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Situation of Leningraders and Leningrad before war Chapter 7

Dunmore gives the readers an overview of the beginning of the Crisis. On one side, readers notice
the end of the golden summer and on the other side, the beginning of the dark phase. Katinka
(Katya dies at the end of this chapter) as the Leningraders continue their craving for lives.

statues are disappearing

whole city is going into disguise and its people are going into disguise with it
anna is digging again. Shes digging for her life.
there are aeroplane like black crows searching the fields for grain
everyones hands are raw with blisters
if you smear honey on they heal quicker
honey is an antiseptic
katyas brought nothing with her. Only herself, and her small, rather delicate hands which
have certainly never held a spade before
instead, shes (katya) here, along with every other Leningrader whos capable of holding a
spade, and plenty who arent
its normal to get up at dawn
normal to queue for hastily dug latrines
normal to gobble down a couple of slices of bread to stumble to work
eyes are bleary
back and arms ache
normal to run for cover at the sound of aircraft
normal to see someone who didnt move fast enough
two realities now
summer trees, startled birds on one side and hour after hour of digging, zig-zag of
lightning on the other.
trains are leaving from here
kids are packed into every corner of the carriages, kids are jammed against the windows.
who is in a dream as usual (Katya)
bricks knocking her to the ground second raining on the back of her neck
the tank-trapsve got to be finished by tonight.

Chapter 8
The German front line advances the Luga Line and Marina shifts to Annas dacha requesting her
to go and dig tank traps and promises Anna to take care of Kolya. All Leningraders show their will
for life as they continue digging. The readers get a hint of the crisis at the beginning as there is
shelling from the German Bastards and night and terror dissolve. ( At first, Marina was a
character whose letters were passed on to Mikhail by Vera for reading, in Annas mind, but this
was changing gradually)
Chapter 9
Dunmore presents to the readers an insight of the character of Andrei as he finds Mikhails diary
while he is unconscious. Andrei is a medical student who is currently helping and treating
everyone. The readers also see how skilled he is as he treats the wounded Leningraders without

any equipment. The readers are noticed about the rocketing number of casualties. The whole
city sinks in the German Storm as huts are on fire and everything is burning. The reactions of
Leningraders are noticeable. They are absolutely shocked upon visualizing the serious and
dreadful condition of the city. Some kids have even lost their parents and are on their own now.
As expected, this seems to be only the beginning of what is said to be the Siege as readers dont
notice any food shortages yet.
Chapter 10
Andrei searches for the street to deliver Mikhails diary to the relatives and also tell them about
his condition. His character is further thrown light on as he gets on well no only with his roommate but with most of the other people In the apartment and also he loves his home country,
Siberia. Andrei compares how Siberia is much better than Leningrad as it has a clean blue face
of the sky, and its the only place where you can really breathe.
*Anna and Andrei have a long conversation as she gives him tea and bread*
The readers also get an insight of the relationship of Anna and Andrei as on one side he seems to
be caring so much for her even though they have just met and on the other Anna cares for him
and what he likes to eat and even knows whats going on in his mind. Readers get a hint of the
potential chemistry of the relationship even though, this is just the beginning. Further Andrei
shows more interest in Anna.

watch that knife Andrei

Towards the end of the chapter, the readers notice how much Andrei cares for the family and
this in turn interests Anna as they get romantic. (he wants to tell Anna about her fathers
condition straight away)
Chapter 11
This chapter revolves around Anna coming back from the work (digging trenches) and Elizaveta
Antovna handing over to her a couple of children who need to be, as soon as possible, away
from the air raids. The readers also notice how everyone craves to get as far as possible from
this crisis (mothers and their children) as Anna commands to the two little girls. The evacuation
of these Leningraders is observed. Children, who are supposed to be running in the park, tasting
the last of summer as winter is on its way but are getting evacuated, which shows that the
children are given the first priority to be safe as they are the future of Leningrad and nor can
they help dig or help cook. Ultimately, the readers get another hint of the worsening situation of
Leningrad as the bombings increase and food drains out rapidly.
On the other side, Anna realizes that Marina is a very helpful lady and without her help, she
wouldve had to send Kolya away too. Marina has earned her right to a place in their lives. She
queues, she makes meals, and she even manages to keep Kolya happy.
Aeroplanes surround the city as the last nights of summer are wasted. Leaflets are dropped this
time, instead of bombs that say

Leningrad is already defeated Our victory is inevitable, and resistance will only make things
worse for you. Your armies are withdrawing to Moscow. The defeat of Leningrad is inevitable.
Prices have hot sky high
Page 100
Chapter 12

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