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Swine Flu FAQ • Young children, especially those under 12

WebMD Provides Answers to Your Questions months of age

About Swine Flu • Elderly people are at high risk of severe flu
By Daniel J. DeNoon disease. But relatively few swine flu cases have
WebMD Health News been seen in people over age 65.
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD • People with heart disease or risk factors for
What is swine flu? heart disease
Like people, pigs can get influenza (flu), but swine flu • People with HIV infection
viruses aren't the same as human flu viruses. Swine • People with chronic diseases
flu doesn't often infect people, and the rare human
cases that have occurred in the past have mainly • People taking immune-suppressing drugs, such
affected people who had direct contact with pigs. But as cancer chemotherapy or anti-rejection drugs
the current "swine flu" outbreak is different. It's for transplants
caused by a new swine flu virus that has changed in People in these groups should seek medical care as
ways that allow it to spread from person to person -- soon as they get flu symptoms.
and it's happening among people who haven't had
any contact with pigs. That makes it a human flu If I think I have swine flu, what should I do? When
virus. In an effort to avoid confusion, the CDC is should I see my doctor?
calling the virus "novel influenza A (H1N1) virus" to If you have flu symptoms, stay home, and when you
distinguish it both from flu viruses that infect mainly cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a
pigs and from the seasonal influenza A H1N1 viruses tissue. Afterward, throw the tissue in the trash and
that have been in circulation for many years. wash your hands. That will help prevent your flu from
What are swine flu symptoms?
Symptoms of swine flu are like regular flu symptoms If you have only mild flu symptoms, you do not need
and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, medical attention unless your illness gets worse. But if
body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Many you are in one of the groups at high risk of severe
people with swine flu have had diarrhea and vomiting. disease, contact your doctor at the first sign of flu-like
Nearly everyone with flu has at least two of these illness. In such cases, the CDC recommends that
symptoms. But these symptoms can also be caused people call or email their doctor before rushing to an
by many other conditions. That means that you and emergency room.
your doctor can't know, just based on your symptoms,
But there are emergency warning signs.
if you've got swine flu. Health care professionals may
offer a rapid flu test, although a negative result Children should be given urgent medical attention if
doesn't necessarily mean you don't have the flu. they:

Only lab tests can definitively show whether you've • Have fast breathing or trouble breathing
got swine flu. State health departments can do these
• Have bluish or gray skin color
tests. But given the large volume of samples coming
in to state labs, these tests are being reserved for • Are not drinking enough fluid
patients with severe flu symptoms. Currently, doctors • Are not waking up or not interacting
are reserving antiviral drugs for people with or at risk
of severe influenza. • Have severe or persistent vomiting
• Are so irritable that the child does not want to be
Who is at highest risk from H1N1 swine flu?
Most U.S. cases of H1N1 swine flu have been in older
children and young adults. It's not clear why, and it's • Have flu-like symptoms that improve but then
not clear whether this will change. return with fever and a worse cough
• Have fever with a rash
But certain groups are at particularly high risk of
severe disease or bad outcomes if they get the flu: Adults should seek urgent medical attention if they
• Pregnant women
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen No. But the CDC and the World Health Organization
are already taking the first steps toward making such
• Sudden dizziness
a vaccine. That's a lengthy process that takes
• Confusion months. The process includes limited clinical tests to
• Severe or persistent vomiting see how well the vaccine elicits flu-neutralizing
antibodies and to evaluate vaccine safety. If
• Flu-like symptoms that improve, but then come everything goes perfectly -- and flu vaccine production
back with worsening fever or cough is very tricky -- there could be a U.S. swine flu vaccine
Keep in mind that your doctor will not be able to in October 2009. But that is an extremely optimistic
determine whether you have swine flu, but he or she prediction.
may take a sample from you and send it to a state
Even if officials decide to make a swine flu vaccine for
health department lab for testing to see if it's swine
this winter, many questions remain. It's not yet clear
flu. If your doctor suspects swine flu, he or she would
whether people will need one or two shots or whether
be able to write you a prescription for Tamiflu or
an immune-boosting substance called adjuvant will
Relenza. These antiviral medications aren't a question
have to be used. And, it's still not clear who should be
of life or death for the vast majority of people. Most
vaccinated first, and who should be at the end of the
U.S. swine flu patients have made a full recovery
without antiviral drugs.
I had a flu vaccine this season. Am I protected
How does swine flu spread? Is it airborne?
against swine flu?
The new swine flu virus apparently spreads just like
No. This season's flu vaccine does not protect against
regular flu. You could pick up germs directly from
the new swine flu virus.
droplets from the cough or sneeze of an infected
person, or by touching an object they recently Whether or not there's a swine flu vaccine this winter,
touched, and then touching your eyes, mouth, or there will be a new seasonal flu vaccine in the fall.
nose, delivering their germs for your own infection. This year, it will be more important than ever to get a
That's why you should make washing your hands a flu shot. It may not protect against swine flu -- but it
habit, even when you're not ill. Infected people can will keep you and others from getting the seasonal flu
start spreading flu germs up to a day before viruses that kill some 36,000 Americans each year.
symptoms start, and for up to seven days after getting
sick, according to the CDC. How can I prevent swine flu infection?
The CDC recommends taking these steps:
The swine flu virus can become airborne if you cough
or sneeze without covering your nose and mouth, • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water,
sending germs into the air. especially after coughing or sneezing. Or, use an
alcohol-based hand cleaner if soap and water are
The U.S. residents infected with swine flu virus had not available.
no direct contact with pigs. The only way to get the
new swine flu is from another person. • Avoid close contact -- that is, being within six feet
-- with people who have flu-like symptoms.
How is swine flu treated?
• Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. That's
The new swine flu virus is sensitive to the antiviral not easy to do, so keep those hands clean.
drugs Tamiflu and Relenza. The CDC recommends
those drugs to prevent or treat swine flu; the drugs • If you have flu-like symptoms -- fever plus at least
are most effective when taken within 48 hours of the cough or sore throat or other flu symptoms -- stay
start of flu symptoms. But not everyone needs those home for seven days after symptoms egin or until
drugs. Most people who have come down with swine you've been symptom-free for 24 hours --
flu have recovered without treatment. The Department whichever is longer.
of Homeland Security has released 25% of its • The CDC does not recommend using a face
stockpile of Tamiflu and Relenza to states. Health mask or respirator in community or home
officials have asked people not to hoard Tamiflu or settings. However, the CDC says that people at
Relenza. increased risk of severe flu illness may consider
wearing a N-95 respirator or face mask in
Is there a vaccine against the new swine flu virus?
crowded settings in communities where swine flu
is circulating or when taking care of a person with but that's plenty of time for you to transfer it to your
flu-like illness. It's not known whether face masks mouth, nose, or eyes.
actually protect against flu transmission.
Can I still eat pork?
• People who have or are suspected of having
Yes. You can't get swine flu by eating pork, bacon, or
swine flu should wear a face mask, if available
other foods that come from pigs.
and tolerable, when sharing common spaces with
other household members, when outside the What else should I be doing?
home, or when breastfeeding. Keep informed of what's going on in your community.
Your state and local health departments may have
important information if swine flu develops in your
Should I wear a face mask or respirator? area. For instance, parents might want to consider
Every day, newspapers carry pictures of people what they would do if their child's school temporarily
wearing face masks to prevent swine flu transmission. closed because of flu. Don't panic, but a little planning
But very little is known about whether face masks wouldn't hurt.
actually protect against the flu.
Here's the advice from the U.S. government's
There's a difference between a face mask and a web site:
respirator. A face mask does not seal tightly to the
To plan for a pandemic:
face. Face masks include masks labeled as surgical,
dental, medical procedure, isolation, or laser masks. • Store a two-week supply of water and food.
Respirators are N95 or higher filtering face pieces that During a pandemic, if you cannot get to a store,
fit snugly on the face. Respirators, when correctly or if stores are out of supplies, it will be
adjusted, filter out virus particles -- but it's hard to important for you to have extra supplies on
breathe through them for extended periods, and they hand. This can be useful in other types of
cannot be worn by children or people with facial hair. emergencies, such as power outages and
People who have flu-like symptoms should carry
disposable tissues to cover their coughs and sneezes. • Periodically check your regular prescription
When going out in public, or when sharing common drugs to ensure a continuous supply in your
spaces around the home with family members, they home.
should put on a face mask -- if one is available and
• Have any nonprescription drugs and other
health supplies on hand, including pain
People not at risk of severe flu illness can best protect relievers, stomach remedies, cough and cold
themselves from swine flu with frequent handwashing medicines, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins.
and by staying at least six feet away from people with • Talk with family members and loved ones about
flu symptoms. But if swine flu is circulating in the how they would be cared for if they got sick, or
community, a face mask or respirator may be what will be needed to care for them in your
protective in crowded public places. home.
People at increased risk of severe flu illness -- • Volunteer with local groups to prepare and
pregnant women, for example -- may wish to consider assist with emergency response.
using a facemask under certain circumstances, such
• Get involved in your community as it works to
as when providing assistance to a person with flu-like
prepare for an influenza pandemic.
illness. But the CDC prefers such people follow more
tried-and-true methods of staying healthy, such as Items to have on hand for an extended stay at home:
handwashing and avoiding ill people.
Examples of food Examples of medical,
How long does the flu virus survive on surfaces? and non- health, and emergency
perishables supplies
Flu bugs can survive for hours on surfaces. One study
showed that flu viruses can live for up to 48 hours on • Ready-to-eat • Prescribed medical
hard, nonporous surfaces such as stainless steel and canned meats, fish, supplies such as glucose
for up to 12 hours on cloth and tissues. The virus fruits, vegetables, and blood-pressure
beans, and soups monitoring equipment
seems to survive for only minutes on your hands --
• Protein or fruit • Soap and water, or more information on preparedness planning, see the
bars alcohol-based (60-95%) U.S. government's web site.
hand wash
Why has the swine flu infection been more severe
• Dry cereal or • Medicines for fever, in Mexico than in other countries?
granola such as acetaminophen or
ibuprofen That's not clear yet. Researchers around the world
are investigating the differences between the cases in
• Peanut butter • Thermometer Mexico and those elsewhere. The data so far
or nuts suggests that many more people in Mexico had mild
• Dried fruit • Anti-diarrheal swine flu infections than had originally been
medication appreciated.

• Crackers • Vitamins Have there been previous swine flu oubtreaks?

Yes. There was a swine flu outbreak at Fort Dix, N.J.,
• Canned juices • Fluids with in 1976 among military recruits. It lasted about a
month and then went away as mysteriously as it
• Bottled water • Cleansing appeared. As many as 240 people were infected; one
agent/soap died.

• Canned or • Flashlight The swine flu that spread at Fort Dix was the H1N1
jarred baby food and strain. That's the same flu strain that caused the
formula disastrous flu pandemic of 1918-1919, resulting in
• Pet food • Batteries tens of millions of deaths worldwide.

Concern that a new H1N1 pandemic might return in

• Other non- • Portable radio
perishable items winter 1976 led to a crash program to create a
vaccine and vaccinate all Americans against swine
• Manual can opener flu. That vaccine program ran into all kinds of
problems -- not the least of which was public
• Garbage bags
perception that the vaccine caused excessive rates of
• Tissues, toilet dangerous reactions. That may not have been the
paper, disposable diapers case. But after more than 40 million people were
vaccinated, the effort was abandoned.

As it turned out, there was no swine flu epidemic.

Even though it's an H1N1 type A flu bug, the new

How severe is swine flu? swine flu is a different virus than the ones that
The severity of cases in the current swine flu outbreak emerged in 1918 and in 1976 -- and from the
has varied widely, from mild cases to fatalities. Most seasonal type A H1N1 virus that has been circulating
U.S. cases have been mild, but there have been a for many years.
number of deaths and hundreds of hospitalizations --
There have been two flu pandemics since 1918 -- one
mostly in young people aged 5 to 24 years.
that began in 1957, and another that began in 1968.
How severe is swine flu? continued...
I was vaccinated against the 1976 swine flu virus.
It's impossible to know whether the virus will go away
Am I still protected?
or whether it will become more deadly. Scientists are
Probably not. The new swine flu virus is different from
watching closely to see which way the new swine flu
the 1976 virus. And it's not clear whether a vaccine
virus is heading -- but health experts warn that flu
given more than 30 years ago would still be effective.
viruses are notoriously hard to predict.
How many people have swine flu?
But there's a lot of planning you can do. CDC officials
predict that just about every U.S. community will have That's a hard question to answer because the figure is
H1N1 swine flu cases. It's possible some schools in changing so quickly. If you want to keep track of U.S.
your community may temporarily close. So make cases that have been confirmed by lab tests and
contingency plans just in case you are affected. For reported to the CDC, check the CDC's web site. If
you're looking for cases in other countries, visit the
World Health Organization's web site. And, when you
hear about large numbers of people who are ill,
remember that lab tests may not yet have been done
to confirm that they have swine flu. And, there may be
a little lag time before confirmed cases make it into
the official tally.

But these numbers are misleading, because mild flu

cases are rarely counted. Flu experts estimate that for
every confirmed case of flu, there are 20 additional flu

How serious is the public health threat of a swine

flu epidemic?
The U.S. government has declared swine flu to be a
public health emergency.

It remains to be seen how severe swine flu will be in

the U.S. and elsewhere, but countries worldwide are
monitoring the situation closely and preparing for the
possibility of a pandemic.

The World Health Organization has declared swine flu

to be a pandemic. That means that all nations can
expect to see swine flu infections -- and should
prepare for them -- but does not mean the virus has
become more severe.

The H1N1 swine flu outbreak comes at the end of the

U.S. flu season. The virus has spread across the
nation. Nobody knows whether it will stick around all
summer or whether it will get worse when flu season
begins again this fall. But the CDC is warning
Americans to prepare for a bad flu season this fall. It's
better to over prepare and look a little silly if nothing
happens than to be unprepared for an emergency.

Scientists are closely watching the Southern

Hemisphere to see whether the H1N1 swine flu
begins to circulate there. If it does, it will be important
to see whether the virus changes over time, and
whether it spreads more efficiently in the winter

WebMD senior writer Miranda Hitti contributed to this


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