Scientist Biography Assignment Details

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Physical Science AA

Science Biography Research Assignment

Project Learning Objectives:

• To understand how the time period in which a scientist lives influences the
development of scientific discoveries and advancement.

• To learn how to properly use the internet as a reliable source for information.

• To communicate and collaborate with other ninth grade students from

Norwood High School (NHS) and the School of Creative and Performing Arts

Each student will do the following:

1. Choose a scientist from a specific time period (i.e. the Enlightenment Era).

2. Use reliable sources to collect data about the scientist, the context of the
time period in which the scientist lived, and the science/invention/discovery
for which the scientist is known.

3. Answer the questions below using the data that has been collected.

4. Create a website (blog site) about their particular scientist.

5. Come up with 5 images or “icons” that represent the scientist.

6. Participate in an online discussion with other “scientists” and “artists” from

the same particular time period. (You will be asked to “discuss” or dialogue
on specific topics as your scientist, using your understanding of the thinking
of the time and the individual’s beliefs and knowledge to develop your

The questions below should be used to guide your research and in

developing the final pieces to your project.
Learning about the scientist
1. What events early in the scientist’s life might indicate or have sparked an
interest in science?
2. What role did mentors play in developing talents/interests?
3. What was the state of knowledge that existed in the areas of study when the
scientist entered the field?
4. What were the major accomplishments of the scientist, the methodologies
used and principals of science that were upheld?
5. What was the state of “the academy” of science and how did this impact the
scientist’s work?
6. What were the individual’s limitations as a scientist or as a person?

Learning about the context of the time

1. What were the prevalent philosophical and/or religious beliefs at the time?
2. How did the individual’s ideas fit with or differ from the beliefs in question 7?
3. What major cultural, economic, and political situations were taking places at
the time of the person’s work?
4. What artists, musicians, and writers were working at the same time and in
the same country as the person?
5. What were the basic demographics of the country during the time the person
was working?
6. How were gender and class roles defined during this time frame?

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