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Exam 2 Options

MIS 748
Dr. Matt Thatcher
Fall 2007
Intellectual Property I
[I will chose 4-5 questions from this class.]
Question 1 (8 points)
In class we identified six factors that should be considered when comparing intellectual property
protections. Use these factors to identify and explain four (4) critical differences between
copyright protection and patent protection.
Question 2 (8 points)
Explain what a trade secret is and identify at least four (4) actions that a firm should take to
protect a trade secret.
Question 3 (8 points)
(True or False). All court decisions have held that copyright law covers only direct copying of a
copyrighted work (e.g., covers only literal code). Explain your answer with details from at least
one (1) relevant court case (background, claim, defense, and ruling).
Question 4 (8 points)
(True or False). Copyright laws provide protection for graphical user interfaces. Explain your
answer with details from at least one (1) relevant court case (background, claim, defense, and
Question 5 (12 points)
Course textbooks often include short quotations from other peoples work at the beginning of
many sections. Such quotes are almost always used without explicit permission. Use the four
factors of the fair use doctrine to explain whether or not this is a fair use of copyrighted material.
Question 6 (12 points)
A company sells a digital video recorder called ReplayTV that can automatically skip
commercials and transmit copies to other people with the same device. The entertainment
industry sued to prevent sale of the device.
a) Compare and contrast this case to the Sony Betamax case [Sony v. Universal Studios (1984)].
b) Are the differences significant enough that the decision should be different from the decision
in the Sony Betamax case? Justify your answer.

Question 7 (12 points)

a) Explain what the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) says.
b) Identify whether the DMCA prohibits or permits the use of reverse engineering. Explain
your answer based on the DMCA and at least one (1) relevant court case (background, claim,
defense, and ruling).
Question 8 (9 points)
Swap meets are gatherings of people, often in drive-ins and parking lots, where people sell baked
goods, handi-crafts, and other products. In a 1996 case, a swap-meet owner was sued because a
vendor sold pirated CDs at the swap meet. The owner was found liable for contributory
copyright infringement. Was Napster like a swap meet? Specifically, describe some similarities
and at least three differences between a swap meet and Napster.
Question 9 (9 points)
a) Explain what a trademark is and what trademark law says.
b) Describe a court case (background, claim, defense, and ruling) involving trademark
Question 10 (9 points)
Compare the following statements. Are they equally valid (or invalid)? Why or why not? Is
home burglary a good analogy for disabling copy protection? Why or why not?
One side effect of the DMCAs anti-circumvention provision is to reduce incentive for
the entertainment and publishing industries to develop truly strong protection
schemes. The DMCA allows them to use weak schemes, then threaten anyone who
cracks them with legal action.
One side effect of laws against burglary is to reduce incentive for homeowners to use
sturdy locks. The law allows people to use weak locks, then take legal action against
anyone who breaks in.
Intellectual Property II
[I will choose 1 question from this class.]
Question 11 (8 points)
(True or False). Any patent that awards an innovator monopoly use of its product for the full life
of the product can only hurt consumers and society. Explain using a Figure (with labeling) from
Thatcher and Pingrys paper on software patents. (8 points)
Question 12 (8 points)
(True or False). Regulators would support any patent that improves social welfare. Explain
using a Figure (with labeling) from Thatcher and Pingrys paper on software patents. (8 points)

Computer Crimes and Security

[I will choose 2 questions from this class.]
Question 13 (15 points)
Evaluate arguments in favor of and against passage of a law that makes it a crime to write a
computer virus software program and publish it (e.g., on an electronic bulletin board or in a
newsletter). In addition, identify whether or not you would support such a law. Explain why or
why not.
Question 14 (15 points)
You have been hired as an IT security consultant to fix the security problem at Acme United
Global Manufacturing. The companys website has been hacked mercilessly over the last six
months, with three of the attacks making headlines for the negative impact they have had on the
firm and its customer. As the new IT security consultant, identify and briefly explain the key
elements of a cost-effective program to reduce the number and severity of future security
incidents at Acme. In your answer discuss both technology-based and company policy-based
solutions to the problem.
Question 15 (15 points)
You have been invited to make a 20-minute presentation for a high-school computer class to
discourage the students from hacking. Plan the presentation. That is, list and explain the
arguments that you will make and emphasize during your presentation. In your answer include
descriptions of specific examples, cases, and laws that support your arguments.
IT Safety and Reliability
[I will choose 1-2 questions from this class.]
Question 16 (10 points)
The Therac-25 radiation machine involved errors in software, overall design, and management of
operations. Describe one error of each type (1 paragraph per error).
Question 17 (10 points)
The Denver Baggage Handling System involved errors in software, overall design, and
management of operations. Describe one error of each type (1 paragraph per error).
Question 18 (10 points)
The Killer Robot case involved errors in software, overall design, and management of
operations. Describe one error of each type (1 paragraph per error).
Question 19 (10 points)
List and describe two principles of human computer interaction (or user interface) design that are
particularly important in safety-critical applications. For each principle identify and explain an
example of a real-world safety-critical application (i.e., not the Killer Robot) that violated the
principle and describe the impact of each violation.

Question 20 (10 points)

Consider the Case of the Killer Robot. Imagine that you are the leader of a task force assigned to
correct the problems uncovered by this accident. Develop a list of the top five (5) critical actions
to take to avoid future problems. Be specific.
Question 21 (15 points)
You are designing a computer-controlled pizza machine. The operator will simply type in the
code number for the particular pizza ordered, and the machine will do the rest. It will have
recipes for many kinds of pizzas, including ingredients, cooking times, and cooking
temperatures. Robot arms will scoop the ingredients from bins and put them on the pizza dough.
The machine controls the oven, removes each pizza when it is done, and moves it to a counter for
a waiter to serve or box for delivery.

Describe two (2) potential safety hazards related to the use of this machine.

)b Discuss what should be included in the design of the computer-controlled pizza machine to
reduce the likelihood of a serious safety problem.
Question 22 (25 points)
You are the project manager for developing the latest release of your software firms flagship
product. The product release date is just two weeks away and enthusiasm for the product is
extremely high among your customers. Stock market analysts are forecasting sales of more than
$25 million per month. If so, earnings per share will increase nearly 50 percent.
There is just one problem; two key features promised to the customers in this release have
several bugs that would severely limit the features usefulness. You estimate that at least six
weeks are needed to find and fix the problems. In addition, even more time is required to find
and fix 50 additional, less severe bugs uncovered by the Quality Assurance team.
a) Identify the ethical question facing you (the project manager) in the case. (1 points)
b) One critical stakeholder in this case is you the project manager and software provider. List
three (3) other critical stakeholders in this case and identify an important obligation that you
have to each of these three stakeholders. (6 points)
c) List and describe two (2) specific courses of action that you may take as project manager to
address the ethical question. Try to be creative! (i.e., do not list do nothing as one of
your actions). In addition, briefly explain the likely consequences of each proposed action
for each stakeholder. (12 points)
d) Describe your normative recommendation as project manager in this case. What is the basis
of your recommendation (teleological or deontological)? (6 points)

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