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EED 2012 LAB



Std. No.

Name & Surname:


Group No :_____________
Submitted to:_____________
Date :_____________

Spring, 2013

To measure DC and AC voltages in common-emitter amplifier. To obtain measured values of
voltage amplification (Av ) input impedance (Zi) and output impedance (Zo) for loaded and unloaded
(2) 3.3k
(1) 10k
(2) 1k
(1) 33k
(1) 100F
(2) 15 F
(2) NPN (2N3904, 2N2219, or equivalent general purpose transistor)
The common-emitter (CE) transistor amplifier configuration is widely used. It provides large
voltage gain (typically tens to hundreds) and provides moderate input and output
impedance. The AC signal voltage gain is defined as
Av = Vo/Vi
where Vo and Vi can both be rms, peak, or peak-peak values. The input impedance, Zi, is
that of the amplifier (as seen by the input signal). The output impedance, Zo, is that seen
looking from the load into the output of the amplifier.
For the voltage-divider DC bias configuration (see Fig. 5.1), all DC bias voltages can be
approximately determined without knowing the exact value of transistor beta. The transistor's
AC dynamic resistance, re, can be calculated using

AC Voltage Gain: The AC voltage gain of a CE amplifier (under no-load) can be calculated

If RE is bypassed by a capacitor use RE = 0 in the above equation.


AC Input Impedance: The AC input impedance is calculated using

If RE is bypassed by a capacitor use RE = 0 in the above equation.


AC Output Impedance: The AC output impedance is

Zo = R C


Part 1. Common Emitter DC Bias.
a. Insert measured values of each resistor in Fig. 5.1


Figure 5.1.

b. Calculate DC bias values fort he circuit of Fig. 5.1. Record calculated values below.

VB (Calculated) =
VE (Calculated) =
VC (Calculated) =
IE (Calculated) =
Calculate re using Eq. 5.1 and the calculated level of IE.

c. Wire up the circuit of Fig.5.1. Set VCC = 10 V. Check the DC bias of the circuit measuring values of
VC (measured)=
Check that these values compare well with those calculated in step l(b). Calculate the DC emitter
current using
IE = VE / RE

IE =
Calculate the AC dynamic resistance, re using the measured value of IE.

r e=

Compare re with that calculated in step 1(b).

Part 2. Common-Emitter AC Volateg Gain

a. Calculate the amplifier voltage gain for a fully bypassed emitter using Eq. 5.2.

Av(calculated) =
b. Apply an AC signal, Vsig = 20 mV, rms at f = 1 kHz. Observe the output waveform on the scope to
be sure that there is no distortion ( if there is, reduce the input signal or check th DC bias.) Measure
the resulting AC output voltage, Vo , using the scope or DMM.

Vo(measured) =
Calculate the circuit no-load voltage gain using measured values.

Av =
Compare the measured value of Av with that calculated in step 2(a).
Part 3. AC Input Impedance, Zi
a. Calculate Zi using Eq. 5.3. Use the beta measured with a transistor curve tracer, beta
tester, or the nominal listed value in specification sheets (say, = 150).

Zi (calculated) =
b. To measure Zi connect an input measurement resistor, Rx = 1 k, as shown in Fig. 5.2. Apply
input Vsig = 20 mV, rms. Observe the output waveform with a scope to ensure that no
distortion is present (adjust input amplitude if necessary). Measure Vi

Figure 5.2
Vi(measured) =
Solving for Vi using

We get

Zi =
Compare the measured value of Zi with that calculated in step3(a).

Part 4. Output Impedance, ZO

a. Calculate ZO using Eq. 5.4.

ZO (calculated)=
b. Removeinput measurement resistor, Rx. For input of Vsig = 20 mV rms, measure the output
voltage, Vo. Check output waveform to ensure that no distortion is present.
Vo [measured] (unloaded) = Vo =
Now connect load RL = 3 k and measure Vo.
Vo [measured] (loaded)= VL =
The output impedance can be obtained from

for which

ZO =
Compare the measured value of ZO with taht calculated in step 4(a).

Part 5. Oscilloscope Measurement

Connect the amplifier of Fig. 5.1. For input of Vsig = 20 m V, p-p, at a frequency of f= 1kHz,
sketch the waveforms for Vsig and Vo in Fig. 5.3.

Figure 5.3

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