These Indian Givers!

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These Indian givers!

December 9, 2014
An Indian Giver, as we all know, is one who gives something and then
tries to take it back, a conduct most cultures would look at unfavourably.
Common decency dictates a certain finality in an act of giving. All religions
tell us that once given there is no taking back. Claims to the gift are
extinguished and attachments severed, when given. Even in the law, a gift
is irrevocable, save in a few exceptional circumstances. If noble is the giver,
so ignoble is the Indian giver.

Athuraliye Rathana Thero

If one wanted confirmation of the moral degeneration of our society in
recent times, there was no sadder confirmation than the pictures in the
newspapers of a mob besieging a Buddhist temple somewhere in Borella.
According to the reports, this is the temple where the political activist Ven.
Athuraliye Rathana resides. Borella is in the heart of a capital city which
could be considered, if one goes by the number of uniformed personnel on
the streets, one of the most over-guarded cities in the world.
The mob apparently were claiming that the property that had been gifted to
the temple (such institutions not being temporal, are assumed to be unable
to purchase land) ought now to be returned for another purpose. In the heat

of the agitation, even some missiles were thrown at the temple. Until the
day before, the mob had no such claims on this property. What then
happened was that Ven. Athuraliye Rathana openly withdrew his support
from the Government and joined the Opposition that day.

We are not looking here at the rightness of Ven. Athuraliye Rathanas

political decisions or even the ethics of monks in politics. The high ideals of
religion are so alien in the crass and brutal politics of today. In a society
experiencing such a fundamental deterioration of morals and standards,
there are no institutions untouched by corruption. But we still can prevent
The mob that demanded the return of the temple property could have just
as easily be directed to an address nearby to claim that land for another
temple! That a mob can act in such a brazen manner and still have no legal
action taken against them, surely points to the connivance of a higher
It seems that the particular land was gifted to the temple by the present
Government only recently. We do not know whether one of the conditions of
the gift was that its incumbent priests had to openly support the
Government. This is most unlikely. But going by what has been happening
in other similar situations, it seems that there is an implicit pre-condition
prevailing that compliance with its dictates is a fundamental requirement in

all government appointments, promotions, recruitments, grants and what

have you.
Sarath Fonseka, the CJ
In 2009, in the aftermath of the war, the Government went over the top in
honouring the then Army Commander Sarath Fonseka. No praise was good
enough for the victorious General including the title of the best
commander in the world. Perhaps the islanders unfamiliarity with wars of
larger magnitude and general lack of sophistication contributed to the
Soon after the euphoria died down, it was found that the Generals eyes
were set on larger horizons than the battlefields of the north. Of course he
went on this new campaign by facing an electoral process, a far deadlier
field, going by the consequences suffered by the former soldier! Soon after
he lost the elections to the incumbent President, all that was given to him
honours, land, perks and titles were withdrawn.
A few years later it was the turn of the Chief Justice. While the motion to
impeach the former Chief Justice was being debated in Parliament, a
threatening mob camped outside her official residence, an action calculated
to intimidate and humiliate. Several others have faced similar plights.
Maithripala Sirisena, the challenger at the impending presidential elections,
and his family, are bound to have many gifts withdrawn from them in the
days to come.

Democratic rights are not gifts

On 21 November all of Sri Lanka had their right to listen to a political
discussion withdrawn when a popular TV program featuring Maithripala
Sirisena and other Opposition figures went off the air. On that day, for a few

hours, the gift of political freedom was taken back from us.
But make no mistake; our democratic rights are not gifts from a generous
benefactor! These are inherent and unalienable rights that we are endowed
with as members of the human race. The freedom of expression, the right
to a fair trial and due process, the right to representation (this is
fundamentally violated when a member elected to a Parliament by one
party crosses over to another), the right to enjoy good governance, the
right to our personal dignity and so on are not gifts. We must not allow
anyone to play Indian giver here.
Now it has become culturally acceptable for an appointee to a public office
to be deeply beholden to the appointing authority. A person is not
appointed a judge because he is abjectly and humbly grateful to the
President for the appointment. He is appointed because he is suitable;
learned, honest, independent and decent.
A person is not appointed as an ambassador because he has done some
personal favours to a politician at a time when the man was down and out.
We have a right to expect that Sri Lankas ambassadors are appointed on
the basis that they are capable, sophisticated men who can hold their own
with other diplomats of the world. We ought to be proud of them, not blush
for their incompetence.
Partygoers funding the party
It is no secret that every day hundreds of persons are summoned to the
Temple Trees for meetings and then treated lavishly with food and drinks.
Some may argue that it is a gift, a free meal! In the grinding circumstances
of a poor society, our expectations are small. A free ride is exhilarating, a
free meal satisfying and some inane verbosity intellectually stimulating!
But if the partakers were to pause for a moment in their rush for
satisfaction, it may occur to them that all this generosity is paid for with
their own money. It is they who have made the party possible. The irony of
the partygoers funding the party and yet thanking the host may be lost on
them. So vulnerable is their situation, they may even fear the host turning
Indian giver!
Posted by Thavam

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