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Client : Natividad S. Hartlein

Date of Birth: October 25, 1949

Gender: Female

Age: 65 Years old


BEFORE (Middle Adult Years)

1. Health Perception/Health
Management Pattern

Clients rating of health scale: (1worst, 10-best) rates health at 9.

Denies use of tobacco, drugs or
Had Type II Diabetes at age 46
Had Hyperntension at age 52


2. Nutritional/Metabolic Pattern

3. Elimination Pattern

4. Activity Exercise Pattern

Height: 50
Weight: 145 lbs
BMI: 28.3 (Overweight)
Usual eating pattern: I used to eat a
lot, around 4 to 5 times a day
including snacks
Drinks around 8 glasses of water
every day
Bowel habits: States I used to have
at least 1 bowel movement a day
which is normal to me
Bladder habits: voids frequently of
at least 8 to 10 times a day with no
discomfort or problems with control

Used to work nightshift for 10 years

on her middle age years. Does
household chores when she gets
home after work and on weekends

Clients rating of health scale: (1worst, 10-best) rates health at 7;

states Not so good, I have HPN and
Denies use of tobacco, drugs or
Understands that she have diabetes
and know how to care for the
Compliance with diet and diabetic
Height: 50
Weight: 120 lbs
BMI: 23.4 (Normal Weight)
Usual eating pattern: I have poor
appetite but I still eat 3 times a day
Drinks around 4-5 glasses of water
every day
Bowel habits: States I have at least
1 bowel movement a day (brown)
no mucus, blood or tarry stool. No
change in color or consistency of
Bladder habits: has been voiding
frequently of at least 8 to 10 times a
day with no discomfort or problems
with control
States that she arises at 4am, cooks
breakfast and eats then goes to
work from 7am to 3pm and does
some of the household chores when

5. Sexuality Reproductive Pattern

Exercises regularly by doing

household chores everyday and
going to work on weekdays.

Obstretic History: Gravida 2, para 2,

abortion 0
Menstrual cycle at 28 days

Goes to bed at 4pm and wakes up at

10pm due to working on the night
shift. States she has no trouble
falling asleep. Never used a sleep
Sleeps around 5 to 6 hours a day
Vision: does not wear any eye glass
Hearing: Does not ask for questions
to be repeated at normal hearing
Touch: States she does not feel any
numbness on any part of the body

6. Sleep/Rest Pattern

7. Sensory/Perceptual Pattern

Has no difficulty learning

States that she has a very good
memory when she was younger

Married for 25 years on first

marriage. Has 2 young children to
Does not belong to any social group
but often talks to neighbors and
Religious orientation was Catholic
and was non-practicing
Believes that she always get what
she want from life
States that her sisters were the most
helpful in talking things over
whenever she has problems.
Never used any medications to cope
up with stress

8. Cognitive Pattern

9. Role/Relationship Pattern

10. Value Belief Pattern

11. Coping/Stress Tolerance Pattern

she gets home.

Has regular exercise regimen by
doing working on weekdays and
doing household chores on
Obstretic History: Gravida 2, para 2,
abortion 0
Menstruation stopped at 52 years
Goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up at
4am. States she has no trouble
falling asleep. No use of sleep aids.
Sleeps around 6-7 hours a day

Vision: wears glasses for reading

Hearing: Does not ask for questions
to be repeated at normal hearing
Touch: States she does not feel any
numbness on any part of the body
Pain: admits pain on the joint areas
on the fingers and hip
Speech clear without stutter. Word
choice appropriate to education.
Follows verbal cues
Examines ideas clearly and
concisely. Recalls past events with
little difficulty, oriented to time,
place and person
Married for 25 years on first
marriage. Married for 10 years with
second husband. Lives with
husband. Has 2 grown children. They
are very caring and visits her.
Belongs to a social group in church
Religious orientation is Catholic and
is practicing
Believes that she does not always
get what she want from life
States that her two children are the
most helpful in talking things over
whenever she has problems.
Uses medications and milk to cope
up with stress

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