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S c i e n t i f i c


a n d


Te c h n i c a l



C o n f e r e n c e


O p t i m i z a t i o n of Wa s te w a te r
Fa c i l i t i e s to A d d r e s s
B i o l o g i c a l N u t r i e n t Re d u c t i o n
Re q u i r e m e n t s
M i c h a e l J . M e h a f f e y , P. E .
Senior Project Engineer
Gannett Fleming, Inc.

Platinum Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus annual mass

loading limits for each discharger.

Upgrade existing facilities to ensure compliance.

Various nutrient reduction methods available.

Key Definitions

Aerobic Presence of free molecular dissolved oxygen.

Anoxic Presence of chemically bound oxygen (nitrate) in

place of free molecular dissolved oxygen.

Anaerobic Complete absence of both bound and free

molecular dissolved oxygen.

Key Definitions (cont.)

Nitrification Biological process in which ammonianitrogen is converted, under aerobic conditions, to the
more stable form nitrate.

Denitrification Biological process in which nitrate is

reduced under anoxic conditions to nitrogen gas.

Nitrification Process

Two-step biological process carried out by

microorganisms under aerobic conditions
Step One: Ammonia converted to Nitrite
Step Two: Nitrite converted to Nitrate

Requires 4.6 mg oxygen per mg ammonia oxidized to

nitrate denitrification returns 2.9 mg oxygen per mg
nitrate denitrified

Nitrification rate slows as temperature decreases Nitrification stops at T<5C

Denitrification Process

Biological process carried out by microorganisms under

anoxic conditions

Organisms use nitrate in place of dissolved oxygen for

respiration - residual dissolved oxygen will inhibit process

Requires readily biodegradable organic carbon

Supplemental source such as methanol

Denitrification rate affected by carbon source and


Nitrification must precede denitrification

Phosphorus Removal

Chemical Precipitation process often utilized.

A metal ion, such as iron or aluminum, is introduced

to the flowstream.

The metal ions react with soluble ortho-phosphates

to form a metal-phosphate precipitate.

Precipitate settles in the secondary clarifiers and is

then removed with the waste activated sludge.

Phosphorus Removal

Effluent with a total concentration of 1.0-2.0 mg/L

total phosphorus is consistently achievable. Less
than 1.0 mg/L with tertiary filtration.




Case Study:
Borough of Hanover WWTP

5.6 MGD Average

(22,000 m3/day)

Located in
Pennsylvania, USA

activated sludge
process (oxidation

Nitrification/Denitrification (SNdN)

Control the residual dissolved oxygen (D.O.)

content in the bioreactors, allowing conditions
where both nitrification and denitrification can
occur at the same time.

Utilizes the principle that floc particles contain

both nitrifying and denitrifying microorganisms.

Borough of Hanover WWTP

Oxidation Ditches

SNdN in a Floc Particle

If very low residual D.O. concentration is maintained in
the aeration tank, the result will be a floc particle
containing an aerobic outside and an anoxic inside
Bulk Liquid
Diffusion Layer

Aerobic Layer
DO present
Nitrification and
BOD Reduction


Anoxic Zone
No DO available
Nitrates Available

Process Control

Continuously monitor D.O. through the uses of

a D.O. probe.

D.O. is measured and compared to a set-point

in a process logic controller (PLC).

Rate of air supplied to the process is adjusted

to match the set-point.

Brush rotors are manipulated automatically to

accommodate the change in supplied air.

Post-Denitrification Filters

Fixed-film process units in which denitrifying

microorganisms attach themselves to the coarse
media in the filter.

A supplemental carbon, such as methanol, is

added to the filters to support denitrification.

Denitrification occurs as the nitrified secondary

effluent passes over the media.

Denitrification Filters

Improved Performance

Total Nitrogen Effluent Average = 2.9 mg/L

Total Phosphorus Effluent Average = 0.8 mg/L

Final Thoughts

Identify nutrient removal performance levels

necessary to satisfy annual mass loading limits.

Utilize Best Available Technology to optimize


The Borough of Hanover was able to provide a

revitalization of the existing facility to exceed
regulatory requirements

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