Mind-Body Medicine Researcher Elizabeth Blackburn Shares Nobel Prize, Plus More

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lizabeth Blackburn, PhD , the Reiki, an energy-based therapy devel- are not valid; it’s simply that it hasn’t

E Australian-born professor of biolo-

gy and physiology at the University
of California, San Francisco, has been
oped in Japan thousands of years ago that
has become more common in the West,
has been used by its practitioners to help
been worked out whether it’s the placebo
effect or whether it’s the Reiki itself,”
Benson told the Boston Globe.
awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in patients manage pain, stress, and anxiety
Physiology or Medicine. She shares the and recover more quickly from illness ◆◆◆
award with her colleagues, Carol Greider, and surgery. The church bishops, howev-
PhD, professor of molecular biology and er, have decided that the therapy’s effica- OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCES
genetics at Johns Hopkins School of cy is not supported by either the tenets of UNIVERSITY LAUNCHES STUDY ON
Medicine in Baltimore; and Jack Szostak, Christianity or science. “A Catholic who STRESS REDUCTION TECHNIQUES
PhD , professor of genetics at Harvard puts his or her trust in Reiki would be FOR ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVERS
Medical School in Boston, who, according operating in the realm of superstition, Oregon Health Sciences University’s
to the Nobel Prize Committee, “solved a the no-man’s land that is neither faith Oregon Center for Complementary and
major problem in biology: how the chro- nor science,” the bishops said. Alternative Medicine in Neurological
mosomes can be copied in a complete According to the Nashua, New Disorders (ORCCAMIND) in Portland,
way during cell divisions and how they Hampshire–based International has begun a study that will measure which
are protected against degradation.” Association of Reiki Professionals, Reiki of several potential stress-reduction tech-
Blackburn was awarded the Nobel has never purported to offer patients a niques works most effectively for caregiv-
prize for her part in the discovery of specific cure for disease. Its use is as a ers of Alzheimer’s Disease patients. Barry
telomeres, the caps on the ends of chro- therapeutic tool to help patients create Oken, MD, director of the center and pro-
mosomes that protect genetic informa- within themselves an environment that fessor of neurology and behavioral neu-
tion. In an interview with the New York facilitates healing. roscience, and colleagues launched the
Times, Blackburn described telomeres as The Catholic Church’s ruling comes study in October.
“like the tips of shoelaces.” And, as with as Reiki is enjoying increasing popularity Some 108 study participants have
shoelaces, if the tips are lost, the ends in the United States. According to a 2007 been placed into 1 of 3 groups: a 7-week
start fraying. survey by the National Institutes of meditation group, a 7-week caregiver
Blackburn’s discovery and her sub- Health (NIH), about 1.2 million people training group, or a group that receives 7
sequent work with psychologists on in this country have experienced Reiki. weeks of regular relief from their caregiv-
telomeres, stress, and meditation, have Indeed, the therapy has captured the ing duties by trained professionals.
opened new areas of inquiry into the attention of NIH to the extent that the Successful stress reduction will be
components of aging and disease, at least government-run health institute is fund- measured by reports of self-perceived
one of which seems to prove a mind-body ing a study of the effects of Reiki on stress by caregivers, heart rate variability,
connection. “In my lab, we’re finding that stress. “Should Reiki decrease stress path- breathing irregularities, and stress hor-
psychological stress actually ages cells, ways or reduce physiological responses mone levels. “Currently there is little to
which can be seen when you measure the to stressful situations, it could be a useful no data to direct physicians and individu-
wearing down of the tips of the chromo- adjunct to traditional medicine and have als [in stress relief techniques],” Oken
somes, those telomeres,” Blackburn said. significant health and economic bene- s a i d i n a s t at e m e n t p o s t e d o n
fits,” an NIH statement announcing the ORCCAMIND’s web site. He concluded,
◆◆◆ study said. “The purpose of this study is to provide
However, Herbert Benson, MD , more direction so that physicians can give
REIKI BANNED AT CATHOLIC director emeritus of the Benson-Henry the patient/caregivers the best advice.”
HOSPITALS IN THE UNITED STATES Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at
The US Conference of Catholic Massachusetts General Hospital, said the
Bishops has announced that Reiki will no jury is still out as to whether Reiki’s bene-
longer be practiced in the church’s hospi- fits are based in science or in the placebo
tals and retreat centers. effect. “It’s not that the healing benefits

6 ADVANCES Fall 2009, VOL. 24, NO. 3 News

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