Webinar - PresentationSkills For NonIT Audience - Session1

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Presentation Skills for IT

Professionals series
Session 1: Preparing content for a non-technical audience

Alan Carroll

12 May 2014

Agenda for todays Career Advantage webinar

Welcome and logistics
Speaker introduction

Todays session: Preparing content for a non-technical audience

Question & Answer
Upcoming Webinars

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Cisco Confidential


This will be an interactive session. Ask questions using the Q&A panel
in WebEx on the right side of the screen

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Todays Topic: Preparing Content for a non-Technical

First session in the sixpart Webinar series

In this session you will learn how to take very technical content and present the data
packets in a way that is easy for non technical minded managers to understand.

Additionally, you will understand the roles and responsibilities you play when conducting
a presentation.

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Enroll for Entire Series in NetSpace

NetAcad students /alumni: Self-enroll in NetSpace to register for

upcoming sessions plus

PRIZES! Opportunity to win The Broadband Connection,

the Art of Delivering a Winning IT Presentation e-book

Earn a Certificate of Participation

Register today: http://cs.co/diys

Non NetAcad Students : Visit www.NetAcadAdvantage.com to

register for upcoming sessions and view past recordings

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

About our Speaker: Alan Carroll

Alan Carroll of Alan Carroll and Associates has been teaching presentation
and communication skills workshops at Cisco Systems worldwide for over
20 years.
He travels the world teaching diverse key skills and techniques to CCIEs,
engineers, account managers, and executives. He is a licensed psychologist
and lives with his family in Connecticut in the United States.

Alan is also the author of the book The Broadband Connection -the
Art of Delivering a Winning IT Presentation.

Visit his website: http://carrolltrain.com/

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Goal for the webinar series

The purpose of these six sessions is to expand your ability

to prepare and deliver an effective presentation by
incorporating a set of tools that will result in increasing your
confidence, clarity, relaxation and presence in front of the

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Session 1: Preparing your Technical Content for a nonTechnical Audience

Imagine Youve been invited to present your expertise to a group of stakeholders in
your organization who are looking to YOU for YOUR advice on how to move forward with
a technology solution.
Are you prepared to communicate your in-depth knowledge in a way that will make sense
to this audience?
Todays session will help you prepare the content of your presentation in a way that will
make sense to a non-technical audience.

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Make your presentation RELEVANT to your audience

Who is your audience?

Do you understand the problem, challenge or pain to

address with your audience?

How will you engage your audience and keep their


What Is In It For Me (WIIIFM)?

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Cisco Confidential

Communication Packaging- Feeding your Audience

Different people have different appetites depending on their

knowledge, title and loyalty to the conversation.

How will you know how much to feed your audience?

What is the depth of the data you are going to


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Cisco Confidential


How will you deliver content?

Different people have different appetites, but also ways to consume. What is the most

effective way to deliver content?

Power Point
Flip Chart
White Board
WebEx or other virtual tools

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Cisco Confidential


What do you think?

What are the pros and cons of using WebEx to present?

Share your ideas in the chat!

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Cisco Confidential


Barriers to Clarity
What are the barriers that block the audience from understanding your communication?

#1 Barrier: Misunderstood Word or acronym

#2 Barrier: Lack of mass or three dimensions
#3 Barrier: Gradient is too steep

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential


Concept: Manager of the Conversation

You have roles and responsibilities to play when conducting a presentation.

There are 10 roles which we will cover along the webinar series:

Role #1: Manager of Clarity

Role #2: Shepherd and the Flock of Sheep
Role #3: Tour Guide

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential


Seven Habits of Highly Effective Presenters

Spin off book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Remember the 7 habits of a Highly Effective Presenter using this acronym:

Today we will look at

A = Authority

Effective presenters have authority on the subject matter. They are able to simplify and establish
a gradient that meets the technical level of the audience.
2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential


Lets Review: Key Learnings

We discussed several important topics today to help you communicate effectively with a

non-technical audience:

Hold the Attention of your Audience

What Is In It For Me (WIIIFM)
Communication Packaging

3 Barriers to Understanding
3 roles in Manager of Conversation
RAPSORE: Seven Habits of Highly Effective Presenters A

2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential



2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential


Upcoming Webinars:
Session 2: Establish a relationship with your audience
2: JuneJune
12 12
Topic: 7am
with your
16h Dubai
19h Singapore

Understand how to create common ground and build rapport with your

Learn about conveying energy and passion as you deliver your presentation
to help you maximize the effectiveness of your presentation.
2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential


Upcoming Webinars:
Mentoring Your GPS to a Successful Career
Thursday, 22 May
This is the first session in the
2 sessions:
six- part Webinar series !
Webinar 1: 7am Amsterdam 16h
Dubai, 13h Singapore
Webinar 2: 8am San Francisco,
11am New York, 17h Amsterdam

Learn about the various aspects of the mentoring process, the roles of both mentor
and mentee, as well as guidelines to make the most out of the relationship.
Interactive roundtable with mentors and mentees who will share their experiences.
2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential


Thank you.

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