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1. c 2.

3. c

4. b

5. d

6. c 7. c

8. d

9. b

10. d

11. a 12.c

13. b 14. c

15. b

16.b 17.a




1. 28
2. Friday
3. 12,11,13,14,10
4. 102 animals, 34 of each
5. 22 + (2/2)
6. 13 steps
7. Take away I(one) from IX(nine) and you get X(ten)
8. The years are in BC not in AD
9. Half a hole cant be digged
10. Rearrange the phrase Ten coins as I consent
11. 5 boys
12. Perhaps a few more steps--more wasting of water too. But it works.
1) Fill the 3. Pour it into the 5.
2) Fill the 3 again. Pour 2 into the 5. 1 remains in the 3.
3) Empty the 5. Pour the 1 from the 3 into the 5.
4) Fill the 3 again. Pour it into the 5 that already has 1 in it.

HERB + T becomes BERTH

BANG + E becomes BEGAN
KEEN + L becomes KNEEL
SUIT + E becomes SUITE
QUAD + S becomes SQUAD
WHEY + C becomes CHEWY
CELL + O becomes CELLO
TOIL + P becomes PILOT
WILD + E becomes WIELD
14. Yesterday,today and tomorrow
15. 1 = John played Mozart on the Violin

2 = Nick played Bach on the Piano

3 = Kate played Mozart on the Violin
4 = Mary played Bach on the Violin
5 = Larry played Vivaldi on the Piano
16. Marty Jones: Brian Martin owns a green car. The murderer owns a black car, so Brian Martin
is not the murderer. The suspect who owns a black car was wearing blue shoes. The suspect

who weighs 190 pounds was wearing blue shoes. The suspect who weighs 190 pounds is
not the one who has red hair. Therefore, one suspect was wearing blue shoes, owns a black
car, weighs 190 pounds, and is not the one who has red hair. But Bill Edison was wearing
brown shoes, John Fox has red hair, Larry Smith weighs 210 pounds, and Brian Martin owns
a green car. Therefore, the only suspect who could be this suspect is Marty Jones. Since this
suspect, Marty Jones, owns a black car and the murderer owns a black car, he is the
17. A headless horseman: the word HORSEMAN is missing the initial H.
18. I cut each of the three tablets into two, and placed these into two piles. Each pile therefore
had one half of Anvilite, and two halves of Bigoxy. All I had to do was add half more of
Anvilite to each pile (by splitting another Anvilite tablet), and each pile then had two halves
of each tablet, which is exactly how many I had to take. I had one pile last night, and the
other pile is for tonight.
19. 2,000: imagine Fred started with 20,000, after buying it he would have had 16,000. He
sold it to Alice, which left him with 21,000 and then bought it again leaving him 15,000.
Fred finally sold it again leaving him with 22,000. So Fred's profit was 2,000
20. 0, zero, none, nothing: there is a least one person who has lost all of their fingers on one
hand, and so has zero fingers on that hand. So the number we get would be 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
x 5 x ... x 5 x 0. And anything times zero is zero

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