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Dr Bahar Anwar, Spb-Onk, a surgeon-oncology (tumor surgery) FK UI graduate in his book "When the doctor
Meaning of Prayer" to clarify the meaning of the prayer movement. How exactly are the benefits of prayer and
movements medically? During this prayer we do five times a day, have made an investment in health to our lives.
Start of berwudlu (purification), with regards to the prayer movement has outstanding significance incredibly good
for physical health, mental and even spiritual and emotional balance. But unfortunately few of us understand. Here
the circuit and the health benefits of this second pillar of Islam.
a. Benefits generally
The skin is the largest organ of our body whose main function is to wrap the body and protects the body
from threats of germs, toxins, radiation also regulates body temperature, excretion function (landfills substances
useless through pores) and the medium of communication between nerve cells to pain stimuli, heat, a touch to the
pressure.So great is the function of the skin, its stability is determined by the pH (acidity) and moisture.Purification
is one method of maintaining the stability of the particular moisture.If the skin is often dry would be very
dangerous to the health of the skin, especially easily infected with the bacteria. By means of purification and
rejuvenation process of washing the skin, mucous membranes, and also the holes of the body associated with the
outside world (the pores of the skin, mouth, nose, ears). As we know, the skin is home to a banya and normal flora
bacteria, such as Staphylococcus epidermis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Mycobacterium sp
(tuberculosis of the skin). Likewise with the nasal cavity are Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia, pulmonary
disease), Neisseria sp, Hemophilus sp.A surgeon is obliged to wash his hands every time you have surgery as
sterilization of germs. This method was unknown 20th century, as we know Japan needs 100 years to get used to
wash hands, wash hands kapanye2 gencar2nya also being in the media, whereas the Muslims had to cultivate since
the 14th century ago. Extraordinary!
b. The virtue Gargling -kumur
Gargling -kumur means cleaning the oral cavity of disease transmission. The rest of the food often
precipitates or caught between the teeth that if not cleaned (with rinse his mouth or brushing teeth) will eventually
be mediating the growth of germs. By rinsing the mouth correctly and performed five times a day mean without us
knowing it can prevent oral infections.Modern research proves that gargling can keep the mouth and throat from
inflammation and keep the gums from injury. Gargling can also maintain and clean the teeth by removing food
debris found in between your teeth after eating. Benefits that are also important to rinse the other is partially
strengthen the facial muscles and maintain freshness. Rinsing is an important exercise that is recognized by experts
in the field of sports, because if rinsing is done by moving the facial muscles are well able to make one's soul is
c. Istinsyaq
Istinsyaq means inhaling water nostril, through the nasal cavity through the nose into the throat
(nasopharynx). Its function is to purify the nasal mucous membranes and contaminated by the dirty air and we
know this kuman.Selama and mucous membranes of the nose is the first defense base breathing.With istinsyaq
hopefully germs acute respiratory infections (ARI) can be prevented.Modern science research conducted by a
medical team of the University of Alexandria proved that most people who perform ablutions is continuous, so

their noses clean and free of dust, bacteria and microbes. There is no doubt that the nostrils are places which are
prone infestation of microbes and viruses, but with continuous nasal wash den do istinsyaq (entering and removing
water to and from the nose at the time of her ablutions), then the nostrils to be clean and free from inflammation
and bacteria, and this reflects the overall body health. This process can keep the humans of the dangers of
microbial removal of the nose to the other members of the body which

d. Face wash and two Palms

Washed his face and both hands up to the elbows have a huge benefit in removing dust and microbes, more
than wash the nose. Washed his face and both hands to the elbows sanpai daat also removes perspiration and the
surface of the skin and cleanse the skin from the fat that is partitioned by the glands of the skin, and is usually a
place that is ideal for breeding bacteria.Similarly, cleaning ears and their feet up with a cleansing foot is equally
important to prevent worm infections are still the biggest problem in our country
e. Second wash Foot
Washing the feet with good massaging danpat bring a feeling of calm and comfortable, because the foot is a
reflection of the entire device body. People who perform ablutions as if massaging all over his body one by one,
and he only washed his feet with water and massage well. This is one of the secrets to feelings of calm and
comfortable felt by a Muslim after her ablutions


a. stand up straight
Standing straight is the alignment of the spine, and the beginning of a breathing exercise, digestive and bone.
b. takbir
Takbir an initial practice breathing, lungs are respiratory, lungs are protected within the chest cavity composed of
curved ribs and spine were mencembung. This arrangement is supported by two types of muscles that keep the arm
from the chest (abductor) and held (adductor). Takbir means lifting arm and merenggangkannya activities, to
expand the chest cavity as well as the lungs. And raised a hand means stretched muscles of the shoulder to the flow
of blood that carries oxygen to be smooth.
c. ruku
By bowing, facilitate the flow of blood and lymph to the neck because of the location of the alignment of the
shoulder to the neck. Will flow more smoothly if the bowing is done right abdomen and chest lay higher than the
neck. Bowing also deflates breathing. Straightening of the spine at the time of bowing means to prevent
calcification. Additionally, bowing is an exercise urine (pee) to prevent prostate complaints. Straightening the
spine will deflate the kidneys. While the emphasis of the bladder by the spine and the pubic bone will carry urine.
Lymph (lymph) main function is to filter out and destroy germs hanging around in the blood.
d. prostration

Prostration Prevent Hemorrhoids, drain lymph from the leg stomach and chest to the neck due to the higher. And
put your hands parallel to the shoulders or ears, pumping underarm lymph neck. Additionally, prostrate blood
circulation to prevent hemorrhoids. Prostration quickly no benefit. It does not drain the lymph and not train the
spine and muscles. No wonder that in some friends Apostle reported that he often long in prostration. Besides
prostration is manifestation in totality we surrender ourselves to God, that man is a weak creature, a servant who
can enjoy the prayer, the soul in the zero point, in conditions most submissive and stable, a person under stress will
have been released every load the soul in a position physically ini.selain otot2 stiff neck due to stress will be
stretched, so that a faithful slave and clever interpret prayer will never hit by despair (stress)
e. Sitting between the two prostrations
Sitting between the two prostrations can activate the sweat glands due to the convergence of the groin and calf so
as to prevent calcification. Vein above the base of the foot so depressed so that the blood will fill the entire foot
from the ankle to the blood vessels at the base of the foot expands. This movement keep the feet can be optimally
sustain our bodies.
f. greeting
The movement which is the closing salutation prayer, with the face turned to the right and to the left is useful to
maintain the flexibility of the neck veins. This movement will also accelerate the flow of lymph in the neck to the
Yoga Prayer More Sophisticated than "Do you think if only there was a river in front of the door of one of you and
he bathed in it five times every day. Does it still have the dirt on the body? ". They said: "It is certain there is no
one bit of dirt on the body". Then he said: "That parable prayers five times. God remove all their fault ". (H.R Abu
Hurayrah r.a).
It is unfortunate that no one dared university or intentionally develop this prayer movement techniques
scientifically. Not to mention management contained in the prayer readings. As prayer iftitah meaningful mission
statement (in management strategy). While reading Alfatihah meaning we read is repeated up to 17 times the
objective statement. The purpose of life which is more sophisticated than the purpose of life on the straight path,
the path that is full of goodness as obtained by the people of God as a prophet and apostle.
Dr Gustafe le Bond said that Islam is a religion that is most commensurate with scientific discoveries. The
development of science and ethics of science should be supported by the power of faith.Teachings of Muhammad
so noble and scholarly, he was not only a spiritual doctor but more than that, is a physician modern. world leaders
and the next, a war strategy. Although a lot of people who hate, insult, deride (due to ignorance and ignorance
about you) but it will not reduce all its glory [pen].

Movement Anantomi Medical Wudu According views

1. The Secret Number of Human Bones and Ritual Ablution
Number of adult human bone there are 206 segments (Henry Netter, 1906) but in the embryological .Would
ossification centers during the life of the fetus in the womb, there 350s ossification center (arey brained Leslie,
1934), which sought a unified center-center reinforcement, formed mature bone. Numbers ossification center was
close to the number of days in a year. In a study author, found the existence of the mathematical secrets. There are
two premises (of the hadith and atsar):

a. If you overwrite a fever one day, then you are patient, you will be rewarded as worship one year (Atsar of Ali
ibn Abi Talib)
b. Each - each vertebra son Adam was there every day charity (Bukhari Muslim, including Hadith Arbaeen)
From these two premises can be connected, that the body contains a number of bones were approaching the
number of days in a year. Bone - Bone constituent members of a certain amount of ablution,multiplied each - each
with a number of times in the ritual ablution washing, will produce a whole number equal the number of human
bones.Let us consider the amount of bone constituent parts - body parts that washed when ablution:
a. Arm and hand: 30 pieces
b. Legs and feet: 31 pieces
c. Face: 12 pieces
d. Mouth and nose: 41 pieces
e. Head: 12 pieces

Parts of the body points a - d are summed to produce numbers 114. This figure is multiplied by three because of
time doing ablution washing 3 times, resulting in a number of e is not multiplied by 342. 3 points because it only
washed 1 time. Figures add up to 12 342, obtained the numbers 345, which is equal to the number of days in one
year hijiriyah, once equal to the sum of all human bones.
2. Wudu and Peripheral Blood Flow
In a hadith narrated by the four Imams (Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi, Imam Ahmad Hambali)
"Complete the ablution, and rub in between - between your fingers ..." command is medically very significant.
Why between - between fingers called ?, turns on the nerve fibers that run, arteries, veins, and lymph vessels.
Rubbing the area between - between the fingers, of course, facilitate
peripheral blood flow (terminal) that guarantees the supply of food and oxygen. We know how many patients with
blockage of blood flow and the resulting decay of the finger - the finger. Not infrequently among them had to
undergo amputation.
In addition, the nerve fibers also directly stimulated by our deeds rubbing between - between the fingers. Fingertips
to the palm of the hand is the most sensitive part, because most contain vertices nerve receptors. Tiam 1 cm2 of
skin in that area, there are 120-230 tactile nerve endings.
3. The point is - there is an important point in Wudu Member
We can understand that members washed ablution is part - the part of the body which is usually a lot of contact
with the outside world. Section - the section is generally not covered by clothing, abhakan is a tool our body
contact with the environment, so that most contamination (dirt), and therefore logically the need washed. This
aspect of the ritual ablution higine.On the other hand, the area of the tip of the arm (elbow down) and the ends of

the limbs(knee down) there is a point - an important point in acupuncture. The entire gastro-intestinal tract has a
five-point stimulation is important if done akam improve function. Multiple organ dysfunction can also be
normalized by stimulating the point - the important point.
"Wudoo and rub between - between your fingers ..."
This command is medically very significant. Why between - between fingers called ?, turns on the nerve fibers that
run, arteries, veins, and lymph vessels. Rubbing the area between - between the fingers, of course, the peripheral
blood flow (terminal) that guarantees the supply of food and oxygen. We know how many patients with blockage
of blood flow and the resulting decay of the finger - the finger. Not infrequently among them had to undergo
amputation.In addition, the nerve fibers also directly stimulated by our deeds rubbing between - between the
fingers. Fingertips to the palm of the hand is the most sensitive part, because most contain vertices nerve receptors.
Tiam 1 cm2 of skin in that area, there are 120-230 tactile nerve endings.

4. Ear Acupunture
Ear acupuncture developed into a specialized branch of medicine in China. According to the science of ear
acupuncture is a representation of the human body. Ear shape similar to the shape of the body while still a fetus
curled in the womb. His head is often part dipasan earrings. The area where the hole is tersimpanya body cavity
organs - organs. Stimulation such as ablution will affect both the function of internal organs. The outer circle
depicts the back. Pemijatannya well as - will stimulate the hip area and the road - the vertebrae.Science Brain Gym
movements also explain ear plug. How, ear rub - rubbing himself gently, until the resulting redness and felt the
sensation warmer. This method adds to the concentration and absorption of a child's learning in school. As a result,
achievement is also increasing. We recommend that children - children are taught to do this consciously, when I
started learning, both at school and at home

Compiled from Phoenix Books Prayer Movement by dr. Sagiran, Kes, Sp.B

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