in various areas we lost by less than 30,000 votes. riage license. But when they return Marylanders. We are truly on the cusp opportunity to sit down with key stake-
including development, communica- That is huge! New York was a disap- home, this piece of paper may be suit- of making sweeping changes, so we holders and partners as we work to
tions, organizing and program devel- pointment and yet the week before able for framing, but does not come with have an obligation to do all we can to advance our legislative priorities.
opment. The goal of the Task Force is the loss in the Senate, New York was any of the 400 or so benefits provided by not only build support, but also
to work with us to create a compre- also the site of a big step forward in the state for other married couples. demonstrate the strong support for Steve Charing is managing editor
hensive strategic plan to ensure that case law. The New York Court of Equality Maryland has been work- our legislative priorities. of Baltimore OUTLoud and can be
we not only have the key votes, but Appeals issued a favorable ruling on ing in coalition with groups like the Lawmakers need to talk with their reached via baltimoreoutloud.com.
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 7
8 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010


D.C. Jail guards accused Victim remembered

as ‘very generous
of beating gay inmate and kind person’
Family members denied Continued from page 1
request to visit while in car on the 2900 block of Fourth St.,
‘protective custody’ S.E. The statement says the car
had steam billowing from its engine
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. when officers responded to reports
lchibbaro@dcagenda.com of the sound of gunfire. A nearby
resident identified the vehicle as a
A 39-year-old gay man being held Lincoln Towncar.
in the D.C. Jail has accused jail “D.C. Fire & Emergency Medical
guards of severely beating him last Services Department personnel
month, saying they carried him, responded to the scene, but could
handcuffed, down three flights of find no life signs,” says the statement.
stairs while deliberately knocking his Perkins lived with his mother on
head against the walls and handrails. the 1800 block of T Street, S.E.,
The gay inmate, John Burrows, a about two to three miles from the
D.C. resident, gave a detailed location where he was killed.
account of the incident to his mother “I have known Anthony for more
and sister, who released the informa- than a decade,” Motley said in his
tion this week to the DC Agenda. e-mail to the Agenda. “Anthony
Photo courtesy of Metro D.C. Police
“They handcuffed his hands behind would attend my ministry on a reg-
his back and handcuffed his feet, ular basis.” A D.C. police official disputed claims
picked him up and carried him down He called Perkins “a very good by gay activists that the Gay & Lesbian
three flights of steps and in the process singer” who sometimes sang dur- Liaison Unit wasn’t contacted about
they were banging his head against the ing church services. last week’s gay murder case because
railings and into the wall,” said Margaret “Anthony was a very generous the unit has been dismantled under a
Groat, Burrows’ sister, in an e-mail. Photo courtesy of Margaret Groat and kind person,” Motley said. “He plan by Chief Cathy Lanier.
“[T]hey beat him in the stairwell and loved people and was always con-
choked him,” she said. “I think they were John Burrows, a gay D.C. resident, has accused D.C. Jail guards of beating him. cerned about his mother and her the investigation into Perkins’ murder.
trying to kill him. He has two black eyes, a City officials are investigating the allegation. well being.” Groomes disputed an earlier
concussion; he still can’t feel three of his Motley said that it was through a statement by Chris Farris, co-chair
fingers from the handcuffs being so tight.” too, would make inquires to learn stance abuse problem and a record of mutual friend, who he did not identi- of the local group Gays & Lesbians
A spokesperson for the D.C. more about what happened. arrests on drug and theft-related charges, fy, that he learned Perkins “was Opposing Violence, that the GLLU
Department of Corrections, which over- Court records show that Burrows is all of which, she said, were non-violent made aware of some information had not immediately been contact-
sees the jail, said the Dec. 17 incident being held in jail without bond on felony offenses. Groat said her brother denies regarding an individual who was ter- ed about the case, as had been the
was under investigation and the depart- charges of first-degree sexual abuse assaulting or sexually abusing the com- rorizing the neighborhood and rob- department’s practice in the past.
ment had no immediate comment. and robbery of a senior citizen in con- plainant in the case pending against him. bing people, especially at ATMs.” Farris and other LGBT activists
“Please be advised that this matter is nection with an October 2008 encounter Premal Dharia, an attorney with the The unidentified man said to have have expressed concern that the
currently under investigation by the with a D.C. man over age 60. The D.C. Public Defender Service who is committed the robberies “lived very department’s recent reorganiza-
Department of Corrections,” said depart- records show that Burrows was arrest- representing Burrows, did not return close to where Anthony was shot,” tion of the GLLU had resulted in its
ment spokesperson Sylvia Lane in an e- ed for the two offenses in September calls seeking comment on the alleged Motley said the mutual friend told him. de-facto “dismantling.” They were
mail to the Agenda. “There is no further while he was incarcerated in an out-of- jail beating or the criminal charges Motley, a long-time Democrat, referring to a plan by Police Chief
information available at this time.” state prison for an unrelated theft pending against her client. announced last spring that he would Cathy Lanier to decentralize the
Groat said Burrows gave a detailed charge, to which he pleaded guilty. According to Groat, her brother said become an independent candidate unit by staffing it with a greater
description of the incident in two letters A D.C. Superior Court charging doc- the sexual encounters between Burrows in the November 2010 general elec- number of officers in each of the
he mailed to their mother, Judy ument says the two charges for which and the complainant were entirely con- tion for one of two at-large Council seven police districts.
Burrows. She said her brother noted in Burrows is currently being held were sensual. She said her brother told her a seats currently held by Council According to Farris and other
one of his letters that the beating may filed against him by a man who told dispute arose over a prior agreement members Phil Mendelson (D-At activists, the central GLLU head-
have been triggered when he threw a police he engaged in consensual oral that the complainant would pay Burrows Large) and David Catania (I-At quarters in Dupont Circle had been
bar of soap at one of the guards after sex acts with Burrows on Oct. 5, 2008, for the sex and that Burrows may have Large). Catania is one of two openly reduced from seven full-time offi-
the guard “harassed” him. in the man’s Northwest Washington taken some money for the payment he gay members of the Council. cers to just one or two officers a
According to Groat, jail officials apartment. The man, who is listed as believed he was owed. She said the Veteran D.C. gay and Ward 8 year or two before the department
have refused to allow her and her the complainant in the case, told police complainant had requested to be bound civic activist Phil Pannell, who was was ready to put in place GLLU
mother to contact John Burrows by he paid Burrows $100 in cash after the as part of a pre-arranged “bondage” recently elected president of the affiliated officers in the seven
phone and informed them that they sexual encounter for the purpose of encounter, according to her brother’s Congress Heights Civic Association, police the districts.
could not visit him at the jail. having Burrows use the money to pur- account of what happened. said Motley has been supportive of “GLLU actually was notified on
“They said they put him in protec- chase marijuana for the man, accord- “Whatever he did or didn’t do in LGBT rights. the night of the murder and has
tive custody and that he can’t have ing to the charging document. terms of his arrest, he didn’t deserve to Pannell said he did not know been assisting Homicide with said
any visitors until Jan. 27 at the earli- The next day Burrows returned. But be beaten in jail,” Groat told the Agenda Perkins, but recognized him from case,” Groomes told the Agenda in
est,” Groat said. the man said that instead of handing in a telephone interview. “He’s had prob- the police photo as someone who an e-mail. “At this time there are two
Lane did not respond by press time over the marijuana, Burrows grabbed lems and issues with the law, but I can may have patronized one or more full duty members, two members
to questions by the Agenda about why him in a “choke hold,” bound him “by tell you that he’s not a violent person.” of the city’s gay bars. not full duty [at GLLU headquarters]
D.C. Jail officials placed Burrows in pro- ligatures,” and forced him into his bed- Groat said she contacted the Gay & Deputy Police Chief Diane and 25 affiliate members to assist in
tective custody and have refused to room, according to the charging docu- Lesbian Activists Alliance and the D.C. Groomes told the Agenda that the any matter that one may need assis-
allow his sister and mother to visit him. ment. It says the man told police that LGBT community center about her police’s Gay & Lesbian Liaison Unit tance with. … [A]ll are available
Mafara Hobson, a spokesperson Burrows then sexually abused the man brother’s allegation that he was the vic- was assisting the homicide squad in via the [GLLU] pager number.”
for Mayor Adrian Fenty, said she would before stealing $100 in cash and his tim of a prison beating by guards.
look into the matter. But she added, ATM card. The man told police that “We have been in touch with the fam-
“Ms. Lane is correct in that the matter Burrows pressured him into revealing ily and we’re following this closely,” said
is under investigation, so we can’t the PIN number for the card. David Mariner, executive director of the
comment further on the incident.”
When informed about Burrows’
The charging document says police
obtained surveillance video from the
LGBT Center. “This raises concerns.”
Court records show that Burrows was
alleged jail beating, D.C. Council complainant’s bank showing Burrows scheduled to appear in D.C. Superior A photo of Judy Shepard (Page tions to the D.C. City Council mar-
member Phil Mendelson (D-At making an illegal withdrawal of $500 with Court on Thursday, after the 1) in the Jan. 1 issue of DC riage vote (Page 10) should have
Large), who chairs the Council com- the use of the complainant’s ATM card. Agenda press deadine, for a status Agenda should have been credited been credited to Tresh. DC Agenda
mittee that oversees the jail and Margaret Groat, Burrows’ sister, hearing and possible discussion of a to Joe Tresh. Also, a photo of reac- regrets the errors.
Department of Corrections, said he, acknowledged that her brother has a sub- plea bargain offer by the government.
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 9
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TRENON, N.J. — The New Jersey Senate was set Thursday to vote on legislation that would
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Sylvia R. Medley, M.D., M.P.H. Senate President Richard Codey announced in a statement Tuesday that the vote would come
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www.personalgrowthzone.com for their passionate advocacy thus far and the heartfelt testimony that we have heard.”
The Senate vote was set to occur after DC Agenda’s deadline. Check dcagenda.com for updates.
Although the Senate Judiciary Committee last month passed the marriage legislation, 7-6, the
Sidney W. Binks III, Ph.D. Psychiatrist / Psychoanalyst in Foggy Bottom, Senate is seen as the more challenging chamber for advocates of same-sex marriage in New Jersey.
Democrats hold a majority in the Senate, but Codey has said the marriage bill lacks unani-
Licensed Clinical Psychologist Joseph M. Jeral, M.D., sees individu- mous support among the Democratic caucus. He was quoted last week by NBC New York as say-
als and couples for treatment of depres- ing the Senate couldn’t pass the marriage bill “in a million years.”
Individual & Couples Therapy sion, anxiety, relationship problems, etc. Supporters of gay nuptials in New Jersey are under the gun to pass same-sex marriage this
for the LGBT Community
18 years experience!! Call office at (202) 457-8899. month. Outgoing Gov. Jon Corzine (D) has said he’d sign marriage legislation if it reaches his
desk, but on Jan. 19, Republican Chris Christie will take office, and he’s pledged to veto a same-
Joseph M. Jeral, M.D. sex marriage bill.
SidBinks@aol.com 202.255.5187 2112 F Street, NW The Assembly had not voted on the legislation as of Tuesday. Assembly Speaker Joseph
Roberts has said he’d hold a floor vote on the bill if the Senate approves the legislation.
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U.S. lifts ban on HIV-positive visitors, immigrants

DAVE LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Want a subscription to WASHINGTON — The nation’s 23-year-old ban on HIV-positive visitors and immigrants was
Top 1% Nationwide lifted this week, winning praise from LGBT groups.
NVAR Life Member Top Producer

dcagenda? “The United States of America has moved one step closer to helping combat the stigma and
ignorance that still too often guides public policy debates around HIV/AIDS,” said Joe Solmonese,
president of the Human Rights Campaign. “This policy, in place for more than two decades, was
unnecessary, ineffective and lacked any public health justification.”
ENTHUSIASTICALLY Contact As part of the reauthorization of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, President
Robbie Barnett at Bush in July 2008 signed a provision that removed the ban from statute and returned regulatory
authority to the Secretary of Health & Human Services. Obama administration officials erased the
rbarnett@dcagenda.com last remaining vestiges of the ban Jan. 4.
“Today, a sad chapter in our nation’s response to people with HIV and AIDS has finally come
to a close and we are a better nation for it,” Solmonese said.
The travel and immigration ban prohibited HIV-positive foreign nationals from entering the U.S. unless
they obtained a special waiver that could be difficult to secure and only allowed for short-term travel.

Same-sex couples rush to wed in N.H.

BOSTON — Same-sex couples rushed to marry in New Hampshire starting Jan. 1, when it
became the fifth U.S. state to allow gays to wed.
“I feel fabulous. It was wonderful, and it was historic,” said Linda Murphy, 50, a college admin-
istrator from southern New Hampshire who married Donna Swartwout, her partner of 19 years,
according to Reuters.
Reuters reported the two were among 150 people who gathered in the state capital of
Concord, in temperatures of about 21 degrees, to witness the marriages of about a dozen gay
and lesbian couples by a justice of the peace as the New Year dawned.
New Hampshire passed its law in June amid an emotional national debate. The New England
state joins Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut and Iowa in permitting full marriage equality for
same-sex couples. Washington, D.C., is also on track for approval.
New York state lawmakers voted against same-sex marriage last month. In Maine, a state law
that would have allowed the nuptials, was turned back in a referendum in November. A same-sex
marriage bill is pending in New Jersey, and in California, same-sex marriage was overturned in a
popular vote in 2008.
“People focus on the setbacks, but last year there was one state and now there are five states,” said
Mo Baxley, executive director of the New Hampshire Freedom to Marry Coalition, according to Reuters.
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 11

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12 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010

Health care reform expected

to include LGBT provisions
WASHINGTON — A recently
reported decision by congressional
leaders to forgo a formal conference
committee for health care reform
legislation shouldn’t impact the
chances of LGBT-specific and
HIV/AIDS language making it into
the final bill, according to advocates
of the provisions.
House and Senate leaders are
hammering out the differences in
health care legislation that each
chamber passed last month aimed at
providing coverage to 36 million unin-
sured Americans. Lawmakers are
seeking to produce a single bill and
send it to President Obama’s desk
for him to sign before his State of the
Union address, which the Associated
Press reported could take place in
early February.
Media sources reported this week
that congressional leaders have
opted out of having a formal confer-
ence committee for health care legis-
lation. Instead, House and Senate
leaders will hold negotiations based
on the Senate bill.
The Associated Press reported
this strategy would allow Democratic
leaders to exclude Republicans from
the negotiations and prevent them DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
from delaying the legislation or forc-
ing politically troubling votes in either Rep. Tammy Baldwin, the only out lesbian in Congress, and
the House or the Senate. other House and Senate members are working to pass
Although negotiations will be health care reform. The final bill is expected to include LGBT
based on the Senate legislation — and HIV/AIDS provisions.
which lacks most of the LGBT and
HIV/AIDS provisions — those supporting the provisions said the lack of a conference committee

shouldn’t be problematic.
Ed Shelleby, spokesperson for Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), who’s sponsoring a stand-
alone bill similar to the House bill’s tax penalty elimination provision for domestic partners, said
whatever form the negotiations take “will not likely have too much an [effect] on the likelihood of
the domestic partnership provision ending up in the final bill.”
“We still expect significant portions of the House version that aren’t in the Senate version to
end up in the final package and Congressman McDermott is working to make this very important
domestic partnership provision one of them,” Shelleby said.
Others also said the lack of a conference committee doesn’t mean the LGBT provisions are
lost. A senior Democratic aide, who spoke to DC Agenda on the condition of anonymity, said, “with
respect to the LGBT provisions, I don’t think there’s anything that can be said here yet.”
The House legislation contains several provisions the Senate bill lacks that would directly
address LGBT and HIV/AIDS issues. These provisions would:
• enable the Department of Health & Human Services to collect health data on disparate pop-
ulations, including the LGBT community, and to open public health programs and grants focused
on health disparities to cover the LGBT population;
D MONEY ON CAR INSURANCE, • bar health insurers from discriminating against people because of “personal characteristics,”
including sexual orientation and gender identity;
NOT ON A HAIRCUT. • eliminate taxes on employer provided health coverage for employees who receive coverage
for a same-sex partner under an employer’s plan;
• and permit state Medicaid programs to cover low-income people with HIV before they devel-
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The House and Senate bills share a provision aimed at helping people with HIV/AIDS. Both
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Assistance Programs to count toward out-of-pocket costs to qualify them for Medicare Part D cat-
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Trevor Thomas, a Human Rights Campaign spokesperson, said his organization would con-
tinue to advocate for the LGBT provisions during negotiations in whatever shape they take.
Jonna S. Wooten, Agent “Negotiations between House and Senate leadership to complete health care reform will
undoubtedly be complex and difficult on a range of issues,” he said. “We will continue to strongly
8148 Electric Avenue push the congressional leadership to ensure that critical protections for LGBT people included in
the House-passed bill are part of the final measure.”
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january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 13

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14 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010

Have you been

Prop 8 trial ‘a chance for
thinking of going people to hear the truth’
Continued from page 1

case, they have crossed paths before in opposition

to each other. In the 2000 case of Bush v. Gore, “We are
Olson represented then-Republican presidential
nominee George W. Bush while Boies represented
then-Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore. extremely
longer? Olson and Boies — who are litigating on
behalf of the American Foundation for Equal
Rights, a California-based LGBT organization
founded last year — are arguing Prop 8 is
hopeful that the
unconstitutional because it violates the Equal
Protection Clause of the Fourteenth
federal courts
Amendment and singles out LGBT people for
discrimination, among other reasons.
Yusef Robb, an AFER spokesperson, said,
will strike
“preparations are intense” for the legal team
that is arguing that Prop 8 is unconstitutional. [down] Prop 8
harder? “Proposition 8 is wrong and it’s unconstitu-
tional, and we will demonstrate that through
the testimony of our plaintiffs, expert [witness-
es], evidence and arguments from an
unmatched legal team,” he said.
as unconstitutional
Robb said the trial should last about three
weeks, but could drag out for five weeks.
because it
Supporters of the lawsuit are expecting the
case to go to the U.S. Supreme Court, but first
the case would have to be heard in the Ninth
clearly violates
Circuit Court of Appeals.
the federal
faster? Geoff Kors, executive director of Equality
California, said the case is significant because “it’s
a critical piece in the ongoing fight for full equality.”
“We are extremely hopeful that the federal
courts will strike [down] Prop 8 as unconstitu-
tional because it clearly violates the federal
Constitution, especially in light of the California deception that dominate political campaigns,”
Supreme Court decision that upheld Prop 8 in he said. “These proceedings should be avail-
the California Constitution,” he said. able to as many people as possible.”
Give us a try. Equality California was among the groups Kors also supports airing the trial on TV.
that filed a “friend-of-the-court” brief in favor of He said the broadcast would allow people
overturning Prop 8. Kors said he’s confident who are undecided on same-sex marriage to
Walker will overturn Prop 8 because it’s “a clear learn more about why marriage rights are
violation of the United States Constitution.” important to LGBT people.
Other groups that have filed “friend-of-the- “It’s an opportunity for them to see us for
court” briefs are the American Civil Liberties Union, who we really are, and for them to hear the
Lambda Legal and National Center for Lesbian arguments both from our side about why
Rights. The City and County of San Francisco — equality is so important and why denying us
under the leadership of City Attorney Dennis the freedom to marry harms us and our fami-
Herrera and Chief Deputy City Attorney Therese lies, and to really hear what the right-wing’s
Stewart — are supporting the plaintiffs as co-coun- justification for that discrimination is,” he said.
sel and are focusing on the negative impact Prop 8 Kors also claimed that televising the trial
has on government services and budgets. would reveal that supporters of Prop 8 distort-
While the case is focused on the constitu- ed the truth during the 2008 campaign as they
tionality of Prop 8, it’s possible that marriage encouraged voters to approve the amendment.
bans throughout the country could be struck Among the disputed arguments that sup-
down if the case goes to the Supreme Court porters of Prop 8 put forward was that failure of
and it rules in favor of the plaintiffs. the amendment would mean that children
Robb said the question of whether a would have to learn about same-sex marriage
Supreme Court ruling would end marriage bans in public schools.
throughout the country “would depend on the “It’s different when you’re arguing in court
particular issues the court chooses to review, as and testifying under oath than it is when you
well as how they specifically draft their opinion.” run a 30-second television ad that tells lies,” he
One contentious issue is whether the judge said. “So it’s a chance for people to hear the
Start the year off on the right will allow TV cameras in the courtroom to truth from both sides, which is why we want it
record and broadcast the trial. to be televised and clearly why the right-wing
foot — join DC Front Runners Opponents of Prop 8 have been urging Walker doesn’t because it’s not an environment where
for our Welcome Newcomers to allow proceedings to air on TV to bring more they can control what they’re saying.”
Run & Walk, Saturday, January 9! attention to the marriage issue, while supporters While predicting that the trial court would
of Prop 8 are arguing against such a move strike down Prop 8, Kors said it’s possible that
Whether you’re an experienced because they feel backers of the amendment the ruling could be overturned by a higher court.
runner looking for motivation would be subject to harassment and intimidation. But if that happened, Kors said the trial
to take you further, a beginner Walker set a public hearing for the matter court proceedings would still be helpful in per-
on Wednesday, after DC Agenda deadline, suading the public to overturn the amendment
looking for inspiration to commit after he reportedly received letters both for at the ballot box. Equality California has cho-
to a healthy routine, or a walker and against televising the trial. The court also sen 2012 as the year to challenge Prop 8
looking for the opportunity to is seeking public comment on the issue, through another voter referendum.
which is due Friday. “It’s an opportunity for the public to learn
meet new people, give us a try. Robb said AFER believes it’s important for more about why marriage equality is so impor-
the trial to air on TV to show the harm that Prop tant for same-sex couples and their families —
8 has caused same-sex couples. and that the lies the right-wing told in California
“This trial is a chance for the true harm of and more recently in Maine are nothing but
dcfrontrunners.org Prop 8 to be revealed through facts, evidence
and the law, without the spin, slogans and
lies,” Kors said. “And that, I think, is going to be
really important in moving public opinion.”
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 15

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16 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010

Vol. 2, Issue 2

Rehoboth, ‘Real World’ and RIP LYNNE J. BROWN

Odds and ends the pleasure of getting to know her. the job, but I came to enjoy seeing its coverage of LGBT issues. Most of knaff@dcagenda.com
News & Multimedia Editor
Callie Walker, an aspiring photog- the city through her eyes. I look for- that criticism came during the tenure JOSHUA LYNSEN
as 2010 begins rapher, came to my attention after I ward to watching her adventures of previous editor Leonard Downie. jlynsen@dcagenda.com
received a call from a “Real World” unfold on the show. When Marcus Brauchli took over, I Features Editor
By KEVIN NAFF producer who said some of the Having MTV’s cameras roaming noticed immediate changes in the jdiguglielmo@dcagenda.com
roommates were bringing the Blade the office last fall brought the phe- Post’s approach to covering LGBT Sr. News Reporter
Happy New Year and thanks for into the house and they needed our nomenon of reality TV to life for the issues. Brauchli sat down with the LOU CHIBBARO JR.
reading DC Agenda. One of my res- permission to display the paper’s staff. We signed releases, were wired Blade for an interview shortly after News Reporter
olutions is to blog and write more in logo. I asked if any of the house- with microphones and were followed taking over and talked candidly about CHRIS JOHNSON
2010 so here’s a quick update on mates were looking for internships around the office whenever Callie his views on our issues. It was a real cjohnson@dcagenda.com
Staff Photographer
things here as the year kicks off. and received a call from Callie a few visited. On a couple of occasions, breath of fresh air, as Downie never MICHAEL KEY
I spent the New Year’s holiday in days later. she was able to elude the cameras returned our calls. mkey@dcagenda.com
Rehoboth Beach and, judging by the I won’t reveal much more just yet and arrive solo, providing us a few And when he didn’t, I always knew PRODUCTION
crowds, the resort town remains D.C. — be sure to watch the show. But rare moments to talk candidly and we could turn to Howell for help. Creative Director
east. There’s an unexpected New Callie proved an exceptional intern. privately. There were no drunken When the Post covered the funer- ROB BOEGER
Year’s tradition that has taken off in On the premiere of the show, Callie brawls or sexual encounters in the al of Alan Rogers, an Army major
the past few years in Rehoboth. A announced that Ronald Reagan was office, so it’s unlikely we’ll get much killed in Iraq, and omitted any details WEB
Online Creative and DCATV
mixed crowd of gay men and les- her favorite president. Her political screen time, but it was a positive of his sexual orientation, Howell and Exec. Producer ARAM VARTIAN
bians gather at the Frogg Pond bar views never came up in the Blade experience nonetheless. I were in regular contact. I protested avartian@dcagenda.com
on New Year’s Day to watch football, office and Callie never turned down Finally, a bit of sad news. Deborah the Post’s forcing Rogers into the SALES & ADMINISTRATION
drink beer and dance. It’s become an an assignment. Howell, former editor of the St. Paul closet and she ultimately agreed with Sr. Acct. Executive
all-day affair. The fantastic band One She’s from Texas and I told her Pioneer Press and the former me and wrote an important column BRIAN PITTS
Love played this year after a few that if she accepted the job, many Washington Post ombudsman, was that I believe has helped the paper Sr. Acct. Executive
hours of bowl games. It’s always a people — including future employers killed while vacationing in New Zealand deal more honestly with gay topics. ANDREW HARTSFIELD
memorable time. — would assume she’s a lesbian earlier this month. I had several pleas- She made a real impact on the jour- ahartsfield@dcagenda.com
Acct. Executive
Back in D.C., the cast of MTV’s with the Blade name on her resume. ant interactions with Howell during her nalism profession during her career JERYL PARADE
reality staple “Real World” returned She didn’t hesitate to accept the Post tenure. She was a forceful, fair and will be missed. jparade@dcagenda.com
to town for the Dec. 30 premiere of position and her enthusiasm for the voice for equality at the Post who was- Advertising Manager
the show. One of the roommates work and for getting to know D.C. and n’t afraid to stand up to editors there. Kevin Naff is editor of DC prockstroh@dcagenda.com
worked as an intern for the its LGBT community proved refresh- I’ve knocked the paper many Agenda and can be reached at Distribution Coordinator
Washington Blade last fall and I had ing. Callie was an unlikely choice for times during the past seven years for knaff@dcagenda.com. ROBBIE BARNETT
Accounting services provided
by Martin & Wall, P.C. C.P.A.

Trouble for Democrats means gays will suffer Distributed by MediaPoint, LLC
All material in the DC Agenda is protected by
federal copyright law and may not be repro-
our last hope for a while to make real duced without the written consent of the
Now is best hope for progress in Congress. DC Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertis-
ers, photographers, writers and cartoonists
progress as GOP seeks We need to activate our communi-
ty to lobby their representatives at
published herein is neither inferred nor implied.
The appearance of names or pictorial repre-
2010 comeback home and remind them that we vote sentation does not necessarily indicate the
sexual orientation of that person or persons.
and are willing to work for politicians Although the DC Agenda is supported by many
who support us. We also need to elect fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility
By PETER ROSENSTEIN more of our own. It is clear to see the for claims made by advertisers.
impact that Barney Frank, Tammy Unsolicited editorial material is accepted by the
The year 2009 was a mixed bag. Baldwin, and Jared Polis have by just DC Agenda, but the paper cannot take respon-
It started out great, fizzled quickly but being at the table. We need more peo- sibility for its return. The editors reserve the right
to accept, reject or edit any submission.
then came back as the year went on. ple like us at the table. Guidelines for freelance contributors are
There were highlights and lowlights I think we can do that. We must available upon request.
and we need to remember them all if encourage young members of the
A single copy of the DC Agenda is available
we are to accurately sum up the year LGBT community to get and stay from authorized distribution points, to any
and the decade. involved. We need to encourage and individual within a 50-mile radius of Washington,
We celebrated a court-mandated support involved members of our D.C. Multiple copies are available from the DC
marriage equality win in Iowa and a leg- community to run for office at all lev- Agenda office only. Call for rates. If you are
unable to get to a convenient free distribution
islative victory in Maine. Then we lost a els of government. We have to sup- point, you may receive a 52-week mailed
Maine ballot initiative. We lost in New port organizations like HRC, the subscription for $175.00 per year. Checks or
York, but won in D.C. We now need to Victory Fund, and the Task Force credit card orders can be sent to Robbie
Barnett at rbarnett@dcagenda.com.
be vigilant to ensure we don’t lose that even if we don’t agree with every-
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key Postmaster: Send address changes to the DC
gain. President Obama had a rocky thing they do, because they are the
beginning with the LGBT community. Openly gay Reps. Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin and Jared Polis have a busy groups that help bring our message Agenda, PO BOX 73647 Washington DC 20056
The DCAgenda is published weekly, on Friday,
First there was the Rick Warren fiasco, year ahead as the Democrats brace for a GOP comeback in November. to the broader community. by Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc. Individual
then that ugly Justice Department brief We need to unite as a community Subscriptions are $175.00 per year for 52 issues
on DOMA. But he came roaring back federal employees health care benefits. where moral issues dominated elec- and stop criticizing each other at every (only $3.37 per issue mailed to you USPS).
Periodical postage paid at Washington, D.C.,
with the appointment of John Berry at I also think that we have a real chance tions, but we could end up with more turn and recognize that each of us has and additional mailing offices.
the Office of Personnel Management, of ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” by han- conservatives winning on pocketbook a role to play and that role may be dif-
the second DOMA brief, movement on dling it the same way we did hate issues. I rarely agree with Newt ferent for each person and each organ- Editorial positions of the DC Agenda are
expressed in editorials and in editors’
giving some benefits to domestic part- crimes and attaching it to the DOD Gingrich, but he recently said some- ization. Whether it is joining a march on notes as determined by the paper’s editors.
ners of federal workers and finally the authorization bill. I am less sanguine thing I do agree with. He talked about the statehouse, donating money to an Other opinions are those of the writers and
signing at the White House of hate about passing ENDA, at least a fully Republicans needing to do more than organization or candidate, volunteering do not necessarily represent the opinion of
the DC Agenda or its staff.
crimes legislation. Maybe that came inclusive bill, but think that could hap- just saying “no” to have an overwhelm- for a candidate or cause, all are critical.
just in time as hate crimes against the pen as well. We do know that rescind- ing victory in the 2010 congressional Each person who is willing to use their To submit a letter or commentary: Letters
LGBT community are on the rise ing DOMA won’t happen this year. elections. I hope that they don’t get particular talent to be a part of the should be fewer than 400 words; commen-
taries should be fewer than 750 words.
across the nation. But 2010 will be especially impor- their act together to do that. But as future will together help make that Submissions may be edited for content and
With five states now having legalized tant in preparing for the future. The long as the unemployment rate hovers future better for us all. length, and must include a name, address and
marriage equality and some movement Democrats will surely lose seats in at around 10 percent and if health care If we continue to work and to phone number for verification. Send submis-
sions by e-mail to knaff@dcagenda.com.
on the Hill on upcoming legislative initia- both the House and Senate. We will reform passes in the way it looks like it value each other, 2010 will be a year
tives, 2009 has to be seen as a positive have to work hard to hold those num- will with the new taxes coming first and in which we will celebrate continued Address: 1612 U St., N.W.,
year for the LGBT community. bers down and ensure that the next the benefits of the bill not taking effect progress in our fight for equality as Washington, D.C., 20009
E-mail: news@dcagenda.com
As we look to 2010, many are ask- Congress won’t move us backwards. until 2013 or 2014, then Democrats we move into the next decade. Internet: www.dcagenda.com
ing what we can expect. I think we My reading of the country is that could be in trouble. And if Democrats Publisher: Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
could have a good year. I think we can we are in a transition period. We are are in trouble, then the LGBT commu- Peter Rosenstein is a D.C.-based ©
2010 Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
pass the bill giving domestic partners of not ready to move back to the place nity will suffer. So 2010 may represent LGBT rights and Democratic Party activist.
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 17
18 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010

friday, jan. 8 ties” every Tuesday at EFN Lounge. Towne at stowne@thetaskforce.org.
Supporters of Virginia Del. Adam Ebbin Those who volunteer their time get THE BIG GAY BOOK GROUP has its
(D) are having a sendoff party for him drink discounts. The events are held monthly book discussion meeting tonight
tonight at the home of Ingrid Morroy and from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at Motley Bar, at 7 p.m. at 1155 F St., N.W., Suite 200.
Jerry Botland in Arlington, Va. (1501 South located above EFN, which is at 1318 This month’s book is “The Conversion” by
Pollard St.) from 6 to 8 p.m. Supporters are 9th St., N.W. Visit fighthivindc.com for Joseph Olshan, which tells of a gay
gathering to wish him well as he heads to more information. American translator who moves to Paris
Richmond for the new state legislative POZ, a bar night for HIV-positive men and and is attacked one night in a hotel room
session. For more information, visit act- men open to dating HIV-positive men where he and his companion, an older
blue.com/page/ebbinsendoff or contact regardless of their own HIV status, is held poet, are staying. For more information,
ebbinfordelegate@gmail.com or 585-749- every Tuesday night from 7 p.m. to mid- visit biggaybookgroup.com.
6404. Donations are being accepted. night at Motley Bar, located above EFN LADIES FIRST NIGHT is tonight and
Lounge at 1318 19th St., N.W. The event every Wednesday at Fab Lounge, located
saturday, jan. 9 is organized by HIV-positive party promot- at 1805 Connecticut Ave., N.W. For more
ZOOM URBAN LESBIAN EXCURSIONS er Jacob Pring. Visit the group’s Facebook information, visit myspace.com/ladiesfirst.
is having a ladies breakdancing 101 page at facebook.com/pozdc for more THE D.C. CENTER has career develop-
class today from noon to 2 p.m. at the information. ment for LGBT job seekers today from 3
Columbia Heights Youth Center located to 4:30 p.m. Trained counselors will offer
at 1480 Girard St., N.W. It’s designed for wednesday, jan. 13 support for job searching, interviewing
beginners and is part of Zoom’s “Get SPLIT, a gay bowling cocktail event, is skills, resume writing, etc. The program
Fit” series. Cost is $15. Visit zoomexcur- tonight from 8 to midnight at Lucky has been adapted to meet the needs of
sions.com for more information. Strike Lanes & Lounge, located at the local gay community and the D.C. job
METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 701 7th St., N.W., on the second floor market. The Center recently moved to its
OF WASHINGTON, the District’s largest (Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro stop). new location at 1804/1810 14th St.,
mostly gay church, is having a “welcome Split, a party created by Jason Royce, N.W., previous home of the Lesbian
home” service today and is encouraging Brian Lempin and Georgio Takounakis, Services Program and Austin Center of
former members, attendees and new- is not a gay bowling league and isn’t for Whitman-Walker Clinic. Visit thedccen-
comers to meet its new pastor, Rev. diehard bowlers. Its creators designed ter.org for more information.
Dwayne Johnson. Traditional worship is it to be a fun and trendy bar alternative RAINBOW RESPONSE has its monthly Photo courtesy of Henrichsen
held at the 9 a.m. service. The 11 a.m. where patrons will mingle over martinis meeting tonight at National City Christian
service features more contemporary and bowl if the mood strikes. Split is Church, located at 5 Thomas Circle, N.W. DJ BRETT HENRICHSEN spins upstairs at Town on Sat. Jan.16.
and gospel music. The church is locat- usually held every other Wednesday. at 7 p.m. The group is a meeting of indi-
ed at 474 Ridge St., N.W. Visit It’s for ages 21 and older. There’s a $3 viduals and agencies collaborating to dis- Volunteers are needed to help with food A new Friday night drag show at
mccdc.com for more information. cover and Lucky Strike has a dress cuss intimate partner violence in the local preparation tasks such as chopping veg- Ziegfeld’s has started with a new host-
code that those attending should read LGBT community. The meeting is typical- etables and packing groceries. The ess. THE LADIES OF ILLUSION host-
sunday, jan. 10 before attending. Drink and food spe- ly held on the second Wednesday of each group will meet at Food & Friends’ new ed by Kristina Kelly has performances
DIGNITY WASHINGTON, a local gay cials are available. For more informa- month. Visit rainbowresponse.org for facility near the Fort Totten Metro every Friday at 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.
Catholic group, celebrates Mass for the tion, visit splitwednesdays.com. more information. Station. Group size is limited to 10 per BET MISHPACHAH, a gay synagogue
LGBT community every Sunday at 6 THE NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN shift. Those interested in volunteering located at the D.C. JCC at 16th and Q
p.m. at St. Margaret’s, located at 1820 TASK FORCE has weekly volunteer thursday, jan. 14 should e-mail jonathan@burgundycres- streets, N.W., holds Ereve Shabbat
Connecticut Ave., N.W. Call 202-546- nights every Wednesday from 6 to 7:30 BURGUNDY CRESCENT VOLUNTEERS, cent.org. Visit burgundycrescent.org for services every Friday at 8:30 p.m. fol-
2245 for more information or visit digni- p.m. at its offices located at 1325 a local LGBT volunteer group, is volun- more information about this and other lowed by an Oneg Shabbat social.
tywashington.org. Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Suite 600. teering for Food & Friends, a local group gay volunteering opportunities. Morning services are held on the sec-
Volunteers fold and stuff letters for the that delivers meals to residents in D.C. ond and fourth Saturdays of each
monday, jan. 11 gay rights organization. Pizza is provid- and beyond suffering from AIDS and friday, jan. 15 month at 10 a.m. followed by Kiddush
METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH ed. For more information, contact Ezra other life-threatening illnesses. NATIONAL CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH luncheon. Visit betmish.org for more
OF WASHINGTON has an HIV-positive has organ recitals every Friday at 12:15 information.
support group for people of faith every p.m. The series, dubbed “Magical,
Monday at the church. For more informa- Mystical, Musical Machine,” is led by saturday, jan. 16
tion, contact Matt Senger at 202-546-2159 Charles Miller, the church’s minister of Town has two events tonight. DJ
or e-mail him at ndc20003@yahoo.com. music, who’s gay. Several organists in the BRETT HENRICHSEN spins upstairs
MCC-DC is located at 474 Ridge St., N.W. series have also been gay. NCC is locat- (Town’s regular DJ WESS is down-
Visit mccdc.com for more information ed at 5 Thomas Circle, N.W. For more stairs). And monthly party “WTF?” is
about the church. information, visit nationalcity.org or call also tonight with a special Mexican
NELLIE’S SPORTS BAR, 900 U St., 202-797-0103. installment called “Que es el fucko?”
N.W., holds “Pokerface,” a Texas hold MID-ATLANTIC LEATHER WEEKEND, Doors open at 10 p.m. with a $5 for
‘em poker night every Monday at 8 p.m. one of the largest gay leather gather- those 18 and older. Town is located at
It’s free to play and prizes are awarded. ings in the world, is this weekend in 2009 Eighth St., N.W. Visit towndc.com
Visit nelliessportsbar.com for more Washington at the Washington Plaza for more information.
information. Photo courtesy of Ebbin Hotel. The event is sold out but some BLOWOFF, a monthly party featuring
spillover hotels have rooms available gay DJs/remixers Bob Mould and Rich
tuesday, jan. 12 Virginia’s sole openly gay state delegate, ADAM EBBIN, is preparing to return and some events are open to the pub- Morel, is tonight at the 9:30 Club, located
D.C.’S HIV WORKING GROUP assem- to Richmond for the 2010 legislative session. lic. Visit leatherweekend.com for at 815 V St., N.W. starting at 11:30 p.m.
bles safer sex kits with its “packing par- more information. Visit blowoff.us for more information.

Want a
subscription to
Barnett at
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 19


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20 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010

socialagenda: real world premiere party @ blackfinn dc

Photos by Joe Tresh

Half the cast of MTV's "REAL WORLD D.C." was in town Dec. 30 for the show's local premiere. They joined a large crowd at BlackFinn
D.C. to watch the first episode of the show's 23rd season, filmed in the District last year. The cast members who attended were Emily
Schromm, Ty Ruff, Ashley Lindley and Callie Walker. The new season has a few gay angles. Cast member Mike Manning, who did-
n't attend the premiere, is bi, and Walker interned as a photographer for the Washington Blade, DC Agenda’s predecessor.
january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 21


‘rent’ gets cozy ‘RENT’

Through Jan. 17
Keegan Theatre
1742 Church Street, N.W.
$30 to $40
Broadway stalwart works 703-892-0202
well in first locally
principle roles in Keegan’s “Rent” have
staged production been noticeably whitewashed: tradition-
ally Mimi and Angel are played by Latino
By PATRICK FOLLIARD actors and JoAnne is black. The change
saps the show of a little spice and
Paying the landlord — that pesky strength, but isn’t cataclysmic. As
problem for Bohemians since time JoAnne, McManus can belt (“Take Me or
immemorial — takes center stage in Leave Me”). Drown’s Angel gives drag
Keegan Theatre’s vibrant production of act energy to spare (“Today 4 U”). And
creator Jonathan Larson’s musical Emily Levey’s tough-yet-vulnerable Mimi
“Rent.” The first locally produced version is both well sung (“Light My Candle” and
of the Tony- and Pulitzer Prize-winning “Out Tonight”) and well acted.
rock opera, the company’s take puts a Acoustics aren’t always the great-
powerfully intimate spin on the enor- est at Church Street, but nonetheless
mously popular Broadway blockbuster. the rock band perched behind a scrim
Performed in the small Church at the back of the stage and the talent-
Street Theater (Keegan’s cozy home), ed, fresh-faced young cast sound
the late Larson’s 1996 work easily great throughout the nearly three hour
draws the audience into the extremely show. Directors Mark A. Rhea and
personal, quietly heroic stories of its Susan Marie Rhea have captured the
characters, many of whom are dealing gritty vitality and excitement of the pre-
with HIV/AIDS. Much of the score gentrified East Village. George Lucas’
works particularly well in this close-up Photo by Jim Coates; courtesy of Keegan Theatre grimy, two-tiered dark metal set is spot
setting including “One Star Glory,” a on and Kelly Peacock and Shadia
paean to immortality sung by Roger John Loughney, Michael Robinson and Juan Carlos Sanchez in Keegan Theatre’s production of ‘RENT.’ Hafiz’s costumes exude an authentic
(Juan Carlos Sanchez), a hot wannabe mix of punk and thrift store finds.
rock star, as well as bigger company Mark (John Loughney), an idealistic doc- refreshingly non-cookie cutter same- fessor and activist Collins (the beauti- And if you still need more reasons
numbers like “Seasons of Love.” umentary filmmaker, and bears witness sex couples — power dyke JoAnne fully voiced Michael Robinson). In to see Keegan Theatre’s “Rent,”
Based on Puccini’s opera “La to his community’s courage and opti- (Katie McManus) and her bisexual addition to dealing with the stresses there’s this: Throughout the run, the
bohème,” “Rent” is the tale of young mism in the face of encroaching gentrifi- performance artist partner Maureen they encounter as lovers, all four are company is partnering with local
artists struggling to create and get by in cation and, more frighteningly, AIDS. (Weslie Woodley), as well as Angel members of the larger group fighting organizations to promote support for
New York’s East Village in the early Among the musical’s tight core of (Parker Drown), a drum-playing drag for their community’s greater good. AIDS research and outreach to D.C.-
1990s. It’s told from the point of view of artists and activists is a pair of queen, and black nonconformist pro- While the cast is diverse, three of the area residents living with HIV.
22 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010


closing out the holidays on ‘ice’

40 craftsmen from not only on the thermometer inside,
where visitors are issued special blue
China create stunning parkas to wear, but also in the sensi-
bility. At one of the stopovers under
frozen sculptures the frosty big-top, one woman turned
to me before the Penguin Village at
By DAVID J. HOFFMAN the North Pole and declared, “We’re
Special to DC Agenda seniors reliving our childhood, you
can write that in your story!”
Folks, it's time to put your week- It took 40 craftsmen brought from
end on ice. Harbin — capital of China’s “north
What I’m trying to say is, be sure country” province of Heilongjiang
this weekend to see “ICE!” – the fabu- (nicknamed “Ice City”) — as many as
lous and spectacular artistic display of 12 hours a day in the 9-degree cold to
ice sculptures glistening at a constant carve the exhibit from 5,000 blocks of
9 degrees at the Gaylord National ice, totaling 2 million pounds in weight
Hotel’s holiday festival. hauled to National Harbor on custom
The show runs just three more days order from Ohio. The 400-pound
— through Sunday Jan. 10 — at scenic blocks of ice are carved down to
National Harbor on the Potomac River, smaller size with chainsaws and hand
directly across from Old Town saws and then picked at to chip away
Alexandria near the Wilson Bridge. more of the ice. Finally, special tools
Nine-inch-thick walls made of foam are used to “score” the ice with small
encase a huge tent to help keep the grooves and then parts are frozen
temperatures low while the “oohs” and together using water as glue.
“aahs” inside are heard from crowds Fine details are then carved with
thronging the exhibit of 10 icy scenes, ice chisels to create final touches
among them the monuments of D.C. and the smooth, rounded features
and Santa’s workshop, not to mention that make the icy people and animals Photo courtesy of Gaylord
carvings of animals so real you want to and objects so lifelike. The stunning,
reach out to them as in a petting zoo. vibrant colors created with simple A master carver puts final touches on a character carved from ice for the show at the Gaylord National Resort.
I came to scoff but remained to store-bought food coloring are so
praise, expecting kitsch but found real looking you will not believe you You can even swoosh down two- from the film “A Christmas Story.” adults are $18 and children are $10.
instead a winter wonderland to startle are merely seeing frozen water. The story ice slides, but don’t try to lick Tickets are $24.50 for adults and Bottom line: The show is worth
jaded senses. I didn’t expect it to be entire exhibit cost more than $2 mil- the 15-foot-tall candy canes in a $13 for children from 4 to 12. Seniors every penny. Be sure to close out the
so cool but indeed it is — ultra-cool, lion and took 40 days to create. reenactment of the famous scene (62+) are $18 and for military with IDs holidays on “Ice.”




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january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 23
24 dcagenda.com • january 8, 2010
dcagendaclassifieds january 8, 2010 • dcagenda.com 25


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Acupressure/massage therapist offering treat- PETS & SUPPLIES Contact Phil Rockstroh
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ties. This beautiful home features 4 bedrooms, 2 washer/dryer. Kit features cherry cabs, stain-
bathrooms in the master unit as well as a 1 bed- less appliances, granite counters. Luxury bath
room, 1 bathroom in the separate suite below. with soaking tub. Pet-friendly
Includes 2 car parking space in bldg. 1 car garage parking!
the heart of Dupont Circle.


DAVID BEDIZ 202-352-8456 801-201-7373 CELL

Capitol Hill
1139 3rd Street
2br 1 bath
Located only a
block from red
line metro and
new coming
Harris Teeter,
The stunning Townhomes of 1830 18th Street represent modern design this well main-
inspired by tradition. They feature multi-level, innovative floor plans with inviting tained Federal
offers off street
NEW LISTING! private outdoor space. Each provides the ambiance of a town house with the parking, new
Logan Circle carpet, and
1420 N St, NW #602 convenience of a condo. Parking available. Perfect Dupont location!
u p d a t e d
$274,900 kitchen and
Bright upper floor 1BR/1BA condo with city
views. Nicely updated with granite & maple
kitchen. Building features 24 hr security,
Presented by bath. This per-
fect starter
home is move-in ready, and still has room for
concierge, roof deck & pool. Walk to work,
Metro, Whole Foods, Vida Bo Billups 202-431-4052 added value with further
redesign. Offered @ $364,900
Fitness, Caribou Coffee & more.
& Chris Mundy 703-371-0385
202-215-2240 Visit www.1830-18thSt.com JT POWELL
202-465-2357 DIRECT

1415 5th
Street NW
2br 2bath
terrace level
condo in
newer build-
ing. Granite
and stain-
less kitchen,
baths, and
floor to
1416 Montague Street NW: 418 Jefferson Street NW:
$465,000 $143,000
Corporate Owned: Huge 4 level 5 bedroom Great Potential!!! Priced well below market! 3br
Bungalow in need of full renova- 1.5 bath town home with large
tion. Fantastic Location!! year yard and full basement.


202-465-2357 DIRECT 202-465-2357 DIRECT 202-465-2357 DIRECT

“I take Pride in my Team of Real Estate Professionals. As a group and as individuals they are committed to our clients and community. We have a tremendous track record with
more buyers choosing the CBRB Dupont office than any other office in DC! We are pleased with our record. You will be pleased with our service. We are the local experts –
backed by Global resources. Please take a moment and stop by to introduce yourself. We are your neighbor.”

Kevin McDuffie, GRI, Managing Broker

kmcduffie@cbmove.com • 202.439.2435 (c) • 1606 17th Street NW cbmove com

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