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All schools have a main purpose for existing that is to better the lives of children

by giving them the gift of knowledge. Every teacher has a different way of providing this
knowledge but all teachers want the same thing, for their students to succeed. As long as
the teacher is able to connect with their students and create a positive learning
environment it really doesnt matter what school children attend. As a public school
teacher I will do my best to accomplish these tasks and prepare kids for the future
because kids are the future. They will be the ones running companies as CEOs in a few
years so they need to get educated in the best way possible.
If I were to choose a god or gods that I would serve as a biology teacher they
would be the god of Science and the god of technology. These right now with the way
society is developing are the important gods to serve. The god of science is such a good
god to serve because the science field is ever changing. Nothing about science is ever
stable. Scientists everywhere are making new discoveries of new species, new cures to
disease and new ways to utilize different organisms. The fact that science is ever
changing will show my students that life changes and nothing really ever stays the same
from when you are a child to adulthood. Many people grow up thinking that they want to
be in a certain profession when they grow up but normally as they grow up they
completely change their idea of their dream job. This is because as students grow up
they are constantly hearing new ideas, new ways of doing something or new ways of
dealing with emotions. These ideas change their depiction of their dream job because
they are more mature and have a better understanding of what is a feasible occupation
and what is not. An example of this is many kids grow up wanting to be professional

athletes. Although you always want kids to follow their dreams most of them never will
become professional athletes and they are faced with this unfortunate truth at the end of
their sports career. Teaching my students about the god of Science will definitely help
them in their future to understand that although some things stay the same everything is
subject to change and nothing is ever handed to you. The god of technology is also a
great god to serve as a teacher because just like science the technology field is changing.
If you look at where technology was back in the 1980s compared to where it is at now it
is honestly jaw dropping. The advancements that have been made are unreal. Society has
gone from using huge brick-like cell phones to pretty much carrying around a mini
computer with them in phones such as the iPhone or Droid. I would want my students to
learn that technology was not always like the way it is now. Many people had to make
advancements and invest a ton of time and money to get us to where we are today. This is
an important point to show my class because they need to know that you need to work for
what you want, nothing in life is ever handed to you. The god of technology is a great
example of this because if no one worked toward making advancements in technology we
would be so far behind and our country would be at a huge disadvantage in the world of
technology. As a biology teacher serving the god of Science and the god of Technology I
can teach my students that life is ever changing and if you want something to happen you
need to take action, nothing comes easy. The author that we have studied that I think
would most disagree with this narrative is Rafe Esquith. Rafe bases his whole class on the
god of English and the god of Language. Rafe is very interested in Shakespeare therefore
he is able to portray life ideals to the kids through acting out and reciting Shakespeare.
The god of English definitely plays a huge role in his classroom because everything he

does is based off of something he loves Shakespeare. I feel like Rafe would disagree with
my narrative because he feels that the gods of English and Language are the most
important and for his classs situation I feel those best fit. Teaching in downtown Los
Angeles many of his kids come from poor families so teaching them Shakespeare and the
life ideals portrayed through Shakespeare Rafe is setting his kids up for a successful life.
He wants them to all grow up and be successful and not become another one of the gang
members of downtown Los Angeles. Each teacher will serve different gods based upon
their own likes and the environment that surrounds them.
As a public school teacher you have the very difficult challenge of making
everything that you teach public and politically correct. By this I mean everything must
follow state standards like what can be taught and if it can be taught how must it be
presented. For example public school teachers really should never bring up religion or
anything about sexual practices. Public school teachers are very limited to what they can
teach. As a public school teacher I will make sure to always follow state standards. The
state makes standards for a reason they arent just there but they are there to be followed
and I understand that. I will never make religion a part of conversation unless it has
something to do with the curriculum. I understand that private schools are made for this
and should therefore be the only schools that can bring up religion in any other way then
through the curriculum. This is because parents choose to enroll their children in private
schools because of a certain program or a religion. Such as in a Catholic High School
religion is part of the curriculum therefore they have one class that specializes in teaching
children about the Catholic religion. Public school teachers have to be able to stay within
the lines of what is allowed and what can cause possible controversy in the classroom .I

feel like tax dollars should be spent as long as I am able to not cause controversies over
religion and am able to teach the state curriculum while also adding some of my own
information. I will be teaching my students life ideals as well as making sure they are in a
positive learning environment because these are the things that will benefit them the most.
Learning all of these ideas will enable my students to grow up and be very successful.
People say that private schools are better than public schools but I feel like it doesnt
matter what school you go to. Paying extra thousands of dollars to attend a private school
really doesnt guarantee that you will be getting a better education then the education one
would receive going to a public school. As a public school teacher I firmly believe that
children deserve the education that best benefits them. Jonathan Kozol talks about this in
his Theory of Opportunity. Kozol believes that under privileged kids will continue to
receive improper education because schools in these areas have poorly trained teachers
and have no money to purchase basic materials needed to run the schools. Kozol also
talks about how the common assumption made about these schools is well at least the
kids are getting some sort of education. This is so terrible to hear. Every child no matter
how rich, poor or disabled they are should be given an equal opportunity at learning.
Learning is not one of those things where people should have advantages. If a student has
a disability they should receive the proper help that they need so that can learn the same
things as every other child. I hate reading stories about how some schools treat children
with disabilities so unfairly. It is morally wrong to deny them an education just because
they are disabled. Every child deserves an equal opportunity at success. Also, if inner city
schools were better funded and staffed it would make a major difference. Students instead

of dropping out and living on the streets would succeed and hopefully go off to college or
work at a trade after high school.
Many future teachers go through education classes hearing the phrase 5,000 hours.
This is how many hours an average high school student spends in school. The question
that comes along with this phrase is how are you going to make those 5,000 hours worth
it? As a public school teacher I am going to make this time worth it to my students by
teaching them things they are actually going to use in the future. Countless times I was
caught sitting in high school classes asking myself when will I ever need to use this
again? It frustrated me so much because I honestly felt like I was wasting so much time
in some classes that I hardly cared about. The main ideals I want to instill in my students
is I want them to know the value of education and how important the decision of what
they want to do in their future is. Education is so important in many aspects in this day in
age the only way to get a really successful job is to go to college and get a degree. When
my parents grew up people were able to get good jobs just by graduating high school.
Society asks much more out of us as students therefore I want to show this to my students
so they will work as hard as possible to get to the next level. I will always have the
highest expectations of my students because I want them all to succeed. Another very
important ideal is I want my students to know the real importance behind their decision
of what they want to do for the rest of their lives. I will explain to them that they might
not see the consequences of not trying hard in school now but as they get older they will
because others around them will be just so much more knowledgeable. They need to put a
lot of thought into what they want to do for the rest of their lives because no one wants to
wake up every morning and hate going to work. I want them to find something they love

and enjoy waking up for every morning. I also need to make sure that as a teacher I am
organized and understand the subject matter very well so I can answer questions and help
students that are having trouble. Teaching my students these ideas and being very well
prepared and organized while also including the state curriculum in my classroom will
make the 5,000 hours spent in high school worth it for my students. As a public school
teacher there are some boundaries that a teacher should never cross. There are also
certain rights a teacher has with their students. First off the teacher has the right to teach
the child and discipline the child if they act out in class. This does not mean the teacher
has the right to hit the student because that is just not correct in anyway. I believe the
teacher also has the right to bring up controversial topics because whether you want to
believe it or not they are out there. Topics such as abortion or politics need to be talked
about because students need to be educated about them and know they are out there.
While talking about these topics however the teacher should never voice their opinion.
This is because opinions to topics like these could cause so much controversy in a
classroom and its all just unneeded. It creates a negative learning environment under
which no student can prosper which is not what you want. Teachers should also respect
family values and the fact that all families have different values. This means when talking
about these values the teacher needs to give the students different perspectives on them
instead of voicing their opinion. As a public school teacher I will make sure I respect all
of my students family values and never cause any controversy over these topics.
Teaching is such a demanding occupation. The teacher not only has to focus on
teaching the students material but also needs to be able to connect in a positive way with
the students. I believe that by serving the god of Science and the god of Technology I will

be able to teach my students very important life lessons. They will learn that rarely
anything in life stays the same, life is always subject to change and that if they want to do
something they need to work at it because nothing comes easy. By serving these gods and
teaching my students valuable life lessons, I will be making everything public and tax
dollars should definitely be spent to support the cause. By knowing my boundaries and
being able to avoid controversy I feel that I will be a very effective teacher that can
positively connect with the students.

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