Appropriate Selection of CT VA Burden PDF

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Optimization of CT Burden (VA) Leads to safety

The power of low ratio CTs must be calculated as their naturally low
Rct induces a risk of dangerous to relay, wiring in system
The optimization of CT burden will lead to safe & accurate
Operation, if we design the CT for high burden but our actual
requirement is less, then our Actual ALF will go to high value and this is
great threat for safety of relay & CT.
As per "IS: 2705" , The "CTs" allowable percentage(ratio & phase)
error measured from 25% to 110%. Hence minimum 25% VA burden
is required to meet limit of errors.
We have considered 15VA for metering & protection core, The
minimum required burden to meet limit of error is 3.75 VA but the
actual burden connected to the CT is less than 1.2VA, This will lead to
errors & high ALF value and its not visible normally until major problem
High current will flow at CT secondary, Due to fault current and it will
destroy the secondary wiring of CT. then CT will be open circuit and it
will burst with in short time. To avoid this we have to optimize VA
burden. We have selected 5VA for CT ratios instead of 15 VA as per
burden calculation of CT.
The following graph will describe the actual ALF characteristic of CT for
various actual burden (Actual burden is really connected burden to

Optimization of CT Burden (VA) Leads to safety

secondary of CT).Consider 10 VA, 5P20 is the rated burden, Rated ALF
of CT.
If connected burden is 5, 2, 0.5 VA for 10VA burden CT then the Actual
ALF would be 50, 70,150 respectively (Refer Graph)

Consider following example

Optimization of CT Burden (VA) Leads to safety

During fault (switch board fault rating 40KA for 3Sec) the CT will not
saturate due to high actual ALF and the short circuit current will cause
an RMS current greater than {(40000/80)*1 for 80/1 CT} 500A to flow
on CT secondary, as a result of this heavy current in the secondary of CT
will damage the wiring & instruments.
The Actual ALF calculation given below for Lower primary of CT
Actual ALF = Rated ALF (VA internal +VA rated)/
(VA internal + V Actual).
The internal secondary coil resistance of the Rct is < 3 (consider 1 ),
the secondary actual burden (including wires and relay) is 0.2VA (Max)
And the CT is rated 250/1,
Case 1:5P20, 10VA
Case 2: 5P20, 5VA
Case 3: 5P20, 1VA
ALF rated = 20(From CT data 5P20),
VA internal = 3 VA (Isec^2 *Rct) Max,
VA act= 0.2 VA (Max)
Case 1: 1) VA rated = 10 VA,
Case 2: VA rated=5 VA
Case 3: VA rated=1VA (From CT data),

Optimization of CT Burden (VA) Leads to safety

ALF Calculation for

ALF actual=

ALF Calculation for

ALF actual=

ALF Calculation for

1 VA
ALF actual=




Actual ALF is 81.25

Actual ALF is 50 for
Actual ALF is 25.6 for
for 10VA
1 VA
The ALF value is very high for 10VA, 5VA CT compare to 1 VA CT

Optimization of CT Burden (VA) Leads to safety

Conclusion: The 5VA CT is more than enough. The CTs less than 5VA is
also suitable takes up the less space and, most important, it can be
Optimized design with 1VA CT is more safe, accurate operation &
secure CT , Relay etc., wherever we are offering Numerical relays.

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