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odays pensions strike and national protest in Aylesbury

in protest at the vicious sacking of FBU EC member Ricky
Matthews is sending a clear message to the Government that
firefighters and the FBU are still fighting back against their
attacks. This determination was personally brought home to
Fire Minister Penny Mordaunt when hundreds of firefighters
blockaded her car from getting to the opening ceremony of the
new West Norwood fire station two weeks ago. There was no
way that she wasnt getting a hot reception after the hypocritical
Tories closed 10 fire stations over the last year.
The four-day strike in November saw huge public support for


our unions continued action, cutting through propaganda and

misconceptions about greedy firefighters. A strong campaign
of continued industrial action and explanation can beat back
the government; it can make the Penny drop!
Some members were nervous about escalating to four days
action, which was a solid strike, and some will be nervous about
escalating it further. Equally, many members are so angry at
endless local attacks, on top of our national dispute, that they
are keen for next strike dates to be announced swiftly, and for a
longer period. Some activists are suggesting an 8-day strike.

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Public support exists for further action, everyone is under the

cosh. Even bigger strike action with a publicity blitz and
well-resourced pickets will tap that support and boost
members confidence.
11 unions took part in the second national strike of health
workers on 24 November against real-terms pay cuts and more
action is possible in the New Year. There are a whole number of
disputes taking place in the private sector, some of them
resulting in victories, as workers demand a share of this onesided recovery. Every busworker in London is being balloted
by Unite to demand equalisation of pay rates across the many
different companies.
We are not alone! Coordinating our action with others
maximises its impact and lifts workers confidence within and
beyond our union.

and activists that solidarity has to be built with our union.

Build a political alternative that stands up for workers
Firefighters in every area have suffered cuts whatever
political party runs the local town hall. While we all want to see
the end of this fat cat government, its clear that workers have
little confidence that Miliband and Labour will stand up to the
City and the bond markets who want austerity and privatisation
to continue. In fact, Labour has accepted Tory spending limits
if they win the election! This pro-cuts, pro-big business political
mainstream is allowing the ex-stockbroker Nigel Farage to
position right-wing anti-worker UKIP as an anti-establishment
party. But the fact that 70% of UKIP voters support
renationalisation of the railways and Royal Mail show that the
potential exists for a mass party that fights for the policies of
the unions.

We believe that further action be called for a period longer than

4 days, with consideration given to an eight-day walkout. We
also think that our union should meet the health unions so that
we can co-ordinate action with any other NHS strikes in the New
Year. We could also raise with them a national demonstration
to defend the NHS and the fire service to supplement industrial

TUSC was initiated by late RMT leader Bob Crow to put forward
trade union and socialist candidates in recognition that we
need a workers alternative to all the existing parties. TUSC will
field 100+ general election candidates and 1000+ local
election candidates on the basis of opposing austerity,
repealing the anti-union laws, and supporting the unions.
TUSCs party political broadcast can reach millions of voters
with a pro trade union message. FBU activists in many areas
are involved in TUSC.

Bucks union-bashing a threat to us all

We urge our union across Britain to link up at every level with

TUSC and discuss how we can support TUSCs challenge, and
how TUSC candidates can further promote our policies.

Members across the country are furious at the latest unionbashing act in Bucks, the sacking of Ricky Matthews. We need
a campaign to build the confidence of our Bucks members with
a view to balloting them for action as soon as they are confident
to do so.
Many members are already asking whether Rickys sacking
is an orchestrated act to test how far union-busting can be
taken. If Bucks get away with sacking Ricky then we will see
widespread further assaults on our union. On the other hand,
if members in Bucks see that the whole of our membership is
behind them, they will gain confidence to take action against
union-bashing and win Rickys reinstatement. The national
demonstration today in Bucks is an important step in this.
The National Shop Stewards Network - has put out the call to thousands of shop stewards


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